EDGAR BARTDN'S FATE (COXCLUDEDJ "\Vel], well ; perhaps I’m wrong.†he ejaculated -. “then perhaps, too, it was folly â€"sheer folly to dream of Lucy s becomingâ€"â€" There, I mu t endeavour to forgetâ€"to for- get. What ! abandon literature, for my peace of mind's sake? \Vhy you simple young man, you, I've a three vol. novel all but ï¬nished. 1 don’t mind telling you that it’s not all my own invention, notwithstand- ing that however, it is likely to prove a suc‘ cess. Still sceptical? Never mind; I pur- don your short-sightedness. Sit; down there ani I’ll tell you a plan I've formed.†1 u ""' .v v ------ .1 -v--~ " - “I tell you he is a very demon,’ returned Edgar Barton. ,“He Wishes to crush my future happiness; hasn’t be offered to pro- cure me a berth as a scientiï¬c drudqe? Why has he done this ? For my good. Pisli ! He has contrived it so as to keep me out of literature. Hark to me,†he Went on, grasp- ing the sides of his chair, while his eves seemed starting from theirsockets, “Charles Thornton, hark to me, for fame, money, and troops of friends are before you. Aid me, and they are yours. Help me to avenge the 'insults which that man Bickers has heaped upon me.†Here his hand clutched my wrist, as bending forward he whispered in my ear ; “Help me to remove him.†i ("KW ~ u"1 v w “Thornton,†lie \w-nt on, “you've done me not a few friendly terms ; you’ve well earned the conï¬dence which I now repose in you. I've discovered how to make per- petual motion, and intend to make it super- cede steam in railway engines. I do ! More, Ive found out how 1 can transmute lead in- to gold. A fact ; I give you my honor. I've something else, too, that will astonish them; I’ve a scheme by which I can produce at least a thousand pounds’ worth of diamonds daily. I have 2 From a. saturated solution of carbon in carbonic acid, coupled with black lead mixed with another contrivauce, I can manufacture diamondsâ€" ave, and dia- monds of the ï¬rst water, too 1 You shall be my partnerâ€"we will share our gains to the uttermost farthing. But you must aid me in my planâ€"which is this ; I‘ve planned, and I wish very much to tear the flesh from Mr. Bicker’s throat.†“Barton, I entreat you to calm yourself," I interposed. “Your eyes are getting blood- shot ; could you see your face. its awful ex- pression would appeal you. Mr. Bickers is a. kindly, manly fellow.†r v . , He forced me mto a char, rolled up a paper cigar, and resumed : n v 1,,, “What do your words bode? Do you mean remove him by murdering him ‘3" “Yes,†he said, “I do.†“Only you might have used a prettier word.†I said. “Remove him !†He chuckled. Doubtless he believed that I was willing to aid himâ€"that I was dazzled by his vague promise of “fame, money, and troops of friends.†‘ “You wish to know mv plan of opera- tion? Good. You see,†he continued, “that acid bubbling there? Good again. Well, that is fluoric acid. Ah, I see you don’t know what that means. Hear, then and exult. Fluoric acid will utteer dis- organise and destroy human flesh. \\'ith a full day and tact at our command that acid could he made to consume a human body,de- stroying every trace, so devouring is its nature. These are my plans: Herr Gutt- man andâ€"andâ€"Lucy, Miss Guttman, will be away from home to-morrow night, proh~ a.ny to a late hour ; they are going, as you know, to a supper-party, and dancing will abound. You decoy Bickers here. I’ve concocted a. scheme by which [can get rid of the servant; I’ve written her a letter sup- posed to have come from her mother’s doctor, in which character I’ve begged her to use all speed in seeking her parent’s bedside, as said parent is dangerously ill. \Vhat think you of that for a bait, eh? 0h, it’ll work beautifully. †"-JA'g‘h-ayst auid hzrror-stricken, I grasped the back of my chair and held it tight; then I stifled my terror and contempt, and answer- ed : Presently, after Barton had examined his boots very attentively, he turned his blood- shot eyes to me again. What could I say ‘3 \Vhat could I think? It is true I thought very little; but the idea. constantly presenting itself to my mind was this: Was the man mad? “NE; l" I shoutedâ€"nay, screamed; for I felt thatI possessed the courage of a. little woman, and the strength of a lion, just then. Neither courage nor strength, however, were required, for Barton buried his head in his arms, iseerniggly ]_ost in} pairlful thought: “You won’t betray me,†he said. “Per- haps, thou b, you are Willing to aid me. Willyoga'i me?†Soon a'footfallehs heard 6n the atairafand Tom Garth, his animal spirits in the ascend- ant, entered ï¬ge _room. __ “Barton, old boy ; Thornton, old brick; Sharpgad’s accepted my burlesque. What dost think of that, eh? Sulky, are you? Pall ! Likewise, bosh! Also fudge ! Come downstairs, old fellow.†I was the “old fellow,†and also the in- dividual who was asked to go below §tairs. I went with Tom Garth and thus escaped Barton‘s importunities. True, I thought the man mad ; but had he not better be placed under lock and k0}? He was in good sooth dangerous. I was certain he was dangerous. “'hat had best be done? \Vhilst revolving this matter in my mind, I heard the street-door opened, and present- lyyas fal‘mlfiqg‘yaplds with Waltgr Bickgrfs. {Should I téll him of Barton’s terrible words? Really, I hadn‘t the chance, for Bickers stopped not in the house two min- utes, However, on the following day we heard that Barton had packed up his traps, and left the house for good. Three weeks after- wards we heard of him as conï¬ned in aluna tic asylum. I regretted that so clever a mindâ€"for he was cleverâ€"had been over- thrown. Very sad was I for some days ; but something had happened which was emi~ nently calculated to make me glad. Lucy had consented to become my wife. And it was at our happy wedding, while solacing ourselves with the good things of a marriage feast, when Tom Garth’s genial humour and quaint suggestions compelled us to hold our sides, that we heard of Barton’s breaking loose from the asylum, and, conse- quent on that, his death. His housekeeper, who brought the terrible tidings,also brought Edgar Barton’s confession, wet and pulpy, and a. note addressed to myself. The letter was a curious, though sad combination of deï¬ance and sorrow, and the confession was couched in. “3 following tcims ; MY CONFE srox. On this my last day upon earthâ€"the day of my Irrepressible Resolve, denied the pow- er (f sleep, unable to eat, tortured by 9. tier ribly keen conscience, heart.in sick at soul, weary of life. eager for death. I, Edgar Bar- ton, make afull confession (f my treachery, my basoness, my cnme ! . . ..u Talent ?â€"Pah ! I possessed, and still pos- sess, a certain amount of talent. And what has accrued from the possession? Misery ; a. hell-ï¬re brain ; and a. wasted life. . I had written a novelâ€"well, perhaps “com- piled a. novel†would be a better term : it certainly possesses more of truth. What came of it? Nothing came of it; nothing at all but chagrin and disappointment. 7L! 4, Soon I found myself in the street and walking at a. quick pace, bound for Clerken- well, where my sister resided and carried on the business of a. gold and silver reï¬ner. The lateness of the hour (it was seven o’clock) I regarded as favorable to my plan ; her assistant would have gone home long before I arrived. I reasoned, and I should have my sister all to myself. I sat me down to think. At length, after much thought, I resolved that I would see my sisteE, gome_what rhjght. 1 0n the dify following {lie evening on which Ileit Herr Guttman, 1 sought and obtained a lodging at: Fulham. I now set about conx pleating and revising my novel, previously to submitting it to a. decent publishrr, Cer minly, ‘ thought I should awake one morn- ing and ï¬nd mysn If famous, and Withil ï¬nd a. heavy cheque swailing me at my put- lishers. Dreams !â€" nothing but dreams! II: was not to be. I wrote to an eminent publisher about my novel :und received for reply that he would take upon himself the publication. providing his readers thought well of it. He further informed me, by way of crushing my hopes, that I must advance thirty or forty guineas for advertisements, etc. Thirty guineas! why, thirty pence just then was a sum almost beyond my means But, then, my work was certain to meet with suceess ; could I borrow the sum from anyone. No. That thought was stifled as soon as born. My sister was the only Wealthy friend that I possessed, and we had quarrelled in the times gone by ;so that, there was not the slightest hope in that quarter. However, I determined on having the money by fair means or foulâ€"probably foul. _ _ I found her in the back shop ; a. ï¬veinch meltingpot full almost to the brim with broken trinkets and gold watchcases, was in the furnace nearest to the door, in front of which (the furnace) my sister stood; ram- ming doWn the coke and “ banking up†the crucible. “ I am scarcely glad to see you, Edgar, †she said coldly ; and then added : “ I sup pose it‘s a strait that brings you to me. You swore terrible oaths that you would never look on me again. Have you a retentive memory ‘3 You used to have, or have you forgotten your resolve ? Ah, well l†she continued, seeing my contrite look and dowucast eyes : “I suppose you’re ‘ hard up‘ or low down, poor stupid boy ; I won‘t rake up the past. Shake hands with me, Edgar." I gave her my hand ; she grasped it warmly. “ Go into the front shop,†she resumed :you’ll ï¬nd the Times there. I'll come and hear what you have to say when I’ve taken this crucible out, in half an hour, or thereabouts, that’ll be." Seated in the front shop, with the Tinus spread open before me, surrounded by that which Imost did lackâ€"moneyâ€" my thoughts flew back to the time when ambition (User my and scientiï¬c) was foreign to my nature, when passionâ€"I was ever passionate to a. terrible extentâ€"allowed no room for any- thing but moroseners, and uncharitable feel- ings to all. y 1 y n‘! 7‘ Edgar, will you give me a. hand here '3 †came forth from the back shop and roused me from my reverie. I conjectured that my sister wanted me to close the furnace door while she poured the boiling metal into the skillet; or that, tak- ing advantage of my presence, she‘d re quest me to remove the crucible myself. My latter guess proved correct. Well, I removed the crucible, and the skilletâ€"one which held twenty ouncesâ€"was speedily ï¬lled. My sister half drew back the furnace door. “ \Vell, Edgar, why have you sought me?†she asked. I told herâ€"that is, I asked her to loan me a. sum of money. Uselessâ€"quite uselcss 1 She was obdurate. Hot words ensued. She called me a. shal- low-brained boy; she stigmltised me a ne’er‘ do-well, and that: set my brain on ï¬re. I was standing by a. barrel of “ flux †(a compound of pearlash and salt), and I seized a. handful and threw it full in her face. It must have all but blinded her. I then grip- ped her by the back of the neck,and dragged her to the furnace, and held her over the glowing coke. '2 She “neither screamed. nor spoke, nor struggled. From the moment when, blinded with rage and passion, I had dashed the pearlash and salt in her eyes, she had seemed paralysed. Seemed paralysed! Great Heaven ! she was dead now, dead ! I laid her down before the furnace, and wiped the sweat: from all my face,and bathed my forehead with water. This done, I looked about; me. My senses were terribly acute then. I was a murderer ; I felt my- self a. murdererâ€"knew thatI was for ever branded with the mark of Cain. Oh, the terrible force of that feeling 1 And ’twas then I felt how sweet life Wasâ€" {elt, too, that with a. little strategy I could save my neck and ï¬ll my pockets with money at the same time. Besides, what if my sister had made her will in my favour? If made at all, I felt con- vinced that she had. Pah 1 my life was far above wealth. ([ thought life sweet, and clung to it ; but, ah me, if I had only lain myself a corpse beside my sister'theu 3) What ghould I do with her ?â€"how remove the traces of my crime? Quick! for as my thoughts rushed through nxy.bra.in I longed and yearned to fly the placeâ€"to get away from my horrible work. A bootless wish ! Conscience had begun to prick and sting me ; my own punishment was being wrought by my own conscience. 'Ne'ver. before that day, in a. life of terrible vicissitude, of much suffering, of many dan- gers, had I felt the power of fee‘ing which then possessed me. I sfood aghast at what I had done. I exâ€" perienced a yearning to press that ominous- ly still form to my breast, to smother that horribly charred face with kisses. I felt I loved my sister then. Say what you will, I felt aflection for her. I felt, I tell you, that which I’d never felt beforeâ€"a. desire to act, literally, a brother’s partâ€"a desire which now can only equal my lcrgirg for death. All had happened so suddenly ; I could scarcely realize my act. Ilived my whole life in that little span of time. Far 3 mo- ment I tried to deceive myself. Only for a. moment, fora. smell of something burning made me start round. The cluthing of the corpse was on ï¬re. Nervinp myself, 1 seized a can of water from the sink, drew my sis- ter’s dead body away from the furnace, and saturated the upper part of her (lnss. Then I drew four Inns of the furnace, pressed the coke down. and dragged the door ofl", and threw a gallon of water on the red-hot coke â€"und ran. Why this act? VVel‘, you see, 1 naturally wished it to appear that my sister’s death had been caused by the water coming in contact with the glowing coke; and the As I reached the door of the room, I shud- dered and trembled, and my teeth began to chatter. Turning about, I clutched at the banisters, and went unsteadin down the stairs, and quickly sought the street. On the evening of the next day the papers were full of the “Terrible Catastrophe in Street, Clerkenweil." And the jury's verdict proved to be the one that I'd con~ trived for ; they agreed that my sister had met her death by means of an accident. ‘ . Her money mid possessions were willed to me fast enough ; and I became a, rich man. And, ah me, at wiiabacost. I furnished me a. house, and published my novel ; and lost eight guineas sterling by its publication. _ They tried to prove me mad. They did at They tried to provevme mad. They did at length. But I escaped them, yes, I escaped them. Hurrah 1 All glory to the power of brain. Stay ! What did I say? Brain ? Why, cunning and scheming have been my ruinâ€"my curse ! My staggering' hurry increased at each stride. I, as it were, struggled through the groups I met on the pavement, like one folâ€" lowed by a demon. I felt mad; my brain reeled; live things seemed running about inside my brain. I have no money now. My last fourpence which I got for a. pair of shears I stole from the asylum, purchased me the paper whereon I write, and a pint of coffee which I am now drinking in a ï¬lthy coifee-house in Rather- hlthe. iusre succeeded I SuEh is tHe short-sighted ness of a. coroner’s jury. _ I sought the rocm on the second floor, where I knew the contents of the till were kept ; my object being, of course, to enrich myself somewhat. Luckily, I found the key in the safe. I took of gold and foreign gold and silver coin, in all, about twenty pounds’ worth. Leaving the safe as I had found itâ€" lighter by twenty sovereigns, of courseâ€" with the key in the lock, I turned on my heel and prepared to leave the house, 1 u I placed my sister’s body in a line with the furnace, so as to suggest that she had fallen dead from the catastrophe, which would suggest itself pretty forcibly, I thought. Substquently I ï¬xed a small tin-pail (used for ‘ washing’ gold lace) in a position to infer that its upsetting had ceased the disaster; and then I left the body lying there. Ah, well ! it is all over now. And I don’t know who’s got my money. Nor do I care. I hate it; every coin had a. demon's face, each one glared at me ; they drove me wild. Before another hour or two I shall be away from the sight of human faces. They all seem to glare at me; they all seem to re proach meâ€"every one. I cannot run away from my tortured brain; hence my resolve to cast my body in the river. (Signed) EDGAR BARTON. He effectually carried out his resolve. For, three days subsequent to the date of his con- fession, his body was found among the wind- ings pf the River Themes, for below bridge. The coroner was apprised of his duty, the jurors were summoned, and the verdict of “ suicide whilst in a. state of unsound mind" was given; and thus the matter ended, as far as therequirementsoflawwere concerned. Mr. Bickers paid the expenses of the funeral ; but not a soul could be persuaded to follow the remains of Edgar Barton to the grave. Had the above confession, taken wet and pulpy from the breast pocket of the de- ceased, never been deciphered, he would have had a. very different burial. Was he mad? That question had been fre- quently repeated, but never yet has a. satis- factory reply been given. If this manuscript is published, perhaps the reader may deter- mine. This I decided long ago : that Edgar Barton‘s Fate points the lesson that even in this world there is no such thing as unpun- ished crime, for that crime is its own pun ishment. The American Inter-State Com- merce Bill. Speaking of the efl’ects of this bill a writer says :â€"Every day brings developments that show how difï¬cult a matter it is to es- tablish any arbitrary rules governing inter- state commerce, which while working satis- factorin in one direction will prove disast- rous in another. This is illustrated in the new schedule on wool; by this the freight is raised from 6% cents to $4. 56 per hundred from California, which places the wool mer- chants of that State in a quandary. The Wool crop of that State last year was about 40,000,000 pounds, of which about 34,000,- 000 pounds were shipped east. The crop this spring is 25,000,000 pounds, and the dealers have fears that they will have the entire stock on their hands. Similar effects are produced in other di- rections. The object of our Inter-State Commerce bill should be to prevent un- reasonable exactions from one class more than another ; for the protection ‘ of the rights of a. small shipper in competition with a large one. This was probably the intention of the bill, but in its operations is found to be quite oppressive. Productive labor should be encouraged, but it is poor encouragement, when national legislation is such as to wholly preclude the idea. of ship- ment. If commoditics are cut off from ex- change by exorbitant freight rates, then in- dustries are to a great extent crippled. Who have tried Polson’s Nerviline, the great pain remedy, is, that it is never-failing in pain of every description. Neuralgia, toothache, cramps, pain in the stomach, and kindred complaints are banished as if by magic. Rapid and certain in operation, pleasant to take, Nerviline stands at the very front rank of rem<dies of this class. A trial bottle may be purchased for 10 cents, a. very small amount in any case; but the best expenditure you can make, it a. sufferer from any kind of pain, is a. 10 or 25 cent bottle of Nerviline at druggists and country dealers fasteur has beeuTnade aBaron by the Emperor of Austria. If a crazy man is called a. maniac why shouldn’t a crazy girl be called a. girliac ‘2 The opinion of All man. But unfortunately for Bulliot. St. Swithin was not true to his character. For the ï¬rst twenty-one days of the stipulated time more or less rain fell. The twenty- second day, however, was bright and cloud- less, and night came on without there be- ing the slightest sign of rain. Bulliot was ruined, and ruined so completely that he was unable to meet the notes and bills that bore his name. The holders of these tried to enforce payment; but the ancient law did not recognize debts of this kind any more than does the law of modern days. They were accordingly non-suited, and their debts declared irrecoverahle. In the early part of the present century sporting men were fond of betting on the duration of the lives of celebrities. Na.- poleon l. was especially the subject of these wagers. It is related that, at a dinner party in 1809, Sir Mark Skyes offered to pay any one who would give him a hundred guineas down a guinea a day so long as Napoleon lived. The offer was taken by a clergyman present; and for three years Sir Mark paid him 365 guineas per annum. He then thought that he had thrown away enough money, and disputed further pay- ment. The recipient, who was not at all disposed to lose his comfortable annuity, brought on action, which, after lengthy litigation, was decided in favor of the baronet. A foreign prince staying in Paris made a heavy bet with a. member of the Imperial Club that heâ€"the princeâ€"would in the course of the next two hours, be arrested by the police without committing any offence or provoking the authorities in any fashion. The way he won his wager was by dressing himself in a tattered old blouse, a pair of mouldy boots full of holes, and a disrepu- table burlesque of a hat. Thus attired he walked up to one of the most aristocratic cafes in Paris, and seating himself at a table called for a cup of chocolate. The waiter, as was only natural, did not care about serving so suspicious looking a cus- tomer before he was assured the payment would be forthcoming, so he told the prince that he must pay in advance. Upon this his highness pulled a bundle of bank-notes out of his pocket, and picking out one of considerable value, told him to take the price of the cotlee out of it and bring back the change. The man immediately went in search of the proprieter of the cafe, who, when he had heard the facts of the case, ordered the colfee to be served, and at the same time sent to the nearest police station for a sergent de ville. The prince was, of course arrested, and taken before a. commis- sary of police. He announced his rank, and told his reasons for assuming such an unprincely costume. The authorities were obdurate at ï¬rst, but they ï¬nally consented to send the prince under escort to the Im- perial Club, where the gentleman with Whom the bet had been made proved his identity, and paid his highness the money he had fairly won. Vieuxtemps, the well-known violinist, used to tell a. strange story of a. wager which he averted he had reslly witnessed whilst on a. visit to London. It was to the effect that one day. as he was walking across London bridge, a. poor wretch jumped up on to the parapet and leaped down into the river. There was at once a. rush of eager spectators, and a voice shouted : “ I‘ll bet he drowns !†“ Two to one he’ll swim ashore l†“ Done!†Meanwhile, Vieuxternps had hastened to get a boat, and was rowing with & watermaito the rescue of the unhappy creature, who was floundering about and just managing to keep afloat. As they reached him and were pre- pared to pull him into the boat, there was a. roar from the bridge: “ Leave him alone, there is a. bet on i†The Waterman immedi- ately lay on his oars, refusing to make any further attempt to save the drowning man, and Vieuxtemps saw him‘vsink before his very eyes. A wager was made in 1806 in the Castle Yard, York, between Thomas Hodgson and Samuel Whitehead as to which should suc- i ceed in assuming the most singular characâ€" ter. Umpires were selected, whose duty it was to decide upon the comparative absurd- ity of the costumes in which the two men appeared. On the appouited day Hodgson came before the umpires decorated with bank notes of various value on his coat and waistcoat, a row of ï¬ve-guinea. notes and a. long netted purse of gold around his hat, whilst a piece of paper bearing the words “John Bull†was attached to his back. Whitehead was dressed like a woman on one side, one-half of his face was painted and he wore a silk stocking and slipper on one leg. The other half of his face was blacked. to resemble that of a negro; on the corresponding side of his body he wore a gaudy, long-tailed linencoat and his leg was cased in half a pair of leather breeches with a. boot and spur. One would have fancied that W hitehead must have presented by far the most singular appearance. The umpires thought dilferent, however, and awarded the stakes .to Hodgson. A someth similar bet was one made in relation to the master of the revels to George 11., named Heidegger, Whose ugliness it was declared impossible to surpass. One of the courtiers wagered that he should produce some one who should be pronounced uglier than Heidegger. He was allowed a few days SOHE Cl'RIOS \VAGERS. in which to unearth his champion, and it; is said than he employed them i personally ransacking the worst slums ' London. Somewhere in St. Giles he (on an old wo- man whom he tLought sufï¬ :ie tly plain to confront Heidegger. \Vhen the two were put fdue to face, the judges said it was im- possible to decide uhich of them was en- titled to bear the proud title of “ ugliest be- ing in London.†Ac ourtier, hOWever, sug- gested that Heidegger should put: on the old womnu’s honner,‘ This he did, and the additional ugliness it gave him was such that he was unanimously declared the win- ner. A notorious gambler of the last: century ï¬nally ruined himself by a. very extraordin- ary bet. He had been playing “ith Lord Lorn ; their stakes had been very high and luck had gone steadily against him. Exas- pemted at: his losses, he jumped up from the card-table and, seizinga large punch- bowl, said: “ For once I’ll have a bet where I have an equal chance of winning! Odd or even for ï¬fteen thousand guineas ?†“ Odd,†replied the peer ca‘nily. The bowl was dashed against the wall, and on the pieces being counted there proved to be an odd one. The rash gambler paid up his ï¬fteen thousand guineas, but, if tradition be correct, it was only by selling the last of his estates that he was enabled to do so. Some years ago a. gentleman made a heavy bet that he would stand for a. day on London bridge with a. tray full of sovereigns fresh from the mint which he would dispose of at a. penny apiece. A nursemaid bought one to quiet a. crying child, but no more were disposed of. No, “ Anxious Mother.†Patti has no babies. The family have decided that they can’t afford it. When they realized that it would cost the youngster ï¬ve hundred dol- lars every time he wanted his mother to sing him to sleep, cash up to the door or no concert, they decided that no baby could stand it without mortgaging the nursery and ï¬ttings. The foundation of all happiness is health. A man with an imperfect; digestion may be a millionaire, may be the husband of an angel and the father of half a dozen cherubs, and yet be miserable if he be troubled with dyspepsia, or any of the disorders arising from imperfect digestion or a. sluggish liver. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Purgative Pellets are the safest and surest remedy for these mor- bid conditions. Being purely vegetable, they are perfectly harmless. Adelina. Patti has been engaged to sing for Mapleson at £917 per night, twice a. week fcr six months, each night paid in ad- Vance. “ Then let the moon usurp the rule of day. And winking tapers show the sun his way ; For what my senses can perceive, 1 need no revelation to believe.†Ladies suffering from any of the weak- nesses or ailments peculiar to their sex, and who will use Dr. Pierce‘s Favorite Prescrip- tibn according to directions, will experience a. genuine revelation in the beneï¬t they will receive. It is a. positive cure for the most complicated and obstinate cases of leucor< rhea, excessive flowing, painful menstruaâ€" tion, unnatural suppression, prolapsus, or falling of the womb, weak back, “female weakness,†anteversion, retroversion, bear- ing-down sensations, chronic congestion, in- flammation and ulceration of the womb, in- flammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries, accompanied with “ internal heat." Lord Salisbury is the only member of the British Cabinet who has grown fatter. He has gained four popnds. Thousands of mites follow the use of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. 5‘.) cents. The contribution box recently passed around a. large and fds'uionable congregation at Canterbury Cathedral contained fourteen shillings. A Book of Instruction and Price List on Dyeing and Cleaning, to be had gratis by calling at any of our ofï¬ces, or by post by sending your address to R. Parker & 00., Dyers andCieaners, 759 to 7133 Yonge St., Toronto. Branch ()ï¬icea: 4 John St. N., Hamilton ; 10) Colborne Sh, Brantford. Paul Du Ghaillu has gone to St. Peters- burg to suudy some bronze ornaments lately found on the Balulc, supposed to belong to the Vikings, about, whom M. Du Chaillu is an aubhoxity. Mrs. John W. Mackay is having a. cloak made from the breasts of bids of paradise. These cost 30 shillings each, and about 500 birds will ne necessary. Whenever your Summon or Bowel: gal out of or- der, causing Biliousneu, epsln, or Indigestion, and their attendant ovila. ha a ab once a dose of Dr. various Stomach BiSters. Best tunlly medicine, All Dmgzistl. 50 cents. People who are subject to bad breath, foul coated tongue, or any disorder of the S‘omuch, can as once '09 relieved by using Dr. Carson's Smmflch Bitters, aha old and tried remedv. Ask your Drugzlan. The Princess of \Vales has a large number of ï¬ne diamonds for putting in the centres of flowers after the latter have been fashion- ed to her dress. The effect is very brilliant. 10mm MEN suffering from uhe enema at early evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, who ï¬nd themselves weak, nervous end exhausted ; also Mu)- nu-som and 0m: Max who are broken down tram the eï¬ects of abuse or over-work, end in advanced We [eel the consequences of youthfulexcees, send for u d run) M. V. Lubon's Treatise on Diseases cl Men. The book will be sent sealed to any address on recelph 0! two 30. stamps. Address M. V. LUBON, 47 Welling- ton Se. E. Toronto Ont On Sunday last Monsignor Persico, the Papal envoy to Ireland, preached in the Kilkenny cathedral. \Vhen he reached Ireland in the beginning of the summer he could not speak a. word of English. The Sporting Record, In Book form, contains a correct record of the FAST- nsr Tum and best performances in all DEPARTMENTS or SPORT, Aquatic and Athletic periormances, Bil- liard, Racing and Trotcing records. Baseball, Cricket, Lacrosse, etc. Price 6c. stamps taken. Address all orders to THE RECORD, 50 Front St. East, Toronto, Canada, Room No. 15. While Sir Salaar Jung, who is a. Mussul- man, was visiting Droitwich, for the baths, be celebrated the Mohammedan festival of Zoha. The ceremony was mainly the slaughter of a. goat by his own hands. The flesh was distributed among the English poor. Catarrh, Catarrhal Deaï¬ress and Hay Fever. Suflerere are has generally aware that these diseases a ‘e contagious, or that they are due to the presente 03 living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustnchinn tubes. Microscopic research. howeverI has proved this to be n tact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been formulated whereby catnrrh, eaten-ha] deafness and hay (ever are Cured in from one to three simple applicatione made at home. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment in acne tree on receipt 0: stamp by A. H. Dixon & Son, 308 King Street West Toronto. Canada. Free! Free H F18)! Happiness. ll!