to be made. Cu: this out and return to us and we will send you free. something of great value and ixn mince to you. that will start van in business w ich will bring you in more monev right. away than any. thing else in the worm. ,An ‘ one can do the work and live at home. Hit 161' sex; all ages. Something new, that just. coins money for \rorkem We will start you ; capital not needed. This is one of the ge'nuiuv. important chances of a lifetime. Those who nn- ambitious and Bnteh rising Will not lielny. Grand but!“ Ad on TRLE A41). Augusta. Maine Deposits received nd Interescsllowed thereon at Current Rates No notice of ï¬thdmml required. Drafts on all parts 01' Canada. United States and Great Britain, bought and sold Lu Yonge Street. 1 Next door to the new Arcade '18:. lo. Siouffvillou M-u‘khnm . . . . . 20th 10. Victoria. Sqlmre.. .. 2lst do. I‘hornhill. Waiker House. 23rd do. anlbridgeu ,. .. do. Kleiublu-g... do 0 N )‘Jletmn ..... Vitalized Air always rm hand at appointments Wovks ‘Iikea charm Free from 1min. Address A ROBINSON L.D.S..Aurom0ut. matrkrs, Gluths Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No.44 Building & Loan Chambeus. No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ceâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VIE-PRESIDENT SAMUEL TREES. HONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES g G. r. LAWRENCE. ' w. c. MILLIGAN. Central Bank of Canada! L‘hmnkl‘ul for the favors of the past 20 years mav still be consulted in any branch at the pro- uessiou, as follows: Llrora, 151:, 8th. 16th. and 22nd of our“ mouth Richmond Hill..... 9th and 24th do 5M} the Palmer House) Best ï¬tting Teeth nmdo. Nothing intgrior in the and Dentistry. Prices low and Vitalized Air used any time. Fullerton. Cook a: Miller. BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS &c JFFJCE: 18 KLVG S'IREET EAs'r, Toaox'rol Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. J SFullurtou. W Cook, J. R. Miller THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. Medalist Toronto Cnivmsin Numrrr (‘n Physicinns& Surgenns, 0nL..1lnte of Stouffville Yonsze Street. Richmond Hill. Ofï¬ce Hours Lo 10 a..m..5t08 p. m imam. RB CITIES Ben’uï¬ OSSKQQ , THUR SDAY EVENING Matting, Cloths. gcmrlm, §ilbrrmatr nub thical (mobs. SPECTACLES FOR EVERY SIGHT. E. I“. MORPH". SHN d: 00‘ Eazziz Solicitors, Conveyancers, DIRECTORS Chisholm, M.P.P., H. 1’. Dwight. D. M. Mac- donuld, C. B. Robinson. A. McLean Howard, and J. Ginty. A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmoï¬d Hi“ Branch. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, night calls at front door bell. Oï¬ice hour 10 u. m nWRENCE & MILLIGAN. VOL. X. $1 per annum, in advance. BUSINESS CARDS. VlrflflIZEQ 321$ Dr. .I ames Langslalfl. JAMES M. LAWRENCE. Manufacturers ‘ @119 {Qika †T. MeMAEON, PMqu F0 5 To LOAN AND Dr. J. A. Palmer. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. EDTOR and PROPRIETOR. Dr. “Z J. “’Ilsou. Richmond Hill. IS PUBLISHED EVERY USED BY r. A. Robinson. SURGEON DENTIST 343an Hardinâ€. TORONTO ,ISth 20th 2m 23rd 2811] .29th .30th porters of Manager. J. R. Miller M [/5516 QESSQNS. MISS FLORA OUULTEB Best Picâ€"Nic Grounds iu the count“. Good ï¬shing and boating. Every accommodation to hoax-data at reasonable prices. I58 KING STREET EAST. TOBCNTO Every accommodation to guestfl. Board. $1.00 - per day Undennkers & men ImPI'sg Funeral Futmshings Always on Hand The undersigned havmg taken posseasion of the above cmmnodious howl ml] cheerfully catermthe cumhrt oi the travelling public. Best bmndsofliquorsandcimrs. An attentxve hassler and good stubling. Rooms fur commer- cial travellers. u mmwvn, Prop. i‘gnudâ€™ï¬ {gm giutel. Having reï¬tted the above House and furnish- ed it in ï¬rsrrcluss style, 1am prepared to ive the public the best 0‘ accommodation. E celleut. stabling and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellem. A good livery in con- uectiuu. Terms an new dav. @355 ND GEHTRAL HQTEL. Licensed Auctinneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the slm’hest notice and at rensonabe rates. P. 0. address. King. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest noticeï¬nd at reu- abe rates. Address Stouï¬nlle P. O THE DOMINION HOUSE, 1230th Hill, Benj. Brillinger, Proprietor. Licensed Auctioneer for the (‘mmtv nf York. re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at. reasonablerates. P. 0 Address. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontario and Peel. Goods sold on cmsimment. General sales of stock. em, promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, ' UNIONVILLE. on farm property. Interest. low. Terms 6 No vulmtion or cummissmn fees charged Apply to LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN. 15 Toronto St. Toronto, an Rich'd Hill 16th Ann] 1887. 6111 6-10-‘87 BORRUWERS can be accummodated with Ml ill mun.“ or large sums on all knulsnf herurityâ€"Reul Estate. homes of Hand. Chntmcls. SLOI'kS. Bonds, Legacies, Reversiuum‘v or Uudivmed Intel-ems, Life and Endowment Assurance Policies. etc“ etc., etc. at lowest rates from ï¬ve per cent. upwards ac- cording to kind and amount of security offered. 0n suitable loans neithez CommissionNnMntion. or b-)LlCITnRS Flam WI“ be Charged. Parties de~ siriug capital to inter into or continue in BUSI- NESS on MANUFACTURING m- to form Joins-ï¬tmck Compunies can also be accommodated. Parties having money To INVEST will ï¬nd in to their ad- mumge to curresuunnl with me as I can offer them good bargmixisineither Loans, Purchases. or Business (Induces. Men having time or CAPI- TAL tin small or hugs sums) or lnotll at, their d15- posul mm utilize them to advantage. All kinds of marketable prupertv bought or sold. Life and Endowment; Assurance chem, unfe and proï¬tr able. E. F. LANGSTAFF. Broker, Richmond Hill MONEY! MONEY! Is prepared to receive pupils. and will give Music Lessons as tormeuy. BROKER, AEIQEMQWQ HILL Iguer of Marriage Licenses C(unty of York. Oflice : 80 Jarvis street. Toronto. E. F. LANGSTAFF, Issuer of Mal-mega Licenses for the County of Yor E. mem @Mï¬ï¬‚g mï¬mï¬ï¬‚g, PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN RESIDENCE. WRIGHT BROS “'1'! . BF. L L. Proprietor. Leeds Richardson. Janms C. stokes. Salem Efkfll‘dl N. J. Armstrong. 31!; isrtllnnenus. C. R. 'I‘ENC ll. S. NI. Brown. A large amount of RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1887. Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. Barristers, 'etcn Tomlin), and Richmond Hill‘ Enemy. “In. Essenfz'als, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- MAPLE Ox'r Terms easy The Fair of the West York and Vsug~ han Agricultural Society. held in Wood- bridge on the 12th and 13th inst. was as usual 3 success. The ï¬rst day was spent in placing the various exhibits in their proper places and in lonkiug at Football and Baseball matches, trotting and runn- i||2 races &c. On the second day, the at- tendance was very large and the show was gm-d in every respect. In the even- ing the annual dunner vi the Society was given at the Wuodbridge hotel The President Mr J H Smithson occupied the chair and Mr J 1‘ ball was in the Vice- chair. Speeches were made by N C Wal- lace, M P Dr. Gilmuur M P P Dr Orr, All the members of the Provincial Gov- ernment, With the exception of Mr. Par- dee, who was unable to go on account of ill-health, are utteniing the lnterprevinâ€" cml Conference now being held at, QUehec end at which all the Local Governments, with the exception: of British Columbia. are represented. So long us the people send representatives to Ottawa to support an administration that persistently ut- tacks the rights of the provinces, it can hardly be expected that much will be acâ€" complished to check the arbitrary course it is pursuing; a courae which, if contin- ued. must inevitably lead to the breaking up of Confederation. The outcome of the conference will be awaited with much interest. Its assemblng is but another warning of the cunning storm. Lu“. Sunday the Metropolitan Church nus packeu [u the doors by a. congregat- ion assembled to listen to a. sermon by Dr. Parker, of the City Temple, London. England. Dr. Parker was invited to this country to deliver a. diseourse on Henry Ward Beecher. at Plymouth Church, and his name has been freely mentioned as that great man’s successor. He is now delivering lectures in different cities In the United States and Canada. Those who had seen Punshon were forci- bly reminded of him when Dr. Parker ascended the pulpit on Sunday afternoon. He is a strong and powerfully built man and his large head at once conveys the impression of immense intellectual aner and energy. His magniï¬cent voice at times rang like». trumpet through the church, and then again fell to a. deep whisper. What impressed me most about, him was his intense indivndunlity and earnestness. The meetings of the Baptist Convention held in this city, and which were con- cluded last Week, possessed more than ordinary interest, UVer and above the usual amount, of church work requiring attention the trusts arising under the will of the late Senator Mciilaster had to be dealt with. The sum left to the church for educational purposes is esti- ipated at about eight hundred thousand dollars; but of this nil is not iniiiiedniteiy cvaiiuble, tho Various annuities and oLliei‘ charges reqllll‘lllg tor some time a con- smerable portion. The amount, how- ever, that Will shortly be available Will be sufï¬cient to begin operations, and the Work may be extended when the remain- ing portion is paid (“BIN The Conven- tioii Uimiiiiiiuusly resolved to swept the trusts acuiii'diiig to the terms oi the will, i but a. Coiisiuersole difference of opinion was iudiiiiested as to the relations which should eXist betiieeii the proposed edu- C‘rlUUllai institution and Toronto Univer- sity, sonic contending that, an indepen- dent university should be fouiided.iriiilst otlieis strongly adVocnicd the thaiiLuges oi tederaiiou. 'i‘he location of the insti- tuiioii was also brought up, but as it did not seem necessary to Come to a decision at once, no ï¬nal conclusion was ui-iived at. Upon the question of federation there is no doubt much room for discuss- ion. Were the Baptist denomination Without the means oi adequately eiiu'ow- iiig and carrying on an independent uiii- vei‘Sity, ilieie would be iew to iavor the establishment ol one which Would iiece:- sarily be heakly and. iiiefljcieiit, But with Senator rue-Master’s bequest, and the probability that it Will in time be augmented by otliers,iiiis difliculty large- ly disappears, and the prospect of a. uni- iersity iiiider deiii-iiiiiiaiional control and creating a iieaiihy spirit of rivalry with Bliuliktl' llisLlLuLlulie “irongliout the prov- ince, takes its piece. The Baiitisis, I understand, declared some years ago for iederation, out whether the change in conditions will cause a change ot opinions remains to be seen. 'llic idea. of zistroiia and puwel'iJl provniCiai university uer~ tuiiily appeals to our patriotism, and 1 have no sympathy \iiiaiever with the charge of "Gouiessiiess†that is made by some bigoted and narrow-iiiinded indiVid- ii-ais against Toronto University. But. 1 have soiiielliiies teuied that. were our present. universities merged into one that nesithy competition that exists between similar institutions and nliich is such a spur io pi't-Bl‘cï¬s, mlgiib be gieaily iiii~ paired, and advancement BacilflCtd for the sake of uniformity . WOCDBRIDGE FAIR. Our Toronto Letter. SENEX. Saddle Horseâ€" Robt Gallagher,Richard Phillips, Levi Elliott. DURHAM CATTLE. IMPORTED ' Bull 2 years old and overâ€" Jas Gard- house st Sons. 00w any age in milkâ€"John Aethoav. Siingle horse it; harnessâ€"Jan Laurie. Jae Pinkerton, A Crowfnrth. Span horaesrin harnessâ€"Alex Dixon, Jae Clark, D Rnwntree. Filly or gevlding 3 years oldâ€"Jno Clark. S I} Kaiser, Alf Drinkwater. Filly or ï¬elding 2 years oldâ€"D Cord- mgly, 2nd and 3rd Wm Whitmore. Tub or gelding] year oldâ€"J J Ste- waff, 'Iihu‘s Kerspy. _ Single horse in harnessâ€"J J Stewart. 8 Mason 6: Sons. \Vm Farr. Rnadster or carriage shod horseâ€"«A Ctowford, Jan Clark. SEC. Gâ€"BOADSTER HORSES Mare with foal etcâ€"~11 L Russ.D Cord- ingly, Daniel Neelunds. Filly or gelding 2 years old-\V H Deni- son, John A McKemm. Filly or Gelding I vear oldâ€"~Wm Farr, S McClure. Spring coll. or Tinyâ€"U P Holly, H L Rgsl A Hayqtead. Coir, entire 1 year oldâ€"D Neelands, H Blgck! D Cgrdingly. Filly or gelding 1 year oldâ€"4p. No 21- Fred Lansdale,Mnunsey Bros,J H Smith. Span horses in harnessâ€"D Lawrie, Isaiah Brakey «1: Son, John Clark. sac. 5â€"CARRIAGE‘ HORSES Mare with foalâ€"W H Denisun, John Clark, Rubi: Maxwell. Cult entire 2 years oldâ€"\Vm Moore, D Neelands, Wm Cupner. Cult, entire 1 your oldâ€"Samuel Stong. Spring colt or ï¬llyâ€"Wm Chow. Robb Maxwell, John Clark. Filly 6r gelding 3 years oldâ€"Hiram VVIIitu, Levi Elliott. Filly or gelding 2 years oldâ€"Ellerby Fall-LWm Mcplure, Alex Creighton! Span nurses in harnessâ€"J33 Gardhouae & Sons. SEC. 4â€"GENERAL PURPOSE HORSES Mare with foalâ€"Jag Clark, Geu T Ward 3rd. Colt entire 2 years oldâ€"N. Kerby. Cult entire 1 year old, up. No. 23â€"h: wautree, VVIn Bone. Fill)‘ or geldiï¬g 3 gears oldâ€"Isaiah Brakey & Son, Jas Thomas; Isaiah Bla- kex Son. 7 r IMPORTED DRAUGHT. Mare with iual~lsc and 2nd, D & R McGracliey. Cult. emu-e, 2 yearsâ€"Neil Smith. Cult entire 1 year oldâ€"John Bone. Filly nr Gelding, 2 year oldâ€"Jun Mitt cliell. Neil Smill). Filly or gelding 1 year oldâ€"John Mit- chell. Cult antire 2 ygar oldâ€"Geo Jackson Hiram: \Vlliw. Cull: elltlre 1 yPar oldâ€"Jag Gardhouse & Suns. D (L- R McGeachey. Sprluu Cull; or ï¬lly up. Nu. 45â€"Alfred Kell'er, D J; R McGeachev 2nd & 3rd. Flllv nr gelding 3 years oldâ€"P W Buyntou, M Harrison, John Clark. Filly or gelding 2 yems uldâ€"Jno Bone, 2nd and 31d. \Vm Foster. Filly ur gelding] year nldâ€"Jal Gard- hnnse d5 Son, VVlu Kersey. Spring éolt or ï¬lly so. No. 22â€"Geo T Wfld, Jus Clark, John Farr. Mare with foal etcâ€"J33 (‘rardhouse Sc Sums. Alfred E Kufl'el‘. Base Ballâ€"Bolton. Hind quarter of beef up. No. 12â€"Jnhn Rnwntrec. Clydesdale or shire Stallion sp.‘ No. 11â€" Jas Gurdhuuse & Son. Spring Cult by Lincoln, sp. No 24â€"Juhn Maiuprize, Jno Jigs 'l‘hqmpfnp. Butchers’ turn out. sp. N0. 43â€"David Rowncree. CnB hurée, sp. Nu. 39â€";Jnhn Holder- ness. Open trut. or uace in harness. 5p. No. 3â€"M Barnes, Hy Black. Fastest trotting brood marem harnessâ€" sp. Nu. 28-â€"\Vm \ Fastest trotting stallion in harness-â€"sp Nu. 4â€"\Vm Dunchafug jr.; S B Kaiser. , V". _. -_- -r. -- u. 19â€"JEIS‘PiI‘kel‘t0n. Fastest. running horseâ€"Levi Elliott, Rubt Gallagher. Buys under 10 hitching etcâ€"Geo Hew- gill, Bertie Reamon. Royallndar 12 hitching etcâ€"George Ruwmree, Ins Hewgill. Trotting single h(;;'se in harness, up. Nu. 2â€"Thns H Campbell, W \Vhitmore, Jas Lawrie. 3 year old trotter or pacer in harness sp. Nu. 5â€"'.Vm Munshaw, Nathaniel Davis, B H Bull. 2 year old trutter in harness 3p. No.27- Wm \Vhimmre. and others. Balm; ‘w; _gi\;â€"-tuh:"pil:i;; list: â€" Messrs. '1‘ P‘ BLOOD HORSES Mare any ageâ€"Jams Clark. Spring cult or ï¬llyâ€"Jae Clark. Fm)tball ~RIchumnd H111. Shamrocks, ("'dllilla 'ulu‘ in all things, Charity." CANADIAN DRA UGHT HORSES SPEEDI‘IG AND SPECIAL CLASS. nr 'orter and S T Humberstone old trotter in harness sp.No. Dark Brahmanâ€"lat, and 2nd “1' and A Wright. Dark Brahmas chickensâ€"lat and 2nd W and A Wright. Cucllinsâ€"W and A \Vright,Jos Foster. Onchius Chickensâ€"lat and 2nd W and A Light. Brahma chickensâ€"let and 2nd 0 Scott. Dorkins-Jus Foster, J W Holmes. Durkiua, chickens~lut and 2nd, J W Holmes. Black Spanishâ€"J W Holmes, R Hul- liuguhead. Sow uver l yeaâ€"Wm McClure, T F Boynmn. Boar under 1 yearâ€"T F Boynton, Wm McClure. Saw under 1 yearâ€"lat and 2nd R Dor- sey &. Sun. Boar under 1 yearâ€"R Dorsey 65 Son, Wm McClure. Light Brahmasâ€"\V AZ A “high, Joe Fouter. ' \Vright. Sow over 1 yearâ€"J G Snell, \Villlam Snyder. Boar under 1 yearâ€"P W Boynton, W B. Webb. Sow under 1 yearâ€"J G Snell, Jns Monkman. Sow under 1 yenrâ€"-lst and 2nd Thos F Boyntun. SUFFOLK PIGS Boar over 1 yearâ€"R Duraey & Son. Sow over 1 yearâ€"R Dorsey k Sou,Wm McClure. Boar over 1 yearâ€"Tho! Teasdale, Jas Moukman. toll. SHROPSHIRE, HAMPSHIRE AND OXFORD- SHIRE DOWNS Shem-ling Ramâ€"John Dicken. Ram lambâ€"lat and 2nd Jno Dicken. 2 Brood ewes 2 shears and (Warâ€"John Dicken, 2nd F A Fleury. 2 Shearliug ewesâ€"John Dicken. '2 ewe lambsâ€"John Dicken,F A Fleurv. Fan of 1 umle and 3 femalesâ€"John Dick- 2 fat sheep ewes and wethersâ€"Robert Marsh. 2 ewe lambsâ€"lst and 2nd Robt Marsh. Pen of 1 male, and 3 femalesâ€"Robert Marsh. Shem-ling Ramâ€"lat and 2nd Robert Marsh. Ram lambâ€"lat. and 2nd Robt Marsh. 2 Brood ewes ï¬cheata and overâ€"1st 85 2nd Robb Marsh. Pen of 1 mye and 3 femalesâ€"Thea; Colley. ‘ Ram 2 shears and overâ€"ISL and 2nd Rubt Marsh. 2 Shem-ling ewes-â€"lst and 2nd Robert Marsh. Ram 2 shear: and overâ€"Thea Culley, T F Buynton. Shearling Ram-â€"-Thos Colloy, P \V Boynton. Ram lambâ€" lst and 2nd Thns Colley. 2 Brood ewes 2 shears and over, lst 4; 2nd Thos Cullev. 2 Shearling ewesâ€"lat and 20d Thomas Cojley. _ 2 e‘we lambsâ€"Thus Culley, P W Boyn- ton. 2 Shearling Ewesâ€"Thus F Boynton. 2 Ewe lambsâ€"T F Boynron. 2 Brood ewes 2 shears and overâ€"'1' F B ’yuton. Pen of 1 male and 3 femalesâ€"Thea F anuton. Ram Lambâ€"Is: & 2nd Thos F Boyn- Lon. ton. Herd of Cattleâ€"Jae Ga'rdhouse (£80m. Wm Porter. HOLSTEIN CATTLE Bull 2 years oldâ€"S Shunk jr., W Shunk. Bull 1 year oldâ€"S Shunk jr Heifer 2 years oldâ€"S Shunk Jl‘ Heifer 1 year oldâ€"S Shunk jr Cow any age in milkâ€"Wm Shunk. Bull calt under ] yearâ€"S Shunk q'r Heifer calf under 1 yearâ€"S Shunk jr GRADE CATTLE Cow any age in milkâ€"Isl: 0': 2nd Wm Porter. Heifer 2 yearn oldâ€"Thomas Moody. Heifer 1 year old- Wm Porter, Juo R Lawrence, Thomas Moody. Heifer 1 year 0id~lat 2nd ahd 3rd JJS Gardhouse d: Sons. Heifer 2 years oldâ€"John Ackrow and Say} T Peacock, Wm Porter. Heifer calf under 1 yearâ€"Jno R Law- rence. John Ackrow, & Son, Jno R L.n\'- rence Bull calf under yeafâ€"Wï¬] Porter Gen Robinson. . Bull 2 years old and overâ€"Wm Porter. Cuw any age in milkâ€"lat and 2nd Jas Gafdb‘ousg 6: Sons, \Vm Porter. YURKSHIRE nx LARGE rms Boar 1 yumâ€"la: and 2nd Thus Boyn- DURHAM CATTLE NOT IMPORTED JUNTINUED ON FOURTH PAGE) LEICESTER SHEEP 2 shears And overâ€"Thos F Boyn- [Single copies, 3 cts SOUTHD1)\VN SHEEP BERKSHIRE PIGS CUTSWOLD SHEEP POULTRY No. 17.