The Canadian Gazette anticipates the set- tlement of the ï¬sheries question by the United States and Canada. entering into areciprocal treaty for the mutual exchange of speciï¬c products of the two countries. Upward: of sixteen thousand immigrants have arrived inflinuipeg this season. A mounted police at Lethbridge has been sentenced to six months' imprisonment and a ï¬ne of ten dollars for refusing to clean: an ofï¬cer’s boots. Instructions have been given to the ofï¬- cers of the Fisheries Department to rigidly enforce the close season for salm on trout and Whiteï¬sh, which began Tuesday. M. DE LEiSEPS announces that the Pcm‘ ama Canal will be open for the passage of ships Feb. 3, 1890. A TERRIBLE gasoline explosion occurred in St. Louis about 2 o‘clock Tuesday morn- ing, almost demolishing three buildings and burying thirteen persons in the ruins, of whom eight were killed and three badly in- jured. The Whole of one family of eight persons are among the dead. While the price of No. 1 hard at St. Vin- cent, Minn, ls 56 cents a. bushel, at Emer- son, Ma.n., just across the boundary, it brings only 54 cents. A cablegram says no credence should be placed in the rumour that Lord Randolph- Churchill is to succeed Lord Linsdowne as Governor-General of Canada. The sixth annual Canadian Shipping List has been issued by the Marine Department. Among other valuable statistics, it shows that Canada. is the fourth maritime State in the world. A Government organ in Montreal insinu- ates that the question of the international boundary along the State of Maine W111 pro- bably be laid beiore the approaching‘Fishery Commission by the DOm‘mion Government, with a. view to securing some revision of the Ashburton award. Only about eight hundred feet of the Gov- ernment break water a: Port Arthur now remains to be completed. The total length of the work is 3,600 feet, and will cost thn ï¬nished $350,000. It will give Port Arthur the ï¬nest harbour on Lake Superior. The North-VVest Council will petition the Dominion Government for certain changes with respect to the land claims of North- VVest half-breeds, with a view of putting the latter in a. better position. There is quite a. boom in building opera.- tions on the town site of Banl'f, N. W. T. The new C. P. R. hotel is also ï¬nished and furnished. Fifteen miles of electric bell wires have been utilized in the hotel. A considerable quantity of Manitoba. wheat will be shipped in bond to England ma the Northern Paciï¬c railway and Du- luth. The Northern Paciï¬c is making ar- rangements at \Vest Glynn for the recepâ€" tion of this grain. It is rumoured that in future the Commis aioner of the North-“Vest Mounted Police is to reside in Ottawa, and that another assist- ant commissioner is to be appointed, one taking charge oLthe northern and the other of the southern district. There have been 5,432 cases of smallpox in the city of Havana. during the last ï¬ve months, of which 697 proved fatal. It is probable the Forte will permit the Mormons to establish a colony in Turkey. The Pope is said to be displeased at the failure of Mgr. Persico‘s mission in Ireland. Crown Prince Frederick \Villiam hopes to return home in the spring with his health restored. Seven young Widows of Bingula and Pest have been arrested for poisoning their hus- bands. It is expected Emperor William will be conï¬ned to the house by his present indis- position for ten days or a. fortnight. SIR GEORGE STEPHEX will shortly leave Montreal for England, to arrange the terms of the mail contract; with the Imperial Gov- ernmentand see to the building of new steam. ers for the Paciï¬c route. He states‘that the Canadian Paciï¬c company does not intend running steamers across the Atlantic. HOME. An extraordinary influx of Icelandic im migrants is expected next season. Jenny Lind’s (Mrs. Goldschmidt) death is reported at the age of sixty-six. The Austrian Government have intro duced in the Reichsrath a bill to restrict; ex cessive drinking ~throughout: Austria. It is stated Prince Ferdinand has advanc- ed 5200,030 from his private fortune to the Bulgarian treasury to hasten the completion of the railways. The grand jury at \V01verham ton con~ sidor Mr. Andrew Cunegie’s 1,001?) entitled “Triumphant Democracy,†3 treasonable libel against the Queen. The English police have received informs.- tion that a. dynamite war is to be carried on in London and the provinces during the winter. Constable Endacott, the London police- man who arrested Miss Cass as an improper character, has been acquitted of the charge of perjury preferred against him. It; is reported that Messrs. O‘Brien'and Mandeville have been removed from Cork gaol and lodged in the gaol at Tullamore. A series of extensive robberies in and about London, amounting in the aggregate to upwards of 51001030, have been traced to a. [gang of thieves supposed to have come from New York. The French demand from the Sultan of Morocco the immediate payment of an in- demnity for the killing of Commander Schmidt, who was murdered and robbed while hunting. The French Chamber of Deputies has de- manded a. full investigation into M. \Vilson's connection with the Cefl‘arel scandal, and to prevent a. crisis the Cabinet has consented to an inquiry. The Rajah of Kapurthala. following the example of the Nizam of Hyderabad, has of- fered the Imperial Government ï¬ve lacs of rugees towards the expense of defending the In iw frontier. At a meeting called by the Lord Mayor of London to devise means‘ for assisting the deserving poor, it was decided tobe inad. visable to open a. special fund, as such would encourage loafers. THE WEEK’S NEWS. A M ERICAN FOREIGX. The number of acres cleared was :â€" In 1884 . . . . . . . . . 196,527 acres. 1885 . . . . . . . . r 120,197 “ 1886 . . . . . . . . . 82,188 “ The quantity of land taken up from 1883 to 1886 was very small. In 1883 the total number of acres assessed, cleared, woodland and swamp. was 21,458,067. In 1886 it was only 21,758,795. The increase in those years was somewhat less than 300,000 acres. The increase in the quantity cleared was nearly 400,000 acres. It has been discovered that a. ferryman on the Lower Danube was in the habit of fre- quently killing his passengers, who were mostly workmen, robbinglthem and conceal- ing his crime by burning their bodies. According to the annual report of the Bureau of Industries of the Province of On- tario, just published. the number of acres of land cleared in this Province were in :â€"~ 1883 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,539,557 1884.... . . . . . . . . .. 10,736,086 1885 s . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,856,283 1886 . . . . . . . . . . ,. .. 10,938,471 Sir Charles Dilke’s ï¬rst of a. series of articles in the Fortnightly Review on the British army. renews the alarmist views that Great. Britain is unprepared to cope with any of the great European powers. The quantity of land under crop was greater in 1883 than it has been since, as the following ï¬gures show :â€" 1883 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,542,623 acres. 1884 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,203,958 “ 1885 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,350,443 “ 1886 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,403,281 “ The number of acres under fall wheat was 1,097,210 in 1883 and only 886,402 in 1886. The area under spring wheat increased from 586,410 in 1883 to 799,463 in 1885, but in 1886 it was only 577,465 acres. It was promised that the production of corn would be especially stimulat- ed. But in 1883 there were 214,237 acres under that crop, and in 1886 only 156,494 acres. The area under po- tatoes was very small, having been only 140,143 acres, a falling off of more than 20,000 acres; 735,778 acres was sown in barley, a considerable increase over the acreage of 1885, but a falling oï¬of Over 21,000 acres as compared with 1883. In oat: there was an increase of over 200,000 acres, the total area being 1,621,901 acres. Next to wheat, cats is the most important of our grain crops. In the acreage of pea crops there was an increase. the total being 703,936 acres. Only 98,931 acres were giv- en to turnips. Hay and clover covered 2,295,151 acres. This was a slight increase. It is understood that the Czar Will return to Moscow via. Germany and will have an interview with Emperor William, but the meeting will be shorn of all political signiï¬- cance by the intentional absence of M. de Giers and Prince Bismarck. An attempt was made on Wednesday af- ternoon in London to blow up the Culton Club. The explosion took place in the basement, and blew out all the first; floor windows and injured four persons. 68.8 per cent of the cleared land has been kept under crops on the average of ï¬ve years; and last year 3,026,321 acres were devoted to pasturage, a. slight increase in the acreage of the year previous. Mr. Barnum tlld a. touching story of an incident that occurred when Jenny was singing in Boston. “ A poor working girl,†he said, “thrust three dollars into the hands of the ticket seller at the Boston Temple for a. back seat at Jenny’s concert. On receiving the ticket she said: ‘ There goes my wages for one week, but I must hear that good angel sing.’ Jenny’s secre- tary, her cousin, Max Hjortzberg, heard the remark and immediately went to the green room, and laughineg told it to Jenny. I shall never forget how she jumped to her feet and exclaimed : Oh, this must not be 1 Poor girl, she shall not lose her money ’â€" It is wicked! Max, take this money’â€" handing him a. twenty-dollar gold pieceâ€" ‘ search out that dear creature and put it in her hands with my love. God bless her !’ Cousin Max found the girl, gave her the money and message, and witnessed a flood of grateful tears from the working girl’s eyes. If she is alive today she will remem- ber it. Jenny Lind. P. T. Barnum gives some interesting re- miniscences of Jenny Lind. “ My auto- biography,†said the veteran showman, “gives nearly all I can say about Jenny Lind. Her natural impulses were most noble and good ; I never met a. person so susceptible to the wants, needs or sufferings of others. I could at any time make her tears flow by relating some case of want, and her dollars would flow freely with her tears. She could not bear the thought of “ passing by on the other side †when she could relieve the sorrow of any being, hovyever humble.†“ \Vhen I was struggling against the Jerome clock debts, in 1858, Mr. Barnum went on, “ I took my wife and children to London. One day J enny’s husband, Otto Goldsmith, called on me and said, ‘ Mrs. Lind, hearing of your ï¬nancial unisfortune, desired me to call on you and say if a few hundred pounds, ora thousand, will serve to relieve your present wants, I am to hand it to you with her kindest regards. We are now living in Dresden, my wife says if you will take your family there she will gladly ï¬nd you apartments at a. low rent, and we shall both be glad to render you any service we can.†The kind offer was declined with thanks, but it shows the charitable character of this almost angelic woman. The steamer Great Eastern, which origin- ally cost £732,000, and was sold to Mr. \Vorsley a. year ago for £26,000, was again sold by auction yesterday at Liverpool. The price realized was £21,000, and the pur- chaser is Mr. Craik, described as manager for the late owner. It is a. fact that NERVILINE cannot be sur- passed by any combination for the relief of pain. The reason is a good one. Nerviline contains the best, most powerful, and the latest discovered remedies. It is a. magic pain cure. Rheumatism, stiff neck, cramps, neuralgia, coliC, in fact all pain, internal, external, and local, are subdued in a few minutes. G0 at once to any drug store and get a. trial bottle. It will only cost you 10 cents, and you can at a small cost test the eat pain cure, Polson’s Nerviline. Large games only 25 cents. Ontario Farm Statistic: The Great Eastern. Do Not Forget It A Business-like Offer. For many years the manufacturers of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy have offered, in good faith, $500 reward for a case of Nasal Catarrh which they cannot cure. The Remedy is sold by druggists at only 50 cents. This wonderful remedy has fairly attained a world-wide reputation. If you have dull, heavy headache, obstruction of the nasal passages, discharges falling from the head into the throat, sometimes profuse, Watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tena- cious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid ; if the eyes are weak, watery and inflamed ; if there is ringing in the ears, deafness, hacking or coughing to clear the throat, ex- pectoratinn of offensive matter, together with scabs from ulcers; the voice being changed and has a nasal twang ; the breath offensive; smell and taste impaired ; sensa~ tion of dizziness with mental depression, a backing cough and general dcbility, you are suffering from nasal catarrh. The more complicated your disease, the greater the number and diversity of symptcms. Than- sands of cases annually, without manifest- ing half of the above symptoms, result in consumption, and end in the grave. N0 disease is so common, more deceptive and dangerous, or less understood, or more un- successfully treated by physicians. Advices have been received from Emin Beyto the eflect that the King of Uganda recently threatened to attack Emin’s sta- tions on the southern shore of Albert Nyanza. The King, entertaining a. suspicion that the Stanley expedition was designed to attack him, sent envoys to Emin to ascertain the object of the expedition. Emin explained the paciï¬c purpose of the expedition, and sent presents to the King. The preparations for war ceased immediate- ly. Wadelai was quiet and prosperous. Emin remained at the station awaiting news from Stanley. Would you know the keen delight Of a wholesome appetite, Unrestrained bv colic's dire. Heudache's curse, or fever’s ï¬re, Thoughts morose, or icy chills? Then me Dr. Pierce's pills. Dr. Pierce's I’urzative Pelletsâ€"the original and only genuine Little Liver Pills; 25 cents a vial. only genuine Little‘Liver Pills; 25 cents 3 Via]. In the woman’s department of an Eastern paper is an article entitled, “ How to Live to be Old.†\Vomen don’t want to get such information as that. “ How to live to be always young†would ï¬nd more readers. When a threatening lungIr disorder. Shows its ï¬rst proclivity, Do not let it cross the b.rder-â€" quell it with activity. Many a patient, young or olden, Owes a qu ck recovery All to Dr Pierce‘s Golden Medical Discovery. Five thousand shoemakers are on strike in Philadelphia. More pay is where the shoe pinches. The men have staked their awl on the ï¬ght, and are sure to win at last if they keep pegging away. “ George, dear," she said reproachfully, as she clung fondly around his neck, “ why will you eat raw onions when you know you are coming to see me?†“ Merely to test your love, my precious,†replied George. _ AThe snorting ‘Recqrd, In Tennessee they put men in prison for lying, If that practice should ever become eneral it would be necessary to build a. hinese wall around this country and call the inclosure a. prison. People who are subject to bad breath, foul'ooatcd tongue, or any disorder of the stomach, can an once be relieved by using Dr. Carson’s Stomach Blcners‘ the old and tried remedv. Ask vour szzlsi. In Book form, contains a correct record of the FAST- 391‘ TIME and best performances in all Dsmmmxms or SPORT, Aquatic and Athletic performances, Bil- liard, Racing and Trotting records. Baseball, Cricket, Lacrosse, etc. Price Sc. Stamps taken. Address all orders to THE RECORD. 50 Front St. East, Toronto, Canada, Room No. 15. “ Please, sir, have you seen a gentleman without a. little girl ?" “ Well, and what if I have, little one ?†“ My uncle John has lost me, and I thought if you’d seen a. gen- tleman Without a. little girl you could tell me where he was." Whenever our Stomach or Bowels get one of or- der, causing luouenesa, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, and their attendant evils. Sake at once a dose 01 Dr. Vex-eons Stomach Bitters. Beet family medicine, All Druggisfa, 60 oenbe. romeo. MEN suflerlng from the effects clearly evil habits, the resuln of Ignorance and lolly, who ï¬nd themselve weak, nervous and exhausted; also Mn)- Dns-Aosn and 01.1) Man who are broken down from the eflecbs of abuse or over-work, and ln advanced lite feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and Run LLV. Lubon's Treatise on Diseases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to an address on renal t of two 30. stamps. Address M. . LUBON. 47 Wel Lug- hon St. Ems Toronto Ont The English dog cart, the tilbury, and the “spider†phaeton are the vehicies afl'ected by lady Whips in the Park, and a span of cobs is preferred to a. single horse. Free! Free! ! Free! !! _ A Book of Instruction and Price List on Dyeing and Cleaning, to be had p‘ratis by selling at any of our ofï¬ces, or by post by sending your address to R. Parker & 00., Dyers andCleaners, 759 to 7633 Yonge St., Toronto. Branch Oflices: 4 John St. N., Hamilton ; 10;) Colborne St.I Btantford. Provinces and States, touching both the Atlantic and Paciï¬c Oceans, are represented this year among its students. Send for 18th annual circular. W. B. Roam- sox and J. W. JOHNSON, F.C.A., Principals. Hats and bonnets are very picturesque this season. II. “'M. ABNISTBONG, hermawloglu. Specialty, Skin diseases, Scrotula. and all dis- eases of the blood. All cancers cured that are cure- able, without the use of the knife. Oflice hours, (tom 9 to 1-2 mm. and from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.. Sabbaths ex- (xepted. 28 Dundaa Street. Toronto. Importer of ï¬ne Guns, Rifles, Amunition rand sports- man's goqdï¬ of everyrdgscï¬ption. On receipt of $10.00, I wilf express to any address, an English made double barrel breach-loading shot- gun, with cover and tools complete. W. MCDOWALL, 51 King street East, Toronto. ONTARIO BUSINESS QOLLEGE (1011‘ No More. _ Watson’s cough drops are the best 1n the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. & T. W. are stamped on each drop. Orange is the shade of yellow that becomes a. pug. 7 ‘ “IRA-.11. $31M: weelianaéxpenses aid. Valuable outï¬t and particulars rec. P.0. VICKI“: I. Augusta, Maine. 1“ you have Invented unytmng useful, patent itaud make money. Write for hARvuv's Gums 1-0 PA- TKNTSJO A. Harvey, PatentAttorney and publisher of the “PatentReview.†Ontawa. Ont. 28 vra. experience. PATENTS w. MCDOWALL, BELLEHLLE, ONTARIO. News of Stanley. For Saleâ€"Illustmted decriptive Cab alogue tree. R. Chamberlin. Torontq. 21,000_Mlles of new Line of No.11an buiit this season. Land all for settlement. Unsurpassed for grain or stock farms. 480 acres free. To learn how to get it, send your address on postgl card Notice is hereby uiven that a. dividend of four per cent. for the current hall year, being at the rate of eight per cent. per annum, upon the paid u capimp oi the Bank, has this day been declared an that the same “in be pm able at the Bank and its branches on and after THUR'JDAY, the 131‘. day of December next. w'i‘lie transfer books will be closed from the 16th to the 30m day of November, both daya inclusive. By order of the Board. Dairy Salt,I W Importationa.â€"-Higg'ins' Eureka, Washing» ton and Ashton Brandu, in large or small sacka Also Rice's Canadian Salt. Wri‘t‘e (or prices. THE BANK OF TORONTO. Tarred Fell, Rooï¬ng Pitch. Building Pa- pers. I‘m-pol and Dealenlng Fell. READY ROOFING, Etc. 4 Adelaide St E.. TORONTO. W. GRAHAM -& 00., 832 . Yonge $15.. Taronto, dealers in m kmdu band and Orchestra. Instru- ments. both New and Second-Hand. Vocal and Instrumental Music, Mu~:ic Books, etc. In- Itruotion Books {or every Instrument. Agents for Carl Fischer's BAND & OR- (.‘IIES'I‘RA MUSIC. Send for Catalogues. MERCHANTS CALFSKINS per hour. Also Rock Drillsâ€"Hand. Horse, or Steam Power. Send for Catalogue. Lnldlaw Manufacturing (30., Water PURE Al'( il PeerlessO H.Williams, and other Roots for Autumn P'lan’cing, now ready and will be mailed free to all applicants. Addres- BABY’S BIRTH DAY; Annual Catalogue of choice Holland Bulbs. containing prices of all the ï¬nest varieties of IRON FENCES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. - Send for Catalogue. Humming, quPsJ Nanclssus NINE 00L!) MEDAL “"262?é“&"iԣԎ2‘§£â€â€˜Â§of§3ï¬â€˜Ã©$ï¬maEfloï¬ffmm mmmna u QUEEN OITY on. wonxs by SAMUEL ROGERS & GO. TORONTO. WM. BENNEE - TORONT" THE BALTIC BARNUM WIRE and IRQNWWQRKS, FARMERS & THRESHERS, with coal. Its patent ï¬re-pot and grate makes it the most durable, easiest; to manage, best to retain ï¬re night and dav, and most economical of coal stoves. These were the only stoves awarded a. medal for new and meritorious inventions this year. If your dealer has not got then} write us for inlor- mation. THE USHAWA STOVE G'Y., “WHATS: M. 3.. Toucan)- All classes of ï¬ns w v k. mm of Prinmï¬hmm Slug.- aM Mam! Fu-msnm Sand fm prim D. COULSON, Cashier. Bank of Toronto, Toronto, 26th Oct, 1887. for us. Cash furnished on satisfactory guaranty Address C. 8. PAGE, Hyde Park, Vermont, U.S We want a GOOD MAN in your locality to pick up OSH AWA, 0NT., MANUFACTURERS. JAMES PARK 31k 50m. meIuNS. 96 Kim su. W..Tomnto‘ wï¬i-Tlï¬chudun a; 0... Manama, AMI TRADERS GENERALLY. USE ONEYOUR MACHINERY ONLY THE WELL‘KNOWN A Beautiful Imported Birthday Card ( to any baby whose mother will send names of two or more other babies, and, ' parents' addresses Also a handsome B mond Dye Sampla Card to the mother at much valuable informguog‘ Wholesale Produce MerchantsI'l'm-nnto‘ Manufacturer and dealer in FOR. BUTTER. E’IC DIVIDEND N0. 03‘ AND Is the only stove made that will burn wood or coal equally well. It will heat one or more adjoin- ing rooms and retain ï¬re with either fuel All night. It is the farmers' wood burner and will make home as comfortable as with a self feeder coal stove. The largestsize is an unrivalled heater for schools, halls and church- es. Tue-t -mily Keystone, the largest ï¬rst-class stove xor the money made. ls revolutionizing cooking A ’GERS, bore 20 feet THE E LIVING STREAM H A KXL’I‘ON, Om BUTCHERS ARGAND Hnufer. T PATENTS The Company has a. large amount of moneyto lend on Real Estate securites at the lowest current rate of interest repayable either in one sum or by instalments as may be e desired by the borrower. Applica tions may b made direct to the undersigned by (letter or otherwise, or to the local representatives 1 of the Company throughout Ontario. As the Com- ' pony always has funds on hand no delay need be ex- ! pected. hxpenses reduce1 to minimum. Aloflmmes and Municipal Debentures Purchased. I J. HERBERT MASON, Managmg Director. Association in the worl desires active re resent» hives in every section of Canada. Libe induce- ments. It has fun Government deposit,lmd undo! the supervision of Insurance De artment at Ottawl Correspondence solicited. Ad ress, The largest and most rosperous open Assessment 3’. Toronto Silver Plate 110., VT’PACFURERS OF THE HIGHEST GRADE 0? ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. TO R O N TO. I'M I E“ I 0 all loremn countries. Ehgineera, Pt- tent Attorneys, and experts in Patent Causes. Enth- lished 1867. Donald C. Bldout & 00-. Total“. TheMutualReserveFund LIFE ASSOCIATION. Sailing during Winter from Portland eve Thun- dny and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpoo , and In summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool. calling at Londonderry to land mails and passenger- tor Smtland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via Halliax and St. John's, N.F., to Liverpool fortnightly durin summer months. The steamers oi the an. grow lnae sail during winser to and from Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and durin sum- mer between Glue ow and Montreal weekly ' G I and Boston wee y, And Glasgow and Philadelphia fortnightly, >_ _ A ' ' _ _ LOAN AND SAVENGS COMPANY. INCORPUHAI‘ICU AJ). 13.35. Subscribed ('npiml. - - $3,500,000 l’uld-np Cam-all, - - - 2,300,000 llowrvo Fund, - ~ - 1,180,000 Total Assets, - - - 9,301,615 Olliw- : (Joy's Bldgs, Toronto St., Toronto. Allan Lina Rays; Mqilusmmsiypi For freight, passage. or other lnlomnflonflly l. A. Schumacher a 00., Baltimore; 8. Guns 00.. Halifax ; Shea A: 00., St. John's, RIF. ; Wm. Thomp- son a Ca., St. John, N.B.: Alla.n&00.,0hlcago Love 85 Alden, New York; H. Bourller, Tommie} Allana, Rae A: 00., Quebec; Wm. Brookle, Phil-GIL phla; H. A. Allen Portland Boston Montreal. Desiring to obtam a Busin'ss Education. or become proï¬cient m shorthand and ’l‘ypewriting, should [1% tend the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE We are now ofl‘ering the Best Iron Fences ever sold in Canada, at Remarkably Low Prices. WE ALSO MAKE Stable Fixtures, Sand Screens, Weather Vanes, Iron Stairs and Shutters, Fire Escapes, 0Hice Railings, Flower Stands, Wire Signs, and all kinds 01 Wire, Iron and Brass Work. used only 3 ï¬fty-cent bottles; like. J. Baal, 6 Augusta St, troubled for years with Nervous Prostration, two small bottles gave her great relief. Sold at 500. 8: 81. F. F. DALLEY Ga 00.. Proprieuors. HE greatest d s- covery of the pm ‘ ~eut age for Regulafl . ng the bowels, and - luring all Blood Liv . f ‘r and Kidney Gom- ‘ )laints. A P611868 Blood Puriï¬er. A1 aw ' n Hamllmn whohave ~ '1 g 'een heniï¬ted by its ' h " >l A ‘ - I <02 Robert St. cured i’ ' '3 If lirysipelas of 2 yrs. - warming ; Robb. Cor- ;"' * 4 -'.v?- «311,24 south street. v‘ : laughter cured of . 1- 1 slpileptic ï¬ts after . {ears suffering ; Jen- , nie Bin-e1, 55 Walnut! I >‘-‘ - I ‘ ’ > ‘ street, cured o! Weakness and Lung Trouble : John Wood, 95 Catle- curt Sal, Cured of Liver Complaint 32d Billiousnesa, I n luv“..- Arcade Yonge street, Toronto. For Circulars, eta, Address C. O’DEA. Secretary §TRAIBHT LOANS, 0R CREDIT FDNGIER PLAN. ASSESSMENT SYSTEM CANADA PER}! iNENT J. D. WELLS, “'INDSOR. ONT. BBM‘I'BEDm Canada, the [1.8. 5nd General Miami. 65 Kim: Street East. Toronto.