Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Dec 1887, p. 7

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Owing to the reiuul of the St. Thomas Qty Council to gum; an iucrease of salaries, the whole of the city fire deputment hue decided to resizu in a. body. Tho citizens of ‘Vaterloo have carried a. ivy-15w granting $40,000 in lid of the Bur-.111 Ind Waterloo branch of the Canadlsn Pumi- fio runway, only eight votes being recorded sgtinat in. u L 2 CAIADIAI. A hrge number of five‘dollnr bills on uriqu banks, which have been cleverly “raised” to tens, Ire being circultted in Hamilton and Dundas. I,Two of the largest insurance onmpnnles in Montreal intend withdrawing their busi- ness from the Province of Quebec on account of the a Immercial corporation ta! end heavy loam of fire during the year. A mammoth stable, holding four hundred homes, is to be built in Montreal by the Ouuadian Pacific Railway Company to no- oommodutc the rapidly Increasing trade in Ibippingrrunche horses to England. A warrant against Henry Taylor, ex- I’reaidenb and Manager of the Ontario In- vestment Assoclmion, for fraud and embez- zlement of the com nny’a funds, has been grnntod by the Lon on police magistrate. Among other chtngel contemplated on the reorganization of me Poatofli :e Deput- nent, in in reported that the free carrhge of newspuperu sent direct from the oflice of pblicnnion is to be sbolhhed and a. moder- stg {use impqsed. Captain Warren, of Victoria, B. 0., left Ottawa for home having completed the de- hiled claims of the nine British Columbia. Iesleru seized in Behring'l Sen, nmounling to about $300,000. The document bu been fonnrded to Washington. Mora emigranta are reported going through to the Norcb«\Vest this year thnn my previous yen, the opening of the Cana- dian Pacific railway Inning to a mam ex- tent prevanted Americm land agents from influencing new arriulu. A great blockade is inevitable in Manitoba It In early dete if the G. P. R. does not in- «reuse its rolling stock. The com my ie now unnb'e to supply cars, all the 0 enter: in the Province are full, and the storage capacity at Port Arthur in almost taken up, owing to the stoppage of navlgutlon. The nilway officials are doing Ill in their over, but are unable to Intiefy the farmer’l emanda. AMERICA]. At I. large meeting held in Philudopbi: I reaolution was adopted strongly ogguing she Arbitration treaty with Grew ritnln proponed by the British Peace delegnion. The members of the Fishery Commission on Ssiurdey held their last; meeting for this yeer, and adjourned till Wednesday, J enu- try 4th. The long adjournment is consid- ered st Ontawa as corroborating the rumors that a. serious hitch has occurred in the pro- ceedings of the Commission. FOREIGN. The Russian Government have forbidden pilgrims from Poland to present gilt: or 3d- dresses to the Pope on the occasion of his jubilee. ' King Humbert has contributed $4,000 and the Pope $600 to a fund for the relief of sufferers by the recent earthquake in Cale.- bria. The imports of Great Britain during No- vember were £200,000 less than during the same month last year, while the exports were £1, 610,000 greater. Mr. Labouchere, the proprietor 0! Truth, has received anonymously two huge contain- 10,000 new sixpeuces for distribution umong the poorhouse children of London. TH]: Sooialintl of London intend holding a. demonstration on the 25th inst, for the purpose of preventing the special constables outing their Chrittmas dinner: It home. Frank O‘Donnell has been inundated with letters from the United States thronean murder if he proceeds with his action ngninst the London Times. Mr Balfour. the Irish Secretary, is ac~ companied by detectives wherever he goes. Lord Salisbury, on the other hand, will not hesr of a guard being set over him. Mr. Eiward Herrington, M. P., has been sentenced to one month's imprisonment for publishing in the Tnlee Sentinel reports of Iuppressed branchel of the National League. It is said great pressure is being exercis- ed to induce Mr. Gladstone to open another cnmpaign, andmhat he refuses, being lmmers~ ed in literary work. Lnd at the same time is convinced that at present speaking in I. mere waste of breath. It is stated on the best authority thlt the London Time: is del hted to have the libel action brought by O' onuell to detend. It will give the mansgers of that paper the op‘ portunity they have longsought of getting the Parnellite lenders into the witness box. Last week a man whose name in Iupposed to be Berckein called M. Julel Ferry out 0! the Chamber of Deputies, and as soon as he reached the lobby fired three shots from t revolver at him, infllcting two alight wounds. Berckein was at once arrested. It is possible thtt the tip 931 against Mr. Sexoon's assumption of the 0rd Mayornlty of Dublin on the 2nd January, on the ground tint. he has not the necessary franchise qualification, may succeed, And in that case Mr. Sullivan will be re-elected for I third time. The delegates of the Scotch Home Rule League. who have been making a tour of Ireland, report that the Irish people are eager for peace, that their demands are moderate, and that the Nntional Lengue in the chief agency for the maintenance of law and order. The strained relations between Russia. and Austria, which also involve Germnny, still continue. Ibis stated that Austria. will take no immediate Iteps, thua affording Run-i9. an opportunity of explaining her object in massing troops in Poland end in the Galician frenzier, but in is hinted that the Dalegntion mey be immediately enn- moned to vote the war credits. Have You Thought About It? Pain is one of we sure things of life, and it becomes then a most important question to have at hail the quickest and most efficient remedy. Polson’a Nerviliue cannot fnil to cure cramps, toothache, neuralgia, headache and all pain, internal or external. Nerviliue ia the most perfect combination ever offered to the public for the relief of pain. It will not cost; you much to try it, for you can buy at any drug store for 10 cents a trial bottle, which will convince you of its mighty pain relieving power. THE WEEK’S NEWS. A Hint to Farmers’ Boys. Quite often we hear the remark from some bright farmer boy thst there is no fu- ture for is smart boy on the farm ; thst the work is all drudgery, and no reward, either social or finsntiul, to compensate. Looked at from one side there is some truth in this View of the situation. But FOREST AND FAB! wants to say to these boys that if they will go at work to improve their understand- ing, and try to make themselves competent for the upper shelf of good farming, they need not wait long for the rewards that go to the product of good brains. It is a. lack of knowledge and well trained skill that ails the fsrmers boy. They have been groun- lng about the drudgery of the farm, and there they have stayed, never caring to be sny better farmer than an ordinary hired man, and so they take a. hired men's view of the whole business. Boys, don’t you know that drudgery lies at the bottom of every culling in life? If a boy starts to mske a printer or a merchant, a. mecuanic or a doctor, 3. lawyer or a. preacher of him- self, he must always commence at the cheap and of the business where the drudgery lies. After 9 long time, if he has brains and perseverance, he grown more and more intelligent concerning the principles he is dealing with and more skiliul in handling them, and then Comes the reward that lies on the upper shelf. But hard work will never leave him ; not a minute. The pre- clouu gold, from nhetime it is dug out of the mine to the time it is paid for servwe rendered, in tlwavs, in all honesl callinga, the price of toll and sacrifice. u..- I...__ V. a. There are a. thousand farmers working like slaves and competing with each other to make low priced butter, where there is one who ham become intelligent on this ques- tion, :0 that he can nuke a better article nugget better pay for his time and labor. The producta‘of fine thinking are always high priced and always will be. Fine but- ter in the product of fine thinking and in- telligence. and it always will bring good prices. Poor butter is the product oi ig- norance and stupidity, and it punishes the prgducer constantly. There are a thousand farmer-3’ boys con- tent to fill the place of an ordinary hired man and become that sort of a. farmer all their lives where there in one who tries to educate himself in the higher branches of farming, so that he may be able to produce something that will reward him better for his time and labor. Now, boys, instead of grumbling at the farm go to reading and studving. Try to make yourselves intelligent. Educate your- selvel thoroughly as you can in animal farm- ing. If you become competent and skilful in this direction you need non worry about eating good pay for your services. There s a loud call for well educated farmers who are able to take another man’s capital and makea success of it in the production of fine stock. Think it over, boys. Why don t some of the smart'farmer boys see that there is an upper shelf in farming just as well as in any other business? Why don’t they see that cheap brains and half heartedness are crowding the lower shelf in every other business ".3 they are in farm- ing? Every town has its full supply of these people. Down at the lower round of the ladder there is a tremendous big crowd, all competing for the drudgery that’s to be done, and the competition makes low prices. As you go up the crowd gets thinner and prices increase. He Needed More. It must sometimes puzzle the physician to understand how the human system can en- dure the effects of patent medicines which many people make almost a part of their dlily food and drink. A sickly looking man came into the office of a. village physician and said he “wa'n’t feeling very smart,” and wanted something to “ kinder straight- en him out." After he had described his symptoms, which 'did not indicate anything at. all seri- ous, the physician asked. “ Have you been taking medicines of any kind ?" “Well, noâ€"at least none to speak of,” Wu the reply. “ I heard that the Extract of Dnndyline was good for troubles like mine, so I took three pint bottles of that, but it, didn’t. seem to do me much good. Then I got me two bottles of Smith’s Heal- ing Compound and a box of Green’s Sure- Cure pills and took ’em, and I kinder think they helped me some.” “ Yes; In} 'wife fixed me up a. mess of poke-berry and calamus and mullen and rue and boneeet and tansy and a few other yarbs, and I took that for a. while, until one 01 my neighbors sent me over something he’d bought the recipe of from a gypsy woman. It helped me for a while. “'Did‘you take anything else ?" asked theggxused phys_i_cia.1.:n_. " Then I didn‘t feel so well, so I changed ofl'to some atqu I bought of a. pedler, and a. qgipinefiyvice a. dgy. “ I ain’t taking anything now but a little of the Elixir of & Hundred Roots and some bitten. I aim: gaining very fast, so I thought I’d come in and see if you thought I needed anything else.” No other term than the above would apply to the woman who could see her youthful beauty fading away without a. pang of re gret. Many a. woman becomes prematurely old and haggard because of functional de- nngement. What a. pity that all such do not know that Dr. Pierce‘s Favorite Pre- scription will restore their organs to a. nor- mal state and make them youthful and beautiful once more, For the ills to which the daughters of Eve are peculiarly liable the “ Prescription” is a. sovereign remedy. It is the only medicine sold by druggists under a positive guarantee from the manu- facturers, that it will give satisfaction in evuy case, or money will be returned. See guarantees on bottle Wrapper. An Extraordinary Phenomenon. Ifyou drop yourcollaretudthereis one sure method of finding it. After you have hauled the chest of drewers, and bed, and all the furniture across the room to look under them, then replace the various articles and put on a heavy pair of shoes ; start to walk serous the room, and before you have taken three steps you will step on the collar stud Ind Imash it. Stys the “ Philadelphia. Record” :â€"No railroad is so poor that. its otficials cannot ride to and fro upon it in parlor cars which are carpeted, frescoed, furbished ind fur- nished with a. luxuriousness beyond the dreams of ordinary nabobs. Its rails may be worn to splinters, its ties rotten, its bonded debt kicked about the streets and its employees unpaid, but its direction will be as gorgeous as the woods in October no, matter what may happen. little A Babe in the House is the source of much sunshine and joy, brightening many a dark cloud and ligh ten- ing many a heavy loadâ€"but joys continual abide only in a healthy body. The Creator with great wisdom has distributed over the earth veaetable remedies for every ill of human kind. This marvellous Laboratory reveals its secrets to man only by long and searching labor. Few men have attained greater success than Dr. R. V. Pierce; nor devised for suffering humanity a greater production than his “ Golden Medical Dis- covery,” the unfailing remedy for consump- tion in its earlier stages. as well as for chron- ic nasal catarrh, scroinla, tumors and all blood disorders. Fools rush in on a. lightning express train where angels would hesxtace to approach on a canal boat. “ That; Miss Jones is a niceJooking girl, isn’t she ‘3" “ Yes, and she‘d be the belle of the town Sf it wasn't for one thing.” W hat‘s that ‘3" “ She has catarrh so bad it; is unpleasant to be near her. She has tried udozan things and nothing helps her. I am sorry, for I like her, but that doesn’t make it any less disagreeable for one to be around her." NSW If she had used Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy, there would have been nothing of the kind said, for it will cure mtarrh every time. The gentleman so often spoken of in novels, who riveted people with his gaze has now obtained permanent employment at a boiler mmufactory. Free! Free !! Free! H A Book of Instruction and Price List on Dyeing and Cleaning, to be had gratis by walling at any of our oflices, or by post by sending your address to R. Parker & 00., Dyers nndCleanex-s, 759 to 763 You 6 St, Toronto. Branch Offices: 4 John gt. NZ, Hamilton : 100 Colbome St, Brantford. “ Does it ply to be good ?" somebody asks, and the first; impulse of everybody else is to answer, “_‘It does if there is any danger of your being cnught.” People who an subject to bad brenlh. Ion] nomad. tongue, or any disorder or the Stommh, can u onct be relieved by using 1):. Oamcn‘a 8001th Blue». in aid and Med romedv. Ask your Drugzlnt Men talk of its being hard times for the poor, and yet a. poor man can to day buy a locomotive for $9,000 which would have cost; $30,000 twenty yeirs ago. “ A young man, obliged to invent: instant- ly some excuse for a. long golden hair on his eom; sleeve, stammered out that he “3-39.17 next to the b-b~utter at dinner.” A Cure for Drunkenness. The opium habit. depsomania, the morphine habit, nervous prostration caused by the use of tobacco, wakefulness, menu] depression, softening of the brain, em, premature old age, loss_of_vital.ty causeq Cmoumn Hun Rmnwnn restores grey and faded hair to its natural color and prevents falling out. by over-exertion of the brain, and less of natural strength, from any cause whatever. Menâ€"young, old or mlddle agedâ€"who are broken down lrom any 01 ‘he abme causes, or any cause not mentioned above, send your address and 10 cent» in stamps for Lubou’s Treatise. in book form, of Diseases of Man. Books spnt sealed and secure from observation. Address M. V Lvsox, 47 Wellington street East. Toronto, 0115. Many a. homely, unattractive girl gets a. husband on account of her pa. value. Cofl‘ No More. Watson’s cough drops are the best; in th world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that theletters R. & T.W. are stamped on each drop. A Chinamw came to a. companion of mine and said, “ I have bought: me a wife and I only paid forty dollars for her.” " But; she is deaf and dumb; what do you want with such a wife T” was mid. ” 0, she can take care of my children and my rice," the man answered heartlessly. It; in woman’s lad estate all over China. Whenever your Stomach or Bcwela go. out of oz- dsr, causing Biliousnesa, Dy epsia, or Indigestion, and their attendant evils, 33 e at once a dose of DI‘. VDI'BOD'B Stomach Bitters. Bass Emily mediums, All Dragglata. an sense. “Mr. Bedlar’s wife had eloped the day before. “My dear fellow,” said Danton; “I'm heartily sorry for you." “You’ve heard of it, then, have you 1’" “ What, of your wife’s elopement? Why, it's allover town.” “ Oh, then you didn’t hear about her carrying off my new silk umbrella l” HUB ! Coven Cum: cures in one minute. TCIIING PILES. Smyrnaâ€"Moisture : intense itc-hingand stimzing; meat at. night : worse by scratching. It allowed to continue tumors (onn, which often bleed and ulcer- ate, becoming very eore. Swnun’s Um'num'r stops the itching ané bleeding, heals ulceration, and in many case: removes the tumors. It is equally effica- cious in curing all Skin Diseases. DR. SWAYNE & SON, Proprieturs, Philadelphia. Swnun's 015nm” can be obtained 0] druggists. Sent by mail hr 60 cents. A, l“ 377 (Menulacturer of Gold and SllVEl’ Watch Clues, Jew- ellery em ). will send by msil. prepaid, a genuine Roekofi Open Face Nk kel Watch. No key "@1le for winding and setting. This is not a cheap, trashy fraud, got up to swindle the bublic, but an excellent boys‘ watch. Good txmexeeper. strong and durable. Does not require a chopping axe to open it. Does not snap and cloee like a match or t-‘bacco box. It has not got npxper dial, nor have you to sit up late at night and get all the lamin to he p vou give it the necessary 160 turns to coax it to go. but a regular watchâ€"dial, spring and winding like any other watch. Thousands of them have been sold at”. Catalogue tree. On receipt; 0! $15.00, I wilf express to any address. an English made double barrel breach-loading shot- gun, with cover and tools complete. w. MCDUWALL. 51 King street East, Toronto. WW PATENTS Importer of fine Guns, Rifles, Amunition 31nd spam: mgu‘a goqu of gvervr dgscljjption. To BOG G A N s. NOWSHOES, Wholesale M and new". Diecounta tn Clubs and Dealers. Send for Catalogue A.T. LANE, “fléfi‘s‘fifL MONTREAL. w. MCDOWALL, Church Street, Toronto, 0N RECEIPT 0|“ $‘I I“: am: --luuaurnneu uuwnpmve Lflt‘ Jogue tree. E. Ohnmbur‘in, Toronto WQRK Pliul‘lflil‘lllm Gamma. the 0.5. Am all foreign countries. Engineers. Pa tpnt Attorneys, And expertn in Patent Causes. Eshb llshcd 1867. Donald 1‘. Bldoul ‘t 60.. Torunk5. MERCHANTS CALE‘SKINS W t PURE LIVING STREAM. a AIIGEIIS, bore 20 fee. pm- hour. Also Rock Drillsâ€"Hand. Home, 01 Steam Power. Send for Catalogue. Laldlaw Manulncturlng 00.. Humans, 0n Provinces and States, touching both the Atlauoio and Pacific Oceans, are represented this year among its students. Send for 18th annual circular. W. B. Roam- ON'I‘ARLQ 55mg [N ESS son and J. W DR. GRAY'S Rpeciflc has been used for the putt fifteen yen-5‘ with (red luccess. in the treaunen: of Nervous Dehillty, and all diseases a'ifiing from ex- cesses. over-worked brain, loss of vitality, flinging in the ears, palpitation,cw. For an]: by I." druugists. Price 31 per box, or 6 boxes for 85, or will be sent by mail on rcceip‘ of price. Pamphlet on :pplicacion. W SC]ATII3A.â€"An efl’ectual remedy invented and vrepnrcd by S, J. Lancaator. Ior Sciatica, Inflammatory Rheumatifim, Neuralgin, Gout and Lum- bago, who was cured himlelt p it atte't being three yea.” on crutches. The reme y will be expreused to any part of Canada to any pennn sufiering the above complaints who order it. Send for circulars. Price 0! 8oz. hottles, Lmlment 81.00, Pills 250. Sn,- LAN- CASTER, Petrolln. out. anuntu Silver Plate '00.. SILVER PLATED WARES. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. TORONTO. Desiring to obtain a Business Education, or become proficient in Shorthaud and Typewriting, should at- tend the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE for us. Cash furnished on satisfactory guaranty. Address 0. S. PAGE. Hyde Park, Vermont, U.S. sPeerlessOil NINE GOLDMEDAL “"2321:saa1wymgg‘éwomamassémm ummmmd at QUEEN crrv OILIWORKS by SAMUEL ROGERS & OO. TORONTO. BAR AND TRADERS GENERALLY. We want a GOOD MAN in your locality to pick up FARMER$ & THRESHERS, THE GRAY MEDICINE (30., Toronto. Nervoug Dwilimy. WINDSOR. 0N'l‘. mmw WIRES M 1m»: WORKS: :3 2 r 4'1 We are offering special in- 7 ’ w ducements to purchasers of Iron Fence for delivery this falL 1-", 11",, ,,,L__ LL- 11-..; A-) Arcade, Yonge street, Toronto. For Circulars, eto., Address C. O’DEA. Secretary SAUSAGE BASINGS. HWAmnnm'or ms monusr mum: or TRADE “.GRAHAM .9 (‘0. 283 , Yonge 513., Toronto, dealers in i I“ kinds Band and Orchestra Instru- ments. both New and Second-Hand. 1 Instrumental Music, Music Books, etc. In- itmction Books for eVery Instrument g Agents for Carl Fischer’s BAND 5: OR- cnxa'rm Music Send for Catalogues. DELI/131 LLE, ONTARIO. USE ONEYOUR MACHINERY ONLY THE WELL-KNOWN FORAIL. $30 a week gum eypequm raid. Valuable oumflnv Rad particulars roe. PA). VICKERY. A'wunm, M {Ling pur "N803! Principals. BUTCHERS ()0LL E411“. Balllng durlng winter from Portland every nun. any and Hnlllax every Saturday to Liverpool, 3nd I! summer from Quehee even’ Saturday to leorpul. oalllng at Londondarry to land malls and pagans-r for Scotland and Ireland; also fnm Baltlmorn. vlv Halifax and St. John's, NJ‘. to Liverpm! lorhn!ghlly durlnrz summer months. I‘he steamers of lhe Glu gow llnaa null during winter 00 and from mum. l Poruand, Boston and Phllsdelphla; and during oun- mer between Glasgow and Montreal weakly; alum and Boaton weekly, and Glasgow and Phllsdalphll lonnlghtly. For freighfl, pass 9, or other lnlormulon a lily M ‘A. Bohummher & 0., Baltlmore - 8. Cum 00.: Hallmx‘ Bhoa 5:00., St. John‘s rim ; Wm. Thomp- [son a 60.. m. John, N.B.; Allan&00.,Chl Inn“ 8: Alden, New York; H. Bourller, Tom nl . Allnns, Rae a; 00.. Quebec - Wm. Brookle, Phlladfl | phla: H. A. Allen PortlnnV Boston Mansion] F v~u hue invented anythinzusefulgmmnt “Ind I n s a money. Write (or Dunn's um! 10 PA- nun,» A. Envoy, Patent Attorney and publisher of "er Put-at anicw," Ottawa. Ont. 25 yrs. experienoa. N All New York papen Wyckofl'. Senmans & Beno- diot challenge all wricimz machines to a test 0! speed with the Remlngion Standard Type- wrucr. For particulars apply to GEO. bENGUUGH, Canadian Agent. 36 King St. E... Toronto. In the Church of Romeâ€"10th editionâ€"cheaper in price, 832 pages. AZFII‘H.LadiL'E 0r Gentlemen, to sell thistvm, chmuma and Tmoxc book. Libenl termfi. ADDRIss, A. G. WATSON, Tononm WILLA“ TnAo'r Dnosrmav, TORONTO. RABY'E Baa-mama A’llfi’ Lint? Royal Mgilfl steamslgml We are the only manufacturers“ Small American H i In Canada. Them Casings TAKE THE LEAD of my English Sheep Casings, as to size, strength and length. Per keg 011001119. .830 00 Per keg of 50 lbs. .815 00 Smaller quantities, per lb. . .350. ENGLISH 85mm, Canvas :â€" Per keg of 50 bundles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 830 N Smaller quantities. per bundle . . . . . . . .. 0 65 Patronize Home Trade. If any other dealers III offering Caaingq at less than the above, we will sell“ their figures it showu the prices. We alwo manufacture PU R E A N I MA F E R T l L I z E R. composea cl Blood, Bone B Meat. Price, per ton, $30 ()0. Fme or coarse Bone Meal, $35 per ton. All Goods Warranted, or money refunds-1. Goods F. O. B. at Hamilton. F. ROWLIN at (10., HAMILTON, ONT: MANITOBA. Farmers going to Manitoba. will find it to their advantage to call upon or write to W. B. Gillett, 523 Main Street, Winnipeg, who has improved farms for sale. Informatlon cheerfully furnished without charge. Money advanced to bona. fide set tlers at low rates of interest upon persona. property to assist them in starting. years suffering ; Jen- nie Blrrel, 65 Walnu‘ Street, cured of Weakness and Lung Trouble : John Wood, 95 Unle- cart 31'... cured of Liver Com laint and Billiousneu, used only 3 fifty-cent bottles; rs. J. Baal, 6 August. SL, troubled for years with Nervous Frustration, two small bottles gave her great reliel. Sold at 500. a 81. F. F. DALLEY (it 00., Proprietors. CHINIQUY’S FIFTY YEARS. Price List American flog Casings : A Beautiful imported Birthday Card “an -.,bo any baby whose mother will send um ’ nnmu! of two or more other babiee. and that parents addresses Also a. handsome I)“. moud Dye Sample Card to the mower use much valuable information. VVellno Richard-on £703... phylum; $TONTGHALLENGE. SAUSAGE CASINGS .g 4% rpHE greatest an; “mnm -a «LA _...-

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