tahlisll and maintain a High School in the above~named place. It is not our desire to cast any reflections on the citizens of Aurora in asking for that which, if granted, would un- doubtedly be a great convenience in their midst. Neither are we going By an article 1n the Aurora Bumm- 01 last week it would seem that the Reeve and Deputy-Reeves of that newly-incorporated and ambitious town purpose making one more des- perate effort at the opening session of the York County Council for the current year, to induce that honor- able body to grant permission to es- Why, it may he asked, do not these men throw off a yoke that has prostrated them in the mud of po- litical disgrace? It might just as well (be asked why does not the hare come forth from the huge boa that has swallowed it, and for the future avoid the embrace of his engulfer. The apprenticeship of Messrs. Mer- edith and Norquay long ago became the labor of Journeymen. Their own individuality is gone tor ever, and they are now forced to lean on one that Will cease to act as prop the very moment he discovers that the burden is not worth holding. Then again Mr. Norquay has just recently been made to blte the dust- Premier of Manitoba, he yet, at Sir john Macdonald's bidding, coverlly connived at the ruin of the province whose interests it was his ï¬rst and sworn duty to guard. To-day Mr. Nurquay is in opposition, scorned and feared by all. There are, indeed, more than one who must ï¬nd it difï¬cult to join in the general chorus of admiration. Just now for instance two men, one certainly of ï¬ne natural instincts, the other of good natural abilities, stand disgraced and discredited in the eyes of their countrymen because they either could not or would not resist the voice of the charmer. Mr. Meredith suflered himself to be drawn into a vexatious and vindict- ive struggle against the rights of his native province. To serve the spleen of his master at Ottawa he cmisent- ed to become a party to the robbery and despoliation of Ontario. And one year ago Mr. Meredith reaped the reward ofhts conduct. Politi- cally speaking, he is dead, and noth- ing short 01 a miracle can resurrect him. It has passed in Canada almost into a proverb that it is imposstble to resist the personal blandishments of Sir john Macdonald. His ad- mirers, some of whom are also his political opponents. are never weary of speaking of his Winning ways, his wonderful magnetism. Yet we could never divest ourselves of the feeling that Sir John's popularity has always been due to the lavish distribution of pabulum of the gross- est kind. Favors to contractors, Ofï¬ces to the needy, railroad subsi- dies to constituencies, such have been the means that he has employ- ed to gain his high place in public estimation. Of course, wherever there is a man of Wealth to chant the Premier’s praise, there are never lacking hundreds of the unthinking to take up the refrain. And so it comes to pass that while the coun- try is going rapidly from bad to worse, the author and contriver of all our national woes is greeted with the loud acclaims both oi those who batten on his gifts ard of those who applaud simply because they are docile creatures of command. RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, Jan. 19. ‘88 Clm ageâ€"R. W. Neville. Wantedâ€"Mrs. J :13. Newton. Noticeâ€"C. Mason. Money to Loanâ€"E. F. Langabuï¬. (Elm flihvml. A URORA’S HIGH SCHOOL NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A SUSPICIOUS CHARM. We regret to learn that MrsJ. Hughey is very ill, but we hope that under the treatment of Drs. Hillary and Stephen- son she may speedily recover. tends going to England during the com- ing summer,hence is calling on his friends prior to his departure, Mr. B. and Mia Lnttierrsiéï¬i‘énson have been visiting friends in Sunderland (1":ng ti)? Rustï¬'eek Rev. M. Could, of Whitby, made a. brief visit at Mr. \V. Norman's. He in- From our own Correspondent. Mr. Scrivener, of Toronto, has sold his steamer, the “Ethel May,†which has run excursion trips on Bond’s Lake dur- the last two summers. She has gone to Luke Rosseau, in Mnskoka; was taken to Aurora station last Thursday. She will be missed by the many pleasure parties which visit this place in the summer. HOUSE to LET DISAsTROUs.â€"â€"Tlie most intense exâ€" citement. is felt in the flourishing vill‘ige of Richmond Hill and its surroundings, as facts are revealed, of numerous families who are dyeing, in the most beautiful colors; in fact all the colors of the rain- bow, by using the popular Sun-Set Dyes, only live cents a. package. Sold in the city only by Joseph Dilworth, the Drug- gist, 170 King St, East, between the Clyde and Nipissing Hotels, Toronto. Miss Ida~Husband has returned from a protracted visit. in Toronto. iMiss Davy, of Whitby, spent the holi- days with her brothcr. The S. School Anniversary will be held sometime in February, The children and friends of the school vs ill enjoy a. so- cial time together. The above reminds us that there are a goodly number of bachelors residing bere- abontsâ€"a few young sprouts of bachelors, a. number of tough limbs, and some old dry sticks, but all warranted to please. Leap year applications sent .to the Liberal will be forwarded to your servant. here, and placed in proper hands. We understand that the leader of the choir has placed an embaxgu »on the so- prauos (or the nerxtrtwo years. From our owu Correspondent Rev, T. Leonard, l-f Elmrule. late of Richmond Hill, has taken um: of the fair- est aid most amiable nf our young ladies for a partner in the itinerancvâ€"â€"-L\Iiss 14. M Boake, ï¬rst snprnuu In Ihe church choir here and teacher in the S. Sch-ml. They were married an the l‘esidvnce of Mr. B. Bowie, Duwnsview. Manny and handsnme were the presents given to the br‘de, among which was noticed a gold watch given by the groom, and a pair of costlv and unique vases by Mrs. S. T. Humbersmne. great, Ruck Spring Coal Oil. The price is so low that you will hnld ynnr hreath when you hear it prunounced hy Dllwnrth The Druggist. between the Clyde and Nipissing Hotels, Turnutu GOOD NEWs.â€"1t isn’t generally under- stood that. the electric light. may some, day or other line the fax-.ners’ pnthvnny up Yonge Street to ’uchmund Hlll. Won’t that be grand I In the nwamime, I would advise every farmer along the route and every concesunn to use the ‘ But this is not the worst feature lof the case. To establish such an institution at Aurora would to a great extent cripple both the schools at Newmarket and Richmond Hill. The south parts ot King and VVhit- church are feeders to our school here. but with another near at hand a good share of the attendance would naturally go to No. 5. The same thing might be said in refer- ence to Newmarket and the north parts ot the same townships. So that instead of having two good schools,as at presentthev would de- generate into three interior ones. It therefore behooves every 71'†m- ber of the Conncrl to consider the matter well, as each representative is expected to work for the welfare of the County at large, and not for any class or section. It is understood that Parkdale is mov- lng in the same direction as Aurora. Should a High School he opened in that town, that of Weston may think of closing its doors. On Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. Apply to JOS. HALL. Rxcjmnud Hill (J to D, S. REAMAN. Can-Ulla bringing the matter forward at the County Councxl, even If they feel that their claim cannot be entertain- ed. But taking into consideration ‘the additional outlay which the County would be called|upon to pay. and the eï¬'ect it would have on the other High Schools, we certainly feel that the. County Council would not be justiï¬ed in granting the re- quest ol the petitioners. The Coun- ty now pay $700 a year to each ot the four High Schools, and thev will no doubt weigh the matter well before saddling the rate-payers with an additional $700. Newton Brook UaK midges. 119'? O >1. “ma chm“ SE mm. m 8% 35‘ . 2. g“ Raymond Sewing Machines and Eagle Steam Washers. Special Value in Hysons, Congous and J apans. Flour always on hand. Front Rank and White Lose by Roller Process. I still continue to sell the celebrated The Largest and Best Assorted Steel: in Town. Felt Work of every description, such as Men’s Felt Boots, Felt Stockings, Ankle Boots, Men’s Felt Balmorals, Ladies’ Felt Balmorals and Gaiters. Overshoes of allkinds. Man' itobas, Snow Excluders, Elaskas. &c. Ladies’ Carnivals & Rubbers, Ladies’ Fine Boots. Men’s Gaiters of various kinds. Ladies’ and Gents’ Slippersl Full Stock of Child- ren’s Ware, all colors, sizes and prices. Custom \Vork. sewed and pegged, a specialty. Repairing neatly and promptly done. FlRST-CLASS GROCEREES ! ES?“ IMMENSE FALL bTUCK JUST ARRIVED Wall Papers from 8 cents a roll up. WALL PAPERS AT SAVAGE’S. We must make room on our shelves and tables for a tre~ mendous consignment of goods ordered direct from the man- ufactuxers in England and Scotland, and which- will be on hand about the middle of Februray. Our stock is still well aesorted, notwithstanding the great rush at Christmas, but everything must go, and to make them go the above liberal discounts will be allowed to ever; cash purchaser of Dry Goods and Crockery. LORNE STORE. Returns his most hearty thanks to the people of the sur- rounding country for their most liberal patronage during our recent Christmas Gift Sale. and assures them that by their help, notwithstanding the present stringency of the money markets, the sale was a tremendous success, and away ahead of anything heretofore attempted. We also beg to announce that commencing on Thursday, January 12th, “1888, and continuing until turther notice, we will give all cash purchasers of Winter Dry Goods, Readyâ€" Made Clothing, Hardware and Crockery, A Straight flash issuunt of 5 per cent. ASTRAIGHTCASH DISCOUNT UFZU PERCENT. LET’ER G9 RILEY! CONCRETE HOUSE, PPOduQB Of all. kinds taken in exchange for goods and highest prices aiiowed. And to all cash purchasers of Fur Caps, Fur Capes, Fur Mantles and Muffs, we will give a Go and see his rV er P‘urniture. Groceries and Provisions at lower prices than ever. GALLAGHER’S DEAD ! WM. ATKINSON, DIRECT IMPORTER. RICHMOND HILL. THE DIRECT IMPORTER, A New Stock just arrived. SOMETHING NEW IN GO TO THE LORNE STORE. FOR CHEAP, FRESH AND OF THE GEO. TRENCh