Ontano Statutes. We gratefully acknowledge from the Queens‘s Printer 8. copy of the Statutes cf Ontario for the vear 1887. Ladies! call and see our 7 cent Counter beautiful Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Laces. Embroid- eries, &::., at Grennan’s. TORONTO. City Hall Brock Street Pm‘kxlnlu , . .. ..... Davenport. VVPSI’OII ,. . Thnrnhill ............ mcHunxn HILL King Aurora... . Newnmrket Newmniket.,. .. 903 Aurora. . .. ms Kim! H 9.: “ICFIM An ‘8. Thornhill S. Weston... . . I‘mvnnpm‘t Purk‘mle.†.. ’l‘ORON'l‘O. ‘n-nnk Street .. City Hall.“ We have to thank the Hon. John Csrlmg for a book of nearly 500 p-azes‘ being a. sta- tistical abstract and record of Canada for the year 1886. [his is the 2nd year of issue. Cunnects with all trains, leaving “19 PM?†E new Richmond Hiâ€. as folluwst Mmi Kr Express.Nnrbh & Suuth... . 7.45 It 1“- Ar-uummodntitm “ “ ‘ Express North. 5315 p‘.'.“' Mai 'Suuth.. 5'3" Splendid value 1n Boys’ Suits at $1.49 and upwards at Gregnan’s. Fire Brigade Meeting. The next. regular meeting of the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade will he held in the Cuuucil Chamber to moxrow ( Friiuy) evening. RICHMOND HILL, Thursday. Sep The Band of Hope will mwet in the Tem- perance Hall on Friday at 4 p. m. Lesson subjectâ€"“Alcohol in cold and heat." The Concrete was never better prepared to dlspense bargains to the public than now. F. Kirkby raps once. not thrice, o_n this paper and boyes to have you appear m the form of a customer at ' ‘3 store. Another lot of New Era Baking Powder at the Concrete. The pres- ents this tlme are superb. On Friday hunt the stores of No. 2 Troop which are unde-r the charge of Capt. J. Me. Cunnell, ware inspected by Col. Otter, 1). A, (in, of No. 2 Mi'itmry District. Until further native Mails will he closed at the Richmond Hill Post Ofl‘me as follows:â€" Moamm zâ€"Goim! Northsoulh, East and “'est, includinv 'lhm'nhill, Maple, anontn. Mnrlihmnï¬â€™t‘. 7.45 EVBNm62~Gniug southEnsc and West (as allovel 5 30 N. B.â€"â€"Rem'stered Letters must be handed in at. least Fifteen Minutes unrlier than the above mentioned hours for closinn. ‘U __ THE LIBERAL will bé sent to new subsc b- Or! from now till the Is! at Januarv, -‘ £8, hr 25 cents. Send at. once P‘Hi give i» 11 um]. ' just recetved at The Concrete a magniï¬cent lot of men‘s youth's and boy's Ready Made Suits, extra value Seven cases of Dry Goods for the Concrete per S. S. Carthagiman, from Glasgow reported at Father Point on the 22nd inst. The goods \Vlll arrive in a few days. Look out for bargains. Sugars. Sp7ces‘ an Cont-Me for the fruit LL51 value in the trade. N. R. R. TIME TABLE. As will be seen by nmim on another page. Mr. F. Keech has purchased Mr. Whizlock's busines's, which he wi 1 carry on as hexeto- fore. Extra choice Pickling Vinegar and Pure Spices cam be purchased at close priCes at Gre.man's. Schoo1 Board Meeting. The regulnr monthly meeting of the Richâ€" mond Hill School Bunrd will be held on Monday next, the 51h inst., at. 4 p. m. Get your printing for the F H Fnirn : 1d Exhibitions done at THE menL Ofï¬ce. 1d send your orders in 200d tillll'. PRUCTUR’S STAGE LINE. 5 lbs. of choice new Japan Tea at Grennan's for $1. 23311:» $23“:me led to se Mr. Geo 20 lbs Sugar for $1! at Grennan's. :to be (1 mid. POST OFFICE NOTICE Notice. Enhn, Clerk of the Countv of nutire on mmther page that be applications fmm purti-«s des‘r- nui-mned for I'm-m avlnn‘asinn m nl Llw Omuvio Agdrnllural Col y county in the province is en< d uue slu-leut fr '8 of charge. GOING NORTH GOING SOUTH Inspected Mail 8.10 A Rap. 8,33 8.40 ummz. M. TEEPY. Postmaster Fruit Jars at fruit 33821500, Accom ll 45 12.00 12.10 12.53 1 .20 M nil. 6m 7.05 7‘17 6.48 A meeting of the Direclurs ol the Mechan- icn’ [usmuu- at this village is called for 'l‘uesduy owning m-xt, Iln- 6L1] inst. Among ul‘hi‘l‘ mam-rs Lh udvixubili'y of opening a Reading Roam in connection With the Insti- tute’. is mu [:9 di~uu>ned. Mr. J. Thompson gives notice by poster that his early stage to the Exhibition will run to 'lnronto on Thursday and J 'riday. Sept. 81h .nnd 9th, thus giving his passenger: an opportunity of vi<itiug Burnum's great, Circus and Menagerie. 'l“.a early stage will also Jun the following week of the Exhibition lean ing Elgin Mills each morning at 5.45 and Richmond Hill at. 6. In the evening it. will leave the Clyde Hotel for home at. 6. Single fare wilLbe 4’.) cts. ; return tickets 75 cts. Those early busses are always well patroniz- ed as it gives a long stay in {he city. V\ hat a Suggestion! The Yuri; Humid snug-Hts the advisability uf huving orul hum-d 0f wrilten examinat- ions for 2nd nud 3rd Cums Curliticates. Surelv the Herald forgets we are living in the 19th centnn. The torchers and friends of the Sabbath School in connection with the Victoria Squr-e Methodist Church held their annual pic-nic at Bond‘s Lake last Saturday. They spent the day in boating on the lake and in other enjoyment: on the shore. Captain Scrivener had a. busv day with his steamer “Ethel May " Tue pic-nickers returned home by way of Richmond Hill pussmg through here about six o‘clock. The double and single couVeymlces made a grand pl'u- cessiou. There innst have been twelve or thirteen rigs all well ï¬lled. A general public Convention of the Do- minion Alliance for the cause of Temperance wlil he held at 19 Richmond St. West, To- ronto. on the 13th and 14th of Sept. inst. It is expected that the proceedings will be eminently pmcticul, and it is earnesth de- sired that this conference shall be made to tell on the intuie policy of the country. As the Toronto Industrial Exhibition will be in progress at the time, those wishing to attend the cnnfei'ence may have the advantage of greatly. reanced rates of travel, besides hav. ing an opportunity of attending the Exhi- bition. Upwards of sixty persons from this \illage ioined in the Sabbath School excursion to the Toronto Island last Friday. Had there been proper notice given the number could have been easily doubled, as it: was late on Monday when word was received from Mr. Dilworth, etetioq agent. that there was going to be an excursion with such cheap rates. The dnv was’spezzt in regular pic-Bic style and the excursionists Wern well satisï¬ed with their cheap trip. A change of‘ntmos- pheie even for a day is sometimes considered quite a luxury. Mpssrn. J. (12 H. McKinnun. hot 31. 2nd Con. V'nuul'nn, almllt Hu- l-t r55 Augu~t. Auy in- furluulinu Whlcll might lead to their recovery will he Humkfully «Icelved Ivy the above gentlemen. $99 no we nu page 8. Mr. H. Piper will pie-nee accept our thanks for a complimentary seuson ticket for the Zoological Gardens, of which he is manager. \Ve umlerntnml the attractions during the Industrial Exhibition will bP exceedingly ï¬n. . Aniiuulu. birds mm rare spocimvns of all klnun me being added to their collection every day. In th: Water. Mr. C. Holmes defeated one of Toronto‘s boasted quutic performers in a swimming contest yehterduv. The swxmmiug took place from the Island, the dismnce being 100 yards. and the match {or $25 9. side. Mr. Holmes has (mined >everul prizes for swim- ming in Ergluud. and shows several hand mme medals. Swimnnng is an achievement in which every person should endeavor to become proï¬cient. Foobball l'lc-Nic. ert Sutnr-Iuy being Edaelv’s Civic Holi- 1n). the cinznn 'IUI puse celebrating it. with u gnle Low hull plc-Illc in Mr. Juo. Smith's uruve. Muicbes WI“ I-e bluyed between (he Edpely Juniors and Spnnghill Juniors ; benww Edgely‘n 2nd elexeu und Wood- nridge's 2nd eleven. and between Edgely‘s ‘elliul‘fl and Spriughill. Swings, qnoila and mher uluum'uu'uts will be provided. Ten SH‘Ved from 4 lo 7. Tickets 25cts.; children 151.15. The popular and Well known Nurserymau of Rochester, N. Y.. desi-‘es to make arrange- ments with one or No live. energetic men to take orders In: his Nursery stock. He has a choice stock, including ï¬ne sneciulties. His inducements no beginners are particularly udvanlaguuus. Ha. fulï¬ls all he promises, and gu&1‘ul:LePS to furnish sliictly ï¬rst-class block. He can give active, square. upright men good positions, and desires to commu- nicate with a few such men. with a View of securing their services. Wiite to him as suou as you have reud this for term and pm‘ticulars. Remember, only square dealing men need apply. Addro-ss, EDW. O. GRAHA'J, Nnaaerymau, Rochester, N Y' 8 S) qlllur 3-.4 to the o Court Day. Next Saturday, Svpl. 3rd, Division Court for this flistrict will be held in the Court Room here. Unlonnv‘atelyâ€"for Ille lawyers â€"lhe number of cases on the docket is not. large for :his court. “ Did you know the hill is cumiug Over on b‘uturu- ". AM 27th .9 Well thny are! and purport" in play a “wuss:- match with the Yuung mxcelsxurs. Th.s whl he the last time you wiJ see it done. So take your friends." The uunve is me WP and n1» vermemeut game“ up by Brnmpluu pr flaws to Ihe match with [be 2m! :welv.- 01 the Young Cr‘ India "a. ‘Vx'll. he gosh our colts did go nver an t: at dun-anti. m maku n mug him-y shun. (July deleawd the Ex‘eulm rs did go glory n with as Sheep Lost. Fnur Cotswold ulwep left. the premises of Sabbath School Pic-Nic. Excursion to the Island. Mechamcs‘ Institute Dominion Alliance. Edward 0. Graham, t the Complimentary Early Stage. “ Gosh! " runes t W] Mi 1) xmmon "haw Id (my wneu Brampton lu- map and wit- how iad Although the panle of this enterprising burgh are not dead. I have noticed that you have not given any news from here, and al- tliough not nu adept at newspaper corres- pondenceI will try to prove that we should not be so slighted. On Wednesday evening. 24m ult.. Bgnrdeu party was held at the resudence of Mr. Thus. Cook, and was a great success. The ï¬rst thing on the programme was a lacrosse match between the 2nd twelve of the Young Onondmns. of Richmond Hill. and the (iliuers of this place. This event, although the play was apparently very even, resulted in a victory for the Y. C's by three strtight games. Afterwards a. tea was eerved by the indies in ï¬rst-class style. although it was ulmoet imposstble for them to move a- round (or the crowd which blocked up the down and hell. After dark three large camp ï¬res were lighted und gave the scene a. far more comfortable appsarance, for the night w.-s rather cold. Some choice music “as rendered by some of Richmond Hill's song- etere and our best local talent. The Rich- Innnd Hill Band was in attendance and ren- dered some inepiring airs. The people dis- persed about 10 o'clock. well pleaeed with their evening’s entertainment. ri'oceeds in the neighborhood of $50. We have lied Very little rain here, and so the news as Well as the land is almost all dried up.-â€"Cou. nor, the Rev. Mr. McLaughlin. Choice sing- mg was given between speeches. The chair- man closed wiLli a. stirring address. We did not. lcain llie proceeds of the evening, but. judging how the immune crowd they must, have been lui'ge. As much of the prone- iousqws still left, a social will be held to- morrow (Fl-Hay) evening. Jubilee services will also be conducted n -xt Sabbath. Harvest Home Jubllec. The Hunest Home Jubilee at Ziou Evan- gelical Lutheran Church was a success in every rvapcut. Tea Wus served in the base- ment. of the church, and the palutuble edi- bles showad that the lï¬ditfl of the congre- gntlou were We“ skilled in the culinary art. l‘he pulpit and altar Were beautifully decor- ated with fruits, vegetables and grains of (every deseriptiou. and eVerything betokened d. genuine Harvest Home. a The speeches which follmwd the tea were delivered in the body of the church. Dr. Orr, of Maple, oc- cupied the chair with creditI and introduced in turn Rev. Mr. Camelou, of Maple ; Mr. E. J. Davis. of King, ex- Warden of York ; .vlr. Day. Prov. Sec’y S. S. Association, and Rev. \lr. Short, of Woodbridge. The ad- dresses were oi the most interesting and in- structive nature, bearing on the Queen's prosperous reign, and all bore testimony to the many virtues of Her Most Gracious Mn- jesty, not only as sovereign. but also as maiden, wile and mother. In the early part of the evening many visited the new parson- an'e which is nearing completion. When ï¬nished this will undoubtedly be the ï¬nest parsonage in the county. and goes to show that the congregation are not only wealthy, but that they ere most anxious to administer to the worldly comfort of their beloved pas- “ .. Mr. W. D. Atkinson is makinga visit with relatives in Inglewood, some ten miles north of the town of Brampton. Miss Annie Johnston, cf Lockport. N. Y.. awompunied by her irieud, Miss Silk, is makinga ‘lsit with her sister, Mus. W. Hewisou. Mr. R. I\I.VauNormnn, Reeve of North Gwillimbury. was in the village on Saturday in nompany with Mr. W. H. Puqsley. THE anrr. is pleased to acknowledge a. friendly call. Miss Maggie Peg-19. of Toronto, has been vieitmg old friends in the village. Mr. H. Newton, of Chicage. paid a short Visit. Ibis weex Io “is father and brulbers at Elgin Mills, )u his return trip from Europe. Rev. J. W. Cameron preached in the Pres- byterian Church. Aurora, Ian Sunday morn- ing. 1n place of the pastor. Rev. Mr. Amos, who is taking a. few weeks’ vacation. Mr. A. M. Laï¬artv. of Chatham. was in the village a. few duvs the latter part of last. week, on his way from ColYingwood, where he had been attendmg the funeral of the late Mrs. Campbell, his n:other-iu-law. From our own Co;.c~pondent. The ladies of St. John’s Church intend hnlding tlwir annual Harvest. Home Din- ner Party on Sept. 7th, at Bond's Lake. The success of their harvest home parties in the past is so we" knnwn, that those wishing a. good time will do we“, to be presuit. it 101ka '38 gum] in new. Ht) hfâ€! It, up, brick c‘addrd ir, and put. «I! windows and gable windmvr‘. h ptln-r improvemean tn the interior Mr. D. James. ex-Reeve of Markham Township, has stained on g trip to the lands of mo Bose. Shamrock and Thighs. A nole from NJ: deemines the sail down ï¬be Hud- son River from Albuny to New York as ex- tremeq pleasant. and the sceuely as delight- ful. He su‘isd from New York on Saturday lust. Mr. H. Boynton returned from St. Louis. in Uncle Sam's Duminions, on Friday last, alter an absence of ahout a year. Mr. Thus. Leyée has. during the early pa't. «If the summer, rdnuvnted, mmodel led and mm: .a-‘ged his residence so that The Libe: qmte in addition to the appearance 70R SALE PERS ONALS. (umlaï¬llew. He th raised c‘addrd ir. and put. an Ly Carrvulc Items. UaK midges. bcsidrs TORONTO,and more to followâ€"what an undertaking to supply them with CLOTH- ING. We don’t do it all, but. we sell our share. Our sales in this department double everv year, till now, at. the smallest calculatinn, we sell 10,000 Boys’ Suits a Vear. and We fully expect that our sales this year will not fall short. of 20,000 Suits. '1" his seems a, great. deal, and some of yun may reasonably doubt itâ€"nevertheless we are prepared to prove our statements and show to the satisfaction nf everyone that we do the largest. trade in Buya’ Clothing in Canada. Where do they all come tram? We'll try and tiellryou : â€" “’9 make up thouaands of suits oursalves. employing} wmnen throughout the surrounding countryâ€"paying on $50,000, and many a little cottage in the suburbs has be Inge of our employees,â€"nnd now a. word about prices. Those little Sailor Suits at $1.50, that we never have enough of, come from over the senâ€"they could not be produced in this country for less than $3.50; then the little Halifax Tweed Suits at $1.50 come from the same quarter, and those parents wiln have bought this line from us sav that it is a real pleasure to have boys when they can be clothed s0 neatly and at such little cost. Again, England supplies thuse Corduroy Suits that never wear out, and remind old country people of their childâ€" hund, playing about the green lanes of their native village. GERMANY is away ahead in plaited and fancy suits, and though their goods are not quite as substantial as those of English or Canadian manufacture, they excel in design and hobby styles. It is an extraordinary fact that amid the keenest competi- ti0n English manufacturers have ever maintained the highest standard of durability in their fabricsâ€"very often sacriï¬cing, style of qualityâ€"while the Germans seem to pht their entire energy into design and style. forgetting that people reqmre a Jum- blewas well as a stylish garment. CANADA. 'Last. but nutrléas‘tv. comes our own cerlt that like the mother country, England, the III her cloth manufacturers. FRANCE send; us ste ï¬nest and prettiest French Glyn-hing is its enormous cost and unsuitable a THnS. Tunw'bï¬dz Sari? KIDDERMINSTER CARPETS ! Persons Furnishing or about to Furnish should Examlng our Immense Stock of 0 By the piece at close mill prices. Inspection invited, and if our prices are not lower than: of any other house in the city, don’t buy. Persons 1i ing at a distance of one or two hundred miles Citil save their railway fare and expenses on a pur- chase oftwcnty-I'ive to ï¬fty dollars. Having at eye to business will make their purchases of White and Grey Cottons, White and Grey Sheetings, Plllow Cottons, Table Lineps, Table Napkins, Towels, Towellings, etc., etc., at our stores. Grey& White Gemmg CARPET HOUSE 3 PETLEY & PETLEK All our stock is new and choice, and putchased from the best English makers, prevxous to cthe advance in prices. Wiltons, Brussels, Tapestry AND in“: HOUSEKEEPERS MA MMOTH HOUSE, KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. 35,000 BOYS Boys’ Blue Serge Suits, 0111) 980. Boys’ Brown Serge Suits, only 98c. Boys’ Halifax Treed Suits, (inly $31.50. Boys' Sailor suits, only $I.5o. ‘ Boys’ Corduroy suits, only $2.50. Boys’ Fancy Plaited suits. Boys’ Norfolk suits. 0 Boys’ Eaton, Harrow and Rugby suits. Boys’ Jersey suits. Boys’ Rubber Coats. Boys’ Crash Coats and Vests. Boys’ Summer Clothing. And 1000 Gents’ Crash Coats & Vests at $2.59 mv THE LEADING 1d prettiest suits, but the difï¬culty with msuitable styles for Canadian trade. (my own country. and let it be said L0 1191‘ s. employing hundreds of handsâ€"men and ‘â€"paying put in wages from $40,000 to gig, {he \T’Tfl standard of quality is maimuilrxieti cen paidifur out of the sav- 1056