Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Sep 1887, p. 5

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{‘ For Entrance Candidates. 'l‘tw lilli‘t'nlltro puper f ll' pun-unceexnmin lull-ill ll! lhl- l’llLllI Sulmlll ill lliCbllIllel‘ llt'xt will lll‘ lnki-n from [hr- following: selections, Q Viv. :-~‘i_ OIL in Ilie. Ftiily Night. 2. Ilcimi fl ,_..:rqar».gs--._.. . ._.»â€"..i..__: H mm” N.” 3' Tm. ‘ invmy n; Amp...» D ‘ ion. 4. lion! 5. To u. Skyluik. b. :I‘lli’ N' I" R‘ ('llnlva-‘ing. 7_ 'I'hoâ€"Itno lll'l‘llillg. 3, The r ; . ,. ,‘ n...‘ i _. [n- Deiltli in (mm: Ntilt'l‘II, (on no [it t. Mir. 1, V \ ll . I l ’l‘iitln'rn. )I-ivl Anmon, Aim In. it... ill-awn.“ hooks to in inliueo ""- II J} H l'- lllll!'t-::tl-~,Al511,15 n.» per curriculum of “WI” 'JI!‘ "'“H bltlilr llL.‘ for totirlh clnss. . .. .. -.- _. 7 lllY'll‘Ilt” , n ‘ _ " _. -y on V . lircnnan 5 Cleaning Sale. lin- " """W m -~ - Tiff mens': bargains in Black. Green and it ‘l\t1',\'l' i." . .. ' , . ‘ ‘7 r. . ls ,, '.l.‘.n . . japan fen. in 5 and to lb. pacnagcs ‘-x m" '.|.l'.l Lt" w, 7 _, , , l-i"-llltt|.li iooo 95" - I rstaincd. (ioixn sol7'l'ii. Appea S. 5 l".\. (\t'm'm f\lr. lln-il liii, I-lcud Murder of our High "V 3'” m" h ‘ “ “2" H :7 Suhonl. linving nppr-illt‘ll to the examiner.»- it. 1,.‘.I,i:‘ii ' ' i i' ' :‘iii llw «new of Hugh ,\Ir-,(_}onu liv, ll (TOllllUlLtl’f-l "WP-Hush Vllvllil. b. l1! uhpirlliii'il for ilu- purp use, rc-reml the exam- liiv'm" Mil ' “'1 Mimi wipers. und u .llondny list. it Second it. 3...... " '3;',‘.’, i}... Clus.‘ Certificate, Voqetlior WIlll the 32m, l'u l, i; li- .iii n35; 1,2? which liml lim'll fi'irwiirded, nnd which \volild 'l""“v\'"'” _,n hnve been kppr lnld tho nppeul not been sus- ,‘.',”,’_'II‘VI sl'i'lmt ' Luineil. was sent tho Candidate. Hugh I had i ' 1L ' ' ;.. c 'J failed by ii. few marks on ll couple of Subjects, ‘l‘f.’ l I though he had nude 112 marks more than I S LINE' was l‘equlrml on the torn]. ‘l‘tns makes 12 Srizolirl Glut-is Certificates at the recent ex- tnu l‘ulmer ‘ A nullinllions. i' mum-ts with all ti‘uins, lmvinsz ll ll-El‘ ltll'll'l‘ll‘l I Hill. as follows: ’\l.ii \- t‘tvnross. North 6: South .......... ~i-t-o'lmimlirtion “ ll” \'orth .. .. .. ,, I H fii'thOTi 71."; u. m. At The Concrete the stock 0t 17]- stcrs and Stia'vls for children and ladies is very complete ranging from $1.25 upwards. liiv" POST 0F“ llnttil further notice Mulls will he rlosotl ut the lili'llllll'lltl Hill I’ost (lilico us follows: â€" IlIwi'.\i\(,' :â€"(}oillL' NortlLsoiilll, East Painful Operation Mr. Germrd “l'iley, who has been Sllfiuiing mm “gifg‘lyj‘namEmpty)". 7,, rem-mo months no. cvitnmct on both i e, i' i, \ . '. .- . pvmmmfluuiugt,,ut,h,1g,.scm..1west,“ eyefihndnn operation performed on the whore) 5.30 rightone,liyl)r. llyerson, of Toronto, n ‘i. ll. .Registorovl Lottan mustbe ll‘tllllflr‘ ill Kl ll-:I.~.t l<‘iftopnMinut4-s Pll.l‘lll'l' than the illiove intuitioncd hours for closin”. M. 'l‘ICEFY. I‘ostmnstci'. collplo of weeks ugo, which, it is hoped, will prove successful. llo hm; Pl'lfiel‘f’tl consider- "lily slime, lull the Dr. thinks it. Will not. be necessary for his patient to undergo another my 7 ‘ 9 N“ n i T llpb'l'ulltlll, its the Strength of the One eye frfii. ' ' Q l, ' mny go to the other. We trust he may be é 'l Q p . . corrict in his opinion, and that Mr. Wiley “I . Cr) ' may mon lw restored to hunllh agniu. . i i . i .. (EreniiailisiClgarillg Sale. Rem- l‘“ “‘“QNDHH‘L’ T‘Tmflf‘li' $31" 10‘. 8L" nants of Dress Goods at less than COSL iz O‘clock Globe. The 1‘3 o'clock and evening editions of the Suturduy (Hulle. lius been ruined to 3 cents a copy. This is not dear when the. size of the paper is Considered. Lust Saturday it con- sisted of 20 pages, and was a Very readable sheet. Many take this edition us it. always contains a large nmount of matter suitable for Sunday reading. But for those who IQOCAIJS. lend Atkinson's change of ad. this week and call and see fi r volireelves his grand ex- hibition of imported Dry Goods, ($0., the. (,‘zrennan's Clearingr Sale. All of our lo cent Prints going at 7 cents, and 12?,- cent Prints at 9 cents. ’I'im Tunisian will but senâ€"i, to new; subsnrib. have a desire for reading, nnd who wish to «tr..- from now till the 1st of .lunuarv' 1888, knep up with the. times. it. 1" better to take for 25 cents. Scud at once and give it. a the Globe by the month. The 1?. o‘clook edition reaches Richmond Hill, liy Prootor's ‘bus. at 2 p. m.. and is only 25 cents a mouth. Leave your orders at THE LIBERAL Office. trial. Sugar at The Concrete E0, 18, [7 16 and 15 lbs for one dollar. Greunan‘s Clearing Sale. Hosiery and Gloves at less than cost. Shetland Ponies Last: Monday afternoon three very small Shetland ponies passed through the village northward. On making inquiry in reference. to the miniature horses we learned that they A Visitation. 0f onidcmics ’ No. but of customers at liirlzhy‘s. Were you ill it? Empty 'Biiarrels for Asale ! very cheap at Grennan’s Cheap Cash llousc. i . \Vero the property of Messrs. Newton hos, .. . Taking _a Week" , of E‘gin Mills, who had purchased them “'9 \ “7k “PM” ‘5 “'klng ll“ ""mml from ex-Alder'mul Ilullilm, of Toronto. The lmli-lnv. nod consequently there will be no . . lost named gentleman recentlv imported issue this week. them, with many nth. rs, from the Shotlund L'lnlnls. in the North Atlantic Oceun, where ther lire raised like sheep. '1‘th tlii- owned by Newton Bros. consist of two mares and a stallion. They are not much for size, but are a hardy race, and when broken should do u. lot of light driving. Ladiesldo not fail to call and the beautiful Melton Dress (ioods at [O and 12;} cts. at to l SCC Concrete. Improving. â€" Councillor Savage is having his store r61)- ovaled hv getting the south side llewlv lathed nnd plastered. the work. Grennari‘s Clearing Sale. Fine Linen Towels going at 50c., 85c., Mr. Geo. Tyndall is doing tit-00 and $165 Per d02- Movrrlg Northward. “70 learn from the Aurora Banner of last week thut Mr. B. (h‘L-Illlfll]. who, for soverul years punt, has shown much enterprim in his generill store here, has rented one of the new stores ill Aurora, which is to be finished early in Octoh r. We have reason to believe that; Mr. Grennsai has done it large business here, and have not learned why he purposes settling in cur sister village, although we have heard him any time and again that his present pine.) of business in not nearly lnrgc mollin to display his goods. We sincerely hope that he does not contemplate leaving Grennan's Clearing Sale. 8 yds. Ileavy (gingham, a lull yard Wide, lul‘ $1. Model Sdhools Opened. The County Model Schools in Pilrkdale ioni Ni-wmnrket opened Inst Tuesday, the lit: h inst.. for the training of 3rd class teach- ms. Several of th9 candidates who passed the recent. examinations here are attending, some ut l‘arkilale, and "there ht Newmurket. 5mm, “an”. Crocks will keep Richmond Hill altogether, but that he only “Ilium, R V A it u ' H _ k: d use one building as u. brunch sloru. But ' ~ “ (IL Gr la“ a“) O “I u should the Banner be correct as to his re- Ul package. For sale at Gmllndll'5~ moving altogether. we are sorry to B‘ly that we will lose not only one of our most cuter- prising and accommodating merchants, but one of our mostuscful and respected citizens. Cheap Cash House. Mr. I}. (ircunun advertises this week a (:H-nlt slaughter of dry goods, and clothing of all kinds. He is prepared to give sweeping bargains during his great clearing sale which is now going on, and invites his friends and cu<tonlcrs to emit around and take advantage ‘ of his bargains. Greilnun's Clearing Sale. Don't miss the. bargains in Crockery and kilasswmc. \V’e make a specialty of Boys' Suits and show a great variety of them, handsome little suits at $1.49. Bring the boys along and get them fitted at Grennan's. Edward 0. Graham. The popular and well known Nursel‘ymun of ‘ Rochester, N. Y., desires to muke arrungc- nights with one or two live, energetic men to tulle orders for his Nursery stock. He has a choice stock. including fine specialties. His inducements to beginners are particularly udvunlngeous. Ha fulfils all he promises, and guarantees to furnish strictly first-class stock. He cnu give active, square, upright men good positions, and desires to commu- nicate with a few such men. with a view of securing their servicna. Write to him an Not Sold. The Inuul farm of 105 no es in the first: l‘llll(}e.~.\lll of the Township of Vuuglmu, Wlls In]; up by auction by Mr. Salem Eckurdt. at ttu- Lorne. Hull, lust Sutumuy afternoon. 'l‘ln-ro were several bidders, but none roach- (-:l as high as the reserve. price, so it was not. sold. ’l‘ln highest bid was $5250. Christy and Soft Fclt I-Iats at slaughter prices. Football Meeting. ,,,,,,, ,,,.,_< M... We have been Asked to state that. a meet. The Concrete have received and log will be called to-morrow(Friduylcveniug, l are opening up as fast as possible at 8 o'clock, I" the Lorne Hull for the pur. ‘ I - ~ L] , . . ' . ‘ s polo- oi orgumzmg a looibull club for this l K large ('OHSlgnment 0f Dry (JOO sl-ason. A full amen-lance in request ~d. imponed qlreCt from the Old CU'IH' Should the meoliug be successful in orgun- trl’ CONSlStlng Of Dress GOudS,Plush- will”: u gnou (-Iul», there. will in all probllhiI- les, Velvets, Mantles, Mantle Cloth, iry be silvl-ll'll matches played bore thlfi Full. Ladies' Jackets (‘l()ll(‘lS, A cnullohg» I .-~ nlreml) been [or-wude from wove l H d C v R b- the “English Eleven." . aw S. ()0 S, aps, u ~7__ her Circulars. etc.. all of which are Great slaughter in men's clothing much cheaper than ever and we in- now going on at Grenuan's Cheap l tend to let the customers have the Cash, House. Men's suits from$4 up, ‘ benefit. I I Remember, only square dealing Addrvsm Enw. 0. GRAHAM, 8 9 particulars. all u need apply. Nurserymnn, lblchi-ster, N. Y- l l The Early Bird, ékc. Aurora Muctmnies‘ luslillllf‘ have already lFSllwl lill lttl:-Jl.\lllp tickets for next your. whit-h minnwilups on the 1st of October. this is mulling it good stilrt unil other I'll‘ti‘ xllbtfll‘li u‘ii i-ony the example. As It rule the livlu l> for om Institute are not ready until late in October, “lll‘ll some. people who me not ~. ‘iy enthusiastic. will complain that they 0in yr! the use of the library for some elevmi run Iilhs instvmi of l\\'l'lV"- “'ln-lller the. l‘llt‘L‘i‘4l" shot: an in wtiiblishing a Read- ing 1’.» tin or not, they should lmvo no diffi- culty in sailing (ll/(‘1‘ Irll(‘ hundred tickets at their pl'twfillb price, 5“) (Ei'ilts. If the public are guinuiuiued it good LillllCt'l'b or Ite-Union early in the season, fi‘ve to members, and an addition of populur hoka and iuugnzincs, the lit-ki-l-s. Ilers will have no ditticulty Ill disposing of :1 Inrgn number. Carrvnlc Items. Imrl. \vi-ek its some, of our- ilmnleur mir- pwntvls wen: shingllug the church. the wind, which \\'.l\‘ rutni-r strong. blew down their Iadder,‘,mid they \vero left lamenting on the roof. 'I Iris happened about five o'clock in the evening, and as it, was cold,some of them wished they hml f-llt'll‘ overconts if they had to stay there all night. For Some time. the Welkin lt‘Sllllllthll Willi their cries for help, but no one responded. as they could not. mm. whilt lltlllgcl‘ there was. One suggested that his neighbor tour up one of his garments into strips, in order that they might make a. ruin to ll‘lltill the. ground, but this suggestion was vvrv initigminlly received by the ru-iqh- b‘ll’. 'l‘lmy \vern finally relieved from their IllNlTPES hy Messrs. Ilichiml and William Rumble, who happened to be passing They will firstun tho holder next time. . . . We. nre sorry to record the. (loath of one ofour olih-sl rcridnnts, Mrs. Tennyson, after a lingering illuesm She was about. 9."; years of use. . . . i\Ir. Will. Ct-ombs, of Woodstock, is visiting his parents hero -â€"-COM. Fire Brigade Meeting. The Richmond Hill Filo Brigade hold their regular monthly meeting on the 2nd inst. Iiielllennnt Wilson occupied the chuir. Minutes of lust meeting were rearl rind ndnpt- ed. Foreman Redditt. m chairman of il committee t.) wait. on the Council in refer- ence to the caretaker havrng the umnnge- inent of the lime, and also in reference. to a ClltlllL‘e of place for the alnrnl key, said that ulthough the Council had not met since the last meeting of the Brigade, he had seen lllr‘ Iteevo and other members who Were willing to act on the suggestion of the committee us for us the hose was concerned, hilt that with reference to the key, that was entirely IIIHlI‘l‘ the control of the trustees of the churc‘l. On motion the report was accepted. {\Ir. l'liiliu Mucklom was hnllotted for and necepl- ed a iiivmliur of the brigade. Several pel- soils were. proposed as apprentice firemen. and tile meeting adjourned. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. \V. 'I'rnuvh was the scene. of a very pleasant gntllering lust Friday evening, the occasion being the 30th ahniversnrv of their wv ddinr, as W0 l in the [murmur of their two youngest children. Sumn Hilda and Will Lawson.The lmptismul reremnuv was performed by Rev. Mr. Simp- son. after whiCh between fifty and sixty of their intimate friends Silt down to n suniptu. nus supper. A few hours were then spent in singing. music nod social intercourse, when the Visitors! withdrew 9ft. w Congratulating \lr. nud Mrs. Trench on their h’lppiness and [llf’nswnt surroundings. mid pronouncing blessings on tho baptised children. The evening was perhaps he more enjoyable from the f-inl. ih it hnlli tho. m-lliversilrv and the christening were ll surprise to thr- guests until Their arriv-il. “lo trust that a kind Providence will deal as gentlv towards the respected couple 1!] the future as it has in the past, in which case thev will be. still voun" ut. the anniversary of their Golden Wedding. PERSONALS. Mr. Gordon McLean has returned from Meeford. ' Mr S. S. Searle is spending a week Toronto with his relatives and friends. in Messrs. Hean Mi‘lnr and Mark Wilson are at preaent acting as Jui'ynlon in Toronto. Mr. Alex. Maokoume returned on Monday after a few rl‘ 5’ vacation in Toronto and anbton Mills. Mrs. Ran‘cv and Son. of London, are the guests of Mrs. Hewi-iml, and other rolutivas in the rilluge. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Salvage. of \Vond. stock, nrrived in the village lust. Saturng and purpow spending a week with their rel- atives here. Mr. John Pulmor, of this village, with his fleet-footed stoppers, De ulwood and May- fimwr, got second prize at the Toronto .lllx- bibitiou Inst. week. M'osrre. \l-x'snn Davis, Alex. Kirklnud find Willimo Ali-TnlllL-h‘in, of Woodstock. are Spending a few days at their old homes on the Hill. D E A 'I‘ ll s BENSONâ€"«In Richmond Hill. on Friiliw. SBp‘. 0th JNR'i. ll-irrr, youngest son of Mr. D. Benson, uged 5 years uni15 months. 00 AL. Soon as you here rend this for terms and i The undel'si‘ued intimnten to the public that he ms built a. coal house at lllllHMflNll HILL STATION l And is prepared to furnish all kinds of COAL AT LOWEST PRICES Nothing but first-clues roe] handled. and 2000 LBS. TO THE TON guaranteed. Those in the vicinity of Maple mar order at the station through my agent. MI. 060. Folster. Patronage Solicited. Now is the time to get your winter supply. \V .\l. R. PROCTU P. August 11th, 15574112 35,000 BOYS .__IN__ 'I‘UltUNTO,nnd more to followâ€"what an undertaking to sup,in them with (‘1,(H‘11 INC. \l'c don’t do it all, but we sell our share. (lur sales iii this dell trim....i double evcrv year, till now, at the sumllest calculation, we sell 10,000 Boys 841:5 .i rear. and we fully expect that. our sales this year will not full short of 20.0%. Nuts This seems it great deal, and some of you may reasonably doubt itâ€"neverthvlcss \u- ore prepared to prove our statements and show to the satisfaction of eVeryo..3 we do the largest trade in Boys‘ Clothing ill Canada. We'll try and tell you :â€" 'l‘ho$c little Sailor Suits at $1.50, that we never have enough of, come from owi- ; the senâ€"they could not be produced in this country for less than 33.50; inch the little Halifax Tweed Suits at $l.50 come. from the same quarter, and those parents who have bought. this line from us suv that it is it real pleasure to have boys “Lon they can be clothed so neatly and at such little cost. Again, England supph. s [fl-15¢ Corduroy Suits that never wear out, and remind old country people of their clnltl~ hood, playing about. the green lanes of their native village. GERMA N Y is away ahead ill plaitcd and fancy suits, and though their goods or.- not; quite as substantial as those of English or Canadian manufacture, they excl-l in (lt'Slgll and nobby styles. It is an extraordinary fact that amid the keencst competi- iion English manufacturers have ever maintained the highest: standard of dumlnlitv in their fabricsâ€"Avery often sacrificing style of qualityâ€"while the Geriiiznls SCUILI ti. pht their entire energy into design and style. forgetting that people require it. .ium- lilo as well as a. stylish garment. FRANCE sends us some of the finest: and prettiest suits. but the diffiCnhy with French Clothing is its enormous cunt: and unsuitable styles for Canadian trade. CANADA. Last. but not least. comes our own Country, and let it be said to lit-r cerlt that like the mother country, England, the standard of quality is maintained in her cloth manufacturers. We make up thousands of suits ourselves, employing hundreds of hands~ men and wmnen throughout the surroundingr conntry~1nlyiugout. in wages from 340.000 to $50,000, and inuny a little cottage in the suburbs has been paid for out of the logs of our employees,â€"«nnd now a Word about prices. that “'llcre do they all come ll‘utl. :lltV- Boys’ Blue Serge Suits, only 98c. Boys’ Brown Serge Suits, only 98c. Boys’ Halifax Treed Suits, only $1.50. Boys’ Sailor suits, only $1.50. Boys’ Corduroy suits, only $2.50. Boys’ Fancy Plaited suits. Boys’ Norfolk suits. Boys' Eaton, Harrow and Rugby suits. Boys’ Jersey suits. Boys’ Rubber Coats. Boys' Crash Coats and Vests. Boys’ Summer Clothing. And 1000 Gents’ Crash Coats & Vests at $2.50. Trail. TuniirnN it Sull’S, MAMMOTH HOUSE, KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. THE LEADING CARPET HOUSE] l Persons Furnishing or about to Furnish should Examiug our Immense Stock of Wiltons, Brussels. Tapestry AND KIDDERMINSTER CARPET?) ! I All our stock is new and choice, and puicllascd from the best English makers, pl‘CVIOLlS to the alelnCL: ill prices. - HOUSEKEEPERS Having at eye to business will make their purchases of \\'llitc and Grey Cottons, White and Grey Shootings, Pillow Cottons, Table Linens, Table Napkins, Towels, Towellings, ctc., etc., at our stores. Grey 85 White Cottons By the piece at close mill prices. Inspection invited, and if our prices are not lower than those of any other house in the city, don’t buy. Persons livâ€" ing at a distance of one or two hundred miles can save their railway fare and expenses on a pur- chase oftwenty-iive to fifty dollars. l ‘ _____...__ ., #_ IPETLEY & PETLEY, Kine; St. East, trio. the Market. . TORONTO.

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