Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Oct 1887, p. 8

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Kersey, Mrs Wm ncUlure. Chenille work I Thos Kersey, Miss McVean. Plain Sewing, girls under l4...Mar1gle Key. Domed Socks or Stuckillgs...MlsE McVean, Mrs J 08 Nattress. Darin-d Socks or Suickiiigs, giris under I4...MIBS Young, Miss Ji‘flsle Webster. Table mat...Jennie Manon, M .uuia Bioddy. Floor mat...lurs Jiio bell. Mrs Clms Scott. Tinsel work. . Miss IlluVeitli, Mrs Wm McClure. Paint- mg on silk or satin....lennie Mason, Sarah UUI’dlllgly. Grentestand best collection of lauics‘ work. .liirs 'l‘ Kersey. FINE ARTS Cabinet Organ. .P Rogers, Geo Tread- gold. Piano...lst and lid Tlios Holse. ()il painting on clinviis...iirs W E Hun- ter, Miss Hostrawen. Crayon or pencil drawing. .mss R H Truman, Mrs \V E Hunter; Collection of photograplis...R Truman; Copy Book, boy under 16...'l‘ Peters, Willie Hall; Copy book girls lin- der 16...Mimiie Peacock, Laura. \anlace; COpy book boys under 12. .David Dix, John Kellam; Copy book uirls under 12 ...Annie Kellam, Jessie Elliott; Penman- ship, no flourislies...ltobt J MrtCLBllll, T A Agar; Ornamental peiiinanship. . Robt J ViacLean, E M Broddy; Collection of stuffed birds or anilnals...W A Wallis Jr, R 'I‘ Wallace; Collection of Insects... Master Lenny W'ailaco, Mister 'l'oni G Wallqu Collection of Geulggical speci- meiis...W A Wallis, jr, R Cowling; Col-- leclion of curiosities...l{ Cowling, ’l‘hos Clark; Specimens of printing...C T CIIRIIIICBy. EXTRAS Jute Carpet...Wm Ineson,(specially coiuiiieiided.) Sulky...0 Preniis (speci- ally eniiimellded.) Leather wol‘k...ltriss Wood, (specially commended.) Bag Hol- der...U 'l‘ Chauncey.(specially commend- Hl.) 10 Ins honey rendered. .Jas Julius- ton, Alfred Maynard. -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘.° Farmers, Beware ! To the Editor of THE LIBERAL : DEAII Sin. â€" You may remember that durâ€" ing the summers cei‘luin party was in the village selling a patent right to build it rail fence. of when, us I understand, he sold two ; one loi' Markham and one for Vaugh- an. Illv llL'lizlJbul, Mia John Palmer, put up about 40 l’ on o.’ this fence, and in order to complete lE; a job, which “'ns 151’0‘18 of my share, I on: eluded to liui'vl the Sllllle kind of fence, which, to in} ion-ow, only rtood aboui “‘11 days. lllr wind on Sunouy niuht. levelling it with the ground. The I not: H a fraud, and any one di<piitiuy it. can come to my farm and we fut i. pom-1i. .~. I have N stake and rider fez-co llIII-lll -l I i-wls' fioni this one, runningin the mine din clion, which the wind umcr tinned. By Its ‘l in; :he above ,iou may save some form r -.‘u unle null expelhu. Jonx BROWN. Richmond Hill, 0"3. BIS-ll. INST. seen-genefirfiijm also ifillvn‘tisonmtfi. . .. .wfl. -w W . I AM HERE On my first trip representing and :uullc‘ltlllg your pat- ronage for RICHMOND HILL, Dealer in Fine Groceries, Teas, Coffee, Spices, Cakes, F'ne Confections, Dates, Figs, Nuts, &c. FINE TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. Sugar, Canned Goods, Biscuits, &c. Cakes, Biscuits, l Kirkby’s Flour kept always on hand and many other things not here mentioned. Can he not do something for you to-day ? NOTICE â€"TO CREDIIORSZ IN THE GOODS OF WILLIAM JACKSON, DECEASED. rs: OTIC.. .s hereby given in pursuance of R. S. 0.. Chap. 107, Sec. 3‘, and mncndments, that all pmuus uuVlu claims against the estate of the late Wnliun weksou, late of the Township of York, in the County of York, former. deceased, who dun ii on or about the 8th day ol’ September, A. DHs‘T o..s .equii-cn to send bv post. orepsiu, or delivr-r to Munich, '1‘ It. Miller. Crowther & Montgomery, Bmisters, &c.. Toronto, Solicitors lul‘ Jens Jacksonfihe udmmistrutrix of the es- tate of t1...- said deceased, on or hotels the 30th day of November, 1887. A stn .‘ lament oi their names unil addresses and am pm iioulars or their cln.‘ ...\ am. the nature 0! the scurinA Ill siiyl hold l _ mm. and notice is filrtl‘orgiven that after tli» aid date the said udminviti'ltu‘ix 'WIII proceed Lu distribute the assets the and ileumised lt-“Uflgsb the persons entitled thereto, having regs. :I only to the claims of which she shall have had notice and the said administratrix Will not be liable for the said assets wr am; part thereof to any person or 1'- sons of whose claim or c aims notice shall not 1m“, renewed as aforesaid at the time the said dozn'nurion is made. Dated m the City of Toronto. this 17th clay of October. lam. Mllsuuk. Tilt, Miller. Ci'owtlier & Montgomery “4 Solicitois for Administratrlx. : In if Absolute This lyr owdci' never vuries streiiiit i rind \vliolesomeness. than the ordinary kinds, an I oniiiiotbo sold iii com ctition with the multitude of low‘test.sliort A marvel of purity, More economical weig t fllllll’l or phosphate powders. Sold onlv in cans. RoYAL BAKING Pouncn Co., loo Wall street, N. Y A Hood farm of 130 acres, being: coin; osed of lot 13. in the 4th (on. Vauizlinii, is to rent. There are about 115 acres cleared. Good buildings, plenty of first-clues Witter. and the loud in ii. high state of cultivation. Apply to JOHN CAMPBELL. Sherwood P O l7-t-f One of tliebest farms in York County. being composed of lots 3-1 and ‘15 in the trout ol' the :lrd colic. ssioii of Vaughan o i‘i‘llt for it Iel‘ll) of yeuis. The Illl‘lll C(.'Ii_ . a of ‘Zoo noes, ISO (-lenr- ed. and has good builni t.s. For further pm tic- ulars apply to EZRA CLL'BI‘ Ii. Lot 55 Yoinze Street. North of I'lluiii Mills, . hichinoncl Hill P O lG-tf )"allll‘dâ€" Agents for ipiing trade at ones. Hardy Stock a specially. CHARLES H. CHASE. Nurseryman, Ruclivsli-ifl N. Y. Salary and Expenses or Commission. Oct. 62m " Fire In surance. ' Farmers protect your buildings from fire and lightning by insuring Ill the GORE DiS'I‘RIC'l‘ MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE (‘0, Head Ollico Grult, County or “'uterloo: ESllilillslli'tl 18230. Ilie number of policies is~rui in the year 1886 was 2,016. and the nun boi- in force at the end H! the year 6,273. insur- ing $li.8U7,(i79 31. shoving an increase of nearly SACUCOOOO over the amount at risk at end of 1885 The income for the year was $870789? Total usets available to meet has increased from $218,986 00 to 264.00 in the year 1886, the incre: se ing within a. trifle of $20,000. The number of losses for the past year was 108. and the amount of loss $57, 887.27, of which $4,3i5 28 was reinsul‘cd, making tlie__net loss $53573 99. This Company has deposited $20 000 with the Ontario GUVCI‘IILAIEIII.’ being lllHl'e than double “hat the law requires, but it gives the GORE a still stronger hold upon public confidence. i Daumge by lightning to stock while in field. is promptly paid by the Gore, (the actual payment being: two-thirds of the Value of liliilllal). l‘ailies “'linse barns are wrrcked by lightning are indemnified to full extent. of wreckage. Farmers can save money by insuring in lhc Gore. This Company has been established fifty-one years. The gore is one of the oldest and most reliable Mutuals in Canada. All communications proi-ipll-y attended to. JOHN T, SAIGEON, Sole and only agent for Springhill and surrounding country. i P. Elm immune. Oct 27 lbs? "60 78 to losses 3238.- be- Address. Kimz: Toaox'rn Tnin'mav Wheat,full. per bushel Wheegt, spring, do 78 Barley. do 50 outs, do 37 Peas. do 60 Eye. (10 .. Clover Seed. do ......... I Dressed hogsmer 100 lbs 6 50 Beef, fore quuiwrs . 4 50 Beef, hind quarters. 7 50 Chickens. per pair 40 Ducks. do 65 Geese. each 60 Turkeys, each 1 50 Butter: pound ro 2-1 flutter, tub dairy .. 00 Eggs, fresh, per do 20 Potatoes, per bag 90 Apples, per bol .. l 00 onions, green, per do 15 Cabbage do 60 Cauliflower do 00 Celery, do 50 75 ’l‘urnips, per bag. 50 00 Carrots, do. 50 '15 Hay,por tun ...11 00 18 straw, per ton ............................. 8 00 12 50 Ricnnonn HILL Thursdsv Oct. 27 1887" oats, per bushel ......................... $0 33 85 Paris, do. .......... .. 0 60 00 Dressed hogs,per 100 lbs .. . 6 00 6 50 BeeIJore uuiirter ......... . 0 00 «i 00 Beet. hind quarter .. 7 00 o 00 Chickens. per pair .. 0 30 40 Ducks. do .. 0 50 60 Geese. each . 0 50 60 Turkevs,perlb .. 0 9 10 Butter, pound r0 0 24 0 25 Butter. large rolls 0 15 16 Egcs. fresh, per doz 0 16 0 18 Potatoes, per 1mg .. 0 00 1 0i. Apples, per bbl...._..... l 50 2 00 Olllous. green, per bush.. .. l 50 . Csbboqe, per do: .. 0 80 O 00 (felerv, do ........ 'ui'uips, erb .. 3' l I. Carrots. p don,g . 0 40 Beans. per pack ............ .. (l 4 0 50 glom.flaliina.pler obi... .. .. , .oui',is .per .lil .. .. " Rayner ton . 4 lo 1: £ 99 King st. Eu“. Toronto , straw. per ton"... H / l Maseru lultlglil IIY \\'F.ARIN(; TIIE ONLY FRANK LAZARUSI (Late of the firm of Lozuius & Morris) ammonium) . l Spectacles 3s Eye Glafifiefisf Thcso Spectacles and Eye Glasses. have been used for the past 3:3 years, and givvn iii (-very in- fitllllr‘c unbounded satisfaction. Tlu‘v nio the best in the world. They never tire. uinl lust many years Without chuiigc. For Sale by T, 11', .Mch]. 1111' (UV; PUIiLisnsR or “ LIBERAL," Riclilqui HiLL. AXl) JESSE NUNN; bPRINGHILI.. FRANK LAZARI'S. Mnnufncini'er, ‘23 Mary-- liiinl Road, Harrow Road, London. England bile Lazarus 6' Morris. Hartford. Con. I Ids No connection with any other firm in the Dominion of Canada. Now is the lime to get. your stoves, EHEAP Fifth KEEN“ AT MASON‘S. SQUARE & ROUND COAL STOVES BOX d. BOOKING Willis » For Coal and \Vond. States of all Kinds 8: Sizes, Also STOVE PIPES, Of all shapes and sizm. Repairing and Eave 'l‘rnugliing prompt‘y . done. CHA S. MASON. llil _ sexes : all ages. Anv one can do the “urk. Lill’flo earnings sure from first start. Costly outfit and v terms free. Better not delav. Co.~ts you nothing to send us 3 our Illlfll‘t >5 and find nut: if vou 8.3 wine you will do M) at once H.1‘IAL1.ETT 62 (lo. Poi‘tllinil, Maine. Fora sALEl That commo'lions Hotel in the Centre of the village of l RICHMOND HILL, scallion l The property of B. Brillinger, is for solo. The Hotel is a new brickchid with mnnsard roof, three stories high, contains 20 looms, is heated by ineansof hot air. and has all the mod- ern appliances. The stsblingnnd out buildings, which are brick, are complete in every piiiticu- lor. Large shells and plenty of yard room well gravelled. An excellent business is being done. but the prourietor is going to sell owinu to ill- health. caulii'e ul. home. and make more nioncv at work I" 1‘ us. than at unv- tliing else in this world. Capital not needed : you ale stui‘led free. Both l Also for solo one of the EST FARMSI; In the County of York. It contains u107 acres rind is composed of the west half of lot 13, In the 2nd Concession of Vaughan. There is vlenty of water on the pl't-Jlllses, good buildings, fl iices in fiist-cluss repliir,u, d the land is in ii high state of cultivation. Possession for the hotel or farm given on short notice. For further pm‘tit-uln rs apply to the proprietor l5. l-ll‘lleNGER. . Dom.nion House, Richmond Hill. l 4-“ OUREQ ‘ k Liver Complaint, ' Dyspepsia, Biliousiioss, Sick Hemlliche, Kidney Troubles, Rheumatism, Skill Disease; , and all Impurities of the '. Blood from what. ' sonvei‘cuuse urisiiig Female weaknesses 'and general debility ‘ 4 Purely Vegetable, Pleasant Emcctuul Use nghlv Concentrated, ASK FOR DR. HODDER’S COMPOUND. Take no other. Sold everywhere. Price 75 cents per bottle. DR. HODDER’S cough &. lung (lure Sold everywhere. Price 9.5 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers, THE UNION MEDICINE CO..oTorontA; can ' Thi‘aroncaa. ’ $1.00 Ill ADVANGE. sea. I R Sewing Machines to Suit the Times. I Now i: the time to boy a. first-class Light Running NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINE! AT REDUCED PRICES. I am prepared to take produce in exchange, at fan- market va]“e_ for one of “,8 latest iinproywl and most durable Scum}; Machines in the, nun-k...“ "5 a large mu”. Ivar is prepared to prove in the immediate llelgllbol'llliiHI,l’)r‘SIdna [he wry large mm.â€" llr'l' of Mullils and First Prizes at Provincial and other Fairs. such as 'I'droiitoy Mon- treal. London, Quebec. and “l “I” \Vurlll’s Fair. Antwerp. Belgium. also a Diploma for the. best wmk shown in London, and a. ten dollar p117”. f,,,. best speciumn “f “,0”: at. Markham Fair this year. Come along. and get. a bargain. All orders by mail prompin attended to. J . LUSH, Richmond Hill. FALL Ado-D sires Goons BRITISH FLAG STAFF CONSISTING ()F DRESS GOODS. PRINTS, CINGHAMS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS, BLANKETS, MEN’S UNDERWEAR. &C. ALAYAYS RECEIVING A FRESH. STOCK OF GROCERIES- SEECIAL'IY In 'IEAS SOLD ON THEIR MERITS Null“. HWII‘W" . “Ills-“WHIP. Crockery, &c. Flour and Feed, The Iiigln-sl prlw paid llll' Failiicrs’ Produce in Exchange for Gollth A MOOllIE N NE LI PRINTING &' PU BLISHYNG m..- s‘lMTRENCHS am" ilullu WORKS.- I<§ICIIMOND HILL. . â€"-â€"l“( ' In returninLr thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal luatr made during», the past lucnly-nic ye .f‘x, I Iii-g to re. I mind them and the gen. .11.] public, that . 7. -0 ’, havng ervcre" tr‘fi.e.’_/ new and eoni< E niodious premises. I am enabled to 1 supply 'Phaetons, Buggies. Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs and PLATFORM SPRING i WAGONS. Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as tllt’ Work is under my our) supervis“ l. I an) alsU prepared to do all kinds -\f black~ l smithlng (l, repairing iii the most work- ] manlike manner, on the Bhllr‘lrfil notit‘k‘. and on the most reasonable terms. Horse - Shoeing Paid special attention to. ‘VM 'I‘BENCH E {In {4 ES I‘ABLISIIME‘NT. V” IN M HIE. L9 ALL KINDS OF I e PLAIN & ORNAMENTAL PRINTING Executed with neatncss and despatch. Posters, Pamphlets, Streamers, Circulars, Cards, Labels, Bill Heads, Shipping Tags,l . L U M B E R. The undersigned respectiully intimates that he has removed his sow-mill from vIcGee's switch to Lots 18 and 19, 4th Con York, \\ est of Yunge st.,neu.r Letter Heads, Programs, i. _ &c., &c. '7 VV E S T N. Memorial Cards eSpeeIalty. The Liberal $1 a. Year. lllE iii ILL AT TILE FRONT! c. TREWETHAN Begs to announce that he is now prepared to show the finest lines of FALL & WINTER CLOIHS Fine imported And Will give his best nttentior to any bills custom sawing he mov be favored with. HENRY MARSH." KING P. O RICHMOND HILL ,Plllillill nails 1 ST L. INNES & SONS Having bought the above-named mill and put everything iii Fl EST-C LASS ORDER. EVer shown in this locality. TWEEDS & WORSTEIIS. Beautiful new ()VERCOATINGS. A splendid line of CANADIAN TWEEDS. Scotch Are now prepared to take contracts for all kinds of Buildings. noonsfsnsa, BLINDS, &c.. Kept on hand, or made to order on the shortest notice. A stock of PLANED LUMBER, MO ULDING S, &C. Always on hand. There is also a. F IRST-CLASS SAW-MILL In connection with the factory, where custom sawing WIII be done. All Work guarantei-d and prices moderate. Full lines of elegant Trouserings. and English STREES & MIXTURES. All the latest novelties in Checks. Come in and see our NEW GOODS, NEW STYLES, NEW TRIMMINGS. Everything new chopt the some old reliebilitv of Workmanship,the same old Low Prices, and the 68.1116 old Perfection of Fit. Remember the BEE HIVE when you went 9. nobby suit or overcoat. 0. TREVETHAN, Richmond Hill. The above factory is situated on RICHMOND ST., RICHMOND iIILL Nov. 25th. 1886-3m, l

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