Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Jan 1888, p. 8

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whe Rector Méi‘knmsa‘ Cavac and 6:30 1).11).,an(1 S RICHMOND Lunar Meets in film Lmig Monday on or bofor I. Crosby. W.1\I. i. Ch: y. W.1\I. ANCIEFT ommn OF annsTans-Conrt Rich. mend. N0. 7040 5L 0. F.. meets in the Temperance Hull every alternate Fridav at 7.80 p‘m.â€" A J Rupert. C. R‘ RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE. No G.T.â€"- Meets in the Temperance Hall' every Wednesday evening.” 7.30 o'clock. WmJIm-rison T D RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE. N Meets in the Temperance Hall eveninu. at 7.30 o'clock. Wm. I TheMethodist subbntb scm sncintmn issue ledge curds e' desired. Wm. unison sup? MECHANms' INSTITUTE.â€" hi volumesppen evury Tuesday a sonic Hall.fmm 7 to 8 o'clock. riau. Lectures muldisnussiou RICHMOND HILL CORNET practice every Tuesday and Sn 7 :30 o'clock W. Sheppard, Le Vlhumle Covxcn cillm‘s. Messrs. P Atkinson, Dr Wil exemptil Nicholls‘ Toaox‘rn Tnursdngan 12, I688 Wheatjall per bushel .. ..:'r0 3:) Wheat, spring, do . TT Barley, do 70 cats, do *6 Peas. do Rye. d.) Clover Seed. (In Dressed boas. 1‘0" 100 lbs Beef, fore qua "Hers ......... Beef, hind «ymvtm . . Chickens, per p-xir . 35 Ducks, .10 (i5 Geese. Pm‘h .. . 60 Turkevxefiqh ., , 1 50 Butter. Im‘lm‘] 1' -lls 2|) 0"] Butte1~.tlhdniv-- Potatoes, [)6] Apnles. perl onions. greel Cabbage Cauliflower Celery. Turnins. per ST. MARY s E C arrow. (1 Kay, per ton straw, per ton Peas, (In. Dressed magma-100 lbs Beef‘fm'e ’lmrrev' Beef. hin U111“.an . Chickens. per pair Ducks. (In Geese. ear‘h Turkevs‘ peril) Butter,1-ound r0113 Butter. large rolls Eggs. fresh, per dozen Potatoes, per bag ...... Apples, per hbl onions, gveen. per bush.. Cabbage. per doz Celery, do Turnips. perbag .. Cal-rote, do _ Beans, par peck ...... Flour, sprinamer bb Flour, full, per bbl Hamper ton straw. per ton guts, per 1 “ THE LIBERAL I ” RICHMOND HILL, 0M“. PLAIN & ORNAMENTAL FRINTING Executed with neatness and Bill Heads, Shipping Tags, Memorial Buds aSpecialtye The Liberal $1 a. Year. ‘Z'fiE Llfr’EfL‘lL,’ $11) IN ABVANGL i1 the osters, RICR‘M Streamers, «1 per h per bb green; PRINTING & PU BLISHTNG ESTABLISHMENT. w s EPXSCOPAL CHURCEâ€"Service at 3 ‘pt the third Sunday of every month, service and sacrament are held at 11 nlay School at 113011.111 Rev. W. Bates .etter Heads, Programs, willugc girtrtury. m.,and Sunday schc ‘le's prayer meetmg T we! Meeting every T] ure Room. Rev J.M 7\n S 1.ppn. ~37, Lender momâ€"Re Wm. Pugsley, Cm c, 1’ G. Sdmuze, Wm A Sanderson E112 Humbug. do )LlC GEORGEâ€"Services in order oruhill at 9 anm‘. and Richmond 3; the following Sunday at Rich- mm. and ’J'hornhill at 10130 0.. m. ALL KINDS OF Cards, Churches. Dan. A‘ F. & A.M..1\’o.23.G.R.(‘ ndge room.1\1nsonic Hallpn the fore full moon. at 8 o'clnck p.m riILL Tlmrsdnv. Jan 1‘3. Societies. despatch. Assistant â€"Services at 10:80 a..m |.'E.â€" hibmry or over 1000 asdtw eveningin the Ma.- 'clock. R.E.Luw,Lihra,- =ussiousperiodiculls', 1mm Bunâ€"Meets for and Saturday evening at ’LE. No 465.]. O. G. T.â€" a Hall' every Wednesday Wm. Harrison T. D. h school’l‘empemnce As was every Sunday when Pamphlets, school, at 2.30 p. m. ‘ng Tuesday evening. ry Thursdayevemng J. M. Bimpson. Supt. ANADA.â€"Services n. Prayer meeting nev J. W. Cum- Circulars, 060 0000 wmmmwmm 0000110 030 4 50 60 00 Labels, nun- On OI) JOHN BLIAXWELL. Pm-aunu‘- to K. s U.. Linnp. n Chap. 9. Gun, notice is hereby gi itors and Others having any clni agmnst the estate of Juhn Muxv Township 01 Vaughan, in the ( farmer, deceased. who (lied on c day of October, A‘ D. 1887, are In send by post prepaid. or deliver lock.T11t, MV'EJer, Cr0\vthe1"&_M Notice in Bredi’mrs Ki: lici tllrulars of their clai said estate, and the any) held bv them, ( 14th day of Feb, A'ld nobice is herebv fu‘ .lxer given that after the said 14le day of February. A D. 1883. the said Thomas Maxwell will proceed to distribute the naiets of the mid deceased among t1) pariies entitled thereto. having regard only to t enluims 0! which he shall then have had notice. and that he will not be linble for the Mset‘ or any pa. . thereof 50 uistlibuter‘l to any person or pol-sans of whose claim he shall not then have hnd notice. Muluck. Tilt. Miller, (Trowtller &: Montgomery. Solicitors: for Thomas Maxwell administrator of the estate ofthe late John Maxwell. (leceused. Dated at, Toronto, chm 5th clay of Jmmnry. A. no : Chm BHARLE8 E. WWW, Late of the Village of Tlmmhm, in the (‘nuntv of York. yenclenmn, deceased. who diml (v1) or mmut th VL'Oth any nf August. A. l). 1&7. me here- bly uutitied to send by post, prepaid, on or lie-lure t le 20TH DAV 0F FEB'Y NEXT, To Josenh D. Booth christian and sammr-es 1! statement of their ac their sccmirties (if a1va To Josenh D. Booth, Bradford P. 0.. their christian and sanmmes midi asses and deseripmur a statement of their accounts and the nature of their acculities (if auv) held by them. Notice is hereby given that after the mid 20th day of February the assets of the stud Charles E Arnold will be distributed among the pmties vhe claims of which the uudeasigned will then have notice and 7:110 are entitled theretn: and the Execute. will not be liable for the assets or an) pwuwu. ,,, part thereof to unv person Whose claim the dersigned shall not then have notice at the of such (lisuilmfinu: .. .. L.“ m huvu \umuuu- “In. All accounts due film spid astute must be paid forthwith to the underSIgned. _ - . “\vnr n Executor of the estate of C. E. Damd at Bmdiurd this 5th day of Janum‘ the test of time. ridicule and of opposition, in Ir and unfair. and the Witness cruduy spanks to sixty where in 1846 it spoke to one Its gn-mnh has been hot]. rapid and steady. Its ]'1\]l)ii5!len s, desirous of still further increasing its circnhu um have thls year gone to largo expense to s - -ure a reproduction of the The Latest Must-erpnem of Davidson Knowles (who was selected by Que: n “charm. to paint :he scenes at Princess Beaurius'h wedding) eumtled Witneas It devicts the memorable weue wiLh stmiling realism. reproducing in mls all the rivhness nl‘ Oriental Colorin". 'l‘he pictme. executed by the greateet art firm in England. would bring 1.50 if sold. but is reserved cm-lusively lor subacribers u: the Witness. The price of the Weekly Witness and picture is 1 25, the pup-r None, 1.00 In 1860 the Daily Witness was launched, and, like the" Weekly, to advocate the same principles regardless. of cost The picture, “Sufl‘er the little children to come unto me," and the Daily Wit- ness, a. year: the paper ulune, 3,00 The Nurthern Messenger still continues to be the favorite in the home circle and in the Sub- huth schuol. and commencing with January first with ne“~ type, liner paper. and other improve- ments, will he more attractive than ever. Prizes of books are given to friends who canvas for it. Annual subscription 300., with red ction to clubs. Sample copies of the different publications ma'lnd on application. Agents wanted in every iowu and village. Suffer the Little Chfldren to Come Unto We \vnnt farms to Suit applications. Persons wmliim: to dispose of their farms, or exchange them for property in 'l‘m‘outn, will find it :0 their advantage to cull or write at once SHIPMAN & BUTLER. ‘ 7 Youw street Arcade. 28â€"4 Toronto FARMS WANTEB I THE NEW PAPER. film (Elwin, Will make it: axi‘penmuce on or about the 15th or December. 0 pgins Ange bejng spgred to of December. No pains are being spared to make the paper worthy of Canada, and of the great party of whose views it will be the ex- ponent. It will start with a And abla Joul'ualist_s In every department. pubhc may expect Full New: from all quarters, Able Editorials. Fair Comments. Reliable Commercial Nc-wn, Interesting Sporllng lnlelllgenre. And all other Deparuueuts well sustained. In short. Tun EMPIRE will be a Bright, Rcudublu, and Reliable Paper. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Everybody Looks for it. DAILY EMPIRE. | ‘ Late 35 per Aunum. I $1 per Aunum. Send in your Subscriptions now, accompanied [w the cnsh, so as to commence with the first issue. Address. D. CREIGHTON. Manage: Emma Toronto- té t}! the stiun and Siafl of Briliiani Writers. REDI‘I‘OES ! LTE HE new Conservative Journal about to be started in Toronto. to be called Elm: fifldvcrtisnutnts. unnt to the Revised Statutm of Onfm 1'.) and me amended statutes 4’3 Victor 9. the creditcrs of the late )f the Township of Vaughan lunty of York, farmer, deceu astly for forty-two years the Weekly has held to principles which huVu sunul of time. ridicule and of opposition, in Ir exisrtfiu bhe Thomas‘Mr NOTICE TO 412 YEA RS i113 0.. Chap. 107. and 4G notice is hereby given that uli ars having any claims or den: into of Juhn Maxwell. lute ()I Vaughan. in the County of ‘ sea. who died on or nbnut, the .A. D. 1387, are hereby 'equir .ul John M umames, w Eaiiii'e of the ‘n or before the JvHN DonGALY. &' sum, Publlshers. Montreal 1(1‘ WEEKLY EMPIRE .am mnl Accurnm Ri'porl- AD. 1888. M. ARX’OTJ‘! untgm) nf ’l‘m' ninistr 1. deCOI «as and All should Rcad I, lute of the lnby of York, .bnut, the mm b\' requireu tn Mesfs‘rs, (wineryv roll to $1 per Aunum ADM {\I the the an) un- 'me The County of Waterlun: E3 The number nf policie§ Farmers protect. fire and huhtning year 1886 was 2616. and the m1 farce at. the end hi the year 6,273 ihg $6,8137Ji793l. showing an inc nearly 3400,0000” over the mm risk at. ullfl¢>f1885. The income yea! was 387.078.9‘2 ’l‘ntul assets “unable to meet GORE DIS'I‘RIC INSURANCE (‘0 has increased {rum $3133; ‘26â€"} 00 in the yen! 1886, 1 ing within a mflc nf $20.‘ The number of losses h was 108. and the mxmnnt 887.27, of which $4,315 ‘2 making the net. llISS This Cmnpany has deposited 520 um) with the OllhlriuGnVel‘n-nellt, being more than double whatthe law requires, but It givas the GORE. a. still strunger hold Ilium pnhllc cnnfidencv. . u ,,I,!IA z” uf wreckage. Farmers can save money by insuring in the Gare. This Cmup'nly has been estnblialned fifty-(mu years. The gore is (me uf the oldest and most. reliable Mntuals in Culmdrl. All cummlmicatiuna promptly attended tn. . Afi‘v m a A 1nmt\\r Snle and only agent for Sprilxghill and surrounding country. _ . _. v". 0H SQUARE & ROUND COAL STOVES BOX 84 GOGKENG STBVES Stoves 0:75.11 Kinds 35 Sizes. STOVE (hr EL. 34%“ 3“ STILL AT THE FRONT! c. TREVETHAN Begs to announce that he is now prepared to show the finest lines of CANADIAN TWEEDS. FALL & WINTER CLOTHS STRIPES 8o MIZLTUES. Everything new excnpt the same old reliability ofWorkInnnship,c1)e same old Low Prices, and the same old Perfection of Fit. Remember the BEE IIIVE when you want a. Hobby Suit or overcoat. sen wonders exist in thousands of furms, but are surpassed by the mnrvem of iuvelmnu. Those who un- in need of profitable work that can be dune while livmu ac lzumu should at once sand theirmldress Lu Hullebc (it Um, Portland. Maine, and recexvo free, full infunnutiou how anther sex, of all ages. can earn from 5 to $251)” day and upvurds wherever they live. You are started free. Capital not required. _Smne home made over fiftydollurs 1n a. single any at this work. All succeed NEW GOODS. NEW STYLES, NEW TRIMMINGS. 0f :LH shapes and sixes, lepnirmg and Eng Truughing promptly one. was? MASON. STOPS Droppingsfrom « - v Nasal passages EASY To USE. into the throat and excessive cxpcctomtion caused 1)" Ca.- tarrh. Sold by Druggists. or sent pro-paid on receipt of price, 500. and $1. Address FULFORD £1 60., Brockvlllo. OM. MUNN a: C0.. of the svmxnnc AMERICAN con- tinue to net as Snllclturs fur I'guents. Caveats. ’l‘rade Marks, Co yrigms. for the Umled Sam's. Canudu. England. ‘rnm-e. hermuny. etc. 11' nd Book about. Pugents sent free. fl‘hirty-mwvn n" exverience. .nuuv n .__ _».x~_; rubclua acnt “w. l fl. . - W“ .W Patenlsobmlned 1hr.qu MUNN .\ C0. an» noticed In the Scmsrwlc AHHBICAS. the largest. Fest. and most wldely circulabed sclentlflc paper. $3.203 year. Weekly- Splendid enmvlnus and Interesting 1n. formatlon. Speclmen copy of the bcl‘eullfic Amer. icnn sent free. Addrpss MUNN lg 10;. SL'lmeno AMERICAN omce. an Broadway. New \ork. ‘ Ever shown in this lnunlitv ()VERCOATINGS. C. TREVETHAN, Full lines of elegant, Trouserings. Scotch and English TWEEDS & WRSTEfi. "Lava )w is the time to get ynnr stoves, All the latest novelties in Checks‘ Come in and see uur Fire Insurance. 'nr Cnul and “Mud. A splendid iue of [CT MUTUAL FIRE ‘0.. Head Office Galt, rlun; Established 1836. I policies issued in the 616. and the nnmbvl' in Hi the year (3,273. insur- il. showing an increase. uf (Mover the numnm, uh Beaumrul new JOHN T. SAIGEON, MASON'S “HER WASH H lahle to meet, lusses $218,980} ()0 to $238.- 1886, the increase be- nf $20,000. asses fur the past year PIPES ymlr buildings from by insurng In the A lsu nut of has $57,- 5 ‘28 wan reinmlred, 53.573 99. (lepusited $20 000 Richmond Hili. Address. King SOUTHING, CLEANSING. HEALING. BATARRH, cold in Head. HAY FEVER. 'me imvnrted It. Cures for the losses THE LIGHTâ€"RUNNING 1NEXV \VILLIAMS 1 Takes the Lead. "INIHIL’QH it le'nb ’neuent impn man perfect fit: to Hue- p-Iblic ; VVishes to thank his nnmernus customers for tl'wir support durng flue past six“ years, ani invntes them and «fibers who wnsh m Re; hummus m awe him .1 Call and see for themselves and cnmpm-e prices. His stuck consists of 01‘ :mV other Blankets. lels as; \Voolheu ITnd. rwcar. :Il“: ‘l'ens an] C Nine hundred dollars will buy an eight-roomed house with summer k1tchen,W<mdshedaud gard- ep. Good collection of choice fruit trees. The lot has n. frontage of one huu‘lred and t.venty (120) feet um‘. is well situnted on Centre St. \Vest. 2nd door from Yonge,Riuhmnnd Hill. 95-4 ’1'. MUNSHAW By our method of doing business, agents may not fear having a lot of unsaleuble goods remain on their hands. Our work is perfectlv hollul'llhle and respectuble. and any live man or woman, yourg or old. am easily make from $3 to .2210 per day during thr, winter muth in his or her mm locality. Send in thee cent stamp for circular giving full purticulurs. Address H] can Preserve Your Sight RENO‘VNED Spectacle“. Eye Glasses. These Spectacles and EYD Glfisses have been used {or the pasn 35 wars, and given in every in- stance unbounded EatisfaCthl]. They are the hestin the world. They never tire, and mm; many years without change. quSnlc by T. F. McflLi/HOJV JESSE NUNN. bPRlNGHILL FRANK LAZABUS. Manufacturer, ‘28 Mary- land Road, Harrow Bond. London, England late Lazarus & Morris, Hampton], Con. lsrb‘éoouncc on with My other firm in the Dominion of Canada. [IERRY XMAS AND HAPPY YEAR! WINTER DRESS GOODS, WIN $3§¥i§§¥ai§¥fin } GOOD PAY No Capital Required PUBLIsnsn or ” LIBERAL." AND between Toronto and London, which has been running daily since 3rd March last, will be continued throughout 1888. This train arrives at London at 6 40 am, making connection with all the early trains from that point, securing for The Globe a. delivery throughout Western Ontario hours in advance of al Toronto papers. â€"‘ __.-_-.â€"-Aâ€"nn As an advertising medium, The Globe has no equal in Canada. Its circulation, which appears at head of its editorial columns daily, is far in advance of all other Canadian papers, and it is the intention of the man- ement to always keep The Globe in its proud position as the Lawn“; iiwspApER m: CANADA, both in point of circulation and influence. The different edition RAN K L A Z ARU S FOR SALE .lHE bANADIAN AGRICULTURIST Peterborough, Out. n be snpulied as cheap by me us by any other pen'mm. (Late of the firm of Lazaxus dz PIANO DAILY GLOBE. Morning Edition, H “ I2 o’clock “ WEEKLY GLOBE. . . SATURDAY DAILY GLOBE, BY WEARING THE ONLY TNE DLDEST ESTABLESHED AND THE LEADING NEWSPAPER OF CANADA J.” LUSH, Richmond 3111. «‘Efil‘lfill (}IE,()C}EJI{IIE§S I {Yr Irrnut yf first-u] IDGE ORGAN HI easy tn Ivan] ardent-«l hurts 83 SH Wemenls "ka3 1 will! Machine 01‘ rdmwd parts makes I can also be supplied izh an Hm Mr and Feed - - - THE GLUBE SPEGEAL FAST TRAN -- m- (heir uwn merits. without the inducement «If gifts ’m-l-t and Spices. Hum-st Prices all the year rnnud. nd Feed. Fnrmev’s Produce taken in exchange 5 make, nr - - - T0 ADVERTISERS - ' THE GLUBE PBENTENG GI}. RICHMOND HILL Globe can be procured from all News Dealers throughout Canada. Morris) A fit guaranteed, '1' MOODIE tn [ fields are scare: l Sunsun &(To.,Po: ‘ fn-e. full infurm 1 I m-vw. nu. anm F "mm from $3 (05 PLAWG ms 3 Are now DOORS, SflSH, BLINBS. 81.0.. PLANED LUMBER, MOULDINGS, &C. In connection with the factory, where custard sawing mil be dune. All work guaranteed and prixs umderato. The above factjry is situated on RICHMOND ST” RICHMOND dILT ;\'UV. 25th. 1886 3m_ FIRST-CLASS SAW-MILL 3 win pay the above Reward for: any case of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Sick. Headache, Indigestion or Costiveness we cannot Cure with WEST’S LIVER. runs, when the Directions am strictly! complied with. Large Boxes, containi; 30 Pins, 25 Cents; 5 Boxes 61.00. a 3:7me Kept nn lmnd, or made to order on the slim-rest. nutice. A stock of FIRST-CLASS ORDER. Always on hand. There is also L. INNES & SONS x112 RICHMOND HILL prepared to take contracts fur all kxnds of Buildings. bn‘duht the above-named mili and put, everything in $§.99 per annum. “:59 importing Ilirvcl 00.. ds are scarce. hut those who write nsan a CD..P0rHIl1d, Mn!ne.wfll receive a. (ull inl'orumuon nhmu work winch ‘v rm. do. and Invent hochhal will I my m from $1- lo 37.3 per dly. Some L'ch tiny Either pcx, young-wold. Capital ‘re started free Tholewhn mm M unca ul' Inug Huh forluncs. All i» new. TORONTO SUITS ‘USIIIS

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