E_BT_[SéMENTS gluon. lRTCHMoNIi Hri.r.. Thursday, Aug. 18, '87 QUE {EC That Quebec is a heavy drag on the progress of the Dominion is a fact beyond dispute. Men of all shades of politics are agreed on this pomt. There is not, however, the same degree of unanimity on the best plan for bringing that province out ofthe pool of stagnation into the line of civilizations onward march. Hitherto three courses have been adopted to effect the re- moval of an admitted menace. One may be called the (lo-nothing treat- ment, and this is the choice of those that hold all active measures futile and put their faith in time, the de- vourer of all things. It is needless to remark that the do-nothing class is composed largely, although not exclusively, ot the careless, the apathetic and the timid. A second mode of treatment that pursued by extreme party pa- pers. It consists mainly in urging t0 extravagant lengths the privilege live any is at the French Zia/diam to life he sees fit. Those who affect this course declare rather sheepishly that everything in Quebec is Just as it ought to be, and consequently thev are led to the monstrous Clusion that an ignorant French COF- peasant is in every way the equal of the British Colonist. The third plan maybe called the For a brilliant exposition refer our: radical. of His radical plan readers to the columns of the To- ronto Mail. \\'e are not ot those that hold the belief that to fcctify ' what is wrong in Quebec the Mail, is going the right way to work. The i tendancy of the Mail's articles, in- deed, must be and to intensity and strengthen the very evils they are intended to destroy. But eflect the Mhil's plan undoubtedly will produce, and is now producing. The eyes of British Canadians wiii sopn be open to the grievous injust- ice that is done by the‘politicians to i all the English speaking provinces, and most especially to Ontario, in order to conciliate the French vote. Ontario contributes three-ï¬fths o: the Dominion revenue, Quebec draws tlii'ee-hiihs of it. No Englishman need a',vp._v for anything that a Frenchman desires. For Quebec the laws have been trampl- ed underfoot. For Quebec \T C is 0116‘ or capture "Grit and Tory have overgorged selves with mud. Had Victims ofthe domination even ofa themâ€" , we been great and powerful race, the shame would be intense enough. But to fawn upon and truckle to the dirty ignorant French liabitaiitâ€"\\'ell, we have strong hopes that ere long i the Mail will have ended all that. ___..___.... DIPHTHERIA. From many sections comes re- . ports of the awful rax ages of Diph- theria. This terrible disease has already been in this village; it has done its deadly work in Tnornhill ; and it is beginning to make itself felt in the surrounding country. Like most diseases of the epidemic type, diphtheria is due to filth. \Vhere cleanliness prevails, it can gain no foothold. In Thorn‘nill, it was traced directly to a tank of water that had been lying stagnant and putrifying for nionths. Now we have tanks precisely similar in Richmond Hill. Are we going tr: wait until a scare cr more of children have been swept away before take action ? Must Tlioi'nhills tale of woe be over and 1 over emphasized before we awaken to our danger? Our Council keeps. a watchful eye on our roads and. walks, but here is a tar more iih-l portant matter that they Seem eith-i \\' C , would keep her secret and not let. her fail er not to be aware ot or to disregard. l \\'e advise them to move, and toi move quickly. A few dollars spent now in buying dismiectanis may prevent a torrent ot misery. I In public bodies there are two things unpardonableâ€"ignorance and apa‘ thy. \Ve charge neither against our Council. But we do say that it is high time for it to be up and domg. It diphtheria appears in Richmond Hill through the medium ot filthy tanks, a heavy reckoning will be demanded. Mnâ€" THE IVIJUXH GOAL. It the object of attending our High Schools be not speedily cnlarged,we are doomed to suffer soon from a glut ofteachers. Already the sup- plyin the county of Middlesex is greater than the demand. In a short time it is impossible that a similar state of affairs shall not pre- vail throughout the length and breadth of the province. The in- evitable result will he an ovei‘pius ofinferior and underpaid teachers. It is true that the Inspectors ofPub. lic Schools can do somewhat to a- bate the growmg evil by rigidly re- fusing to grant permits to those un- provided with the necessary certifi cates ofqualilication. Ilut their un - aided efforts will prove to be the old story of Mrs. IV‘artington and her mop. She could keep back the overflowing kennel, but was forced to beat a headlong retreat before the advancing Atlantic. At present to obtain a certificate is the one motive of pupils in High Schools. For this puipose, they are drilled, overstimnlntml, crammed and tiained. Vast quantities ol knowledge are toietd into them. No time is given for llilt‘llCCltléll di- gestion and zissiiniluiani. 'lne re- sult in the great majority of cases is a ceiLfficute aiingqnozance. All teaching that has net for its object tht~ development of the pow- ‘ei'><,l1_l:oii;;litaiid relhvtion, is lu‘ tile. the memory, intit-td, should he. iic negltcted, but its iunction is suiva i- itiior to that oi the under- standing. “'1 Jennie yenton Bound. \Ve insert tht ftilluuliig in connection with the t".’.‘l'3ii,j up oi the llraiittord l\lystilry,t.il v: iron the 'loi‘n-iiio News of Aug. 5th. he doso, not to hurt the ieelings of any person, but to Miun' to the public that the story .r a low idle gossipdrs, who wished Lu into the inl vr» iuiiateicase into a scandal, ~ . V 1 without foundation: BlLANTFURD, Aug. 4.â€"â€"'I‘hrongh infor- mation received by Chief oi l’uliee Van-Jinn, Jennie beiitoii was a. feiv days ago located in the Western part of Went u orih County. about eleven miles from Ul‘ktlililll‘d. it, appears that the girl, who was sent ullt to sell some cloth, was able t ) do so, and fearing ill treatment tiom her s'epiiiotlier, determined to es- cape ii'om her. Leaving her parcel on a Lliitii‘:lc',J that night, she wandered out into the Country, and. after applying at several fiirmeis’ houses for Work, iinally go: a. place \HLli a respectable farmer the twin :.lternooii after leaving, home. Fear- rul of being returned to the charge cf her stepmother she gave an Eladllllletl 113.111". The farmer and his wife found her L’) be ind-us i'ions and good natured, but did not. iezirn that she was passing under an- other lJiLlHU until about. nix weeks after- “altlrl, when a copy of The News came into their hands, and ï¬nding the time of her arrival and the desei iption tallied they showed her the paper and told her she “as the girl. She admitted the fact, and bursting into tears, pleaded that. they into her stepinoiher‘s hands again. Pity- ing the girl they Consented to do so. A few friends of the girl’s mother’s family had, however, not Ueuii idle, and ,linuhy Chief Vaughan was auceesaful in finding outlier whereabouts and intoruiing llcl‘ sister and aunt who had eome from Lew- istoii, N. Y , to aid in the. search. They arranged with alady iii Urantford, an oll fiiend of the i-irl's mother, to take her in charge until of age, and this has been carried with the tather’a consent. Much relief is expressed at this fortunate ending of an affair so long shrouded in mystery. and Chief of Police Vaughan deserves great credit for his tact and good judgment in the case. CLEANSING, HEALING. It Cures BATARRH, ‘ Cold in Head, HAY FEVER. STOPS Droppingsfrom . Nasal passages | into the throat : l and excessive expeotoration cuusod by Ca- tarrh. Sold by Druggists, or sent tire-paid on receipt of price, 500. and $1. rï¬drlress ,FULFORD a. Go., Brockville, Ont. un- , Nillllltlfl'fl 'uqrg 23) pro 810; ti g paprian torrent .10 narrowsiws mood ieionh g tsuoi i will i “Hi 91 l i We E lï¬ï¬ i poi h i tea. 3 “Eh pooï¬ {mitt} oi pGGQHEJBRfl nations aorta alien on seed on}, pollute cisuf see], MBN i V91 l a“ Dry Greens, Groceries, HARDWARE & CROCKERY Cheap 3r at the Concrete than at any house in the trade. Full preparation for the fruit; season suoan, spices, FRUIT JARS. GLASS tic STGNE, In Pints, Quarts 80 Half Gallons, at. correct prices. M l LLIN ERY, lillLLlN ERY, M l LLl ERY. Concrete never was so popular for stylish Millinery as it is now. . no DTRECT IMPORTEE. ’ ""17" r .pri p LEE :2.) Gigkj lo ERENG‘ &‘ SUMMER STGCK Complete in every department. C0 FULL LINES OF _ TWEEDSï¬HERTING-S,CQTTGNS, DRESS G-GODS, 833. Good satisfaction guaranteed in the MlLLlNERV neeanriiiienri G R O C E R l E 8 Prices And other staple articles always on hand. close. Inspection invited. I. CROSB Y. {as R] (warp N ’ ii i. ii". 2;??- eg 7 NENV SUMMER STOCK COMPLETE ! The only place in Town having control of ‘LADIES’ LACFD AND BUTTONFI] GYPSY BALS., And Gentlemen‘s Seamless Boots, Something nmv and “pier. 'BEST FRENCH KID. CALF KlD. CONDULA.- BUIF & CORDO‘JAN Children‘s Boots of all varieties. Hlack and Colored. ‘ Splendid assortment of Ladies' and Children‘s Slippers, Several Cheap Lines to suit the times for Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Wear. Custom Work a. Specialty. Repairing inatly and promptly done. ROBT. SIVEBS.