Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Oct 1887, p. 1

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THE LIBERAL. t‘hnnklnl for the favors of the put 20 years may still beconsultediu any branch"! the pro- tession, as follows: \zu-om, lst. 8th, 16:11. uni Sand 0! wk manth Eichmoud Hill... .‘ 9th and an!) «n I! ‘vou fiville Markham.... . .. Victoria Square.... Phoruhill, Walke Woodbridge Kleinburg. l obleton ..... lo. 10. do . do. do . do 0 Vitalized Air always on band at appointments W rim like a. charm Free from min. Toronto Officeâ€"No. 14 Building & Loan Chambers. No. 15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofice-â€"Renr of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. WEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES . a. r. umcn.‘ r. c. mmw. I'HE LIBERALPRINTING A PUBLISHING HOUSE «RICHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO- 11mm]. 30 GEES Benn“ OSSKcz, 7 Richmond Hill. Best fitting Teeth made. Nothing lnnrior in she and Dentistry. Prices low and Vitaliled Hr used unv time. Mauulacmmrs porters of mum. flocks, {made @ilbtmau nah Optical 600215. BPECTACLES FOB EVERY SIGHT. #:1531115): 33:25“ ArcadeTO R THURSDAY EVENING PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VIEPBESIDEN‘I‘ SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS Gushnlm, M. P. p.. H. r. Dwight. D. M. Ma» douuld, C. B. ImbiIISML A. McLean Howard, and J. Ginty. A A. ALLEN. Cnshler. Richmond Hill Branch. Mednflst ’l‘m<~n(o ('nhmsih nun l n (‘n Physicimwmfi Sums-numommnnte n! Smurfville Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. Oflioe Hours no ma.m..5mep.m Central Bank of Canada I tobe made. Cu: 11.5 out Ind return to us and “e “I” send you free. something a! meat, value and imlw name.- to you, that will start van in business “hick \\ 1“ bring you in more monev right. away then Luv- thing: also in the world. Anv one can do Le work and live at linme. Either sex: all Les. Something new, that Just coins money for wax-lien. We “1'11 stun .‘vou : capital not needed. This is one of the genuine. important chances of a lifetime. Those Who me ambitqu and enter- rieing Will not delay. Grund- uucflt Ad 5105 '1‘qu tCe. Augusm.Mmuu Deuoaits received nd luberestallnwed thereon M. Current, Rates NJ notice 0! withdrawal required. Drafts on all \mfls of Canada. United Scales and Great Britain. bought and sold l-‘Illlcrlon. Cook & Miller. BARRISTERS. somcx'rons are ‘ “HOE : l8 K1210 Sum-1L1 EAR. Tommy). Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. I SFullamn. W Cook, J. B. Miller '3' PRIVATE FUNDS 1‘0 THIN. Address A ROBINSON L.D.S..AuronaOnt. LhWRENCE & MlLLlGAN. Budge Solicitm, Conveyancen, in. Dr. James Langsmn. AND Dr. J. A. Pnlnu-r. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. uightmlls at from. dmr bell. 0mm hour 10 n m SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, VQL. X. $1 per annum, in advance.] . M. DIORI'IIY. SGON & (30.. (at the Pnlmu flotise) BUSINESS CARDS. ‘ 35h: fiibcml ” Vlfl‘flfllljflg {QJQ T. E. MeM’AHO N , unms m. LA“’RENCE, 313708 and PROPRIETOR. Dr. IS PUBIQISHED EVERY USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. I'. \V. .l. \Vllson. SURGEON DE N‘l‘ls‘r afirxliml. 3mm. Manager. Licensed Auctioneer [or the County of York. re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the sLomst notice and at reasonahe rams. P, 0. address. King. Licensed Auctioneer for the (Immtv at York. re- spectfully solicits your atronage and friendly influence. Sales attend on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. BO Address, Licensed Auctioneer for the Conny of York Sales amended on tha shortest noticegmd at. rea- nbe rates. Address Stoufivule I‘. 0 on team prupgrty. Inhermt luw. Terms easy. No valuatlou or commission fees charged Apply to LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN. Bun-navers. eta. l5 Tomntn St... Toronfo.and Richmond Hill. Rich'd Hill 16th Anni 1887. Sun. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontano and Pefl. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock. em. promptly “waded m at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, U NIONVILLE. BORRUWERS can be accommodated wich M‘ in small or large sums on all kinds of seruncywfleal Estate, hues of Hmul, Chutmls. Stocks, Bonds, lmgucies. Reversmmu-v or Unrlivaded Interests. Life and Endowment Assumnte Policies. etc... etc». 615.. at. luWest rates from five per cent. upwards uv- coxding to kind uni: amount, 01 security ofiere . 0n suitable loans neilhm Columissiun.V’nluMion, or bamcx'rnns Ffllifi mll be charged. I‘m hes de~ sirlng Cupiml to u nter into or continua m Rush NESSUR MANUFACTURING or to form Joint-Stuck Uompunies can also be accommodated. Parties having money TU INVEST will find it. to their ml- vmlmge to cul‘l‘ebyuud with me in I can ofl'u-r them uuml bmpmns iueither Luuns, Purchases, or liusiuesw (mam-es. Men having time or CAPL TALuu small or large sums) ur both at. their (lis- posul mu utilize them m advantage All kinds of marketable property Dwight or sold. Life and Eadowment Assurance Chen. . safe and profit.- Q o. 6-1038? Having mfltmd the above House and furnish- ed it in firstrclnaa style, I am prepared waive the public the beta: 0' mmmodmxon. Excellent mbling and attentive hustlers. Sunple Booms [or cummerclnl travellers. A good livery in con- nection. Terms 31 net dnv. The undersigned havmg taken possefision of the above commodious howl will cheerfully camrtothe comhrt ol the travelling public. Best brands of liquors and cimrs. An attentive nastier and good stubling. Rooms for commer- cial mvellers. u mmuwu. Prop. Best PibNic Grounds in the cmmtv. Good fishing and boning. Every accommodation to bourdem at reasonable prices. THE DOMINION HOUSE, GM ND WHEEL HOTEL. Pguud’fi gm gum. Every accommodation to guest}. Board, £1.00 per day BBBKEP, fllflflfiflfifl Eléé Bel-j. Brulllnger. Proprietor. [TI-dt-rlnkers a Emlm Imers. Funeral Pulmshings Always on Hand 31155176” LESSQWS. MISS FLGBA GOULTEB MONEY! MONEY! Haunt!!- E.F.LANGSTAFE Issuer of Marriage Licenses Ccunty of York. Office '. SOJervis street. Toronto. 13 prepared to rrmeive punils. and will gwe Music Lesson; as formerly. Issuer of “Image Licenses for the County of Yor fl. Laney. @fiai’BE gamma” PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN nusmxscn. 158 mm: STREET EAST. Tom; 1‘0 WRIGHT BROS, E. F. LANGHTA FF. Broker, Richmond H ill Richmond Hill, wm. BELL. Proprietor. Leeds Richardson. James C. Stokes. Salem Erkm'm miisrrllnntnus. N. J. Armstrong. I). R. TENL‘H. 5. WI. Brown. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 6, 1887 A large amount at Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. "In. Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity Muluz 0m- The amended cunltihninn was then read and ofl‘ered for discussion. It was finally, after a careful exnlninaliml of each clause. lent to the Executive of the Provincial Uninn fur ratificalimi. Mrs. F. S. Spence. Secretary of the District. Uniun. of Turulltu, bv request read the constitution adopted by that. Uniun The earnest, husinoss-like expressinn so apparent on the countenances uf the hundred or more delegates assembled in the Methodist Church Newnmrket, has an indvlhbly impressed itself upOn my mind that I feel it a pleasure to present In the renders of THE LIBERAL the pro- ceedings of that noble band of \V. C T. U. wmkers of the city of Tornntu and Cuunty of York. at the second day's ses- su-n. which opened nt 930 a. In on Friday, Sept. 30th, by devotional exer- clses ny Mrs. Snwerby. of Aurora; at the saute tune the Executive Cnmmittee dis- cussed it private brunch nf business in the Vestry. The Convention was culled tn order at ten o'clock. the President, Mrs. McFarlane, presiding. After the Secretary’s rapt-rt h«d been read and adopted, the reports uf Superintendents «f Departments follow“! in quick succes- siun, ouch presenting a very full and care- fully prepared sccmmt, showing that they had entered upon this great work in the pruper spirit to carry it tn « success- ful issue. Their distribution of Tracts during the year ntnnbered high up in the thuusulds. Rep-ms went to show that fermented wine, for church purposes. is an the de- cline Already forty-three churches in the cuuntv are using the unferlnented juice of the grape at commnnmn,â€"thirty- one of these being in the city of Torontu. I especially notice the Evmmelistic Gaul Wqu Departments, which have been Bu amnessfully worked, and other new fea- tures recently introduced. such as Relief and Flower Missions, which, in prisons and moms of affliction. imparted a. good influence, accompanied by Fern Messages. In fact each department spake uncunruge- nit-nit for that guild scheme so rapidly pmgreuing. A call for the Election of uflicers for the ensuing year resulted as (“MIMEâ€"Presi- drill, Mrs. Fawcutt, North Turunto; V'lchreaident. ut. large, Mrs. Smith. Newmarket; Recording Secretary, Min Foster. North Toronto; Colrerpunding Secretary, Mrs. (Dr.) Langstafl', Rich- mund Hill; Treasurer, Mu. H. Cane. Nev/market. The Superintendents of Departments remain unchanged. Aurora extended an invitation: for the next. meeting in March, which was ac- cepted. The Question DraWet excited great, interest, and some lively discussion was entered into. In the absence of Mill Skinner, Mia: Alexander, of Toronto, took her place, and Rave an address on Young Woman’s Work. also an interesting lesson to the children of the Newmarket Band of dupe. illustrating her remarks by Dr. Kellogg’s chart. The evening meeting was held in the same church, Rev. Mr. Webber occupy. ing the chair. He spoke very encourag- ingly of the ladies, of their work. and congratulated them upon the success of their Convention. Mrs. Keefer, of To- ronto, gave a Scientific Temperance Ad- dress. illustrated by chart, which was very interesting. Mrs. Wiley, of Rich- mond Hill, gaVe a brilliant address, em- bracing the various departments of work, which was highly appreciated. Before the convention was brought to a close the visitors tendered a must hearty vote of thanks to the Newmslket ladies fur the kind hospitality shnwn them. The meeting closed with the do:- ulogy and benediction. YORK CO. W. C '1‘. UNION CONVENTION. H. Davis, S. Trench, F. Sheppard, 1’. Powell. A cuss Lizzie Palmer, Phnehe Snules, Carrie WIISOII, Minnie Suulea. srrmntl Dny' Proceeding FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER. JUNIOR A (BY om owx “pom-an.) School Reports RICH MOND HILL G. Grunt, J. Lynect, -d, L. Hopper, W. Trench. T. M. RUTHERFORD, Teacher. CLASS 1 Stella Mon-is, Minnie Gilmour, George Grainger. Ethel Swilzer, Edith Swnzel‘, Lily cum-rd, Efiie McNuir. A 2 cuss Hume Hoyt-toll. , Luuie Harrison, Mattie Harrimn, . Flmeuce 'I‘yrrell. A. E. SPRAGGE, Princma‘. SENIOR ll] J UNIUR B HEN. ll Mary Webb, Eva Kightley, Susie Hullam. Frank Mager, Annie Mason, Juhll Hutchinson 1v CLASS Chm-{es Cmmnba, Selena CUUIIIbB, Oscar Appletnu. JUNIOR [H Alma Coumba, Minnie Wright, George Cuombu. J UNIUR I! Emily Kirkhy, Hattie Hun-th Annie Bauer. Nnrris VVMre‘ Lnuian Rumblev Allie Lillyd, The President informed the meeting that the room they were in could be pro- cured for $40 per year, and the shnp op- posite belonging to the Law Estate cou'id be obtained fur $3.50 per month, neces- sary repairs to be done by the Directors. Fred Robinson, game“ Newbery, Amy Newbury, Carrie Playter. III JUNI' vlt Fluviv Mormon, )Vm. Carsml, Archy Btuvu, Eddie Irvin. Fannie Stewart. Minutes of special meeting of the Di- rectors of the Richmond Hill Mechanics' Institute held in the Lecture Room of the Masnnic Hall on Friday evening, 892:: 30th. Committee on Reading Room rpported that the expense for conducting the read- ing room fur one year wmlld be $240.00. This amount would, however. be cumid- enlny reduced by dumtionu and other means. Rev. Mr. Rutledge stated that he had seen Mr. Atkinson about the Temperance Hall, but did not receive any definite answer. Finally it. was moved by W. A. Sand- erson, seconded by A. Maudie. that Messrs. McMahon, Crosby and Dr. Wil gun he a committee to enquire about a suitable place for holding Reading Room, and also to see the ladies of the W. C. T. Uninu if they Would be willing to raise amount necessary far rack t, cleaniug,&c., and to report at next meeting.~â€"Curried. Freddie Harrison, Edith Hopper, \ViHie Tyndall. Directors present: I. Cronby (PI-93.). 'I‘. F. McMahon, GNewbery, A-Mnodir, W. A. Sandman". Dr. Wilson and the Secretary. Beside: the Directors: Messrs. W. Atkinson, J. A E. Swilzer, Juhn Brydon, A. McKenzie. A. \Vriaht. J. King, and Rev. Rutledge were present. Mvihutea of Ian meezih'g were 'read and on motiop adopteg. The meeting then adjournéh to meet on Monday evening, Uct. mm. H A. NICHOLLS. Sec‘y Robt Muclmé-I. sexes; : em'niw (ennui A Young Black and Tan Hound has been lost since Thursday, Sept mu. 12587. “’59 last been nefu‘ Eluju Milgg, an jigqge S__c_.- 13-4 Any Inlnrmntibn whiéfi’ 7‘15)?!er laud no its recov- ery wi I be thankfully received. You ‘51". DOG LOST! HEN. III 1V CLASS E ’ $1.00 IN ACVANGE. Directors“ Meeting CLAss It I (‘LAS‘S MK [I SFNIUR sou, Geo. Phillipa, |, Kate Newbery, Lt-I. Bert. Glass. J. C RUTHERFORD. Teacher. SPRINGHILL PART I CLASS Luulla Mellish, Gerty Appleton, Samuel King. JEFFERSON CARRVILLE II CLASS 1awn, Mamie Temple, , Mary Tricker, L Napier Harris. A. MCLAUGHLAN, Teacher. J. E. THYDALL. Teacher J. T. SAIGEUN, Teacher. CHAS. THOMPSON, Oak Ridges P O SENIOR n Minnie Woods, Sarah New, Orlando Appleton. Clara. Bond, Bertie Whitty, May Mollish. Ruse Law, Willie Davis, Lomie Morris. M. WILEY, Teacher, PART II (“.138 Marv McLean, Jessie Selle“. Thomas Rumble. Ernest Joyce, Effie Gamble, Win. (hbwn. Lucy Brace Gerne Bun, Annie Brown. Annie McCal Nettie Rosa. Annie Bull. IV CLASS Eddie Russ, Anna Norman, Jeanie McDonall. 8ENXOR Ill "I SENIOR. JUN. ll CLASS I" N. m McCabe, w igaud u nor ulna vnu a; I 6.: CO‘ more (HIV- -l nut Thin wner never vanes. A marvel of purity, “renal: wbulesomenesa. More economical shun the ordinary kinds, and cannocbo sold in com tition with the multitude of low testshort weig t alum nr phosphate powders. Sold only in mm. ROYAL Bums Powmm 00., 101i ww Eafithnlf of Lot 15,8th Con. Whitchurch. eonâ€" tminingz 100 ones, about 80 or 90 cleared; 00d clay loam. Twu barns, and good frame dwel ' . 1* stories. Goo-l pump and wolL Farm in fine condition. A'l‘ MASON’S. SQUARE & ROUND COAL STOVES BOX & BOOKING STOVES Stoves Mall Kinda ls Sim. rtreet. N. Y CHEAP FOR CASH ! August 11th. 18 -m2 STDVES. STUVES. The undersi mad tntxmntes to the public tint in as built a. con! house at guaranteed. Those in the Vicinity of Maple mnv order at. the station through my agent. in. Geo. Folster. Patronage Solicited. Now in the time to get your wine“ supply. WM. R. PROCTOR. RICHMOND HILL STATION I COAL AT LOWEST PRICES CHAS. MASON. STOVE PIPES Of all shapes and sizes. Repairing and Eave Troughing promptly done. MUNN a 00.. of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN con- unue to act as Solicitors for l‘ulenlu. Caveats 'l‘rude Marks. Cogyrlghts for the Unked sum. (Eamon. England. France. éermany. etc. Hand Book abom. Patents sent free: Thirty: 2000 LBS. TO THE TON Patents obtained tln-nuuh MUNN'h CO. are noticed in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. the largest. best. and most widely circulated mlentifiu paper. $3.20.: you. Weekly‘ S |endid enuruvlnfls nnd mun-mung in- !ormation. peclmpn copy of the Scientilo Amor- Icnn sent. frpih A ddrl’Hi MUNN a :0. Scmmxno AIEBICAN Omce. 2&1 Broadway. New Y’ork. Q COAL. PATENTS FOR SALE The Libel‘n} 0510?, Richmond Hill. POWDER Now is the time to get your stoves, Apply to Absolutely Pure. Nothing but first-class coal handled. and RENNIE'S’SELDS unfit BEST: Blustrntul Culalogne {or l881 Conw‘ ’ c, .1 prICQS ofthc amines! FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS And is prepared on furnish all kinds of [Single copies, 3 cts For Coal and Wood. Also WM ECKABDT, 50 Church St. No. I4. Téronta

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