AT TIE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO L‘Mnkful for the favors of the past 20 years umv stillbe consulted in any branch Of the pro- x'NSiOn, as follows: , \ won-9., 1st.8th,15:h.a.nd 22nd of enrh month Richmond Hill.. .. .Mh andZ-lth ï¬n (mtthel’ulmerï¬ouse) ‘_ SUI-l UR SDAY Shouffville .. M u'k [mm A. . Victoria ï¬qum‘e. mlsth '10. 20th in. .. 2lst do. (“war-thin, Walk use. 23rd do. ‘V-m‘ibridge .. ...28th do. Kla‘mhurg .. "291m do. Nq'fleton‘... .. ...‘.30th c Vitulizer‘l Airï¬lwuyq on hand at ammintmeuts Works hke a. charm Free from 1min. Sï¬ourfville . .. . M wk [mm . . . . . Vi'ztorin §qumre..,. .. Furl-M11. Walker House Best ï¬tting Teeth made. Nnthing in' \rinr in the mid Dentistry. Prices low and \‘itulized Air used unv time. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No. 14 Building & Loan Chambers. No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ceâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES ‘1 A. G. F. LAWRENCE. '1‘. C. MILLIGAN. R 0 {YEâ€"RS 1) m“ o.\ USSR Q , Ton onto Ofï¬ceâ€"No. 10 King St. \Voet. Markham Omccâ€"Oppositc Tre- mout House. Mam SI. Mr Grngnry or Mr Holmes will he at the Mark- ham Oflice every Saturday from 9 u. m to 7 p m Io-‘Mist Toronto I‘nistiH- IMP 101' (‘0 "1\'§i(-inns& Snrwnns,0nt..flnfe n? St‘nnfï¬'ille .m-In Qtreet. Rinhmnnd Hill. Ofï¬ce Hours to \0 n.. m.. 5m 8 p.111 HQLMES 4% Eggchrg Eflzxtrhts. L41 Yongs Shoes, I ‘ext door to the new Arcade Fullerton. Cook «5 Miller, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS 6m \FFICE: 18 KING S'IREFT EAST, TORONTO. Richmond Hill P.O. Every Saturday. J SFullartou. W Cook, J. R. Miller L? PMVATE FUNDS To nun. " Funeral Furnishings Always on Hand Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, 85c†THE LIBERAL $1.00 per Year. Address A ROBINFON L.D.S..Anro1a Ont Dr. James Langmuir, AND DI'.‘J. A. Palmm'. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. niglxtculls atfront‘ dour bell. (mire LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN. $1 per annum, in advance. E. I“. MORI‘IIY. SDN k (30.. Manufacturers & Importers of Intchts. Elochs, gmcllrrg, §ilbtrm1c :mh ®ptiral (Sachs. SPECTACLES FOR EVERY SIGHT. W D GREGORY Barristers. Solicitors. Conveyancm‘s. &c. Private Funds to Loan at Lowest Pntés. Underlakors a: Emlm liners. BUSINESS CARDS. ‘ @9119 5.1157111ch VngILIZEQ £131.? 1?. MeMAEON, EDTOR and PROPRIETOR. WRIGHT BROS, IS PUBLISHED EVERY Dr. \V. J. “'llrunn. Richmond Hill. USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. SURGEON DENTIS'“ 'amdirafl. Ernnt. {mun}. 10 a. m r EVENING .TORO N TO G W HOLMES Ofï¬ce hour on farm prnpnrty. Intervst_ low. Terms No valuation or cummissmu fees charge Apply to -A . â€"pvâ€"vv1‘-\Y Linensefl.-\'mcim1per fn- spentflllly Stulir‘its you inï¬nenr-u. Sn‘les attend and at reasonnbk; mtes Box 96 Licensed Aucti'meer for the County of ank, re~ spertfully snlir‘itvs Your putrnnng-o and friendly influence. anes attended on the slm'toct notice and at reatsonabe rates. P. U. aduress. King. 15 Toronto Sm. Tomnto. an Rich’d Hill 16th Ann! 1887. um LiI‘echfl Ontario (I General 5 co “.0 reus L‘nensed Aur‘tioneer for the (Tommy at Y'n‘k Sales attended on the shm‘tt‘sf nnt‘ir‘eï¬md at ten (the rates. Address Stnufl'wlle T‘. 0 19mm? WEEKS. MONEY! MONE THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Havingy reï¬tted the above House and furnish- ed it in ï¬rst-cam: style. I am prepared to nge the public the best 0" accommodatxml. Excellent stabling and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A good livery in con. uectx'un. Terms #1 net duv. All kinds of Wood, Iron, Galvanized Pipe, Iruu‘ Brass uml Porcelain Cylinders. All kinds I‘f Winter Runs. \VelLDiuqing Curbs Curb Rings and Cistern Tanks made to order. Repairing done on shunest. notice. Bcnj. BI'IIliugt-r. Pruprivlor. GRAND GEMRAL HOTEL. The nudersignedhavmg taken pnsseusinn of the above commodious hunel will‘clleerfully cater to the cnmhrt oi the travellmg public. Best hmnds ofliqum'snnd cigars. Au attentive bastler andguod stubling. Rooms for commer- cial travellers. (i GILNIHUR, Prop. Every accommodation for the travelling public Good stamina and 1m attentive hustler. Best liquors and cigars. gaudy {gm gintrl. Every accommodation to guests. Board, $1.00 per day ITHE UNION MEDICINE 00.. Toronto. Can WM. JACKSON, Proprietor Highlv Concentrated. Pleasant, Eï¬ectuul, Suï¬: Tnko no other. Sold everywhere. Price 75 cents per bottle. DR. HODDER’S Issuer of Mm‘rmge Livenses for the County of Yor Sold everywhere. Price 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors 21nd munumcturerS. cough & Lung Cure PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN rm and Per-1. G0 u‘nl sulcs of stock reusouuole rates Ea Léwam @ï¬ï¬ï¬sg flï¬ï¬â€˜mflag Rnsmnxn ASK FOR DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. 158 KING STREET EAST. TORCNTO Leeds Richardson. “'JVI . I: F. L L. Propriolor. S‘nh‘m [it-karat ï¬:isrrllunron5. \mvs 1‘. § N . J. A rmsn‘on: LAWRI‘L'CF. &, MILLIGAN tinneer for the Cmmti er-l. Goods sold on on of stock. etc., prmnpflj ‘le rates. P. 0. address S. M A large amount of RECHMOND HILL, THURSDAY. JANUARY 12, 1888. Maury. for the (Immtv nf YM‘ILTP» our "Ma-Imago nnd fl'iPfltuy ‘lll‘ed (m the shortest untn-e V ‘Bm-rxsters. eta. mnto,and Richmond Hill Brown. VIC'I‘ORIA SQUARF 0 Adm-01:9 EssentialS, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in ail things, Charity." iCURES Blond from What.- onver cause arising Female Weaknesses and general (lehility l Purely Vegetable, MAPLE Oxw Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Biliousuoss, Sick Headache. Kidney Troubles. Rheumatism, Skin Diseases and all |Ignpuri§ies of‘ the USIONVIIJ I} mmties of Y0) k .uWErm. nmont. ‘mpfly wieuded MAPLE Minutes of Regular muud Hill Fire Brlun Chamber an evening( Cunt-din Pugsley in Minutes Hf meeting and 16 h road and up The SecL‘y renderet ltainment. on New Ye; ' ml pruceeds MI» 3925 Heft balance $74 TU. In previous cmextuim the must, successful y» he tendered lheil' co up! n Brigade us in Cu this Cumm passrd “if so Mm‘ed by For. Reddlu Hf llIiSl their ser â€"C:u‘rie b'ur. Lcedqm lemen “II†:hiuhly Cum-n. Moved by Fireman McKeIIzie.sec-Indud by Fur. Shellpuld that {he Him-k4 nf Ihis irignde he tendered tn the. citixens and snrrulmdim‘l lulmlnlvnnts who so wdlmuly and lilwrully Cullll‘ll)’|f:d towards the suhshutiul Mllllvt‘r that was served up «In New 1wn"s.â€"U:Irru-LL Chmles Powell, George Uurnllamfllms Bird candidates proposed at last. Regular Meeting were then ballcted for and Cum. appointed Firemen Sheppard and Mo Mahuu distributors of bullnts. The l)..| lots were passed for the Candidates and each and all elected. Capt. Pugsleâ€"y un vacating the ch-xir thanked the members .uf Brigade fur the energy displayed by them in cmnmctiuu with late entertainment and :lev for the Countesy which had been shun-u to him In Gawain during the pum yezu ;he felt Im-ml uf (he Brigade and deemed it '4 great hula or (-0 be [he seuiur uï¬icu' nf such a. cw“- puhy. This bein; the that Regular Meeting nf the year the electh u! utï¬Curs was the- next order of business. On nmtiun of Srzct‘y swmmled bv mull Bruwnlec. Flrenmu G. Trench appointed chun'umn. The chairman appointed Fuemrn Mc- Mahon and McKenzie to act as scrum- neers and called for uuunn xliuus fur the ofï¬ce of Captain. W. H. Pugslrv Wns elected to ï¬ll this . flice by acclamation. Nominations \vere then received for the nfl'ice of Lieutenant and Messrs. P. G. Savage, T. F. ll’chdhun, C. E. Sheppard and G. Trench were prnpnsed and ballots were ordered to be passed, and it was Iound that P. G. SflVilL'O was elected. NUUIillfluul18 fur Svct’y, and H. A‘ Niclnulls wan declared elected by neclaula tiun. Fur Treasurer RG. Savage was elected by acclmnation . For Foreman of Hose B Redditt was elected by acclmnatiuu. Fur Foreman of H. & L. C. E. Shep- parfd wits electredAby aceiamatign. For Steward Firzgmen U Trench, C. 'l‘revethan, A. McKenzie, '1‘.F. McMahon were nominated and Fireman G. Trench elected. For Auditors Firemen '1‘. F. McMahon and \V D. Atkinson were nominated and elected by acclanmtion. ’ The otlicers elected returan thanks to the members for the hnnur conferred on them by clecting them to ï¬ll positiuns in the Brigade. Moved by Fur. Redditt wounded by Fireman G. Trench that a. special Vote of thanks be tendered to the Sect’y fur the efï¬ciency with which he has ï¬lled the po- Simonâ€"Carried. The Sect’y thanked the members for this vote uf thanks. aned by For. Savage seconded by Fireman McMahon that J. H. Sanderson be thanked for acting as chairman and his earnest endeavors to bring the enter- tainment to a successful issueâ€"Carried. \V. Storey declined sending in his re- aiglmtinn and dld not. wish his connection with the Brigade severed and his name was allowed to remain on rull. The thanks of the Brigade were also tendered to John Palmer for the use of his table and chairs on motinn uf For. Reddm seconded by Fireman Healy and callied unanimously. ' The Firemen wer'e than paid their sala- ries for the year 1887 and dispersed. Pay Roll amounted tn $40.00. <The Menireal police {mice is to be re- organized and increased. One hundred and ï¬fty additional men are required. Fire Brigade Meeting es of meetings I read and app? :cL‘y rendered : 31m New Year’ eds h) 1)» $593 7 Luce $74 TU. T ms eniextuimne Vice nll idwn, Llntt‘he lndim and 2 lm nssishd at, the Gunmen numeuded and that the 'IL §rigude be 'endcred tn Ilium )f Regular meetimz of Kimâ€" G‘ire Brigade held in Commii |evening of Jan. (ilh 1888. ’ugsley in Hue chair. .f meetings heid on Dec. ‘Ind ad and approved. y rendered a repurt of enter- succesaiully. the Unp'nln endered a repnrt of enter- kaw Year’s shuwing the to- 1)» $93 TO.e-xpenses $19.00 1'4 TU. 'I‘nis bv referring lelminlnents proveq {u be ssfnl yut. hehl. 'iremzm Trevethah. second I A. \Vriuht that the uhch H. A. NICHOLLS, Sect’y. sec‘mded hV c unlug Il'( ht or nu Tuesdul whch the and visitnr Hating of u cies of the by ladl Nuble when: Johnston \Vuchulv A. Carley; F Smelsm D. Kinnet day’s lull \V Johns Matuesuu II’IIIBIIHUI- le Ht Our are imam wnnuut, une‘ W: truss amulmr will Shun Lut'n up and occupy the pre- mlscs. The lriewls uf blle Methodist Church, Maple. llILbIIIl lm.\'1n_' a grand oyster sup~ par and concur! on; Monday err-hing, the 23ml inst. U:- mbhath anniversary ser- mons will be preached hy RewDr. Brlggs of Toronto, nmruing and evening. The concert, wxll consle nf clmice snngs. Read- lngs, I'Lccflnliuns. d'c , by talented per- :mnu frmn THI‘IHICU and elsewhere, and no doubt this will be the best of the suasun. See bills. Missionary sermuns Wul‘e preached tlll‘nughullt the Maplu circuit last, sabbath, by Rev. blasts. Julhkfe, Hf Tnl‘untu, and Snupsuu, n! Rwlnnund Hill. 0n Munday Simpson, «:1 Rwlmmnd Hill. 0:) Monday evanng mxsm‘mal‘y servxces Were held 111 Mm lVlerhudLsL ‘Jnu'ch ut Lh's Vllluye, when Slil‘l'ln: add-esses were given by the above m-mud gentlemen. I)lSA>'l‘i'.Ul-S Aâ€"The mush intense exâ€" rilrmrmt L- f- It in the fluuriahlng Village nf Kichmmnx lill! mu! ils amrrmimiiiu;_gsI £er incm am: mVuaied, :.f Human-bus families Whomciiyitlng, in the must beautiful ('ulurs; in but all the (mlurs (If the ruin- hnw, hy mm}; the pupuhu‘ Sun Set Dyes, unly live veins a package. Sold in the 12ityuu|y by Jnaeph Dilwunh, the Drug- glbt, 170 King St. East, between the Clyde and Nipissing Hotels. TorOIlLu. The Richmond Hill Circuit of the Melhn- dist Church will (I). V.) uold a. Convention in the Lecture Room of the Church at. Ricu- mund Hill, on Wednesday, Jan. 18th. 1868, for the purpoes of discussing subjects hear- ing directly upon Church Work and interests, and for Mutual Improvement. The Conven- lion “ill open at 10 a. in., with Devotional Exercises, after which the following subjects will be introduced : 1. â€"’1‘he best method of conducting :he Glass-Meeting. led by W. H. Glass. 2.â€"‘.Vhat is the best system for raising Circuit Finance-4? Led by William Trench. 3,â€"(Jun the Prayer Meeting be made more productive of Spiritual Fl'ult,lllld how'! Led by J. A. E. Switzer. 4.â€"\Vhat should be the attitude. of the Church towards our Educational Institutions? Led by Isaac Cl'U’ibV. 5.-â€"Are we, as a Circuit. doing our share in the support of Missions? Led by \Vm. Lawson. 6.â€" How can the latent ubi- lity of our Church be more fully and proï¬t- ably deVeloped? Led by W. H. Harrison. 7.â€"â€"\Vbat is the duly of Church M iubers in time of Revival Services 1’ Led by H. Hop- per. 8.â€"Wlmt is the best method for rais- ing money for local interests. paying church debts. Sic. ? Led by Wm. Atkinson. 9.â€"â€" ‘ \-‘liat is the duty of Church Members on Quarterly Meeting day? Led by \V. P. Mun- roe. 10.â€"Wnuld it be advisable to divide the Richmond Hill Circuit, making two se- parate stations? Led by George Brown. The leader of each subject shall be allowed ten minutes to introduce his subject, and iii the discussion following no one will be allowed more than ï¬ve minutes, nor shall any one be allowed to speak more than once to the same subject until all who wish to speak have spo- ken. Musm and Singing will be interspersed I through the proceedings of the day. A Muss ‘ Meeting of Uhildreii and the general public will be held in the Church in the evening. 1 Addresses as follows :â€"Rev. J. M. Simpson will address the childien; H. Hopper. Erq.. will address the parents, and ReV. G. N. Rutledge will address the S. S. Workers. A collection will be taken at the close of the evening meeting to defrav expenses. The afternoon session will open at 1.30. and the ewening meeting at 7. It is earnesth hoped the members and friends of the Church,male and female. will take a lively interest in the work of this Convention as the discussions are open to ladies as Well as gentlemen. The An attempt will be made at the Cen- tral Experil‘nenml Farm to acclilnntize the bamboo. ‘4 Coarse variety of tea, and some other plants from Japan. \V’ IH‘ :|h:ulun;1‘. M. \V.. mm JUhnSLUI); H1 L vdgr RepresentallVe 1). Johns- R B‘ ()rr, M. 1)., Mullcal Examin- Ludgoe Incas lab and 3.11 chues- s of emery muuLh. at Shunk I143 been elec'ed to he|p to ilchl‘ le innereatu of our schu :l fur next three yams. u' slmcmakrr has decaluued, and we .esuu; l. V Ilmuuh; P ‘41 L vdluL‘ R B‘ ()n‘ Ludgo‘. Inc. iuf evury â€"M. \V ufl‘i": , She WILL: ‘!' “It: .lll :Ltcumn Zlny evening, the 27th ult., after e bulge tllheltflilldd the ofï¬cers ,m‘s [U a sumptuous repast, cun- fnyswrs, qul, and all the dilica n: season. A large number of are yl'CSHHK‘aHd Ala» visitors from n. 'l‘nnrnlxlll, Smmiu, and else- The fullOwing are the ofï¬cers;â€" Iv, ’II'U. J. S. Kinuee; \V. M.‘ D. II; S \V., J. Klrby; J. VV., F. -; 'l'l'uns ,hucds Richardson; Sec., 5); (luau, J. McUuugnll; S 1)‘, Sun; J. U , .Lubn. Rumble; 1. G. Ice: 0 U . .J. Uznnerun. m- . 'l‘lmrnlxlll, Tm: fullOWil V, ’vru. J. S ; S \V., J. ; 'l'runs ,lJUL p; Cnnp., J. .n: J. U . I} ;J. U , Lva ;U U , U‘ was of Lndge. Ul'wnmu, were Uilclu, on \Ve u UH‘HHIJ ch M Cucuit Convention (r‘l' has decamued, and we nut, one: \V: truss amulmr up and occupy the pre- Maple r Lndge, No. 274, A. O. m, Were (luly installed by , on Wednesday evening lulu your, and are as fol- M unghan Ludge lll iorrespondent ‘. N. Shule L LillLlin)’; leImh; U. Lodge, No. 54. were installed of \VOUdsLock. \V Snunk flee This powder never vanes A marvel of purity, strength and Wholesomeness. More economicu. than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test.sbnrt weigut alum nr phosphate powders. Sold nnlv in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Co., 106 W211! street. N. Y Great, excitement throughout the neigh- borhood of Richmond Hill over a vety stal'lllll! letter received from Wm. Turn- er, of Wllitclmrcll, speaking in the high- est terms of "Japanese Catarrh Cure,†He says, "I have used one box. and I think one more will cure me. Mine was a very bad case of catarrh †Cnres stnlf- ing of the nose so troublesome to child- ren, C(‘ld in the head, nose or throat. Sample hox, ‘15 cents; large size, 50 cents. Joseph Dilwnrth. Chemist, 170 King St. East, next door to Nipissing Hotel, To- ronto has revoluhinnized the I world (luring the lust half century. Notleustamong the wonders of inventive P “ogress i< a method and system of work that can be performed all over the couutxv without separating the workers from their homes. Pay liberal ; any one can do the work ; either sezx. young or old ; no special ability required. Cavf m1 not needed ; yuu are started free. Cut this out and return to us and we will send you (re ' something of great value and importance to you that will start you in husine s. which W111 133"†J you in more money right. mvav, than anyonir t else in Due world Grand outï¬t free. Addre , True & 00. Augusta. )Iuiue. A good Dwelling thb Store attached for sale‘ on morlemte termsy The property in situated on Yunsze Street, Richmond Hill. two doors north of Crosbv's store. Then: is an excellent garden. with a liberal supplv of choice fruit. Plenty of good water. hard and soft. Apply to 22-“ R. E. LAW. Valuahe Property FOR SALE. A strange phenomenon. which was strangely beautiful, excited the admira- {ion of a lime crnwd standing close to Joseph Hall’s srnre, the heavens seemed radiant with splendor. On a. clnswr in- spection it. was found it was a reflection of a. number nf garments «m a clothes line stretched ncrnss the lawn, which had just been dyed w1th Sun-Set Dycs. Only ï¬ve Cents a. package. Sold at Dilworth’s Drug Store. Toronto DRESS MAKING Dress Maker. opposite Masonic Hall Bmhmond Hill I am 3.. sure that. l can cure the worst case at cumrl'll in the ImSe,IH-ad 01‘ throne that I “ill forward. free of charge, a sample box of Japanese Catarrh Uuro to unfaddress in Canada, United States or Great Britain, provided they will furnish with order a lean-r from anv reliable per- son or clergyman. ll the Japanese Ca- tarrh Cure gives satisfaction. I would ex- pect them to forward the small amount of 25 cents. ()n lhc other hand, if it does not prove effectual Du payment will be expected. Joseph Dllwm-Lh, Chemist, Kil‘g St. East, 'l‘uNInlU. A light red hull with some white marks. Us 2 years 01d. strayed from the premises of the ï¬ersigned. Lot 21!..ird Cou‘ Vaughan. in Aug lust. Auv information wh iuh umylead to th: covecy of the above win he thankfule receiv WM. JONES, Comfortable roams to let. with 01‘ witbo board. Inquire at A good general servant wanted. No Washing _ Aï¬pply In once to Absolutely Pure. Servant Wanted MISS HA RHISON, [Single copies, 3 cts STRAYED. THE LIBERAL OcFICP MRS. W. R. PROCTOI {ic hmbud Hi1] P. O