I S P UIlLISHED EVERY THURSDAY EVENING AT fHE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE lUIâ€"IMUND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. If. McMAHON, EDTOR and PROPRIETOR. “Wis-ESEiyESS CARDS. AND Dr. J. A. Palmer, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Ofï¬ce houi' night culls at front. dour bell. 10 o in Dr. W". .3 Modulist 'l'crrnto I‘nivmsiii V Pliysiciunstt Slll‘fPIVllF. (‘ntnilnte of Stouffville Yonue Street, Richmond Hill. Ollce Roms to 1(ia.iii..5to 8 p. in \Vitson. 1 II‘ in (‘0 Richmond Eliâ€. Nothing inrrrior in Best ï¬tting Teeth innde. __ ‘ Prices low and Vitimzed the oil (f Dentistry. Air used any time. V1 Z‘aZEJZEfl 3315? USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. SURGEON DENTIST, L‘liankful for the favors of the past 20 years In iy stillbe consulted in any branch of the pl‘0< mission, as follows: hirora, lst,8th,18:h,and 22nd of each month ttich mud Hill...“ 9thand-24th do at the Palmer House) Sï¬c'iffville...... ....18th 10. M irkliam . . . . . .20th 10. VictoriaSqunre.. 2lst- do. l‘lioruhill. Walker House. 23rd do. \Voolbridge .. ....‘118th do. Kleiuburg .. .2ilth do N)bletou.. ....30th c \‘itulized Airulwuys on hand at appointments \Vorks like a charm. Free from vain. Address A ROBINFO‘N L.D.S.. AurriaOnt. Etunl. LAW RENEE & MILLIGAN. Earn: Solicitors, Conveyancers, 80c" I l I Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No. 14 Building & Loan l Chambers. N3. :5 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Officeâ€"Rear of Central Bank, on Saturdays. ._o__. the MONEY TO LOAN AT_L£)XVEST CURRENT RATES A. G. F. LAWRENCE. '1". G. MILLIGAN. Fullerton, Cook dlc Miller, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS &c JFFICE: 18 Kim; STREET EAST. Touox'ro. Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. J S Fullurton, \V Cook, I. R. Miller [57" PIiIVA'I‘E FUNDS To LOAN. '2. E. Ml. MORPHY. SGDN a: (30.. Manufacturers porters of Eiiiiirhrs‘, Glnclis, idiotllfl‘t, §ilbrrhimc :iiib Optiml (Boobs. SPECTAULE$ FOR EVERY SIGHT. Ems; 532:3... i...d.T01-10N TO M CEllelfll. BANK OF nun. Dividegd No. '7 ()TICE iv liei-I‘bygiyc-n that n. dividend of N my“ pow cent. for the current half year, be. ing at [llU zine of six per cent. per ninnun’i. upon the p.141 up cupitul of tho Bunk, has this day been declared and that the some will be puvublo ut- the llunk and its binnches on and offer ${l¥¥8D.-iÂ¥. THE 1sT DAY OF DECEMBER ’l‘lie .trunsfvr books will be closed from the 16th fn the 30th uiiy of November, both days inclus. ive. by order of the Board, A. A. ALLEN, Cashier Toronto. Ql‘th Oct... 1837. to be mane. am . 56 C11. this out MBNEY to you. that will 5L:- bring you in more mono thing else in the worh‘. work and live at home. Something new, that; ' workers. We win st“ ilY I' azc‘ onus money for ; on: capital not Desired. 1‘1 's is one of the genuine. .ziipunant choices of n ii‘etime. Those who are ambitious and enter- prising Will not de‘oy. Grand ,nutflt Ad dras TRUE & ()0. Augusta. Maine â€" @ï¬g unseen. ' $1.00 in AfiVANGE. ‘Dcwyur I ii. ii’iésim, BROKER, EIEEMWW) urns llnllltUW'liRS (-un insnmllor huge sums on ull All kinds of {C(‘llllu_\'â€" Raul lflslxilo, notes of HILHI, Clintmls. SLin'lis, Builds. Legumes. Hevei‘sunndi‘ or Unilivulcd Interests, Life unn Endowment ASSlll'mlHIe l’ulicics. otc.. etc, e at lowest mtes from ï¬ve per cent. upwam n ‘- coi’dmg to kind llllll amount of secliiiby olimeii. Unsuitable loans neitliez L‘oniiiiissioii.\'riliw. «m. or r» >Ln:r’1‘uns Fries \Vlll be charged. Pinup l o- sii'ing cuniiLLI to I nier into or continue 1.1 law» Nicssoiz blA\lil"AlTTL‘ll'\'(i or to loriii John V it ‘: Companies can ako be iiccoiiiinouuicu. l‘.:i .es halving money ’roiM‘rxsT \\'l.l film it to then‘ u:.- l \ lLlltlell: to i-oircsnond with mu us I cm (-ï¬t-r them good buiuiiiis 1]! either Loans, I’niitiiu-cs. or Business (timid-es. Mon having time or ( Al'I- ’I‘AL Iin small or Jul-go sums} 01' both at their u s. pusnl min utilize llli‘l‘il in advantage. All kini‘s of inurkctublc property bought or sold. Lil’eund Fï¬plu“ulclit Assurance chem, sale and piciit~ a e. be u inmodufcd with E. F. LANGS'I‘AFF, Broker, Richmond Hill 6-1038? MOSEY} MONEI‘!‘ A large amount of PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN on farm property. Interest ll'“'. Terms easy- No valuation or commission fees (:llul‘b‘cd Apply to LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN, llnrristcis, etc. 15 Toronto St.. Toronto. and Richmond Hill. Rich'd Hill 16th April 186?. (Sin. Eli isrrllzinmus. Salem Erhard! Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontario and Peel. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock, otc.. promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, . UNIONVILLL. S. l“ . Brown. I LicensedAuctinneer for the County of York. re- spectfully Sullf‘its your patronage nml friendly l influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P.O Address, Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. James (J. Stokes. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. smiles attended on the shortest notice and at reusonabe rates. P. 0. address. King. N. J. Armstrong. ‘ Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest noticemml at rou- abe rates. Address Stouï¬vnle P. 0 C. R. TENN)“: Issuer of Marriage Licenses Cr unty of York. Ofï¬ce : 80 Jarvis street. Toronto. Leeds Richardson. Issuer of Marriage Licenses for the County of Yor MAPLE ONT THE DOMINION HOUSE‘, Richmond Hill, Proprietor. REsmEsca. Bcnj. Brillinger, Having reï¬tted the above House and furnish- ed it in ï¬rstvciuss style, I am prepared to give the public the best 0" accommodation. Excellent stabling and attentive hustlers, Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A goodlivery in con- nection. Terms an ner duv. cairn Onion. mi. The undersigned havmg tnlren possession of the above cmumodious hotel will cheerfully cuter to the ClillIle‘t til the travelling public. llcstlil‘fllltlsofllllllhl‘SllildClï¬'Wl'S. An attentive hustler and flood stubling. Rooms for commer- cial travellers. (ii GILMQDUEE, Prop. some gate gum. Bust Pic-Nie Grounds in the county“ Good ï¬shing andboating. Every accommodation to boarders at reasonable prices “'M. BELL. Proprietor. E; Lima" or.on nouns, 158 KIRG STREET EAST. TORCNTO Every accommodation to guests. Board, $1.00 per day WRIGHT BROS. [undertakers &. Embalmel‘s. Funeral Furnishings Always 0" l-Iand ~ Meow consume Miss HERA GOULTEB Isprepued to receive pupils, and will give Music Lessons as formerly. prominent barrister here. ll‘ leading cirius and towns is also Soon-t- rv of the Permanent Cen- tral Farmers’ Institute. expects in (lemma been secured here sides llint a. battle will have to be fought out at the polls before Commercial Union is secured, hence the necessity of getting an organization established. ed. he opposed, filly will doubtless be cropping up from all quarters in a. short time. and it is more than likely that there will be a live- ly tight for the place. 209; Minnie Woods, 17]; pleton, 163; Maurice Hupkllls, 152, rec. Our Toronto Letter. Or e of the must important events that has occurred in Toronto during the lost two Weeks has been the formation of a Commercial Union Club for this cily, on Thursday. November 3rd. The Granul- z~ifiou of the club hurl been Spoken of for some time. but nothing deï¬nite was done until a short time ago a meeting of some must interested in promoting the move- ment was held at the Rnssin Houseâ€"the proprietor of which. Mr. Mavk Irish, is one of the most active and enthusiastic Commercial Unionists in the cityâ€"and at this mretiug it was decided to organize the club. The organization meeting was :1 most somessful one. the afttndance was Very good. and it is doubtful if a more, e'itivusinslic audience could be grit tn- L't‘llli'r. l\Ir. Gr-ldwiu Smith rzcupieil Ill" chair and delivered the opening 21l- ilrpss. Those who have not c'usidererl Mr. Smith occupies. can hardly PSIlHIflIe the sacrifice that he is "Hiking in inking shcli rm active part in the. Conuuei'ciul Union ï¬ght. Acciisfoui~ ed in much the public with his pen mlhcr than from the platform. lie has had no eviwrimice in that pi‘aclicnl work of or- ganization which is iwcessarv for the suc- cess of any cause Despite lbis,linwever, he has not only taken a landing part. iu founding the club here. but has offender] meetings in all parts of the province to discuss the great question of the (lay. rl‘lie committee appointed by the chair- man to nominate. ofï¬cers for the club, brought in u. report which was uunni- mously adoptrd, tucking the fullmi'iusz the imsitimi rpcnmmemlaiiuus:â€"APresirlnuf. Goldwin Smilli: lst Vice Pres. H. \V. Darling; 9nd Vice-Pres. A. H. lumpbell; 3rd Vice-Pres†S H Jones: Secretary, Thus. Shaw; Treasure", Geo. Kerr. Jr. Mr. Goldwiu Smith. as we all know, Iii-longs to neither political party; Mr Darling is a Liberal; Mr Campbell, who is a. lead- ing lumberman, is a. Conservative; Janes, who is perhaps the leading real Mr. eslaie dealer in Toronto. occupies politi- cally an independent position; Mr, Shaw is a Liberal. i-liile Mr. Kerr, Wll’) is :1 been a life- long member of the Conservative p:i'-'ty. Annmbernf applications for speake'w and for assistance in organizing Commer- cial Union Associations. have already been received from all sections of the country, and the Toronto club will en- deavor to establish branches in all our Mr. Slmw,whu his whole time to the Cmnniercial Unile work. and before your Temlms see. this letler pernmnant oflicus for him will have It. is now felt on all SiiiceI last wrote Judge McDoug-all has made his report on the waterwurks investigation. and, as I anticipated. he finds the department. to have been in u complete state of rottenness. A jlldlllll investigation. however well nfanaged. must necessarily fail in bringing to light much «if the fraud that has been practis- ed. \Vben, therefore, the Judge reports that from the evidence brought before him he ï¬nds that the city has been deâ€" frauded out of one thousand tons of coal. that the new engines cannot be depended on, and that grave irregularities exist in several departments, we are safe in esti- mating the amount of plunder at from ï¬fty to one hundred thousand dollars. Upon receiving the report the Council at once discharged the late engineer, Ven- ables, whom the Judge found guilty of gross fraud, and it is to be hoped that the other ofï¬cials who were censured. will alsn get their walking tickets. To the. surprise and regret of nearly all our ClI.lZ/,.’lls,ll\1l1_\'flr HUWIllnd has announc- ed that he will not be it candidate for a third term. As I stated in one of my late letters, some (if his acts whilst in the Mayor’s chair have been stroneg censur- But his efforts for ciVic reform have won him many friends, and before he an- nounced his retirement it was generally understood that his re-election would not Candidates for the Mayor- Essex. Promotion Exams. CARRVILLE To FOURTH CLAss,â€"Bertie Wliitty, 182; Clara Bond, 184; May Mellish, 137, recommended. To JUNIOR 'l‘HiRD.-â€"Sarah A. Ness, Orlando Ap- Minimum number required to pass,‘.65, Rev. Eli Woodcock says: I have been severely troubled with cahii'rh for 15 years. On the recnnunendutiun of a friend I tried Nasal part of a small battle, which has given me great relief. Balm. I have used An Immense Gathering. THIRTY EIGHT COMPETITOBS. I‘luwing matches have always exerted much interest, especially among the form ing classes. lint popular as they have been in the past they seem in be growing in popularity. King Township is no exâ€" ception in the rule. as was evidenced by the i liCCess “lllcll attended the efforts of the Society at their match held on Mr. '1‘. Ferguson's farm, on 'l liursday of last week. Mr. T. Thompson,President; Mr. \V. \Viilkington. Vice Pres; Messrs. A. D. Carley and J. 'I‘. Snigenu, Secretaries, curl all .be directors of the association are ro be congratulated on the day’s proceed- ings. 'l‘ln- arrangements were admirable and could not full to give satisfaction. Though the, and was hilly it is doubtful if over 38 cmupetiuu‘s did better work at u plowing imitcli Frank Hough pitched his [cut on the mud side and the 'Cnll'ee’ ed either proved it was stronger than that administered at t‘le Vaughan iiiiitcli two (lays previous, 01‘ that some of King’s ClllZl‘llS are possessed of Weaker constitu- tions Hum their southern neighbors, Among the specials T.Mchun l'eCt‘lVBd the Silk Plug Hat for the bust plowed land in the “Old. For best finish in the boy’s class A. Stewart won the lll'lr.e. The judges decided that G. Lawson hail the best going team in the field :lllll zi- warded the prize :iCCoi'diiigly. For best equipped IHuIn John Smith curried o:l the honors. We might here say that Several teams wore nearly decorated with ribbons and showy harness. and looked Very pretty. Aflt‘l‘ a careful inspection of each |,l()" man, the Indy judges, llIrs. McGill, Hrs Tlloliipsull and -M_is. Bolton, award- ed first place MMI‘. 'l'. Cain, of King Creek. Mr. Cain who was dressed in a- neat blue sailor shirt is a. young man of line physique. upen countenance, ruddy complexion, light mustache, and will turn the suulcs at 160 lbs. Alilinugh nu prize was offered for Gang Flows, Ii‘ln-ui'y’s Sons, of Aurora, had a cullllle working in the stubble ï¬eld,wliicli are worthy of unecial notice. (he was a. [.\\'u, and me other a ihi‘ee-furiow plow. 'l‘ue plowed laud looked as well as if it bad leeu dune by a. single plow, and the Leann uurlie-l “llll apparent ease. The mould llllllltlS are longer and larger than nu other gang plows, and Consequently a better liulsli is giien to the land. They will IJIHW from :3 to 7 inches deep. and ilie :uljustiiwnts, which are Very simple, can be (lune in ll moment. Many of the farmers wall-lied them Very closely. and no doubt the Firm will ï¬nd a. ready sale for them the coming spring. Dinner was provided at Mr. Ferguson’s residence, for the judges, plownien and ofï¬cers, and u keg of ale was supplied by Mr. McFm-Iune, of \Vocdbridue. Messrs. W. Hood, A. Keller, A. Campbell, \Vin. Jell'iey, Arch. Cameron and Allen Mc- Lean acted as judges. Below v e append the prize list. L‘HA M PIONhHIf’ CLANS. (Open to Plowuien using any kind of Plow.) lst prize, TllOS. McLean, Plow. $16 00 2nd Julin Morgan, Scufller. l'.’ 00 10 00 I5 00 3rd Win. \Vilsun, cash no. 4th bpencur Crowley, cash (E‘C. FIRE C CI. .\ SS. (All Pluwinen previoust taken first prize in first cluss excluded.) ls: prize, Grok). Lawson, mowing machine, winner in pay $525 to society. $150 ()0 2nd JUllll Gillies, cash d'c 14 ()0 3rd Forbes Lloyd, cash like 10 00 4th \Vin. Wells, cash &c. 8 00 SECUN 1) CLASS. (Between the ages of 17 and 2l.) 1 lst Charles Cliuppell, Plow 6w, 8 8 (in l'nd James Black, cash ((-0. 12 ()0 3rd Jaiues McCalluin, bbl Flour &c 9 50 4th John Prentice, cash d'c. 6 50 THIRD CLAss. (Boys under 17 years.) 1st Anthony Stewart, cash (cc. $10 00 2nd John Halluui, Cash .310 8 00 3rd Andrew bless, cash d:c. 5 50 FOURTH CLASS. (Open to wooden handles and cast head Flows.) lst Orland Cliappell, set Single Harness. $20 00 2nd James Ferguson, Plannet Horse Hoe, &c. 15 25 3rd J B. Ross, cash &c. 10 90 4th Arcliy Mitchell, cash &c. 6 00 STUBBLI“. PLUWIN G CLASS. (Open to all plownien who had never fa. ken a prize at any society’s match.)a lst Richard Badger, Fleury Plow. .3316 00 2nd \V'ui. Little, cash .\"c. 12 ()0 3rd Albert \Vells, cash tic. E} 00 4th George Mair. cash. a 00 SULKY PLow CLASS; lst H. Ross, cash. $5 00 2nd Geo, \Vilkiusoii, Cash 3 00 l Temperanceville. From our own Correspondent A few weeks ago Mr. \V. Butler, who has sold his store to his brother and is moving to Toronto, was presented by his S. S. Class with an easy chair, acconipan~ ied by a. feeling address Mr. Butler was so completely taken by surprise that he could scarcely ï¬nd words to thank the givers, but afterwards replied in suitable terms. Below is the address and reply. ll DDPESS: To MR. BOILER ' Drum FRIEND ANn TF‘.ACBER,â€"It is with mingl- ed feelings of pleasuie and iegret that we meet together us your guests this evening: pleasure, when we call to mind our past associationsw winch havnulways been most friendlyâ€"and our present socnil elljnvlllent, which is a. result of the kindly inteiest you trike in o r happiness; regret, when We remember that these pleasant ussucintions are SI) soon to be interrupted by your removal from our midst. We, the members of your Bible-Class, with the ofï¬cers, teachers and friends of our Sunday School cununt let this opportunity pass without showing in some slight degree our appreciation of the services you have rendered our school durim;v the years you have been connected with us. \\'e \vould refer more particularly to those _ , duties connected with your ofï¬ce as teacher of which lw disavnseil in those who purchas- oiir Bibleâ€"Class, duties that you have performed with entire satisfaction not only to the members or your l'llLSS but to the satisfaction of the super inienduut lLlHl ofliuers of the school, as shown by your reappointment to the ofï¬ce your after year. We cannot soon forget the important truths which you have endeavored during those years to instil .iito our minds ; truths which you not only taught by precept on Sundiiy, but have practised on week days both in your cliurch,sucial and business relations and by your success in all these have illustrated the so pturc that “Godliness is profit- iible unto all things." We cannot express in words our deep regret at the thongut of you leaving us, but we c0'ufoi'tour- selves witu the thought that our lossis your gum amino: only yours, but the guin us weli 0f tli so with whom you iiniy associate in church relation- ship. We trust that in your new rclzitims in the large sphere of usefulness that will open up De- fol‘e you the some diViuo hand Which has been your strength 11' the pzist Will be with you as the source of your strength in the future and that you will be prospered both temporally and spii-it‘ uully. \\ e do not wish you to leave us, however, Withâ€" out wine tangible proof of our affectionate record. for you usuul' teacher uudfriend. and as such we ask you to accept this chair “.5 a, very slighttokeu of our esteem, We believe that in thefuture when you rest vouiself upon it you will not no forgetful of the old friends that you have left behind you. Then it wil'. be a source of satisfaction to you to know that you did what you could to showus the good and the right way. Signoc‘. on behalf of the ole sand school W ’1‘ BEYNON J H Bxsnunouoa D NORMAN REPLY : To MY DEAR S S CLASS‘ 4 REPLY TO YOUR ADDBES The vei v kind and affectionate manner in which you have thought proper to address me is,I must say, u matter of deep gratiï¬cation to me; not that I deserve any praise from you, but it assures me that during my walk before you I must at least to some extent have gained a place in your hearts and affections and thus securedâ€"what I so highly prizeâ€"your conï¬dence and respect. My attachment to you as a class is so strong that years of separation will not obliterate it. My sorrow and recret at parting With so worthy and true friends can be better imagined than des- cribed. Be assured that I leave you with my very best wishes for your future welfare. both teinpornl and sniritual. I wish you every success in every right enterprise that may engage your several attentions. And now 1 heartily thank you for the beautiful and suitable pre eut which accompanied your address to me. I thank you not alone for iti value. but also for the assurance it gives that the good wishes you express are not vain and emutv Words when accompanied by so valuable and so acceptable u. present. I shall often think of you with kind remem- brunres und if our lcilowsuip and nssocintions. Which in the post liuve been so pleasant, ore for the present to terminattedat each one of us now eiiipliuticzilly answer Yes! to the beautiful hymn "Shall we gather at the River?†which you so heartily sun: as the closing exercises on the oven- ing of the prcscntu‘. ion. I thunk you, not only for your cxpressmns of affection, but also for your‘rind wishesiii regard to my future prosperâ€" ity. and I assure you thut with the help of (loll I am determined that the some Drinciples of christianitj,‘ wuich you suy have churacmrized my past life slxoll characterize my future. It is u. source of pleasure for me to know thut there are billisu who are in heart my true friend », and I Sincerely lil'lly God that our fellowship uiuy again be renewed and enjoy ed throughout the endless uges of eternity, Is the sincere pinyer of Your eurnestteachei', \\' BUTLER Miss L. Sloug, of Yui'k Township, who has been visiting for a few \\l‘t‘l§3 at her sister’s, Mrs. R. 'l‘limuas, has returned home. bliss \Vull:.ce lmving resigned. trustnes have engaged Miss blorris, Bradford, nutnf about 130'.) applicants. â€"v Aâ€"Q-¢>â€" I am an sure [but [can cure the worst case of carni-i'li iu the nose,liead or throat thth I will fni'wzu'd. free of charge, a sample box of Japanese Cutari‘h Cure to any address in Cunada. United States or Great Brit'xz-i, provided they will furnish with order u lsth r fi'un] any reliable per. son or clergy“ m If the Japanese Cn- tari‘li Cure gives satisfaction, I would cx- Deer. them m in: ward the small amount of 25 cents. (hi the other hand, if it does not prove effectual no payment will be expected. Joseph Dilworth, Chemist. J70 Kin-g St. E-ist, 'l‘ornuto. TWO HOUNDS, One lllnc‘-‘, the other Black and White. cur , to the residence of the undersigned, half a mi 9 exist of Ciii'rville. (in Thursday. Oct. ‘J’ith 1587. The owner muy lnive ‘lie same by provng pru- perly and paying: expenses. GEO.BONE. 13.4 _ , FARM Cari-ville, P. 0. One of the best farms in York County, bcin;v composed of lots 34 and 35 in the limit of the 3rd concession of Vaughn". is to rent for a term of years. The farm consists of ‘200 times. 180 clear. ed. and has good buildings. For further particâ€" ulars a )l 'to .. . m ’ 122m CLUBIrzn. Lot 55 Yougc Street, North of h‘lqui Mills. - R . .iiwwl Iiifl I‘ (‘ the of 16-tf