There are very few villages of any importance in Canada that cannot boast of a. Band among its organiz- ations. For many years, and until quite recently, Richmond Hill’s Silver Cornet Band was ever ready and willing to assist at evening con- certs, re-unions, or any entertain- ment for the beneht of our citizens generally. On summer evenings when the weather was too warm to remain in-doors, how pleasant it was to listen to them discourse sweet music in the open air. But for some tune the members have ceased alto- gether to meet or practise. This is unfortunate, ior nearly every person is fond of music,and especially of that ikind which comes from a lot of well That the heads of the ï¬ve Prov- inces of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scolia, New Brunswick and Mani- toba felt the need 01 Unrestricted Reciprocity, and gave full and free utterance to that need, is a crushing reply to those serfs of coddled in- dustries who have so loudly con- tended that Commercial Union is only a tad of a few sell-seekers. If the necessities of Canada are thoroughly known to any, they sure- 1y must be to those that stand in such intimate relations with the peo- ple as do the Provincial Govern- ments. We never for a moment despaired ol the ï¬nal success of the present great commercial agitation, but we certainly did not think it was likely to be triumphant in a future so near. Hon. Oliver Mowat presided over the Conference, and his shaping hand can be seen in the substance and form of the resolutions. Of these the two most important are that which refers directly to the en- croachmean by the Dominion Par- liament on Provincial Rights, and that which refers to Commercial Union. The remedy proposed for curtailing a licentious use ofthe veto pOWer vested by the British North America Act in the House of Com- mons is drastic, but seemingly With- out alternative. That proposal is to hand over all cases of contested Provincial legislation to the Privy Council of Great Britain. This is severe on our national dignity, but it has at least the merit of being a speciï¬c for the 1115 under which the Provinces all labor. The central ï¬gure in this inter- provincial congress was Honore Mercier, the brilliant. astute and powertul Prime Minister of Quebec. However great our dissatisfaction (a dissatistaction that we did not hesitate to explicitly record) with many of Mr. Mercier's latter actions, we knew that at bottom he Was a Liberal. Our fears that his new allies would swamp his liberal- ism by playing on a spirit naturally very ambitious, have been pleasant- ly belied. It would seem that he has been content to err in trifles in order that he might be able the bet- ter to gain points that are esteemed paramount by Reformers. ence, as embodled in the series of resolutlons a few days ago given to the public, have been wise, patriotlc and statesmaniike. It is with'pleasure that we can Conscientiously declare that the re- sults of the Quebec Conference are good beyond the most sanguine ex- pectations. Knowing the French inclination for money at the expense of Ontario, we regarded the meeting of the Premiers in its inception as sinister in design and provocative of mischief. But we are bound to say that the labors of the Confer- RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, Nov. 17‘ ‘87 THE PRU VIA CIAL CONFERENCE Changeâ€"Petley & Petley. Noticeâ€"R. Rutherford. Noticeâ€"Geo. B. Williams @112 ï¬iheml. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A VILLA GE BAND Goon NE\vs.â€"It isn't generally under- stood that the electric light may some day or other line the farmers" path-way up Yonge Street to Richmond Hill. Won’t that be grand ? In the meantime, I would advise every farmer along the route and every concesainn to use the great Rock Spring Coal Oil. The price is so luw that you will hold your breath when you hear it pronounced by Dilwnrth The Druggist. between the Clyde and Nipiesing Hotels, Tumntu. NO 5 BEAVER HALL SQUARE, MONTREAL, March 22nd. 1887 Messrs. Fulford & Co., Brockville. Ont.: Dear Sirs,â€"â€"Pleuse send me two bottles of Nasal Balm. I have nearly ï¬nished the small bottle sent. It has dnne my catarrh more good than all the remedies [ever used, and I feel conï¬dent. of a. permanent cure. Daily News from nowm‘il Jan. 1813, ’89, for 8.50 Leave your orders at The Liberal Ofï¬ce at once. the Fireside Weekly from now till Janlst, "89. for THE LIBERAL and Weekly Mail 86 Farm 8c Fireside from now till Jan. 1513, ’89, for THE LIBERAL and WHIP. T Jan? lst, ‘89, for THE LIBERAL. the THE LIBERAL and Evening Globe from this date till Jan. lst, ’89, for mum T.T‘R1â€"T‘.'DAT. nnri EASY TO USE. into the throat and excesa‘ve expectomtion caused by Ca.- tarrh. Sold by Druggists, or sent. pre-paid. on receipt of price, 50c. and $1. Address mnm T be sent to anv address from this date till January lst. ’89, for THE LIBERAL and A strange phenomenon, which was strangely beautiful, excited the admira- tion of a large crowd standing close t0 Joseph Hull’s store, the heavens seemed radiant with splendor. ()u a. clusvr in- spection it was found it was a reflection of a. number of garments on a cluthes hue stretched across the lawn, which had just been dyed With Sun-Set Dyes. Only ï¬ve cents a. package. Sold at. Dilvmrth’s Drug Store. Toronto We trust the chairman of the com- mittee will not be remiss in his duty, but that he will call the members together at once, and ascertain what can be done in the matter. There are some fourteen or ï¬fteen good in- struments, and if they are not kept in use they will soon become worth- less. handled band instruments. 'We are glad to be able to say that a move- ment has been set on foot, which, if properly looked after, may result in its re-organization on a ï¬rmer loun- dation than ever. An offer has been made by those who hold the instru- ments to present them to the Fire Brigade on the understanding that a Band be tormed, having tor its head a teacher,who will give lessons once or twice a week. When the proposition was brought up at the last meeting of the Company, it met Wlth special favor, and a committee was at once appointed to conler With a committee of members of the late Band, and report at a special meet- ing called for that purpose. There is plenty of ï¬rst-class material in‘ the village,and a band in connection with the Brigade would be Well sup- ported as, without doubt, the Fire Company is. deservedly, one of the most popular institutions in our midst. FULFORD & 60., Brockvillo. Ont; Saturday edition of the Globe frcm now gg’gfljggily, 89, for Daily Globe(morning edition) from now till Jan. 1st“ ’89, for Weekly Globe from this date to Jan. lst, ‘89. lor grin 1r Subscribe . [E LIBERAL and. Yours truly. “I. R BARBER. IBERAL and BERBL Will BERAL and STOPS Droppings from Nasal passages SQUTHING, CLEANSING, HEALING. Gold in Head, HAY FEVER. BATARRH, lÂ¥ Cures till $1.00 2.75 2.75 2.00 2.25 3.50 1.75 A Call Solicited. R. W. NEVILLE A BOUT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT Has been added to which ' invite special attention. as extra value will be given. FRESH GROCERIES I In great variety. Splendid value in Men’s and Boys’ SUITS & UVERCUATS BUY SUITS & UVERGBATS. TWEEDS DRESS MATERIALS, CORSETS, Slaves. flsiary, SHAWLS, JACKETS, KNITTED GOODS. Wishes to say to the public that he is opening up a new fresh stock in every line and will sell at prices that must please. R. W. NEVELLE, CASH HOUSE 3 CHEAP B. GRENNAN, HATS & CAPS FLANNELS READY MADE SUITS And other Staples. Made to. Order. Now in Stock. At job Prices. Also piles of Successor to TIIE NEW W6 Raymond Sewing Machines and Eagle Steam Washers. Special Value in Hysons. Congous and Japans. Flour always on hand. Front Rank and White Lose by Roller Process. I still continue to sell the celebrated Wall Papers from 8 cents a roll up. WALL PAPERS AT SAVAG E’S. NEST-GLASS GRQCER! The cheapest line of All-VVool Grey Flannels in the village. A Fine Assortment of Worsteds, Tweeds, &c., at Bottom Prices. MILLINERY 85 MANTLE Gï¬GDS New Fafl Goods ! THE FIRE PROOF. DRESS (500538 & WINGEYS. Silks, Satins, Velvets, Plushes,Dress Goods, Tweed Suitings, Meltons, Electric Capes, Jersey Jackets, Mantles,Ulsters,Tailors’ Trim- mings, &c., &c. The ï¬nest collection ever shown in the County, LORNE @TORE. PRICES, PRICES, PRICES, PRICES. WM. ATKENSQN’S Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods and highest prices allowed. Go and see his Nevv E‘urniture. Groceries and Provisions at lower prices than ever. EVERYBODY SHOULB'SEE Groceries, Hardware, Crockery DRY GGODS, DIRECT IMPORTEE. Below Toronto Figures. A New Stock just arrived. SOMETHING NEW IN OF IMPORTED GREAT BARGAINS IN ARRIVING DAILY AT GO TO THE LORNE STORE. FOR CHEAP, FRESH AND GEO. TRENCh Glassware, &c. I. CROSBY.