Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Oct 1887, p. 2

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To protect trees from the girdling of mice clear away the earth at the base, wrap a. piece of two-ply tarred paper around the tree and replace the earth. ' One twelve-quart pailful of cut hay and four pounds of meal is a. full feed for a. thousand-pound horse, given twice aday, with an equivalent feeding betyveen of cats or corn and long hay. If the horse has been out to grass and “ slobbers ” badly, just before you are ready to start give him a. heudof cabbagemone which isnot hard enough for use or sale will doâ€"and it will remedy the unpleasant habit. STORING Vac-mums FOR WIXTER. For storing celery for family use, where only a. few hundred roots are wanted, a. trench should be dug out wide enough to admit three rows‘of roots, and deep enough so that the earth will cover the stalks al- most to the tops when drawn up to them, leaving a slight bank at either side, Cover the leaves with two boards, placed like the saddle-boards of a. roof, supporting them in the middle by stakes four feet apart, driven rdown among the roots along the middle of the trench, and sawed ofi‘ in line at the :height of the boards. The earth should be drawn up close to the boards, and when afild weather comes, cover the whole arrange. ment with litter «Course manure enough to lkeep out frost. -. .- e ,, L__...\..&:â€"n Do not forget those leaves-anew. It will soon be time for them to gather in the fence corners in immense quantities, where they will surely go to waste unless you show some enterprise in collecting them. There is no better bedding for the cows and horses, and nothing makes better manure. Potatoes are the best crop that can be town to clean foul land when it is not de- sirable to fallow it. A pig does not perspire like a. horse, and on this account it should never be driven fast or chased by dogs. It only takes a little hurrying to get a. pig very much heat- ed, and often fatal results will follow. Prominent poultrymen grow a large crop of cabbage for winter use. In the cold sea- son the cabbage is either chopped fine and fed to the hens or tied to small stakes so that they can pick the heads at will. A narrow stall tend to make a. horse restive and uneasy, and frequently induces him to kick violently against the contracted sides of his narrow prison, and Hevelops in him the objectionable practice of crib-bitin g. vauu vu~|AJ u... .w. All these roots keep better in pits than in cellars; but they are often kept in barrels headed up or covered with ubagging, washing them before barreling if for table use or marketing for this purpose. The washing is done easier in the fall than in winter, and washed roots in barrels keep almost as well :in pits if the cellar is cool. Flat turnips and horse-radish are the hardest of all roots to keep and for late keeping should be put in pits not over eighteen inches deep and covered with earth enough to keep our. frost with no ventilation. In this way they keep well till May and June, at which time the market is often short and prices high. The harvesting and storage of horse-rad- ish, turnips, and celery is better deferred as late as Nov. 1 ; in fa at, all roots keep :better if kept cool, and when harvested during the fine Weather of October, they are usually placed temporarily in small piles of twenty ushels Q so in the field and covered with an inch or two of loam, which will keep them in good order until they go to the pit or oellar in November. By a. judicious system of winter feeding you can materially increase the comfort of your fowls, and get a. suitable reward in an increased quantity of eggs and the good health of your stock. Sheep manure contains 90 to 95 per cent. of the plant food contained in the rations consumed by the sheep. It is, therefore, a very rich fertilizer, as experience has shown. It is especially rich in nitrogen, and in avail- able form, and for that reason is excellent for use as a starter in the hills for corn and potatoes. -n ‘ .1 n I There is nothing that will lessen the flow of milk quicker than the chilling of the cow. If she becomes chilled, as a dairymnn re- cently expressed it, “ you have locked the milk glands and you never can pick the lock.” The cow, in other words, will give less milk at the next milking, and she will never recover, until she has another calf. Horses are subject to colds the same as men, and treatment which is eflective in one case will generally be in the other, in pro- portional doses. Colds in horses are often taken for more aggravating diseases, such as distemper, etc. A good purgative, good healthy food, good grooming, and plenty of exercise, not too violent, is the best treat- ment to give them. nvvr Vuv AAvuv. October is 9. good time for harvesting roots of all kinds, in the following order; beets, mangels, carrots, turnips, parsnips, horse-radish. Beets, mingelé and turnips are pulled by hand, but the longer roots are :mosf. easily harvested by the aid of the plow. ,, _:i._ nLn- z... How Much a Man Eats. It has been calculated that, on the ave- rage, each man who attains the age of three score and ten consumes during the course of his life twenty wagondoads of food, solid and liquid. At four tons to the wagon this would correspond to an average of about a hundred ounces of food per day, or say some one hundred and twenty ounces per day during adult life, and about eighty ounces during infancy and youth. Most modern doctors agree in regarding one hundred and twenty ounces of food per day, correspond- ing to five or six-half-pints of liquid food, and seven or eight pounds of solid food, as in excess of the real daily requirements of a healthy manor woman.“ in excess of theureal daily requirements of a healthy man or Woman. Yet probably most of us takeimore than this, in one way or another, during the day. Dr. Lankester, from an extensive analysis of the dietary of soldiers, sailors, qprisoners and the better paid classas of artisans and priessional men in London, found the ave- rage daily quantity of solid and liquid food to be 143 ounces. Doubtless many take much less, but unquestionably many take much more than this. “'hen some one men- tioned before Sydney Smith the twenty wagon‘loads of food calculated for each man‘s allowance, he turned to Lord Dur- ham, who like himself was corpulent (and not without sufiicient reason) With the quaint remark, “ I think our wagons, Dur- ham must be four-horsed ones.” There are members of the London Corporation, to seek no further, whose wagons must be six~hors- ed ones, and well leaded at that. The following anecdote of ” Twa Gillies ” is rather amusing, particularly to one who is partial to the “ auld Hieland ” tongue :â€" First gillie, Donald, discovered sitting by the edge of an attenuated stream, hanging on to the end of a short clay pipe, under a blazing sun, about the middle of last July ; innocent visitor, sojourning at the neighbor"- ing hotel, madly casting his line across the struggling water. Second gillie coming up unexpectedly ; “ Fat, Tonal, ye ken there‘s na fush in that bit streammia the noo '2” First gillie: “ Aw ken that, mon; gentle- man’s got nae whnsky. Nae whusky, nae fush, Tonal !” Second gillie: “ What! Nivvei’! D'ye say sae ‘3" First gillie : “Fac’ lad; an’ what‘s mair, he disna. ken a skelley frae a whitin’g he disna blaw bacco, he’s no marriet, he disna gang to the kirk, he whustles on the Sabbath, heâ€"â€"” Second gillie : “ \Vhistâ€"that’s enuch ! Quid-day. Tonal!” I ‘ NOTES AND SUGGESTIONS FAR-M. THOUGHTS ABOUT THE YOUNG a beautiful cup, ‘and I have noticed that when the handle gets" knocked off from a cup'ot mine, that cup is spoiled for me. When I look at it afterwards I never see the beauty, but always see the broken handle. If I have a beautiful mirror, and it is crack- ed, it may still answer all the purposes that Iwanta mirror for, to reveal my beauty, but nevertheless it is spoiled for my eyefi There is that crack, and when I look into the glass I never see myself half so much as I see the crack. Its perfection is gone. In the matter of beauty a speck or a blemish is more than all besides, and takes away the pleasure of all besides. And it does not re- quire that a child should be broken down to be made useless by his exposure to tempta- tion. I aver that there are many things which no man can learn without being dam- aged by them all his life long. There are many thoughts which ought never to find a passage through a man’s brain. As an eel, if he were to wriggle across your carpet, would leave a slime which no brush could take off, so there are many things which no person can know and ever recover from the knowledge of._ There are the minions of Satan that go aroundlwithfllidden pictures and books under the lapels of their coats, showing them to the young, with glazing, lustrous, hideous, infernal scenes represented, which once to have seen is to remember. I can say these things, when some others could not, because I am known, as a. friend of liberty and afriend of pleasure. I rebuke buke young who would turn monks. I do not believe in melancholy. I believe in gay- ety aid joyousness. And I believe that the closer a. man keeps to the laws of nature the happier he will be, and ought to be. There- fore, being on the side of liberty, though not on the side of license â€"being on the side of wholesale, manly pleasures, and freedom in the indulgence of themâ€"I have author- ity to say, when you perfect nature in this Way it is utterly wicked and utterly abom- inable. There i another application which, al- though partial, is of great range and of su- preme importance, addressing itself to doc- tors, to guardians, and to parents chiefly. I refer to the practice of allowing children to go out at night into the streets, if in cities ; or, if in the country, allowing children to find their companions at night, and their pleasures at night, away from parental in- spection. If I wanted to make the destruc- tion of a child sure, I would give him un- watched liberty after dark. You can not do a. thin that will be so nearly a. guarantee of a. chil ’s dnmnation as to let him have the liberty of the streets at nights. Henry Ward Beecher'e Last Contribution to the Press.‘ I do not like to sow the seadsof suspicio n in the minds of parents about their children, but there are tnousands' and‘thousands of parents in our great cities who think, who knew that their children ” never lie,” and yet their tongue is like a. bended bow. They think their children never drink : but there is not a. fashionable saloon within a. mile of their homes that the boys are not familiar with. They think their children never do unvirtuous things, and yet they reek with unvirtue. There are many young men who when they return to their father’s} houses are supposed to have been making visits to this or that person ; it is a. mere guise. 1-11 A it _vi50_1-1;|_:°erlvlrpifioée that a. child is hurt oily when he is broken down. I have quite a taste in china cups qud_st}ch things. I like I do not belleve in bringing up the young to know life, as it is said. 1 should just as soon think of bringing up a child by cutting some of the cords of his body and lacerating his nerves and scarring and tattooing him and making an Indian of him outright as an element of beauty, as I should think of developing his manhood by bringing him up to see lifeâ€"to see its abomniable lusts, to see its hideous incarnations of wit, to its infernal wickedness, to see its entravagant and degrading scenes, to see its miserable carnalities, to see its imaginations set on fire of hell, to see all those temptations and delusions which lead to perdition. Nobody gets over the sight of these things. They who see them always carry scars. They are burned. And though they live.-they live as men that have been burned. The scar re- mains. And to let the young man go out where the glazing courtesan appears,, to let them go Where lustful frequenters of dens of iniquity can come within their reach, to let them go where the young gather together to cheer them with bad wit, to let them go where they will be exposed to such tempâ€" tationsâ€"why, a. parent is insane that will do it. To say , “ A child must be harden« ed, he has got to go through somehow, and you may as well put him in the vat and let him tan ”â€"is that family education? Is that Christian nature? Is that bringing a child up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord? The practide of allowing children to go out at night to find their own companions and their own places of amusement, may leave onein twenty unscathed and Without dan- ger, but I think that nineteen out of twenty fall down wounded or destroyed. And if there is one thing that should be more im- perative than another, it is that your child- ren shall be at home at night : or that, if they are abroad, you shall be abroad with them. There may be things that it is best that you should do for your children, though you would not do them for yourselves ; out they ought'not to go anywhere at night ; to see the sights, or to take pleasure, unless you can go with them, until they grow to man’s estate and their habits are formed. And nothing is more certain than that to grant the child liberty to go outside of the parental roof, and its restraints in the dark- ness of night is bad, and that continually. lad; an’ wh'at‘s filair, he disna. ken a skelley free a whitin’g he diana blaw bacco, he’s no marriep, he disna gang to .the kirk, he whustles on the Sabbath, heâ€"â€"” Second gillie : “ \Vhisbâ€"that’s enuch ! Quid-day. Tonal 2” ' ‘ SI’ICED GRAPES.â€"To every pound of fruit allow one-half pound of sugar, one-pint of vinegar, two tablespoonfuls of cinnamon and cloves and one tablespoonful of allspice. Cook pulp and skin‘separatelv, skins until tender and pulp until soft, and seed by running through the colander. Put pulp and skins together, add vinegar, sugar and spices (the latter in a bag), and cook until of right consistency. SLICED CUCUMBER PICKLE.â€"TWO dozen large cucumbers, sliced, andboiled in vinegar enough to cover them one hour ; set aside in hot vinegar. To each gallon of cold vin- egar : One pound of sugar, one tablespoon- ful of cinnamon, one tablespoonful each of ginger, black pepper, celery seed, mace, turmeric, horse-radish, scraped garlic, sliced; one teaspoonful of allspice, mace and cloves ; one-half teespoonfulof cayenne pepper. Put in the cucumbers and stew two hours. an equal of‘sugar. Cover the quinces with cold water. Let them corpe slo_w1y to 5511.1, vuc Vulllvlv|1u5\'n u..." “flu -__ rvrrw.” one ounce of whole cloves, one ounce of Whole black pepperandtwo ounces of whole allsplce. The spice should be put in muslin bags securely tied. Put the whole on the fire an (1 reduce one-half. \Vhen cold, bottle the ca. tsup and cover the corks with melted beeswa x.‘ The bags of spice must, of course, be removed before bottling. THE PICKLING SEASON. TOMATO PBESERVES.â€"-Sca1d and peel per- fecly ripe tomatoes, prick with a. needle,add equal weight of sdgar and let stand over night ; then pour off juice and boil thick ; add the tomatoes and cook until transparent. giftâ€"u: gingeur; 00;}; 'th-e bothIeB closely. a. boil. rand when nearly soft but one quarter of the sugar on top, but do not; stir. “'hen this boils add gnofihey part of the Bug-ogrand continue until all the_ sugar is in the kettle. Let them boil slowly until of the color you like, either light or dark. TOMATO CATSUP.â€" half a bushel of tomatoes, wash them andcutthemin pieces ; put them in a preserving kettle with one quart of Water and boil until soft ; then pass through a. sieve and add half a pint of vin- egar, one tur-nblerful of salt, four red peppers; .HAAA A:#L,1, CHILI Sauceâ€"Nine large ripe tomatoes, one onion chopped fine, four peppers, two teacups of vinegar, one tablespoonful salt, two of sugar, one teaspoonlul each of ginger, cloves, allspice, cinnamon and nutmeg. Slice the tomatoes and chop the peppers and onions together ;boil the mixture one hour. Twice this quantity will make three quarts. PICKLED ONIONS.â€"â€"Take off the outer skin of small white onions ; let them lie in salt and water for a week, changing it daily ; then put them in a jar, and pour over boil- ing salt and water; cover them closely : drain OH the pickle when cold. Put: the onions in wide-mouthed bottles, and fill thqgn _up v_v_ith strong vinegar, putting in ,,.,u,, FRESERVED QUINCEs.â€"‘Use orange quinces Wipe, pare, quarter and remove all the core and thehardpart undsr thecore. Take CANNING QUINCES.â€"Wipe the quinces, cut out the blossom end and all bad places, pare, core, quarter, and slice the quarters lengthwise into thre: or four pieces, accord- h_L LL A ing to the size of the quinces. Put the fruit in just cold water enough to cover, and cook slowly until the pieces can be pierced with a stiff broom straw ; then add white sugar (granulated) enough to make as sweet as you like, let come to aboil, and seal in glass cans. RIPE TOMATOES.â€"T&ke a. crock or jar, as large as you want, and fill with tomatoes, ,washed nice ; and clean ; cover them with strong water one week ; then pour off and over with vinegar, put a. weight on and set: them in the cellar ; when you want to eat them slice them and sprinkle sugar and pepper over them. They will keep till spring. - NlUETARD PmKLs.â€"-Half a peck of small cucumbers, half a peck of green string beans, one quart of green peppers, two quarts of small onions. Cut all in small pieces ; put cucumbers and beans in a. strong brine for ‘24 hours ; remove lrom brine and pour on two pounds of ground mustard mixed with one pint; of sweet oil and three quarts of vinegar. QUINCE PRESERVEâ€"Prepare the quinces the same as for canning, weigh them, and cook as for canning. When ‘cooked sufficient- 1y,'akim the quince out and measure the wa- ter. If there be not enough of the water to allow a cupful to every pound of fruit, add enough boiling water to make the desired qunntity. Add three-fourths of a pound ot granulated sugar for each cup of water, let come to a. boil and skim it, put in the quince and cook until clear, then seal in glass cans. QUINCE JELLY.â€" Put the quince cores and parings, and one-third the quantity of sour apples, into the kettle with water enough to cover; when quite soft put into the jelly bag and let the juice drip out, but do not squeeze the bag. Measure the juice, put it back in the kettle, add a. pound of sugar to a. pint of juice, boil fifteen or twenty minutes, as may be necessary. Put into jelly glasses or small tumblers, and put; the covers on when the jelly is cold. QUINCE MARMALADE.â€"Save out a. few quinces when canning and preserving, and cook them with the parings, cores, and ap- ples as for jelly. When soft: enough rub through a. sieve, and three-fourths of a. pint of sugar to every pint of the quince, and boil about fifteen minutes, or until it “sets” like jelly when cold. This may be put up while hot in aims and sealed, or in tumblers and sealed with paper when cold. Of course when one has plenty of quinces, all quinces may be used for the marmalade instead of part apples, but the jelly is really’better for the apples. And when quinces are scarce, one-third sweet apples may be used for the preserves, and also for canning ; and if you are particular net to cook the apples until they break to pieces, one can hardly tell the apples from the quince when done. The best way to prepare the apples is to steam them instead of cooking in water, and then mix them with the quinces in the syrup. The ap- ples should be ripe, but not mellow. Finally, a. ‘air quality of sauce can be made from the pulp that is left after drain ing all" the juice for jelly. Add a. little wa- ter, rub through the sieve, and proceed as with marmalade, only using a. little less sugar. The tournure is narrower, but hardly per- ceptibly smaller in the early fall styles. PUTTING UP QUINCES. HOUSEHOLD. Mothers. Mothers who reprove their children in company, who blast e well-n amt efi'ort by an impatient cry “ How stupid ! how clumsy l" have much to answer for. Mothers who are cold and undemonstrstive to the big boy, to the awkward girl ; who are shy of petting. inviting no confidence, giving none, have much to answer for. So. too, have those who, in this generation and in these cities, too early slip the reins of au- thority into the hands of irresponsible children, suffering their unprotected girls, in the first blush of their beauty, to become the by-Word of silly boys as they walk up and down our avenues on summer evenings, inviting attention and ridicule. A girl- child is a. precious trust. Her mother should guide her from the pitfalls her inex- perience cannot fear. A boy is what God only knows in these days of power for the ablest. His mother holds the key cf his destiny in her hands. Do not lock up your love in your heart, but show it in look and word and manner to the other children. There is never any danger that we Women will forget to pet our babies. Their appeal to us is irresistible. “Oh I momma didn’t have our advant- ages. She’s very old-fashioned. She keeps house and stays in the background. No‘ body ever asks for mamma. !” I had done so 1 And I had seen. flitting shame-facedly through her oWn parlors, as though caught in the wrong place, awan, shabby, gray- haired Women, whose lot appeared to be that of a. foil to her unnatural offspring. This is an almost unprecedented case, no doubt. But I haven’t a doubt that we all know women so crowded out of their own homes that they can hardly hnd a. quiet place in which to say their prayers. The prettiest chambers are yielded to the girls. The drawing-room is occupied by their friends and themselves. The library is pre. empted by the young lady and her fiance. Mamma, who tancies she prefers it, oscil- lates like a, pendulum between her own bare chamber, quite innocent of drapery and and bric-u-brac, and the dining-room in the basement, where she can conveniently direct the operations of the kitchen cabinet. There is another mistake quite common among mothers. Shall I illustrate? Here comes one now. Poor mother; She has so worked and slaved and denied herself for her children, that in her care of them, she has rown prematurely old. The home ex- ists or them alone. Neither she nor their father has any right which the young people are bound to respect. Possibly, as a matter 3f convenience, they tolerate their parents. The father grew-bent and gray toiling for their education. The mother sewed herself nearly to death, and quite to wrinkles and nervous prostration, that her daughters might have the pretty, over-decorated dress which she fancied their only suitable cos- tume. Here a puff and there a flounce Stitch, stitch, stitch. It was the old Song of the Shirt, with variations, and a mother’s life spent in the service of adored but not adoring girls. Gradually it has come to pass that in the household planning for pleasure, mamma’s role Lis that of chief servant or chief caterer. ‘W-itivélas :0 me, i'n my own person, that a. frilled and furbelowed young Woman once remarked unblushiygly : _ s In some circles the necessity for chap- eronage renders mamma’s presence obhgat- my at the fete or on the excursion; but there are communities without number where achaperon vzas néver heard of. “ Isn’t; your mofiher to be of the party 7” I asked of a. bright girl, as she chatted gay- ly of tomorrow’s picnic. “ Ma !” You should have seen the amazed stare. “ Why, ma. never goes anywhere I” Ancient Salt Fish in Nevada. At the \Vhite Plains salt works, on the line of the Central Pacific Railroad, beyond ‘ Wadsworth, in sinking large pits or wells, many fish, perfectly preserved, have been found in the strata of rock salt cut through. The salt field occupies what was once the bottom of a large lake. The fish found are of the pike or pickerel species, and from twelve to sixteen inches in length. No such fish are now seen in any of our Nevada lakes. The specimens are not petrified, but are preserved in perfect form, flesh and all, as though they had been frozen up in cakes of ice, The salt works are near the center of the basin, in which was once a lake thirty miles long by from twelve to fifteen miles in width and over.3 eet deep in places, as is shown by the cient water lines on the bordering hills. The ‘ish found embedded in the layers of rock salt are doubtless thrusands of years old. After being exposed to the sun and air for a day or two they become as hard as wood. In a pit eight feet square and about sixteen feet deep dozens of them were found, there being sometimes five or six in a. bunch. It was found that they could even be eaten, but they were not very palatable and it was necessary to soak them in fresh water for two or three days before attempting to cook them. Ages of Birds. The following table is from an English source, and claims to be measurably correct as to the ages of the birds mentioned : Blackbird lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 years Blackcaplives...... . . . . . . . . l5 “ Canarylives.............Q......24 “ Crane lives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 “ Grow lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 “ Eagle lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v . . .100 “ Fowl, common, lives . . . . . . . . , . . . . 10 “ Goldfinch lives . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . l 5 “ Goose lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 “ Heron lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 “ Lark lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 “ Linnet lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 “ Nightingale lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 “ Parrot lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 “ Partridge lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 “ Peacock lives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 “ Pelican lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 “ Pheasant lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . 15 f“. Pigeon lives. . .. .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ' “ Raven lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOO “ Robin lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 “ Skylarklives..........s.. 301:“, Sparrow hawk lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 “ Swanlives........ . . . . . . . . . «....100‘ “ Thrush lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . 10 “ Wren lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 “ The statement made 'at the recent confer- ence between Prince Bismarck and Signor Crispi, that an alliance of the central Euro- pean powers was requisite to prevent Rus< sin seizing Constantinople and establishing a. naval station on the .Medinerranean, has greatly enraged the Car, and has so alarm- ed Turkey that the Sultan has broken off hlfl negotiations with Russia for mutual action in Bulgaria. 100 12 30 100 10 T0 CURE A BURN 0R SCALEâ€"Cover tho same instantly with honey, keeping it so until the pain ceases. HONEY SALVE.â€"Take two tablespoons of honey, the yolk of one egg, and flour to make it to a paste. This salve is excellent for running sores of long standing, boils or sores of long standing. _ g filmy RECIPES. FOR CROU’P. Honey is an excellent re- medy giving su're ana prompt relief. HONEYOF SQUILLS.â€"Clflrefielil honey three lbs. ; tincture of squills ; mix well. ASTHMAâ€"Grated horse-radish mixed with honey ; one tablespooniul taken before going to bed, ‘VHOOI‘ING Covenâ€"A decoctiou of wheat bran mixed with milk and honey, drank fre- quently, gives relief. GROUP AND Hmasmwmsâ€"A gargle made of sage tea. sweetened with honey, or pills made of mustard, flour and honey. To REMOVE FISH BONES and similarzhard objects which have" become lodged in the throat. Make a. large pill of wax (as large as can possibly be swallowed), dip in honey and let; the patient swallow it. FOR BRONCHITIS.â€"Take comb honey and squeeae the honey out, and dilute it with water. Wet thefilips and mouth-with it 00- casionally. This has proved an excellent remedy, even where chlldren’s throats were so badly swollen as to prevent them from swallowing food. FOR ASTHMA.â€"â€"H0ney is an excellent re- medy. Mix one oz. of Castor Oil “ith four ozs. of honey. Take tablespooniul night and morning. A simple and beneficial remedy. EYE VVAHH.â€"F0r sore andin flamed eyes.â€" One part of honey to five parts of water. Mix and bathe the lids, putting a few drops into the eye, two or three times a. day until well. HONEY AND WALNUT COUGH CANDY.â€" This is made entirely with honey, but thickened with walnut kernels. The dose is a piece about the Size of a. pen; It should not be boiled enough to make it brittle. GARGLE FOR Sons Taxmanâ€"Very strong sage tea, one haif-pint ; extracted honey, common salt and strong vinegar, each two tablespoonfuls ; cayenne pepper, one table- spooniu). Steep the pepper with the sage, strain, mix and bottle for use. Gargle from four t ) eight :imes daily, according to the severity of the case. HONEY COUGH SYRUP.â€"This is an ex- cellent remedy for a. common cough. One (lose Will often give relief. Stew & half-pint of sliced onions and one gill of sweet oil in a. covered dish. Then strain and add one gill of good honey ; stir it well and cork it in a bottle. Take a teaspoonful at night before going to be bed, or any time when the cough is troublesome. R<)sx~:-Horth' (rhodomeli), made of the pressed juice of roses and honey extracted 11:01? the comb, is held in high favor tor the me . SUPPRESSED BERSI‘IBATION. â€" (Taking cold).â€"â€"Barley soup sweetened with honey, drank before retiring ; or oatmeal soup with. honey drank warm. Wonms.â€"â€"Before breakfast take a. table< spoonful of honey, or a. tea. made of pepper- mint sweetened with one~third to half its bulk in honey. The lemon is a. fruit much used in the sick room, and, many times, unwisely. Lemon- ade being a very refreshing and agreeable drink, is easily taken in excess by persons sufi'ering from fevers, a fact that should not be forgotten. In typhoid fever, for instance, its immoderete use would be attended with danger, inducing, as it might, additional derangement in an already inflamed intest- inal mucous membrane. In all inflam- matory diseases of the stomach and bowels lemonade should only be given after the atâ€" tending physician has sanctioned its use. During the past few years lemon juice has become quite popular in the management of diphtheria from the supposed action on the membraneous deposits in the throat. There have also been attributed to the juice marked virtues in the functional derange- ment of the liver, commonly called “ bilious disorders." Some persons so afi'ected have found benefit from its persistent use; the symptoms of others, however, have been ag- gravated by it. When the creole girl leaves school, she enters society, and is never seen there un- chaperoned until after marriage. To this event she looks forward as the fulfillment of her destiny, 3. spinster among the Creoles being almost as rare as among the Jews. In her choice of a husband she is influenced by family wishes, although marriage among the creoles is by no means simply an affair of convenience, as it is too often with the French. Mamma settles all preliminaries, and then the lovers are left to themselves. From this time until the marriage, the be- trothed pair are never seen in public with any but each other. She can not receive attention from any man, slight as it may be, nor can her lover pay to any other the petils soins of social intercourse without ex- citing remark. In the scheme of creole eti- quette broken engagements and broken hearts find no place. Very soon after her betrothal the creole girl with her mother calls upon all relatives and friends of the two families. Her shyly uttered “ Je viens dc vousfaire part de mon mariage” is her . announcement of the impending event. For l eight days before and eight days after mar- ] riage she must not be seen in public. Girls Becoming Superior to Boys. The Superintendent of Schools in Cleve- land, Ohio, (perhaps the model school city of the second class in America), two years ago reported, on the part of the boys in the High School, a. loss of 10.6 per cent. from the ratio as it stood ten years before. The Superintendent at St...'Joseph, M0,, whose ownlproportion of boy graduates stood sixth highest in a list of thirty schools that he tabulated, says : “ The young men of the country will be oompelled in self-defense to prolong their time of study at school or col- :1eg'e, or else submit to a. continual reminder of their inferiority in scholarship to the young ladies with whom they mingle in the social circle.” “No, darling,”sa.ida. mother to a. sick child, “ the docter says I musn’t read to you.” “Then, mamma,” bagged the little one, “ won’t you please read to yourself out loud l” LEMONS IN THE SICK ROOM A Creole Girl’s Life. HEALTH.

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