551 per annum, in advance] VOL. X. W a “'7 350’ ,. .9, win: (intend IS PUllLZSHED EVERY _ THURSDAY EVENING AT FHE LIBERAL PRlNTlllG <9. PUBLESHIHG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. - â€" ONTARIO. r. McMAKDN, EDTDE and PROPRIETOR. Vâ€"ï¬n‘siiï¬crss CARDS attrition. Dr. James: Lnugsunfl. AND i’lr. .L A. ll’aiaiwr. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Ofï¬ce hour night culls at front door bell. 10 :1. iii Dr. “A . . “’ilson. Medalist Toronto i‘nivmsiti h'il‘ 1 r1 It‘o Plivsicinns & Surgeons, 011L,|lllle (It Stoufl’ville Youce Street. Iticliniond Hill. Oflice Hours to \u a. 111.. 5 to 8 p. in ilt‘llllll. nounnsmmo 033m, Richmond Hill. [lest fitting Teeth nimle. Nothing llllï¬l‘lol‘ in the and l.leiit.isti‘y. Prices 10W rind Vitalized Air used any time. VITJQ’LJZE?) £213 USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. SURGEON DENTIST Bhniikful for the favors of the past 20 yours may still be consulted in any brunch of the proâ€" 13551011.“.S follows; Aurora. 151:. 8th. 16th, and 22nd of ea-r‘h month Richmond Hill..... 9th and 24th tin mt the Palmer House) stoufl‘villo. 18th 10. Mirklimii ’Oth .10. Victoria Squn. do. f‘icriihill, “‘11 9 mac. 23rd do. \Vnodbridge 2811) do. Kloiuhurg.. “ï¬tli do N )‘>1eton.... .JOLh C \‘itzllized Air nlwnys on hand at appointments \Vorks like a. charm Free from vain. Address A common L.D.S..Aur01n om. l LAWRENCE Barrist & MILLIGAN. Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c.. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No. 14 Building 8: Loan Chambers. No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ceâ€"Rear of Central Bank. on Saturdays. _ 0â€â€" MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES _o__ T. C. MILLIGAN. l the o. G. P. LAWRENCE. Fullerton, Cook 1". Miller, BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS &c J FFICE : 18 KING S'IRI-ZET EAST, Tonon'ro. Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. J SFullarton, W Cook, J. R. Miller L3 PRIVATE FUNDS To LOAN. W H.111. MORI'IIY. SIDN,& (30.. Manufacturers porters of warms, Clocks, gcmcllrrg, @ilbcrmalt, nub Optical chhs. ' SPECTACLES FOR EVERY SIGHT. Mi Yonge Street. Next door to the new ArcadeTO R â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"__â€"_ Scottâ€"all Beck of Genetic! PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VIE-PRESIDENT SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS Chisholm, M. P. P.. H. P. Dwight. D. M. Muc- duuald, C. H. R0"i11>oli. A. McLean Howard. and J. Ginty. A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. SAVINGS DEPARTHENT, Deposits received at. (‘un-eiit Elites required. Drafts on 11.11 \llll‘ls of Canada. L'iiitcd States and Grant Britain. houzzht und sold lid Interest allowed thereon N.» notice of withdrawal -. 4.-. "w: 7 RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER ‘29, 1887. Ellfllllfll. RICHMOND HILL, financial &. General Agent. 11-10387 ilONEY i _l\lOl\EYl 1 A lurgc ninnuiit of PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN on fax 111 property. Interest low. Terms cosy. . No valuation or commission {cos chili-god, Apply to ' ' LAWRENCE 6; MILLIGAN, Barristers, etc. 15 Toronto St. Toronto. and Itichniond Hill. lticli'd Hill 16th April 18%. 6m. Bitiisrrllmumm. Salk-m [Sc-karat Licensed Auctioneer for tlieCounties of York Cuturioand l’ecl. Goods sold on consignment. General sides of stock. etc. promptly attended and [it relisoimbe rates. LAMBS M. LA‘YRENCE, Ma nagrr. tohc nindc. Cut this out and return to us and we will _ send you free, somch in: of ‘ grout vuluc 411d iinlu-riniiw t“ you. that \\ ill start you in llitslllt‘S‘S “l‘lt‘ll “in b‘ï¬lil‘; you in iiiorciiioncv in. “my Iliuu (\lr\'- (Wu. 1 ls .n the World. v ‘ czin do tn.» work dun nil 'es. 1 Son - wu") {1‘ . This 1 a Life risin n . 1" l L .L‘l 11‘. ill :..l t. to lit i'eusonuble rates. ‘1". 0.1nldrcss. UNIONVILLE. S. in. Brown. l’iiccnsedAuctirmeer for the (‘nuutv of York. re- sper‘tflllly solicits your paii-nnam- nntl frienle influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at rensounblcrutes. l’. 0 Address. Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. James lLStokcs. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. re- spectfully Solicits your patronage Mill friendly influence. Sales attended on the sLm‘test notice P. 0. address. King. N . J. Armstrong. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Suan attended on the shortest notioenud at rec.- ube rates. Address Stouffville I‘. O (I. R. 'I‘ENCH. Issuer of Marriage Licenses Ccunty of York. Ofï¬ce : [-0 Jarvis street. 'i‘uronto. Locus Richardson. Issuer of Marriage Licenses for the County 0 Yor RESIDENCE. MAPLE OXT THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Benj. BI-Illinger, Proprietor. Having reï¬tted the above House and furnish- ed it in ï¬rst-class style, I am prepared to give the public the best 0‘ accommodation. Excellent stubling and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A good livery in con- nection. Terms $1 nor duv. emu GENERAL lint. The undersigned haying taken possession of the above conimodious hotel will cheerfully cater to the comfcrt of the travelling public. llest brands of liquors and cigars. A11 attentive hustlerimd good stubling. Rooms for commer- cial travellers. GILNIO UR. Prop. penguin gum. Best Pic-Nic Grounds in the cmmtv. Good ï¬shing and boating. Every accommodation to boarders at reasonable prices. wm. BELL, Proprietor. fl. new. omen clerical... 158 note STREET EAST. TORCNTO Every accommodation to guestr. per day Board, $1.00 WIGHT BR 8, Undortakers a: Embamu-rs. Funeral Furnishings Always on II and can live at home. (ind make more money lit nor]. lui‘ 11.x. tliun lit anyâ€" thing also 111 this world. L‘npitxl not needed : you are sturicd free. Boll. SUXO>I 11.11 ages. Any one cull do the \Hll'k. Luruc 8W1 liinps sure iron) ï¬l'ot sturt. (‘05. ly outfit und terms fl‘ou. Butternut ill-luv. ('o is you iiotlzinu to an nd 11:. your mldicss 11nd find out . if \ou upâ€; \\l>'t' you will air so flb unce Il.HALI.1~1TT & ('0. Portliuid. Maine. llll Mir/em cocoon MISS FLORA BOULTER 15 Prepared to receive pupils. 11nd will give Music Lessons as formerly. 9‘ “2m 2. $1.95 ii: n 'n us .5â€. Eucgzjvccvnmv Our Toronto Letter. Any record of our doings in Toronfo during the last two \theksvw’lllltl not be complete without. mention of the Exhi- bition, which cumu to :1 close on the 17th of this month. The grant of ten thous- :ind dollurs from the Dominion Govern- ment no doubt helped the Directors to add to the number of its Rtll‘nctlmiu, and thus secure a. larger attendance; but the number and excellence of its exhibits and the general interest. that is shown, is al- most enliver due to the excellent. mau- uu‘ment that has ever characterized it. There has probably never been an exhi- lrilion in lull-ado. so largely attended. The sum of fifty-two thousand dollars taken :it the gates and for admission to the grand stund, will help the manage- ment to make it. even more Successful in the future. The movement to have the grounds enlarged is u good one and should he carried out. Some of our papers have taker. advantage of the occasion to urge the abolition of the Township Fairs which me so numerous throughout the province. Such n. course it appears to me Would be u. mistaken one. There may be instances where local jciilousies lmve caused divis- ions which it Were better did not. exist. but m- have few. if any. institutions which gives such a stimulus to general agricultural enterprise. Every farmer is llicic brought into direct Contact with his neighbor, who has no special advantage oier him, such as is possessed by the stock faumcrs who palrouim the larger exhibitions and Curry off moat of the prizes there, and he puts fort‘i every cf fort. in order that his horses, lilu cattle. his grain; or his roots may receive the highest. awards. His Wife endeavors to excel her friends in bread and butter making; his daughters Work early and late in order to attain the highest degree of perfection in fine arts and fancy Work, whilst ihe boys Work from one year‘s end to another to get into the best condition the colt or calf, which they call their own. in order that they may come out ahead of the one being mised by Bill Jones on the next concession, and which he intends to show in the some class. I can well remember how, when :1 boy at home on the farm, I used to spend every spare minute at. my disposal in working amount the manual \vurzel and cabbage-s thar I intended to show at our Township Ex- hibition in the Full; how proud L was when I saw the red ticket on both of my exhibits, and how I used to smud near them and lisleii to the admiring remarks of the possum-by. No city exhibition could ever create an interest like this. And it is in this particular that Township Fairs occupy a place which no others can ï¬ll. Next to the Exhibition. perhaps, that which has excited the greatest interest in the minds of our citizens uurlng the last few weeks is baseball. The Toronto club has, by a. >cries of almost unbroken vic~ tones. reached ï¬rst place in the race for the International League pennant. Such enthusiasm as was shown lit the two games played With the Newark club on the Toronto ground on Saturday, 17th inst. when the home club ï¬rst attained the lead, are seldom seen on that or any other ball ground. The eight thousand people presuiit seemed to go almost wild. they stood up on their seats and cheered and waved their hats and canes, whilst thousands of cushions were flung from the grand stand at the crowd in front and from the crowd back into the grand stand. 'I‘orontu in a. babe ball city. The Young Conservative Convention which was announced for the last exhi- bition week, turned out to be in every respect a lamentable failure. Although stated to be a provincial gathering, the attendance was. 1 am informed, less than one hunched. The young men of the city largely held aloof from it, while the party lenders, though in town during the first day’s proceedings, declined to attend the proposed banquet, which accordingly fell through. The resolutions pasxed Contained no new sentiment, hilt simply reaffirm the old party platform. It must be evident. to all that these old issues can arouse no enthusiasm among the young men of our country. Their day is past. New questions are rapidly coming to the front. And many young men are bold- lug back until the Commercial Union partyâ€"and that is the party of the future â€"â€"shall have tukon deï¬nite shape. At. the Convention no resolution regarding Commercial Union W115 sunniitt. d, and this gathering of young men scliarated Without expressing am opinion upon the livest question before the country to-dny. It may be interesting in this connection ti» know that at the Young Liberal Culi- rcntioii held in ’I'cronzo in September, 1885. a resolution declaring for Commer- cial Union out and out, was introduced, but voted down by a. small majority. By the death of Senator McMaster, Toronto has lost one of her best citizens. Ills was a IIUllSt’lIUld name throughout Ontario, :md I med not enter into his IilS’ Ty. Coming in Toronto a poor lad lla' \Fl-l'kied his way up until lIU became ill bill. ly Elle )BQ.L.ILLA°‘ lliclcliulit of fury ‘ business portion of the place. province. Realizing what. too many of us full to comprehend, that we are placed here to 1181‘. for the good of alltho abilities and menus at our disposal, lie dcthed a large pur'iiill of his time and wealth to tho promotion of christian work and the dissemination of education throughout our luml. SENEX ~74.oâ€"~â€"â€"â€" NEWSJ'LEMS. Hon. \Villimn McMasler, of Toronto, died suddenly at his residence on I’lloor St. lust. Thursday morning. Ho was ad- dressing an audience in McMuster Hull the previous evening, when he became faint, and remained in an unconscious state for a, short time. He was 76 veiirs of age and was one of Toronto's most useful and respected citizens. Tliu town of Gruvenliurat was visited by a. destructive ï¬re on Thursday night of last week. The ï¬re broke out in a. foundry, and burned the Whhle of the Late re- ports give 1.119 losses at more than $500,~ (>00. Active measures are beingy taken to extend aid to the destitute sufferers, and contributions amounting to several thousand dollars have ‘already been re- ceived. The Ontario Government has grantci 810(10 for the sufferers. and the Toronto (7in Council $400. The body of Thomas Campbell, of Durham. County of Grey, who was sup posed tn have been drowned in the To- ronto bay in the recent collision be- tween the Gertrude, the Queen City and the Sadie, \Vus fnunll on Friday afternoon lust about two o’clock. The dead body was brought ashore and taken to the Morgue, and ltlelltll’lt‘d by his father, Quinteu Campbell. A sum of money, a. ullVel‘ watch, a return railway ticket from Durham to Toronto, and several other articles were found in the pockets of de. ceased. The authorities are proceeding with (lie inquest. Rev. F..tlier Slieehan. of Pickering, had a desperate encounter with burglars last Thursday night. Having effected an entrance tliruugli a. cellar window the robbers raliszicked the hollse, but finding nothing to suit them, they made their Way to Father Slieelnin's bed rooiii,wliicl1 they found locked. He asked what they wanted. 'l‘hey answered, “Your money or your life.†He not his six barrelled revolver, and told them he Would shoot the first who entered the room. Immeâ€" diately the door was burst open. Shots Wure then exchanged from both sides, but Without eff-ct. After the ï¬rst. shot, Father Sheehan’s rev'ilver refused to go off. He then jumped through the bed room window, which was 20 feet from the ground. Fortunately be lit on his feet, and soon aroused the neighbors, but no trace has since been found of the des- peradues. He says he would not be able to identify the parties. . Pour HOPE, 0NT.. May 2nd. 1887 I was a. sufferer from a long standing case of catarrli, and being well up in years (72) llzlldly expected to ever obtain anything that Would give me material or poiinaiieiit relief. At the time of recov- iiig Nasal Balm I Was very bzid with cutarrli,but take great pleasure iii stating that on the secmid application I obtained Wonderful relief and its effect was pleas- ant, soothing mid healing. It acted like magic and is worth ten times its cost. for the immediate relief it giVes. 1 fuel con- fident the second bottle will effect. d. per- manent cure. I have recommended Nasal Balm for cold in the head and in every case it acts like a charm. Yours truly, T' \V. HUNT. __-_._Qo Maple From our own Correspondent. On Sunday night. a Woman named Ann Morrison, who lives between the 6th and 7th Cons. of Vaughan. was robbed. The robber effected an entrance through the kitchen, and seizing the Woman in her bed demanded her money. and after searching he found it between the ticks of the bed. He got away with about $400 in c4311, besides a. number of notes amd balm I‘Pcelpls, somewhere in the neighborhood of $1,600 She is able to describe the thief, and in Consequenco he may be found. rl‘he woman lived all alone. Air. Jo“. McQuarrie. a student of Knox Collr‘gc, who has spent this last summer in Muskoka Distiict doing missinn Work in behalf of the Presbyterian Church, re- turned home last \Verlx' ill, and since then has been very low. We are glad to hear he is iniurovmg. Rev. Jas. Pearen has had a water gauge rent him, and is expected In give an ac- count of the quantity of water [hut falls during the year. \Vouds, the butcher, is having lllSllUllSe blick~cluddiad. \Vullicl' Bros. the job. In the. suit of Mull ilitlil rs Mullen“, Oliver 11.1 d J15. 31.1.1 n l".t l"‘ll t‘l‘ fll1l'il the latter for \vns given for the Lil. have lz‘lll lili‘llllw. l_lll| hi hi; iv." ‘ Temperanceville. From our own Correspondent Mr. J. Fisher has sold his farm to Mrs Roberts, of L’Anmroux, for 83,708, We have not heard where Mr. Fisher is going to live. Mr. J. Fleury. 312, has purchased the house and lot now occupied by Mr. Lewis from Mr. J. Fulliott for $500. We un- derstand that Mr. Lewis intends moving to Richmond Hill this full. 011 \Veducsduy, the 14th inst“, Mr. Gilbert FolliottJ 3.11 old and much respect- ed resident, died. He was , interred in tho new cemetery near Spriiigliill; his Wia the first burial in the grounds. 0-1 Sunday night the curs ran over and killed :1 mare and colt belonging to Mr. C. Whitney. (Too late for last issue.) It is our sad and painful duty to round another death this week, that of Frank Cain, who died on Smidziy,tlie 25th inst, and was buried in the Aurora cemetery on the following Tuesday. He was near- ly 18 years of zlge. We believe his ex- perience is “to die is gain.†M r. W'illiam Love, son of the late Jno. Love. who went. in Manitoba about eight years ago, was accidentally shot while out llUIl'JllL! with some companions, and died from the wounds. He was well known in these parts. Mr. and Miss Beynon, of Brampton, and Miss Webb, of Toronto, have been the guests of Mr. J. Reyuun during the past week. Mrs. Love, widow of the late Robert Love, of Mount Forest, formerly of this place. spent u. few days this Week visiting old friends. Absolutely Pure. This powder never \‘ul‘lOS A marvel of purity. strength and wlzulesnmeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test.short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold nan in cans, nRuvAL BAKING POWDER Co., 106 Wall street. N. Y . East hnlfof Lot 15, 8th Con. “'hitchurcll, conâ€" mining 100 iii-res, about Bu or 90 cleurcd; Emul clay loam. 'I'iwI burns. and good frame dwelling. 113 stories. Gou'lpunip and well. Farm in ï¬ne condition. A 1 to pp y WM ECKARDT. or to 50 Church St. The Liberal Ofï¬ce, Toronto Richmond Hill. &ti’ COAL. The undersigned iutimntes to the public that he nus built it coal house 1).! BIBHMOND HILL STATION I And is prepared to furnish all kinds of ' COAL AT LOWEST PRICES Nothing but firstrclusn coal handled. and 2000 LBS. TO THE TON :zurmi ntc-ml. Those in the vicinity of Mxiple may order at the station through my Ii;,‘(‘lli. Mi. Go... Folbtm; PdLl'UlliLm’L‘ Solicitcll. Now is the tune to get your winter supply. WM. PROCTOP. l A iii‘n \' t'le unH tlu 1:1‘ ll’ ..., ry 1., . t . I In: