Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Nov 1887, p. 5

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Next Saturday will be u footbnll MW in Richmond Hill. There will be two matches played. the first commvucing at) p. 111-, be- tween the Thornbnl club and the second eleven of the village. This Will be folluwpd by n clmmpiouship match between the team of the Toronto School of Medicinemnd Ric [- mond Hill’s first eleven. The Toronto teum have an excellent reputation and an interest- ing time may be expected. A silver collec- tion will be taken M: the gate to assist in de. haying expenses. Grand stand free. She spectators will witness a lively contest. Don’t fail to see the sport. Credit Sale. Mr. Salem Eoksrdt will sell by Public Auction the farm stock 1m ‘lements and household furniture of Mr. Jss. McDonald, lot 19. 3rd Con. Vaughan, on Wednesday, the 16th NOV. Sula without reserve M the proprietor has rented his farm. Eleven months' credit will be given an all sums over 58. Sale at 1 o'clock p. in. sharp. Dmner Sets, Breakfast Sets, Tea Sets, Fancy China Cups and Sau- cers at the Concrete at wholesale figures. Mr. Teefy, P. M., has frequently warned the boys against sitting on the ledge ou’si la the post office windows, but some boys have an exceedingly short memory. A few days ago one of them sat. back too far, the conse- quence l‘eing that a. large pane of glass was broken. Mr. Teefy has the edge of the seat nmv nicdy decorated by means of a notched patent called “The Eurly Riser," and it seems to be an Eppropx'iate name. as people will rise from it shortly after sitting down. 0! COUI‘SP. the excuee is mm the weather is getting two cold to sit long in one place. At any rate they can‘t say they never “saw” i( Strayed. Two «mail pigs strayed from the promises of Mr. Slinev some time 9310. Any informa- tion respecting them will be thankfully re- ceived. See notice on another page. Large consignments of Ivory, Granite and China \\'are Ex. 5. 6. Sarnia and Sardinia just to hand for the Concrete. all The regular m mtth meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Fire Brigade will be held to- morrow (Friday) evening at 7.30 o'clock. Mr. Bone, of Carmine, is advertising two valuable bounds which cnme‘m his place a week ago. See particulars on another page. 'I'nere are no better stoves made than those of C. Mason's. He sells cheap. W. C. T. U. will meet at the residence of His. Simpson next Tuesday evening at half past seven. The Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan will meet on Tuesday next, the sch inst. at 10 ‘1. m. New and second hand stoves cheap at Mason’s. The Band of Hope, will mevt in the Temp- erance Hall, on Fridav, at four o’clock. Mica. all sizes, ior stoves Mason’s. Ready made clothmg at the Con crete the best value in the country. RICHMOND HILL, Thursday, Nov. I: Until further notice Mails will he closed at. the Richmond Hill Post Office as follows:â€" M01!me :â€"Goina an‘th.solllll, East and West, includiuu ’l'homhill, Maple, Toronto, Markham.&0. 7.45 EVENING :â€"â€"GninL' south.Eust and West (as above) 5.30 N. law-Registered Letters must he handed in at least [fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. Stwcial value in Ladies' Black Cashmere Home at the Concrete. C unnot‘ts with all trains. leaving the Palmer H/ n<(- Rirhmonfl Hill. as fulans: Mai & Express,Non,h 65 South Accommodation “ “ EVpl‘ess North. Mai Southm ~“7.45 a. m. ..11.45 " Newmarket ........ Aurora. ..... King: .................... Rmnwmxn HILL T‘Im‘ulxill .. Weston hnvanpm't . Pnrkdnle.” .. TORONTO, Brook Street Cxty Hull ‘‘‘‘‘‘ City Hall Brock Street Pm'kdnlo,... Dmvenport.. ‘Veston Thm‘nhill. mcmmxn HILL mcmmxn 3 King Aurora. . Newmm-ket TORON T0 PRUCTUR'S STAGE LINE. Baldwin’s 4.ply fingering yarn i" l shades at me Concrete 10 €15 per King Plowing Match is being held to-day. POST OFFICE NOTICE Bite fiihvwl. Fire Bngade Meeting. Footoatl on the A New Method. Vaughan Councll R. TIME TABLE. Lost Hounds GOING .. ...mIob GOING SOUTH Mnil 8.10 8.25 8.33 ,. 8&0 Ex. 8,03 8.15 8.33 .832 8.51 . 9.1!) 9.30 9.45 9.16 M. TEEFY. Postmaster NORTH Park. ootb'nll be two qt ) p. Accom Accnm. 11.57 11.45 12.“) 12.10 mll day in I": No matches ) p. m-. be- ‘1 the second '3‘ 12.53 in. Mail. 6.03 7.17 .51 I‘be assessmnnt and Rates for the village for the year 1987. have been issued by the Village Cirrk. The amounts required for the difivrem purposes are nothing to frigh. ten the rate-payers. as the taxes on the whole will be much lighter than last year. For the High School, only $210 is required as against. $250 for last year. The tux for the Public Schoul is 8790 instead of 3920 for 1886. which is a reduction of 5130. Last year $783.85 was collected {or village pur- poses alone, and this has been reduced to 8600 for the present year. For County, General Purposes, and Industrial Home the amount is the same.8176. The only increase will be for the Railway tax, which in placed on ‘the Eastern part of the village. This it 552 instead of 840 collected last year. rresidem. C. M. Gordon ; lac. Secretary. J. K. Stone; Cor. Secremr), A. G. Hewish ; 'l‘reusurer, F. Hayes. It- wus arranged to hold fortnightly meetings to discuss political questions and criticise the acts of a model government formed among the members. Veterinary Surgeon. Mr. R. L. Craig. V.S., has opened an of‘ace in the Lorne Bluck, Where he will be found ready to attend to the Wants of his pabruns. Mr. Cruig is a gmduat-a of tlm Toronto Vet. erinery Collegp. and has had three years‘ experience in the city of Hamilton. 0.1113 will be promptly atm-nded to. and his charges are moderate. All displaces uf the horse will be sciemificnlly treated by the latest meth. ode. We IrusL he may work up a. business here as n gnod vets-rilmry ls much neeJed in this villugu and vicinity. P. Crosby, last FndaV night. All the mem. bPI‘S were in attendance and n. veuv pleasant Lime was spent. After a most. enjoyable sup per the choir sang several choruses, and eome of the members gave choice readings and recitatious. which wnre much appreciat- etl. This is not, the first time than Mrs. Crusby has remembered the choxr, who high. 1y estcsm her kindness and hospitality. A New Story. On Saturday. the 5th Nov., will be com- menced in the Globe, mun-uiug, evening and weekly ediliuus, a story entitled ” James vaburn, Free Church Miuisipr.” It is writ'en by Miss Veitcb, who is inking a prominent place among modem novelists. This is a most powerful and interesting tale and will attract great attention. In will be continued daily. Subscriptions taken at THE LmEmn Cflicc. ' The Methodist Choir Treated. The chnir in connection with the Metho- dist Church wus treated tr: 1:. supper by Mrs. We lmve been asked to slate that Miss Millie Fraine. Ian: teacher of elocution in Whitby and Woodstock Colleges, will give an euteitainlneuL consisting of an address and readings, under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. of this village, on Friday evening, Nov. 11th. 1887. This lady comes highly recommended and no doubt, will delight her audience. Further pul‘liculurs will be given next week. Severe Acczdent. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Muushnw, an old lady living with her two sons in the village. fell on Mondav evening on the aide- walk and broke her wrist. The Dr. was cull- ed who set the limb without delay. In all probabilin the break will mend slowly, as Mrs. Muushaw is about 86 yeurs of age. Cider mill Booming. Business has been booming lately at Ma- ger‘s cider mill. During the fine weather. this week teams have crowded the place from morning till night. As cheese cloth is usel in the pressing in place of straw the cider is pole and bright. The proprietor says that [000 gallons per day is good work, and you know "Washingtm would not tell a lie.‘ Credit Sale. Sn‘em Eckardt, Auctioneer. lm's rece ve ‘ instructions to sell bv public nuctimnnn Int, 14, 4th Conn.leghnn, on Tuesday. Nov. 8th, :be farm stuck. implements, 656.. belonging to Edwin Mulhnliund. Sale wiLhout reserve asgthe proprietor i~' KiVil’H up furmxng. Sale at 11 o‘clock, lunch provided. The cheapest place in or out of Toronto to buy stoves 15 C. Masons. Mr. M. Teefy, Vilimze Clerk & Treasurer gin-s notice on another page Illnt a retuned of 6 per cent. of taxes will be given In all rate-payers calling ut his office and settling on or before the 18th of this month. Th“ is Worth snng, as the taxes must. be pi“ bufure the 14m of December. Mr. A. a. Allen, Cashier of the Cn-ntral Bank of Canada. gives notice on another page that. a dividend of three per cent.., for the current. year, has been declared, &c., 62c. The transfer books will be closed from the 16th to the 30th of November, both days in- elusive. Choice Vostizzn Currants for ICC. 3. lb at the Concrete. Quarterly Meeting fur this circuit will be held in the Methodist Church here. next Sunday morning, nt 10 L‘clock. The mem- bers of the official Board will meet the next day, Monday, at 2 p. m. Cool Burgess Coming. The great. nriginal and only World-re nowned Canadian Vocalist. and Comedian, Cool Burgess. and his inimitable Concert Comedy (30., will apnenr m the Musomc Hall next Thursday evening. Nov. lOLh. Admis- sion 25 cents ; reserved seats 10 cents extra. Gel. prepared {or a big lauuln. The Home meat chopper is just the thing at Mason's. The Mantles turned out by He 1 Whitm'J. McDonald Concrete please every time. yum! Ljdfle, No. 3U W. C. T. U. Entertainment. Parkdale Young Liberals. 13L Vice-President -[’resi‘1em, J. F. i\.‘ Quarterly Meeting. Viliage Taxes Pay your Taxes Dividend No. 7. Cme ; 3rd Vice; Great excitementthroughout the neigh- hurhond nf [{iclmmnd Hill over a very S'urlllng letter receiVed from Wm. Turn- er, of Whitchmcll, speaking in the high- est terms of "Japanese Cattzu‘rh Cure," He says, “I have used one box, and I think one more will cure me. Mine was a very bad case uf catarrh " Cures stllfl- ing of the nose so trnublesome to child- ren, cold in the head. nose or throat. Sample box, 25 cents; large size, 50 cents. Joseph Dilworth. Chemist, 170 King St. East, next door to Nipissing Hotel, To- routu. Dolmngeâ€"At 43 Church street, on Thursday, Oct 27th, 1887, after a. lingering iliueusfl'ubius Dul- maae. aged 53 years. Deceased was formerly of this villagu. I am so sure that I can cure the worst case of catarrh in the nosefliead or throat, that I will forward. free of charge, a sample box of Japanese Catarrli Cure to any address in Canada. United States or Great Britain, provided they will furnish with order a letter from any reliable per- son or clergyman. 1f the Japanese Cn- tarrli Cure gives satisfaction. I would «Ax- pect them to forward tliu small amount uf 25 cents. 0n the other hand. if it does not prove effectual no payment will he expected. Joseph Dilwortli, liemist. 170 King St. East, Toronto. MARWOODâ€"BEASLEYâ€"On the Isl: Nov. at the residence of the brides mother by the Rev. J. Pem‘en M. A.. Mr. Wm. Merwneu, 01' ’l‘eston. to Miss Kate Beasley. of Maple. COWANâ€"BROWNLESSâ€"At the residence of the brides father, 7th Con of Vuughaupn the 2nd 01 Nov. by the Rev. D. Cumelon. John J, (:0. wan, of Purpleville, to Mury b‘rowuless. of .Vuughau. Mr. N. C. Wallace and Dr. Gilmour, West. Yonk‘s lepreseutntives in the Dominion Par- li-uueut and Ontmio Legislature, respectively attended the Vaughan Plowing Match on Tuesday, and took a. lively luterest in the work. Right Worshipful Master. Malena. D. D. G. M. Toronto District. visited Richmond Loige, A. F. & A. M., on Monday evening last. and was benquetted by the brethren at the Grand Central Hotel. Mr. & Mrs. G. Arksay. of Toronto, and Mrs. R. Arksev and child, of Port Curling, have been visiting their relatives, Mr.& Mrs. J. M. Lawrence, durin the past. week. Miss Wilkia Newton. of Elgin Mills, has been re-eugaged in the Aurora Public School for next year, at. an advanced salary. Mr. Asa. Wilsou left on Tuesday for Park- dnle,whexe he has obtained a. position in one of the manufacturing firm». ior and Senior Wardens prepared for the reception of their distinguished guest, who was escorted to the chair by Bros. J. C. Steele and G. Leek. He delivered an in- structive and encouraging address, and con- grutulated the members of Richmond Lodge on their pleasant and inviting Lodge Room and surroundings. His address which was given in the most brotherly spirit,wus listen- ed to with marked attention. and his kind and feeling remarks will do much to promote Masonic Work in this village and vicinity. At the close he praised the secretary, Mr. It. E. Law. for the correct and systematic man- ner he had kept the books of the Lodge. The onlv work of the evening was the open- ing and closing in the three degrees. Much was lcarned by the questions answers and suggestions after each degree. When the brethren left the Hall, tllev repaired to the Gmnd Central Hotel, where a supper had been gotten up in Mr. Gilnmur‘s best stvle. and let us here say the spread was something out of the ordimry, and reflected great credit on the house. Bro. I. Crosby. W. M. sat at the head of the table and to hist’ight was the guest of the evening. After supper many toasts were propo:e:l and responded to in quick succersion. The first was "The Queen," after which the National Anthem was heartily sung. Then follower] “Our Guests," ‘Richmond Lodgr,‘ ‘Our Host and Hmtess' &c., all of which were responded to in acheerful and happv manner. The bre- thren separated about 1 a. m., and many WH‘H heard to say it was one of the most en- io_\able evenings spent since they had been in connection with the order. waod Lndae, No. 311, Dr. 1’. D. McLean. W. M.; J. Ballantyne. J, \V.: A. Mal-wood, S.W.; D. Todd. H. Simpson, J. F. McIntosh, P. M: Gilbert Gilmonr, P. M ; Vaughan Lodg", N0. 54. J. S. Kinnie. W. M. After the Lodge 11nd 'teen opened in the first degree the Jun- Last Monday evening, Oct. Slst. will long be remembered bv the Masonic Fraternity of this village. Richmond Lodge. besides holding their Regular monthly meeting: were honored by an official visit from R. W. Bro. T. Malone, D. D. G. M. for Toronto District. Besides the above namei gentleman the fol- lowing brethren were present from neigh- boring lodges:â€"Wilson Lodge No.08 Toron- tn, Eros. J. Hewlett W.M; Alex Patterson, 9. M.; G. 0mm, J. “1.; battery}? mg; No. 265. J. B. Lindsey. Henry Home, W. T. giown, E. C. Warnica, Dr. D. A. Nellis, M. Two grand Football matches next Saturday on the New Park; the first between the Famous English eleven and the second eleven Rich- mond Hill F. B. C.. and the second between the Toronto Medical Col- lege eleven and the first eleven of Richmond dill F. B. C. Don't fail to See these trials of skill and at the same time take stock 0: the beauti- tul neckties elc from the Concrete which every body will be wearing, an immense variety to choose from. Council Meeting. The Village Council held a special meeting last evening. all the members being present except Mr. Hall. Minutes will be given in next. issue. Methodist Hymn Books. from 30 cents to $4.00 at THE LIBERAL store. Richmond Lod ge Honored PERSONALS. NIARERHAGE§ DEATHS 0. Steele; Black- By the piece at close mill prices. Inspection invited, and if our prices are not lower thai of any other house in the city, don’t buy. Persons ing at a distance of one or two hundred miles c; save their railway fare and expenses on a pur- chase oftwenty-five to fifty dollars, KIDDERMINSTER CARPETS Z Having at eye to business will make their purchases of 'xVh and Grey Cottons, White and Grey Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, Table Linens, fable Napkins, Towels, Towellings, etc., etc, at our stores. Persons Furnishing or about to Furnish should Exammg ~ our Immense Stock of PETLEY & PETLE THnwsuN 4% CARPET H®¥SE i GERMANY is away ahead in plaited and fancy suits, and though their goods : not quite as substantial as those of English or Canadian manufacture, they excel design and Hobby styles. It is an extraordinary fact that zunid the keenesr GOV-3pc Lion English manufacturers have ever maintained the highest standard of (ill? lbil in their fabricsâ€"very often sacrificing style of qualityâ€"while the Germans seem phc their entire energy into design and style. furgetung tint people require a. Ju ble as well as a. stylish garment. Thnse little Sailor Suits at $1.50, that we never have enough of, come the seaâ€"they could not be pruduced in this country for less than $3.50; little Halifax TWeed Suits at $1.50 come from the same quarter, and bh who have bought this line frmn us saw that it is a. real pieisure to have they can be clothed su neatly and at such little cash. Again, England 31 Corduroy Suite that. never wear out, and remind old country people of hnnd, playing about the green lanes of their native Villaue‘ TORONTO,nnd more to followâ€"what an undertaking to supply them with CLOTHâ€" ING. We don’t do it all, but we sell our share. Our sales in this department double everv year, till now, at the smallest calculation, we sell 10 000 Boys’ Suits 3. year. and we fully expect that our sales this year will not, fall short of 20 000 Suits This seems a great deal, and some of you may reasonably doubt itâ€"neveiztheless we are prepared to prove our statements and show to the satisfaction of everyone that we do the largest trade in Boys’ Clothing in Canada. Where do they all come from! We‘ll try and tellyun : â€" All our stock is new and choice, and pulchased from the best Enghsh makers, prev10us to the advance in prices. Wiltons, Brussels, Tapestry King St. East, Gum}. ma fiarkeé‘, TORONTO. HOUSEKEEPERS MAMMOTH HOUSE, RENE STREET EAST, Boys’ Blue Serge Suits, onl) 98c. Boys’ Brown Serge Suits, only 98c. Boys’ Halifax Treed Suits, only $1.50. Boys’ Sailor suits, only $1.50. Boys’ Borduroy suits, only $2.50. Boys’ Fancy Plaited suits. Boys’ Norfolk suits. Boys’ Eaton, Harrow and Rugby suits. Boys’ Jersey suits. Boys’ Rubber Coats. Boys’ Crash Coats and Vests. Boys’ Summer Clothing. And 1000 Gents’ Crash Coats & Vests at $2.50. 35,060 BOYS TORONTO. HE LEADING -â€"INâ€" AND nutter, and those parents name to have buys when m, England supplies thuse uf tfiéir child- from over then the N ompeti- mbilit y eem to a. dura- hite are in

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