Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Oct 1887, p. 8

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“mu: fiducrfismmlfi. l once. Hardy Stock a specialty. CHARLES H. CHASE. Nurseryman, Rochester. N. Y. Salary and Expenses or Commission. Oct. 6-2m ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual Meeting of the EAST YORK REFORM ASSOC‘N Wi‘l be held in Victo'. In Hell, UNIONVILLE, __(,N__. Saturday, Oct. 15th, 1887, At 2 o’clock p, m., for the consideration of the Annual Be oitand Election of Officers. The HO .A. MACKENZIE. M. P., and G. B. SMITH,ESQ., M.P. P., representatives of the Riding. are expected to be present. ‘ . _ A full attendance from evsiy Sub«DiVision is re nested. W. B. SPEIGHT, J. . CLARK. SecERYBA. PresEBYRA NOTE LOST. The undersigned has lost a note draun for ‘3 months ln favor of himself, dated Sept. 19th,l€‘3., and signed by Edmund Sewer. The amount of the note is $5.00 and bears interest at 7 per cent. It is drawn on a. Central Bank blank. and (later. at Richmond Hill. The public are hereby wa' :- g ‘ t ne otiatiu for the same. eda mus g 8 JACOB BAKER THE BEE HIVE STILL AT THE FRONT! c. TRETIETHAN Bogs to announce that he is now prepared to show the finest lines of FAII & WINTER CLOTHS Fine imported Ever sh own in this locality. TWEEDS 8t W0 HSTEDS. Beautiful new ()VERCOATINGS. A splendid ine of CANADIAN TWEEDS. Full lines of elegant 1‘1 ouserings. Scotch and English STRIPES 85 MIXTURES. All the latest novelties in Checks. Come in and see our NEW GOODS, NEW STYLES, NEW TRIMMINGS. Everything now except the same old reliability of Workmanship,the slum old Low Prices. and the same old Perfection of Fit. Remember the BEE HIVE when you want a hobby Suit or overcoat. C. TREVETHAN, Richmond Hill. iucmm SALE! OF VALUA BLE hm 8. Village Property. The undersigned have received instructions from the Executors of the Estate of John Brillia- Eer, late of the Township of Whirchurch. in the ountv of York. yeoman. deceased, to ofier for sale by Public Auction at Palmer's Hotel, in the village of RICilMOND T'I'IJL. Saturday, Oct. 15th. 1887, Wantedâ€"Agents for spring trade at l | At two o'clock p. m. by Salem Ecknrdt,Auction. oer. the following lands and premises in three parcels. vim; Parcel No. lâ€"The west half of lot number two in the fourth concession of the Township of Whitchurch, containing loo acres more or less. This land is ood clav 104m. 60 acres of which are cleared an under cultivation. the rest is well wooded With first-class cedar and hardwood. A never-failing stream runs through the middle I of the farm. There are about 2 acres of orchard. There is upon this parcel a substantial frame house with kitchen and shed, also a trams barn 40kt. by 60 ft. and driving house 40 it. by do ft., all in a good state of repair. It is distant one quarter of a mile from Gurmley‘s Corners an I is convenient to schools and churches. Parcel No. 2~Villuge Lot number 33 in the Village of Richmond Hill, containing 3 acres more or less. This has a. frontage on both Rich~ mond Street and Centre Street, and on it is a good dwelling house and stable. Parcel No.3~Villuge Lot number 84 in the Village of Richmond Hill containing 6 acres more or less, having a frontage on Centre Street of about thirteen chains. l These last two parcels are well situated in the Incorporated Village of Richmond Hill and are most desirable investments. TERMSâ€"Ten per ceut. of the purchase money of each parcel to be paid down on the any of sale to the Vendors' Solicitors. enough therewith to make up one half of the said purchase money within 30 days thereafter without interest, the balance to be secured by a first mortgage over ‘ each parcel of property to run for one year at o I per cent. Eac parcel will be sold subject to a reserve bid. Further particuluis and conditions | of sale will be made known at limo of sale, or on application to the Executoi's or their Solicitors. Dated this 13th dnv of September, 1887. LAWREME a MILLIGAN. Solicitors for Vendors, Building A' Loan Chambers, Toronto , James Goriiilev. Abraham llrillinger, Casper Widemau. l Executors. 12.4 i THIS PAPER '3 on YILEand Ad. vertlslngcontrmtl nJ.‘ other V n p . r, 5,. in. . world ssh be made I t: l r .‘N‘Khiavol‘r ‘ ~ »- - u: “AL 3.1;... .c nimi‘ INTERNIU LthVMH reWSPAfiiER AGENCY I ELLE) - the ‘“-New llaveu,€‘t,I'.E.A. "short. in: he.qu . and Ben Dlrouorr of the Worll. WORKING uLASSiSiiT’TE Fire Insurance. ‘ Farmers protect your buildings ironi‘; fire and lightning by insuring Ill ibe GORE DISTRICT MUTUAL FIRE l INSURANCE C0.. Head (lflice Gilt, County of \Vnterloo; Established 1830. lbs number of policies issued in the year 1886 was 2,616, and the number in force at the end of the year 6,273. insur- ing $6,867,679.31, showing an increase. of ‘v nearly $400,000.00 over the amount at risk at end of 1885. The income for the year was 587.078.”;3. Total assets available to meet lusses lms increax-ml from $18,980 00 to $238.- ‘264 00 in the year 1886, the increase be- iqu within a lrlfld of $20,000. The number of losses for the past year was 108, and liie amount of loss 357,-, 887.27, of which 343:?) 28 was reinsured, l making the net loss $53,573 99. This Company has deposited $20 000 with the Ontario Government, being mow than double WEN". the law requires, but it. gives the GORE a still stronger hold upon public confidence. I Damage by lightning to stock while in field. is promptly paid by the Guru, (thel actual payment being two-thirds of the value of animal). Panties Whose barns are wrecked by lightning are indemnified to full extent of wreckage. Farmers can save money by insuring iii the Gore. This Company has been established fifty-one years. The gore is one of the oldest and most reliable ' Mutuals in Canada. All communications promptly attended '0. JOHN T. SAIGEON, Sole and only agent for Spriugliill and surrounding country. P. 0. Address. King. illillsgt Qirttinrii. Churches. S'r. MARY s Eriscopu. Causedâ€"Service at s p.m..except the third Sunday of every month. when the service and sacrament are held at 11 a.m. Sunday Schoolat 1:30pm Bev.W. Bates. Rector Msrnoms'r CHURCHâ€"Services at 10:30 A. m and 5:30 p. m.,and Sunday school, at 2.30 p. in. Young people's prayer meeting Tuesday evening. General Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening in the Lecture Room. Rev. J. M. Simpson. Supt. Rev. G. N. Rutledge. Assistant. Pansnv'rnnuiv Cannon or CANADA.â€" Services at 11 o'clock a.m..and 6:30 p.1n. Prayer meeting on Wednesday eveningat'lzao. Rev J. W. Cam- eron. Pastor. Roms cu‘nomc GEORGEâ€"Services in order a. follows 'Thornhill at 9 a.m., and Richmond H llat 10:30 mm; the following Sunday at Rich. mood Hill at!) a.m. and Thornhill at 1030 a. m. Rev. J. J. Egan. Pastor Societies. Rionnosn Loves, A. F. & A. M.. No.23, G.R.(‘ Meets in the Lodge room.Masonic Hall,on the Monday on or before full moon. at 8 o'clock p.m I. Crosby, W.M. ANCIENT 03mm or Fonns'rznsâ€"Court Rich. mom]. No. 7046 A. O. F., meets in the Temperance Hall every alternate Fridav at 7.30 p. m.â€"- Alex Coulter. C. R. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE. No 465, I. O. G. T.â€" Meets in the Temperance Hall‘ every Wednesday 7.30 o'clock. WmJ'larrison T.I). The Methodist sabbath school Temperance As sociation issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. Wm.Hs.rrison supt Mncnlmics' msrn‘u'rn.â€" Library or over 1000 volumesppen ovary Tuesday evening, in the Ma- sonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o'clock. R. E. Lav. Libra- rian. Lectures and discussions periodically, Brannon!) HILL CORNET BAND.â€"Meets for practice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 730 o'clock W. Sheppard, Leader VILLAGE COUNCIL.â€"Revve. Wm. Pucsley. Coun~ cillurs.Messrs.P G. Savage, Jos Hall, Wm A Sanderson. Levi Gaby. Hulk. M. 'l eer. Fain Bmoann.~llegular mooring first Friday of every month, held in the Council Chamber. at 7p. m. Membership free. Certificatesissued to members entitling them to certain privileges and exemptions. Win.H. Pugsley. Captain. 11. A. Nicholls, Secretary. A. 0. U. W.,Ivy Lod e. No. 141. Meets in the Committee room 0 the Masonic Hall each alternative Tuesday at 8 o'clock pm. Bene- tlcary certificate given for $2,000 in case of death .7. Brown, Master Workman. B. Grennan. rec. B. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, No. 43. Meets in Temperance Hall.each alter- native Tuesday evening atso‘clock p m. Bene- ficiary certificates issued to male or female members for $l.000 or in case of death $2,000, one hall payable in case of disability. J. H. Sander- son Select Councillors; J.A.E.Sw5tzer.Recording Secretarv RICHMOND HILL PLANING MILLS l L. INNES & SONS Having bought the above-named mill and put everything in Fl HST-C LASS GRDER. Are now prepared to take contracts for all kinds of Buildings. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. 860.. Kept on hand, or made to order on the shortest notice. A stock of PLANED LUMBER, MOULDINGS, &C. Always on hand. There is also a F IRSTâ€"CLASS SAW-MILL In connection with the factory. where custom sawing will be done. All Work gimranlerd and prices moderate. The above factory is situated on RICHMOND ST” RICHMOND dlLL Nov. 25th. 1886-3m N- Q We are now pieilnreil to iunnsh all s classes with employment at home the whole of the time. or for their spare mo- ments. Business new. light and profitable. Pe.r- stills of either sex easili' earn from 50 cents to $5 ' per evening, and n prnportioual sun: by devoting I all their time to the business. Boys and girls I earn nearly as much as men. That all Who see I this may send their address. and test the busi- . ness. we make this ofi‘er : To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing Full particulars and out- at free. Address Gleason Sru‘sax a 00.. Port- ’ land. Maine ‘ Dominion or anaurt. L9 IE? DIEDâ€""TIMES" ! i Sewing Machines to Suit the Times. 4,“ Now is the time to buy ii first-class Light Running WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINE! AT REDUCED PRICES. l mu prepared in tulle produce in (XL'lIHllue' at fair market Value. for one. u the latest iiiipruvul and most durable Sewing Machines in the market, as a large num- ber in prepared to prove in the. immediate Helghfyuriuyod'brfildlg' the Very hrs“, "um. be: of Muian and Vinyl. l’rih-s :it PI‘IIVllIElul and other Fulfil. such as 'l'orni.i..,M..... "ea" it""l'm. Q‘Wh’v'c' “I'd 5“ ll'" "Vi'l‘lil‘fl FM". Antwerp. Belgium. also a DiP’O :m for the best imG Sllh“l| in London, um] ll lei: dollar prlzi: for best specimen of work “t Mmkham Fair this your. Come zilrnig. and get a bargain. All orders by mail promptly attended to. J. LUSH, Richmond Hill, THE PEOPLE’S STORE If WALL PAPERS. WALL PAPE us. JESSE NUNN’ bPRINGHILL' A complete stockof Wall Paper and Borderings, something new in Slyles and I Designs, from been” up. A Inarge Stock of '1“UR.1VI'J‘IJI{E ['I a variety of designs. BY WEARING THE ONLY - FRANK LA Z ARUS (Late of the firm of Lazarus 6: Morris) IKENOWNED 0 r Spectacles 8:. Eye Glasses. These Spectacles and Eye Glasses [have been used for the pun :lfi yours, mm given in every iii- Munro unbounded HHllthctiillI, They are the best in the “mill. They never tire. and lost many years Without change. For Sale by T, F. .MchLIJHOJV'l Punusnmi or " LIBERAL." Ricnmoim HILL. AND FRANK LAZARl'S. Manufacturer. ‘28 Mary- luml Bond, Hnrrmi Road. London, England late Lazarus 6‘: Morris. Hartford, Con. E’Nu connection with any other firm in the Mixed Pain”. ready for use, in all colors and shades. Boiled and Raw Oils, Var" islws, and till other material for paints. Paint and “'hiiewasli Brushes, all sixes, which I will sell zit both-m price. 'Jiill and see. Usual Stock of Pictures and Frames. Large Stock or Eli: ‘illllil‘lltlfi- straw, per ton TORONTfl Thursday Oct 0 [567 writtmnqmr liulshel ............. so 7788 to is. Groceries. Flour and Feed. eat, spring, l o .. 79 _ I .' 1 m "u ) ‘ ‘ ,7 “ 333,?) 5:; g, l . (1. .S A N A (TE. Pens. (lo 50 61 . ,, _. , . . , , L,_V,., ,_,_ ~___, n_,__ Rvu. «in Oil Clover Seed. «lo . . . . . . . . ,. on Dressed hogs,per 100 lbs, .. 6 00 6 '75 iiengorelquuiâ€"ters . .. 4 5 20 «lee .hint quarters . 7 . 8 75 ilhiti‘kens, [3811' pair ..... :0 60 AT THE luv 5. i o . $5 an Geese.each . . . . . . . . . . .. 60 so . . . ‘ Turkeysench . . . l iii) 2 5H 0 d Butter, pound rolls . .‘4 2r. ) Butter. tub dairy _ (M 01 9 gram, fresh, ppr (ioz . ‘13 m (itatoes, per mg . l m Apples, per bbl . .. i 09 i 75 CoNTISTlNG 0F gfigmgrecnfier (1oz. . . :23 . c. , “Mg,” ,1: 56 ., DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, GINCHAMS. w: NCEYS. TWEEDS, 8.5.. &c. .e cry, 1 o 75 - Turnips, per bag... 50 00 Carrots, do. .. 50 75 Hay.perton ll 00 iii straw, per ton 12 so - tmcmtmglju'l‘ “lama” 00:01188' % Tea from 25 Cents upwards, 5 lbs. for 8. Sugar splendid value. Oatmeal 40 lbs. 3 on s, per us e ..... .... ' . 333.58, hog-mm, lbs 333 , g}; NAILSHARDWARE GLASSWARE ac CROCKERY gee;.flprelnunrltpr ....... . p$ 4 38 Flour and Feed always on hand. as . lnl qua er .. .. o Chickens. per pair . .. 0 30 40 . A. Ducks. do .. 0 50 60 68858.800b . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 60 ‘A‘"#~'7V H “H V ~Hi ' W _ _ g V V 7 W W ' V ’7‘»; "â€" Turkeys, perlb .. 0 9 10 Butter, pound rolls. .. 0 24 0 '25 Butter. large rolls ...... .. 0 15 16 Em’s. fresh, per dozen .. I) 15 0 )6 . Potatoes,per hag ....... .. 0 00 1 0f. Applesmer bbl .......... - -. '2 00 2 50 FOR CHEAP FRESH AND onions, green, per bush. .. I 50 . ’ Cabbage, per doz . 0 80 0 00 Celery, do . - E gllrnllls, peabag ..... 0 30 0 40 ' .arrots, o . . 4 o 50 B . . . rfi‘lfi‘fi'fiifiil‘m bbl. :f’fl‘. 9.5.9 GU TU THE LORNE SWRE- Fiour,fall, per bbl . l 10 4 50 Hny.per ton ....... 10 no T E e S ' Special Value. in Hysons. Congoiis and Japan: Flour always on hand. Front Rank and White Luau by Roller Prime”. I still continue to sell the celebrated Raymond Sewing Machines and Eagle Steam Washers. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods and highest prices allowed. 7‘ \ GEO. TRENCH TRENCHS -CARRIAGE WORKS: RICHMOND HILL. â€"-â€")“l In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal pstr )Imge during the past twenty-five yams, I beg to re- mind them and the 20mm] public, that having erected critic"; new and com- modious premises. I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies. Carriages, Cutters, ORNAMENTAL SIeighs and PLATFORM SPRING -W A G UN 3. FOR SALE! That commodious Hotel in the centre of the village of RICHMOND HILL, Known as the DOMINION HllllSE l The property of B. Brillinaer, is for sale. The Hotel is a new brickclad with munsard roof, thrEe stories high, contains 20 rooms, is heated by means of hot air. and has all the mod- ern appliances. The stabling and out buildings, which are brick, are complete in every particu- lar. Lame sheds and plenty of yard room well gravelled. An excellent business is being done, Eutltllile proprietor is going to sell owing to ill. on t . Jim: LIBERAL! " PRINTING & PUBLISH‘NG ESTABLISHMENT. RICEMOND HILL, ONT. Also for sale one of the BEST FARMS! In 'the County of York. It contains 107 acres and is composed of the west half of lot 13. in the 2nd Concession of Vaughan. There is plenty of water on the premises. good buildings. fences in first~cluss repair, and the land is in a. high state of cultivation. Possession for the hotel or form given on short nolt‘ice} b I or art or artlcu nrs an I to the re ' i p B. BRILLINP ER, p pne or (4f Dominion House. Richmond Hill. ALL KINDS 0? PLAIN a PRINTING ':>DR.HODDER‘$3 URES Executed with neatness and A N 0" Sick Headache, work is under my min anel'ViSi i. l mu ‘ Livgggggilginc. despatch. Both lightaiid heavy. all ..i which are I _ Biliousuoss', guaranteed to give satisfaction as the 1 .' ' ,, . ,- . K‘fi'fiiflgfiggeb Posters Pamphlets All" prepared to (in all kinds -f black- “ ‘ Skin Dissaseii ’ ’ 'smithing it repairing iii ll’le most ivork- /_ my /;/ Impurlxilgsuyf the nun-like minim-r, on the Shorts-st. notice, /c ' ‘ ‘ . a 5232:1023,“ wl’m’b Streamers Circulars and on the most reasonable terms. D D - ‘ sourising y ‘ l ' J. WWW. .\ .Sfifidffii‘sffiifil Horse - Shoelng ' ' ‘ Purely Velletable; Paul special :iltrnlwn 1n Highlv Concentrated. \"M 'I‘I 5 1f“ \ .. Labels, Pleasant Eifiectual Use ASK FOR Cards, DR. HODDER’S COMPOUND. 15‘“ Head" bh’l’l’mg Jags’ LUMBi‘; Tali: {1‘21 other. Sold everywhere. Price'lscentg o . ' p e Lellel' GadS, The unilers‘iL'nI-ilrpuww-rfiillvinfiv'nlv“ ’hal. he has removed his haw-m'll from ichee'i Witch to Luis l8 unll 19. 4L1: Con York, nest of Yonge DR. HODDE 1’s l &c., &c. 5“‘“°” no" h&|pmllqw WESTON. “‘ ~ ‘- â€"-~ ‘ .K ,1 Aâ€"- O . And will give his best attentinr to any bill; so“ m V ‘ .p r ’ '7 . a custom sawing he may he favored Witn. per bottle. Il’i-opi‘io“ . ‘ .aélluigmfem _ R ‘7 . TEE mos H.221: co. Toronto, can The Liberal $1 a, Year. KING P. O

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