Diphtheria. is alarmingly prevalent in Montreal, twenty deaths from the disease occurring last week. HOME. Fifteen thousand immigrants have arrived in W'innipeg this year up to date. It is reported that a. movement is on foot in Prescott and Russell for the annexation of those two counties to the Province of Quebec. 4 Mr. Chamberlain, speaking at Belfast, said that Canada. must be made to know that Commercial Union with the United States will mean the political separation of Canada. from Great Britain. Heavy bush ï¬res, interfering serioust with the running of trains, have been pre- vailing in the vicinity of Beuusejour. A mile and a half of cordwood piled Vglong the track has been destroyed. A North-West farmer’s association, simi- lar to the agricultural associations of other provinces, has been organized at Regina. Mr. Norton, an electrician os'St. Thoméï¬; claims to have perfected a. dynamo by which electric light can be furnished as cheaply as gas. . Manitoba‘s surplusrwheat is bein carried out of the province at the rate of ve train loads a. (lay, and all fears of 8. blockade are dispelled. It is understood that Mr. Aikins will hold ofï¬ce as Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba until May, and that Senator Schultz will then succeed him. A despatch from Secretary Bayard to the Imperial Government has been received at Ottawa. in which Mr. Bayard expresses re- gret that the orders for the release of three Canadians sealers seized in Behring’s Sea were not obeyedby the ofï¬cials at Sitka, and states that fresh orders for their re- lease have been given. 5A bill establishing a. uniform milk Bian- dard will be introduced next session by the Dominion Government. It is estimated that during thiq year two million pounds of binding twine were plead in Manitoba. and the Northwest, ‘ McGarigle, the fugitive Chicago boodler, is said to be living about six miles from St. Catharines, his wife being with nim. Professor Saunders, director of the Central Experimental farm at Ottawa, is examining sites for the experimental farm for Manitoba. He is at present examining the lands about Winnipeg, and will visit other portions of the province. ‘ The movement in favour of the issue of liquor licenses in the Territories is being pushed with vigour, and in support of it is declared that thousands of gallons of bad liquor ï¬nd their way into the country in de- ï¬ance of the prohibitory law. A decision on the Dominion injuncti 8 cases against the Manitoba. Boundary rau- way is promised within a. week. The Win- nipeg City Counc11 has unanimously adopted a resolution to purchase $150,000 of the pro- ,vincial’bonds, thus placing the whole $300,- 000 at Mr. N orquay’s disposal provided he can guarantee the immediate completion of the road. ' Reports from various parts of Manitoba. contain accounts of losses by prairie ï¬res. The disasters, however, have not as yet been of a. very serious character. A proclamation of the disallowance of Manitoba. Acts, not- properly proclaimed at the time of passing Feveralyears ago. is pub- lished in the Manitoba. Gazette,‘ and all dis- allowed Acts have been proclaimed a second time. Theï¬fth annual meeting of the Central Branch, ,Woman‘s Missionary Society of the Methodist Chï¬n‘ch, was held in Toronto last week, over 50 delegates being in attendance. quing the past year $5,036 96 was receivcdl bein being an 8970 82. With regard to the dispute between the militia and the customs department regard- ing the duty nn imported outï¬tsfor volun- irteers, it is expected that a. drawback equal 1t4.) the full duty will be allowed on satisfac- tory proof being given of the gobda being for the sole use of the volunteers in their military capacitv. -Mr. Caine; M. P., who is at present in Canada, has written to England expressing his belief that it would be a. good thing for the Imperial Government: to spend £20,000,- 000 in sending 200,000 families of Irish tenants to Manitoba. from the congested districts of Ireland, and that the advance would be repaid by the industrious yeomen thus created. It is stated that the Chinese Government have deï¬nitely withdrawn from the Chinese- Americau bank agreement. The cash in the U. S. Treasury now amounts to $658,734,680. A report was telegraphed from Memphis on Saturday about an alleged attempt to wreck the President’s train, but it proves to have been entirely foundationless. ' A ï¬re in Cincinnaui on Saturday afternoon swept: over an area of about ï¬ve acres, de- stroying nine million feet of hard wood umber and a large number of dwellings and tenements. A serious disagreement has arisen be tween Secretary Bnyurd and Attorney- Geueral Garland over the seizure of the Canadian sealers in Behring‘s Sea, which may lead to the resignation of both those gentlemen. It is believed that at least sixteen or eigh- teen people were burned to death in the rail- way collision at Kouts last week. Seven- teen were wounded. The porter of 3 Pull- man car on the wrecked train states that be counted ï¬fteen bodies burned to a. crisp, and that the tickets in possession of the conduct- or showed nineteen passengers missing. FOREIGN. The cholera quarantine at Malta has been abolished. ' The settlers of the Texas Panhandle are agitated over a. recent order from the man- ager of the Rocking Chair Rauche company, calling'i upon them to leave their homes which are situated in what the company claims to be their domain. The vessels sent out in search of the missâ€" ing British gunboat Wasp have returned without having found any trace of her. There has been a heavy fall of snow in the Alpine district of Austria. . Gen. Boulanger, for his connection with the War Oflice scandal. has been placed unier close arrest for thirty days. THE WEEK’ï¬' NEWS. increasé over the‘pr'evioils yeah: of AMERICAN. " The distinction between rich and poor does not always cease with death, and in Paris it seems more sharply deï¬ned than in life. Tue poor p60 19 have a pathetic way of saying that “ alt ought it costs much to live in Paris, it ‘costs still mo're to die.†This is, in a. measure, true, and that it is so is due 60 the fact that the government has a. mono- goly of the work of burying the dead, and as established a. scale of prices by which the style of funerals is regulated, from that costing th )usands of dollars, to the one which opens the fosse commune (common grave). . ,. “ . .. ~ .n Mr. Goachen says the Government have not abated one jot of their policy and will not falter in enforcing law and order in Ire- land. In consequence of representations made to the Colonial Congress, the Imperial Govern- ment have decided to makej‘an important addition to the Australian squadron. The noted Nihilist Leon Jessevitch has been arrested in Vienna as he was about‘to start for Copenhagen, it is supposed with the intention of asssassnating the Czar. Mr. Gladstone announced Wednesday that he was in favour of bodily sweeping nwa ' the law of entail, andjhau he. stgongly con emned the reviviï¬cntion of the phantasy of protecti04. e As a rule, ,the French are fond of ï¬ne funerals. For statesmen of- the ï¬rst rank the goviernment decrees a. State funeral, which is an accessin of great display, and frequently leads to golitical demonstratians ; but private (funeras are also costly, and many a man who has lived meanly all his life is laid to rest with princely pomp. It is reported that the Leipsic Discount Company, of Leipaic, Germany, has failed for 9,000,000 marks, and than: the directors have fled. ' Mr. O‘Brien's paper, United Ireland, re- cently published six columns of reports of League meetings_ and adds :â€"“ This is how co‘ércion terrorizbh the Irish.†A mob of unemployed persons in London last week had a. serious encounter with the police. The latter were ï¬nally victorious and captured a number. of flags. At a. meeting of Socialists held in Berne; Switzerland, Tuesday, resolutions were puss- ed protesting against the execution of the condemned Chicago Anarchists. Serious riots hav J ooaurei at Gibraltar be- tween Irish and English soldiers stationed there. Many of the rioters were injured. The buildings for the ParisA Exposition of ’1889- are making satisfactory progress, and the qpplications for spAcg indicate that the enterprise will be a. great success. The door of his residence is. hung with black curtains embroidered with silver ; his monogram in silver is on all the mourning coaches which follow the hearse ; the drivers are dressed in black, with knee'b'rceches, high boots, three-cornered hats, and long craps streamers on their arms‘; the horses for the hearse are caparisoned with sWeep~ ing draneries of black and silver, on the hearse itself are plumes and silver ï¬gures 10f angles and cheruhs.1 Then, too, the cus- ‘tom of s’ending out notices of the death, and invitations to the funeral, is very common ; and sometimes those notices are as elaborate and as elegantly engraved as the most ex- Eeï¬sive wedding cards, or invitations to a. B . 'ji’erhaps the desire for' all this was the cause of the man’s meanness in life ; perhaps to pay for it, his wife and children must stint themselves for years. Still, it is done, and, with the chanting of priests, the peel- ing of grand organs, and the blaze of wax lights, the man is buried. “ Genuine politeness is a.’ beautiful trait, whether in :5. white man or a black man, a. horge or a donkey. it is largely a. matter of habit, and we advise all our readers, and especially our boy readers, to cultivate it. Nothing could be better than this incident, narrated by the Charleston N ews and Cour- tier : . ’ A little incident happened to a young Northern lady, visiting this city some months ago, which she seemed to take pleasure in relating. She Was charmed with this, as a sample of the courtqsy of the colored race, and said that Sir Walter Raleigh’s gallantry fell far short of it, in her ‘bpinion, inasmuch as it had interested motives. The popularity of Peter Piper’s celebrated peck of pickled pep ers wilerobably never wane as a. snare t. catch the tongue that would fain be agile; but that test has for- midable rivals. The following short sen‘ tences do wonders in bsflimg the ordinary powers of speech, and when spoken fast afl‘ord considerable amusement. ' Gaze on the gay gray brigade. The sea ceasetn, buc it sufliceth us. Say, should such a shapely sash shabby stitches show? In‘ crossing a. quiet side street one day, a vegetable cart, drawn by a. small donkey, and driven by an aged negro with shining black face and very white wool, was abouc to pass at the same time. . . u As she hesitated, the donkey was sbopPed with a. peremptory, “ W’oe, Squash ! W 0a., sah, I tells yo†1†and While she crossed, nodding in recognition of the clear passage thus afl'orded her, the venerable darkey took off his tattered remnant, of a. hat, and said with a. flourish : " Pass on, my missus, pass on ! Squash and me,_we {Lllus w_a.ibs_ 9n yhe ladies. ’ Strange strategic statistics. Csssel‘s solicitor shyly slashes .3 sloe: Give Grimes Jim’s great gilt. xg-whip. Sui-ah in a. shawl . shovell soft snow slowly. ~ - Sne sells sea shells. A cup of cï¬â€˜ee in a. copper cofl‘ee cupn Smith’s spirit ï¬ssk split Philip’s srxth sister‘s ï¬fth squirrel's skull. ' The Leich police dismisseth us. Mr. Fisk wished to whisk whiskey. a This is the report of a. Princess street gen- tlemen- who had the opportunity a. few nights since of testing Polaon’s NHRVILINB. the great pain cure. He prepared for any emergency by having a bottle of Nerviline at hand. It only costs 10 cents to test it, as you can buy test bottles at any drug store. Get: a 10 or 25 cent bottle to-dny. Sure in rheumrflism, neuralgia, cramps, colic, headache. Nerviline, the sure pop pain cure. All druggists, 25 cents a bottle. An Evening’s Amusement. It Saved My Wife‘s Life French Funerals. Politeness. When the question has to be met as to what is the best course to adopt to secure a. sure, safe and agreeable remedy for those organic diseases and weaknesses which af- flict the female sex, there is but one wise decision, viz., a course of self-treatment with Dr. Pierce‘s Fevorite Prescription. It: is an unfailing speciï¬c for periodical pains, misplacement, internal inflammation, end all functional disorders that render the lives of so many women miserable and joyless. They who try it, praise it. Of dr’uggists. The short visice or mantle is the wrap for full dress. The Boulanger' is the popular but for street wear. “ Enri'ch the blood and make ft pureâ€" In this you'll ï¬nd the only cure." u Dr. Plerce’s Golden Medical Discovery will do tghis without fagl. It has no equal. Alldrug‘gistg. ‘ By its mild, soothing and healing proper- ties. Dr. 'Suge’s‘Catarrh Remedy cures the worst cases of ‘nasal cqtarrh, 8:180 ‘ “ cold in the head,“ cbryza, and catarrhal headaches. 50 cents,‘by druggists. A GENEROUS Germansâ€"A beautiful pre- sent will be given by the Breadmals ers Yeast Company, of Toronto, to nearly every one, as long as they last-ï¬rst come ï¬rst served. The most accomplished woman has still something worthy to be added to her list if she has never yet made a. good sweet white loaf of breed. To encourage the art of Home Bread-making this Company have secured ten thousand presents, Whicli ‘Will be sent to all who comply with their terms. They want all who are old enough either to follow directions or work under instruc» tions, to learn how to make bread. They will take your word for it when you have succeeded to your own satisfaction in usmg their Hop Yeast, and Write them to say so, enclosing a wrapper of a. ï¬ve cent package of THE BREADMAKERS’ YEAST, when they will send in return a. lovely gift. This 01- fer is open to any young lady, girl, single or married woman, matron or housekeeper, who has never before made a loaf of bread. Any person having domestic charge of a household who is not now, bakin for the family, and who will commence y using their yeast and who will send to them the wrapper of a. package, and write to that ef- fect, will receive a. still better class of gift than that above offered. Better yet: any one at present making their own bread, us- ing their own or other yeast, but Who will buy a. ï¬ve cent package of the Breadmakersl Yeast from any grocer or storekeep’er, and, after using, will write and say that their Yeast is Superior, they will believe heralso, and will astonish that lady by return mail withs lovely gift. ‘; You must get the yeast from your own grocer. Don’t send' money to the Company direct. People who are subject to bad breabh, foul comes tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach. can at once be relieved by using Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, «he old and tried remedv. Ask your Drugzist. Wheneve; our Sbcï¬Ã©moh or Bowela gen out of or- der,oausing iliousnesaI Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, and their attendant evfls, take at once a dose of Dr. masons Stomach Bitters. Best family medicine, All Drugghzts. 50 cents. Bow Intelligent Women Decide Let us learn upon earth those things which callus to Heaven. 0 A Boston dyspeptic hascutfrom the news« papers during the last year no less than 780 “ sure cures†for dyspepsia but he is still a. dyspeptic. ‘ The total receipts. of bénauas at the port of New York during the year 1886 were 1,971,753 bunches as against 2,125,388 bun- ches in 1885. Thé raglan is the wrap of the passing moment. ' In Book form, counZins a. correct record of the FAST- HST Tun: and best performances in all ngkwsms 0F SPORT. Aquatic and Athletic performances, Bil,- liard, Racing and Trotting records. Baseball, Cricket. Lacrosse, etc. Price 60. Stamps taken. Address all orders to THE RECORD, 60 Front St. East, Toronto, Canada, Room No. 15. Oscar \Vilde regrets that his son is not a. daughter because “ girls drape so‘much bet- ter.†Maybe they do ; but then Oscar can make his son a. duper if he wants to. 0011“ N 0 More. ' Watson's cough drops are the best In the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that'the letters R. & T.VV. are stamped on each drop. ‘ Several attempts have been made in Pekin 111., to secure the arrest of a. man 50 years old who insists on croquet. They 'look upon him as either crazy or dangerous. Snflcrers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the pressure of living parasites in the lining membrane oi the noe and euetachian tubes. Microscopic research, however. Ina groved this to be a fact, and the result ls that a slump e remedy has been ionnulated whereby oabarrh. camrrhnl deafness and hay lever armoured in from one to three simple agpllcatdone made at home. A pamphlet exglniningg is neg tjtï¬tmeng is genuine Catarrh, Catawba! Deafness and Hay Fever. bu r'eoeipt o't stam‘i) b 'A. H. Diion a: Son. 803 Km Shreeï¬ West Toronto. anada. Ladies Wanted to use our “Magnetic HAirpins.†They Relieve Nervous Headache and the discomfort often caused by all other Hairpins. Sample Box 10c. Address G. E. M‘ 00., Viueland, New Jersey. ' If six out of every ten males above the age of ï¬fteen smoke, it means that 10,800,000 persons consume 3,510,239 8,488 cigars, or anaverage persmoker of3'25 cigars perennum Free! Free !! Free ! !! A Book of Instruction and Price List on Dyeing and Cleaning, to be had gratis by valling at any of our ofï¬ces, or by post by sending your address to R. Parker & 00., Dyers andCleaners, 759 to 763 Yonge St., Toronto. Branch Ofï¬ces: 4 John St. N., Hamilton ; 10L) Colborne St., Brantford. A..P. 369 Dairy“ Salt, AGENTS and Cuvmésné wane.de or Female, whole or spare time, on salary or commit!» sion. Industrial Union of B.N.A.. 45 Arcade. Toronto W lmportations.-Higgins’ Eureka, Washing- ’ ton and Asth Brands. in large or small sacks. .soï¬ice’s CanadiapVSarxlt. Wrige {gr pxjgea. “ That's not tbe’cure, m'y Charming Mi: The doctor 'suidâ€"“ remember this : If you your skin would keep from hint, Discngd the powdei and the paint. “ Thé proper thin: for n11 guoh ills {aghisj't re>ma_rÂ¥ked_the‘man‘ofPills : “ What makes my skin so dark and My cheeks were once so smooth and I use the best cosmetics made." 15 what a lovely maiden said. 001) LIVE AGENTS VVANTBD IN EVERY mums «Q (30.. County in VCKHadif Address, .ice's Canadian Salt. Write for rice JAMES PARK .49 5 N9. The Sporting Becqrd, Beauty Without Paint: MBlésale Produce Merchantszoronto‘ FOR Bt'n'rER. mo 87 Chm-eh St. Toronto. Miss,’ muddy ? ruddy ! ll. WM. ABII3TRONG, 2'1‘rfllll‘0log‘s‘" Specialty, Skin diseases, Scrolula and 3.11 dis- easelof the blood. All cancers cured that are cure- ahle, without the use (A the knife. Utï¬ce hours, (tom 9 to 12 a..m. and from 1:80 to 4:30 p.1n., Sabbaths ex- cepted. 28 Dundm Street, Toronm. PATENTS ANOTHER _NOVELTY." __Goldnmn‘sSpr1un E . 161' and Atomizer Allthe rage in the States. Agents wnnted. Sample by mail 45 cents. CLEMENT 5; 00.. Toronto. ALL GO0DS GUARANTEED. TO R0 N TO. Tnmnta Silver Plate '00., SILVER PLATED WAREâ€. Mannhtturer and dealer in Tan-red Fell. Rooï¬ng Pitch. Building Pa- pers. Carpet and "canning l-‘cll. READY I300!“ VG. Etc. 4 Adelaide St. E., TORONTO. Waterwm LIVING STREAM. AIIGERS. bore 20 feet V ‘V WWW-ll- AIYGERS. bore 20 feet per hour. Also Rock Drillsâ€"Hand, Home, or Steam Power. Send i9: Catalogue. Lnldlaw Manulucturlng (‘o., H.Wi|liams, MERCHANTS CALPSKENS BABY’S BIRTH Ava with coal. lts‘prteut ï¬re-pot. and gr most durable, easiest to manage, hes night and day, and most economical These were the only staves awarded a and meritorious inventions this year It four dealer has not got tiled] write us matiou. THE DSHAWA STOVE G’Y. osnAWA, NHNE GULD MEDA “‘V2’5‘2°ié"&“3§‘é‘£‘§‘2â€%03§ manufactured at QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS by lRON FENCES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. u- Send for Catalogue. BARN‘E‘EM WIRE and mQEWWQRKS, FARMERS & THRESHERS, gm for us. Cash furnished on satisfactory guaranty Address 0. S. PAGE, Hyde Park,'VermoM, U.S‘ AM» TRADERS (:EVERALLY. We want a GOOD MAN in your locality to pick up osnAWA. ONT MANUF A, CTURERS ï¬iéï¬ï¬ï¬bï¬hï¬, ‘37'Yhï¬ié'ï¬tï¬vi‘druntna Raw 1 It: cure I do not mean merely to flop mom for: “me Ind than have them return again. 1 man: I Halo-l an. I luvs made the dunno 0mm, EPILEPSY or PAL].- ING SICKNSA lilo-long study. I “Ix-mm my round, ‘0 cm the worn cu". Beunue' others have (ï¬led II in R's-non {or no¢ now muelvlng a curs. Send M once {or u Ore-“la and a Free Bame o! my luldllblo remedy. 6!" Express .nd PoatOflico. 1! com you menu: {on “No nd 1 will cure you. Adam“ DB. H. G. BOOT, WW FFS! MANUFACTURERS 01" m HIGHEST GRADE OP 23 ADELAIDE OT. QWTORONVTOJ TRADE Wéiiifnic'hddniiflaz'ma. Mama-sun. Sax/is'iaction guaranteéd ï¬o teach ladies the ‘1 full out 0 cutting all garments worn bv! Indies an chil ren. [PROF SMITH, 183}, Queen St; W., To onto: Agents wanted. ‘ LADIES' Dress aim mantle cutting by this . new and improved A Beautiful Imported Birthday Card mm to any baby whose mother will send 1mm names of two or mom other babies. and m parencs’ addresses Also a handsome Dhy mend Dre Sample Card to the mother Nut; much vs uable information. USE ON YOUR MACHINERY ONLY THE WELL-KNOWN For Sale â€"qussrued descriptive Ons- alogue free. 1~L ChamberlinLTgronto. TAELORS’ SQUARE. SLATE FELT Is the only stove made that will burn wood or coal equally well. It will heat one or more adjoin- ingzrooms and retain ï¬re with either fuel all night. It. is the farmers’ wood burner and will make home as comfortable as with a self feeder coal stove. The largestsize is an unrivalled heater (or schools, halls and church- es. Tnef min Keystone, the largest. ï¬rst-class stove tor the money made. Is revolutionizing cookin THE ARGAND 's flave been awarded it during be 1m four years. Try also PEERLESI ) AXLE GREASE for your Wagons and Home Powers. SAMUEL ROGERS & 00.. TORONTO. best cal HAMILTON, 0N1 MARK. BUTCHERS rate of (x med: Roofer. 3 makes it the to retain ï¬re & coal stoves. for stoves. for nev. infor- Associatian in the world, desires native re resenh- tives in every section of Canada. Libex- induce- ments. It has full Government deposit.and undo: the supervision of Insurance De artment at Ottawa Correspondenceï¬olicited. A‘d resa, l’lï¬01‘l7fll‘lnm Canaan, the 0.3. and all foreign countries. Engineers, Pn- tent Attorney‘a. and experts in Patent CauSeS. Estab- lished 1867. Donald C. Rldont (I: ('0.. Toniâ€. during summer months. The steamers of the Glu' gow llnea eall during winter to and, from Halifax. Poflland, Boston and Philadelphia; and durin sum- mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; G i any; Boston weekly, and Ghagow Ind Phlladalphh foitnlghtly: . or freight, passage, or other mtormaflon n. Ely h A. Schumaehor a 00.. Baltimoraq S. Ouna . Halifax ' Shea, 3; 00., St. John’s, N.F. ; Wm. Thomp- son a4 60., St. John, N.B.; Allanh00.,0hiangn Lova‘vt Alden, New York: H. Bouruer, Toronto; Allanr, Rae B: 00., Quebec; Wm. Brookle, Phflldsl phky; 11:?» Allen Portland Boston Montreal. Sailing during mute: (tom Portland eve ruin. day and Balilax every Saturday to Liverpoo and In summer from Qulbea every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderry to land mails and passengep for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore. vb Halifax and St. J ohn’s, NJ?2 to Liverpool {ormghuy LOAN AND SAVMGS GUMPANL INCORPORAIEL) A. I). 1555. Subscrile Capital, - - $3,500,000 Paid-up (aphid, - - - 2.300.000 Reserve Nund, - - - 1,180,000 Total Assets, - - - 9,30l,6|5 efllco :â€"â€"Coy‘s Blllgs, Toronto St., Toronto. STRAIGHT LDANS, 0H CREDIT FONGIER PLAN. Allan 14111.3 ROW 11531113393318!!an The Company has a. large amount of moneyto lend on Real Estate securites at the lowestcurrent rate of interest repnyebie either in one sum or by instalments as may be desired by the borrower. Applies» riona may he made direct to the undersigned by letter or otherwise, or to the local representatives of the Company throughout Ontario. As the Com- pany always has funds on hand no delay need‘ be ex. pected. Expenses reduced to minimum. Mortgages, and Municipal Debentures Purchased. J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Director. Desiring; to obtain a Businrss Education, or become profiwent in Shorthnnd and Iypewriting, should ah gentl the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE ‘HE greatest d a» (ovary of the pro lent age for Regulat mg the bowels, and luring all Blood Liv r. and Kidney Cour ulaints. A perfect Hand Puriï¬er. A few :1 llzmllton whohave I ~een heniflted by its :. 1~'e ; Mrs. M. Keenan, .92 Robert St. cured f Erysipelas of 2 yrs. anding; Rib“). Cor- I811, 24 south street. aughner Cured of ‘lpileptic ï¬ts after 6 rears suï¬ering ; Jen~ lie Birrel, 53 Walnut ' v itreec, cured of Weakness and Lung trouble : John Wood, 95 Qatle- cart Sf... cured of Liver Complaint and Billiousness. used only 3 ï¬fty-cent bottles; Mrs. J. Bea], 6 Augusta St†troubled for years with Nervous Prostrntion, two small bottles awe her great re ief. Sold at 50c. & $1. F, F. DALLE & 00.. Proprietors. _‘ Ynnge 85., Toronto, dealers in all kinds Band~ and Orchestra |Instru~ meats. hoth‘New' and venom-Hand. Vocal and Instrumental Mllsic,Muuic Bnoks, etc. Xn~ ‘ truction Books for every Instrument. Agents for Carl Flsoâ€"her‘s BAND &, OR. cnxsrm Music. Send iur Catalogues.‘ ASSESSM ENT SYSTEM ThQMutualReserveFund We are now ofl‘ering the Best Iron Fences ever sold in Canada, at Remarkably Low Prices. WE ALSO MAKE Stable Fixtures, Sand Screens. Weather Vanes, Iron Stairs and Shutters, Fire Escapes, 0flice Railings, Flower Stands, Wire Signs, and all kinds of Wire, Iron and Brass Work. r / ' Arcade. Yonge streebn'l‘orouto. Fox-“Circulars, etc‘, Address 0., O'DEA. Secretary he Branch Oï¬Ã©Ã©. 37’Yon1ge' St, Toronto Inh‘hér. Give exgygangnd‘ P. 1 huve upolmve remedy for the above dluue ; by “I an thousands chases of the worst kind and of long sanding hive been cured. Indeed, so strong is my faith In it. Efï¬cacy, that I w|'l Bond TWU BUTTL§ I-‘Rm, “saber with a VALUABLE TREAII§E 9!: am- mu; w my LEFE ASSOCIATION. largest and most C{Jrospgrous open Assessmenl utionln the worl , desn‘es actlye re resenh- in every section of Canada. beex- induce- CANADA PERMANENT J. D. WEI-Ins, “'INDSOR. ONT. General Manager, 85 King Street East. Toronto. 'DR'. TLAQLOCUM‘ ;. Gummy! .t «10.. 283