The followinl! are the otï¬oexs elect of Court Richmond. No. 7046, A. 0. F., {or the ensuing term :â€"-C. B.. A. J. Rapeâ€; S. C. R1, H. 1“. Hopper; P. C. R.. A. Coulï¬er; S. “2. T. Lni‘ord; J. 8.; Jan, Browulee; S. B.. M. Brillinger; J. 8.. R. McDonald; Trens.,- 0. Brown; Seo’y., W. E. Wiley. E'zkardt to sell on the premises the farm, farm stock. and implements, on Thursday I'm. 19th 1888. Should the {arm not be sold It will be rented [or a term of years. 5 do at 11 (grin. Lunch pm led. TheI High School opened this week :h a good attendance. Over 50 pupils are alreadv enrolled. and several more are expected next week. Mr Innes. an Assi:.nnt, has entn red upon his labors. and future prospede for the school look exceedingly bright. The Globe. On another page will he found the annual advoriissment of the Toronto Globe. the 01 T- est established neWEpaper in Canada. It mntinues to show the some enterprise that hm! clmracteritzr‘d it for many years. and is nimhnut doubt ('19 greatest advertising medi- n'u in thecoo'itiy. Mr. C. G. Hams. east half of Lot 2. 2: 1 C39. Mgr-knew, has instL-rcted Mr. Salem Farms Wanted. Mensri. Shipmun and Butler. Estate Bro- kers. 7 Yonge St. Arcade, Toronto. advertise on another page for mrms to suit applica- ï¬ons, and ask persons having land to dispose of or to exchange fr * city pmperly, to call, or wnte them at or -:e. \Vm. Atkinson will sell his whole stock of Ladies and Chlidrens Man- Hes at a discount of 20 per cent. they start at $1.25 and w on up. Atkinson is selling Corsets at 25c. net, 30c. net, 50c. with 10 per cent. Off, 75c. with IO per cent. off, 95c. w‘th to per cent. off. Ladies call at A‘kinsons and see the Dress Goods he is oï¬'ering all subjsct to a 10 per cent. discount. The ï¬rst meeting of the new Council of the Township of Vaughan wi“. he held at the Town Hall. Vellnre. nn Monday next. com- mencing at 11 o'clock I). m. hood Firemen. At the Regular Meeting of the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade held last Friday evening. the pay roll showed that. Messrs. C. Treve~ than and J. Brownlee had not been absent at any practice or business meeting of the Bnaade during the year 1887. Such earn- estness shown in a. work so important is certainly commendable. Court Day. Division Court wi‘l be held here next Saturday. We understand the number of cases in the docket is exceedingly small. Band of Hope will_ mpet in the Temnar- auce Ball. on Frid-uy afternoon at 4 o‘clouk. Atkinson is selling his stock of Tweeds at reduced ra(es and giving 10 per cent. discount for cash. RICHMOND HILL. Thursdav. Jan. 12‘ ‘88 “T C. '1‘. U. will meet on Tuend 1y evening next at Mrs. Tyndall‘s at half pflst seven. Full line»: of Frank Ln‘ 'rns' Improved snnctacles for mile at THE Lawn“, store at Prices from 20 cents up to $ pebble. Until further notion Mn-ils will'he closed at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" MORNING :â€"Gning North. mulh East and \Vest. includinu 'l'hnrnhill, Maple, annnm. Mmâ€"khmn‘kr‘. 7.45 Evnxmo zâ€"Gnimz south. East and West (as nvae) 530 N. B.-â€"Benistered Letters must he handed in u least Flffeen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours {or closing. Nan-market ........ Aurora. . . RM: ‘ s31 "mnxnvn HILL ...... 8.42 T‘mrnhill 8.51 \Vesmnm 9.1†9.16 9 .23 C'mnents with :1" trains. lerwius: the Palmer Hanu- Richmnnl Hill. as follows: Haj t~ ExpregmNorth 455 South... 7.45 n In. \Vestnn‘... 'Mvenuort . V‘ wk:an .. .. 'L‘ORWN’I‘U. Break Street City Hunâ€. Armmmndntinn EVm‘esq North. Mai South... “031:3 giibpvrul.’ PRUCTOR'S STAGE LINE. N. R. R. TIHE TABLE. POST OFFICE NOTICE A Good Beginning Vaughan Councfl. Ofï¬cer's E'ect Auction Sale. . HULK) G DING SOUTH 0.67 9.18 9.30 9.30 9.4? M. TEEFY. Postmaster Anon-n l. 11.45 “ .5 35 p. m .535 “ Mn,“ 7.17 7.05 Coming Again The great “Mother Game and her Temper- ance Family." consisting of Little Jack Hor- ner. Old Woman who ï¬nd in the shoe, Jack the Giant F‘ller, Mother Hubbard, I“ 12 Cole, Bo-Peep, Jack aud Ji‘l and others of Histoch tame. wfll again pay Richmond Hill a visit. and give one of their unigue enter- tamments 1n the Methodist Church on the evening of Monday. 23rd of Jan., in aid of the Sunday School. Look out lot her ! and don't miss her; See bi‘ls m a flew days. Dr. G. B. Smith lectured to a large nudi- cnce last Monday night on "Hume 'l‘rent- ment," in Grace church. Elm street. under the ausrices of the medical mibsion in con- nection with the above church. He spoke especially of the over druggng of infant, child and adult life. and the errors of the laity in taking more patent medicines than is good for them. A voie of thanks was tendered the speaker at the close of the lee- ture,which was loudly applauded. The next meeting of the society mll be held on Mum My. the 23rd, when Dr. Neebitt will lecture an "The Chemistry of Food." Globe. I -Lodge. No. 114' A. O. U. \V., held l" ~emi-montbly meeting last ‘1 uesdav evening- 'l‘be followxng were installed as oï¬icers for the ensuing year. by Past Master, A. J. Rupertâ€"Master Workman. J. Brown ; Over- seer, G. Tyndall; Recorder. T. F. McMahon; Finwmï¬er, I. Crosby; Receiver. F. McCon- BRDy ; Guide. W. H. Glass. In the absence v! Mr. H. F. Hopper, who was elected Fore- man at 1119 meeting previous. the “zen-ullntion ceremony [or that ofï¬ce was left oven until next. evening. Mr. R. E. Law was appo‘nted :epresentutive to the Grand Lodge which heels in Brockvllle in February next. People are dJilV ï¬nding their way to the new Photograph Gallery, conducted by Mr. .738. Dnncumb, of Beverley. Englnnd. He has taken some ï¬ne group pictures, such as the High School pupils, Public School pupils 1 rd many private lllleidUfllR, both Cabinet, Photos and ambrctypes. Different costumes 2 r gentlemen supplied at the Gallery. Cab}. ) "ts taken at. the lowest possible price. Gall- e ‘_v open from 8 30 a.m.till 5.30 p.11) , Axe.le a; dinner hourâ€"12 to 1 o‘clock.-â€" Adv-22-29. Mr. Salem Eckardt will sell by aacliou the farm stoclgimplemeuta, and bonsebold lumi- ture of Mr. John B. Campbell, Lat 13 4th Gen. Vaughan, on Wednesday. Jan. 18th. As the sale is an unusually large one it. will commence at 10 o’clock. Mr. Campbell is giving up farming, consequently is disposing of all his implements and stock. iuclu ling 32 head of horses and colts. The former parsonage of Zion E. L. church will he sold at the same place at 1 o’clock. See lnrge bills. 0n annlher page will be found a notice stalng that all creditors and o uers having any claims against the estate of John Max- well, late of [hp 'l‘owuship of Vaughan. ln the County of Yurk. who died an or about. the 29m Of October last, are requested in send such cluims to Messrs. Mulm-k Tllr, Miller, Crr‘wt‘her rml Mona-gown)“, 99 King St. East, Turunlo. Solicitors, on or beiur-e the 14th of Febxuury uext. ï¬gures, ‘ per cent Atkinson, the directimporier. has eceivetl a large consignment of fancy Chinaware and Glassware. which came along a little too late for the Christmas sale, and which he is selling exactly at wholesale ï¬gures, with an ex'm discount o-f IO We will furnish lhnt excellon' rpliginus paper, The Methodist Observer, and this joul‘lml {or 18518, both papers (or only $1.50. The Observer is an 8 page, 4|).eolumn, Wepk ly paper and is clwap at $1.00 a year. Each iasue contnins' a 5 to G-culumn summary of Methodist Church news, and a groan variety of choice reading matter. Send your address to Jamws Publishing House, Bowmanville. Out., for a free copy. or call at this ofï¬ce and see one. A friendIy match bvtween 8 men of the Scar!)an clubI and 8 men uf the Newton Bruok club look place on the ramps of the latter club. which rnsulled in Scarlmru winn- ing: by 48 pints. The ranges shot were 100 and 200 yards off h-nrl. At hath ra .‘eï¬ Scurhoru made H mm] of 534% points, Newton lirouk 488 pniuls. A return mulch Will be shot on the Scarbnru ranges in February. Entrance Examination. Iunddilinn to t-hme whnee names ware giver- in our In»! inst)". the follnwinu candi- dates also passvd the recent. Entrance Ex. ulnilmtinnâ€" \V also“, Flam, S S 6 mehun Gilmnn, Amy. S S 4 Yurk 'irightu James, Rlchmnnd Hi|| Rqss. Eddie. n S 2 King ‘l'lw ilmucurnl meeting of the new County Council will cummence on Tuesday, the 24th Jun. It is Expected the advocates for and against. the tanking vi? the 'l'o'l (hm-s on the York Roads will go tn the nvw Council well primed. as that question seems to have been nne of the main nmes before the people at [he municipal elections. Thu [licher ‘Snï¬wr “lily ()ilil'lr'W‘ to come uutn MP," ulfwrml by the M min-Ill \Vllueus to their duih mrl Wreakly mhxcrihvrs, i‘x a work produced in nil colnrs with Hl'f‘zlt rich- ness and bounty. and in is a \Vumler Ln nl| who rvcviw- it how the punlhh rs can offer no much at Fnblllnll n. ongt. The leading judges of art, in we I) nmiui-In "H t.e<t.i'y I.» ItK beauty M u \Vr‘l'k nf arr. Hu-ir t<-.\Linmnies Ladies and Gentlemen. Hive \Vm. Atkinson a call and see his Fur Caps at $1 35 with 20 per cent. off; also those at $2.00 with 20 per cent. off $1.60. and those at $2.35 with the 20 per cent. off $2.10 net, and so on up to our best caps. All kin ls of scluml banks at. THE Ln,an Store. rtnelr unlh vakly Hllhxcl‘lhvl’s, iw a ork produced in nil colnrs with Hl'f‘zlt rich- ess and bounty. and in is a \Vumler to a“ ho rr-cm'w- it how the punlid: rs can offer Munch um Fnblun†a cum. The leading Idgos of art, in we I) :miuinn "H t.e<t.i'y I.» \ beauty M u \Vr‘rk Inf arr. I‘m-ir touimunies M“ ;g been puhl'shed in :11: Witness. Extensive Credit Sale. Nance to Creditors. Home Treatment. Blg Club Offer County Council Premium Pi.ture Rifle Match Found. I Mr. Frank Lazarus jr.. Optician. Montreal, 1 was at the LIBERAL Sher on Monday, and I suited many people with the improved spec- 580169, to their entire satisfaction- It i said that dull times are not known h the agents for the great publishing llUllsr in George Stinmm 65 00.. of Portland, Maine. The reasnn of this excl-pti vnal success is found in the fact that they always give the public that which is keenly uppruciutud and I at prices that all can aï¬'ord. At present we understand. their agents are doing Wonder- l fully well on several new lines. They need I man}v more agents in all parts of the conn- 1 try. Those who need proï¬table work should apply at once. Women do as well as men. Experience is not necessary, {or Messrs. Stinson d; 00.. undertake to show all who are willing to work. not hard but earnestly, the path to large success. It should be re- membered that an agent can do a handsome busineSs without being awav from home over night. Another advantageâ€"it costs nothing to give the business a trialI and an agent can devote all his time. or only his spare mo- ments to it. Stinsoo & Cn.. guarantee grand success to all who engage and follow simple and plain directions that they give. We have not space to explain all here, but full particulars will be sent free to those who ad- , dress the ï¬rm ; their full address is given a- ; hove. VANDERBUBGHâ€"At Richmond Hill, on Tuesdav Jan 10th, Phebe Vanderbw'ghA_widow of the late Richard Vandel'bl“':h, -u .ue 77th yam- of her age). Funeral on [Pl-May. 13th. at 2 p. to. Service "‘ the church. ' Mann‘sâ€"0n Vonge wept. nem- Tho: châ€?, < n Thn' -x‘.y.Ja.nua.x_r . 1,192, John Chapman, ageu siyearsA mo: ,. .1. days LUSHâ€"At. Can ville. on Wednesday, Jan. 11th, 189‘}, Mrs. Lund, w: 7 7 of the lace WynJmud. Funeral at Hope chur : tcâ€"morrow, (Fnduy; at 1nonm A‘ I: ,Erâ€"HEIsERâ€"At the R C Chlwch, Thorub‘ll, on Monday. January 9th. 1372 by the Rev Father Egan. Mr 5101.15 vaey, of Richmond. Hill, to Mixs Mngf'ie Heiser, of Cleveland MONEY; V~THom>soNâ€"At the residence of the bride’s father, on Wednesday. January 5th, 18%;, Thomas Moulmmn. of Oak Ridges. to Elizabeth, da-uqhuer of Mr Wm I‘bompï¬on. of Temperancevme _ Cooxâ€"GAnyâ€"Ou thellth mat. at the residence of the hxide's mother by: Rev. J. M. S‘mpson, Mr. George Cook, of Duvxï¬villo, to M‘hs Sarah J. Gabv, of Richmond 14“" CHARLTesâ€"anesâ€"At the .‘esidence of the brides father, on the 11th Anst. hi the Rev. James Peareu, M A Mr Geo C ulton, to Miss Martha. Bowes. daughter of Mr Anthony B-‘wes, all of Yanghag. _ Mrs. E. H. Clubine and two children, who reside a short distance above Elgiu Mills. returned on Thursday lust from Morden, Manitoba, after an absence from home of ten weeks. Mr. C. S. Davin and wrfe. of Miiwuukee, Wis.. Mr. S. P. Davis, ofConFtanline, Mlcb.. Mr. W. W. Davis, of Arcade N. Y., and Mrs. '3'. J. Austin, of Ann Arbor. Mir-11., are the tests of their brother J. M. Davis Esq., of ‘53 village. Miss Simpson started on Monday last for Cnoksville where she has been engaged to give private tuition in the fami'y oi Lieuten- ant Gordon. Mi~xs Ella Rutherford is engaged as Assist- aub iu the Egliulon Public School. Ooituary. In another column will he found the death notice of MrP.Vnndei-luurgh. widow of the Lao liichard Vunderlmrgh. who died at her sun‘s residence on Tuesday lust. after a {W‘elt'h illness. Previous to this she had l)<‘(-'I‘ in {nirly g Md heul'h, and the relatives and friends who asseil C -I'i.~atmns Day with hvr my they never saw her in more excellent spirits. But huvinu contracted congestion of the Lungs rho. steadily hunk,though hopes wvre entertained of her rec mery um i! Sun- day night. when it became upparrnt that the hour of death was nmr. Deceased has been :i .‘enideut of this \'i‘-iuity for the hut I0 years. and survived her husband just 19 years. She always took nu native part in the Presbyterian chutch. where she has long been a consistent memher. She was a good friend to the Sabbath School. llllVll’lK nlwnys taken a, deep interest in the children and their work. She leaves behind her two ROIIH and twu daughters. Her Fons, William and Mores, bnth remain on the homestead. One of her daughters is married to Mr. AlllllBW Russell. 1st Deputy Reeve of Vaughan, 1m other to Mr. John Humiitun, Merchant , Tu- ronto. Harvey (Big Bear) received a bountiful Ben- ver Fur Cup and mitts, warm $19.00. It is needless to say the recipients value highly the tokens of npm'eclution.-â€"Cou. u<efnl as wall. We hike plvusure in mention- ing we following: The Organist was pre- sented with a set of very nice dishes. Mrn. Wesley Hamilton and Miss Griice Mulloy each received n Butter Set. And lust. but not, leasi. the superintendent, Mr. W. A. A: M urray Church. The entertainment given in connection with the Murray Evangelical Luthemu Sub- lmth School on Ncw Year's Eve paseed off very nicely. Semi, u! the friends receivad presents which were lint uniy hundspme Luz At Zion Church. Rev. J. J. i’urcell will preach in [lie Zinn I. L. Church. 4th (Jan. Vuughun. next Sun- day the 15m, and nu every evening during the [ullmvmg week. ’1 he nervices iu conuec~ nun with the opening mud dedication of the umv parsonage will Luke place on Thursday the 19th. The service will commence at 3 o'clock m the afternoon md will he canduct. ed by the pastor. The address of dedication will be delivered by lev. .l. J. Purcell. alter which an Oystur Supper will be served in the new parsonage; and in the evening addresses will he made in the church by N.C. Wullucu. Dr. Gilmour. Dr. Orr, EJ. Davis and others. The Cleditors of Clnrlos E. Arnold. late of the Village nf 'I‘hurumll. wh : died the 20le of Augu-L, 1887, are notiï¬vd to send bv post. prvlminl (m or bl-Ifura um 20111 of February next. to Joseph D. Smith, Bradford P. 0., their christian and surnamrâ€"u, addnsses and descniptium, a swimmer]: of their vccomlts and the nature of tlmir securities (if nuy) held bythem. Afm-r the said 20.}: of I‘vhrlh ury ’he {mum's u! the deceased will be distri- buted among *be r1 :zies the claims of which the execuur shu‘i then have had notice. Pur- l£es are ruqu «nod to govern themselves ac- ourdiug to nuaiue on mutter Mae. PERSONALS. MARRIAG- Money to be Made. Creditms‘ Nohce. DEATHS 1 and surnamvu, addnsses and a statement. of their recounts 'e of tlmir securities (if nuy) Afm-r the said 20.}: of I‘vhrlh s u! the ducrmaed will be distri- ‘im n :ties the claims of which ha‘i We" have had notice. Pur- incd to govern themselves ac- ,iue on mutter page. NI The cheapest line of All-VVooI Grey Flannels in the village A Fine Assortment of VVorsteds, Tweeds, &C., at Bottom Prices. MILLINERY & MANTLE GOODS THE FIRE PROOF. New Fall Goods ! DRESS GOODS & WINCEYS. THOS. THOMPSON & SON, In this department we have a. colossal stock of all kinds of wool goods forlmhesund children Also a. lot of 600 tuquas in various colors with tassel. at 25¢ each sold regularly at 75c each Lmlies' black Astmchan muffs $1 50 worth $2 50 Ladies' Persian Lamb cans and muffs voxv cheap Ladies†Seal. ()oney, Astrachan, Beaver and Hair Mum and Caps at about 25 per cent below turners' prices Lndies' black or colored all-wool hose lï¬c, worth 2.50 Lmlies‘ black cashmere hose, four pairs for 5-1 20, worth 50c u. air Misses’ wool un ervests 50¢ each Misses' Scotch L W undervests 980 each Black curl mantles, short #3. long $5 50 Long ottoman cord ulstera. 3 50. 4 and $4 50 Elegant Dolmans. 5 50 6, 6 50, $7 “1) Long black Jersey cloth ulstera,curl cloth ulsters. Ladies' and Misses' tweed ulsters. Ladies‘ sealemte and Blush mantles, very cheap l-losuery Bnys' heavy uvetcoats, 97¢ each, worth 182 Men’s henvv nap overcoats. $1 25 each Boys' winter suite, 97¢ each Boys' ï¬ne wins at 2. 3, 4 and :35 Men's heavy Winter overcoats, $2 50.Worth double Men's Gibraltar serge overcoats 54 Men's blizzard 0V8] coats. $6 50, a. fortune to a chillv mun Owing to the heavy bank failures and the great stringency in the money market we have had offered to us and have completed arrangements for the purchase of some enormous lots of goodsâ€"for cashâ€"at prices never before thought of even by the most idle dreamer. Everywhere throughout the Dominion the increased rate f0 discount and the scarcity of money are causing the over-gorged and plethoric manufac- turers to “clamor aloud for clemency.†Great ï¬rms are to- day almost tottering into bankruptcy. Wealthy mill-owners and manufacturers are now, for the ï¬rst time since 1857, “on their knees,†and unless conï¬dence can be restored to the business community and the present apprehension of danger averted, who can tell what dire calamity may befall the country ? While this state of things continues the tremen- dous efï¬cacy of “hard cash,†like the philosopher’s stone of old, is working marvels and prodigies indeed. For the next thirty days, or while the goods last, or the manufacturers will supply goods at similar prices, we offer : Men's and Boys’ Clothing I Dress Goods FORCED SALE ! \Vool Waps, Caszloods. etc Mammoth House,oppo. the Market,King St.E.,Toronto Laulies’ Mufls and Caps Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, &c. I. CROSBY. FIELD, GARDEN 8:. ELGWER SEEDS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR CHOICE QUALITY ALSIKE. STEELE_BRQS._ (Sc 00., ARTIFICIA L FERTILIZERS, &c., &c. Letter Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention RED, ALSIKELWHITE. ALWAYS IN STOCKIN THEIR SEASON 'LUCERN’E 66 OTHER CLOVERS TIMOTHY SEED, FLAX SEED, CHOICE SEED GRAINS, &c., &c.. AS WELL AS Whole a: Ground 0ilcake. Pure Ground Fl: llorse a: Callie Food, Bird Seeds. Will be ready for distribution in January. Be sure and get a. copy HAN DSOM ELY ILLUSTRATED CATALOGU ES “mules MANUFACTURERS’ SEEDS Corner Front dc Jarvis Sts.. GREAT BARGAINS IN ARRIVING DAILY AT TORONTO. Give us a call before selling. Heavy. white as snow blankets. 1 ‘15 a. pair Extra. size white blankets, 3 00 a. pair Large size horse wraps 501: each F'ne grey flannels lie 8. yard worth 20v Bed comforters 55c worth 1 00 Fine table linens 20: n. yard Fine table napkins 50¢ a. dozen White and colored canton flnnnels To a 70.111 reduced prices 7 7 7 Men's heavy 0.1147001 cardigan jackets 750, worth double Men’s heavy lined kid gloves 50c, worth {Ma General Staple Goods Men's heavy woo] top snubs 75C Men’s undershirfm 250 Men‘s heavy drawers 256 Men‘ nambswool shirts and drawers at greatly “AA; .m: price 4 00 Men‘s Persian lamb cans. 2nd chuice,:€ prices 6 00 Men's Persian lamb caps. lat choice 6 price 10 00 Men’s Astrachan. Beaver, Seal} Coney at half lurriers' prices Boys imitation lamb caps;19c, worth 506 Boys’ flue imimtmu cups 50c, worth 1 00 Men's .Perg'aln lamb caps, 3rd choice, 2 00. llen’s and Boys†Underwear and Gloves Costume tweels 71m, worth 150 Checked materials double width. 20'. worth 40c All-wool Frerch dress goods, 15c, worth :51: Everyputzem in mrmn plaid 25c a. yard Dress goods at all kinds have reacued bottom pnces Men’s arm Boys’ Fur Caps ax, ‘3, Coney, Mink cups G 00, iurriera 3 OO,fLu-riers furriers