30cm mdvrttisemmta. Wanlodâ€"Agents for spring trade at once. Hardy Stock 8 specialty. CHARLES H. CHASE. Nurserymnu, Rochester N. Y. Salary and Expenses or Commission. Oct. 6-2iii ANNUAL MEETIN The Annual Meeting of the EAST YORK REFORM ASSOC’N Will be held in Victoria Hall, UNIONVILLE, _(JN._. Saturday, Oct. 15th. 1887, At '4 o‘clock p, in.. for the consideration of the Annual R0 ort and Election of Oï¬lcers. The HO . A. MACKENZIE. M. P.. and G. B. SMITH. ESQ, M. P. P., representatives of the Riding, are exnected to be present. ' . A full attendance from every Sub-Division is re nested. J. . CLARK, W. B. SPEIGHT, SecERYRA. PresERYRA THE BEE HIVE STILL AT THE FRONT! c. THEâ€"VETHAN Begs to announce that he is now prepared to show the ï¬nest lines of FALL & WINTER CLOTHS Ever shown in this localitv. Fine imported TWEEDS a wonsrms. ' Beautiful new ()VE RCOATINGS. A- spicndid ine of CAN ADIAN TWEEDS. Full lines of elegant I‘rouserings. Scotch and English STRIPES 89 MIXTURES. All the latest novelties in Checks. (Some in and see our NEW GOODS, NEW STYLES, NEW TRIMMINGS. Everything new except thoEume old reliability of \\'oil.ni:msliip. the same old Low Prices. (LLII tin: some old l‘vl'fection of Fit. Remeiu er the “1'th HIVE when you want a hobby Suit or overcoat. C. TREVETHAN, Richmond Hill. inner SALE! OF VALUABLE Earn 30 Village Property. The undersigned have received instructions from the I-lxecutors of the Estate ofJohn Brillia- er, late of the Township of Whitchurch. in the Jountv of York. yeoinun. deceased. to offer for sale by Public Auction at Palmer's Hotel. in the village of RICHMOND HILL. Saturday, Oct. 15th. 1887, At two o‘clock p. m. by Salem Eckardt. Auction- eer. the following lands and premises in three parcels, viz.. Parcel No. Jâ€"The West half of lot number two in the fourth concession of the Township of Whitchurch, containing 100 acres more or less. This land is good clay loam. 60 acres of which are cleaved and under cultivation. the rest is well wooded With ï¬rst-class cedar and hardwood. A neverâ€"failing stream runs through the middle of the farm. There are about 2 acres of orchard. There is upon this parcel a substantial frame house v. itli kitchen and shed. also a frame barn 40 it. byoo ft. and driving house 40 ft. by 30 ft.. all in a good state of repair. It is distant one quarter of n. mile from Gormley's Corners an I is convenient to schools and churches. Parcel No. zâ€"Viilage Lot number 33 in the Village of Richmond Hill. containing 3 acres more or less. This has a frontage on both Rich- mond Street and Centre Street. and on it is a good dwelling house and stable. Parcel No.3â€" Village Lot number 34 in the Village of Richmond Hill containing 6 acres more or less, havmg a frontage on Centre Street of about thirteen chains. These last two parcels are well situated in the Incorporated Vilage of Richmond Hill and are most desirable investments. TERMSâ€"Ten per cent. of the purchase money of each parcel to be paid down on the day of sale to the VenJors' Solicitors. enough therewith to make up one half of the said purchase money within 30 days thereafter without interest, the balance to be secured by a ï¬rst mortgage Over each parcel of property to run for one year at 6 per cent. Each parcel will be sold subject to a reserve bid. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known at time Of sale, or on application to the Executors or their Solicitors. Dated this 13th day of September. 1887. LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN. _ _ Solicitors for Vendors, Building & Loan Chambers, Toronto James Gornilev. ‘, Abraham luâ€"illinger, Casper W idenian, J Executors. 12-4 The undeisignediutimntes to the public that he has built u. coal house at RIOHMOND HILL STATION 1 And is prepared to furnish all kinds Of COAL AT LOWEST PRICES NKIHHS but ï¬bt-clnffl coal handle-1, and 2000 LBS. TO THE TON L'uairuutoml 'lhow in tho vn-init) oi Maple ll]R\' order at the sin... 1. through my agent. Mi. Goo. Folster. l’utrniiuuc Soiiuitenl. Now H the Limo to bet )ulli' water supply. YM. 1) moron. Ann-1 .11! 1~ O.. I Fire In surance. Farmers protect your buildings from ï¬re and lightning by insuring in the GORE DlSTRICT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE (10.. Head Ofï¬ce Gait, County of Waterloo; Established 1830. The number of policies issued in the year 1886 was 2,616, and the number in force at the end Of the year 6,273, insur- ing $0,867,679.31. showing an increase of nearly $400,000.00 over the amount at risk at end of 1885. The income for the yea! was 538707802. Total assets available to meet losses has increased from $218,986.00 to $238,- 264.00 in the year 1886, the increase be- ing within a trifle of $20,000. The number of losses for the past year was 108. and the amount Of loss $57,-l 887.27, Of which $4,345.28 was reinsured, making the net. loss 853.5735â€). This Company has deposited $20 000 with the Ontario Government, being more than double what the law requires, but it gives the GORE a still stronger hold upon public confidence. Damage by lightning to stock while in ï¬eld, is promptly paid by the Gore, (the actual payment being two-thirds of the value of animal). Parties whose barns are wrecked by lightning are indemniï¬ed to full extent of wreckage. Farmers can save money by insuring in the Gore. This Company has been established ï¬fty-One years. The gore is one of the oldest and most reliable Mutuals in Canada. All communications promptly attended in. JOHN T. SAIGEON, Solo and only agent for Springhill and surrounding country. P. 0. Address. King. ï¬lming: Churches. ST. MANY s EPISCOPAL Cannonâ€"Service at 12 p.m.,except the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at 11 u..rn. Sunday Schoolat1:30p.m Rev.W. Bates, Rector METHODIST Cannonâ€"Services at 10:30 a. m and 0:30 p. in.,and Sunday school, at 2.30 ptm. Young people's prayer meeting Tuesday evening. General Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening in the Lecture Room. Rev. J. M. Simpson. Supt. Rev. G. N. Rutledge, Assistant. PBESBYTERIAN Cnuacn or CANADA.â€"Services at ll o'clock a.m.,and 0230 run. Prayer meeting on Wednesday eveningat7230. Rev J. W. Clini- eron. Pastor. ROMAN CATHOLIC‘K‘HUBCH.â€"Servit:eï¬ in order a follow 5 Thornhill at 9 a.m., and Richmond H llat10;30 a.m; the following Sunday at Rich. mond Hill at9a.m. and ’l‘hornhill at 10'30 n. m. Rev.J. J. Egan, Pastor Societies. RICHMOND LODGE, A. F. & A. M., No.23. G.R.(‘ Meets in the Lodge room,Masonic Hall.on the Monday on or before full moon. at 8 o'clock p.111 I. Crosby. W.M. ANCIENT onnan or Fonnsrnnsâ€"Court Rich- mond. N0. 7046 A. 0. F. meets in ihe Temperance Hall every alternate Fridav at 7.30 p. m.â€"â€" Alex Coulter, C. R. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE. NO 465.]. 0. G.’I‘.â€" Meets in the Temperance Hall' every Wednesday evening.at7.300'clock. WmJlarrison T.D. The Methodist sabbath school Temperance As Sociation issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired. Wm.Harrison Supt MECHANICS' 1NSTITUTE.- Library oi over 1000 volumes.open every Tuesday evening. in the Ma- sonic Hall.from 7 to 8 o'clock. B. E. Law, Libra. rian. Lectures and disoussions periodically. RICHMOND HILL CORNET Baumâ€"Meets for practice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7 300'clock W. Sheppard, Leader VILLAGE COUNCiL.â€"Re re. Wm. Pngsley, Coon- cillors. Messrs. P G. Savage, Jos Hull. Wm A Sanderson. Levi Gaby. Clerk. M. 'I ech. Fran BRIGADEâ€"Regular meeting ï¬rst Friday of every month. held in the Council Chamber. at 7p. :11. Membership free. Certiï¬catesissned to members entitling'them to certain piivilegesund exemptions. Wm.H. Pugsley. Captain. 11. A. Nicholls. Secretary. A. 0. U. W..Ivy Lodge, No. 141. Meets in the Committee room of the Masonic Hall ach alternative Tuesday at 8 o'clock pm. Bene- tlcary certiï¬cate given for $2,000 in case of death J. Brown. Master Workman. B. Grennan. rec. B. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, NO. 43, Meets in Temperance Hall,each alter- native Tuesday evening ateo'clock p m. Bene- ï¬ciary certiï¬cates issued to male or female members for $1,000 or in case of death $2.000, one halt payable in case of disability. J. H. Sander- son Select Councillors; J.A.E.Sw‘tzer.Recording Secretarv RICHMOND HILL PLANINO MILLS I L. INNES & SONS Having bought the above-named mill and put everything in Fl “ST-CLASS ORDER. Are now prepared to take contracts for all kinds of Buildings. Preserve liirSighl I RY WEARING THE ONLY . FRANK LAZARUS (Late of the firm of Lemma a: Morris) RENO‘VNED Spectacles 898VEye Glasses. sses have been These Spectacles rid Eye G used for the past‘ stance unbimnded satisfaction. best in the world. many years Without change. For Sale by T, F. .211chij OJVI I’mmismzn or " LIBERAL." RICHMOND Hii.i.. FRANK LA ZARUS. Manufacturer, 28 Mary- land Road, Harrow Road, London. England late Lazarus &' Morris, Hartford, Con. LS‘NO connection with any other ï¬rm in the Dominion oi Csiiada. " E11: albums. Oct 13 1587 .550 78 to 7!: ToaoN'rn Thursday Wheatfall. per bushel . .. Wheat, spring, do 78 79 Barley. do so To oats. do 35 34‘- Peas. do ISO til Rye. do .. oo Clover Seed. do . .. .00 Dressed hogs, per 100 lbs. .. 4‘. 00 6 75 Beef, fore quarters ,. 4 50 5 20 Beef. hind quarters. . '5 50 B 7.3 Chickens. per pair . 40 60 Ducks. .lo v.3 so Geese. cacli . . . . . . . . . . , , lin an Turkeys,ench ...... .. 1 50 2 5H Butterv pound rolls . ‘14 ‘11} Butter. tub dairy 00 no Eggs. fresh. per Iloz. 1“ 20 l’otatoes.per bag .. ., m 1 00 Apples. per lib] ....... .. l W l 75 onions. green. per doz. 15 20 Cabbage do 00 {ill Cauliflower do .. ('0 Celery, do 50. 7.â€) 'l‘urnips, per bag ..... 50 00 Carrots, do. . 50 75 Hay,perton .1100 m strenuver ton . 8 00 12 50 Ricnmoun HILL Thursilav Oct. 13. 1887 oats. per bushel $0 33 35 Pens. do. .. . 0 60 00 Dressed hogs,per100 lbs.. . 0 00 7 00 Beetfore ounrter..., . 0 00 4 00 Beef. hind quarter . 7 00 o 00 Chickens. per pair . . 0 30 40 Ducks. do . 0 50 60 Geese, each ........ 0 30 60 Turkevs. perlb .. 0 9 10 Butter. pound rolls. 0 24 0 '25 Butter, large rolls 0 15 10 Egcs. fresh, per dozen 0 15 0 ll; Potatoes,per bag. 0 00 l 00 Apples. per bbl ..... 2 00 2 50 onions. green, per bus 1 50 . .... Cabbage, per doz 0 80 0 00 Celery. do ..... 'Iiirnips, per bag ... 0 40 Carrots, do 4 o 50 Beans. per peck.. 0 4 O 50 Flour, spring. per . . . . . Flour, fall, per Dbl 4 10 4 50 Hay,per ton )0 00 straw. per ton FOR SALE! That commodious Hotel in the centre of the village of RICHMOND HILL, Known as the DOMINION HOUSE I The property of B. Brillinger, is for sale. The Hotel is a new brickâ€"clad with mensnrd roof. three stories high. contains 20 rooms, is heated b means of hot air. and has all the mod. ern appliances. The stabling and out buildings, which are brick. are complete in every particu~ lar. Large sheds and plenty of yard room well gravelled. An excellent business is being done, Butltiï¬e proprietor is going to sell owinlz to ill- ea t . Also for sale one Of the BEST FARMS! In the County of York. It contains 107 acres and is composed of the west half of lot 13. in the 2nd Concession of Vaughan. There is plenty of water on the premises, good buildings. fences in first-class repair. a: d the land is in a his!) state of cultivation. Possession for the hotel or farm given on short notice. For further particulars unply to the proprietor B. BRILLINGER. Lt! Dominion House, ' Richmond Hill. nouns, snsu, anns. &c.,] v Kept on hand, or made to order on the shortest notice. A stock of PLANED LUMBER, MOULDIN GS, &C. Always on hand. There is also a ‘FIRST-CLASS SAW-Ml LL In connection with the factory, custom sawing Wlii be done. All guaranteed and prices moderate. where work The above factory is situated on RICHMOND ST., RICHMOND HILL Nov. 25th. 1886-3in WORKING GLASSES ATTEN- ’ We are now prepared to fiiinisli all I classes with employment at home the whole of [no time, ul‘ for their spuri- nioâ€" ineiits Iill:llie~ï¬ new. light and profitable. Per- sons of either sex easily earn fi oin 50 cents to 5:. per owning. and a proportional sun; by devoting all their time to the business. liovs and girls eiii'n nearly as much as men. That all who see this iiiiiv send their address. and test the busi- ness. “'9 inuko this offer: To such as. are not well >uii>hwl n'v \\ ill send oiiedollill‘ to pay for the trouble of uriting r‘iill particulars and out‘ tit free. Ail-lib.» liinizoia S’rixsos S: CU. l‘oi’t- lund. Elaine eDRHoDDER'séi CURES ,BUROOC.K AND Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, lliliousness, Sick Headache, Kidney Troubles, Rheumatism, Skin Diseases and all mpurities of the Blood from what- mover cause ui‘isiiig Female weaknesses '2 and general dehility - I Purely Vegetable, Pleasant Ethectnnl L'se Highlv Concentrated. ASK FOR DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. Take no other. Sold everywhere. Price 75 cents per bottle. DR. HODDER’S 'cuugh & lung cure Sold everywhere. Price‘lScents and .30 cents per bottle. Proprietors and manufactuiei's, TEE UNION MEDICINE 50., Toronto, Can years. am given in every in- Thev are the They never tire. and last EDP TIME M O S Sewing Machines to Suit the Times. Now is the time to buy a ï¬rst-class Light Running NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINE! . AT REDUCED PRICES. I am prepared to take produce in exchange, at. fair market value. for one of the latest improved and "Inst durable Sewing Machines in the market, as a large num- ber is prepared to prove Ill-till: immediateneighliorlnmain-mans (he vL-ry large numâ€" , her of Medals and First. Pl‘th'S at Provmcnil and other Fairs. such as 'l'oromo, Mou- L lreal. London, Quebec. and at the World’s Fair. Autogrp~ Belgium, also a Diploma ’for the best work shown in London, and a ten dollar prime for best specimen of work at Markham Fair this year. promptly attended to. Come along. and get. a bargain. All orders by mail J. LUSH, Richmond Hill. ‘VA LL PAPERS. THE PEOPLE’S STORE! WA LL PA PE {8. A complete stock of \Vall Paper and Borderihgs, amncthilig new in Styles and Designs, from 5cculs up. A Inargo Stock of li‘IIRNI'J‘UI{E L‘I a variety of designs. Mixed Paints ready for use, in all colors and shades. isiies, and :i 1 other material for paints. sizes, which i uill sell at bottom price. Usual Stock of Pictures and Frames. Boiled and Raw Oils, Varn- I’aint and \Vhilewash Brushes, ull 'Jull and see. Large Stock of Groceries. Flour and Feed. P. (I. SAVAGE I SPRING * GOODS AT THE British Flag Stuff I CONTISTING 0F DRESS GOODS, PRINTS. GINGHAMS. WINCEYS. TWEEDS,&C.. &C. Suits Made to Order- FRESH Tea from 25 cents nmvards, 5 lbs. for S. Sugar splendid value. GROCERIE S. Oatmeal 40 lbs. 8 NAILS,HA.RDWARE GLASSWARE &; CBOCKERY Flour and Feed always on hand. A. MOODIE LEORNE STORE. FOR CHEAP, FIRST-CLASS FRESH AND GROCERIES I 30 TO THE LORNE STORE. TEAS Special Value in Hysons. Congrms and Japans. Rank and White Lose by Roller Process. l Flour always on hand. Front I still continue to sell the celebrateo Raymond Sewing Machines and Eagle Steam Washers. Produce of all kinds taken in exuliange for goods and highest prices allowed. GEO. ’l‘RENCh “ THE LIBERAL I †PRINTING d: PUBLISHING ESTABLISHMENT. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. , ‘ supply ALL KINDS OF PLAIN & ORNAMENTAL PRINTING Executed with neatness and despatch. Posters, Pamphlets, Streamers, Circulars, I Cards, Labels, Bill Heads, Shipping Tags, Letter Heads, Programs, &c., &c. Memorial Bails eSpeeislty. The Liberal $1 a Year. And will giro liL » bcxt :iiit'lltiol‘ to any TREN'Cï¬s -O ARRIAGE WORKS.- IllCIIMOND HILL. â€"â€")0( In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patrmage during the past twenty-ï¬ve ye.-ts. I beg to re- mind them and the general public, that having erect-e:J erfi.e.'y new and com- modious premises. I am enabled to Phaetons, Buggies. Carriages, Cutters, Sle‘ighs and PLATFORM SPRING WAGON S . Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as the work is under my own siipei'visr .l. I all) aISII prepared to do all kinds Hf black- sinithing (L‘ repairing in the must \rorlo- uianlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Horse - Shoeing Paid special attention to. \V M 'I‘RBNCI' * LO NEE? The undersigned respectfully intimates that he has removed his sawâ€"null from chee's sWitcli to Lots 18 and 10. 4th Con York, nest of Yong: St.,near W ESTON. Iv..li custom mu .i.: he may he (“YA/Yuri \v.i.i, H CNIIY MARSH. KING P. o