Extensive military preparations are be. ing made by both Germany and Russia along their frontier. In an inspired article the Pesther Lloyd expresses the readines of Austria to enter into the closest alliance with England. A slander suit for $25,000 damages against the Duke of Marlborough has been begun by Mr. Dalziel, editor of the New York Truth. It is believed that the reported rupture between Secretary Bayald and Attorney- General Garland over the Behring Sea seiz- ures and the farmer’s tacit admission that the Canadian sealers were wrongfully seized, will enable the Dominion Government to obtain compensation for their owners with- out any difliculty. It is stated the Czar has formed an anti- German alliance between Russia, Belgium, Holland, Sweden and Denmark. The ï¬rst conference for the negotiation of a. commercial treaty between Italy and Au- stria-Hungary was held on Saturday in Rome. Mr. Gladstone is of opinion that the dis- cord between Catholics and Protestants would cease if Home Rule were established in Ireland. Mr. Ponsonby has offered the tenants on his Irish estates 3. reduction of 35 per cent, which will probably be accepted. The steamer Great Eastern has been sold at auction for $105,000. Fire in St. Louis on Saturday night de- stroyed, and damaged a number of large warehouses, causing a total loss of over half a million dollars. The police are closing all liquor shops kept by Europeans in Constantinople, on the ground that they are demoralizing the Turkish people. Temperance advocates in the United States are excited bytbe fear thattheprohibi- tory liquor laws will be declared uncon- stitutional by the Supreme Court. Mr. C. G. Francklyn, President of the Horn Silver Mining Company, has been arrested in New York and conï¬ned in Lud- low street gaol on a charge of misappropriat- ing $500,000 of the company's funds. The billetn of the Department of Agri- culture places the totel yield ofwheat in Manitoba. at 12,351,000 bushels, an average yield per acre of 27.7 bushels, as against 19.3 ; the average for the years 1883 to 1886. The average yields of other crops are as fol- lows 2â€"Oets, 46 bushels ; barley, 36 ; peas, :10, potatoes, 238. Cholera. has broken out on the steamer Britannia, which has been for some time detained at lower quarantine at New York. The record thus far is one death and one new case. A telegram has been received from Tampa, Fla.., saying that there have been six or eight new cases of yellow fever since last report, and that there were three deaths on the 25th. Philadelphia. is threatened with a coal famine, the supply being totally inadequate to the demand. The French steamer Hindostan, from New York, together with her valuable cargo of 3,000 tons of merchandise, was destroyed by ï¬re in Marseilles on Monday, The North-\Vest Central railway direc- tors are applying to the Local Government for aid under the Railway Aid Act. They say they will have ï¬fty miles completed early in the spring and another one hundred miles next year. The returns of the Department of Agricul- ture show that during the nine months of this year up to the end of September a. total of 62,186 settlers arrived in the Dominion, against 51,272 for last year. Returns from three or four ports have yet to be added. which will considerablyincrease the number. The new postal map of Nova. Scotia. and Prince Edward Island will be issued in a few weeks, and will be followed as soon as completed by new maps of New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba and British Columbia. ‘ HOME. Scott Act ï¬nes to the amount of 81,100 were inflicted last week at Strat'uroy. At a meeting of the Quebec Protestant Teachers' Association a committee was ap- pointed to petition the Government to in- crease the annual grant for elementary edu- cation to $200,000. Two hundred thousand tons of coal in the C. P. R. sheds at Hochelaga. have been burnt. For the past week the surplus grain crop of Manitoba. has been exported at the aver- age rate of 105 cars a day. The total ex- port is now expected to reach ten million bushels. A settler near Moosamin has been ï¬ned $30, including costs, for setting the prairie on ï¬re. Judge Angers, of the Superior Court of Quebec, has been appoimed Lieutenant- Governor of that province. A cablegzam says an English syndicate offers to construct a submarine tunnel be- tween Prince Edward Island and the main- land for £40,000 per annum for ï¬fty years. Fever is very prevalent among the Mani- toba. “ D †troop of Mounted Police. Ac- cording to the latest report the whole of the troop excepting sixteen men are laid. up. Manitoba. settlers are agitated over an an- nouncement by the Interior Department at Ottawa. that all money due on pre-emptions must be paid beiore the end of December or the entries Willbe cancelled. Jude Taylor has been appointed Chief Justice of Manitoba, in succession to the late Chief Justice Wallbridge. It is announced that the Manitoba Govern- ment have :ompleted a. contract with a. well- known ï¬rm for the immediate completion of the boundary railway. The net Aesult of the year’s business of the Montreal Street: Railway Company, after deducting all expenses, is $95,926 The! Manitoulin Expositor says that twenty-three tons of potatoes were shipped from Manitowaning during last week. In consequence of the large exports, the retail price of potatoes in Winnipeg has ad- vanced from 25 cents to 40 cents per bushel. Lieut. Colonel Baker, M. P. P. for Koo: enay, B. C., intends to attempt tn acclimw tize the South American Llama to his con stituency. Winter has set in in Manitoba. There has been a. slight fall of snow at \Vinnipeg, and the Red River is nearly~frozen over. THE WEEK'S NEWS. AMERICAN. FOREIGN. A young man doesn’t weigh any more than usual when he has on his ï¬rst silk hat, and probably he doesn’t look any larger to strangers, but he always feels his responsi- bility nevertheless. For constipation, “liver complaint,†or biliousness, sick headache, and all diseases arising from a disordered condition of the liver and stomach, take Dr. Pierce‘s Pleasant Purgative Pelletsâ€"a gentle laxative or ac- tive cathartic, according to size of dose. A perfectly red snake was recently seen at Niagara Falls. What kind of paint the man who saw him had been imbibing is not stated. People who no subject to bad breath, foul coated tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at once be relieved by using Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters. the old and tried remedy. Ask your Drugg'lfl. At the time when Columbus started in search of the New \Vorld, nearly every man, woman and child in Europe insisted that there was no New World to discover. When he came back, crowned with success, a. large pro ortion of these good people adhered to t eir theory; and if they were alive to-day many of them would doubtless insist that America had never been dis- covered at all. A man will ive up any- thing in the world more readi y than a pet theory. For example, look at the individ- uals who still maintain that consumption is incurable. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery has cured thousands upon thou- sands of cases, and will cure thousands more, but these people can’t give up their point. Nevertheless the " Discovery†will cure any case 0t consumption, if taken in time. “ My dear young friend," he said solemn- ly, “ if you are so *fond of beer a.t your age, what do you suppose you will be when you reach your prime '3" “A politician,†re- sponded the youth. Chronic nasal catarrh positively cured by Dr. Sage‘s Remedy. At the word “ Blow !†given by a. disin- terested spectator, the players begin to low the feather, each side striving to make it fly over the edge of the sheet on their op- ponents' side. It is, in fact, a most delicate sort of foot-ball, with a. feather for 9. ball and only the most harmless of blows possi- ble. V Was America Ever Discovered ? Now the parties, arranged as in the above game, take their places on opposite sides of the sheet, which they grasp and raise in a. horizontal position until it is level with the chins of the shortest players. Enough ten- sion should be caued to keep the sheet flat and smooth. The feather still rests in the in the centre. A large sheet is produced and épread upon the floor. In the center of it is placed a. feather which has been abstracted from a. pillow. \Vhen No. l of the guessing side is through, the same process is repeated by No. 2, and so on until all of the guessing side have had a. chance. Then the coin is passed across the table and the other side have their turns. At the end of the game the individual scores on each side are added and the largest sum, of course, wins the gage. When the guessers are tired of the half dollar and its fortunes let them turn their attfenï¬ion t9 thiq simp_1e pgstirqq. _ Here is a. chance for amusement and a. study of facial expression as a. mirror of the mind. No. l of the other side scans the faces above the ï¬sts for traces of confusion or other signs which may betray the present position of the lost money. At last he comes to a decision and points to a certain hand. If the hand designated contains the coin the score-keeper credits the guessing side with a number equal to all the hands of the coin- holding side. If the ï¬rst attempt is a failure the hand is removed and the player con- tinues guessing until he ï¬nds the right one. Meantime all the hands wrongly pointed out have been removed from the table, and when the coin is at last hit upon the guess ing side scores as many points as there are hands left on the table. Canon Weldon, of the Irish Church, de- livered an address in Dublin, in which he said he hoped the Queen would ï¬nd a. more suitable way to honour her husband’s me- mory than by sending her sons and sons-in- law to the top of a. Highland mountain to drink raw whiskey. / A Guessing Game. Two even sides, of six or eight; persons each, sit; down on opposite sides of a. dining- table. All their hands are concealed below the table. A half dollar is given to a player of one side, and he puts it in secret circulation among his partners. At a. call from their opponents the players who have the half dollar in keeping must lay their clinched ï¬sts on the table in plain sight. In some one of those closed hands the money is hidden. From evidence elicited at the inquest on a. deceased dynamiter in London East, it is beleived that he was connected with u. plot to murder Mr. Balfour, the Irish Chief Secretary, on the occasion .of his speaking in Birmingham on the 2nd of N ovember. 'It is understood Russia. intends reducing the import duties on English goods ‘20 per cent. and on French goods 10 .per o‘enn, while on German goods no reductxou Will be made. _ 7 During theihearing of Mr. Wilfrid Blunt‘s case at \Vo‘odford on Tuesday, the Crowu counsel announced that English and Irish agitators in Ireland would be treated in the same manner. The new convention which is to be signed by the great powers provides that the Suez Canal shall be kept open in time of war, but that no act of hostility shall be permitâ€" ted at either of its approaches nor on its banks Within a. certain distance. Lord Randolph Churchill declares that Mr. Gladstone’a proposals as they no n stand mean the breaking up of the Union and the ruin of the Empire. An eviction in County VVexford was pre- vented on Saturday by the tenant and his friends throwing boiling tar, red hot iron and vitriol an the emergency men. Excavations in Jenisale'm have resulted in the discovery of the remains of the anci- ent town walls and the position of the gate through which Jesus passed to Golgotha. Recent investigations have discovered the appalling fact that upwards of 4,000 children attending the elementary schools of Vienna were sutferiug from pangs of hun- ger, some of them being on the verge of starvation. ' BLO\VING TEE FEATHER. 1,000,3llles of new he of Railwav built this season. Land All for so lament. Unsurpassed for grain or stock farms. 480 acres free. To learn how to get it, send your address on postal card. J. M. HUCKINS. 96 King St. W.,Toronto. 0!: Receipt of 815. (10, I will express to any address, an English made double barrel breach-loading shot- gun, with cover and tools complete. FINE GUNS. RIFLES, AMMUNITION AND SPORTS- MAN'S GUUDS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Notice is hereby given that a. dividend of four per cent. to’r the current hall year. being at the rate of elght per cent. per annum, upon the paid 13) capital of the Bank, has this day been declared an that. the lame will be pavahle at the Bank and its branches on andL alter THURSDAY, the lat day of December The transfer books will be closed from the 16th to the 30;}: day of November, both days inclusive. By order of the Board. 51 King street East, Toronto 'Ihe Cottage Physlclanâ€"A complete domes- tlc medical encyclopaodia, specially prepared to meet the wants of the common people, who have long felt the need of such a book. a The History of Canadaâ€"From the discovery of America to the latest event, by Dr. With- row. No library is complete without it. The Platform Echoesâ€"A great temperance Work. by the greatest temperance orator of his dav, J. B. Gong-h. Tho Book ofScrmous and sayingsâ€"“ Liv- lng Words,“ by Rev. Sam. P. Jones. illus- trated. Thousands flock to hear, and want his book. 2 a The Parallel Family Bibleâ€"Magniï¬cent < T WAN T I). TS and massive. two Bibles in one. erpls~ Libeml. with extra terms for the workâ€" mz agent. Send for circulars, etc. WM. BRIGGS, Publisher, Toronto. next. COMPOSITION GOLD, Antique Bronze, 3 Natural Wood, and other Picture and Room, Mouldings, Frames. Etc. Paintings, En- gmcings, Etchings, Artotypes, Artists' Materials, Mirrors, etc. Wholesale and Retail. Trade Cat- alogue. MATTHEWS BROS. & 00.. Toronto. THE BANK OF TORONTO. Provinces and States, touching both the Atlantic and Paciï¬c Oceans, are represented this year among its students. Send for 18th annual circular. W. B. ROBIN- sox and J. W. JOHNSON. F.U.A., Princinaln. UlflCULABS mas. dumuuuug new and interesting. Send at once if you want the best. CANADIAN BUSINESS UNIVERSITY a SHORTHAND INSTITUTE, Public Ltbrary Building. Toronto. Tuouu Bumoueu, Presi- dent; CHAS. H. BROOKE, Secretary and Manager. 8nflerers are not generally aware that these diseasee Are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the noes and eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, however, has Yroved this to be a fact. and the result is that I simp e remedy baa been formulated whereby catarrh, entarrhal deafness and hay (ever are cured in from one to three simple a plioatione made at home. A pamphlet explaining t is new treatment is vent tree on receipt 0! stamp by A. H. Dixon & Son. 308 King Street West Toronto. Canada. R. WM. ABMsTRoA .. llermalologist. Sgecialty, Skin diseases, Scrofnla and all dis- eases of the blood. All cancers cured that; are cura- ahle, without the use of the knife. Otï¬ce hours, from 9 to 12 mm. and from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., Sabbaths ex- cepted. 28 Dunst Street. Toronto. 0RONTO Cutting Schlml.â€"Gent]emen de- sirous of acquirin a thorough knowledge of gar- ment (tutti-gin all its ranches, should apply at once to S. Corrigm, proprietor, 122 Yonge 815., Toronto. Terms on application. HE BolLEB INSPECT“)! .nml Insur- ance Company of Canada. Consulting Engineers and Solicitors of Patents, T 0 I! 0 N ’l‘ 0 . G. C“ Rona, Chie! Engineer. A. FRASER, Sec'y-Treas. YOUNG HEN snflerlng from the eflects of early evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, who ï¬nd themselves weak, nervous and exhausted; also Mm- nLn-Aenn and OLD Men who are broken down from the elects of abuse or over-work, and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and nun MN. Lubon's Treatise on Diseases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any address on recean of two 80. etempe. Address M. v. LUBON, 47 Welllnz- ton St. East Toronto! Ont “‘â€" Whenever your Stomach or Bowals an out of or- der, causing Billousnesa, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, and their attendant evils, take at once u dose of Dr. ull'SOn'B Stomach Bitters. Best family mediums. All Dmggists, 60 cents. FORAIL. $38 a wefck and expélï¬s paid. Valuable outï¬t and pnmvulars free. P.0.Vl€l£l2l{ X,Augusta,Maine. F you hm; invented ehg‘thiï¬guscfulï¬vaâ€"lieWnlbiitvgrâ€"ld make money. Write for HARVHV‘B GUIDE TO PA- Tnxrsmo A. Harvey, Patent Attorney and publisher of the “Patent Review,†Ottawa, Ont. :25 yrs. experience. .1384;ij Salt, ONTARIO BUSINESS Gouge; \Vhen Mr. John L. Sullivan dies it is believed shat he will provide for the en- dowment of a. large memorial saloon 3; Cambridge. You can’t always judge by appearances. The man who wears a diamond pin may be really wealthy. CatarI-h. Catarrhal neamess and Hay Fever. 01d Soak (beholdinq an ï¬rst time)â€"â€"“ Jerusalem! drink 3 l†The waiter with a. genius for higher pur suits has to hide his talent in a. napkin. 0011‘ No More. Watson’s cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. & T.W. are stamped on each drop. _ __ ,7? ___.. ,.._......,.. v-Iquh\l,ll-Ir Kristina, whole éFsEEe' time, oh salary or commis- sion. Industrial Union 01 B.N.A.. 46 Arcade. Toronto. (*1 090 Fungi“; A} Warm» IN EVERY NT Alao_I‘.ice’s Canadian Salt. W Importations.â€"-Higgins’ Eureka, Washing. ton and Ashton Brands, in large or small sacks. Wrike foï¬rprjges. inn-“n n. n-â€" PATENTS or SPORT. Aquatic and Athletic performances, B11- liard, Racing and Trotting records. Baseball, Cricket, Lacrosse, etc. Price 60. Stamps taken. Address all orders to THE RECORD, 60 Front St. Eat, Toronto. Canada, Room No. 15. In Book form. contains a correct record of the FAST- m-rï¬ Tum n_nd bfst peflonpgnqes in all Dummums D. COULSON, Cashier: Bank of Toronto, Toronto, 26th Oct, 1887. WIMGDD WAH‘,‘ Countv in Canadhf AddrE§5,â€"_v m u v m FEERIS (E 00.. 87 Chureh St.. Toronto‘ JAMES mugs“; The Sporting Record. BELLEHLLE, os'ugiif Wholesale Prdee iiéréiantafl'oronto. F0: Bale â€"Illustmt,ed descriptive Can ral‘q‘guelrae. R. Chamberlin. Toronto. â€"IMPORTER OFâ€" FOR BUTTER. ETG DIVIDEND NO. 63‘ 1V. Mcbofl'ALL. and CuVAssans wanted,Mal Indian for how he must; This Distinctiver Home lnstiluiion was established 15 years ago. During this period [)9 1 million oi dollars has been returned to the policy Holders, or their representatives. at y o" The assets accumulated during this period amount. at this date, to Over 813,300,000, and when the Gum-“nee Capital 1., added, forms security lor policy holders to the amount of over £5,500,000 Those contemplating insuring will do well to compare the cost in this Association with other oompmjeg for the above period, before insuring elsewhere. ' This Association‘s Rules are from 10 to 30 per cent. lower than in those ioreign complnies doing business in this country, while the proï¬t results surpass the heel of them. A Home Company! Guarantee Capital, $1,000,000 We Guarantee the Best and Cheapest Fences made in the ‘ smlil ' ‘ ~-"--~r ' Dominion. IRON FENCES 0F EVERY DESCRIPTION. - tSend for Catalogue. with coal. Its patent ï¬re-pot and grate makes it the most durable, easiest to manage, best to retain ï¬re night and day, and most economical of coal stoves. These were the only stoves awarded a. medal for new and meritorious inventions‘this year, n," , J If your dealer has néiiéét-iï¬Ã©rï¬ï¬‚iï¬te us for mation. THE USHAWA STOVE G'Y.. @ARNUIYI WIRE and IBQN WORKS, Why .do you use those Expensive A Canadian Baking Powders when you can and whole-ome at one half the price? Pr: ing the Cook’s Gem. Manufactured by ELLIS 8o KEIGHLEY. Toronto. CANADA PERMANENT OFFICE :â€"Co.’s BUILDINGS, Tonoxro S1,. Tonou'ro. DEPOSITS received at current rates of interest, paid or compounded haltâ€"yearly. DEBENTURES issued in Currency or Sterling, with interest coupons attached. payable in Canada. or in England. Executors and Trustees are authorized by law to invest in the Debentures of this Company. MONEY ADVANCED on Real estate security at current rates and on favorable conditions as to re- payment. Mortgages and Municipal Debentures purchased. J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Director. THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP CD'S. 3 SPECIAL BUCKET i RETURN TRAP. THE BALTIC STOCKMEN, give this valuable pre- paration a fair triAL It events: rompilyand efl'ectuale in destroying oks and other vemiupesu, as we q . ‘has in eradicating all aflections o! the -' " - ‘ c ' skin to which Sheeparosubjact Sold 'ns at 850., 700. and 81. A 860. Tin will elem 20 Sheep 0:35 Lambs. HUGE MILLER a 00.. Toronto. ' lurzc'noss ror Bl‘AMI’lN , and In)- (lElP’l‘s for manufacturan four dlflerent pow- dersâ€"blue, white. yellow and the French liquid stamping for plush, vulva: and silk. minutely describ- ed in print, all sent by mail for 40 cents. C. STID» MAN FIEROE, 41 King St. 13.. Toronto. Butterlck's Patterns and Books for October always on hand. 5100 Subscribed Capital 'nid-np l3uollnl.“ cserva Fund ‘ ‘ . . . Total Assets. 759 TO 763 YONGE ST. Hm OFFICE, 15 Tonom‘o $1., Tonomo. DYEING AMLEANHNG. R. PARKER & CO. BAKENG PUWDER Hox. Cumr-Jusncx MACDONALD. w. H. Burn, mu. J. HERBERT Mason, ESQ. 11021. Jun Youxo. MILLER’S TIGK DESTROYER. MANUFACTURERS Bféï¬Ã©liï¬iflhï¬, 37'Yhï¬EEStflui'ï¬runma , _ 7 i _ _ â€" â€" v â€" Whonl uy cure I do not mun manly to stop than tore “me um um: hive mam mtum xxx-In. I mean I natal aura. 1 bus made the dues" of FITS EPILEPSY or FALL- ING SICKNESI “II-long unay. l'w-rnnt my ram-d, lo cure the worst can. Became other: ï¬ne fallod II no “non for not now moolving I cure. Send It once for. Ora-Illa and a Free Bottle 0! my inrnmble remedy. GIN Expreu und Pole 0m“. 1‘ can. you nothlnx for I “1", Ed I wHIcul-elon. A_d_d I D3. H. G. BOOT. L‘EHBE FITS ! Colhnrne Street Jhn StreetNorth Cooks’ Gem Loan and Savings Co. “'orks and [lend Ofï¬ces : NCORPORATED 18.‘ 209 PRESIDENT: HUN. SIR W. l’. HOWLAND, C.B., K.C.M.G. VICE-PRESIDENTS : WM. ELLIOTT, ESQ, EDW. HOOPER, ESQ. DIRECTORS : Yonge Street. Queen St. West Queen St. East. those Expensive American ano OSHA‘VA MANAGING mnnc‘ron : J. K. MACDONALD Is the only stove made that will burn wood or coal equally well. It will heat one or more adjoin- iuz rooms and retain ï¬re with either fuel all night. It is the farmers’ wood burner and will make home as comfortable as with a self feeder coal stove. The largestsize is an unrivalled heater for schools, halls and church- es. Toe funin Keystone, the largest ï¬rst-class stove tor the money made. II revolutionizing cooking wrhe Celebrated Han- cock Inspirator. WGresham’s Automatic } Restarting Injector. WMorrison’a Automatic Sight Feed Lubricatcr. WEngâ€"ineers’ £5 Plumb- ers' Supplies of every description. Send for circulars. JAMES- lglppgn! Q‘N, THE ARGAND 75 a: 77 Adélzude siiv'. T0 RONTO. Brauttord Hamilton, Provv'e it byutry TO RONTO 83,500,0“1 2,300.000 l.l80.000 9,30l.616 0NT J. K. MACDONALD, Managing Director. , Ont‘ , Ont. infor‘ P. RYAN, Esq. Noxnnmun, Esq. H. Gums. Esq. L1ch HOWARD, Esq, Bolling during wmcer h'om Portland eve Thun- dny and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpoo , and In summer from Quebec every Saturday to leerpool. calling n Londonderry to land mails and passenger lot Scotland and Ireland; also from Bdtimore, VI. ; Hallhnx and St. John’s, N.F., to Liverpool lortnlghtly ‘durlng summer months. The steamer: of the all lgow llnea and] during winter to and from 11mm, l Portland, Boston and Phlladelphln; and d m- ' mar between G] ow and Montreal weekly; 0 ago! “and Boston week y. and Glasgow and Phllldelphl. ltonmgmm _ , , 7, . , n Hamilton who have Isen heniï¬ted by its 1=e ', MrmM. Keenan, ' m2 Robert St. cured .f Erysipelas ol‘2 yrs. m1ming;Robt. Cor‘ yell, ‘24 south street, I laughter cured of ipilepcic ï¬ts after 6 ' (9an suï¬ering ; Jen- )ie Birrel, 55 ,WAlnut " ‘~" ' ' ’ street, cured of Weakness and Lung Trouble :_‘John Wood, 95 Catle- cart St†cured of Liver Complaint and Billiousnea, used only 3 ï¬fty-cent bottles ; Mrs. J. Baal, 6 Augusta so, troubled for years with Nervous Prostration, two small bottles give her great relief. Sold at 50c. 8t 31. F. F. DALLEY & 00.. Proprietors. Allan Line Reyal mil-steamship: HE LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT cu. (LU), 0F LGNDDN, Em. Capital, £200,000. Dominion Govemment Depoaih, £55,000. Head Ofï¬ce : 72 King St. East. Toronto. Gentlemen ol influence wanted in unrepresented districts. A. T. MCCURD, V BABY’S IRTHDAY. For freigho, passage, or other Inlormabion apply I. A. Schumachm- a 00., Baltimore; 8. Cum 5 00.. Halifax; Shea h 00., St. John’s, NJ. ; Wm. Thomp- son a. 00.. St). John, N.B.; Alhn&00.,0hl Love 85 Alden, New Yotk; H. Bourller, Tor-n | Allann, Rae 6:00.. Quebec' Wm. Brooms. Phflldul- phia: 11A. Allen Portland Boston Mantra]. We are offering specialjn- ducements to purchasers of Iron Fence for delivery this fall. A. nle/m Bmch 0553'. $7 YomgéSL. Tm l haven poutlva remedy for the above disuse ; by “I no [bounds ofcuea o! the wont kind and of long landing- luvs been cured. Indeed. so "row I: my fdthln ID Ifllmy, that I win Bend TWO BOTTLES FREE, tog-uni will u VALUABLE TREAT'ISE on “all dim to An’ Marat. Give expres- And P. 0. man. 7 W m; T.7A.1W, WNSEWWON. ea Absuam at. c..1'1999uvo_._ A Beautiful Imported Birthday 0nd lens to any baby whose mother will send um names of two or more other babies. and M pareuu' addresses Also a handsome Dh- mond 12%;) Sample Card to the mother m much v able intonation. Walla Richudlon & 00.. Manned. QI‘ECIAL NOTICEâ€"wig “'INDSOR, ONT. Resident Secreer for'the Dominion J. D. EDGAR, he. WALTER. S. LIB, Esq. A. L. GOODIRHAI, FAQ, Toronto and Stratfui-d HE greatest d a- covery of the pro xeut age for Regulat mg the bowels, and During all Blood Liv ‘r and Kidney Conn )laints. A perfect Blood Puriï¬er. A fey