“W “.4 TIME TA 10 "‘ H, I A n Rx. ~ 1‘ ‘ 850 ' 7 5.15 1 ~- “at 8 3 l.\ 9 3.30 1“ . ...s. ‘. l; 0 ages l: 8.- ’1 . .. 5:“ r .. . .. 5.51 " . .. ..fl.l-7 ls l 8.30 ‘ .~ .3 lâ€". ...9.18 l.<‘- [1.3. i. l. 9:70 b 1 r‘. v ..9."\ I.“ 0).) L t .r l mod 1.31 7.05 ctr-so SOU' :3. 152. A n'n. Mo'l. “' r' .. all: ‘ . 6.0:; g r t ' " ,...s.is .‘ ri ms . . , . . . . . . . . , 8.33 l l 0.72 o n Him. ..... fl" 1".4 6.35 '." n J l 6.31 ‘ I ll . . . . . . .. l? .i. i l .. .. L20 7." P"... e... 9.23 LS? 7.131 TOTOK'l‘O. l l: Street; 0.30 173 7.3“ City Hal" $.45 1.50 7 ». PROCTOB’S sï¬icr LINE. Connor-ts with all trains. leaving the Palmer HI use Richmond Hill. as follows: Mai tr ExpressNorth & South. ....7.45_ a .1“. Accommodation “ " 11.4.; 5 35 p. in. Exoress North. .35 u Mai South ........ POST OFFICE NOTIC Until further notice. “oils will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" Monmc zâ€"Goiiiu North. mill East apd “’est, including Thnrnliill, Maple. Toronto. Morkhmn,&c. 7.45 Emumo:â€"Going south.Eust and West (as above) 5.30 N. B.--Ro£isterod Letters must be handed in M: least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above ' <1 hours for closing. mentione M. TEEFY. Postmaster. iTlli RICHMOND HILL, Thursday, Dec. 22. '87 p. in Frank Lavarus’ smoked speciacles,25 cents a pair, for sale of, 'J an LIBERAL Store. Atkinson has given away chr . $I50.oo in Christmas presents Since he started his gift sale. House and lot for sale on Centre St. See ad. Atkinson, the direct importer,has Acme Skates, all steel, at 75cts. Re- member the gifts. Nos. 1.2, and 3,‘of Hilghes complete com- position for sale at THE LIBERAL Store. Makeâ€"tiigh eangTad bmlling at Savage‘s for Christmas cards and 'picture frames for Christmas pre- gents. For Cilli<llnfls presents of every descrip- tion go to the LIBERAL store. Nevilggivesmg lbs lresh currants for $I.oo. and 65 bars of good soap for SLOO, and NcVille wont be uln‘ dersold. Go to the LIBERAL store for Christmas cards and all kinds of Xmas goods. Atkinson, the direct importer, has an immense stock of Dress Goods, from 7c. up, and please don’t forget the gifts. Grip’s and Frank Leslie’s comic almanacs for sale at his LIBERAL Storeâ€"10 cents each. Anew and large assortment of ladies’and gents' ï¬ne boots and fancy slippers at Sivers. Call Xmas. before Plush Goods and all kinds of Xmas .pre- seuts at the LIBERAL store. A call solicited. Atkinson, the Concrete Man, will sell you the nobbiest suit at the smallest price and Will give you a beautiful gift in with it. The best assortment. of Xmas presents in the village may be seen at the LIBERAL store. Call and see for yourselves. Entrance Candidates. Fifty-three candidates are writing at the High School Examination now going on in this village. Mr. Rodditt, B. A.. Is the pre- siding examiner. A. F.&A. M, The next regular meeting of Richmond Lodge, No. 23, G. R. C. will beheld on Mon- day evening, the 26th inst, commencing at 7. 30. Clearing sale continues at Ne- villc's. Oi'crcoats worth $10.00 for .7'7.00,0v.crcoats worth $7.00 for c.~5.oo, ()i‘ercoats worth $5.50 for 03.75411 winter goods at reduced prices, Adam and his crowd are nought. I speak not to him but his descendants who are a greater crowd than he saw. Come all and buy your Xmas and holiday confections, Fruits den†’(ukby’s. Fresh large stock just recciv. lie sure to Come. Atkins .r 1:15 a great stock of Furs. no.1 from S1 ‘ up, with the gift throw. in. Lani. s Fur Caps from $1.75 up, with the gift. S 53.13ntertaznments. Don‘t filigglt the Methodist Sabbath scllml Entertaiunulus in Laskay and Thornhill, rs mentlonid il‘ l :l week‘s Lurch,- The f0r~ men to bi :. I ll. Saturday, Dec. 21th. the 1.tttrou ;‘ . :u's Day, Jan. 2nd 1888. j articulaer of Fur Caps, 1 A. O. U. W. Tim Hort regular meeiing of Ivy Lodge No. 114, llichinond bill, will be held in lhe Lodge llooin nu 'luerilay evening next, Dec. 27th. Nomination and election of officers will take plncs. All members are earnestly requested to attend. Atkinson, the Concrete Man, i. give you a grand gilt for every iiio dollars spent, and he will give you better goods at cheaper prices than can be bought any where in the rill- age. Anniversary at Eveisley, On Friday evening, Dec. 30th the anniver- Fnrv of tlic ‘I‘resbyicriau church. Eversley, will be bold. There will be singing and re- cilalioiis bv the children and nddresws by ministers and prominent citizens. A colic-c. tiOu will be taken up. All are invited. The great gift sale at the Concrete House Will be continued until New Year‘s, and Atkinson would like everyone lb come and see the bar~ gins and take the gills. Xmas Tree and Entertainment. The Lutheran Sabbath School at Button- ville “'1†hold their Christume free and en. tertaiument on Sutiirday evening. Dec. 24th. 1887. The entertainment will consist of addresses, music and a. beautiful cantata. After the eiilertuiumcnt presents will be distributed to the school. Admission 156. Atkinson never War. so busy n his life as he has been these last two weeks, and he desires to thank his customers for their patronage and hopes they may havea merry Christ mas and a bright New Year. Winter Goods. Mr. A. Moodie wishes his patrons ii. Merry Xmas liiui anpv New Year, and assures them that be. has a good supply of Wluicr Goods of every dt‘>clillllilll, and invites them to make an iuepeclion of the slime. Give him all early cull. Sabbathgchool Entertainment. We would remind our reader of the annual entertainment of the Presbyterian S. S. to be held in the Lecture Room of the church on Friday 30th inst, at 7.36) p. m. A nice programme has ilt‘ln prepared consisting of Songs, Duels, Recitalions, Addresses, elc. Admislsion 15 cents. Induction. On Tuesday last Rev. W. W. Perceval was inducted in file Presbyterian chnrcli here for the Richmond Hill and Thornhill congrega- tions. The whole ceremony Was interesting, instructive and at the same time. solemn. Revs P. McLeod, J. A. Giaiit,(l. M. Milligau and G.E.Frecmau were the ofï¬ciating millis- ters. A most enjoyable social was held in the evening. Fatal Accident. A sad nocilleiit occurred at Marsh‘s Mill on Monday morning last. The victim was Mr. James Mcb’ridc, the only support of his aged father and mother, who live at Ric-1'- uioud Hill siutiou. He. was caught in a shaft ill the saw mill and terribly mangled, and lived but ‘l short time. Deceased bore an excellent character, iiiid his untimely death will be grieved by all who knew him. At Zion Church. Alllentl‘l'lhllllllelll and iliumirmtlil Xmas tree will be given at Ziou E. Lulllcrau Chuich, 4th Coil. Vaughan, on Monday ev- ening, Dec. 26th, 1887. A good programme has been arranged. Besides the excellent talent spoken of on the posters. there will be singing, recitations and dialogues by the Sabbath School Scholars. Admission 256. All are inviied. Heard From. We were glad to hear, a few days ago, of our old friend, Mr. R. French, who is ‘lOW a resident of the wild region of Rhinelander, Uueida Co. slate of Wisconsin. “Dick†was kind enough to remember us with a most uatural chromo of himself. taken in 9. dense forest. Besides the trees the only object a~ round him worthy of mention are a dog, a gnu. and,as a matter of course his pipe. The leccivcr has had the picture neatly framed, and it now helps to decorate the walls of the LIBERAL oflice. Found. People are daily ï¬nding their way to the new Photograph Gallery, conducted by Mr. Jos. Duiicumb, of Beverley, England. He has taken some fine group pictures, such as the High SobOol pupils, Public School pupils and many private individuals, both Cabinet Photos and ambrctypes. Different costumes for gentlemen supplied at the Gallery. Cubi- nets takeu at the lowest possible price. Call- ery open from 8.30 a.m.til15.30 p.in., except at dinner hourâ€"12 to 1 o‘clockuâ€"Adv-22-29. Anniversary. The Springllill Methodist S. School pur. pose holding their annual tea and entertain. meut in the church, on Friday evening, Dec. 23rd. A choice programme consisiiug of singiilgmeadiugs and rccilutions will be given, Tea “ill be served in the basement of church from 5 to 7 o'clock p. in. Mr. J. T. Suigeon has kindly consented to occupy the chair. All ale cordially invited. Admission, Adults 25c.; Children, non-members 15c. Presentation. Last Thursday. the Rev Mr Shortt and his young colleague, Mr Heuthcote, being on u DflSi-Ol'iilvlslilnfl four, were encountered at Mr Jos Keï¬er's house, on the 3rd Con of Vaughan, by u numerous delegation of par. isliioncrs from Maple and St Andrews. The gentleman up; “:ll"‘d much pleased at the unexpected [1.4 ...:g, and more so when Mr Alfred Keller, ill the. name of the congre- gatious, pl‘c;~ v. ml Mr Shortt with a lovely mountain of - i-s' ’zl robe, and a pair cf ï¬rst- class for mix: ., l gather with some rurrenoy and a. very :1; i... niate address. MLSlJol‘li, with his hum-2- knack of conveying very forcibly a : lual in few words, returned i thanks. Tin; ,pziny spent a pleasant evening. OllClvl l and assisted. so to do by ,‘ the bountiful taut-y of Mr. J. Keï¬er and l family, and :i .y of muSIc, instrumental ’ and vocal in v m. ,l the young people 0f the ‘ localily excel. I L hi the beans present. -.\lr. Alfred K .lddle low caused most ’plcssure cull ;.I..;millcnt.â€"C0)l- , Mr. R. 0. Harvey, of Elder‘s Mills. l Murray Church A niusieial and literary entertainment will be, given in the, ililvherau Churcli, lot 2ll,llth Con. Vaughan, on New Year‘s Eye, UPC dist ‘ inst. The cominiilce have secured chic ‘ilt‘lli. tall-ill, among whom are the followingâ€"er. (RovJ McLaughlin, Miss McLauizlllin, Miss Bertha Wilson, Miss Scott, Mi-s Hallie Mnlloy, Miss L. Hamilton, and Messrs. J. W. Crossley, J. O'Brien, '1'. McCorIimck and James Brett. Addresses will be deliveied by Rev. A. McLuilgblin, of Sherwood, and lli'.0ir, of Maple, will occupy the chair. Admission 20 cents. Entertainment to commeucc at 7 3L) sharp. Tcmperanceville. The members and friends of the Methodist S. School, Tompniaiicaviile, purpose holding the†annual Tea and Enierlniuma-ut on Monday evening. Dec. Ziltli, 1887. The en- tertainment will coiieisl of Readings, Recl- iulioiis, Cboruses, &c. Miss Young. of Thoriibiiry, ii graduate of the Boston Con- scryaiory of Music, will sing. Addresses will be given by Raw. Messrs. McDJw‘cIl, of Spriilgbill, and Rankin, of Aurora. Mr. A. C. Steele, of Aurora, will act as chaiiman. Music will be furnished by the choir. 'l'ca from 4 lo 6.30 p. in. Admission 25 cents. Band of Hope Concert. We venture to say that those who miss the, Band of Hope Concert, to be given ill the Masonic Hull on Monday evening, the Quill of Dec. will feel disap 'ointed when they hear of its success. The programme cannot fail to please. The first port will consist of choruses, Dialogiics.harmoiiica selections (Sac. and iii the second part,“Moliier Goose and her Temperance Family" will be llivell.Snlue of the characters, such as Old Mother Hub- bard, Little, Jl'ck Homer. (lld Women in the Shoe and many otller~,WIll be very amusing. Admission 25 cents,; Children, nonmieinbors 15 cents. Concert will commence at d o' clock. Hope Anniversary Sewices. Anniversary services in Connection with Hope Church Sabbath Scuool will be held as follows :â€"Serumns on Sublnitli, Jain. lsl, 1888, at 2 and 6.30 p. m., by Rev. T. Camp- bell, Thoriiliill. Oil Monday, the 2nd of January, Ibo annqu dinner will be. given to he served from 4 to 6 p. in. This will be followed by an entertainment consisting of Readings, Recitations. dc. like. Dr. \Vilslln, of Richmond Hill, will occupy the chair. Tickets for dinner and ontortniumeni, Hlle. ; entertainment only 20c. The public are cordially invited Nomination Day. Next Monday. at 12 o'clock noon, iii-min- ation for the f'mCPS of llm \‘u and Councillors and also for three Public bcbuol Truswea, will take place in the. Council Chamber here. It is to be hoped that gool men will be nom- inated for each ofï¬ce. In our opinion no person should move or second it motion recommending any gentleman for a posiilou such as the fli)0\'eol)allli‘d without being able to give reasons why he thinks the candidate so nominated would render valuable su- i- ces. And no gentleman should BCCPl'l 2: nomination unless 11911 pveparcd to give ill: word to the electors that, if returned, in , will endeavor to perform the functions o his office conscientiously and well. GOOD NEWs.â€"â€"1t isn't generally under stood that the electric light may sonn- day or other line the furnlers’ path-way on Yonge Street to Richmond Hill. \Voii‘t that be urlilid f In the iiielililillie, 1 Would advise erei'y farmer along the route and every Concession to use the great Rock Spring Coal Oil. The price is so low that you will hold your breath when you hear it pronounced by Dilwm‘th The Druggist, between the Clyde and Nipissing Hotels, Toronto. Vic. Squâ€"are Methodist Church. The members and friends of the Methodist church, Victoria Square, purpose holding their anniVersary sei‘Vlces on the lst and 2nd of January 1888. On Sunday, Jan. Isl: Scr- mous Will be preached at 2.15 and 7 p. m.by Rev. W. R. Barkerpt' Streetsville. On Mon- day, Jan. 2nd a dinner will be served by the ladies of the church, from 4 to 7 p. m., afler which an intellectual feast mav be expected. Addresses will be given by Revs. R. G. D-ivy, of Newtonbrook, W. R. Barker, of Streets- ville and C. A. Simpson, of Willowdale. Music will be provided by the choir. The chair Will be taken at 7.30 p. m. Admission to dinner and entertainment 30 cents; Chil- dren 20 cents: eutertaiumeut only, 15 cents. All are welcome. Mr. Alex. Moore, Mechanim’ Settle- ment, Kings Ci», New Brunswick, says : I am going on 75 years of age and had very little hope of getting anything to re- licve my catarrh. Seeing Nasal Balm advertised, I sent to you for a package. It has done me a great deal of good, I enclose two dollars for a. further simply, part of “high I intend giving to an afflict- ed friend. Canadian Live Stock Journal. We have just received the Canadian Live Stock and Farm Journal for December. and us usual it contains much valuable inform. lion for the general former. It is now in its ï¬fth year of publication. and though started as ll. {IO-pligo monthly it has gone on steadily increasing ill matte-r and interest, as well as in size, uuiil now it appears as n 32-plige monthly. It claims to haw no so- perior in any ofils departmentsâ€"vim, Stock Raising, The Veterinary, The Farm, The Dairy, The 1’0liltr}'.Thc Api:ll'l‘.Hill'lll'lllLlll'e and The Home. We do not lle>iluto in i recommend it to our patrons us the lending farm paper of its class in Canada. The suo- l scriplion price is $1 per ailnum in advance. Farmers not subscribers are requested to call at our oillcc and see it, or to send for sample copies lo the publishers. at Hamil. too, Out. We l'urnhh it. and our own paper together for 1883 for 51.75. A strange phenomenon, which was s lulugely beautiful, excited the admira- lion of a large crowd standingI close to Joseph Hall‘s store, the heavens scenmll radiant with splendor. On a closer in- spection it was found it was a leflt'Cliilil of a number of garments oil a clothes line stretched. across the lawn, which had just been dyed with Sunâ€"Set Dyes. Only live I cents a package. Sold at Dilworth's ; Drug Store, Toronto. I Vaughan Council. The Municipal Council ofthe TownShip of Vaughan met at the Town Hall, on Thursday, the 15th day of December, A. D. 1887. at to o‘clock a. m. I Present : Messrs. A. Malloy, A. Russell, and P. Devins. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last monthly meeting and meeting since were read and on motion sustained. The lollowmg sheep claims were presented :~ I. Reaman, for 5 sheep and a lambs killed and 12 injured, $70 ; James Devins, for 4 sheep killed. $22 ; â€"- Dibbs, for I lamb killed $5- Moved by Mr. High, seconded by Mr. Devins, That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the fol- lowmg claims for sheep killed by dog or dogs, being two-thirds their value :â€" I Reaman, for 5 sheep & 2 lambs killed and 12 injured $46 66 I. Reaman, G. High Less for skills.......................... 3 50 ‘ $43 16 Mr. Dibb. for 1 lamb 3 33 Moved by Mr. Devins, seconded by Mr. High, That the Treasurer be and is hereby autlioriZed to Day to James Devins $14.66, being two-thirds the value of 4 sheep killed by dog or dogsâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Russell, seconded by Mr. Reaman, That lhe Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the folv lowmg road accounts :â€" District No. 1â€" Jumes Baker, ï¬lling swamp between lots 15 and 16, 2nd (loll . . ..... . . $8 20 T Badger, repairing hill on Town Line . . . . . . . . 1 00 \V. R. Proctor. drawing gravel . 7 50 H. Snider. balance due on lumber account. . . . . l 55 John N Boyle, for luinber.......... . 14 66 A. Vluldoon, for lumber and cedar 25 53 Joseph Espcy, cutting hill and filling swamp and putting in bridge between lots 25 and 26, on 2nd Con. . 70 00 District No. 2â€" Robcr'. Rumble, 44 loads of gravel at 10 cents . 4 40 Jacob \Villiams, for liiiiincr, post and ï¬xing culvert . . . . 7 81 S. Shiiuk. for lumber and building bridge . . 36 72 Alex. Cameron, ï¬xing culvert . 5 00 Alfred Lallmer, plank and cedar post . . .. . . . 2 45 ‘u‘b’flilflCU Bros., for 104 loads of gravel at 10c... . . . 10 40 J. L. Card, for Work and material at Elder’s bridge...... 8 00 J. L. Card, work ct- material on Thompson’s bridge...... 22 00 John E. Elliott, 1 elm stringer for Thompson's bridge... 8 84 District No. 3â€" Adam Dalziel, for lumber, cedar posts, nails and work 26 37 Joseph Headman, for pbiiik . 11 25 Thomas Steele, for elm striilger......... . . . 2 00 Samuel J. Arnold, for elm stringer .. .. ...... . 2: 00 Matthew Gowland, hauling plank and repairing culvert on Town Lille ........ . .............. . 63 A. McNeil, for plank . . 1 00 \an. Mellls'n, for spikes . 1 29 Thomas Winters, for cedar posts ........ . . 1 87 Adam Dicenlau, for cedar posts . 1 75 Samuel Hart, repairing culvert, 7th Con.... . . 4 50 Neil Black, cutting hill. 8th Coil . . 74 08 Henry Marsh (per T. \Vatson). for plank and posts...... 13 20 Thomas Webster and Thomas Paul, for building bridge oil side line between lots 20 and 21, in the 10th Own, and 14 lbs. of spikes... . . . . . . . . .1 14 572 N. Doneral, diggiiia ditch on 8th 30 00 â€"Carried. Moved bv Mr. Reaman. seconded by Mr. Russell. That the-Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the fol- lowing accounts:â€" Peter S. Gibson, services as Township Engineer up to date . . . . . . . . ......$27 00 J. Hogan, expenses re. purchase of land sold for taxes... 5 00 J. J. Cameron, for pine wood and cutting same............ 1 55 â€"Carriecl. Moved by Mr. Russell, seconded by Mr. Reaman. That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay Cameron the sum ofï¬fteen dollars, as care taker of Town Hall and one dollar for cleaningâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. High, seconded by Mr. Reaman. That the Treasurer be authorized to deposit the Township Funds in the Dominion Bank, Toronto, and that the Debentures belonging to the Township be deposited with Dominion Bank for safe keeping, and not to pay either Debenture or interest unless up- on the order of the Reeve for the time beingâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. High, seconded by Mr. Devins. That the Treasurer refund the following amounts to the under- mentioned collectors:â€" To \Villiam Patterson. G. Gilinour, left the Township, $1 00 '1‘. Kyle, error ill assessment, 1886 ..... 39 " “ “ 1887 42 D McFarlane, left Township, bitch. . . . . . . . . . .. 2 (m T. West, left Township, 2 dogs 2 00 do. parsnilal property assessed, left 'l‘ownship...... 1 86 Lot 7 in 7th 0011., 8 acres, non-resident 1 55 J. Addison, wrongly assessed, 1 dog. . . 1 ()0 \V. Biiikliolder, “ " “ 1 ()0 ll. Brownies, “ “ “ 1 00 N. Black, “ " “ 1 00 J. Long, “ “ 1 bitch ..... . ...... 2 Oil J. Mason, “ “ dog killed . 1 CO A. Mitchell, “ “ " . 1 00 G. Robson, “ " dog lost.. . 1 00 P. \Vuillau‘, “ “ dog 1 (ll) A. Cameron, “ “ dog ........... . ...... 1 00 J. McDonough, 1 acre wroneg assessed†. . 1 Oil '1‘. Carlyle, assessed ill wroqur section ....... . ............... . 21 Mrs. Duwil, wroneg assessed, 1 dog . 1 Oil To ChaIles Nixon. J. Beynoil, assessed in wrong section G (if; D. Blongii, personal property wrongly assessc 1 ll) T. \‘Vbiic, left, 1 dog ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ll†(fr. Bone, wrongly assessed, 1 dog ...................... 1 “ll A Reid. left, 1 dog ............ . . 1 U†E. Snyder, left, 1 dog ] (lil bIrs. McKay, deiid, l dogr .. 1 (Ni \Ylll. Gzilpiii, dead, 1 (log 1 00 1t Slrocl, I do}; .............. . 1 on \V. J. Gale, 1 dog killed... 1 (NJ #Carried. Moved by Mr. High. seconded by Mr. Devins. That the rate levied for school purpose on 73 acres Lot 3i 4th Con. for school section No. 10 be paid to school section No. 5.-- Carried. Moved by Mr. Reaman. seconded by flir. Russell. That Mr. C. Nixm‘, collector for Division No. I baye tho tints; extended till the first of January 1388. for collecting the l: liar." of taxes of the current yeahâ€"Carried. By-Law No. 523 was then passed appointing Deputy lit-turning Officers for lhe several polling sub-divisions as follows:~-~â€" l'olfiug Subâ€"Division No. l, â€"'l'bom:ls Page. A. if “ ‘3, Peter Brisslllglllwziifc, " " “ ILWE. \Vhillilorc. I. [h is, 4,â€"imodu Richardson. 5.7.1. \\'. Franks. (l,â€"â€"J. Elli-Fllydcu. T.#H. Creighton. Sriï¬. J. Arnold. Til; (founcd lhcn adyourncd .u'uw rlz'w. H .i is H i.