Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Dec 1887, p. 3

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HOME. Arrangements are being made to settle a number of Croiters’ families Lear Wollsey, N. W. T., next spring. ‘ The veshol seize-d latâ€"Rimouski afew weeks ago for smuggling liquor has been oxdered to be cpnficated with all her cargo. Mayor Howland, of Toronto, has accep- M an invitation to deliver an address in beinway hall, New York, on December 3th, on the Sibbhth and temperance. Navigation of the St. Lawreuculs About 610696 for the season. .lceisformiug lnrt In the harbour at Qlcbec, and the lift mamer will leave that port on Friday. Diphtheria is alarmingly and fatally pre- valent in Montreal. Last week thirty~two deaths from that disease ()Ccurrcd, uuu the death rate shows no signs of decreasing, During the ten months of the vurrent year 16286 immigrants have urrivud in Manicoba md the North- West Territories, 6,222 more Man the total immigration for the whole of last year. Five applications for divorce are already in for next session of the Senate. Twenty- two dlvorces have been granted since cou- iederation, sixteen from Ontario and six from Quebec. pany of Canada, held in London, Eng., the finances of the company were declared to be in a. very satisfactory condition, and n dividend of 6 per cent. was dccldu‘ed. do During the past season a. total of 565,001),- 000 fees of lumber has been cut by the difi‘erent firms at the Chaudiere, about fif- teen per cent. less than the cut of 1886, which, however, was the largeat for twenty years previous. During October goods to the value of $10,841,511 were exported from the Domin- ion. The total value of the goods imported during the same month was $8,465,706, of which $5,253,150 were dutiable goods for home consumption, the duty collected amounting to $1,700,000. AMERICAN. A rabid circular urging preparations for “ the revolution” has been prepared by the Anarchists \ of Chicago ior distribution among the workingmen of that city. It is estimated mm 9,400 miles of railway have been built in talks Unified States during me ten months ending OJtober 31, and than the capital involved in the work has been $200,000,000. The greater proportion of this new mileage is located in the \Vest. Dakota, for example, Ins 682‘ miles and Xmas, 1,691. It is stated that Queen Scphia. of Sweden, who is fifty-one years of age, is insane. The Governmenbhave decided to prosecute Messrs. Mayne and Sheehy, Nationalist members of Parliament. The feeling between Russia. and Germany is very strained, and it is reported Russia, 15 massing large bodies of troops on the Ger- man frontier. Lord Mayor Sullivan has received seven summonses for publishing in the Nation the proceedings of suppressed branches of the league. One hundred and thirty of the Gweedore tenants have been reinstated. Their arrears of rent have been reduced £2,500. There is great rejoicing among the benantry. The Crofter movement. for the extermina- tion of deer on the Isle Aof Lewis collapsed $3 fiche appearance of a. force of policeiand troops have been sent to prevent a renewal of the trouble. At; a militnry banquet in W'arsaw General Gourko said unless the Almighty had allot- ted him a very brief span of life ’he would again lead his officers to the field as he did a decade ago. Aresident of Breslau has written to the Emperor ofl'ering his own larynx as a subnti tube for the Crown Prince's, if the the sur- geons are willing to perform the operation of transplanting it. A writ has been sworn out by Mr. Mun- deville against the governor of Tullamore prison for assault, the charge being based upon the trealment; he received at the time his clothes were taken from him. An explosion took place in a. colliery in Abel-dare, South Wales, Tuesday morn- ing while 560 men were In the pit. Of this number 220 escaped through an old work- ing, and though the other: have not yet been rescued it is hoped they are still alive. Mr. Michael Davitt, in a speech at Car- llale declared that the Irish alone could settle the land question with the landlords. He hoped support: would be .Withheld from my Land Purchase scheme proposed in England, even if suggested by Mr. Glad- Otone himself. D. McNamara. a. shopkeeper at Ennis, has been sentenced ton Week’s imprison- ment for selling copies of United Ireland, of which Mr. Wm. O‘Brien is editor, and the selling of which has been proclaimed. This is the first instance in which n person has been prosecuted for selling newspapers. Nerve Pain Cure. Poleon’s Nerviline cures flatulence, chills and. spasms. Nerviline cures vomiting, di- arrhmn, cholera, and dysentery. N erviline cures headache, sea. sickness 9nd summer complaint. Netviline cures neuralgia, tooth- ache, lumbego, and sciatica. Nervuine cure: sprains, bruises, cuts, &c. Folson’s Nervi- linais the beat remedy in the world, and only costs 10 and :25 cents to try is. Sam- ple and large bottles at any drug store. Try Polaon’a Nerviline. “Sam, you are not honest. Why do you} put all the good peaches on the top of the} measure and the httle ones below?" “Some ‘ reason, ssh, dat makes de front of your house all marble and do back gate chiefly slop bar’l, ash.” A wouldâ€"he masher accosted a. factory girl on the streets of Augusta, Me., the other evening and wanted to go home with her. She said that he might, and then carefully led her escort into a. water tank that was sunkin the ground. She stood and laughed at him as he crawled out, wet as a drowned rat, and sneaked off. “70mm Jillimke' his place with Cabinét THE WEEK'S NEWS. FOREIGN. uvrul uu-vu u. . in .answer to questions, the Hon. Mr. Ross stated that the subjects of temperance and hygiene are placed on the programme of studies, and the teacher is under the same obligation to teach scientific temper- ance as he is to teach any other subject. That the trustees have no power to omit any subject from the school curriculum prescribed by the department. The regu- lation never intended that any subject pre scribed by the department should be emitted by the trustees. nor is it intended that scientific temperance be omittei. That if the inspector reports that scien- tific temperance instruction is not taught as it should be in any school the grant would certainly be withdrawn. Temperance Teachings in the Schools. A large deputation from the Toronto W. C. T. Unions, accompanied by representa- tives from several of the other temperance organizations,waited on the Minister ofEdu- cation recently for the purpose of receiving explanations as to the posit/mu of the subject; of scientific temperance instruction in the ,,___J, n aunuu...‘- -.. Public schools a;-;&;é;¢:(i the new regqla- tion about to be issued by the Educauon Department. ’ A I, . 11... KT.- W.._....._, -- That the subject of scientific temperance will not be placed on the list 0: departmen- tal examinations for Public school pupils, but every certificated teacher must pass an examination in scientific temperance knowâ€" ledge, whether he be a teacher for Public or High schools. That an authorized temperance text Book will be placed on the list of books to be used b v the pupils in the Public schools. That it is the duty of the inspector to re port upon everything affecting the efl‘iâ€" ciency of every Public school in their dis- trict. There is no means of knowing the regulations are complied with except by ,_ _ -1”... A»... W011 The Longest Wbrd in the Dic- tionary is incompetent to communicate the inex. pressible satisfaction and incomprehensible consequences resulting from a judicious ad- ministration of Dr. l’ierce’s Vavorite Pre- scription, a preparation designed especially for the speedy relief and ermanent cure of all Female Weaknesses, glervousness, and diseases peculiar to the female sex. The only remedy for woman’s peculiar ills, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee, to give satisfaction. See guarantee on wrap- per of bottle. This guarantee has been faithfully carried out for many years by the proprietors. Ambitious Mrs. Leo Hunters are prowl ing about seeking literary social lions in town whom they may devour. A Large Estate. Abroad land is this in which we live, dotted sofithickly withithrifty cities, towns and villages! Amid them all, with ever- increasing popularity and helpfulness, is Dr. Pierce’l Golden Medical Discovery, giving hope and cheer where there is disease and despair. Wherever there is humanity there is suffering, wherever there is suffering there is the best field for this greatest American Remedy. Consumption (which islung-scrof- ula), yields to it, it employed in the early stages of the disease; Chronic Nasal Ca- terrh, yields to it; Kidney and Liver dis- eases, yield to it! If you want the best known remedy for all diseases of the blood, ask for Dr. Pierce’s Gleen Medical Discov-v ery, and take no other. ‘l’hmbe Hicks, of l’etersburg, Va., has married a widower with thirty-one child- ren. She is his eighth wife. Popular Preparation. Pure, Potent, Powerful ! Pallid People Praise, Progressive l’eople Purchase 1 Pasi- tively Pierce’s Pleasant Purgative Pellets. Properly Partakeu, Preserve Physical Powers, Produce Permanent Physical Per- frct on. Purchase, Prove X Sixty-one women in all have made the ucent of Mont Blanc. Of these only three were Americans. Whenever your Stomach or Bowel: go! on! a! or- der. causing Biuouznese DyaEepsin. or Indigestion. and their attendant evhs, In a at) once a dose of Dr. unnone Siomaoh Bin-en. Bell funny medicine, All Drugflnts, 50 cams. The census of England and Wales records 7,668,000 women as wage-earners. A Cure for Drunkenness. The opium habit, depsomsnia, the mor- phine habit, nervous prostretion caused by the use of tobacco, wakefulness, mental de- pression, softening of the brain, eto., preâ€" mature old age, loss of vitality caused by over-exertion of the brain, and loss of na- tural strength, from any cause whatever. Menâ€"young, old or middle-sgedâ€"â€"who are broken down from any of the above causes, or from any cause not mentioned above, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for Lu- bon’s Treatise, in book form of Diseases of Man. Bookszsent sealed and secure from observation. Address M. lV. LUBON, 47 Wellington street East, Toronto, Ont. That; is no prettier ball dress for a. very young girl tbnn one of veiling. white or tint,- od, trimmed with cascades of soft lace and flots of ribbon. 000' No More. Watson’s cough drops are the best in th world for the thront and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. 8!. T.W. are stamped on each drop. Delicuée tints of Nile green, electric blue, heliotrope, and apricot are in high iavor for ball dresses of tulle, lace. gauze, or crepe. CINGALEBII Hun Rasnwnn restores grey and faded hair to its natural color and prevents falling oun. Woman is a: gubject never mentioned in Woman is a subject never mentioned in Morocco, and it would be an enormous breach of etiquette to ask a. man after h: wife or wives. However, there is one story with regard to the harem of the Sultan that is worth repeating whether it is true or not. His Majesty some few years back had a. present made him by the French Govern- ‘ ment of a bicycle. Now, no one could for a moment imagine an Emperor learning to ride such a machine, so he turned it to afar more useful purpose. When there was a. row in Lhe harem the delinquents were brought before the Sultan and the case heard. For punishment the ladies were made to ride the bicycle round the court yard in the presence of the Emperor. The punishment varied in sever ty. A ady who had slightly erred had to ride till she had fallen 05 five times, whereas an old offender had five and-twenty falls to make. Mean- while the Emperor was immensely tickled ‘t watching their exertions. At the solicitation of hundreds of friends of TRUTH and LADIES‘ JOURNAL the publish- er of_these popular Toronto magazines will offer one more competition, which, in the value of the rewards offered, as well as in the number of them, far exceeds anything hithfii‘to attempted by any publisher in the wor . Everything named in the list below will be given away without any reserve or post- ponement under any conditions. The leading rcWard is a. really first-class, exceptionally well and solidly built brick residence, No. 46 Lansdowne Avenue, Park- dale, the most beautiful suburb of Toronto, in all but name actually a. part of Toronto, as the city now surrounds it. The house is the middle one of three, and is in first-class order, newly done over, papered, painted, and centains large parlor, dining-room, kitchen and hell on first floor, and three good bedrooms and large bath- room on second floor : in short, all modern conveniences, and is a residence good enough for anyone to live in. It will be given away subject to a. mortgage of one thousand dollars ‘ at seven per cent. which may be paid off by arrangement or may remainony length of time. This competition will remain open until the 31513 of December next inclusive. It is earnestly hoped that our readers will take advantage of :these most liberal offers at ‘ once. The questions this time are: Where are the following three words first mentioned in the Bible :â€"First, Snow ; second, Wind ; third, Rain. The senders of the first seven hundred and eighty-five letters received at TRUTH Office containing correct answers to those questions will take the following seven hundred and eighty-five rewards, and they will be given out strictly in the order the letters come to hand :â€" THE FIRST REWARDS. 1.â€"0ne fine toned piano, a superior instru- ment . . , . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 8550 2 to G.â€"Five ladies’ solid gold watches, beauti- fully engraved. good timekeepers . . . . . . . 450 7 to 11.â€"Five gentlemen’s solid gold watches, excellent vnlus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . 500 12 to 18.â€"â€"Seven extra fine silver-plated tea. ser- vices, four pieces . . . . . . i . l . . . . . l . . . . . . . . 490 19 to 28..-Ten \‘v'onzor family sewing machines. 540 29 to 4Lâ€"Twelve lgdies’fine black silk dress A FINE BRICK HOUSE GIVEN AWAY‘ pattém's} full length . . . . . , . . . . . . _ . n . . , . _ 42.â€"â€"Brlck Residence and Lot, No. 46 Lnnsdowne Avenue, Parlalnle, 0n: . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . , . . . . . ‘ . . . ‘ ‘ . . n . . , , , . ‘ 43 to 90.â€"â€"Forty~seven new and elegant cruct stands . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . , . . . ‘ , . . ‘ . . . . . . , , . , . 91 to 210.â€"0ne hundred and nineteen individ- ual salt and pepper cmets . ‘ , . . . . . . . . . , . . 211 to 429.â€"â€"Two hundred and eighteen fine, heavy gilvelz-plafied ‘n‘apl-E‘i ng< Ireat Christmas BIBLE COMPETITION, NO. 1'7 Closes December Slst. heavy Silver-platen Ilupruu qua . , i . . . . . . WV 430 to EURâ€"One hundred and sixty fine solid gold gem rings beautifuldesigns . . , . . . . . 960 596 to 7SS.-0ne humired and ninety-one ladies' rolled gold lockcts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573 After this magnificent list of prizes are all given away, there will follow the great middle list, when to the sender of the middle correct answers of the whole competition, from first to last, and the seven hundred and fifteen correct answers next following will be given Lâ€"One hundred dollars in gold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 ‘3, 3, 4.â€"Three magnificent grand Square pianos 1,050 5, 6‘ 7.â€"Three flue-toned ten-stop cabinet; or- fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 8 tolS.â€"-E_ight gzenpleme ' m.w..w... .. . V . . . V , v 16 to 28.~Thirteen ladies‘ solid gold stem-wind- ing & stem-setting genuine Elgiu watches ‘29 to40.â€"â€"Twelve solid quadruple plate silver tea sets, six pieces . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to 70,â€"Thirty gentlemen‘s solid 00in silver hunting case watches . l . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 to NILâ€"Thirty gentleman’s solid aluminum zold watches . . . l . . . . l . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 to 135.â€"â€"Tblrty-one solid quadruple plate cake baskets, new and elegant patterns. . 136 to 305.â€"â€"0ne hundred and seventy heavv :olid silver-plated ladies' pocket fruit nives. . . . . 1 ,170 780 900 5‘35 1,000 306 to 509.â€"Two hundred and (our elegantly bound volumes of poems . . . . . t i . . . . . . . . . 510 610 to 715,â€"Two hundred and six fine silver- plated sugar spoons and butter knives... 206 After these will follow the last, or con- solation rewards, when to the sender of the last correct answers received at the office of TRUTH, bearing postmark wherever mailed 0: day of closing (December Slst), will be given the first one of the consolation re- wards, and to the next five hundred and seventeen correct answers preceding the last one will be given the rest of this very nt- tractive and costly list of last rewards. Do not forget that every one competing must send one dollar for three months’ sub- scription to TRUTH, along with their an- swens. If the LADIES, JOURNAL is prefe rred, fifty cents is all that is required to be sent. If stamps are sent for the half-dollar, three cents extra. must be added for discount. Registered letters or Postoflice orders are, however, the safest way to remit. The competition remains open till the 3151: day of December next, inclusive. Letters wherever postmarked 313‘: December,’ 87, or any date betWeen now and then,will be elig- ible to compete. They must, however, reach TRUTHOfiice not later than twenty-one days after date of clgsing. There is good value for your investment in any case. even if no rewards were offered, as TRUTH is a. weekly magazine of thirty- two pages. and is the cheapest publication, " TRUTH " AND ” LADIES’ JOURNAL 5 no . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V 7 , , , LLEight gentlemen’s solid gold stem- windingand stemâ€"setting genuine Elgin watches . . . . . _. r14 THE MIDDLE REWARDS. the middle one of three, and 3 order, newly done over, ad, and chutains large parlor, itcheu and hall on first; floor, I lwrlrnnfns and large bi).th- Any person can comp-etc} any number of times, and the papers will be Sent to any desired address. As a. direct; investment this would not pay at all, but the publisher’s object is to get his publications into every house in the land, and when once :9. foothold is secured, the papers are sure to be constmt visitors. Address, S. FRANK WILSON, 33 and 35 Adelaide St. “7.. Toronto, Canada. considering size and merit, on the continent. The LADIES'JOURNAL also cannot be excelled as an attractive ladiss’ paper. PATENTS “THE RESERVE FUND ACCIDENT AS- SOCIATION." 10 hlng St. E" Toronto. 0nt. This is the any Accident lnaumnue Assnchtlon in ()nhrio doi n: budmss on the Assessment Plan. For further particulars app'y t 1 CLARKE 4K IUOBIN‘soN. Mnnnszors. Importer of fine Guns, Rifles, Amunicion and sports- mmi'a goods of everv description. On receipt of 815400, 1 will express to any address. an English made double barrel breach-loading shot gun, with cover and tools complete. W. MCDOWALL. 51 King street East, Toronto. Water??? per. hour. Also [look “runâ€"Hand, Hues, or Steam Power. Send for Catalogue. Laldlaw Manulacturlng (10., HAMILTON. 0m. Desiifihgwtd obtain a Business Education, or become proflclent in shorthand and Typewritiug, should all- tend the BRITISH AMERIGAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Toronto Silver Plate 100., SILVER PLATED WARES. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. TO R0 N TO. Sailing during winner from Portland every Than day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool. and is summer from Quebee every Saturday to Liverpool calling in Londonderry to lend mails and passenger for Scotland and Ireland; also irtm Baltimore, v1: Hallie: and St. John's, N .F.. co Livt rpm] iortnlghei) durin summer months. The steamers oi the em zow lnee enll during winter to and from Enliin Pomend, Boefion and Philadelphia ' and during sum war between 91 ow ind Montreal weekly ' Gloss-av and Boston week y. and Glasgow and Ph elphb fognightly: , ,.L,, .4.___.u-_ ___|.. n. Allan Lina Royal Mailuspaamghjps .v. nub...” . For Height, passage, or other Information flu It A. Sohummher h 00., Bulblmnre; 8. Cum: 06. Halifax; Shea. b 00., St John's N.I~‘. ; Wm. Thom} son 5 00., St. John, N.B.; blan&00.,0hicago Love & Aidan, New York; H. Bourliel. Toronto Allnno, Bus 3; 00.. Quebec- Wm. Brookie. Phil-do! pm; 11. A. Allen Portland Boston mum-L We are the only manufacturersof Small American Hog In Canada. These Casings TAKE THE LEAD of any English Sheep Casings, as to size, strength and leugfih. Per keg of 100 lbs. .830 00 Per keg ot 501115.315 00 Smaller quantities, per lb. . .350. Exoman Snssp Camus :â€" I’er keg of 50 bundles l . l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . $30 00 Smaller quantities. per bundle . . . . V . 4 .. 0 65 We also manufacture PU R E ANIMAL F E R TI L I Z E R. composeu of Blood, Bone and Heat. Price, per ton, $30 00. Flue or course Bone Meal, $35 per ton. All Goods Wax-ranted, or money refunded. Goods 1". O. B. at Hamilton. PeTEQE 31 50 Shahâ€"lea ........................ s30 00 Smaller quantities. per bundle . . . . . . . l . . . . . . . . 0 65 Patronize Home Trade. 1! any other dealers are ofl’ering Casings at less than the above, we will sell at their figures if shown the prices. We also magxfgcjure PUR_E_‘AN_I‘MALA 1,000,.unes at new Liné of Railway bum cm. season. Land all (or settlement. Unsurpassed to: grain or stock farms. 480 acres free. To learn how to gel: ic_,_seg£l your address on posts] card. _.......H An 17.-.. m. m mm“-.- Arcade, Yonga street Toronto. For Circulars, etc., Address O’DEA. Secretary BABY’S BIRTHDAY? FARMERS J ‘ flnve been awarded in during be last Von: years. Try also PEE “LE” AXLE GREASE for your “130113 and Home Powers. museum! at QUEEN OITY OILMORKS by SAMUEL ROGERS & GO. TORONTO. mum} EEELNDER/ GENTS; w ANTED cu m, ucuu ,vu. J. m. unculfi"Eesvkfiiéfiiffij‘roronm. MANUPAOWRBR-BZOF THE HIGHEST GRADE 0? Prlce [An American [log (‘aslngs : LADIES' Dress and manfle cutting new and improved Satisfaction guaranteed to teach ladies the full art of cutting all garment: worn by ladies and children. PROF SMITH, 183g QJeen St W., Toronto. Agents wanted. W. MCDOWALL, SAUSAGE CASINOS r. new“! a 00., mummy, 0m VUSE OHIYOUR MACHINERY ONLY THE WELL-KNOWN For Saleâ€"Illustrated descriptive On alogua tree. R. Chamberlin, annnbn. -â€"TEEâ€"â€" TAILORS’ SQUARE. AIIGERS, bore 20 fee! RE LIVING STREAM MARK. by this FOR I‘RIJIJIJMEIIID Uuundh, ule U.§. can all forelgu countries. Engmeers, PI- tem Attorneys. and experts in Patent Causes. Esub‘ listed 1867. Donald Ridout a C0” Tonna- F you have mveutcd anyman usotul, pnwnc m and make money. Write for HAnvnY’s Gums 10 PA- Txm,w A. Harvey, Patent Attorney and publisher of “file Patent Review," Cutawa, Ont. 25 vrs. experience. WORK DR. GRAY'S Specific has been used for the put fifteen yum-a with great success. in the trea'ment o! Nervous Deliillty, and all diseases anhng from ex~ ceases, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ling‘lng in the ears, palpitationxtc. For kale by all druzglsta. Price $51 per box, or 6 boxes for $5, or will be sent by Emil on rcceipz of price. Pamphlet on application. MANETGBA. Farmers going to M miboba. will find it to their adentage to call upon or write to W. B. Gillett, 523 Main Street, VViunipeg, who has improved farms for sale. nu .054“-.. v- ....v “Ma and Ham! hark-“$3. 75am for prism. Informatlon cheerfully furnished without charge. Money advanced to bona. fide set tlers at low rates of interest upon persona. property to assist. them in starting. THE BALTIC with coal. Its patent fire-pot and grate makes it the most durable, easiest; to manage, best to retain fire night and day. and most economical of coal shoves. These were the only stoves awarded a medal for new and meritorious inventionartlgis year: m-I‘f E‘fig-Eékler has not; gotrthen'l write us for info» metion. THE OSHAWA STOVE U’Y., Peerlessflfl THE GRAY MEDICINE 00., Toronto. 'WTJ’Afifii‘PEEMINl-ZNT ' " LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY Nervous Debility. All: INCORPORATED A. D. 1855. Subscribed Capital, - - $3,500,000 Paid-up (Yupilal, - - - 2.300.000 Reserve Fund, - - - 1,180,000 Total Assets, - - - 9.301,le office :â€"Coy's Bldgs, Toronto St, Toronto. STRAIGHT LOANS. 0R CREDIT FUNGIER PLAN. The Company has z: large amount of money to land- on Real Estate securites at the lowest current nee 0! interest repayahle either in one sumor by instalment. as may be Eldesired by the borrower. Applloa. tions may b made direct to the undersigned by letter or otherwise. or to the local representative. of the Company throughout Ontario. As the 00m pany always hm funds on hand no delay need be ex- pectod. Expenses reduced to minimum. Mmtgmes and Municipal Debentures Purcth J. HERBERT MASON, Munaginz Dlreotnr. Wheat, cured of Weakness and Lung Trouble : John Wood, 95 MO. cart 88., cured of Liver Com laint and Billioumn, used only 3 fifty-cent bottles; Eire. J. Besl, e Angus“ Sh, troubled (or years with Nervous Prostrafian, m smnll bottles gave her great relief. Sold at 601:. & '1. F. F. DALLEY & 00.. Proprietary. r SAUSAGE UASINGS. OSHAW'A, ONE, MANUFACTURERS. ABEL FORAIAL. 8303 week Ina expense. paid. Valuable outfit. and particulul free. v.0. "cum: '1'. Axmussa. Maine. ‘ E1. Toaom'o. Mira. ormm'mm. Is the only stove made that will burn wood a coal equally well. It will heat one or more adjoim lug rooms and retain fl." with either fuel all night. It is the larmers‘ wood burner and will make home as comfortable n with a self feeder coal stove. The largestsize is an unrivalled heater for schools, halls and chamb- es. Tue hmily Keystone, the largest firstâ€"class I601?! tor the money made. Is revolutionizing cooking THE ARGAND ‘7 VHE gratith dl- oovery o! the ‘ sens age for I mg the bowe Ind Curing all Bl Liv r and Kidney Om mints. A lood Purifier. A 10' :1 Hamilton who!!!" been beniflwd by It use Lug-s. M._Keenu|_ 192 Robert St. sand I Erysipelas of 2 minding ; Rob‘. ell. 24 south m aughwr cured Epileptic fits the! ears sufl'ering ; Jou- ears sufl'erin ' Jou- uie Binel. 56 plan! pain: go 53‘!

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