Bhaukful for the fuvors of the past 20 years may still be consulted in any branch of the pro- mission, as follmvs: Lu-um. 151;, 8th, 18th, and 22nd of eat-h month Richmond Hill... . . .sth a.nd 24th dn 43.1: the Palmer House) Sï¬otn‘fville... M u‘klmm .. Zictoriwq ‘V-mlbrh Kleinbur; N wbleton YHE LIBERAL Pï¬iNTING Ea PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HlLL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No. [4 Building & Loan Chambexs. N335 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Oï¬â€˜iceâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES (a. G. F. LAWRENCE. THURSDAY EVENING Vi tulized Best ï¬tting Teeth made. Nothing innrior in the mt cf Dentistry. Prices low and Vimlized Air used uuv time. L41 Yonge Street, Next. door to the no Mefl Mist Tort nto L'nh‘c: sitv Physicmns 6.: Surgeons, Ont“ (late Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. c0 10a..u1..5to 8 p. m matchts, (Cloths, “funding, §ilncrmmU nub mmiml (Sachs. SPECTACLES FOR EVERY SIGHT. lira.) I Bank of Sandal PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIR, VICE-PRESIDENT SAMUEL TREES. Deposits received m1 Inberestallowed thereon at Current Bums No notice of withdrawal required. Drafts on all mum of Canada. United States and Great Britain, bought and sold in r Mn 1 . 30 (YE-RS .D m.“ k\\ SSS-we, a. li!‘ brihg y thing s worke Fullcrmn, Cook & Miller, BARRIS'IERS, SOLICITORS &c 3 FFICE : 18 Knm S'IRI-TET EAST, Tcnox'ro‘ Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. m ga‘riat Solicitors, Conveyancers, 8m. 13.1“. WORTH". SEDN «fl: C0... USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. LnWRENCE & MILLIGAN. Chisholm, M.P. P.. H. RDWight. D. M. Mac- douuld, C. B. Robinson. A. McLean Howard, and J. Gincy. J S Fullarwn $1 per annum, in advance.] A A. ALLEN, Faslllel‘. Richmond Hill Branch. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT; VOL. X. hill BUSINESS CARDS. {ht calls at front donr 10 a. m '. Janms Laangslafl, m» yum" V1122]; ! £212? I3 PLIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN T. MeMMâ€"EUN, Manufactures ED’IOB and PROPRIETOR. IAN! [is [V]. LA‘VRENL‘E. AND Dr. .I. A. Palmer. RICHMOND HILL. ONT in Dr. WV. J. “’H IS PUBLXSHED EVERY “'Mker House Richmond Hill. will smft vm more muuev the norm. SURGEON DENTIST DIRECTORS 10w ArcuderI‘ORON Hilmirnl. Emmi. to be made. Cut this out and return to us and we will send you free. something of great. value and importance rt You in business which will muev right um ay than anv- u-ld. Any one cum do the me. Either sex: all uses. tjnst eux'ns mnney for hurt you : cupitul not needed. din.) l , m-pormnt thances of llm lll'u ambitious and enter- (;ruml mutt“ Ad W Cook, 215% 23rd 28th .29th 30th 18th 20th T. C. MILLIGAN. porters of bell. Oï¬ice hour 50H. lll:|,'.'(‘l'. of Stan Irvine Ofli ce Hours J. R. Miller BORRUWERS can be accommodated with in small or large sums on all kinds of securityâ€"~Reul Estate, Autos of Hand, Chutmls. Stocks. Bonds, mgucies, Reversiouuxv or Umlivxded luminsts, Life and Endowment Assurance Policies. else, 611).. etc., as lowest. rates from ï¬ve per cent. upwards n.0- cordmg to kind and amount of security oï¬'eredl Unsuimble loans neither Commissionflaluation, (n- mucm‘ons FEES W1“ be charged. Pul‘files de- sii'ing cupiLle to enter into or continue in Busi- ness on. anmcu'mm m- to form Joint-Stuck Companies can also be accommodated. Parties having money To INVEST will ï¬nd it. to their ad- Hmtuge m cul‘resuuud with me as I Clul offer them gum] bulguiusineither Loans, Purchases. 01' Business ()nunces. Men having time or (‘API- ‘ TALuu small or large sums) or both at their dis~ puqu mm utilize them to advantage. All kinds uf marketable property bought. or sold. Lifemul Elfldeluellt Assurance chewy, safe and proï¬t.- n a. Licensed Auctioneer for the Celmty of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence“ sales attended on the slortest notice and at reasonabe rates. I’. 0. address, King. 6-10: Licensed Auctioneer for the Cnuntv of York. re- spectfully solicits your gatl-onuge and friendly influence. Sales attendm on the shortest notice and at reasonablemtes. P. 0 Address, Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. Licensed Auctioneer for the Coumy of York Sules attended on the shortest uoticemnd at reu- abe rates. Address Stouflvxlle P. 0 on farm property. Interest low. Terms easy Nu valuation or commission fees charged, Apply to Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontano and Peal. Goods sold on consignment. Genera) sales of stock. etc., promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN, Barristers. etc. 15 Toronto St. Toronto. and Richmond Hill Rich'd Hill 16th Annl 188". 6111. Having reï¬tted the above House and furnish- ed it. in ï¬rst~clas5 style, I am prepared to give the public the best 0" accommodatmu. Excellent stabling and attentive hustlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A good livery in con- nection. Terms ail Der duv. ï¬lflflMQWQ EIL THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Bcnj. Brlllinger. Proprietor. The undersigned havmg taken posseqsion of the above coulmodions hotel will cheerfully cater to the cumfu't of the travelling: public. Best; bmndsofliquorscmd civars. An attentive hostler and good stubling. Rooms for commer- cial travellers. u (:an nun, Prop. gaudy gala}; utrl. Bpst Pic-Nic Grounds in the countv, Gcod 55111113 and boating. Every accommodation to boarders at reasonable prices. GREENE CENTRAL MONEY ! MONEY! E. F. LANGSTAFF, Every accommodation to guests. Board, $1.00 per day M02516" LESSQJVS. Una erlakm's 5' Embalm vl's, Funeral Fm nnhings Always on - Hand MISS FLHRA DOUETER Issuer of Marriage Licenses Ccunty of York. Ofï¬ce : 80 Jarvis street. 'i‘urouto. Issuer of Marnage Licenses for the County of Y0:- 15 prepared to receive pupils. and will give Music Lessons as 101 men-13'. PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN E. Lmzam MEY$E Eï¬WE‘EESEn RESIDENCE. 158 KING STREET EAST, ToncNTo E. F. LANGSTAl-‘F, Broker, Richmond Hill WRIGHT BROS, Lm‘ds Richardson. “1". BF. LL. Proprietor. James (I. Stokes. Sn Wm Ec'knrqll 5m isrrlln 1130115. N . J. Armstrong. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 1887 S. M. Brown. A large amount of annual. In. Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in ali things, Charity.†BROKER, MAPLE ONT UNIONVILLE EUVEEL. } Vaughan Plowing Match. In the class open to professiniml gentle- men only, the oxeitemeut ran high, but when time “as called to start, no entries had been made. One gentleman said his I force lay in tuning cordwood,a.nulher was ' prepared to stake a. wager on cradllng a.- round a ten acre ï¬eld, whilst others de- clared that if the prize had been the fu- } tare “Empire,†instead of “The \Vorld†I they Wuuld willineg enter the contest. Ahd'thus it ended. After the deciaiun of the julges iu the various elmsea had been made known by the secretary. Mr. W. 'l‘. Rubinsml, the lucky comDetitors were asked to go to Maple, where the treasurer awarded the Everything was favorable for the Vaugh- an Township Plowing Match which was held on the farm of Mr.Jolm McKinnon, a mile and a half west of Maple,last Tues- day, November lst. The roads were in ï¬rst class condition, the weather was de~ llglltllll in the extreme, the committee of management had completed their arrange- ments satisfactorily. consequently the crowd which gathered to witness the skill of the plowmen was very large. The plowing was east and west. and every class Was well ï¬lled. No better sod ï¬eld could have been secured, considering the dryness of the weather, although in Some parts of the ï¬eld it was difï¬cult to make smooth plowing. Except in the boys’ class the competition was open to the Do- minion. In all there were 28 competitors and the township of Vaughan, Markham, Kine, Scarboro and York were well re- presented. The stubble plowing was executed on the opposite side of the road, on the farm of .\Ir. Richards. The spe- cml for sulky plows was well contested, and many old and experienced farmers were surprised to see what excellent work could be done by these plu“ s. From one end ofa sixtv rod ï¬eld to the other the furrows were straight, and the draught was apparently easy on the horses. The following is the prize list in full.â€" FIRST CLASS. (Open to all Plowmen.) lst prize, J. Morgan. \Villowdale, “lesson Horse Rake $28 00 2nd James McLean, Vanghan, Flenry Plow 18 00 3rd Spencer Crowley, Vaughan, casl1&c. 7 v I 12 GO 4111 '1'. McLean, Vaughan, cash Sac 7 00 SECOND CLASS. (Open tn all Plnwluen who had Ilot ta- ken um ï¬rst. prizes in sectmd class or any in ï¬rst class. lslhlrire‘njumin‘ McKay, Vaughant 6'50. 7 13 00 3rd Fred Kelfcr,Vaughan, cash (to 10 00 4th William Gilham,Vaugllzm,cash (3 00 THIRD CLASS. (Open. to all Plowman who had not ta- keu nu) ï¬rst prizes in thin] class. or any lmze it} ï¬rst. or sepond class. lev to be hard, \Vrunght beam, cast; head and share) ‘ ‘ lat, Frank Stiver, Markham, plnw $18 00 2nd J. Prentice, Vaughan, 021311020 1'.’ U0 3rd J. 15. Russ. King. Cash the 10 Ill) 4th Fuxbcs Liugd, Kingpash (1-0 (3 00 FOURTH (ILA-SS, (Open to boys under 18, resident in the Township) 18L Neil Mallny, Patterson Plow $18 00 2nd Robert. \Valklugnon, cash &c. 13 00 3rd Wm. Smith, cash die. 9 (it) \Vilkl‘llsun Plow h 5 2nd J. A. Drury, Markham, Cash FIFTH CLASS. (Stubble Plowing. Open to all Plow- meu who had not taken two ï¬rst prizes at any Suciety’s match in stubble class) lat; lighertï¬Smith, Vaughan, Pu1r_ cash &c. ' 12 00 3rd John Enwright, Vaughan, cash 8 00 4th Duncan McLean, Vaughan, cash die. 5 00 of Iron Harrowé. 2nd John R. Wilson, Vaughan, SIXTH CLASS. (Special for Sulky Flows) lst Wm. Hood, Scurboro, cash by Society. $15 00 2nd R; Russ, King, cash by society 10 00 Thu hvu last nmned pluwnmn dld their wo_r_k with a. Cucksllutt pluw. Mr. J. Muryan was “harded the prize fur the beat p|uwed land in theï¬eld, and also fur making the best ï¬nish. The Silver cup, valued at $25, present,- ed by J. Huldumess, pmprlctor uf the Album Hutel, 'l‘urumo, was awarded to Neil Mdlluy for the best Work in the boya’ claw. Mr. Ephraim Line, Vaughan, received the pair of horse blankets presented by R. Cheyne, Turmnu, for the best team at work in the match Robert Walkingtnn was the smallest plowmun in the buys’ class, and conse- quently he. carried hmne the special given by E._B. Harris, of Wuodbridge: Mr. Jvhn Duncan‘s prize of $2 .00 for Ill“ 1110“ man who handled his team the best in the match was taken by Mr. Jas. McLean A GREAT SUCCESS. $18 00 $18 00 DISASTROUS.-~The most intense exâ€" citement is felt in the flourishing village of Richmond Hill and its surroundings, as facts are revealed, of numerous families whoare dyeing. in the most. beautiful culors; in fact all the oulurs nf the rain- bmv, by usng the popular Sun-Set Dyes, only ï¬ve cents a package. Sold in the city only by Jnseph Dilworth, the Drug- gust. 170 King St. East. between the Clyde and prissing Hotels. Toronto. prizes. After this the ofï¬cers, directors, judges and pluwmen dined at Richard- son‘s hotel. The directors are to be con- gratulated on the success of their under- taking. as everything seemed to pass off with the greatest harmonv. Ln-andma K’mck at Princevxlle, 11]., has passed to her rest. (BY )KEQ'JEST ) Mrs Klinck, familiarly known as Gmndmn Klinuk. and without; doubt the oldest pel'SulI in the state at the time of her death. died Saturday mm-niug at her 'mum in Princeville,Peoria County at the advanced age of 104 years,]1 months and 28 days. \Vln-n a young girl she came to Niagara, Canada, with her parents. Later on she married and moved tn the County of York. where she raised a large family, After living in this Cuunty fur upwards of ï¬fly years she returned with her hus- band and the unmarried portion of their family to lID‘I' native land. ‘ Up to within the last. year or two she was in pnssessluu of all her faculties. Mrs. Kllnck has still many relatives 11! this Culllll)’ and is aleu a. relative of the lane General Grant. Mrs. A. Law of this village is a. daught- er of hers. One hundred and ï¬ve years. IV CLASS Charles Cnmubs, Sculeua Cumulus, \Vllllv Umunhs, She was born in the State of Pennsyl- vania, Oct. 24m 1728, died Oct. 22nd. 1887, lacking but tfvo days of 105 years. JUN. II CLASS Emily le'khy, AIIIIIH Baker, Willie Whmy, JUN. III CLASS Minnie \Vliuhc. Alum. Cuulnlls. Goru) NEws.â€"â€"lc isn’t. generally under" stood that, the electric light may some day or other line the farmers’ path-Way up Yonge Street to Richmond Hill. Won’t that be grand 1 In the meantime, I would advise every farmer along the route and everv conceseion to use the great Ruck Spring Cunl Oil. The pnce is so low that you will hold your breath when you hear it pronounced by Dilwnrth The Druugist. between the Clyde and Nipissing Hotels, Toronto. From our own Correspondent. The Good Templar’s cnucert given in the Masonic Hall last. Wednesday even- ing, was a. demded success so far as the prugrannne was concerned, iliuugh it did not. receive the suppurt it deserved. Mr Hoog, (If Toronto, delighted the audience with his ventrilmluisul, mimicry and comic Snngs. Messrs. Ruse and \Vatsull, of Toronto, spoke in behalf of the good of the order, showing the beneï¬ts to be derived from institutions of. the kind, while several others gave interesting songs and recitatiuns. E. J. Davis. Esq., ï¬lled the chair very acceptably. Quarterly Services will be held in the Methodist Church, Maple. next; Sabbath. Rev. Mr Davey, of Newton Brook. will occupy the pulpit morning and cveninv. Rikinnié is- moving into the house lately occupied by Mrs. Atkinson. a shun distance north of the village. W. Hannah intends moving Into the house, which he has purchased, vacated by R. Klnnie. . Uniform Promotion Examinations will be held in Maple behool on Friday. Last 'luesday, the Rev. J. Peareu jnined in huly matrimony Miss Kate Beasley, of this place, tn William Mar- wood. second son of the late William Murwvod. The Plowing Match under 1he auspices of the Vacuhan Plowumn’s Aesociation, held last Tuesday. was a. suucess in every particular, but, as I presume you have a full report, I will not encroach on your space. FOR THE MUNTH OF OCTOBER School Reports 1m)th CARRVILLE Louisa. Mellish Gertrude Appleton Ceml Hopkins. J. E TYNDALL, Teacher PART I L'LAS Maple Clara Bond. May Mellish, Berlin: \Vhitty, SEN. II CLASS Sarah Ness, Minnie Woods, Orlando Appleton. PART II CLASS Genruiun. Baker, Mary McLean, Jesse Schell. SEN. III CLA SS From our own Correspondent. Favorable reports are now in circulati. n concerning the opening of the flow idle shops. It is said that they will be occu- pied before long for the purpose of man- ufacturing of steel. Success attend the effort, or any other to bring life into our town, for it needs it badly enough The ï¬re hall is at last being erected. The residence of Mr. Archibald is now almost completed. Mr. S Hartman’s is under way. Abunt forty of the young people of the Methodist Church Look a. drive to V‘Vescun last Friday evening, and paid the Rev. R. Large, their pastor, a. call,in the shape of‘a. surprize party. After partaking of a collation of cold fowl, and enjoying sing- Our baileymarket is doing quite a rushing bglsiness. ing. plays and social chat. thé ï¬art} star?- ed for home and arrived about 2 a. m. Saturday. The trustees of our Public School have decided upon enlarging our school ground by the addition of two ï¬fths of an acre. for which-they are to pay the sum of $140. The enlargement was badly need- ed, and it is hnped they will now put up a fence and otherwise improve the ground and school houses, so that they may be an ornament to the village and not an eyesore. BLOOMFIELD, Carleton Co.,N. B., May 7th, 18872â€"1 wish to inform you that I have been a snfl'erer from catarrh for a. long time and have continually tried so Cilled remedies and catarrh cures, but all to no purpnse. At last I heard uf Nasal Balm and was induced to try that, To my astonishment I found relief from ï¬rst application, and now after twu weeks use feel myself perfectly and thoroughly cur- ed. Yours very truly, Our M. P. has been blessed with a yogpg daughter.’ A special meeting of the Directors of the Richmond Hill Mechanics’ Institute was held in the Lecture Room of the Masonic Hall on Friday evening, Oct. 28th. The question of disposing of tickets was discussed, and it was moved by W. A. Sandersnn, seclmded by P. G. Savage. that Miss Law and Miss Daniels be asked to canvas the village north of Centre 8!. for the sale of tickets, and Miss Simpson and Miss F. Trench south of Centre St. *Carried. Moved by P. G. Savage, seconded by the Secretary, that the accounts be paid. â€"Carried. Moved bv T. F. McMahon, soot-nded by W. A. Sanderson, that two hours he allowed fox changing bouks instead of one as heretofore, and that the partition be moved two feet, towards the centle of the roomâ€"Carried. A programme consisting of a debate, Songs, instrumental music, readings, &c., was then arranged for an enlertainment tn be given un Friday evening, Nov. 11th, and the meeting adjourned. , H. A. NICHOLLS. Sec’y. This powder never vanes A marve strength and wholesomeness. More s than the ordinary kinds. and cannot} competition with the multitude of low weight alum or phosphate p0“ ders. in cans. RUYAL BAKLVG Powmzn (‘0.. street“ N. Y A “LLW l7 7. " n‘ovAL um; . . 1" Absolutely Page. Directors’ Meeting [Single copies, 3 cts HANFURD WOLHA MPTER- Woodbri dge General Merchant. No. 18. n) v full