Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Oct 1887, p. 1

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to be made. Cut this out and return to us and we will send you free. something of > great value and importance Ito \vqu. that will sLnrt vou in business which will .bnngwqu m moremonev right. away than anv- mli'uu: «139%: {be world. Any one can do the "work mud “hume. Either sex; all nae& Something mowfihat just nwtus nmnuy for workers. We will SMI'L um ,; capital mot ueedmL This i: nne of the gaunt». m“ wrtan-‘L r-lmnoes of . Those who am am mom: and enter- ll not delay. Grand oucfis Ad ‘5 (t Co. Augusta. Maine Deposits recein ad Interestslmwed thereon at Current Rates, Na notice of withdrawal required. Draft-s on 1.11 mm of Canada, United States and Great Britain, bought and sold Ml Yonge Street, Next door to the new Arcade ‘zou fiville .. Mark ham ..... Victoria. Square. Phornhill. Wu! \Voodbridge Kleinburg. N obletou‘. Vitulized Alt always on hand at appointments Works like a charm Free from 1min. LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN. Banist Solicitors, Conveyancers, 86:. Toronto Officeâ€"No. :4 Building 6': Loan Chambers. N3. :5 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Officeâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. Geatml Bank of (LT-wads! PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VIE-PRESIDENT SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS MONEY T0 LOAN AT L0§VET CURRENT RATES ¢ G. r. LAWRENCE." * w. c. mmem watchts, Clocks .l‘lmnkful for the favors of the past so years may still be consulted in any branch M the proâ€" .essiou, as follows: Aurora, let, em, 16th, and 22nd of em“ month Richmond Hill.” .. .9tb and 24th dn _(a_§_the Palmer House) Fullerton, Cook it Miller. BARRIS'I‘ERS, POLICITCRS &e \FFJCE: 18 KLVG S'mrn'r EMT. Tonon'ro. Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. J SFullarton, W Cook, J. R. Miller -Medah'st Toxv‘nto l‘nivmsih' N( n 1 n (‘0 Physicians 8; Surgeons, Ont.,flnte of Stouffville Yomze Street. Richmond Hill. Oflice Hams to 10a.m..5m8p.m Best fitting Teeth made. Nothing innrior in the and Dentistry. Prices low and Yimlized Air used any time. THE LIBERAL PRINTING a PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. - - ONTARIO. 11mm. 30 GEES Benn“ 083102 , THURSDAY EVENING unrcnts, Clocks, grinding, @ilbmnmt nub Optimal (Boobs. SPECTACLES FOR EVERY SIGHT. 13.1“. I'IORI'H". SHN «Y C0 Address A ROBINSON L.D.s..Aur§;;bnt Chisholm. M. P. R, H. P. Dwight. D. M. Mac. donulfl. B. BobigsPnA'A: McLean A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, night calls at Rent $I per annum, in advance.] VOL. X. BUSINESS CARDS. Dr. James Ln“ gslafl. AND VJZ‘JZJIZE’fl 9312?? IAN] ES M. LA‘VRENCE. Manufacturers ‘ Fm»: @ibeml ” T. E. MGMAHUN, PRIVATE FUNDS m If”?! SDTOR and PBOPRIETOR. Dr. J. A. Palmer. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Dr. “K J. “’Ilsou. Richmond Hill. Hofirfi, {xiii-613$)- IS PUBLISHED EVERY USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. SURGEON DE N'I‘IS'V‘ =3:an Wrfliml. n: (1001‘ bell. Office hour mam ,TORON TO porters of M :Iuaat MESIU LESSQJVS. MESS FLGRA DfliTEfi Best Pic-Nic Grounds in the countv. Good fishing and boating. Every accommodation to boarders at reasonable prices. WRIGHT BROS, Underlakers (Y Embnlmers, 1 Funeral Flu nlsllings Always 0n v Hand ‘ The undersigned havmg taken possewsinn of the above commodious hotel will cheerfully entertothe cnmfu’t n! the travelling public. Best brands of liquors and cimu-s. An attentive hostler and good stabliug. Rooms for commer- ciul travellers. u G! Ll'lu UR, Prop. gund’fi gum gum. Having refitted the above House and furnish- ed it in first-class style, I am prepared to give the public the best 0‘ accommodanon. Excellent stabling and nttentiva lxostlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A good livery in con- nection. Terms 5i] oer dav. GREND CENTRAL HEEL. THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Bcnj. Brullinger. Proprietor. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest noticemvnd at rea- abe rates. Address Stoufivflle l". 0 Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonabe rates. P. 0. address. King. LicensedAuctioneer for the Countv of $pectfully solicits your pmnmnge and friendly Influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonablemtes. P. 0 Address, Licensee- Auctioneer for the Counties of Ymk Ontarlo and Pen]. Goods sold an cnnsitmment. General sales of stock, ebc., promptly attended to at reasonuhle rates. P. 0. address, on farm property. Interest lmv. Terms easy No valuation or Cuunnissiml fees chugeu‘ Apply to x5 Toronto Sh. Tomum.nn Rich'd Hill 1601 Ann! 1%". Gm Is preparth to receive pupils. and give Music Lessons as formerly in smallor large sums on all kinds of semintymReul Estate, Nome of Hand, Channels. Stocks, Bonds.heg1wies. Reversionan or Undivmed Interests. Life rmri Endowment Assurance Politics, et.c.. em. em, at lowest rates from five per cent. upwards nc~ cording to kllld and amount of security ofl'ersd. 0n suitable lumis neinlicz ('nunnissiunNaluntiun, or u-wLIcIToas FEES Wlll be chm-god. Parties de- siring capital to enter into or continue in BUSI- NEst MANUFACTURING or to form Joilu‘rSl/uck Companies can also be accommodated. Parties having money To INVEST will find it to their ml- \u.umge to correspond with me as I can offer them good bzu gains in either Inmns, Purchases, or Business (finances. Men having time or CAPI- ’l‘AL tin small 0r large sums) or both at their dis- pusu-l can utilize them to advantage. All kinds nf marketable property bought, or sold. Life and lfigixlowmeut Assu'ulice chem, “bare and profit- u a. 6-10387 MONEY! MONEY! BROKER, fllflflfléfig HILL Issuer of Marriage Lit-enses Ccuncy of York. Ofliue : 60Jarvis street. 'l‘uronm. E. F. LANGSTAFF, BI‘YA accommodation to guests. Board. $1.00 per day Issuer of Mamage Licenses for the County of Yor E. LEJIIOJV, @flxfifi Eéflg‘fié‘fiifia, IiQBRUWErRiS can be (accommodated with PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN 158 KLVG STREET EAST. TORONTO RESmENCE. “WI. 8 E L L. Proprietor. E. F. LANGSTAFF, Broker, Richmond Hill Leeds Richardson. James 1‘. Stokes. NJ. Arm‘slrong. Salem Erkm-dt C. R. 'I‘ENCII. a}; isrrllammxs. LAWRENCE S. N]. Brown. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 13, 1887 A large amount of Box 90. VICTORIA SQUARE Weary. I n Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials (R: MILLIGAN. Barnsters. etc" and Richmond Hill, MAPLE ONT UNIONVILLE W” TOTTENHAM, ONT. May 3rd, 1887. I have been troubled with nasal cat21th for the last five years. Seeing Nasal Balm adVertised I procured a bottle, and although 1 have only used part of it, I do not hesitate to pronounce it the best remedy in the Vnurld for that loathsome 1 disease, cuturrh. It is easy and pleasant r to “99. soothing and healing in its action, ! instant in giving relief, removes and changes the poisonous secretions to a healthy state, stops the droppings from head into the throat and removes all the symptoms of cutarrh and Cold in the head. In fact if the directions are faith- fully followed nfllllllig but a. sure and permanent cure can he. the result. Yours truly, And now the pennant of the Internat- ional Baseball League floats over our fair city. We have beaten the Yankees at their own game, even though we had to hire Americans tn do i'. for I believe that but one ur two members hi the Torontos call Canada their birlh place. Our news- papers, which, at une time could say nothing tuo disparaging about the mem- bers of the team, have now discovered that. they are excellent players and have been doing the right thing from the be- ginning of the season. Another evidence of the fickleness of the pupular mind. After a perind of comparative inaction real estate is again moving at increased prices. and it seems probable that a. large quantity will change hands during the next few months. SENEx. The Toronto Young Men's Liberal Club held its first meeting of the seawmi on Uct. 3rd. This oiganizzitiun, which came into existenca three years ago, has been most siiccessful- The members on its roll new number over five hundred. and the actual paid up membership is greater than at any previous time‘ in its history. There is probably no similar organization in Canada. where the quest- ions of the day are discussed with equal independence, earnestness and ability. A notable feature in connection with the club is the entire absence of anything like class-feeling or exclusiveness. Lawyers and mechanics. merchants. law students, medical students. divinity students, iournalists, clerks and others mingle to- gether in the most fraternal manner, and share equally the honors of the associat- ion. Several colored members have held nflice in the club, and are placed on the fullest equality with the rest. It is large- ly to the existence of this ‘eeling that the success of the club may be attributed. l again be a candidate. The stand he has taken In twor of municipal reform, and his perseverance in the face of the strong- est opposition from Corrupt contractors and jubbers. have convinced many that he should be allowed to Complete his work. \Vere it not for his ntlltllde on these questions I do not think he would be returned again, for by acting with those whose Violent speeches incited the O‘Brien riot, and by pandering to Orange prejudices he has lost the respect of many of his former supporters. The temper- ance question will undoubtedly play an important part in the tight for places in the council, and the outcome of the con- tent at present appears rather doubtful. The cutting down of the number of licen- ses does not appear to have exercised any check upon drunkenness, and no doubt those deprived of the privilege to sell will attempt their revenge ut the ballot box Temperance sentiment,how- ever, is so strong here that I do not ex- pect the liquor party Will be successful. It would be a. good day for the city if a number of the preSent alderman ware relegated to that obscurity from which they never should have sprung, and from which merit never caused them to rise. With plenty of able men to choose from it is surprising that year after year so many ignorant nobodies are selected to manage, or rather mismanage. the city’s i affairs. A change for the better was made last year when some of our leading business men were returned. but there should be a much greater infusion of new blood. don't know what I shall tell your readers about, when I write again. The investigation into'the management of the city waterworks, which has for some months past been going on before Judge McDougall, appears to be drawing to a. close, and the Judge’s report may be looked for {it an early date. It is to be hoped that. it WI” deal fully with the matter, for there is certainly no branch of our chic administration that needs such a thorough overhauling. I have no doubt that jobs just as corrupt as those, for the consumnmtiun of which New York aldermen have been sent to Sing Sing, have been perpetrated in this department Already-tllére ls some talk of the next. municipal elections. The general upinmn appears tu be that Mayor Howland will The last two or three weeks have been very uneventful ones for anonto, and unless something fresh turns up soon. I Our Toronto Letter. saker 130. s.’ GEORGE, and Confectione: , Liberty; in ali things, Charity.” A reaulntmn. moved by Mr. R. 0. Harvey. Seconded by Mr. A. B. David- 8011. was carried, tendexing the thanks of the Association to the pllflple of Maple for the hnxspitality exteudcd W the teach- ers and their friends. “That whereas a number of new text books authorized and ordered to be used in our Public and High Schools before the teachers or their representatives have had an apportunity to examine them and pronounce an opinion on their merits. as this is their undoubted right and privi- lege, therefore be it resolved that in the opinion of the teachers of the Township of Vaughan and Village of Rich mond Hill, the present system of authoriZatiun of text books is a very objectionable one, and we request its abolition, and the sub- stitution therefor of a system in which a representative body of teachers shall have the controlling voice.” The motion was carried. In the discussion on Text Emilia. Mr- John Harvey, of King, who was present as a visitor, wished to be heard as a farm- er, and for some time waxed elmluently in condemnation of the Book of Scripture Readings. In the midst of his tirade he was called to order bv the President for not confining himself to the questxon. Mr. John Harvey, after :1. taint protest, subsided, The last subject on the programme, viz., The Recent Public School Text Books, was discussed by Mr. D. H.Lent. He objected to the authorized history gotten up by Messrs. Adam and Robert- son, and contended that it was merely a skeleton, and only fit for cramming be- fore examinations. The arithnietics were generally of a practical nature. and a. de- cided improvement on those used Some yeaie ago. In reference to the Public School Grammar he liked the arrange- ment of Part 1. but on the whole the book was not an improvement on Swin- tnn’s Language Lessons. But much as he disliked some of the books authorized. he objected more to the manner in which they were forced into the schools before the teachers had an opportunity of pro- nouncing upon their merits. He there- fore moved, seconded by Mr. Harvey, Mn. ’1‘. H Reddm introduced English Grammar us [alight to pupils in the Pub- lic b‘chcml. He cuntemled that. lhu great benefit to be derived from the subject of Grammar was its mental training. When pupils were taught grammatical terms they should endeavor to get the true meaning of definnions,su that they would understand them thoroughly. The sub- ject. was well handled. Miss J. Wilkmgmm showed a. nice Innetlmd uf Leaching numbers to a. primary claes. The method was highly approved of by a number of the teaohars. The Inspector next ;ead an interesting papur un Guography to advanced classes. He enuunrnged map drawmg, and sug- gested the advisability of a. system by whxuh theuceans of the world, rivers, mountains, d’:c., Would be taught as a class, nmtend of teaching several of the physch features of a. country in the same lesmn. He stated that, as a rule, the aluhmiud geographies Contained tao many uuscure places. Fuurth Class Literature was then raken up by Mr. R. 0. Harvey. He maintain- ed that. rapid 51!,“ch had been made In teachng Literature in the t‘nhlic Schools durum the past few years. Twenty years ago it was unflicult to get. young pupils to glve correct. definitions for the simplest. Words. lu Leachng the subject 80 as to make it interesting to a. class, the teacher must. firsL prepare the lesson so that he WI“ understand it thoroughly himself. Mr. Harvey afterwards answered several questions asked by the teachers present, in reference, to the subject. askcu [or vhe Ilplnioll of the teachers in View of intruducmg them in the schools. Messrs Clubine, Lent, Harvey, Saigeml and Miss McLaughlin thought the idea. was a. gaud one, as much difficulty was sumetimes rxperiqnced in kerng young pupils empluyed, and these objects would Work as a kind of tecreatlun. The afternoon session was unusually interesting. ‘ After a short address on the work of the turcilwm, Mr. A. B. Davidson, P. S. I ,introdiwed the subject of Kindergarten teaching in junior departments. He pro- duced a. act of objects, containing sluts, rings, half rings. squares, Jth and show- ed on the blackboard how they could be advantageously Used in drawing. He (BY OUR owx REPORTER.) The first, Teuchera’ Assocmtion for Vaughan Township was held in the school house, at Maple, on Friday last, 7th inst. Though the weather was unfavorable, the attendance of teachers and visitors was good and the meeting was very suc- cessful. The proceedings opened at 9 a. m.. Um President, Mr. J. E. Clnbine, iu the chair‘ The visiting teachers took the dih'erent classes during the forenoon, while the pupils hitei‘spersed several somzs and rec-nations between classes, to the delight of those present. Teachers' Institute. street. N. Y This powder never vanes. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in compecitinn with the multxtude of low test,shnrt weight. alum or phosphate powders. Sold onlv in cans. ROYAL BAKle POWDER«C0., 106 Wall Moved by W. A. Sanderson, seconded by D. Buvle, that. 125 membership tickets be procured by the Secretary fur the year 1887-88, and that price of membership be tiva cents.-â€"Carried. The meeting then adjourned. H. A. NICHOLLS, Sec’y. Moved by ’1'. F. McMahon. ~ seconded by W. H. Pugslcy, that the Secretary be instructed to notify the Librarian of ahe Public Library of Toronto that this In- stitute will subscribe for the magazines on the list given, except those that axe already subscribed for by the Institute. â€"Can‘ied, It was finally moved by W. A. Sander- son, seconded by '1‘. F. McMahon, and resolved, that we have a Literary Society in connection: with this Institute, one of the principal features being 8. Mock Par- liament, and that all present pledge themselves to use their best endeavors to secure a. successful meeting on Friday evening, 14th inst.â€"Carried. Messrs. Langstafl'and McKenzie also gave their views in regard tn the matter on hand. Other suggestions were offered one being to have a Muck Parliament as one of the features of the debating society. A suggestion was thrown out. by W. A. Sanoers‘on to have one night a. week for debating, 650., and on the same night have library open for changing of books, thus giving too nights a week for chang- lm: books. Speeches were made bv Messrs. W. H. Pugslev, P.|G. Savage, D. Boyle. and '1‘. H. Reddict as to the advisabllity of es- tablishing a Reading Room. and it was thought sufficient interest would not be taken in it to justify the outlay. McMahon and President Crosby, that they had called upon the ladies of the W. C. '1‘. U., but had obtained no satisfact- ory information. and as regards room for Reading Room it was found that the trustees of the Temperance Hall could not let their hall under any considerat- non. The cmmnittee appointed to see about a suitable place for a. Reading Room and make arrangements with the ladies of the W C. T. U., reported thiough Chairman Minutes of a. special meeting. of the Directors of the Richmond Hill Mechan- ics’ lnstitute, held In the lecture room of the Masonic Hall on Monday evening, Oct. 10th. President Crosby in the chair. Directors present: D. Boyle, T. F. McMahon, P. G. Savage, W.H. Pugsley, W,A.Sanderson and Secretary,and Messrs T. H. Redditt, E. F. Langstaff. A. Mc- Kenzie and J.‘ King. Minutes of last [Heating read and motion adopted. Throughout the whole day the teachers worked in perfect harmony with each other, and the President, Mr. Clubin‘e, and the Secretary. Miss Wells, may well feel proud of the first Convention held in their school. The motion Was carried, and tfié meet- ing adjourned. Moved by Mr. Lent. seconded by Mr. Falkner, that the teachers approve of another mgeting some {aiuge next year. Absolutely Pure. DQG LOST! Directors' Meeting thunk [Single copies, 3 Qts HA5 w 1‘33 No.15 ‘t been IECOV

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