It is generally thought that our National Game is losing in favor, but the immense assemblage drawn together on Saturday, to witness the Reports come from all Sources that the lacrosse match played on Rosedale last Saturday between the Torontos, and the Capitals, ot Otta- wa, was a sight worth seeing. It seemed to difler from most other matches of recent date in as much as it was free from all rough play, and was marked by teats of great athletic skill. The Eastern men were heavier than their opponents, but strehgth alone did not sufï¬ce for the fleetness and good Judgment of the Torontos. The latter won by four straight games,and with appar- “ ent ease. ' That Sir John Macdonald is not infallible on constitutional questions can be proved by’!" his disallowance acts in reference to our own Prov- ince. Time and again was the Hon, 0. Mowat forced to ï¬ght our battles before the Privy Council of England, and every time was the Dominion Premier shown to have acted arbi- trarily and unconstitutionally. N0 Province could submit to such acts of injustice as have been meted out from time to time by one who is sworn to act honestly and honorably ‘ towards all the members or confed- eration. in the case of Manitoba it i is hard to think that the honest sons ‘ of toil will be forced to choose be- tween the alternatives of' bowing: down their necks t0 the W111 oftheir oppressors, or to again take up aims :T in defence of their rights. ‘ All that Manitoba is asking tor 15 the privilege of building a railroad for herself, with her oWn money‘ and on her own soil. To say that such a privilege cannot' be granted, on the ground that a monopoly was given the C. P. R. by the Dominion authorities, and that such a contract should be regarded as sacred, is surely poor consolation tor a people who are compelled to pay nearly four times the rate for wheat and other commodities that their neigh- bors to the south of them are pay. ing. The settlers contend that in granting such an unreasonable mo-I nopoly the Government exceeded their power, and, aided by Mr. Norâ€" l quay, the Premier, they are bound to push fOrward regardless of ob- stacles. From present appearances it would seem that matters are nearing a crisis between the Province ot Manitoba on the one srde, and the Dominion Government and the C. P. R., on the other. Manitoba is determined to build a railroad from Winnipeg to the southern boundary of the province, and the monopolists are bound that their own arrange- ments shall not be interfered with. Surely the Dominion Government, headed by Sir John Macdonald, will not be so rash as to allow another rebellion to break out in the Prairie Provmce without raising their hands I to stop bloodshed before it is too late. Before the last outbreak,time- ly warning was given for weeks and even months beforehand, but not until many of Canada's sons had shed their life's blood was the Gov- ernment awakened to a sense 0‘ their duty. It is generally conceded that had those in power shown the same anxiety before the rebellion that they did after the fatal blow was struck, to render anything like justice to the haltbreeds. there would have been no cause for the many bleeding hearts throughout our fair Dominion. RICHMOND HILL. Thursday. Aug. 25, ’87 @112 fiiheml. ‘A UROSSE. A T ROS/L'DA LE THE MANITOBA RAILWA Y. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS and exccgsivé eâ€"xpgczoEZtion caï¬sedr Hy Ca- tarrh. Sold by Dmggists, or sent pre-paid on receipt of price, 500. and $1. Address The schuul has re-upened, after one week's longer vncnt-iun than usual. FIJI-FORD 8: Co., Brockville. Onh Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Carson, 0' Ottawa, were in the village for a shurt time. Miss Johnston. Miss Chapman and Mr. Richardson have gone to Grimsby to spend a [,mrtiun of their vacation. The sidewalks have been to :1 small ex- tent impruved, but there is much room for nnprnveuxent. Mr. I‘L-fl'ls uicelv immuvina rim nn. Méssrs. James and Smellie of a trip across the salt water, nebks. Mr. J. \V. Cook, one Bf the oldest res- idents of Thoruhill, is very ill and is not, likely to recover. Mrs. john Barnes, so well known in this vicinity, was buried in the cemetery on Monday; her illness was short, her dead: unexpected. Mr. C, Arnold. who came from the North West some time ago, died last. Safgrduya A few loads of'ne;v grain are passing dally through the village to the Toronto market. The continuation of the drought, makes it necessary for some to haul water for atogk‘ and other purposes. From our own Correspondent. Diphtheria, which has somewhat dis- turbed the business of the village, I: now near at. an end of all danger. Vilitors and the general public need have no fears of the contagious disease. Some six or seven families in and around the village have suflered to a greater or a lesser ex- tent. Coal is all the rape around here. The competition is so brisk it. ought. to bring down the price. Josh. Kaiser has secured the contract. of repairing and building an addition no the house formerly occupied by the late Geo. McDonald, from Jan. McDonald, who has rented his farm. ‘ Mrs. E Jackson has returned to Your village, after four weeks’ absence visiting her danghter. r. Rev. Mr. Large, of Weslm..will preacl: next sunday evening in the Methodist Ch~urqh (3E this place. Mr. Caldwell, of New Yolk, is the guggt of Mr. H. Duckuut. Mr. T’eï¬er Franks and wife, of Weston, staged over Sabbath with his brother, Mr. H. Franks. Miss Fergusnns ‘uf' Bramptnn; Campbell. of Toronto, spent last, Sabbath at ï¬le Barmnflge. S. Walker. of Hardscrabhle, has moved into town, occupying the house vacated by J. Kaiser. And so it is. my fast as a house bggomes empty it in ï¬hrd again. Thule wasa biu turnout at. Sunday Schonl last S_unday. J. Kaiser has n;0ved into the house he- longipg to Mr. Burkholder. From our own Correspondent. Everybody seems to be interested in the coming Methodist Sabbath School ex- cursion next Friday to the Island. Ev- ery effort is being made to make it a grand success. The fare is placed at such a low ï¬gure that almost anyone may go. The small sum of 40 cents fur adults, and 20 cents for children to lhe Island and return from Richmond Hill station is Within the reach of all. Everybody is expected to take a basket. 5T0 PS 3‘ Droppingsfrom ' - » Nasal passages USE. into the throat, EASY TO contest, does not justify the suppo- sition. It is a great pity that this popular amusement should ever de- generate into anything resembling ruflianism. As a rule a large numb- er of the spectators who attend la- crosse matches are people of respect- ability, ln contrast With those who follow base ball players. Those who participate in the latter game are, it is safe to say, all profession- ‘ als. That this undesirable class of athletes is creeping into lacrosse, no one can deny. We believe that ev- ery team in the Canadian Associat- ion, Torontos excepted, has been ac- cused ot prolessmnalism. It is to be hoped that the rules ot the Asso- ciation will be strictly enlorced, and that those who play for the sake of money Will be excluded from taking part in the games played under its control. The gentlemanly conduct‘ of both clubs who took part 1n the contest on Saturday should sttmu~i late others to treat their opponents 1airly, and to play lacrosse as it should be played. It is more cred- itable to lose a much coveted vic- tory than to win by stooping to acts of brutality. me ls nicely improving the up his housa. Thornhill Maple Cold in Head, HAY FEVER. CAIAHBH, SGGTHIN ï¬LEANSlNG. HEALING. It Cures 16539:.“ 1 gm SE are talking fur several Children‘s Bnoï¬s of all varied Splendid assortment of Ladies BEST FRENCH KID. CALF KID. GONDOLA. BUFF & CORDOVAN LADIES’ LACED AND BUTTONFD GYPSY BALS., NEW SUMMER STOCK COMPLETE And other staple articles always on hand. Prices close Inspection invited. ' MILLINERY DEPARTMENT I TWEEDS,SHIRTINGS, COTTON S, DRESS GOODS, 860. THE FIRE PROOF. The Concrete never was so popular for stylish Millinery as it is now. Several Cheap Lmes to a Custom W ark a Specialty Full preparation for the fruit season SUGAR, SPICES, FRUIT JARS, GLASS & STONE, MILLINERY, MILLINERY, MILLINERY. Cheap 3r at the Concrete than at any house in the trade. CONCRETE HOUSE. RID Q N’F‘ï¬i L L ' ,CL SPRING & SUMMER STOCK In Pints, Quarts & Half Gallons, at correct prices. ry Goods, Groceries, HARDWARE 8:: CROCKERY GROCERIES . ATKINSON, DIRECT IMPORTER. And Gentlemen‘s Seamless Boots Good satisfaction guaranteed in the The only place in Town having control ( Complete in every department. Something new and spicy ,t of Ladies’ and Children's Slippers. suit the times fur Ladinï¬â€™ and Gentlemeu's wear. V- Repairing neatly and promptly dune, FULL LINES OF all varieties, Black and COIand BOBT. SIVERS I. CROSBY.