Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Nov 1887, p. 8

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land,k mama masses ATTEN- TION E 3“""313;1333331115."?'..“i‘” the wholen" w n' fnl' then‘ :. u 1. v - the whol‘o o menzs. ' somof " Two Yearling Haifers came tn the premises of the undersigned: Lot 36. lst Con. Vaughan. in May last. I‘he owner may have the same by moving propel by and paying: expenses. 9‘“ D. BOYLE, Langstafl' £0 And he is instructed to am the rates levied for County Public School and Rnilwuy will voluntarily cull mu! m at his Urfice.before thu Iii; vember afnwsuid. Clerk’s Ofl 1168‘ mond Hill PG the l.& fit flee Pay Your Taxes This owner never vanes A marvel of pr strengt and wholesomeness. More evonu than the ordinary k‘mds, and cannot be so? competition wiuh the multitude of low tasks weight alum nr phnspbute powders. Sold in cans. ROYAL BAKva Pownsm (20., 106 street. N. Y fimmwfig 5mg; VILLAGE, SCHOOL HI-Ix t0 t1 The trustevs oi ()urkséhool have engaged Miss Bertie Page, of Concord, our pre~ sent teacher. Mr. J. E. Tyndall having resigned m) account, of having to attend Normal Schunl in Toronto next session. The Methodists of this place. have been holding revival services in the church for the past two weeks; they have been fairly successful. » The Uniform Prnmntion Examinations were held in our scluml on Friday last, and no doubt some of the pupils will be made happy by being put forward. Diphtheria is reported to be prevalent in some parts of the section. and Me are snrrv tn repur‘l: the deaths of two of Mr. Kefl‘er‘s children frnm this disease. Gown NEWS.â€"â€"-1t isn’t generally under. stood that the electric light may some day Ornlhrl' line the furnlex's’ pathway Up Yonge Street tn '{lclummd Hill. Won’t that he ul‘nlld .1 1n the meantime, I would advise every mrmer along :he route and New Conn-wmn to use the great Rock Slning Cm! (M. The price is 30 10W \h-lt ynn nil} In M yunr breath when you hear it Pl‘tIII-Hllvl‘ctl by Dilworth The Druguiit. ‘wfwevn the Clyde and Nipissing Hutvl , Toronto. 17 )m our own Correspondent The town of Cm‘rville has been flourish- ing, although ynur correspondent has up- ‘ patently been asleep. The farmers are nearly through fall plowing and he root f and the fruit crops have been gathered in. Some of our young men were successful in taking prizes at, the p10wing matches. John Prentice taking 2m], in third class at Vaughan match and 4th, in the same I class at the one in King. Rubert VValk- ingttm alar. took 2nd in the boys‘ class at the Vaughn” match. The awards were said to he Very {alt but, we do not see what thnse three young ladies were doing that John is not able to treat his Llends to a Cigzul . Mr. Davidson has paid out schonl 3 vi- sit since our town was last, heard from .and reported thu school in a satisfactory con- dition. DISASTROUS.â€"The most intense exâ€" citement is felt in the flnurishing village of Richmond Hill and its surroundings, as facts are revealed, of numerous families who are dyeing. in the most. beautiful colors; in fact all the culvu's of the rain- bow, by using the pnpulu 1' Sun Set. Dyes, only five cents a package. Sold in the city only by Joseph llilivnnh, the Drug- gist. 170 King St. East. between the Clyde and Nipissing Hotels, Tox'OuLo. he Absolutefiy Passe. ()0 18TH 0? NOVEMBER Elm fidrrrtifirmrnts. OTHER de ce, Richmond Hili rber 315t.1897. LOST ! signed is authorizpd V0 give Jtepayers of the Village of me he will remix-u the Taxes Ofljcs until the MUNICIPALI'I Y OF jar of the Callnril C arrvij le and Save 5 AND Full)": L-cnlav I3 STIASON &: f. M. TREFY, _ "9101-1; and Treasurer DOSS‘ TAXES ! 33:33:, 1337. 'I unt' to use the The price ynnr breath :11 by Dilwnrth e Clyde and per ‘ntum upon [mh School, to such us run; to him lay of No- and girl: who see the bwi- 106 \V fund out notme Rich- ut his ent not i1) THE UNION MEDICINE 60.. Toronto, Can Take 1m nther. Sold evc‘_y“here. P1'ice75 cents per bottle. DR. HODDER’S Sold everywhere. Price ‘25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers, Dealer in Fine Groceries, Teas, ‘Cofiree, Sugar, Spices, Canned Goods, Cakes, Biscuits, &c. Fine Confections, Cakes, Biscuits, ‘ Dates, flaugh & Lung Cure On my first trip representing and soliciting your pat- ronage for A statement (if their names and addresses and full particulars 0! their claims and the Hall‘ 9 of the securities (if any) held by them, and i. ce is further given that: aft-er the said (1an the s ’d administrati'ix will proceed tu as. . ibute .iie assets of the said deceased union-:56 tie p'}, smis entitleu thereto, having regard oulv to the cumin/s of which she shall have had notice and the mid administratrix will not be liable for the wid assets or anv pair. thereof to any person 0 ‘ per- sons of Whose claim or c‘ainfi noJc‘e shall In}; have been received as aforesaid at the time the said distribution is made. Dated at the City of Toronto, this 17th day of October. 1987. Mulock, Tilt. Miller, Cro“ ale: & Montgomery Sulicitw's for Adrmisu'a. r' ‘ 99 King St. East onto FM '3 TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. Kirkby’s Flour kept always on hand and many other things not here mentioned. Can he not do something for you to-day ? 30th day of November, 1887. WILLIAM JACKSON. WECEASED. the late Wmiu 0t Yurk, in the who died on or A, D. 1657 are: or deliver to M Montgnmer ’ for June J ac rate of the sun Lichmond HQ, Nov. 10.1). 1881' On about the 22nd Oct. :1 Black and Tan Fox Hound Bitch, nnswen tn the unme uf Nell. She has a white spot on ln‘Part and is about two years old. A libpml l'va'd given. A. MAGER Toroufo. November '71: HOUSE to LET GRETORS. Or to AUCTION SALE) THE gEE WE {HARD TIMES 3 Espg 011 Richmond Snee'z, Rich‘v‘ond Hi‘] Apply " IOS. HATJJ. R‘chmnn‘ \ to D. S. REAMAN, Cr; ’UTICE is hereby given in pursuance q 0., Chup.107, Sec. 34, and umeudme [persons 11min; claims against the (- (a lane \VminmJuckbnu. late of the ’1‘ . farmer, l Yurk. in the County of Y0 ASK FOR DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. Under and bv ‘ 70 (W- '1"! mm‘ 3t TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN. HAM HERE MOSS. FALCOT‘B [‘. 0F VALUABLE PROPERTY ‘ .‘~' THE DOG LOST. RICHMOND HILL, Auc'im and all quuurities of the Blood from what- suuvercuuse NLsiurg Female weukue“ e: V, and genarui uelWit-y I Purely Vagefrv hie. cutmted‘ Pleasant Ethcc‘qul Use S A’l‘UT NOTICE TO I . on, the admmistrat of u l deceased, on or betuxe the HE GOODS OF at 1-." 0‘ ‘9 of the powern of 53‘s mm (-116 le.‘ l“"‘ J '9 Venttms "r r L 3"" @‘WURES m, Vendor's So‘ic rplvfio ‘nond H E Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Bxliousnoss, Sick Headache, Kidney Troublea. Rheumatism, Skin Diseases m1 un Her & BARNICK Nuts, &c. of Septeml upr: ch )6 house uts nfR.S per we} FIRST-CLASS SAW-MILL vch M} In connection with the factory. where Cllbtulil sawing mil be dune. All work guaranteed and prices moderate. RLCHMUND ST.‘ RICHMOND HILL Nov. 25th. 1886-3111 PLANED LUMBER, MOULDINGS, 3:0. Are now prepared tn take contracts for all kinds of Buildin'zs. HOBBS, SASH, BLINDS. &G., 2nd 00 water ( {1. 3.3.0:: 01 cu‘_ The more Ly of B. illmaer, is for s The Hotel is 2:. new bliclz-cmd “'11) 1 root”, three stories high. comm us 20 u heated hy means of hot mix: and ha: a“ t em appliances. The :‘tublinfz and 0111; in which are Luick, are complain in every law. Lane men's umlplen‘uy of yard 1'0 gruvellml. Au excolleutbusinesfis bem but the proorietor is going :0 sell owiua heulbh. 4-tf PLANENQ EL: field: no uctrce. has those who vrlte Io Sunaon .8 Co.. Portland, Mnlnenvill recalye free, full information about work which lhey can do. and live II bochblt will pay them from $510 $25 per day. Same have. aimed over 5"“ in a day Ellhcr sex. ynum.V or old, Clplld no! required. You are started free Thosc who nan at one. an: abaolulelg sun: of qug Hula (annual. All is mu. RICHMOND HILL, Of all shapes and sizes. Repairing and Eave Troughng promptly done. SEAS. MASON. Stoves ofall 1:13:15 89 Sizes. AT MASON'S. SQUARE & ROUND COAL STOVES BOX & GBGKENG STWES S'H’ES. STVES. SHEA? HER MS STOVE FOR SALE! E’EST FARMS! STRIEES 8:. MIXTURES. CANA' IAN TWEEDS. NEW GOODS, NEW STYLES, NEWTRIMMINGS. Begs to announce that he is . now wow the finest hues of STILL AT THE FRONT! ‘ FALL & WINTER CLUTHS In the vgv‘y'thi‘ng new _oxchpt the same 91d reliability Kept on hand, or made to ol‘del‘ on the slimmest notice. A stock of Huang bnnght the above-named and put. everything in of W01] manshipmhb same old Low P1 ices. and {be same old Perfection of Fit. Remember the BEE HIVE when you want a. nobby Suit or overcoat. ()VERCOA'].‘INGS. That commodions Hotel in the centre of the village of Now is the time to get your stm‘es, Ahvays on hand. There is also a Full lines of elegant I‘museriugs. Scotch and English The above factory is situated on ver shown in this loculitv E“ EST-CLASS ORDER RICHMOND I: TWEEDS & WURSTEDS. TREVE'I‘HAN, Richmond Hill L. INNES & SUNS All the latest. novelties in Checks Come in and see 011v Conniy of York. It contains 107 acx‘es ‘umosed cf the west 11qu of lot 13. in the -es.-"ou of Vaughan. There is plenty 01’ -.1e pm'mlses, good buildings, fumes in :ew ‘* ,aud she land is in a. high state C. TREVE JCT pr For Gun] and \Vtmd Also for sale one of the for the ho‘el or farm given on abort A splendid ine of Known as the Beautiful new 1 PIPES Also rPTâ€"TA Tâ€"TTT l “’111 munsurd us 20 mums, is ha: a“ the mod- vua 0111; buildings, .1 every pmticu- yard room well «is bexug (lone. All owim: to ill- ELL§ ! mo imported is for sole t‘m lw‘oprietor prepared to Hill mill Memerial Uganda aSpeeialty. The Liberal $1 a Year. Bill Heads, Shipping Tags PL AIN’ & ORNAMENTAL PRINTING RICHMOND HILL, Executed with neatness andi M $3? IMMENSE FALL STUCK JUST ARRIVED The Largest and Best Assorted StOCK in Town. Felt Work of every description, such as Men’s Felt Boots, Felt Stockings, ALkle Boots, Men’s Felt Balmorals, Ladies’ Felt Balmorals and Gaiters. Overshoes of allkinds. Manâ€" itobas, Snow Excluders, Elaskas. &c. Ladies’ Carnivals & Rubbers. Ladies’ Fine Boots. Men’s Gaiters of various kinds. Ladies’ and Gents’ Slippers. Full Stock of Child- ren's Ware, all colors, sizes and piices. Custom Work. sewed and pegged, a specialty. Repairing neatly and promptly done. DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS, BLANKETS, MEN‘S UNDERWEAR. &C. ALWAYS RECEIVING Sewing Machines to Suit the“ 'Eimes. NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINEE BRITISH FLAG STAFF osters, Letter Heads, Programs Streamers, Circulars, FALL AND WENTER GOODS ECIAL‘lY IN IIRAS SC PRINTING & PUBLISHING Nails, Hardware The higlmab 1II‘ICH p; RICHMOND HILI FRESH STOCK OF GROUERIES- ESTABLISHMENT. Cards, ALL KINDS OF J. LUSH, Richmond Hill. despatch. &c., &c. Now is the time to buy a first-class Light Running Pamphlets, =. (,ilasswale Hid iur Fa] m Labels .‘ REDUCED PRICES. CONSISTING OF H Illel'fl AT THE The undersigned zesper‘tiully intimates that he has removed his saw-mill from McGee's switch to Lots 18 and 19. 4th Con York, west of Yonge St, near Am] W1“ give hi_s beat. attention to an bills custom suwmg he may be favore with. rockery. &(:. Flnur and I‘ I’ Prudnce in Exchange for Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as the work is under my 0M1 supervisr J. I am also prepared to do all kinds Hf black- smitlnng u: repairing in the must work- manlike manner, an the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. In returning thanks to my numerous. friends for their liheml patrmage during, the past twenty-five years. I beg to re- mind tliem and the 2611.114} public, that having erecwr‘ tr‘.i.e.’y new and com- Inndiuus premises. I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies. Carriages, o Cutters, Sleighs and PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS. ' TRENCH’S ~CARRIAGE WORKS.- Horse - Shoeing HENRY MARSH. LUMBER. Paid special attention to. \VM 'I'IIENCH RICHMOND HILL. KING P. O A. MOOUIE z‘nnds

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