"iiEii ADVERTISEMENTS Boots Kr. Shoesâ€"R. Sivcrs . ' Auction Sale‘Moss, Falcoubridge & Bamick House toIietâ€"I‘ Reuiuun Lostâ€"I) Boyle. Dot; Lostâ€"va Mager rial. an RICHMOND Hum. Thursday, N . '87 In two days more the late of the Chicago Anarchists will be decided. Nothing now stands netWeen them and the gallows, unless the executive power of the State of Illinois inter- poses its prerogative of pardon. But pardon for such abandoned wretch- es Would be a darker crime than that of which they were proved guilty. This rebellion of scoundrel: ism against society must be Vigor- ously stamped out. Anarchist. So- cialist, be the name what it will, is but a cloak for one who will have without working. Their meetings should be repressed, even it it has to be doneby squirting soap suds on them. And soap and water have far greater terrors for the av- erage Anarchist than even the gallows. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-_= BARA SA . Christian nations ought to succeed in imparting a European civilization to the dark African continent. 'I‘hey rely both on God's promises and on Satan's wiles. With the left hand they present to the benighted hea- then a bible, with the right hand a rum bottle. And so it comes to pass that the missionary in Africa has to ï¬ght the dernon of drink as well as the smaller demons of ig- norance and superstition. The wretched natives implore the gospel lands to free them from rum. But in vain. Free Trade and Vested interests must go untouched. Alas for the rarity of christian charity under the sun l A HINT. Municipal affairs are far from dead in Aurora. In ttiat town latest birth, they are having a real nice time in calling each other ch01ce exotic and native names. The ï¬ght for honors at the polls bids tair to be hot. Now herein is matter of congratulation for those most inter- ested. We trust that the best part of the commotion may extend to Richmond Hill. \'\"e have no de- sire to ever see again a Council elected as was our present one. \Ve hope that the Villagers will take sufï¬cient interest in their affairs to make a decent endeavor to bring out their very best men. Even one nonentity is too many in a Council of ï¬ve members. Of .4 cum: Y. Here 15 a matter for the consider- ation of farmers. The supporters ofthe N. P. declare that they re- quire a high tariff because they can- not manufacture as cheaply as in the United States. They therefore as]; the farmers to be willing to pay exhorbitant prices lor inferior arti- cles in order that they tthe Canadian maiiuiacturersl may rapidly accum- ulate fortunes. Now what the particular advantage reaped by the farmer because amasses in a WCCk as is the manutacturer he laboriously puts together in a year: .nuch as whirli v: A strange lilll‘litlltlt‘li »n. as Shl'itllui’l) beautiful, (.\"lll\l [lie :itiloll't -‘ lth of a large L‘l‘UMLl to i .IHSt'ini Hall's stoic, lllv lit-«Volts Sl‘t‘llit'il l'mtiziut \\ll.l sl-lmulm'. éi‘u‘ï¬ul) it was louiitl it. “as .. >Ltl||Lli||H Cliiatt ('li (l (ii-sin lvi-, lt‘lir‘t‘ll ii oi .‘l liliitilw of ;i Ill 11 i lt'it rut \ I‘m..- .\"tw‘ 'll Kl :it'u ms Rim “to. . \\l"\‘| li.i., -‘ U \‘l.’ dvm“. \\ itli Sun-Fer ‘. yrs Unix 'l:'~\‘ :rs a twinge. luniiw'. L'.'._;‘ Stun. iitiulwl in for <._ ‘ Mr. L'. If Curr .\.-l\‘t-r‘. \ | g i '3 ii c‘lUllll' Nev. *.i}‘s;l t. u- irg'N;-.:lI.iliuitz'.iseier. ,. on. x :‘ i..o Ui'lt‘l l'l {lie llLIHl. i'. t'. l \v.:<.io.i o .. Li L t » and .' -it n y heat. as School Board Meeting. EVERYBODY SHOULD SEE The monthly meeting of the Richmond Hill School Board was held in Llir‘ Conn ei‘ Cn b r on Mood; , N v. 7th, at i _ ,1 p 2‘... 5f†6 ‘V " i f , on T9 Members present: Messrs. Brown 1- . L Eï¬ - L (Chairman), Lynet, Savage, Glass, \Vil- son, McC-uiagliy, Switzer, Duncan, Rush sell and Naughton. The minutes of last. meeting were read and approved, A lull from the caretaker of the schools for brooms, glass.&c.,amounting to 8133, and cite from J'. IIeise, tor Work,mnount.- mg to $3 76, were read and ordered to be , paid. l '1‘ II 13 The Secretary read the report of Mr. Seuth, High School Inspector, on his Visit of the 11th of October. It allowed C that the school is in a flourishing con- dition, and much better than most, sclhmls of two teachers. Organization and dis- cipline good, and marks given for teach- ing excellent. He reported the out.- houses as inadequate and in a most un- satisfactory condition, and recommended several changes. Some of the library books he spoke of as worthless. The work of selecting an Assistant for I ll. W. NEVILLE, Successor to ‘ gentleman from Seaforlh, be able to B. qualify. the position be offered him. . ' Mr. lVlcConaghy moved in aiiiululmelib “Ashes to say to the public :h:;1£I;.()Ifn§§;0be oflered the position at. that he ,5 openlng up a new Several of the members objected to Mr. fresh stock in every line and Innes’applicatiou being constdered , is they ' ‘ had advertised at $500, and thought it Wl“ sell at prlces that muSt would be unfair to other teachers. Please- School was then taken up. It was de- cided at the last meeting that only three teachers would be required for the Com ing year. Mr. Si-xitZer moved, sectmdetl by Mr. Lynet. that. the teachers in the three senior departments be re-engaged at. their present salaries. Mr. McCon-aghy moved in amendment OF IMPORTED DRY GOODS, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Plushes.Dress Goods, Tweed Suitings, Meltons, Electric Capes, Jersey Jackets, Mantles,Ulsters,Tailors’ Trim- mings, &c., &c. The ï¬nest collection ever shown in the County. PRICES, PRICES, PRICES, PRICES. Below Toronto Figures. W. ATK DIRECT IMPORTEB. the High School, from among the appli cations which had been sent. to the Sucre tary, was then taken up. Fifteen candi dates applied for the situation, but. prob ably not more than one or two were «purl itied for the position. and very few had much experience in High School Work. Besides the ï¬fteen applicants at. $5â€() salary. Mr. Innes applied at $5600. After the applications and testimonials had been carefully read and discussed, IL was moved by Mr Duncan, wounded by Dr. Wilson, that in case Mr. Anderson, a The original motion was then put. nml carried, and Mr. Swuzer was instructed to telegraph to Mr. Anderson and asser- 7 7 tain if he had a professional certiï¬cate. 5 Mr. Naughton, seconded by Mr. Rus- sell, had previously moved that the Sec- retary be instructed to advertise for an Assistant at a. salary of $600,2tnd this was embodied in the original motion. Mr, Savage suggested that Mr. Lent be offered the position at his present. sal- arv. Reâ€"engaging teachers for the Public DRESS MATERIALS. COltSliY‘S, Gives. Hosiery. SHAWLS, JACKETS, AND KNITTED GOODS. Also piles ~f that Miss McLaughlin, of the 4th divis- , 1 ion, be re-engaged in place of Miss i f Rutherford, of the 2nd division, on the N e F E O 0 fl 8 ' ground that the parents of the. former . a I O paid village taxes, and that Miss Mc- Lauahlin boarded in the Village. Mr. Naughton moved that. a male teacher he engaged for the 1st division. Neither of the last two having a seconded, the original motion was put and carried, and the meeting adjourned. School .Reports FOR THE \ioNTH or OCTOBER. RICHMOND HILL A ] CLASS A 2 (‘LASS Maggie Glover, Hattie Boynton, Lizzie Palmer, Mattie Harrison, Carrie Wilson. Louie Harrison, Phoebe Soules. Florence Tyrrell E. A. SPRAUGE, Principal. sENIth III Ethel Switzer, Edith Switzer, Maud Marsh. Sarah Clifford. JUNIOR B Florence Moodie, Gertie Grant, Laura Brown, Laura Vanderburg, Minnie Albiu. Julia Lynet. 'l‘. M. RU’I'HEKFURD, Teacher. CLASS II Frank Mager, Annie Mason, Willie Clifford. (‘LASS Ill Reggie Storey, Ella. Wilson, Clara. Vanderburg. M. WILEY, Teacher. 11 CLA<S Mamie Temple, Freddie Harrison, Mary Tricker, Jennie McNair. Napier Harris. A. ’\IoLAt‘t;iiLAN. Teacher. is .; Enoiiiiis, BLEANSING, Hriiiiie. BATARRH, Gold in Head. And other Staples. TWâ€"ITâ€"EDS At job Prices. SUITS ARRIVING DAILY AT THE FIRE PROOF. Made to Order. GREAT BARGAINb IN READY MADE DRESS GOODS & WENOEYS. SUITS & UVERCUATS MILLINERY & MANTLE Goons BUY SUITS & OVEHGOATS. Splendid The ch A eapest line of Allâ€"VVOOI Grey Flannels in the village. Fine Assortment of \Vorsteds, Tweeds, &c., at Bottom Prices. ' In great variety. value in Men’s and Boys’ UNERELUTHING l HATS & CAPS FRESH Editing 1 Now in Stock. A BOUT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT Has been added to which we invite special attention, as extra value will be giyen. A Call Solicited. R. W. NEVILLE JUNIOR A Susie Trench, \Villie Glass, Groceries, Hardware. Crockery, Glassware, &c. SEE HWTR E z“ SOMETHING NEW IN WALL PAPERS AT SAVAG E’S. A New Stock just arrived. Wall Papers from 3 cents a roll up. Go and see his Kiev; lï¬â€˜anniituu-e. Groceries and Provisions at lower prices than our CLASS I Stella. Morris. Herbie Smiles, Ella. Brown. I cums Edith Hooper, >~xv-~-r~-â€"' r PWMW ï¬rm Iv‘Hl’t CHEAP, FRENIH IND __â€"râ€"-v..._.wâ€"-..wâ€"- â€" LOR “men J ‘ m!‘ 9 {ï¬rm 3â€â€œ? l m; l‘ v m « _ w w.“ a... ,â€". gm . » iiu FEVER. a : R q .. Q L aï¬g [a r i rs T i; i srors , ii \‘J h - I! l s “(.12 K.) . ‘l u muss; - Droppingsfrom l , ., , , . . . Nasal passages I '0 ll) Trâ€: LORBI‘J b'l'Ulll'.. i;.fo the threat 4 ‘. c-‘zscd b" Ca- '31 l E A (1221’ ll ' ~ ire-paid on M 9 _ . . ..css . 4 . , . , “U: VA 39†Brockï¬ne, G“?- filiv‘tlhl ‘. .iliit- ill-ill'ï¬tili>.|brilngHZS and Jilpllll‘. J .w r r†W . I llaiil. anti \\.'._lc l.‘.i$\‘ o_\' I’toili-r l’i'iujess_ 1 st... V- ‘I trade at i - '1 - . ,» a . s an . o. ‘ Royiiiono her-5-11:4 Liacnines (an, .L E: :12 t ~' A '('FI\‘t;1:‘ , i y . r. ‘ ,, NM, ‘ I . V]. . -, V. ‘ 1; Chrflcr' N_ l . v . r. Itlhtll 1n twin-t. : - . . . !_ ,.- . I d L'XDC‘istw or t‘oiigsissi '1]. r ‘ l ' i. t‘ ‘Li_ I \j ‘:-";_,-w li