A River Turned out or Bed. Without doubt one of the greatest mining achievements of modern engineering is the construction of the Big Bend Tunnel on the Feather river, situated in Butte Co., Cali- fornia. Feather river is formed by the North, Middle and South Forks, which rise in the Sierra Nevada. Mountains in Plumas 00., run southwestward, and unite in Butte Co. to form the main Feather. The river, including the forks, is 250 miles long, and enters Sacramento river as Vernon in Sutter 00., about ‘20 miles above the city of Sacramento. ’ It Is well known, among gold miners, that the richest and most productiue gold mines of California. have been the beds of rivers. and the “ Feather†stands pre-eminent as to richness wherever it; has been possible to work it. In fact, old miners have known it for years under the name of “ The Golden Feather." A GIGANTIO MINING E‘iI‘BEPEISE. Prof. Horace C. Burchard, late Director of the Unite’l States Mint, in speaking of the gold-producing river beds of California, says: “They are the natural sluices of thousands of square miles of auriferous ground, the wash from which has been dis» tributed on the beds, bars, and benches, where, by.a natural process of concentra- tion, the gold was redeposited in snch man~ ner that it was easily accessible to the early miners.†The bars, which at low Water are dry, are e)posed to the operation of the miners, and from many places in the bed of the riverâ€"where it was possible to turn the river out of its channel by means of dams and canals, or flumesâ€"the miner soon found the ways of abstracting the precious metal from the sand and gravel in which it rested. The Big Bend of Feather river, however, whose gravel iieposits have been estimated i._.‘ AAA Awl . A-VA AAA AAA in vain: from $100,000,030 to $150,000,000, has hitherto baflied the skill of man to rob it of its treasure. This vast amount of wealth has been guarded and preserved for ages by the minimum constant flow of one hundred thousand miners' inches of water rushing through a. narrow canon of from 1,500 to 2,000 feet deep, which rendered it impossible to wing-darn or flume. Yet, while nature has thus seemingly placed impregnable barriers against man's encroach- ments, she provided, at one point at least, a. way whereby these obstacles could be over- mme through the intervention of modern engineering skill. .. ,,,,I, rThere is a. little stream running through Dark Canon, which empties into the West Branch of the Feather and from there into the main Feather. Dark Canon is several feet lower than the bed of the main Feather, at the point where Big Bend begins. A tunnel was commenced in Dark Canon, and a bore 12 x 16 feet drilled thrcugh a. spur of Big Bend mountain 3 distance of 12,007 feet, or nearly two and onwhird miles in length out to the mountain side of Feather River, at the upper end of the Bend. Just below where the upper end of the tunnel taps the river a. dam was constructed 'which is to force the water through the tunnel into Dark Canon, out of which it will flow int) the West Branch, and then into the main Feather again. This will leave about four- teen miles of the river bed exposed to sight during the season of low Water, which is from seven to nine months in the year. This stupendous undertaking required the services of one hundred men, working night and day, for about ï¬ve years, and has just recently been completed. At the head of the tunnel six gates of iron and steel, 4% by 8 feet, will let the water in or keep it Ont. In times of high water the gatefwill be closed, and the river will run along its old bed, to be turned out of its course and through the tunnel at low water. The past yield, from those parts of the Feather accessible to mining operations, is sutï¬eient; evidence that the most sanguine anticipations of the projectors of this grand enterprise will be fully realized. The fam- ous old Cape Claim, below Big Bend, yield- ed $680,003 in forty-two working days, and from 3,300 lineal feet of half-worked river bed. In fact, the river-channel, both above and below the Bend, has procen itself im- mensely rich. The President of the Big Bend Tunnel and Mining Company, and the largest stockholder therein, is Dr. R. V. Pierce, who is, perhaps, of all others, most entitled to credit for the successful termination of this great undertaking. Being fully satis- ï¬ed with the feasibility of the plan from its inception, he has with an unstinting hand supplied the funds for the prosecution of this enormously expensive work, and his conï¬dence and liberality will soon meet its reward. The Doctor has been, and is now, connect» ed with very many other important matters. In the fall of 1877, he was elected to a seat in the New York State Senate, and in 1878, he Was placed in ndminacion for Congress, aniwas elected by a decisive majority. He is presidedt of the Buffalo Loan, Trust and Safe Deposit Company, one of the foremost banking institutes 'in the city of Buffalo. 1 But he is perhaps best known as President of the “World's Dispensary Med- ical Association and Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute." This institution is sit- uated on Main and Washington streets. The design of the Invalids’ Hotel is to fur- nish a home to those desiring private treat- ment of the most skilled class, especially to those suffering fram chronic and surgical diseases. It is not a hospital, but a pleas» ant, remedial home, furnished with every comfort, and the most approved sanitary, medical and surgical appliances, which study, experience, invention, and the most liberal expenditure of money can produce. ‘ There are eighteen skilled paysicians and surgeons constantly at the Hotel, and a corps of ei‘ï¬cxent and trained nurses. The Doctor is also the in. ventor of several well~known medicines, which are compounded at the Worlds‘ Dispensary. The efï¬cacy of thesemnedi. cines is undoubtedly what led to the Idea. and ultimate establishment of the _Invalids’ Hotel. Very many who were using these remediesof Dr. Pierce’s found them so beneï¬cial that they ghegan to send applica‘ tions for personal treatment, and these ap- peals becoming so numerous, the Doctor concluded to erect his Iuvalids’ “Hotel. The Big .Bend Tunnel Company infortunsuse in having so progresgive a man as Dr. Pierce as their President. :' ‘ “ The money expended in the construction of the tunnel does not represent all the capi- tal involved. More than a hundred claim- ants to mining grounds on the bars, tanks and river bed had to be brought out in ac- quiring title to this .vast extent of rich mining grounds. Boarding-houses have been constructed along the river, roads and tracks have been built ; a. éubstential bridge erected across the \Vest Branch of the river, and what was an unbroken wilder- ness, around the vicinity of the tunnel, when the Company commenced operations, is now a thriving village with good dwel- ling houses, a. general store, a. hotel, and a. school-house. A post ofï¬ce has also been established» here. and a. telephone line built to Oroville. sixteen miles distant. The Chinese giant, Chang, is eight teen three inches. Garpolus tells of a. young giantess who was ten feet high. ' A giant eight feet high was exhibited at Rouen in 1755. Lecat speaks of a. Scotch giant eleven feet six inches in height. The Grecian giant Amanab, n‘ een years old, is seven feet eig tall. 7 7 _ I Wu. The giant Gilie de Trent, in the Tyrol, and one of the guards of the Duke of Brunswick, was more than eight feet four inches in height. The Austrian giant VVinckelmeier, who was recently exhibited in Paris, measuring eight and a. half feet, may be regarded as a. specimen of the highest stature attained by the human species. A Swedish peasant, cited by Buï¬â€˜on, was eight feet and eight: lines in height, and the stature of the Finnish giant Cujauus was the same, While Frederick \Villiam, King oï¬Prussia, had a. guard of nearly equal s thtu re. Two Rich Cattle Queens. The richest widow in Colorado was the wife of the late John W. Iliï¬", who was known some years ago as the cattle king of Colorado. Ilifl‘ left about 100,000 head of cattle, and it is said that his widow man- ages his estate as well as any business man could. She went to Colorado as a. sewing- machine agent, there met Illï¬ and married him, and the experience she obtained in con. nection with the sewing machine aids her in the management of her fortune. There is a. cattle queen in Texas, Mrs. Rogersâ€" said to be worth $1,030,000, and who has many times as much stock as Job had in his most prosperous days, Her husband is a preacher, but Mrs. Rogers manages the bus- iness. She sell the stock herself, buys all the supplies, and can ride a. horse as well as any of the cowboys whom she has in her employ. A llorse Who Can Talk 2 Everybody has heard of a “ horse laugh,†but who has ever seen an equine gifted with the power of speech '3 Such an animal would be pronounced a. miracle ; but so would the telegraph and the telephone have been a. hundred years ago. Why, even very recently a. cure for consumption would have been looked upon as miraculous, but now people are beginning to realize that the disease is not incurable. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery will cure it, it taken in time. This World renowned remedy will not make new lungs, but it will restore diseased ones to a. healthy state when all other means have failed. Thousands can gratefully testify to this. All druggists. - Mark Twain will be 52 yearsof age in No vember. As glues the tiger on his foes, Hemmed in by hunters, spears and bows, And. ere he hounds upon the ring, Selects the object of his Sprillx." So disease, in myriad forms, fasten its fangs upon the human race. Ladies who suffer from distressing ailments peculiar to their sex, should use Dr. l’ierce’s Favorite Prescription. It is a. positive cure for the most complicated and obstinate cases of leucorrhea, excessive flowing, painful men- struation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or falling of the womb, weak back, "fe- male weakness,†anteversion, retroversion, bearing~down sensations, chronic congestion, inflammation and ulceration of the womb, inflammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries, accompanied with “ internal heat. ’ The discovery of the value of oak sawdust in tanning was made in‘1765. Don’t. disgust everybody by hawking, blowing and spitting, but: use Dr. Sage’s Catarrn Remedy and be cured. Taxes were levied by Solon, the ï¬rst Athenian legislator, 540 B. C. A GENEROUS COMPANY.â€"-A beautiful pre- sent will be given by the Breadmahers Yeast Company, of Toronto, to nearly every one, as long as they lastâ€"ï¬rst come ï¬rst served. The most accomplished woman has still something wort y to be added to her list if she has never yet made a good sweet white loaf of bread. To encourage the art of Home Bread-making this Company have secured ten thousand presents, which will be sent to all who comply with their terms. They want all who are old enough either to follow directions or work under instruc- , tions, to learn how to make bread. They will take your word for it when you have succeeded to your own satisfaction in using their Hop Yeast, and write them to say so, enclosing a wrapper of a ï¬ve cent package 9f THE BREADMAKERS" YEAST, when they will send in return a lovely gift. Thisot- fer is open to any young lady, girl, single or married woman, matron or housekeeper, who has never before made a loaf of bread. Any person having domestic charge of a household who is not now baking for the family, and who will commence by using their yeast. and who will send to them the wrapper of a package, and write to that ef- fect, will receive a still better class of gift than that above offered. Better yet : any one at present making their own bread, us- ing their own or other yeast, but who will buy a ï¬ve cent package of the Breadmakers‘ Yeast from any grocer or Storekeeper, and, after using, will write and say that their Yeast is Superior, they will believe heralso, and will astonish that lady by return mail with a. lovely gift. You must get the yeast from your own grocer. Don’t send money to the Company direct. It has been estimated that the value of the flax,1inseed,and oil annually imported into Britain represents a. sum of nearly £10,900,- 000. There is reason to believe that much, if not all, of this might be secured by the British farmer. 0011‘ No More. . Watson’s cough»drops are the best In the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. & T.W. are stamped on each drop. ’The annual consumption of lager beer in New York is about 6,000,000 barrels, which, to say nothing of the other forms at intoxi- cating liquors consumed, gives about: ï¬ve barrels for every man, woman, and child in the city. Modern Gollaths. is eight feet now eight- igbt inches People who are subject to bad breath, foul conned tongue. or any disorder of the Stoth. can at once be relieved by using Dr. Carson's Sï¬omwh 131mm. the old and hried remedv. Ask your Druzzisk The number of ï¬shermen lost at sea from ï¬shing-vessels belonging to the United King- dom during the years 1884-85-86 was 696. Catarrh, Catarrhal Beanies and Hay Fever. Buflerers are not generally awnre that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane 01‘ the nose and euetnchian tubes. Microscopic research. however, his raved this to be A1303, and the result is theta eimp e remedy has been formulated whereby eaten-h, osterrhel deafness and hey (ever are cured in from one to three simple spplioetione made at home. A psmphlet explaining this new treatment is sent free on receipt of stamp by A. H. Dixon a: Son. 808 Kins Street West Toronto. Canada Mio, Osgood county, Mich, has 9. street occupied entirely by Smiths. _ The Sporting Recon-{la In Book form, contains a correct record of the FAST- R‘i'l‘ Tm: and best perfOrmances in all DEPARTMENTS or Srom‘. Aquatic and Athletic perlornmnces, Bil- liard, Racing and Trotting records, Baseball, Cricket, Lacrosse, etc. Price 60. Stamps taken. Address all orders to THE RECORD, 60 Front St. East, Toronto. Canada, Room No. 15. In the treasurer’s report of 3. Raleigh, N. 0., church appears this item: “ Salary promised to the rector, $15 per month. Salary paid to the rector, none.†Whenever our Stomach or Bowels get: out of o:- der,oausing iliousnees Dyspepsia. or Indigestion, and their attendant; evils. wake at once a. dose of Dr. unraons Stoth Bitters. Beet family medicine. All Dmggiata, 50 came. Aanms and UANVABBEKS wanted, Mal or Female, whole or spare time, on salary or commla aion. Industrial Union of B.N.A.. 45 Arcade. Toronto a! QXELKXe-Jg‘lgrgyï¬gg y mm] g5 cents. CLEMENT '8: %n8?ézl‘orso:€fle "T o n o N T 0 . G. C. Ron, Chief Engineer. A. FRASER. Sec'y-Trm‘ E SERIONS “ Whv am I a Unihrian," by Rev. James Freeman Clnrka; "The distinguish- ing Opinions of Unitarians." by Dr. Chauing, and other litenture may he had free on application to MRS. W. B. CAMPBELL, 64 Bay St., Toronto. BONTo Culling achool.â€"Ganflemen de- sirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge of gen- ment cuttingln all its ranches, should apply at one. x_o S. Corrigm, proprietor, 1222 Yonge 8%., Toronto. Terms on Eppiiéatibn Cupital, £260,000. Dominion Government Deposit £55,000. Head Ofï¬ce: 72 King St. East, Toronto. Gentlemen of influence wanted in unrepresentad districts. 7 A. T. MCCOBD,_ 'TloNS for STAMPING, and BE- CEII’TS for manufacturing four different pow- dersâ€"~blue, white, yellow and the French liquid stamping for ptush, valvet and silk. minutely describ- ed in print, all sent; by mail for 40 cents. C. STID- MAN FIEROE, 41 King St. E., Toronto. Butterick‘s Patterns and Books for October always on hand. R. “'31. ARMSTRONG. u rmalologisl. Specialty, Skin diseases, Scro ula and all dis- ease: of the blood. All cancers cured that are cure- ahle, without the use of the knife. Ofï¬ce hours, from 9 to 12 mm. and from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m,, Sabbaths ex- cepted. 28 Dundas Street. Tofomo. EW Importations.-.Higgins’ Eureka, Washing- ton and Ashton Brands, in large or small sacks. Also Rice’s Canadian Sang: iWriï¬e to; Prjges. STOCKMEN, give this valuable pre- ‘ pantie: a. fair trial. It operates rompfly and effectually in destroyin Eioks and other vermin pats, as weï¬ as in eradicating all aï¬ections o! the va- 'skin to which Sheepare subject. Sold in Tms at 850., 700. and 81. A 35c. Tin will clean 28 Sheep or 35 Lambs. HUGH MILLER & Co. . Toronto. AGEï¬TS WANTED-E‘Eï¬'ï¬ï¬Ã© in Every Town and Village in Canada, to sell our NEW’ lEEAIJTlFluYV Sell at sight. Every house needs them. (the/an. Durable and Economical. No Washlng or Ironing. and will last ten times as long as ordimry cotton linds. Sole Township Rights. Our Agents are making 83 to $5 a any. with Easy Work. Enquire early. lomplete outï¬t, including Sam 1e Shades, Spring Roller, Stationery and all in ormation, by express, 2&0. lllRSCllBlE-BG d 00., 41 King St. Emu, Toronto. WE BOILER INSPECTION mm! Insur- _ aloe Compan of Canada. Consulting Engingers an Solicitors of Patents, 'Ihe Cottage PhysicinudA complete domes- tic medical encyclopedia, specially prepared to meet the wants of the common people, who have 10m: felt the need of such a book. The History ofCanMIaâ€"From the discovery of America. to the latest event. by Dr. With- row No library is complete without it. The Platform Echoes-A great temperance B work, by the greatest temperance orator of his day, J. B. Gough. w The Book ofSermous and Sayingsâ€"“ Liv- E‘ lug Words,“ by Rev. Sam. 1’. Jones. illus- z trated Thousands flock to bear, and want ANTED. his book. 33 The Parallel Family Bibleâ€"Magniï¬cent and massive. two Bibles in one. 4 Terms â€" Liberal, with extra terms for the work- ing agent. Send for circulars, etc. WM. BRIGGS, Publisher, Toronto. 759 TO 763 YONGE ST. City Ofï¬ces R. PARKER 84 CO. Why do you use those Expensive American uno Canadian Baking Powders when you can gel; as good and wholesome at one half the price! Prove it by try- ing the Cook’s Gem. Munulwwxed by - ELLIS 85 KEIGHLEY. - Toronto. THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP CB'S. NEVER-173$!) E§TBOYER 100 Colbome Street :1 John StreetNorth UEEURKTEWWINDUW BLINDS. 'fllï¬ï¬Ã©'PAma gg sax, DYEENG AND GLEANING. Cooks 'HE LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT 00. (LB), 0F LBNDDN, ENCL “1.1133531; Pirgdrucre Merchantszoronto‘ “'orks and [lend 0fllces: Residenitnsgbretarv for'the Dominion FOR BUTTER. ETC RUBBER STAMPSfEé‘ctï¬ ciis, and Burnng Biggie: lieynd iorCatalogue. B‘ARBEB Enos. 00., 37 Scott St, Toronto. 209 Yonge 393 Queen 225 Queen Street, St. We: St. E35 PEGIAL BUCKET s RETURN TRAP. mm Celebrated Han- cock Inspirator. ï¬Gresham's Automatic lie-starting Injector. ï¬Morrison’s Automatic Sight Feed Lubricator. [fEngineers' & Plumb- ers’ Supplies of every description. Send for circulars. JAMES MORRISON, 758: 77 Adelaide SkWu TORONTO. Wést, }TORONTO‘ East Gem A. P. 368 Brautford, Ont. Hamilton. Ont. CIRCUI.-\BS Ire“. Scmethmg new and int rotting. bend at once it you want Inna heat. CAN ADIAN BUSINESS UNIV’ERMTY u SHORTï¬AND INSTITUTE. Public L bun-y Bu'fldiug. Toronto. Tuoun BExeouan, Presi- dent; CHAS. 11. BROOKS, Sacrotary and Manager. COMPOSITION GOLD, Antique BNDLH, , Natural Wood. and other Picture and Room, Mouldings. Frames, Etc. Paintings, En~ gmlngs, Etchinga, Artotypes. Artists' Materials, Mirrors. em. Wholesale and Retail. Trade CA6- alozue. “Anni-I‘VE “Bus. .1 (0.. Toronto. TINEILE? & STEWARTZM’F’G co. TORONTO, ONT. Please mention this Favor when writing A being kept entirely in the ‘ dark. 2nd--AI the ug fill will be mginered it wl he ' impossible to counterfeit it“ 8rd -Tho munl †Dr. FAG IMILE .Iug's Medicine" will be or A JUG 0' 93- J96" more easily remembered MEDICINE. hy aasoohtion. “llâ€"Our rlonds will be able to recognize u once that. hey no ï¬tting the genulne artlule, as Shere in no other medi- cine put up in l jug. DR. JIJG MEDICINE 00., Toronto and Stnuord. Subscribed ('upllul I'aId-up Gwmllnl“. Reserve an1 . . . , , Total Assols. OFFICE :â€"C0.'s BUILDINGS, TORONTO Sr., TORONTO. DEPOSITS received at current rates of interest, paid or compounded half-yearly. DEBENTURES issued in Currency or Sterling, with interest coupons attached. payable in Canada. or in England. Execution; and Trustees are authorized by law to investin the Debentures of this Company. MONEY ADVANCED on Real estate security at current rates and on favorable conditlons as to re- payment. . u . . ,. “_L__L.._‘â€" Muu-hknrna TEE‘EKETW with coal. Its pntent ï¬re-pot and grate makes it the most durable, easiest to manage, best to retain ï¬re night and day, and most: economical of coal stoves. These were the only stoves awarded a. medal for new and meritorious inventions this year. BANADA PEEMANENT Martgaz BARNUM WIRE 8: IRON WORKS, Windsor, Ont. \ We Guarantee the Best and Cheapest Fences made in the ‘~â€"~â€"“ Dominion. IRON FENCES OF EVERY DESCRIPTHflN. - [Semi for Catalogue‘ A Home Company! Guarantee Capital, $1,000,000 This Distinct“er Home lnatiluliou was established 15 years ago. During this riod million of dollars has been rgturned to the policy Holders, or their repressiitative's_pe nearly one The assets accimmlated during this period amount. at this date, to over $2,300,000, and when the Guarantee capital is added, forms securily for policy holders to the amount of over $3,200,000~ Those contemplating insuring will do well to ctmuare the cost in this Association with 0th ' for the above period, before insuring elsewhere. ‘ er compameet This Association’s lungs age from to per cent. lower than in those ioreign companies doing 0... n.4L»_ This Association‘s Raleï¬ are from 10 to 30 per cent. lower than in those foreign companies doing business in this country, whxle the proï¬t results surpass the best of them. ma 1 wmcure you. Address pain. 0. BOOT, ’ 4 Branch Ofï¬ce. 37 Yonge St, Turnnmo When I uy cum I do not moan merely to Mop than: for i “me and than have them return ngaln. I mean a ndiul euro. 1 bus undo the dlseue of FITS EPILEPSY or FALL- ING SIOKNESA Ufa-long atudy, {warrant my remad, ‘0 care the worn cases. Because other: hnve hued II no futon for not now reaching a cure. Band at Once for o Rte-tile and. I Free Boule 0! my lnfalele remedy. GI" [spru- Iud Pelt 0mm. 1: cos" you nothing {or I kid, ad I wilhure you. A drga DB. H. 3021‘, Hun Orrxcn, 15 Tomx‘w Sn. Tonono WERE PM! :uu. tgazes and Municipal Debentures purchased J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Director. Hos. CHIEF-JUSTICE MACDONALD. W. H. Burn, Esq. J. Hams“ Muou, Esq. Hos. JAMES YOUNG. [loan ‘zé " 37. 0333:“? I. r-_ - r SSO‘CZJTION. é INCORPORATED 1855. and Savings Co. PRESIDENT: HON. SIR W, P. IIOWLAND, C.B., K.C.M.G. VICE-PRESIDENTS : WM. ELLIOIT, ESQ., EDW. HOOPER, ESQ‘ DIRECTORS : “ PECIAL Nu’l‘rUEâ€"We have decided in fu- uure ‘0 put Dr. Juz's Medl- cine in n brown jug. in- stead of ugh-s Iottle as heretofore. Tbejugs that we will use forthis purpose are made or the ï¬nest im- ported Rockingham, 0! a mottlad brown colour, with “ Dr. Juz'a Medicine for Lungs, Liver and Blood" in mined letters on :ho side. Our reuonl {or mak- ing this change are: In)â€"" Its wonderful curntlva qualities will be better prgseryedpy the {net-110.1“ Is the only stove made that will burn wood or coal equally well. It will heat one or more adjoin- ing rooms and retain ï¬re with either fuel all night. It is the farmers’ wood burner and will make home as comfortable as with a self feeder coal stove. The largestsize is an unrivalled heater for schools, halls and church. es. Tn'ef mily Keystone, the largest ï¬rst-class stove lot the money made. Is revolutionizing cooking THE ARGAND MANAGING DIRECTOR: J. K. MACDOSALD. IF YOU SEE THEM YOU WILL BUY THEM. $3,500,030 2.390.000 1.180.000 9,301,615 ASK FUR DIAMOND infor‘ M. P. RYAN, Esq. S. NORDHBH-RR, Esq. w. H. Gums. Esq. A. Mchu HOWARD, Esq J. K. MAcnosALD, Managing Director. Wi‘féfie’. PATENTS BABYâ€™ï¬ BIRTH DAY! 1,000 59115011. grain or to gef iq All 5153939 afï¬ne w.» k. mï¬dmnm'm mm Metal mm Sende Allan Lina Royal Mgiluï¬ï¬eamsglpg Sailing durlng wxnber from Portland eve Thin. day and Halifax every Saturday to leerpoo , and In summ at from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, comm: at Londonderry to lend mails and passenger for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore,vh Halifax and St. John‘s, N.F., to leerpool fortnightly durian summer months. The steamers o! the Glen zow llnee sell during wlnter to and from Halli-x. Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and durln sum- mer between GleaÂ¥ow and Montreal weekly; G negow and Boston week , And Glasgow and Phllndelphh tonnlghtly: 7 u .v.....,,..-. . For height, passage. or other Information a Ely to A. Bohumachar & 00., Baltimore; 8. (June. 00., Halifax ; Shea a 00., Sh. John's, N.F. ; Wm. Thomp- son 5‘ 00., 80. John. N.B.; Allan&00.,0h.l" Love a Alden. New York; H. Bonn-Her, Town I Allans. Rate 81 00., Quebec ' Wm. Brookie, Phflsdol‘ phln; H. A. Allen Portlan Boston Montreal. V' v$lood Puriï¬er. A few _ n Hamilton whohave ~een beniï¬ted by its me '. Mrs. M. Keenan, :12 Robert. St. cured vf l-lrysipelaa 012 yrs. wanding; Robt. Cor- 1911.24 south street. laughter cured of ‘Ipileptic ï¬ts after 6 ears suffering ; Jen- nie Bin'el, .Walnut ~‘ ' i - street, cured of Weakness and Lung Trouble 2 John Wood, 95 Catle- cart Sh. cured of Liver Complaint and Billiousness, used only 3 ï¬fty-cent bottles; Mrs’. J. Bea], 0 Augusta St†trouhlvd for years with Nervous Prostration, two small bottle: gave her great: relief. Sold at 50c. 86 $1. F. F. “ALLEY 8t 00.. Proprietors. ’oon uh; AGENT flung» IN EVERY 000 Miles (f new Line of Railwav built this on. Lan-l all for settlement. Unsurpassed for n or stock farms. 480 acres free. To learn how et it, send your address on postal card. J. M. llUCRI.’S‘, 96 King: St. W.,Torouto. (.‘ountv in Canada. Address, FEBRIS It 1‘0“ 97 Chnnh SL. ’I'nrnnï¬n, ANTEDâ€"5,000 AGEN 'iï¬â€"Mu‘o and Femaleâ€" Large proï¬ts. it . DmNNIS. Tgflxto. We are offering special in- ducements to purchasers of Iron Fence for delivery this fall. ea ADELATlï¬ 9m}: . 7990!!qu Bnnch GEES. 37" Yang; St, Toronto N- Marat. {and P. 0. uddreu. I have a positive remedy for the above (“sense ; by It: In. Ibouunds nfcasea of the want kind and oflong “Indan have been cured. Indeed. so atman is my run: In In mmcy, um I wm send TWO 30mm FREE, tonal with I VALUABLE TRRAE‘TSE his me w A“ A Beautiful Imported Birthday Card “as to any baby whose mother will hand man, names of two or more other babies. and that pnmnts' addresses Also a handsome Dh- moud Dye Sample Card to the mother M much valuable information. Wells. Rlchudlolx :5; Cu. Montreal!†For Sale -Illuszmned descriptive OM- alogue free. R, ChnmbarlinxToronto; 1‘. A.jLOCUM J. D. EDGAR, Esq. WALT". 8. Lu, Esq. A. L. Goonnnam, an‘ HE greatest d a- covery of the pro enc age for Regulat my; the bowels, and Zuring all Blood Liv r and Kidney Cam- ulainps. A perieon