Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Oct 1887, p. 5

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Wanted. . Agents are wanted at once tn do business for Charles H.Chusn,tbe well-known- nursery- umn of Rochester. N. Y. See another page. Extra Super Grey Flannel at the Camouete, 25 inch, 223 cents, 26inch 27 cents, and 28 mgh 3o fipnts per yard, ' ' In 3 special issue of the Ontario Gazptte Aurora has been proclaimed a town. We c-maratulnte the “Fair Gmldeaa o! the Mom- in g" nn her prngress. and hope our late sis. tar will wear hr!" new title proudly, though. at thl sump lime with a. curtain degree of modesty. ' Baldwin's 4. ply fingering yarn, in all Shades. at the Concrete, 10 cts per skein. Coming Again. A lunch of the Kelclmm company of musicmns have signified their intention to start a singing clan-I in the village soon. No doubt a large number Will j-Iin as the class last winter were more than satisfied with the instruction they received. You can get a No. 9 Cook Stove With 20 pieces of t‘urnituxe for $30 at Mason's. Large lot of empty Barrels at the Concrete, cheap. The W. C. T. Union will meet at the resi- dence of Mrs. Conner on Tuesday evening uex: at half past- seven. The next meeting of Vmughau Council will be held on Tuesday. the nu: of OaLober. commencing at 10 a. m. The Annual Plowing Match of the Vaughan l'lowmen's Association will take place on Tuesduv, Nov. Isa. 1887. Full pnrtiClllHrS Wiil he made known as soon as the Prize List is revised. Stoves cheaper than in the at C. Mason's. Every Stove warranted at C. Mason's. Tm: LIBERAL will be sent. from this date to January 15:, 1889, for 31.00, payable in advance. Tm: mum“. and Weekly Glnl-e mil he sent from this date to January 15!. 1889, {or $1.75. payable in advance. End the new story commenced in the LIBERAL this week. entitled “A Great Secrex.‘ or "b'hall it be done." THE LIBERAL and Grip {or one year for 8250, payable In advance. Mr. J. Baker warns the public ngaiuat ne- gotiating for a note which he has lost. See another page. Fresh Fish .’ Not atall, but customers ; not out the stream. but in 1t. and swimming to Kirkbv‘o for their grub. Hurrah 1 RICHMOND HILL, Thursday. Oct. 6, '87 The Dan-i of Hope will meet on Friday next. al. 4 o'clock. THE LinEllAL and Ladies‘ Journal for one yeur for $1.40, payable in advance. Until further notice Mails will he rlosetl at the Binhmuml Hill Post Ofllce as follows:â€" Monmm‘. :â€"Gnim.' Northsoulh, East and West, includim 'l‘hnruhill, Maple, Tnmn ho. Mlu‘khmn,&v. 7.45 EVENING :â€"Gninu snuth.Enst mul West (as above) 5.80 N. IL-«Reaistered Letters must. he handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours rm- clnsimz. Thanann HILL T'mrnhill . \Vestnn . .. lmvmmm't Pm'knltue . . , . . TORON'I‘U. Brnr-k Street City Hall ...... Connects with a.“ tmim. leaving the Palmer HI “<1- Rirhmonl Hill. as follows: Mai (v Ex )raSS.Nm‘t.h & South... Aommmm ntion " " Express North. Mai South... .. 7.45 n m. "11.45 " 535 r. In. .535 " Newfimrkeb A nk‘firn. ‘ King Weston. Thornh . RICHMOND King Aluom. mi: E11: EEiltrrztl. TORQVTO. (‘ity Hall Brm‘k Street Parkan Davenport” PROCTOB'S STAGE LINE. N., R. R. TIME TABLE. Fruit Baskets only 50. at Kirkhy's. POST OFFICE NOTICE wmm” . 'mm'ket- Vaughan CounCIl Meeting. Vaughan Plowing Match. Fresh, and All Alive. HILL Aurora 3 Town GOING SOUTH GOING NORTH Mm“ ,EHB In”) SUV 9.18 80:1 9.15 8.33 8.42 8.51 . 9.10 5416 . 9:35 8.10 9,30 9.45 M. TEEFY. Postmaster. Anmm Acmm. 11.57 ’“ ' MI. W. Mnger has posters on: announcing . that he is prepared m make cider for the .c‘fmmuy of ] public at. one cent a gallonfi His green is in 12.10 12.30 12.42 12.53 ll 45 12.00 12.10 12.53 1 ‘50 1.40 Chy Muil. “.03 n n 544 (151 Ex 715 Mrs. Andrews, of Springhill, mother Of Mr. B. Andrews and Mrs. A. J. Rnpwn, of Yhis villuge, suflm'ed a painful acciduit lmt Saturday. She was visiting with her daught- gr, Mrs. Donogh. in Toronto. and while cum- mg down stairs she {all when near the bot.- tom And broke a small hone in her left shqmder. It is to be hoped it will not prove lgnous. but the Dr. says it. will be five 01' six weeks belore the bandages can be remov ed. Mn. Andrews has been wry unfortu- nate. an it. is only a law yours since she had h r hip bioken in aliuming frum a buggy. the botse hulng become frightened at a passing train. No Quorum. Reeve Pugsley and Councillor Sanderson were in their paces at, the Council board last Monday evening, but as none of their collea- gues put in an nppearence they were obliged to adjourn for want of a quorum. Some of the councillors apparentlv believe in the ad- age. "Business before Pleasure." It Wuuld have been better for the Village had they come to this conclusion before they eubcrlb- ed their oath of office lust January. connectxon with Boyle's mill, on Patterson side iine, half a mile west of this village. Cider made by the latest improved proceaa. Mr. Muger is also prepared to do grain chop- ping [or the farmers in the surrounding .neighborhoud. He solicits patronage and gummutees satisfaction. A 565 Prize. At the four days' Fair held in Port Perry last week, Miss L. Wright, of this place. nuc- ceeded in carrying nfl‘ the palm as an eques. trienne. winning u 865 prize. She rude the noted “Sally Snnbbu." a thorouqb~bred blood mane. owned by Mr. A. E. Clnugliton. Miss Wright‘s fame in horsemnmhip is now fully established. and we believe it is her intention to withdraw from contests at public Ex bibitinua, nfter this season. On another page will be found Mr. B. Greimau'a Card of Thanks to his numerous friends and patrons.previous to his removing to Aurora. and introduction of Mr. Neville. who has purchased the business and good will. The lattcr gentleman who, unlil re- cently, had been in business in the same line In the village of Warkworth, comes highly recommended, and we trust he will prove a worthy succeswt to Mr. Grc‘mau. We be- speuk for him a fair share of SL9 public put- ronage. w Return of Convictions. The Return of Convictions for York Coun- ty for :lie past quarter WHII given in the Au- rora Banner last. week. The schedule is a long one and some of the ufl'euces are of more than a minor nature. Nu less than 50 convictions were made by J. M. \Viugfield, Enq.. Pnrkdule. Sad to say the longest pun- islnuent was inflicted on two females, by J. P‘s Yule and Luudy, of Aurnru, the sentence being six months in gaol. The only offender sentenced in this village was one for con- u‘oveniug the sanitary laws. meg to a mistake made by the mail clerks on the train from Toronto last Saturday morning. Richmond Hill pm. ple bad no dailies on that day until the aft- ernoon. The mistake was in tying the high on the wrong mail bags, we receiving Maple, and vice versa. The nnlv consnlmiuu was in knowing that. Maple would sufi‘er the same inconvenience as ourselves. Mr. Proctor made matters right at. noon. » Notice is ngen on number page of the Annual Meeting of the Earl. York Reform Asswmtiou, to be held it Uuiouville on Sat.- urday, the 15m inst. The representatives of the Riding for bulk Local and Immiuiou Legislaturas am expected to be present. A full attendance is requested from vverv sub- diviaiuu. We are receiving many urums [or Satur- day‘s Gnobe. This 13 not. to be wondered at. us the proprietors are making a. special fun. Luleof this number. II. will ulwms be a. sixteen or tweuly page sheet, full of original and mlereslnnx mamr from me pens of the best. wnilers and WIN DH 3 must. spicy nnd reudulrln sheet. Leave your orders at THE LIBERAL Stun-a. Fall Fairs. Markham Fair is being held today. and will hr ouuliuuud twmorrow. Newmaike: Fair Wlll be held next Tuesday and Wednes- day. the lllh and lZlh of Oclubvl‘. and West York d: Vaughan Fair will take place- ov the r a flock. He can give uctivp, square. men good positions, and desires to nicme with a few such men. with a necurimz their servichs. \Vrite to soon as you have rend this for ta particulars. Remfimher, only sqna . , nu..."- own;ny two following; days, the 13m mid 1m; of men med apply. Addre§~.713ivn;v1.‘0. ding-all: October. at \\’..ndund - flurseryumn. Rochester, N. Y- H.9 Gospe: Song service. Next Sunday ev'g instead of the regular ser- vwr: m the Methodist. Church. there will be a Goal «1 Song Service. conducted by Rev. Mr. Simpson. The choir will introduce several nrn pic-ces and an internaliug progrumme um) be lunked for. Lansmg Fair. Quite a number of people viri ed the Full Fnir held at Lansing lust Thursday. ’l‘ne number of entries, the slum of stock. mu! in tact. all the depurllm-nts were remark- “My Kmnl {or a local Fuir. 'l'ut- utteudnllca was Ell-U large. The Riclumnd Hill Band furnished the music. Fire Brigade M eetxng. The rpnnlnr monlhlv meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Fire, Brigade “iii he held to- murer (Friday) evrI-iuu u! 8 n‘cluck. Mem- belw rhould [mu in mind that this will be the lust prncuco nf the Henson. and should thereluru he in lhcir p'uces in flood Lime. Tapestry. Brussels. ail wool, Union and Hemp Carpets. Stair Carpets, Stair Linen, Floor Oil- clnths at the Concrete. cheap \V. Atkinson, direct Importer. Tu Cheese Dealers. Mr. J. Nesa. u! the Evm-sley Cheese Fact- ML MR km a. large qunnlil-y of cheese at. Mr. A. L. Skeele's store so [hat the Rich- muuu hid store-kwpem and uthers may be “upl'lit'd. either \JlulH‘ulfl or retail. by cail- iug at the almve “'30P.â€"Adl. 13-3. Change of Business. M ail Bags Changed Painful Accident Saturday‘s Globe annual Meetmg. ' Fresh Cider. He congratulated the people 0! Camille on the unfit]st of their church. which had un- dergone a Complete runnvu lion. and spok I in leeliug terms of the warmth of feeling which had always exisLo-d helwuen that place and Patterson. Rev. Mr. Came-Inn gave a suit- ablw Hurvest Home addresn healing on that i festival principallv as it was obuerved in v lormor days. The church choir, nsaistud by Miss Easiwaod, of Toronto, Mrs. G. (300kI of Hoiw. and Messrs. Atkinson and Hume, of l Bichmuud Hill, rendered the musical part (.f i the eulertuiumwl. in a manner which cuuld not fail lo ue appreciated by the intelligent audienc . Mrs. A. J. Hume acted as organ- i int. The windows 0! the church. the door, lamps, cloak. &c.. were neatly and tastefully decorated with rich fruits of all kinds. and the products of the field. and looked ex- tremely beautiful. At the close of the ev- i uning'p programme, an autograph quill, on g which more than 8100 had been already 1'0! l allied, was purchased by Mrs. J. Coombs. At Carrville Methodist Church. On Sunday last Cnrrrille Methodist church was re~opened by sermons appropriate to the oucaswn. The building was well filled in the forenoon, afternoon, and evening, and good collections “ere realized. Although the weather was disagreeable on Monday, a large crowd gathered for the Harvest Home Festival in the evening, and a very pleasant time was lhe result. The dinner was served in the shed. which had been fitted up into a comfortable dining room. and was fur a- bove the standard. The wniters ware oblig- iug and attentive and everything was done to make the large crowd enjoy a hearty meal. Immediatelv after dinner the friends repnir- ed to the church, where the intellectual feast commenced at 8 o'clock p. m. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Pearen after explnining, with re gret. tlmt Rev. Mr. Jollifi'e and Dr. Gilmour Would bl' uunvoiduhly absent on account of sickness in their respective households, read a. finnnciul statement of the trustees of the church showing that over 8500 had been re- cently expended on repairs, and that this amount had been walked with the exception of 380. Rev. Mr. Simpson was asked to so- licit subscriptions in order to free the church from the debt, and so pleasantly and 'num- oronsly did he manage the task that the deâ€" ficiency was made up in a few minutes. The chair was ably filled hy P. Patterson, Esq. [Y . . I .. . 4. , , Football Match. A friendly game of Footbn I took place on the Park hore lust Saturday betWeen an English team hailing from 'l‘hornhill and vicinity, and eleven players from Richmond Hill. The home team won by three goals to none. after u hot contest. The folloWing are the names of the respective tenure : Engliwh Elevenâ€"D. Hastings Porter (Captain), Cums. Porter, Edwin Langstafi. lery SyIVestet-, Lee lluAllum, Hugh Rose, Richard Isucuntl. Wm. Barry. Francis Irdell, Mark Wilson and Charles McConaghy. Richmond Hillâ€"J. A. Palmer (Captain). J. McConnghv, R. Lang- stafl'. R. Hnfiey, F. McConaghv, T. F. Mc- Mahon, J. Hnt‘fey, H. McConnghy. J. Piper. U. Soules and Wm. Munshuw. Mr. E. F. Langstufi noted as referee and director of ceremonies. The aqreement was to play 1 hour and 30 minutes. The Engiah tenm won the toes und chose to play the first hull time up grade. preferring to leave the ensiest work for the lust 45 minutes. This proved disastrous to them, as during the first bull time the home team scored three games. having the udvnntage of playing down the slope, and likewise with a. strong wind. The visitors are a heavy. well-built set of your): men. but are more adapted for Rugby Foot ball than the game as plaved under the As- sociation rules. During the lant half time they played a. strong defence game, and worded ofl‘ many kicks when the hull w-Iuld have gone under the tape. The home team worked better together. and what they lacked in weight they more than made up in agility. But the \‘irit we made some mngnifit-ent kicks. and many tunes Were loudly upphtlltl- ed It is only just to sny that two of their best players Were nh<ent. and thew were therefore compelled to select twu others after they had tukeu their places on the field. The name from etnrt to finisu seemed to be thoroughly enjoyed by the spectators. who cheered lustin whenever a. cleVer kick was made, or more particularly when a. player accidentally measured his length on the grass. Many sharp scrimmages took place, but no dispute arose which was not, in a. few seconds, amicably settled by the referee. We would give a. fuller account and speak of individual play on each side, but the clubs intend meeting on the same ground in a week or two, when the Englishman propose bringing a full eleven who will prove them- selves worthy of the country which they represent. The popular and Well known Nurserymau of Rochester. N. Y.. desires to make arrange- ments with one or two live, energetic men to take order! for his Nursery stock. He has a choice stock. including fine snecialties. His inducements Lo hegimwrs are particularly advantageuns. Ha fulfill; all he prumises, and guarantees to fnrmuh strictly first-class Mock. He can give nctivp, square. upright men good positions, and desires to commu- nicate with a few such men. with a vimv of neuurimz their servichs. \Vrite to him as Soon as you have rend this for tPrms and particulars. Remember, only square dealing Football Club. A football club was nrganized Inst (Wed- nesdny} evening in Richmond Hill. The fol- luwing were elected ufiicersâ€" Hnnnrary Pres- ident, T. H. Reddilt, B. A.; President, T.F. McMahon ; Vice-President, F. McConngby, sr. ; Captain. Dr. J. A. Palmer; Secretary, W. D. Alkinmn ; Treasurer. J McOnnughy. Managing Committee. \V. \Viley, A. Muqer. C. SUUIPH. J. Hum-y. S. Senrle. C. Trevelbnn and W. Munnlmw. As Richmond Hill is surrounded by many unperior teams. the newly fornwl clun expects. and is prepared. to accent challenges at. once. The. regular moulhiv meeting of Richmond H!“ Sclwul Baum was called (or lab! Mnu- duy, but no quorum could be raised. The {allowing members Were presentâ€"Messrs. Brown, Lynet. Nuuulllnn. McCouaghy. Glass and Dr. Wilson. By this it seems that the re-engnging of teachers will be left. till the NnVember meeting. To us this appears un- just. as every teucher should know for a cer- Luin:y before November where he or she is to he statinned for the ensuing pear. It would be only fair to all parties to call a special meeting at. once. Edward 0. Graham No Meetmg. By the piece at close mill prices. Inspection invited, and if our prices are not lower than those of any other house in the city, don’t buy. Persons liv- ing at a distance of one or two hundred miles can save their railway fare and expenses on a purâ€" ' Chase of twenty-five to fifty dollars. Grey 85 White Cottons KIDDERMINSTER CARPETS ! Having at eye to business will make their purchases of \Vhitc and Grey Cottons, White and Grey Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, Table Linens, Table Napkins, Towels, Towellings, etc., etc., at our stores. PETLEY & PETLEY, Persons Furnishing or about to Furnish should Exammg our Immense Stock of THS. THflMPSUN cYc Sow CARPET HOUSE ! A" “.5” _..._ "I, .v. “Ham.qu umv pmryie requer 8 dura- ble as well as a stvlish garment. FRANCE sends us some of the finest and prettiest suits, but the difficulty with French Clothing is its enormous cost and unsuitable styles for Canadian trade. CANADA. Last, but not least. comes our own country. and let it be said to her crtâ€"‘dlt that like the mnther country, England, the standard of quality is maintained in her cloth manufacturers. We make up thousands «if suits ourselves. employing hundreds of handsâ€"men and wnmen throughout the surrounding countryâ€"paying out in wages from $40,000 to $60,000, and many a little cottage in the suburbs has been paid lot out of the sav- ings of our employeesâ€"fluid now a word about prices. Thomaâ€"little Sailbr Suits at $1.50. that thu seaâ€"they could not be produced in I: little Halifax Tweed Suits at $1.50 come [NG. \Ve don’t do it all, but we double everv year, till now, at. thc vear. and we fully expect that our This seems a. great. deal, and some are prepared to prove our statelnel we do the largest trade in Buys’ C We‘ll try and tellyou : â€" TOBONTO,uud ‘more to All our stock is new and choice, and puzchased from the best English makers, prevxous to the advance in prices. Wiltons, Brussels, Tapestry King St. East, Own. the Market TORONTO. HOUSEKEEPERS MAMMOTH HOUSE, KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. Boys’ Blue Serge Suits, onl) 98c. Boys’ Brown Serge Suits, only 980. Boys’ Halifax Treed Suits, only $I.5o. Boys’ Sailor suits, only $1.50. Boys’ Corduroy suits, only $52.50. Boys’ Fancy Plaited suits. Boys’ Norfolk suits. Boys’ Eaton, Harrow and Rugby suits. Boys’ Jersey suits. . Boys’ Rubber Coats. Boys’ Crash Coats and Vests. Boys’ Summer Clothing. And 1000 Gents’ Crash Coats & Vests at $2 l more to followâ€"~wlmt an undertaking to supply them with CLOTHâ€" 't do it all, but we sell our share. Our sales in this department ‘ar, till now, at. the smallest calculation, we sell 10,000 Boys’ Suits a My expect that our sales this year will not fall short. of 20,000 Suits. aat deal, and some of you may reasonably doubt it~nevertheless we prove our statements and show tn the satisfaction of everyone that. It trade in Ruvn’ fllnrkinnh. n.......:. “1., A, a .. .. THE LEADING ’ Clothing in oauiadéx. Where '. that we never have enough of, come ed in this country for less than 33.50; D come from the same quarter, and |:h sav that it is a. real pleasure to have mngnsn er Uanadian manufacture, they excel in extraordinary fact that amid the keenest competi- rer maintained the highest standard of durability nu style of qualityâ€"while the Germans seem to and style. forgetting that, people require a dura- AND little cost. Again, England anpfil’igs rgminq old gountry people of their childâ€" [and though theig goods are do they Valiigome its-1;? 19 from over 3; then the those parents 73 boys when .50.

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