Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Oct 1887, p. 3

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One of the principal topics of discussion at the late Imperial conference was the propos- ed trans-Pacific cable between British Col- umbia and New Zealand and Australia. The strong representations made by the colonial delegates, headed by Mr. Sandford Fleming, who may be considered the father of the scheme, in favour of its adoption has led the Imperial authorities to thoroughly consider the matter of afurvey. The Do- minion Government has recently received an intimation that the British Government cannot undertake the cost of a special sur- vey unless some guarantee is given that the cable will actually be laid. ' In view of this decision, Mr Fleming a few days ago wait- ed on Minister Foster and urged that Can- ada’ should take the initiative in proposing to the other colonies the making of a survey, suggesting that the Dominion‘s proportion toward it should be the loan of a vessel. Mr. Foster was favourably impressed with the proposal, and if his colleagues are agree- able the Australasian Government will be asked to co-operate in the scheme. AMERICAN. Robt. A. West was fined $2,000 at Detroit last week for opium smuggling. A New York Anarchist declares that to save his ,condemned brothers in Chicago In Montreal a. few days ago, an interes‘ing find was made in connection with the old Portuguese Jewish Synagogue, now being pulled down. While the corner stone was being moved from its position a small lead casket with "1835" stamped on its face was noticed, with a. number of ancient and mod- ern coins lying on top of it. Amongst these were coins of Spain. Portugal, Great Britain, and the United States; and some early Spanish coins which are supposed to have been brought out by Jewish colonists. They are in good state of preservation, although some of them are dated 300 years ago. On opening the casket a. package wrapped in helium was found, containing an inscription dated 1777. It showed that the first Jewish Congregation inCanada was formedin Mont- real in that year. A number of copper plates were also found, and a copy of the Montreal Herald and Homing] Courier of date June, 1835. A dispatch from San Francisco says : ~The agents of the United States Transcontinent al roads are beginning to realise the fact that the Canhdian Pacific railway is not en- tirely depending on the advantages given to it by Congress through the Inter-State Com- merce bill. Indications are clearly appar- ent that the Canadian road has live agents in New York, Chicago and other Eastern cities, The steamer Mexico which arrived last week from Victoria, B. 0., brought seven earloads of miscellaneous freight, all of which came from the East by way of the Canadian Pacific. ' Passenger business east and west bound is also good, and Agent Soern, of the Canadain Pacific road, is in addition securing his shrine of the'A-ustralian business, much to the discomfiture of the Burlington road, which has hitherto practiâ€" cally monopolized it. Mr. Charles Maguire, shipping merchant of Quebec city, Lhas been. firrested, on a capias of $17,000. The firm of J. & W. Ma- guiré, of which the prisoner is a member, failed for half a milli n dollars some time ago. " It is alleged by t e trustees of the es- tate that a few days before the failure Charles Maguire, then representing the firm in New York, purchased a. ship for $17,0 .0 and drew on the firm here for the amount, subsequently transferring it to a German Jew in New York, but notwithstanding that, the members of the firm in Quebec entered the ship amongst their assets. It is alleged that Charles refused any satisfaction. He only arrived a few days ago in Quebec, and proceedings for his arrest Were. taken at once. He is now held in default of $17,000 bail. The Mormons intend to obtain a. foothold in the Canadian North “lest. Twelve fami- lies have settled in Southern Alberta, and it is thought that others will settle shorth near Medicine Hat. It is said that the Mormon rulers hmie been in correspondence with the Canadian Government on the subject and that the answers they received Were not such as to prevent their endeavoring to ef- fect their purpose. If the Letter Day Saints wish to establish any settlements in Canada they must leave behind them polygamy and all organised immorality. HOME. Applications are pouri in from all parts hi the country from men esiriug to enlist. for service in “ C" Buttery, British Colum- bia. Sir Arthur Blackwood, who has just re- turned to Montreal after a tour over the Canadian Pacific railway to the Pacific coast, states that in his opinion the C. P. R. route for the mail service to Japan and China would save little in point of time over the Suez canal route, its advantages beingr national rather than postal, but ,admitted that it would be of the utmost value as an alternative route in case of war or European complications. iIndlan hammers iu the North-“'est Terri tories have done remarkably Well this year and those of ()1 ooked Lg’ke will be keen com petitors at the forthcoming agricultural con ventlon. It appears to be definitely sewed that fifty miles of the Northwest Central rail- way will be built this year, probe.ny in order to save the charter. In is rumoured that Mr. J. H. E Secretun, w'xo recently visited Orcawa, has‘been appointed engineer of the line. Mr. Sproule fqueported to have been awarded the‘contrach for-building the fifty mileé. The corner stone of the new synagogue for the Spanish and Portuguese ctmgrega» tion in theweat end of the city of Montreal waéhid onThnrsday afternoonmf 22nd inst, , by Mr. Gersham Jose h, the repxeaentative or one of the oldest} ewish families in the city. The new synagogue will be in the Egyptian style of architecture, and will be one of the most handsome Jewish places of worship in North America. Hon. Mr. Gingms,‘Legislative Councillor 84 years of age, Was married in Quebec on the 'Z‘Zud, to Miss Gadbout, of St. Lawrence, aged 28 years. Mgr. D'herbomcz. of British Columbia, who has been a. guest of the authorities at the College nf Ottawa. {pr some days, has left for the \Vest, accompanied by ten priests, who will devote their fling. to missionary labour among the Indiana. beast of the Rev. Fathers are from France, on y three out of the ten being,7 Canadians. THE WEEK'S NEWS. To Care 3. Corn. lThere is no lack of so-called cures for the common 8.111 191;; known 3.5, gonna. The vege-l table,unima,' and mineral kingdoms have been ransacked. for cures. ‘It is a. simple nmfiter to‘remove cor'ns without pain, for if you will .go'to _any dmggist or medicine dealer and buy a. bottle of Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor and apply it as directed the thing is (10119., Getg “Putnam‘s,” and no other. The coroner’s jury in the case of the vic- tims of the Exeter theatre fire has rendered a. verdict that they came to their death through an accident, but biames the architect of the building for not providing sufficient means of exit, and censures the authorities for not having this defect remedied. According to the most recent figures the Channel Islands are hardly a source of profit to the British em ire. The total receipt from all the Islam for the last five years were about £500 below the expenditures, the Isle of Sui-k contributing the magnificent sum of 125. 63. towards the maintenance of the English Government. _ > L The armorclsd barbette fast cruiser War- spile, which cost the British Government half a. million sterling and proved a. failure, is to be employed as a. training ship for boys. She will be the most expensive of the kind possessed by any power in the world. It is officially stated in Constantinople that the Bismarck‘Kalnoky interview did not result in favor of a settlement of the Bulgarian question, Count Kalnoky not con- curring with Prince Bismarck’s views as to the removal of Prince Ferdinand by pressure 11an Bulgeria. Dr. Mackenzie was reported recently to be at Milan inquiring as to a. suitable health resort: for Crown Prince Frederick William of Germany, Toblach having become too cold. The German physicians aver that Dr, Mackenzie is far too sanguine regarding the Prince's condition. The coroner’s jury in the case of the Mid- land railway accident, on the 22nd inst, rendered a. verdict of man-slaughter against Taylor the engine driver. and the fireman of the express train from Liverpool. The Naval Department, after a. long series of secret trails, has just adopted an automa- tic torpedo which passes throngh Water for four hundred yards at the rate of ‘27 knots an hour, steered with absolute certainty and set to remain at any depth. Ardhbishop Welsh has issued a pastoral in which he says he hopes the people will refrain from violence and continue in the paths of justice. Such a course only, he says, will bring peace to Ireland. ' The magistrates of Exeter have issued a summons to the lessee of the recently burned Theatre Royal, calling him to accc unt for a. breach of the building law regulations. Financial houses in Paris have subscribed for 48,000,000f. worth of shares of the Sim- plan Tunnel Company. The London Standard accuses Mr. Mich- ael Dwitt of-cowardice in leaving Ireland at present. ' A French Cabinet Council has been held to decide upon the expediency of expelling the Orleanist Princes. Ml. Parnell'is recruiting in the South of England, and has not been seen by his col- leaigueg s_i_1_ic_e the progqgatipn of Parliamezit. Much ill-feeling still exists between the English and French fishermen in the North Sea, and the presence of British cruisers continues necefisary. There was great excitement in Toledo last week owing to an immense oil confla- gration in the Wood County‘roil fields. The fire was caused by an explosion in the Park- e1 well No. 1, the greatest oil well in the world. The oil caught fire from the engine and rapidly spread to the other derricks and tanks. At the time of thelexplosion, without warning, 8. column of blue flame or smoke, shot up into the air at least a thousand feet, and extended over 'acres 'of ground. The heat was so intense that it‘was impossible to approach nearer than half a. mile. It could be plainly felt two miles away, and the sight of the burning well was visible in Toledo, thirty miles distant, One of the drillers was caught in a. whirlwind oi smoke or flAme and Wes so badly burned that no hopes were entertained of his recovery and other drillers it was feared had perished in the flames.- ‘ ' -- from the gallows he even to firing a. city.’ Threé thousand people are going into Kan- sas every day. Is it any wonder it booms ‘3 Never before in the history of the Suite has the population grown so rapidly, unless it was in that time just after the war, when emigrants tumbled over each other in their haste to enter the land of promise. All the crops on the bottom land between Mammoth and Benson, 'Ariz., have been destroyed by the recent floods. Fields of growing can: and Corn are now but a. bed of sand. Such a rush of waters has never before been known. It will take several years before the ranches can recover from their losses. Amammoth salt company, composed of all the salt manufacturers in the United States, is about to be formed. It will be known as the National SJJ‘ Union, and will be the head-quarters for the salt supply of the whole country. The object of the union is mutual protection, audio keep up to the prices so as to be able to compete witx foreign manufacturers. The organiza- tion will be composed of 63 companies. A lawsuit which came to a conclusion in Atlanta, in“, a few days ago involved the question of the ownership of not only a. lot of mules, horses hogs and cattle, but of sixty slaves as well. The suit was institut- ed in the year 1859, but was never tried nn< til this year. The value of the property in question was over $50,600, and thesnit was brought upon a. written transfer ‘of it signed Sept. 13, 1858. On the same dayâ€"(22nd Sept.) of the present month a. jury set the transfer aside and rendered a. verdict for the defendant. In the meantime the mules, horses, hogs and cattle had died, the negroes had been set free, every lawyer originally in the case except one had died, nhn had grown grey waiting to testify, and children had been born and raised, after the case was brought, to sit upon it as jurors. Superintendent Homer, of the Kansas Silk Station, at. l’dubody, has given away 100,000 mulberry trees to be planted in Western Kansas. Mr. Homer advocates the planting of Russiah mulberry"trees in Western Kansas, not only for'forest pur- poses, but: chiefly for food fqr silk worms and thus [my the foundation for 'an import- ant Kansas industry. FOREIGN. would do anything, FACSIMILE Jug's Medicine" will be or A JUG or DR. JUG‘S more easily remembered MEDICINE. - by assocmtion. RIPâ€"Our ,riends wul be able to recognize at once that, they are getting the genuine article, as there I! no other medi- cine put up in a jug. DR. JITG MEDICINE CO.. - Toronto and Stratlord. Sailing during vnnter from Portlan” ever Than day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpoo , and II summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool. calling: at Londonderry to land mails and passenger for Smiland and Ireland; also (rom Baltimore. vh Halifax and St. John’s, N.F,. to Liverpool forunlghsl) durlm: summer months. The steamers ot the GIM gow llnes sail during winter co and from Halifax Portland, Boston and Philadelphla ' and during sum mer bebween Glas ow and Monsrebi weekly ' Glasgov and Boston week y, snlfllnsgow and Phllsdslphh torjnlghtly. Sell at sight. Every house needs them. Cheap, Durable and Economic-l. No Washing 0r Ito-1n . and will last ten times as long as ordinary cotton fillnda. Sole Townnhlp nghln. Our Agents are mnkmg 93 to $5 a any with Easy Work. Enquire early. Comp ete outfit, including Sample Bhudcg' spring Roller Stationery and all information, by express. 250. lilRSCHBERG #4974946 we»! fléll..%wamsgm Forutraiéhu, manage, or other luronnmnon fifgly \« g. §9humgpher_&_00.l Bgltjmpre; S. Oppsr W 00. Halifax; Shea. & 00., St. Johu'a, NJ‘. ; Wm. Thump son & 00., St. John, N.B.; Allan&00..0hloagu Love & Alden, New York; H; Bourller, Toromo Allnm‘. Rae a 00., Quebec ' Wm. Brookle, Phlladel phln: H. A. AUen Portland Boston Momma] AGENTS WANTEfluE-fég‘ffiig in Every Town and Village In Canada, to sell our NEW BEAI'I‘ll-‘l'ul' Q (10., 41 Kink e3 Ed's", Téronoo 759 TO 763 YONGE ST. CIRCULABS free. Sometth new and int rowing. Ssn'l at. cum If you wun fihr; heat. CANHHAN BUSINESS leVERiITY ‘ SHORTHAND lNSTlTUTE. Public I f 209 Yonge Street, City Oflices: 393 Queen St. West, TORONTO 1 225 Queen St. East. [IE BOILER IA SI'ECTMDN and Insur- ance, (‘ompany of ('auuula. Consulting Engineers and Sohcitors of Patents, 1‘ 0 R 0 N 'l‘ 0 . G. C. Rona, Chief Engineer. A. FRASER, Seo‘y-Treaa‘ U (‘EII’TS for manufacturan (our different. p0“ - aersvblue, whme, yellow and the French liquid stamping fur p ush, Velvet and rllk, minutelv describ- ed in print. all sent by mail {or 40 cents. C. STID- NAN FIEROE, 41 King at. Ii. Toronto. Butterick’s Sheep 01-86 Ilaibilisl' EEle mitii ECS.'.'T3}9E:3I Provinces and States, touching both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, are represented this year among its students. Send im- 18:}: annuul circular. W. B. ROBINA sex and .I. w. Jonxscm, F.C.A., Principals‘ L bun-y Bui‘ding. Toionid. VTIIOblAurfiflgcj'IBSIRIP dent; Can. H. Bmoxs, Secretary and Managu- __Iik)ldx1\al|'ssl)r1xnk . her and Atomizer All the rage in the States. Agents wanted. Sample by mail 45 cents. CLEMENT 49'. 00.. Toronto. 1,000 Miles of new Line of Railway built. this season. Lani all for semement. Unsurpassed for grain or stock farms. 48!) acres free. To learn how to get it, send your address orlposca‘ card. If you want to get a. good idea of tumult- uous motion you wauc to Hutch the agitation of the bustles of two women dancing a hop waltz. County in Canada. Address, I-‘Elilllb‘ J (30.. 87 Church St.. Toronto. AGENTS and CAN use rm warmed, Man or Female, whole or spare time. on salary or commls‘ uion. Industrial Union nf B.N.A.. 45 Armde. Toronto. MAN 'FIEiiOE. 41 Kin? Patterns and Books to R. PARKER 84 CO. PA [EN [8 5.2,; Dairy Salt, ' FOR BUTTER. ETC. W Impomtions.â€"‘Higgins' Eureka; Washing ton and Ashton Brands, in large or small sacks Also Rice's Canadian Salt. Wrifie t9}- prjgas. , mum 73117153332557 (William: YOUNG MEN enflenng from the eflecba of nary eru habits, the result of lgnorsnoe and lolly, who and fibemselves weak, nervous and exhausted ; also Mm- nu-Aenn and OLD Man who ere broken down from the efleota of abuse or over-work, end in Advanced 111 feel the oonaequances of youthful excess, send for n. d IIAD M. V. Lubon‘a Trenlae on Dlseues of Men. Tn: book will be sent sqaled topaz address on reoelpt ox two 30. stamps. Address M. V. LUBON. 4i VWé‘link km St. E. Toronfia Ont BAY'S B l RTH DAY 100 Celborne Street. 4 John Streeth'orth. 81m” ' End’Maial’FhI-m' ‘mism him 'â€" MILLER’S T-IGK DESTROYER. DEGDRATE’D’ WINDOW BLINDS. ‘1 000 LIVE AGENTS ‘V.§NTHII IN EVERY ’23 Aozulm at. c..'ronou1’o. All clagspg offige wzork. Mfg-a. qurintgra' .l. M. na‘cunrs. sm King St. w..'romnto. IRl-N'TNLVS for STAMPING-i. and RI} JAMES rum & my; DYEING AND CLEANING. Wells. Richard-om A; $0», liilmnm’erm‘m A Beautiful Imported Birthday Card um”: to any baby whose mother will send us em names of two or more other babies. and they, parents' addresses Also a. handsome Din mond Dye Sample Card to the mother mi much valuable inflormation. Works and [lead Offices : :I‘ZLLEV l LLB) "N'I‘Alilo. Wholesale Pkdige Mércizanié,’Toronto. r‘vr mun lnusmweu uuwnpm»: go... alogue free. R. Chamberlin, Toronto‘ STOCXMEN, give this valuable pre- pnnflon a fair trill. It about»: romptly and efiootually in destroy'm ‘aksand oiior vermiupasts, u we] as in eradicating All Afiwions o! the 'akin to whlch Shoeparo subject. field 790. ainrdrslr: _4Wsac.;rinyvi113m- 20 Octnbér always on hand Being kept entirely in the dark. 2ndâ€"As the Jug will be registered is will be impossible to counterfeit it, 3rd -The name “ Dr. Jug’s Medicine" will be more easily remembered by assoc‘ation. 4thâ€"â€"Our PECIAL NOTICEâ€"We have decided in tu- mm ‘0 put Dr. Jug’s Medi- cine in a. brown jug, in- stead of aglass tottle as heretolore. Thejugs that we will use forthis purpose are made of the finest im- ported Buckingham, a! a mottled brown colour, with "Dr. Jusz’s Medicine for Lungs, Liver and Blood” in raised letters on :he side. Our reasons for mak- ing this change are : lab-- Its wonderful curative qualities will be but" preseryed by the meglicine Branfiord, Ont. Hamilton, on. A. P. 366 Manufactured by T H E E. 8: C. G U R N E' Toronto, Hamilton, Momma], and Winnipeg. L‘ d book hm; ever been writtzn by men more en’ inent in the protes‘ion than the authors of Tne Cottage Physician ; the treatment ia_nut confined 10 one school of medicine, as in aininlm hooks, but elm-rams the four principal treatuvmcg ;bhis contains 64L page! ill :ntrated with nearly ‘200 enzrnvmgs including nip merous fullpnge colored platea; tennis Liberal ;I-end to Clrculal‘a. W1me B31053, Publisher, To onto. COMPUSITXON GOLD, Antique Bronze, 1 Natural Wood, and other flange and Room, Mouldings, Frames, Etc, Pnintimia, En~ gracings, Etuhings, Arron-pea, Ar‘u'sts' Materials, Mirrors. em. Wholesale and Rutail. Trfidé CM:- uogue. MATTHEWS Amos. & c0..,’rorgmo. THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP GO'S. 9 to )2 am. and from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., Sabbath :5):- oepbed. 28 Dundus Street. Tommo. 00K AGISN IS WANTED FUR. "l‘tlECUTTAGE Phydumxhwa complete domestic medical ency Uluyedia, This great work is prepared to meet tho wunfo of hu common p: ople, who have long ft]! the need of a nompiete, comprehensive, mi me “ doctor in OK " at a price withVn their rg‘ch ; no family medi. B. \ . AIUIS'I‘KIDNQ;, \. n-rnmluloghn. D SpecL ty, skin discuss, Scrotum and all dia- casesof the blood. All cancen cured that are 0mm able, without the_ use ‘ 1 m9 knife. ufiice hours, from TINGLEY & STEWARTiM’F’G CO‘ TORONTO, ONT. BARNUM WIRE 8c IRON WORKS, Windsor, OE GURNEY’S Standard STOVES near "Innuer 31150 N a sec- 3, '1"p. 1, Kg: 10. W est. 320 norm, 82.50 per no a, near Crystal City. Choice,» unzncumbered. 10 Aug uska Ave. Toronto. ORONTU (‘ulllng school.â€"Gcntlumen de- airous of Acquirin a thorough knowmnge of gar: menr. r-uttr gin all its "100119., ihnuld apply nt once to ‘5. Corrigm. pragrietor, 13:2 Yonge St, toronto. Terms on applir‘amion Pl: Am mention this Paper when w Biéfiéfihfilbfi. 37'fii115'sufiufirnntm Whoa I fly cure I do not mean merely to stop them (or I "me sad than haw men] return again. I mean A "died I)”. I have made the dilene or FITS EPILEPSY max-FALL- ING szoxxms. Hie-long study. iwnrnnt my remedy to cure tho worn cues. Because other: huve failed II no Nuon {m- not now racalvlng a cure. Bend at once for 1: Iron" And A Free Bottle 0! my inmlllble remedy. GI" hpral and Pelt omco. It oonu you unthinz for I £11419 ad I willful-5 you. Address 33. H. G. BOOT, I, G u REF ET§ nun IUII UIrII'IUI‘U The Original Wood Cook, PREMIUM INGUME INCREASED F OR YEAR. INTEREST AND RENTS. - - ASSETS. - - $356375. 81 Were allocated as Holders. Profits pa ’ May lst. In this paper referred to the Annual Meeting of the Associa- tion. This meeting (being the 15th since the Com any was organized) took place on Tuesday. the 1m April. when the following gratifying increases were announced : am. am! from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., snbbatfi: éx 28 Dundus street. Tqrnmo, @federafiou’ ie cfigs@gnrmcm. / OUR LAST NOTICE 1; Mb: Celebrated Enn- cock Inspirator. WGreaham's Automatic p Re starting Injector. @Morrison’u Aquatk: Sight Feed Lubricscor. WEI) ‘neem‘aa Plumb- ers’ upph'ea 0! every description. Send to! circulars. SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAP. {4 "ES. "9!"! 75 & 77 Adelaide St. W. ritina’. TORONTO IF YOU SEE THEM YOU WILL BUY THEM ASK FOR DMMUND Were allocated as Profits to Policy Holders. Profits payable on and After May lst. J. K. MACDONALD. Managing Director. u:- 3‘" ‘ . , ' nu; Urea once ‘ ‘ cow: ' )nto. J . :resentage h Anna 1m: \xn l‘rmxa a ' Lu‘tmdeln ‘mh 12!. A Hand Purifle '1 Hamilton \I Pu] hematite Mn. M. 2 llolwrt St I Ervmpe-laa eam'sr..mdin 'nrnell, ‘14 SO ‘lopgiu Fits 41 ‘ .mrs'snfiorin lie liirrcll, :35; ' ‘ ~c., (ul‘cd of mm mm Lung l‘x'mlvlu; .luhn Wood. Q‘yl‘ath .& _c. qyrrnnevco“ Why do you me those E<pensive American and Canadian Baking Powders when you can get as good and wholesome at one half the price? Prove it by try- ing the Cook's Gem, Manufa, :tured by 09pm], £260,000. Dominionflovemmeutbepoait. £55,:K)'). Head Office: 72 King St. East, Toronto. Gentlemen of influence wnnted in unrepresented districts; A. '1‘. MCCORD, ELLIS 86 KEIGHLEY, BAKBNG POWDER Bunch Offiéé'. 37"Y'6ng'é'St" Toronto I luve a pnlfllve remedy for the nhovedlseue ; In I“ II- lbauunda areas“ or the: wore: Mud An I oHong alluding hue been cured. undead, so strong is my Inmnn lb Imucy, um I wl'l send TWO BOTTLES FREE, “zonal with I VALUABLR TREATISE on ‘hll disease 30 In, Mater. Give exprpal and P. 0. ntldreul. QB ' DR. ’1‘. ALSLOCUM, r WWW???" We are offering special in- ducements to purchasers of Iron Fence for delivery this fall. Cooks’ Gem ‘HE LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT 00. (LB). OF LONDON, EHO. Reaidanc Sabredrv for'the Dominion. R. - $96,894. - I3,029. SURPLUS, 80,234. Ttronto.

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