Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Aug 1887, p. 3

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â€" V‘omz. The North-W'esfr Mounted Police force is now within ten men of its full strength. The affairs of the Prince Albert Colonize.- tion company have been finally wound up, and it exists no more. The Canadian Pscific railway have re- duced the running time between Vancouver and Montreal by twenty hours. Engineers are revising the location of the Government railway from Oxford, N. 8., to New Glasgow, with a. view of reducing the grades. At Hamilton Gertrude Rowan, twelve years old, was found guilty of aztempting to poison her mother, and was sent to the Mercer Reformatory for four years. Permission has been granted by the Gov- ernment to the owner ofaGlouceater fishing vessel to send to Canada. a new set of soils to replace defective ones now in use on his vessel. The harvest is well advanced throughout Manitoba. and the North-West Territories, nearly half the Wheat being already cut. A magnificent crop, averaging at least; twenty- five bushels to the acre, is assured. News from Newfoundland .reports the Labrador and Northern Newfoundland shore fisheries a total failure and willnot average five quintals per man." One thous- and craft; are returning clean. ‘ The water in the Ottawa. river at Ottawa is lower than it has been at the same time in any previous year for the past seven years, and the bargemen find considerable difficulty in avoiding the sawdust banks. A sensational story published in a. North- West journal that Gabriel Dumont was seeking to raise another rebellion is posi- tively denied by 3. Montana correspondent, who says Dumont is living in Montana very quietly. The library of the Dominion Parliament, comprising 120,000 volumes, is the largest in Canada, Laval University at Quebec eoming second, and a collection at Toronto third, with 100,000 and 46,000 volumes re- spectively. An investigation by the Department of Agriculture into the alleged existence of pleura-pneumonia among cattle in \Vestern Ontario shows that the disease has absolute- ly no existence in the Point Edward quaran- tine district. It is officially announced that there was no Canadian cruiser in the vicinity of Buc- touche, N. B., at the time of the alleggd sinking of an American fishing vessel. so graphically reported by an Ottawa corres- pondent to the New York press. Section boss Robert Mathewson was killed Saturday, two miles east of Chesterville, Ont, on the O.l\1. &.Q. Railway by a, gravel train going east. “He was seen on the track,‘down brakes was whistled, but the train could not; begstop ed in time. ‘One arm and a..leg were'taken o and his body badly mangled. Mr. Fred. \Vhite, controller of the North- VVest Mounted Police, Ottawa, has received information that the two half-breeds who are accused of murdering McLeish, near Wolseley, a. short time ago, and who escap- ved after an an exciting chase, have been ar- rested in Montana). Their extradition will be asked for. The two Montreal wholesale grocery firms who refused to enter the grocers' combina- tion, and who in consequence were unable- to purchase sugar in Canada, have carried the war into Africa, having imported salarge quantity from Scotland, which, they ofier for sale at a much lower price than is charged by the combination, Grading on the Manitoba boundary rail- way is about finished. It is reported that the Canadian Pacific railway intended im- mediately relaying the track of the aban- doned Emerson loop»1in_e from Pembina, Junction to Emerson, With the sup osed viéw of prev'enting the Red River alley road from going through. A Montreal bank was victimized the other day to the tune of‘ $25,000. by a. daring but clumsy fraud, a cheque for twenty-five d01- which had been altered to the former amount being presented and peid by the teller. Before the fraud was discovered the perpetrators had got clear away with the cash, and up to a. late hour last night had eluded the detectives. Mr. Parmelee, Commissioner of Customs, has returned to Ottawa, after seven weeks’ absence in British Columbia, during which ‘ he organized the new Customs office at Van- couver and organized the port of Victoria in accordance with the practices followed in other 1 arm of the Dominion. Mr. Parmelee expresses the opinion that a bright commer- cial future is assured for Vancouver. His investigation into the nature and. extent of the opium trade leads to the inference that a. large amount of crude opium is manufac- tured at Victoria and smuggled into the United States by Chinamen, owing to the high duty under the American tariff. AMERICAN. Valuable and extensive iron ore deposits are reported to have been discovered near “'aukon, Allamakee County, northeastern Iowa, near the boundary. John J. Reilly, employed in a stove foun- dry at Albany, N. Y., lay down to sleep in an oven on Saturday morning, and was baked to death, his body being found yester- day morning. Two Boston hack-drivers and a. sister have jointly inherited a fortune of ten millions left by an uncle who died recently in Texas. The family originally belonged to Frederic- ton, N. B A message from Woodstock, Va., says: United States Senator Riddleberger, who was sentenced by Judge Newman, of the County court, topay'a. fine of $25 and be imprisoned for five days for contempt of court, was released from gaol by a mob. Another of the victims of the Chatsworth railway horror has died of his injuries, mak- ing the total number of verified deaths 79. The coroner’s jury has returned a verdict of gross criminal negligence against Section boss Coughlin and censuring the railway company. ’ The St. Louis, Chciago and Cincinnati ex- press on the Baltimore and Ohio railway was wrecked near the depot at \Vashingbon the other morning while running forty miles an hour. The engineer and two passengers were killed, and twelve passengers and three railway employes injured. The schooher “ A. D. Story,” the first of the Iceland halibut fleet, arrived at Glou- THE WEEK'S NEWS. cester, Mass, yesterday. Capt. Regan re- ports that the weather this season has been the worst ever exwerienced. Halibut were plenty, but the vessel could not fish. Two Danish vessels were reported loston that coast, but the crews' were saved. The French fishing vessel “Sophia,” of Morel, was lost at Reikiviek with a. crew of thirty- two men. Great destitution prevailed ameng the nativss. Many were leaving the country. FOREIGN. The Imperial Government have decided to hold an autumn session. It is rumoured that Prince Ferdinand has insured his life for 2,000,000 florins. A cyclone in the vicinity of chignan caused some loss of life and property. r The Tay canal is expected £0 He completed next; week and will at once be opened for trafiic. r 7 . ’ u nun" King Humbert has sent $6300 to be used in relieving distress in the cholera-infected districts. It. is rumoured that a. Russian secret society has formed a. plot to murder Prince Ferdinand. Advices from Afghanistan say the Ghilzaifl were defeated in a. bftttle with the Ameer‘n troops at Gholamhyde. Le‘tters have be'en ‘received in London from Henry M. Simulay, dzxted June 19th, reporting himself and party well. 7F our {atal accidents to Alpine tOurists are reported from Zurich, mmking eighteen deaths in the Alps Within a. month. The London Standan warmly supports Prince _F erdinand, and reminds him that the slightest; symptom of fear will be fatal. The death is announced at Constantinople of Behran Agha, the Sultan‘s chief confidenâ€" tial adviser, who virtually directed the State afl’airs of Turkey. It is stated that England, Austria. end Italy have notified the Porto that their agents will remain in Bulgaria. and continue relations with the Government. .Acollision between the British steamer “‘Norbiton "and the Greek steamer “ An- drea. Vagliano " ofl" Lizard Point, Saturday resulted in the drowning of seven persons. An eminent police official in St. Peters- burg expresses the opinion that the revolu- tionary movement in Russia continues to spread rapidly, especially among students and priests. l It is reported that Lord Randolph" Chur- chill is living at present near Vienna under the name of Spence, and that he leads a re- tired life, taking long walks and drinking Carlsbad waters. The-decision of the English Postmaster- Gegeral to forward. letters endorsed m Van- éfiufver to the East is regarded in the lobby as'a sign of the intention of the Géverfiment to subsidize the Canadian Pacific mail route. The Imperial House of Commons is ex- pected to appoint a. committee next session to enquire into the immigration of destitute aliens and report on the measures adopted by other countries to remedy the evil. , Mr. W. H. Smith stated in the House of Gommo‘ns that communications were pro- ceeding with the British Minister at Wash- ington regarding the seizure of certain British schooners within treaty limitsfin Alaska. . ( V Russia. has sent four cruisers and one iron- clad to the Pacific Ocean with~ evgrything in readiness for war. This move, a. ‘ London correspondent thinks, fu'rnishes an addition- al reason why the Imperial Government should subsidize the Canadian route, so as to be able to send troops to the Eas t, as large ironclads cannot navigate the Suez Canal. The aeronauts Mallet and Jovis made an ascent on Saturday in the balloon Horla, starting from the Lavellette Gas \Vorks, Paris. It is presumed their object was to penetrate to the greatest height at which it is possible to live. After a. few hours ,voy; age in the air the balloon descended, landing in Merche,*Belgium. The following tele- gram has been received from Jovis : “ Vic- tory. We attained an altitude of over seven thousand metres. We were obliged to descend for want of ballast. The con- ditions were excellent, except that Mallet fainted twice. The apparatus is intact.” The Crops out West. Reports from many parts of Canada indi- cate that the drouth has; not been so disas- trous in its effect as was at first feared. Fruit and vegetables have suffered the worst, but the cereal crops promise to be generally up to the average and in some places far in excess. Manitoba. this year is the most blessed of all our provinces and will have, it is esti- mated, five million bushels of wheat for ex- portation compared with three million last year. Jvll‘r'om the Western and Northwestern States the reports are of a very different character, a rough estimate of the losses by the dry weather being 17 per cent of the entire corn crop,’ representing in value about $120,000,000. If the estimate is right- ly understood the injury to the hay crop may be reckoned at $80,000,000, but it is impossible to determine how considerable the losses will be through failure of food for animals and of the milk supply. The value of meats consumed annually is roughly esti- mated at $800,000,000 and of dairy products at $350,0f0,000, and therefore it can well be understood that serious losses in these impor- tant branches of'production Would fall heavi- ly upon the farming community. Reckoning also a. loss of one fifth in the yield of pota‘ toes and fruit, 3 per cent. in cotton, and further losses in wheat and tobacco, it may be assumed that the drouth west and northwest will costthefurmers the enormous sum of $260,000,000, or about 7 per cent. of their annual product, besides whatever losses they sustain in animal and dairy pro- ducts. An advance in prices will compen- sate in a measure for this great loss, but it can never make up the whole. Nerviline, What is it '.’ Poleon's Nerviline is a. combination of the most potent pain relieving substances known to medical science. The constant progress made in this department of science points upward and onward. Nerviline is the latest development in this movement, and em- bodies the latest discoveries. For neuralgia, cramps, pains in the headâ€"external, intern- el, and localâ€"Nerviline has no equal. Ex- pend 10 cents in the purchase of a sample bottle of Nerviline and be convinced of its marvellous power over pain. Sold by drug- gists. Large bgtties 25 cents, at all drug- gists. P’ATENTS {1:2 W A Gigi NTS and Cmvusuu wantedmzm or Female, whole or spare time, on salary or coinmis sion. Industrial Union of RN. A,. 45 Arnadg. Tpmnm. ARMS?WEQtYflllggfiéfifl'fimg by mull 45 cents. CLEMENT a: (10., T03?“ 28 Dundmzfitrpnt. an R. “31!. ARMSTRONG. v‘ ermamloglsl. Specialty, Skin diseases, Scrofula and all dis- east: of the blood. All cam-era cured that are (‘urm ahle, without the use d 1 the knife. Office hours, from 9 to )2 mm. and from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.. Sabbaths ex- r “mm to Ch I‘ run sellool..â€"uexmemen desk-qu or acquiring a. thorough knowledge 0! garment cutbipg should apply at once to S Comm”, 122 Yonge fi.. Toronto. Terms on application. Bl} BOILER INSPECTHDN land Insur- nurc (‘ompuny of Cnnmla. Consulting Enginvors and Solicitors of Patents, Touus'ro. G. 0. R033, Chief Engineer CIRCULABSfree. Somechmg new :1an intermtipu. Senvd at once 1137011, want; hhn heat. (JAN A1)! 5 fffith‘h's‘trYE éébR‘mAND INSTITUTE, gum; bemry Building. dent; Gun. II. I COMPOSITION GOLD, Antique Bronzca, ’ Natural Wood, and other Picture and Room, Mouldings, Frames. Etc Paintings, En~ gracings, Etchings, Artotypes, Artists‘ Materials, Mirrors, etc. Wholesale and Rotail. Trade Cat- alogue. MATTHEWS RIHDS. 4% (0.. Tm-onlo. NFARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE will re- open on the lsb October. Full courses \of lec- tures on AgrioultureJJve Stock; Dairyingfihomiasry. Botany,\‘eberinary'ficionce, Etc, and 1: good practical training in English and the elemen‘ary mathematics. For circular giving terms of admission. course of study, cost, etc., apply to JAMES MILLR. M. A., Eresldont. I \ Gu-lph, August, 1337. BAYER LINE 0F STRAMSIIII’S. Sailing weekly Batween Montreal and Liverpool RATES or PASSAGE 2â€"Saloon, Montreal to LiverpoolI $40, 850. and 860; Return Tickets, 880, $90 and 8100 â€"nooording to Steamer 'and accommodation. Inter- mediate and Steerage at; lowest rates. F0: further “garrticnlars and to secure Bertha, up ly to I]. ll. llTRRAY, General Manager, 1 ,uatom House Square, Mpntreal. or to the Local Agents in the dif‘ tenant Towns and Cities. 00K AC TS WAIVTED FOR “THE COTTAGE Physician," a complete domestic medical ency- clopedia, This great work is prepared to meals the inn“ 0! the vommon pnople, who have long (all: the need of a complete. comprehensive. reliable " doctor book ” at a price within their reach ; no family medi- a] book his ever been written by men more eminent in the prolesqon than the authors of Tne Cottage Physician ; the treatment in not confined to one school 0! medicine “in similar books. but embraces the (our principal t’reatments ;thls contains 640 pages lll‘utmied with nearly 200 engravmgs including nu- merous lullpage colored plates ; terms liberal ;send for clicula‘ra. WthlAM BRIGGS, Publisher. Teronto. TURMTO INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITIDN ART UNION Whm the whole amount suhscribed, less working expenses, willbe returned to ticket holders in the form of . ORIGINAL “(IRIS OF ART, the production of the members at the Ontario Society of Artists. Tic ens. eptitling the holder to one r'hance in the prize drawing. 250 each. May ‘be obtained irom agents throughout the country. at the Art Gallery. Industrial exhibition and at the Society‘s rooms, 14 King street west TOY&1N). Write to: fuller particu- A uthorizcd‘byA of of Parliament 1AM in Every Town and Vlllnge In Canada, to_sell our NEW BEAI‘TIFIILLY 2 r» 1 ,_1 E a Sell at sight. Every house needs-them. Cheap. Durable and Emnolnlvm. No “flushing or Ito-Ina. and will last ten times us long as ordinary cotton bllmjs. Sole Town-hip Rights. Our Azents Ire making 33 to $5 a day with Easy Work. Enquire early. Comp'efie outfit, including Sample Shades. Spring Bollov. Stationery» and All information, by express, 350‘ HIRSCHBERG a 00., 411mg 8': Ealn, Toronto. MERCHANTS BUTCHER AND TRADERS GENERALLY. We wanc a anon MA! in your locality to pick up CALI‘SKINS IN EVERY oon‘ilfiz'gmmra w THE SECOND GRAND PR!ZE DRAWING MONDAY, 19th SEPT, 1887, R. PARKER 84 CO. 759 TO 763 YONGE ST. l’ 209 Yonge Street. 1 393 Queen St. West. »TORONTO. [ 2:25 Queen St. East. 1 "100 Colborne Street . . . . . . ‘ ‘ . . . . . . . Brnuttord, Ont 14 John StrutNoEth. ljaluilton, 0| Oity omoes :- Try to secure an Original Painting by purchasing - a ticket for {him}; in Crmad; Address, FERBIS & (10.. 87 Chm-eh St” Toronto. for us. Cash furnished on‘sati mtnry gu‘m‘mz'y Address 9. S. PAGE, Hyde Park, Vermont, U.S‘ DEGURATEB WENDDW BLlNDS. EAEYTS B I RTH‘DAYE‘ ANTEDâ€"5,000 mistsâ€"mm and Femaleâ€" Large prpflu. 0. W. DEFINE, Toronto. DYEMFAH DiDLEKNiNl}: muuu v mun um I ......... Wells. Blchudsol at 0â€"0., Montreal. For b‘ula â€"Illuscm1!efl descripa've Cm- alogue free. 11‘. Chamberlin. Toronto. What: will take place on Works and End olllcos : to my baby whose mother will send new names or two or more other babies. and than parents' nddressea‘ Also a handsome Din.- mond D e Sample Card (.0 the mother ma much v unble lnlormgtig‘n. RUBBER STAMP '."”‘§.‘g'7. Oils, mul Burning Brands, ac. Mmd IorCntnlnzue. BARBER BROS. (30., :17 8mm Sf... Tarnnm ngoxs, Sec Thironimr. THOMAS Ramona”, Presi nooxs. Secretary and Manager. Bicycles ! OF THE A. T. LAM, MONTREAL K. FRASER, Sec‘y-Treas‘ HE Greatest Dis- covery of 'the present age for Error:- ATING 'r us Bowzm, AND Cunmo all BLOOD, LlVERandKlDNEYCOM~ l’bAlhTS. A Perfect Blood Purifier. A law in Hamilton who have been benefited by its use: Mrs. M. Keenan, 92’. Robert Sh, cured l Erysipelas of two years‘ standing; Robb. Cornell, 24 South St., laughter cured of Ep- ilepblo Fits alter 31x x'eara'sufiering ; Jen- nie Birrell, 55 Walnut 5b., cured of Weak- BUTTITERS capm; 1x33 C'cpital, MANN). Dominion Gm'ernment Deposit. £56,000. Head Office: 72 King St. East, Toronto. Gentlemen of influence wanted in unrepresented districts. A. '1‘. MCCORD, Resident Secretary‘ {or the Dominion. FOR BUTTER. ETC. W Importations.â€"-Higgins’ Eureka, Washing ton and Ashton Brands, in large or small sacks. AJSOJLic-e‘s Canadian Salt. Write for prices. _._-_... n1“'! 5:. Lu.“ Diplomas awarded in Collegiate Course, Commer- cial Science, Penmanship, Music, Fine Arts and blo- cution. Large classes prepared ,veulv for xnacricula- tion in Arts. Law, Medxcine and Theology. Kfi'ln '86. out of 6 candidates for aecond-Class Teachers' Certificates 4 'were successful; Record equally good in otherdepartmenw Fullterm egius _ . A 4A-...“ Thesdiy'. Sep. 0, Allan Lina, Royal man _ Sigaamsmpa , m...â€" u 7 ~ _ Sailing during wmrer from Portland ever Thur. day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpoo . and in summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool. calling at Londonderry to lmd mails and passenger- for Smtland and Ireland; also from Baltimore. v1: Halifax and St. John's, N.F., to Liverpool fortnigh‘l; durln ' summer months. The steamers of the G131! wow lnee sail during winter to and from Halifax Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during sum mer befiween Glas ow and Montreal weekly; Gluqm and Boston week y. and Glasgow and Philadelphi- fortnightly. For freight, passage. or other infomatlonggly h A. Schumacher & 00., Baltimore: S. Cum On. Halifax ' Shea & 00., St. John's, N.F'. ; Wm. Thomp eon a 60., St. John, N.B.; Allau&00.,0hloago Love & Alden, New York; H. Bourlfer. Toronto Allann, Rae 61.00., Que!)er Yin. Brookle, Phllzdel , , A“, u-..x_..-r THE ALBANY sIWEAInyHAP cu's‘ RE-UPENS SEPT. FIRST NEXT. 0. U'DEA, SEG'Y. la Hui-wwqu All classes of fine wsrk. Min. of @3138 um New BMW Send {carpi-Km STOCKMEN, give this valuable pre- paration a. fair trial. It ooerates promptly and effectually in destroying Ticks and other vermin pests, as we 1' X . u. as in eradicating all affections of the r~ - :1- skin to which Shaepnre subject. Sold In Tins at 350., 700. and $1. A 350. Tin will clean ‘20 Sheep or 35 Lambs. HUGH MILLER & Co.. Toronto. Famous Diamond. Wood Cook. The LENDING WOOD COOK. LISEKT (I‘DLLI-K-h'. “mum! Hum), 031'. Chartered 1557. Uvar 4, 00 Students enrolled 'M'I‘L‘L‘ER’s‘ncK‘nEsInovEB: The E. & .lce's bmulumu Dunn JAMES PARK x 50‘ . II'L n Dummy-n \h-rrhnnm When! uy cure I do nozmnn merely to flop them {on “me sad men have them return again. I mean A nan-u sure. [have made the dlleale of FITS EPILEPSY orl'ALL- ING SIOKNESSA lifeâ€"long study. i WII‘TIIII my remedy to cure the worn cuss. Because others In” lulled [I he lunch for not now recelvlng s cure. Send M once for I Ire-file And A Free Bottle 0! my lnlaflibla remedy. 91v. Express and Post 0115“. It cost. you nothing for I mu, 5nd I wfll cugalou. ‘A‘d_dr I DR. 19 BOOâ€"T, fiffifififififihfi. 37Y®EEStJTdrunmu WEE FITS! -â€"â€"-â€" â€"__7 23 ADELAIDG §T. E..TORONTO. _.. .n,,._..__n :HE LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT 00. (LB), OF LONDON, Em. Wfinlesale THE TORONTO STOVE ANO MANUFACTURING 00., (LTD) Recent Testimonial to REV HAMILTON, u-r... . Send ior cululars. Addresav W. P. DYER, M.A., Principal i’_I';(;;{;P Morrhnnta."1‘nmnfn $15M :3: MORRISQS. SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAP. WThe Celebrated Han- cock Inspirator. fiGresham’s Automatic . Restarting Injector. mMorrison’s Automatic szht Feed Lubricator. fiEn ineers’ & Plumb- ers' upplies of every description. Send for I circulars. ‘ fifii'Aaaaqu St.W., TORONTO TORONTO. MONTREAL. ’and WINNIPEG. M. McGREGOR, PASTOR. J. H. FERGUSON, CARETAKEB.“ C. THOMSON, CHAIRMAN B’D’G COM ' J. FARNSWORTH, B’D‘G INercron. Send for Catalogue. To W. ,E. CONN, Tilsonburg, Ont. : DEAR SIR,â€"â€"-Thi8 is to certity that the two Gurney-Harris No. 15 Wood Furnaces, placed by you in our Avondale Presbyterian Church, have given complete satisfaction. We have found it possible to heat our building, from freez- ing point up to 60 deg. in two hours. We have also found them to be Very economical in the matter of fuel. We can cheerfully reéommend these furnaces to any parties who contemplate heating by Hot Air. ‘VILL FINDTil‘B‘IEAiIIEN’EZUT'Igz‘HR INTEREST USHAWA STOVE 00.3 EXHIBIT, ON South Side of West Entrance Door of Stove Building. and Cooks an revolutionizing cooking with coal. The The largest cooks for the monev sold. The The «only combination heater thab'wfll burn either wood or coal perfectly; and other novelfies. ' w are {among for their style, convenience, dumbififiy, and cheapness. Buy no other until you see them. Ah the leadimz Carriage Builders sell them. TINGLEY & STEWART:M’F’G c0. TORONTO, ONT- FAMILY KEYSTONE, Please mention this Paper FACSIMILB Jvfig'S'iledicine" WI ‘6‘; OF A JUG or DR. J06" more easily remembered MEDICINL : by assoc ation. 4th-0ur lriends will be able to recognize at once that they are getting the genuine article, asthere Is no other medi- cine put up in a jug. DR. JUG MEDICINE 00.. . ‘ Toronto and Strhtlord. It will contain the (Signed), The ARGAND line of Ranges amen 011155. 37‘Yaa‘ggst..womto l hive a positive remedy {or am nbovedlsam ; by mun. thou-and- ofcasel ot the worn kind and ofleng mud!“ BA“ been cured. Indeed. so strong Is my mm“ nlficacy, Hut I win Bend TWG now FREE, us! with - VALUABLE TREATI§E on lhll duet-a w my luluâ€"re}. leo “pigs-Eng P The Einest Art SMWmade‘ 151-15935 INDUSTRIAL EXHIBETIUN BALTIC, Argand, ’DRL TLAéLOCU}! CIAL NnTlCEâ€"We have decided in lu- ture to put Dr. Jug’s Medi~ cine in a brown jug, in- stead of aglass Iottle as heretofore. Thejugs that. we will use (Orthis pu are made or the finest im‘ ported‘ Rockingham, of a mottled brown colour. with "Dr. Juq's Medicine for Lungs, Live and Blood" in raised let ere on the side. Our regions for mak. ing this change are: letâ€"- Its wonderful curative qualities will be better preserved by the medicine being kept entirely in the dark. 2ndâ€"As the jug will be registered it will be impossible to counterfeit it. 3rdâ€"The name “Dr. .Jug‘s Medicine” will be when writing“

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