Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Nov 1887, p. 8

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ODC IG-tf FABSM to RENT A statement of their names nnd addresses and full particulars 0! their cluilns mm the nature of L116 securities (if any) held by them. and notice is furthur given that after the said data the said ndministmtrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased 0.111011ng the persons entitlea theiem, havma l'epiard only to the claims of which she shall have hm notice and the said adininistmtrix will not be liable for the said assets or anv part thereof to any person or per- sons of \Vlms: claim or c‘aims notice shall not, have been received as aforesaid at the time the Snltl distribution is made. 30 th day of November, 1887. Moutgome for June Jt tate of the N‘iif‘ all perso tlm l we of York. who dim A 17.18!’ IN THE GOODS OF WILLIAM JACKSON, DECEASED. Kirkby’s Flour kept always on hand and many other things not here mentioned. Can he not do something for you to-day P NOTICE TO GREETORS. he {gx'omises uv mforpm. fully rocen'c RICHMOND HILL, Dealer in Fine Greecries, Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Spices, Canned Goods Cakes, Biscuits, &c. Fine Confections, Cakes Biscuits, Dates, On my first trip representing and soliciting your pat- ronage for F. Kirkby, Toronto. 29th 0013.. 1887 east of Carrviile The owner may per:y null pavin 18-4 TVOTICE is hex-Phy given that a. dividend of \ three per cent. for the current halfyear, be- ingat the rate of six per cent. ver nnnum. upon me mud nu cupiml of the Bank, has this day been denim-ed and that the same will be payable at the Rank and its branches on and after ’J'HURSDAY.’1‘HE IST DAY OF DECEMBER ( York‘s Office Ilirlmmml Hill, } Ur‘tnM-l' 31st, 1857. GERTRAL‘BMK or 1mm. Dividend No. '7 TWO HOUNDS, {EERSDAY THE ls’l‘ DAY OF DECEMBER A F ’1'. Tim transfer books will be closed from the 16th to the 30th flaw of November, both days inclus- One of the best farms in HE undersigned is authorized to give notice zc the Ratepayers of the Village of Rich- mond Hill, film: he will ieceive the Taxes at his Oflice until the Ouo BM 0 the res Pay Your Taxes and Save 5 per And he is instructed to offer 5 per centum upon me races levied for Coumy, Village, ngh School, Public School audRailwuypurposes. to such as will voluntarilv ml] and pnv their taxes to him ubhla ()nipe, before the Eighteenth day of No- “'nllu‘d v Agents for .ce. [Judy Srock a “pa filamwgfp HILL. VILLAGE, SCHOOL, Two sm all By order of the Board Figs, Nuts, &C FINE TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. his Udice.be1 yLuber afol’esa. ted m the Cih‘ up} I AM HERE PIGS LOST. 18TH 0? NOVEMBER, 1887. CF. is hF-reby given in pursuance of R. S. Cbup. 107, Sec. 3;, and amendments, than mShILVIng claims maintt the estate of William Jackson. late of the Township in the County of York, farmer, deceased, .1 on or about; the at]: day of September, 7 are quuirou tn seurl hv pnsn. prepaid. 21‘ m Mumck, Tilt, Miller, Crowther & uerv. H wrist-31's. &c.. Toronm, Solicitors Ja:._»uu, the ndnnnistmlrix of the es- he said deceased, on or before the 319w fidnettiscmmtfi. OTHER V'I‘AXES ! By order of the_ ponncil. the other Black and \Vhite. came ace of the undersigned, half a. mile ille. on 'J‘hurnclmv. Oct. 27th 1837. 19y have the same by proving pro- ving expenses. GEO. BONE. EZRA CLUBIRE. Lo: 53 Yonge Street. Sunk 01 Elgin M1] Rxchmox irzs. black and white, strayed from W the uudrwsxgned some time ago. on respecting them W111 be thunkâ€" MUNICIPALITY OF Mil ilum “1K ‘nsi of Toronto, this 17th day 0! er. Crowther & Montgomery 201‘s for Adm-luistmrrix, 99 King St. East, Toronto =ms tor spring k}? Specialty. is to ‘ts of AND Mi 'MzEFY. clerk and Treasurer. York in the N. SLINEY. Richmond Hill A. A, ALLEN, Cashier 'nrk County, being the Imus of the 3rd rent fora. term of 900 "mes, 180 clear- Furfurnher partic- EASE t arrirille. P. 0 m1 mm P o trade at Cent ' ‘Iurufps, erbag . I Carrots, p do .. Beans, per peck ..... Flour, sprinuyper 2 Flour, fall, per bbl Hay, per ton ....... snruw. per ton .. RICHMOND HILL (1012x121- BAND.â€"Meets for p actice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7 30 o'clock W. Sheppard. Leader A. O. U. W.,Ivy Lodge, No. 141. Meets in the Committee room of the Masonic Hull each alternative Tuesday at 8 o'clock p.m. Bene- dcary certificate given for $2,000 in case of death J. Brown,Master Workman. B. Grennnn. rec. MECHANICS' lNSTITUTE.â€" Library of over 1000 volu:nes,npen evury Tuesday evening. in the Mn.- sonic Hall. from 7 to 8 o'clock. R. E. Law, Libra.- 1'ian. Lectures and discussions periodically VILLon Conanâ€"Re 2-9, Wm. Pupsley, Coun- cili-u-s Messrs.P G. Savage. Jos Hull, Wm A Sanderson, Levi Gaby. Ulwk. M. 'I eefv_ FIRE BRIGADEâ€"Regular meeting first Friday 0' 7"31'5‘ month. held 111 the (‘ouncil Chamber. at 7 p. “1. Membership free. Certificates issued to members entitling them to certain privileges and exemptions. Wm.H. Pugsley. Captain. 11. A. Nicholls. Secretary. R. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council. No. 43, Meets in Temperance Humeth alter- native Tuesday evening: ntSn'clock p m. Bene- ficiary certificates issued to male or female members for $1.000 or in case of death 92.000, ona halt mwnhlc in case of disability. J. H. Sander- son Salect Councillors; J.A.E.Switzei‘fiecording Secremrv Rxcnmoxn HILL TEMPLE. No. 465.1. 0. G. T.â€" Maets in the Temperance Hall- every Wednesday evenina.a.t 7.30 o’clock. “’m. Harrison T.D. The Methodist sabbath school'l‘empemnce As snciation issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired. Wm.Hm‘rison sup? Rmmmrw LODGE. A. F. d‘: A. M., No.23, G.R.(‘ Meets in the Lodge room,Mnsouic Hall.on the Monday on n" before full moon. in 8 o'clock p.111 1. Crosby. WM. ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERSâ€"Coufli Richâ€" mond. N0. 7046 L 0. F.. meets in me Temperance Hall every alternate Fridav at 7.30 p. m.â€" Alex Coulter. (I. R. METHODIST CHURCHâ€"Services at 10:30 a. m and 6:30 p. m.,aud Sunday school, 8,152.30 1). 111. Young people‘s prayer meetmg Tuesday evening. Genem] Prayer Meeting.v every Thursdayevenmg in the Lecture Room. Rev. J.M. Simpson. Supt. Rev. G. N. Rutledge. Assistant. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHOF CANADA.â€"SeTVicBS as 1] o'clock a..m.,und 6:30 p.111. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evemnguflsao. Rev J. W. Cam- eron. Pastor. ROMAN CATHOLIC cannonâ€"Services in order a. follow 5 Thuruhill at 9 a.m., and Richmond H 1111.: luz30 mm; the following Sunday at Rich- mond Hill at 9 21.111. and ’J‘homhill &t 10'30 0.. 1):. Rev. J. J. Egan, Pastor ST. MARY s EPISCOPAL Gammaâ€"Service at :3 p.m..exc‘ept the third Sunday of every month, wneu the service and sacrament are held at 11 a..m. SundaySchoo]at1:30p.m Rav.W. Bates Rector RICHMOND HILL Thursdav, Nov oats. per bushel Peas, do. “ Dressed hogs,per 100 lbs. Beef. fore quartet... Beef. hind quarter Chickens. per pair . Ducks. do Geese, each ..... Turkevs. per 1b Butter, pound 1 . Butter, large rolls... Eggs. fresh, per dozen . Potatoes, per Dag... Apples. per bbl ...... . .. onions, green, per bush. Cabbage, per (102 Celery, do ioHHOCOOOOCOQCGC Hay, pei‘ ton straw, per ton Barley oats, Pens. Rve. Clover Seed. do Dressed hogs. per 100 Beef, fore quarters . Beef. hind quarters. Chickens, per pair .. Ducks. do Geese. each . .. . . Turkeys, each Butter, pound r0115 , Butter. tub dairy . . . Eggs, fresh, per doz . Potatoes, per hm. Apples, per bbl ..... onions. green, per doz‘ Cabbage no Cauliflower do Celery, do Turnips. per ‘ bag ..... So!e and only agent for Springhill and surrounding! country. Panties whose barns me wrecked by lightning are indemnified to full extent of wreckage. Farmers can save money by insurng in the Gure. This Cumpauy has been established fifty-one years. The gore is one of the uldesl. and most reliable Mutuals in Canada. All cmmmznicatinns prumptly attended to. This Cumpany has deposited $20 000 with the OntarioGnverlhnent, being more than double what. the law requires, but. it. gives the GORE a still stronger hold upon public confidence. lDanmge by lightning to stock while in field, is promptly paid by the Gore, (the actual payment being two-thirds of the Value of animal). The number of losses for the past year was 108. and the amount of loss $57,- 88727, of which $4,315 28 was reinsnred, making the net lnss 353.573 99. Total assets available to meet losses has increased from $218,986 00 to $238,~ 26400 in the yen: 1886, the increase be- ing within a trifle of $20,000. GORE DISTRICT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE C0., Head Oflice Gait, County of \Vaterluo; Established 1836. Ihe number of policies ismed in the year 1886 was 2,616. and the number in force at the end of the year 6,273. insur- ing $6,867,679.31. showing an increase of nearly $400,000.00 over the amount at risk at end uf 1885. The income for the yeir Wes $1078.02: _ Farmers protect fire and lightning «Village Qirrtinry. ake Fire Insurance. ‘ to thé blisiuoss. V BE smur‘h asmen. Thu 1 their address. and t do‘ Em Huntlxrts. Soricties. Churches. bb] 100 lbs J OHN T. SA IGEON, your buildings from by insuring m the 1‘ MUTUAL FIRE P. 0. Address. King 11 (‘0 st tk n S are 01) .10 bus 1 0 40 o 50 00C l)0 On 21 no OU S 50 39 Sold everywhere. Price 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors [um manufacturers, Take no other. Sold everywhere. Price 75 cents per bottle. Highlv Concentrated. Pleasant. Emcctuul Use Mgh & Lung cure Possesswn for the hofiel or farm given on short notice. For further particulars imply to the proprietor B.)’.PILL1NGER_ 4-“ Doumn'nu House, Richmond Hill. In the County of York. It contains 107 acres and is composed of the west half of lot 13. in the 2nd Concession of Vaughan. There is plenty of water or. the prumxses, good buildings._in noes in inst-class repair, a. (l the land is in u. high state of cultivation. The property of B. Brilliuger, is for sale. The Hotel isu. new brickwlud with munsard roof, three stories high, contains ‘20 mums, is heated by means of hot nit. and has all the mod- ern appliances. The stabliug and out. buildings, which are brick, are complete in every pmticuâ€" lat. Large sheds and plenty of yard room well gruvelled. An excellent, business is being done, 1liutltllxle proprietur is going to sell owing to in- en L . Pox-Llimd, Maine can live at home. and make more mnne‘; at work fur us, than at any- Lhing else in this world. Capital not needed : you are started free. Both sexes ; all ages. Anv one can do the \V ork. Lame earnings sure from first start. Costly outfit. and terms free. Better not delav. Ceats you nothing to send us your address and find nut ; if you as wise you will do so at unce H. HALLETT & (lo. RICHMOND HELL, EST FARMS! Stores of all Kinds & Sizes:a Repairing CHA S. MASON. AT MASON'S. SQUARE & ROUND COAL STOVES BOX 8; COOKING STDVES STOVE PIPE S These Spectacles and Eye Glasses hm‘e been used for the past 35 years, and given in every in- stanr‘e unbounded satisfaction. Thev m e the best in the world. They never tire. and last. many years Without change. JESSE NUNN, bPRINGlâ€"IILL FRANK LAZARUS. Manufacturer. % Mary- land Road, Harrow Road, London, England has Lazarus 6: Morris, Hartford, Con. Dominion of (Summit; S'WES. STVES. WEAP FER CASH! FOR SALE! For Sale by T. F. McflL4HOJV Spectacles 8:. Eye Glasses. Preserve YourSight FRANK LAZARUS ASK FOR DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. PUBLISHER or " LIBERAL." RICHMOND HILL AND T11th commodions Hotel in the centre 01' the village of Now is the time to get your stoves, DR. HODDER’S éroigfipmon thhfignvyiother firm in the (Late of the firm ofLazams & Morris) Llflfl" 9 Of all shapes and sizes. g and Em‘e Troughng promptly done. BY WEARING THE ONLY Fur Coal and \Vund. Also for sale one of the RENO‘VNED Known as the PE Also iCURES Liver Cnmulaint, Dyspepsia, Biliousucss, Sick Headache, Ki‘lney Troubles, Rheumatism, Skin Diseases and all Imuurities of» the Blond from what.- snnver cause arising Female weaknesses and general dehility v Purely Vegetable, i ()VERCOA’I‘INGS. Everything new except the same old reliability of \Vorkmanship,the same old Low Prices. and the same old Perfection of Fit. Remember the BEE HIVE when you want a nubby suit or Uvercouc. STRIEES &. MIXTURES. CANADIAN TWEEDS. NEW GOODS. NEW STYLES, NEWTRIMMINGS. I am prepared to take produce in cxehange, at. fair market value. for one of the latest improved mid "10!!t durable SPwing Machines in the market, as 3. large num- ber is prepared to prove in the immediate neighborth.besides the Very large mun- bcr of Medals and First Prizes at Provincial and other Fairs, such in: Toronto, Mun- treal. London, Quebec. and at the \Vorld’s Fair, Antwerp, Belgium. also a Diploma i for the best work shown in London, and a ten dollar prlZe for best specimen of work i at Markham Fair this year. Come along. and get a. bargain. All orders by mail ‘ promptly attended to. J. LUSH, Richmond Hill. Begs to announce that he is now prepared to show the finest lines of THE BEE WE STILL AT THE FRONT! c. TRfiETHAN Memotial Calais aggecialw FALL & WINTER CLOTHS Bill Heads, Shipping Tags PLAIN & ORNAMENTAL PRINTING MCHMOND HILL, ONT. Executed with neatness and i6 Sewing Machines to Suit the Times. NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINE! DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS, BLANKETS, MEN’S UNDERWEAR. &C. ALWAYS RECEIVING BRITISH FLAG STAFF A FRESH STOCK OF GROUERIES. SPECIALTY m TEAS SOLD ON THEIR MERITS Ever shown in this locality osters, Full lines of elegant I‘muserings. Scotch and English The Liberal $1 a. Year. Letter Heads, FALL AND WENTER GOODS Streamers, TWEEDS & WUBSTEBS. WE HEW. E ” All the latest novelties in Checks. Come 1n and see our PRINTING dc PUBLISHING Nails, Hald\\nr+~. Glusswme. C‘rl-(ker-y, &c. Flulr and Fwd. The highest pnce paid for Farmers’ Pruduce in Exchange fur Goods ESTABLISHMENT. Cards, ALL KINDS OF A splendid iue of Beautiful new despatch. &c., &c. Now is the time to buy a first-class Light Running Pamphlets, Circulars, Flue imported. rograms A’I‘ REDUCED PRICES. Labels CONSISTING 0F AT THE “RENEW MLLS I In connection with the factur- cuatum sawing wfil be dune. .J gum‘unterd and prices modelarc. PLANED LUMBER, MO ULDING S, &C. RICHMOND FIRST-CLASS SAW-MILL HOBBS, SASH, BLENDS. 350., Are now prepared tn take enntracls f‘ all kinds uf buildings. And W11] give his best attentior tn any bills custom sawing he may be favored with. The undersigned respectfully intimates that he has reinuved his saw-null from HcGee’s s\v1tc11 to Lots 18 dud 19, 4th Con York, west. of Yonge 817., near In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their )xherul pah‘ mage during, the past, twenty-Me yenrs, I beg tn 1-»:- mind them and the gemml public, that havng erccnet“ crfi.e.‘y new and cum- mndiuus premises. I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Bugglesz Carriages, Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed tn give satisfaction as the work is under my mu) supervisr .3. I :qu work Is under my us”) supervlsr .3. 1 :le also prepared in (10 all kinds "f black smitlnng (L repairing in she must wmk munlike manner, on the shurtest notice and on the most. reasonable terms. Cutters, PLATFORM SPRING W A G U N S . TRENCH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- Horse - Shoeing Kept on hand, or made to ul'dcl‘ on the shortest notice. A stw-k uf Havnug bnuuht the above-namL-J mill and put everything in Always on hand. There is also a Fl REST-CLASS ORDER. The abch factory is aitua HENRY MARSH. KING P. O RICE L. INNES & SUNS LUMEER. Paid special attenticn :0. \WM TEENCII RECIIMOND "ILL. Sleighs and MOND A MOODIE {lClI to my numerous JHU' mage during, DIN, I beg to re- .al public, that new and cum- am enabled to Tâ€"TTT.T All wher

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