Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Sep 1887, p. 8

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Stoves of all Kinds & Sizes. Begs to annoqnce since ’l'k near Eh STILL AT THE FRONT! Any intormation whic} ery will be thanldully If AT MASON‘S. SQUARE & ROUND COAL STOVES BM 85 COOKING STDVES FALL & WINTER CLOTHS CHEW HER CASH! Of all shapes and sizes. Repairing and Eave Troughng promptly done. CHAS. MASON. STOVE PIPE S “313% 8:9 MIXTURES. Everything new excapt the same old reliabilitv of \\'urkmnnship,the same old Low Prices. and the suns 01d Perfection of Fit. Remember the BEE HIVE when you want a. Hobby Suit or overcoat. Earn} 89, Village Propegtya CANADIAN TWEEDS. AEG‘FIGN SALE! NEW GOODSl NEW STYLESs NEW TRIMMINGS. The undersigned have received instructions from the Executors of the Estate of John Brilliu- ger, late of the Township of Whitchurch. iu the Uouunv of York. yeomau. deceased, to offer for sale by Public Auction at Palmer's Hotel. in the village of RICHMOND HILL. At two o'clock p. m. by Salem Eclim‘dt, Auction- eer. the following lands and premises in three parcels, viz.: Parcel No. lâ€"The west half of lot number two in the fourth concession of the Township of Whitchurch, containing 100 acres more or less. This land is good clav lo un, 00 acres of which are cleared and under cultivation, the rest is well wooded With first-class cedar and hnrdwood. A never-failing stream runs through the middle of the farm. There are about 2mres of orchard. There is upon this parcel u. substantial frame house with kitchen and Shed, also 0. frame bani 40 It. by 00 f». and driving house 40 ft. by 30 ft., all in a gocd state of repair. It is distant one quarter of n mile from (ioruiley's Corners an I is convenient to schools and churches. Parcel No. i-Villuge Lot number 33 in the Village of Richmond Hill. containing 3 acres more or less. This has a frontage on both Rich- mond Street and Centre Street. and on it is a. good dwelling house and stable. . ... . u” Saturday, Oct. 15th. 1887, unvuuu. “v v...“â€" . ___ “W W Parcel No.3â€"Villuge Lo number 3-; in the Villwe of Richmond Hill containing 6 acres more 01‘ less. havmg a frontage on Centre Street of aboutrthirteen chains. u. “an”... n”... -.. ~.......~. These last two parcels are well situated in the Incorporated Vilmge of Richmond Hill and are most. desirable investments. _ TERMSâ€"Ten per cent. of the purchase money of each parcel to be paid down on the any of sale to mhe Venu'ors' Solicibnrs. enough therewith to make up one half of the said purchase money within 30 days thereafter without interest, thP balance to be secured by a first momguge over each parcel of Property to run for one Vem' at. 6 per cent. Rec 1 parcel will be sold subject to a reserve hid. Further peniculurs and conditions of sale will be made known ac time of sale, or on application to the Execnboxs or their Solicitors. Dated this 13th dn)‘ of September. 1887. LAWREhCE & MILLIGAN. James Gormlev. Abraham Jix'illinger, Casper \deemun. Ever shown in this localitv. Fme imported Four Ewes and one Lamb came to the premis es of the undersigned. Lot No. 10. rear of tLe 2m Con. of Markham. about the 153 of August. The owner may have the same by nrovins property and pu 'ing ex enses. 104 y p WM. NESS, Dollar P ( ()VERCOATINGS. MU NT Int. C. TREVETHAN, Richmond Hill. Now is the time to Full lines of elegant I‘rouserings. Scotch and English DOG LOST! TWEES & WORSTEDS. Blew All the latest novelties in Checks. Come in and see our STRAYED. For Coal and Woud tunes that- he is now prepared to show the finest lines of 7 Solicitors for Yendois, Building & Louu Chambers, 'Iornnto ‘k and Tan Hduud bus , Sept: 15th, 1887. WM a, on Yonge St. ion which will lead to mfisnssflmwm A splendid line of OF VALUABLE lfidvctfia‘cmrnts. Beautiful new Also Efili'sl THOMPSON, Oak Ridges 0n %“ 'E THAN get your stoves, STWES. EXTIE‘IC AMERICA N Executor its recov been lost last seen Panties whosé barns me wrecked by lightning an: indemnified to full extent. 0f wreckage. Farmers can save money by insuring in the Gore. This Company liar: been established fifty-one years. The gore is one of the oldest and most. reliable Mutnals in Canada. All communications promptly attended +0. -. Av-v-‘v m n A TNWI'\\Y fire and lightning by insuring in the GORE DISTRICT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 00., Head Office Gulf, County of VVaterluo: Established 1836. Ihe number of policies issued in the year 1886 was 2,616. and the number in force at the end of the year 6,273. insur- ing $0,867,079.31. showing an increase of nearly $400,000.00 over the amount at risk at end of 1885. The income for the year was $87.078.92. Tutal assets available to meet losses has incrvmerl from $218,986.00 to $238,- ‘264 00 in the yen! 1880, the increase be- ing within a trifle nf $20,000. The number of losses for the past year was 108, and line mnnnnt of loss $57,- 887.27, of which S4,:5i5 28 was reinsnred, making the net loss $553573 99. This Company has deposited $20 000 with the Ontario Government, being mule than double what the law requires, but it gives the GORE a. still stronger huld upon public confidence. Damage by lightning to stock while in field, is promptly paid by the Gore, (the. actual payment being two-thirds of the value of animal). -. 1 ST. MARY s EPISCOPAL Cannonâ€"Service at a pan, except the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at 11 mm. Sunday Schoolat 1:30 p.111 Rev. W. Bates, Rector METHODIST CHURCHâ€"Servicas at 10:30 a. m and 6:30 p. m.,a.nd Sunday school. at 2.30 1L1“. Young people's pmyer meetnlg Tuesday evening. General Prayer Meeting every Thursdn) evemng in the Lecture Room. Raw. J.l\I. Simpson. Supt. Rev. G. N Rutledge, Assistant. Pnnsnm‘nnun CHUBCEOF CANADA.-â€" Services a". 1] o’clock e..1n.,a.nd 6:30 p.111. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening 3.17730. Rev J. W. Cam- lv...r»._, .0.-- . 361m T. SAIGEON, Sole and only agent for Springhill and surrounding country; _ . .. 1'- (5)501]. Pastor. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.â€"-â€"Services in order :1 follows Thornhill at 9 3.111., and Richmond H 118A: 10:30 a..m; the following Sunday M; Rich. mond Hill at 9 mm. and Thornhill at 1030 a. m. Rev.J. J. Egan. Pastor RmHMOND LODGE,A. F. & A. 11., No.23, G.R.(‘ Meets in the Lodge room.Masomc Hallm) the Monday on or before full moon. at 8 o’clock p.111 I. Crosby, \V.M. ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERsâ€"Conrt Rich- mond. N0. 7046 A. ()4 F.. meets in the Temperance Hull every alternate Fridav at 7.30 p. m.â€" Alex Coulter. C. R. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No. 465, 1.0. G. T.â€" Meets in the Temperance Hall' every VVeducsday eveuiuq.ab 7.30 o‘clock. \Vm. Harrison '1‘. D. The Methodist sabbath school Temperance As Snaiation issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired. Wm.Ha.rnson Supf MECHANICS’ 1NSTITUTE.â€" Library of over 1000 volumesppen every Tuesday evening, in the Ma- sonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o‘clock. R. E. Lav: Libra- rian. Lectures and discussions periodically RICHMOND HILL CORNET BAND.‘1\IeetS for practice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7 30 o'clock W. Sheppard, Leader VILLAGE Couxcmâ€"Re' ve. Wm. Punsley, Cnun- cillurs.Messrs.P G. Savage. Jos Hull, Wm A Sanderson, Levi Gaby. (Hark. M. 'l eefy. FIRE BRIGADE.â€"â€"Regulnr meerin first Friday of every month, held in the Counci Chamber. at 7 p. 11). Membership free. Certificatesissued to members entitling them to certain plivilegesand exemptions. Wm.H. Pugsley. Captain. 11. A, Nicholls, Secretary. A. 0. U. W.,Ivy Lndge, No. 141, Meets in the Committee room of the Masonic Hun each alternative Tuesday at 8 o’clock p.111. Bene~ ricavy certificate given for $2,000 in case of death J. Brown,Muster Workman. B. Grennan. rec. R. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, No. 43, Meets in Temperance Hull. each alter- native Tuesday evening atSo'clock p m. Bene- ficiary certificates issued to male or female members for $1,000 or in case of death $2,000. one halt uuyablc in case of disability. J. H. Sander- son Select Councillors; J.A.E.Switzer.flecording Secreturv RICHMOND HILL PLANING MILLS I Are now prepared to take contracts for all kinds of Buildings. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. 840., PLANED LUMBER, MOULDINGS, &C. In connection with the factor?~ where [ cmtum sawing wIH be done. All wulk l guaranteed and prices moderam. FIRST-CLASS SAW-MILL WfiEiKENG GLASSES ATTEN- Farmers protect RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND tlILL Having bought the above-named mill and put everything in Kept on hand, or made to order on the shortest notice. A stock of A‘ways on hand. There is also a Fl [EST-CLASS ORDER; The abuve factory is situated on Ll INNES & SUNS wiuugc Qim‘tnrn. Churches. Fire Insurance. 25th. 18863”: Societies. with ht your buildings from by insuring 1n the ,,_-_-. . “'1‘” . Address. King: Pmserve Yam Sigh? Those Spectacles and Eye ( used for the past years, an stance unbounded sutisfactin best. in the world. They m nmuy years without change. RENO‘VNEE) Spectwl‘ea & Eye Glasses, JESSE FRANK LAZARUS‘ Manufacturer. 21 land Road, Harrow Road, Lon-ion, Eugiu Lazarus & Morris. Hartford, Con. us'No connection with any other flrm Dominion of Cznuda. TORONTO Thursdav Sep 29 lbs? \K’lmeatjnleer bushel .. 80 no Wheat, spring, do 78 Barley, do 50 oats, do 36 Peas. do 57 Rye. do Clover Seed. do . Dressed hogs. nev 100 lbs. . 7 00 Cfnver Seed. do Dressed hogs, pev 100 lbs. . 7 00 Beef, fore quarters . 4 50 Beef.hind quarters. . 7 50 Chickens, per pair .. . 41) Ducks. do (15 . . . . . (JO Turkeys, each , 1 50 Butter, pound to s :2 Butter. tub dairy . . . 00 Eggs, fresh, per (105. 14 antoes, per bag .. 90 Apples, per bD1.. 3 50 unions. green,per (102 15 Cabbage do 40 Cauliflower do Celery. do 40 Turnips. per bug...‘ 35 Carrots. do. . 50 Hay,pertou . st1~a.w,per ton . . RICEMONDHILL Thursdav Sent.29. 1887 go ts, per bqshel PGHS, do. Dressed 11035,]161‘ 100 lbs: Beef. fore nuarter Beet hind quarte, Chirkeus. per pair . Ducks. do Geese, each ........ Turkevs, per 1b .. Butter, pound rolls. Butter. largo rolls igvs. fresh, per dozen Potatoes, per bag” Apples, per hbl ..... nuinns. green, per bush Cabbage, per dnz Celery, do '1 m-m‘ps, per bag . . . . Parrots. do .. Beans. per peck ..... Flour, sprimz, per 1) ‘ FTnmxfall. per bbl ‘ Hny,pevton . straw. per ton RICHMOND HILL, The property of B. Brillinger, is for sale. The Hotel is anew briCk<Clfld with munsnrd roof, three stories high, contains 20 mums, is heated by means of hot air. and has all the mod- ern appliances. The stebling and out buildings, which are brick, are complete in every particu- lar. Lame sheds auclplenty of yard room well gmvelled. An excnllent business is being done, but the proprietor is going to sell owinq to ill- health. 707" Sale by f1”. Momma/v In the County of York. It contulns 107 acres and is composed of the west 11qu of lot 13, in the 2nd Concession of leghun. There is plenty of water on tbepremxses, good buildings. funces in first-class repainund the land is in a. high state of cultivation. "fuésesmuuâ€"f'OL the how] or farm given on short notice. For further pm-ticuln rs anpr to the proprietor B. BBILLIN GER, 44:1 Dummmn House, Richmond Hill. FOR SALE PUBLISHER or V "LAN K L A7 ARUS nghlv Concentrated. Pleasant Emectuul Use Take no other. Sold evezywhere. Price 75 cents per bottle. BEST FARMS! Sam That commodious Hotel in the centre of the village of . ASK FOR DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. (Late of the firm of La 3 UNION 1 BY WEARING THE ONLY NUNN, bPRINGHILL. Evin: Marketa. Also for sale one of the . HODDER’S h &.. 5353:2559: $5: Known as the LIBERAL." RICHMOND HILL AND Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Biliousnoss. Sick Headache, Kidney Troubles, ' Rheumatism, Skin Diseases and all muurities of the Blood from What- sonver cause arising Female Weaknesses and genm'ul dehility Purely Vegetable. 11 us & Morris) ,sses have been jven in every in- Thev are the r tire. and lust I'PI‘. 28 Maryâ€" Euglamd late 030 080 v1 10 Ol) in the 16 000 35 00 7 00 4 ()0 o 00 40 60 (an 0 24 16 80 16 0F. 50 ()0 NEW Mixed Paints. ready fur use, in 2111‘ fishes, and all nunâ€"r lllatel'm] fur l slzes, “Inch I will 5+ 4. f, British Mag Sfiafl’ I Tea from ‘25 cent: m wards, 5 lbs. for $5 DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, GINCHAMS. WINCEYS. TWEEDS,&C.. &C. Suits Made to Order- FBESH GBOOERIE S. Special Value in Hysons. Cnnguus and Japauxs. Flmu‘ ulwavs on hand. Front Rank and White Lusu by Roller Process. I still Continue to sell the Celebrateo Raymond Sewing Llachines culd Eagle Steam Washers. (‘lll FERST-GLASS GROCERBES ‘- BEBEMDKD HILL, ONT. PL AIN & ORNAMENTAL PRINTING Bil] H Efldb, Shipping NAILSHARDWARE GLASSWARE 8c CROCKE LQRNE STORE. Complete stock of \\'all ewing Machines to Suit the Times. \VALL PAPE is. WALL PAPERS. osters, am prepared h)»t:xke pr xecuted with neatness and Letter Heads, Streamers, Prudllce of ul WEE WERAL E ” slzes, Much I wall 5;.“ at bottom price. Call and see. a1 Stock of Pictures and Frames. Large Stock 01 Groceries, Flour and Feed. P. G. SAVAGE. PRINTING & PU BLISHING TH E POPLE’E STQR Jarge J. LU SH, Richmond. Hill Liberal $1 a Year. ESTABLISHMENT, ALL KINDS OF WILLIAMS despatch. "9:0 Stock of 1 lI‘C &c., &c. 65.3115 HE SPRENG GOOD$ I kinds taken in exchange fur gnud )w is the time Pamphlets, Circulars, Flour and Feed aIWnys on hand. 30 TU THE LORNE STORE. FOR CHEAP, FRESH AND Paper and Designs, AT paelalty. Im at he Labels, CONTISTII‘? G ()F "I. VELTI ll I 1y 2|. first-z AT THE Border ‘Ulll v. Panic :mc bottom price. and 0f desi Sugar splendid value Ierings, something new in Styles and 3) cents up. ' li‘URN I'I‘IJ ERIC RICHMOND HILL. )5’(â€"" In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patrmage during the push twenty-five jun-rs. I beg to re- mind them and the gen...'al public, that havng aroma-'3 ex:‘.i.e‘y new and com- modime premises. I am euabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies. Carriages, TRENCH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- Cutters, The undersing has remo‘ switct And. will give PLATFORM SPRING W A G UN S . Horse - Shoeing zns LUMEER is and highest prices allowed. G1 A. MOODIE flit EO. TRENCh s best Sleighs and \hitewaslx Brushes, a]! L“ and see. iled and Raw Oils, Vnrn’ 01'1"”! MACHINE ‘H'M ’E‘Slt L311! Oatmeal 40 lbs. by mui) y bills 1 with. Gee'a f the numâ€" nlllil' that he

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