Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Oct 1887, p. 4

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There have not been wanting hints that one object of this con- ference is to secure better terms for the provinces from the Dominion Government. Now this is a sub- Ject which, in the abstract. we do not care to discuss. But we cannot but remember that better terms have up to the present been huge sops given to Quebec and the Mari- time Provinces, and paid in the main by Ontario. Of such better terms we have had more than er).- ough. Nor will it suffice to change our mind that Quebec is financially in great distress. \Ve may regret that such is the fact, but regret must not, and shall not, induce us to forget that Quebec's financial distress is altogether of her own making. It we in Ontario followed Quebec methods, we too would soon be in a bad way. If every country bridge, it every improvement in the prov- ince were paid by the Provincial Government, we too would have our huge burden of debt. But with us all municipal indebtedness is dis- charged by direct taxation on the municipality in which it is incurred; with us the greater part of all money required for school purposes is rais- ed in the same way; with us.finally, the whole'religious fabric is sup- ported by voluntary contributions. Whatever he may have been in days gone by, Mr. Mercier is n.. longer the exponent of a liberalism such as we can commend. All his acts since his advent to power loud- ly proclaim that his great ambition has been to gain control of the treasury benches, and when the suc- cess of this ambition demanded the sacrifice of all that we esteem liber- al, without hesitation he made the offering. That Mr. Mercier is able, active and only too versatile, WP treer admit. But to be able,active and versatile is not sufficient. It it were, our opposition to Sir John A. Macdonald must at once cease. In a leader of the people, we must find some stability of character, some courage in supporting his convict- ions, some scrupulosity 1n the means taken to secure an end. Yet these requirements are not met by a man who secures supporters in the Leg- islative Council by bribes of timber limits, who swallows without a gri- macc all that he ever said on popu- lar education, who strangles in order to please new friends statutes the design of which is to protect the best public interests. We repeat, then, that admiration for ability does not in the case of Mr. Mercier, im- ply admiration of his method at ad- justing acts to ends. Indeed, we are torced to the conclusion that the ends he proposed are of the mo» ignoble, and aSsuredly the means taken to obtain them are on a par. The conference was proposed by the energetic Premier of Quebec. He it is who has had charge of all its preliminaries. He it is who will without doubt arrange its whole programme. And the 'knowledge that the Hon. Honore Mercier is the directing mind does not increase our confidence in the good that is prophesied to result from it. RIuHMOND HILL. Thursday, Oct. ‘20, '87 In a short time there will be held at Quebec a meeting of the Prime Ministers ot the provinces of the Dominion. This conference has been much talked of and much writ- ten about. But the essential thing to be known has not yet been reveal- ed. What are the subjects to be treated P That is the main question, but to that question no answer has yet been given. Change~A. Moodie New amtâ€"J. Brillinger. Changeâ€"W. R. Neville. New ad.â€"W. Clubino. THE CONFERENCE 0F PREMIERS @112 (fliheml. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS At the annual meeting of the Reâ€" form Association of East York, held at Unionvule on the 15th inst, Mr. G. B. Smith. local member for the ridingdehvered an admirable speech on the leading topics of the day. It was impossible that one so largely interested in the trade ofthe country could retrain from touching on the paramount question of the hour, Commercial Union. On this hea'l. Mr. Smith's remarks were character~ istic ofthe business man that he is. He spoke with the exactness of one who Is conversant from experience with that which he d1..cus;es. His arguments were lucidlv put, calmly expressed, and powerfully sustained. He knew, he said, what was good for him, and what was good for him must be good for the general public, for With them he daily dealt. The N. P., he pointed out, was applaud- ed by its advocates because its whole tendency was to secure Unrestricted Reciprocity. For himself, however, he preterred to obtain this great boon by a dispassionate appeal to the intelligence of the people to get- ting it by political charlatanism. He scathineg rebuked those that now take refuge in the selfish, unfounded cry of treason to the mother country. \Vhe; it was pointed out at the in- ception of the N. P. that it was de- trimental to Great Britain, ‘so much the worse for Great Britain,’ cried [hose pretended patriots. And thlS Cly, Mr. Smithdeclared, they have emphasmed by the new duties on item. With advocates such as Mr. Smith, Commercial Union is sure to tare well. A Young Black and Tan Hound has been lost since Thursdayfiept. 15th. 1887. Was hr: been ne_m- main Ming. on Yonge St, 7 Any idxdfiiiimon whiclfvw'ifi' lend to its recoh cry will bi‘ thankfully receivptL_ __________ Pastidious, indeed, must be he who cannot find wherewith to please himself in this varied and harmoni~ ous store. And the beginning is but a ioretaste of what is to follow. All the mighty talent of Richmond Hill. so long buried like pearls of purest rays serene, is to burst forth. Al- ready there is a vast furbishing of instruments rhetorical and musical. A great leader has announced him- self ready to lead any party to vic- tory in 'he proposed Mock Parlia ment. Another great leader has plainly signified his intention of knocking the first great leader into vely small atoms. Who could de- sire greater fun ? If the Directors ot the Mechanics' Institute tail to arouse enthusiasm in behalf of their noble charge, the fault will assuredly not lie at their doors. The}. have made arrange- ments to open their incoming year with a public entertainment to win-ch all are Cordially invited to come gratis. The programme is such as cannot fail both to amuse and in- struct. There is to be a debate, in which leather and medicine Will wrestle tor the mastery with the birch and the products of a gene .1 store. There will be a paper man to enlighten us with an essay, and urugs and the municipality will wax terrible, pathetic or humorous in choice readings. Lastly the bill of fan: will be enlivened by music {mm the larks, thrushes and cuclt‘oos ot the village. But in Quebec all that is diflerent. There the provtncial treasury is bled tor everything. That such )5 the case there does not concern us. But it will concern us if Quebec en- deavors to make good out of the Dominion what should be forth- coming {rom the pockets of Quebec citizens. \Ve are the largest con- tributor to Dominion finances, and we get the smallest return. ‘ \‘Ve are satisfied that Hon. Oliver Mowat will not forget this in any proposal that may be made tor better terms. THE MECHANICN’ INSTITULE EAST YORK. CHAS. THOMPSON, 03k Ridges P 0 A Call Solicited. A BOUT AND SHUE DEPA s TMENT R. W. NEVILLE Ha". been added to which we in‘- .‘Le speciai attendon, as extra va‘ue will be g'ven. UNDERL’ELTHINQ In great va ietv. Splenc‘id Value in Men’s and Boys’ SUITS & UVERCUATS BOY SUITS & OVERGUATS. DRESS MATERIALS, CO RSETS, Slaves. Hosiery, SHAWLS, JACKETS, \ID TNEEDS KNITTED GOODS. Wishes to say L0 the public but he ?s opening up a new chh stock in e e ' l’ne and if A sei‘: at p "res that must n.‘ease. JASH HLWSE E R. W. NEVILLE, H E P B. GRENNAN, KESH GRUCERIES T HATS & CAPS FLANNELS READY MADE SUITS And olhe Made Lo Order. Now in SLOCL'. At job P 'iccs. Successor to '1‘ II 13 NEW" miles of f‘ maples. Raymond Sewing Machines and Eagle Steam Washers. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods and highest prices a‘lowed. Special Value in Hyaona, Congons and Japans. Flour always on hand. Front Rank and White Loss by Roller Process. I still continue to sell the celebrated Mixed Paints, ready for use, in all colors and shades. Boiled and Raw Oils, Varn- ishes, and '21] other material fnr paints. Paint and Whitewash Brushes, all sizes, wluch I will sell at bottom price. Call and see. Usual Stock of Pictures and Frames. Large Stock 0-: Groceries, Flour and Feed. P. G. SAVAGE. The cheapest line of All-VVool Grey Flannels in the village. A Fine Assortment of Worsteds, Tweeds, &c., at Bottom Prices. Groceries, Hardware. Crockery, Glassware, &c. FIRST-CLASS GROCERIES ! MILLINERY “86 MANTLE GOGDS WM. ATKINSON’S New Fall Goods ! W. ATKlNSON, THE FIRE PROOF. Silks, Satins, Velvets, Plushes,Dress Goods, Tweed Suitings, Meltons, Electric Capes, Jersey Jackets, Mantles,U1sters,Tailcrs’ Trim- mings, &c., &c. The finest collection ever shown in the County. [IRESS GOODS & WiNCEYS. PRICES, PRICES, PRICES, PRICES. complete stock of Wall Paper and Borderings, something new in Styles and Designs, frum 5 cents up. THE PEOPLE’S STORE! WALL PAPERS. WALL PAPERS. EVERYBODY SHOULD SEE ORNE STORE. DRY GOODS, 4 arg‘e DIRECT IMPORTER. Below Toronto Figures. GRAND OF IMPORTED GREAT BARGAINS IN Stock of L‘URNIG‘U1%E ARRIVING DAILY AT GO TO THE LORNE STORE. FOR CHEAP, FRESH AND [n a variety of designs. in all colors and shades. Boiled and Raw Oils, Varn- ,l fur paints. Paint and Whitewash Brushes, all GEO. TRENCh I. CROSBY.

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