RICHMOND Meets in the eveniuu. nt 7 MECHANICS' volumosppen e sonic Hm]1,fmu rian. Lectures RICHMOVD I practice every' 7 30 o’clock W A. O. U. VV.,I\'y Lodge, No. 141. Meets in the Committee room of the Masonic Hull each alternative Tuesday at 8 o'clock pm. Bene~ flcm'y certiï¬cate given for $2,000 in case of death J. Brown.l\1nsrer Workman T. F.McMa.hon. rec. R. T. of Tevnwerauce. Richmond Hill Council, No. 43, Meets m Temperance Hall. each alter- native Tuesday evening atBo'clock p m. Bene- ï¬ciury certiï¬cates issued to male or female members for $1,000 or in case of death $2,000. one halt Diwalzlc in case of disability. J. H. Sander- son Select Councillors; J .A.E.Switzer,Recording Secretarv RmEMOND ‘anm, A Meets in the Lodge 1' Monday on. NJmere fu ANGIE: mond. N Hall eve Rupert. The Methodi socmtion issue desired. Wm RICHMOVD HrLL CORNET BAND.â€"Meets for practice every '1' ucsdny and Saturday evening at 7 30 o’clock W. Sheppard, Lender VILLAGE Comanâ€"Re ve. Wm. Pugsley, Coun- cillhrs, Messrs P G.Sa,, Wm A Sanderson,W Atkinson, Dr Wilson. (.‘luk, M. '1‘eefy. FIRE anmmmâ€"Regulai- meeting ï¬rst Friday of every month. hold in the Council Chamber. at 7p. m. Membership free; Certiï¬cates issued to memhera entitling them to certain privileges and exemptions. Wm.H. Pugsley. Captain. 11. A. Nicholls, Secratnry. nwumu METHODIST CHURCHâ€"services at 10:30 mm and 6:30 p. 111.,an Sunday school, 3152.30 p. 11:. Young people's prayer mung Tuesday evening. General Prayer Meetin‘o eve Thursdayevening in the Lecture Room. ev. .M. Simpson. Supt. Rev. G. N. Rutledge, Assistant. Pmasnyrnnux CHURCH or CANADAâ€"Services at 1] o'clock n..m.,and 6:30 p.1n. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening am 1:30. Rev. W. W. Percevul. Pastor. _ Rmmx CATHOLIC cuuacu.â€"â€"Serv1cesin order 9. follows Thornhill at 9 5.111., and Richmond H lat 10:30 am; the following Sunday at Rich- mond Hill at 9 mm. and Thornhill at 10:80 a. m. Rev. J. J. Egan, Pastor . férééï¬y. Wm Toaox'rn Tnursdav, J an 19, was Wheatjull per bushel... Wheat, spring, do Barley, do oats, do Peas. do Rye. do . Clover Seed. d0 .. ....... Dressed hogs, pe" 1001bs.. . 6 75 Beef, fore quarters . 4 50 Beethind quarters . 7 50 Chickens, per pair , 35 Ducks, do .. 65 Geese: each . . . . . . . 60 Turkeys, each . . . . . . 1 50 Butter. )mnnd rolls ., ‘20 Dressed hogaper 100 lb Beef. fore hummer ..... Beef. hind quarter Chickens. per pair Ducks. do Geese, each ....... Turkevs, perlb . Butter, pound ro Butter, large rolls .. Eggs. fresh, per doz ‘ Potatoes, per bag e . . . . . . Apples, per bbl .. onions, green, per bush Cabbage, per doz Celery, do Tux~ni1)s,perbng .. Carrots, do Beans, per peck ..... . Flour, springmer bbl... Flour, fall, per bbl ...... Bay, per ton ........ straw. per ton . Eggs. fresh. per Potatoes, per [)1 Apples, per bbl onions, green; Cabbage Cauliflower d Celery, d 'l‘m'nips, per 11 Carrots, do Hay, per ton . straw, per ton ST. MARY a EPISOOPAL GEORGEâ€"Eunice at b p m.,excepc the third Sunday of every month, when the service x1nd sacrament we held at 11 mm. Sunday School at 1:30pm Ee'v. W. Bates Rector A; .L <\ - ~ EIGEMQND HILL, 0M. PLAIN & ORNAMENTAL PRINTING Mammal ï¬nds a. Specialty. The Liberal $1 a. Year. Executed with neatness and Bill Heads, Shipping Tags ‘Z‘lazfl L1 ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬‚é. $82.00 IN AEVANGE. ‘osters, Streamers, Circulars, THE LlBERAL ! †etter Heads, Programs, PRINTING & PUBLISHING ESTABLISHMENT. pman rolls tub dairy » uh, par don pay: by: wilmgc Qirtttnrg. onmm ow FORESTEBSâ€"Court Rich- 7046 L 0. F., meets in the Temperance alternate Fridav at 7.80 p. m.-â€"â€" A J Elie Markets. HILL Taming. yo; 465, ALL KINDS OF Card5, 111.414 Lflmxurl, My , ‘empm'nnce Hall’ ovary Wédziesday :0 o'clock. Wm. Harrison '1‘. D. .ist sabbath schoolTemperance As a pledge curds eVery Sunday when LHarrison Supt lNSTITUTEr- Library of over 1000 every Tuesday evening, in the Ma,- 11] 7 to 8 o‘clock. R. E. Law,Libra,- as and disuuSSions periodically. ,per duz. do despatch. Societies. Churches. &c., &c. m, Ajax A. M.. x023, G.R.C lge room,Mnsonic Halon the me full moon. at. 8 o'clock p.m Pamphlets, 1100 .700 0 1 750 0 50 050 0 0 2mmommw 0000110 04 450 60 Labels, 15 1200 50 0 50 O C O Pursuant to R. S 0.. Chap. 107. and 46 Vict Chap. 9. out. notice is hereby given that ullcred itors and others having any claims or demands egmnst the estate of John Maxwell, late of the 'l‘ownshiu ot Vaughan, in the County of York, farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of October, A. D. 1887, are hereby required to send by post prepaid. or deliver to Messrs. Mu- lock. Tilt, Miller, Crowther 5.: Montgomery, of 99 King street east, in the said city of Toronto. So. licitors for Thomas Muxwelledministrntur oft-lie estate of the said John Maxwell. deceased. their christian and surnames, addresses and full pur- ticulams of their claims and demands against the said estate, and the nature of the securities (if anv) held by them, on or before the JOHN MAXWELL And notice is herebv further given that after the said 14th day of February. A D. 1888.the snid Thomas Maxwell will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and that he will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distxibuted to any person or ersons of whose claim he shall not then haveha noticei 14th day of Feb., A.D. 1888 Mnlock, Tilt, Millet, Crowther & Montgomery. Solicitors for Thomas Maxwell. administrator of the estate of the late John Maxwell. deceased. Dated at Toronto, this 5th day of January. A. D. 1888. . 28-5 The undersirmed hasa. number of coal and wood heating stoves; 1 set of hamesn. and 1 farmer's scale, 0.11 of which will be sold below coat. 29-2 0. MASON, Richmond Hill Pursuant to‘the Revised Statutes of Ontario Chap. 109. and the amended statutes 46 Victoria Chan. 9. the credit:ch of the late We want farms to suit applications. Persons Wishing to dispose of their farms, or exchange them for property in Toronto, will ï¬nd it to their advantage to call or write at once SHIPMAN & BUTLER. 7 Yonge street Arcade, 28â€"1 Toronto Late of the Village of Thornhill, in the County of York, gendeman, deceased, who died on or about the 20th day ‘of August, A. D. 1887. are here- rg notiï¬ed to send by post. prepaid, on or before 6 To Josenh D. Booth, Bradford P. 0.. their christian and surnames adrh eases and descripmun a, statement of their accounts and the nature of their securities (if anv) held by them. Notice is hereby given that after the said 20th day of February the assets of the said Charles E. Arnold will be distributed among the 1mities the claims of which the undezsigued will then have notice and who are entitled then-eta ; and the Exgcuto: will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof to anv person whose claim the un- dersigned shall not then have notice at the time of such distribution. All accounté due the said estate must be paid forthwith to the undersignqd,_ _ is 'M. ARNOLD, Executor of the estate of C. E. Amok} Dated at Bradford this 5th day of Januarv. 1888‘ Notice in creditors $5,000 to loan in one of two sums on Farm property. E. F. LANGSTAFF, 29-4 Richmond Hill 29-4 CREDITORS ! 0mm E. mm, 20TH DAY F FEB“! NEXF. FARMS WANTE . In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patrmage during the past twenty-ï¬ve yams, I beg to re mind them and the gen..ral public, thm having erectez‘ enfi.-e'y new and com- modious premises. [ am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies. Carriages, TRENCH’S ~CARRIAGE WORKS.- A good general servant wanted in family. No washing. Apply immediately to .n-n. v." “11" 29â€"12! Cutters, Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as the work is under my own supei‘visra. I am also prepared tn do all kinds of black- smithmg (r repairing in the most work- manlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. PLATFORM SPRING ' WAGUNS. Horse - Shoeing $5,000 to Loan IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Late of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, farmer, deceased. 3am Eidvmimmmtï¬. WANTED Paid special attention to. \VM TRENCH RICHMOND HILL. NOTICE NOTICE TO Sleighs and "Ems. JAS. NEWTON. Elgm Mills a. small Sole and only agent. for Springhill ’and surrounding countryL Parties whose barns me wrecked by lightning are indemniï¬ed to full extent of wreckage. Farmers can save money by insuring in the Gore. This Company has been established ï¬fty-one years. The gore is one of the oldest and most, reliable Mutuals in Canada. All communications promptly attended to. Begs to announce that he is now show the ï¬nest lines of Damage by lightning to stock while in ï¬eld. is promptly paid by the Gore, (the actual payment being two-thirds of the value of animal). THE BEE HIVE STILL AT TII_E FRONT! C. TRETIETHAN This Cumpany has deposited $20,000 with the Ontario Gnvernment, being mnre than double What the law requires, but It gives the GORE a. still stranger hold upon publlc conï¬dence. The number of losses for the past year was 108. and the amount of loss 357,- 887.27, of which $4,315 28 was reinsured, making the net loss $53573 99. send their address to Hallets & 00., Parkland, Maine, and receive free, full information how either sex, of 8.11 ages. can earn from 5 to $25 per day and uiwards wherever they live. You are started free. Capital not required. Some have made over ï¬fty dollars in a single day at this Total assets available to meet losses has increased from $218,980.00 to $238,- 264.00 in the year 1886, the increase be- ing With“) a trifle of $20,000. FALL & WINTER CLOTHS CANADIAN TWEEDS. STBIEES 8s MIXTURES. Work. All sucheed ï¬re and lightning _by insuringâ€"m the GORE DlS’I‘RICT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 00.. Head Ofï¬ce Gnlt, County of \Vaterluo: Established 1836. The number of policies issued in the year 1886 was 2,616. and the number in force at the end of the year 6,273, insur- ing $6,367,679.31. showing an increase of nearly-$400,000.00 over the amount at risk at end of 1885. The income for the yeit W135 5.587.078.9721 _ sea. Wondprs exist in thousands of forms, but are “11152155911 by the marvels of inventlou. Those who are in need of proï¬table work that can be dune While livmg at home should at once RICHMOND HILL, The great holiday parade is over and he hopes you will yet continue to favor him with a further share of your patronage. NEW ,GOODS, NEW STYLES. NEW TRIMMINGS. Fine Teas & Coffee, Cocoa, Chocolate,Cocoanut,Spices, Baking Powders, Cereal ' Foods, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Candies, Nuts, Dates, Figs, Oranges, Lemons,Biscuits,Cakes Oysters, Fish, Cheese, Bologna, &c., always fresh & on hand. Be DRESS MAKING Dress Mmkermppositelggï¬onic Hall Bxchmond l I am so sure that 1 can cure the worst case of catarrh in the nUSe,head or throat that I will forward. free of charge, a sample box of Japanese Catarrh Cure to any address in Canada, United States or Great Britain, provided they will furnish with order a letter from any reliable per- son or clergyman. 1f the Japanese Ca- tarrh Cure gives satisfaction. I would ex- pect them to forward the small amount of 25 cents. On the other hand, if it does not prove eï¬'ectual no payment Will be expected. Joseph Dilworth, Chemist, 170 King St. East, Toronto. F. KIRKY, Ever shown in this locality. Fme imported vérything new except the sums old reliabiliw of VVL)1‘k_m§mship, thgsaimq old Loyv_Prices. ()VERCOATINGS. and the 5111-116 old Perfection of Fit. Remember the BEE HIVE when you want a. nolbe Suit or overcoat. MISS‘HARKISON, Farmeljs protect. your_ buildings fro_m Full lines of elegant Trouserings. Scotch and English - Grocer and Confectioner, TWEEDS & WORSTEDS. TREVETHAN, Richmond Hili. All the latest novelties in Checks. Come in angl see our SURE TO COME. HERE IS Fire Insurance. AGAIN. A splendid ine of Beauhful new JOHN T. SA IGEON, P. 0. Address. King prepared Wishes to thank his numeruus customers for their support during the past sixteen years, ani invites them and others who wish tn get bargains to give him a call and see for themselves and compare prices. His stuck consists of Teas and C Blankets. QIIIIIS a; “Vomit-n Wnd‘ rwem'. always importing direct You can be supplied as cheap by me as by any other person. Recent improvements makes it the most perfect Sewing Machine offered to the public ; easy to leam, easy to manage, case hardened parts makes it. durable. You can also be supplied with an Or any other of ï¬rst-class make, or you need a Preservg W Sign? FRANK LAZARUS These Spectacles and EYe Glasses have been used for the past 35 vears, and given in every in- stance unbounded satisfaction. They are the besbin the world. They never tire, and lust many yearswithout change. For Sale by T. F. MoflIflHON JESSE NUNN, bPRINGHILL. FRANK LAZARUS. Manufacturer. 28 Mary- land Road, Harrow Road, London, England late Lazarus & Morris,Ha.rt,tprd, Cox}. _ BNO EOK£OCEIOEâ€"Qizï¬-Bï¬yréï¬ier ï¬rm in the Dominion of Canada. ' THE LIGHTâ€"RUNNING NEW WILLIAMS Takes the Lead. RENOIWNED Sgeetaï¬lea & Eye Glasses. has revolutionized the I world during the lust lmlf century. Notlenst among the wonders of inventive progress is a. method and system of work that can be performed all over the country without separatmg the workers from their homes‘ Pay liberal; any one can do the work; either sex, young or old ; no special ability required. Cani- tal not needed ; you are started free. Cut thls out and return to us and we will send you free. something of great value and imgortance to you, that will start you in business.W ich W111 bring you in more mOuey right away, than anything else in the world Grand outï¬t free. Address True & 00. Augusta. Kaine. A good Dwelling thh Store attached for sale on moderate terms. The roperty is situated on Yonge Strpet, Richmond ill. two doors north of Crosby's store. There is an excellent garden. with a. liberal supply of choice fruit. Plemy of good water, herd and soft. Apply to 22-“ R. E. LAW. Valuable Property FOR SALE. PUBLXBBER or “ LIBERAL." RICHMOND HILL AND MERRY XMAS AND HAEEY YEAR! m UXBRIDGE ORG As an advertising medium, The Globe-has no equal in Canada, It; circulation, which appears at head of its editorial columns dailyl is far in advance of all other Canadian papers, and it is the intention of the man- ement to always keep The Globe in its pmud position as the “Anna; igWSPAPER OF CANADA, both in point of circulation and influence. between Toronto and London which has been runnin dail ' last, will lye continueq thropgl’louta1888. This train argrives £51123:de 3.113615: a.m., makmg congectxon WIth all the early trains from that point, securing l’or The Globe a delwery throughout Western Ontario hours in advance of all Toronto papers. The different editions cf The Globe can be procured from all News Dealefl throughout Canada. WINTER DRESS GOODS, (Late of the ï¬rm ofLazams & Moms) DAILY GLOBE. Morning Ediflon. “ “ I2 o'clock “ WEEKLY GLOE, . . SATURDAY DAILY GLOBE, BY WEARING THE ONLY PIANO - THE DLDEST ESTABLISHED AND THE LEADING NEWSPAPER OF CANADA ’ c {@313 SPEQIB/ Iufl'ees sold rm their own merits, without the inducement of gifts. Currants, Peels and Spices. Honest Prices all the year round. Flunr and Feed. Farmer's Produce taken in exchange. VIï¬IEé-EIX GROCERIES! . LUSH, Richmond Hill. - - - THE GLUBE SPECIAL FAST TRAIN -- - - - - T0 ADVERTISERS - - THE GLBE PRENTINE 00. "1 J ANm A ï¬t guaranteed, lVIOOIDIE PMNENG ï¬g? Are now prepared to take contracts for all kinds of Buildings. 30085, SflSH, LlNDï¬. &G., In connection with the factory, where custom sawing mil be done. All work, guaranteed and prices moderate. PLANED LUMBER, MOULDIN GS, 850. A light led bull with some white marks. rising 2 years old, strayed from the premises of the un- dersigned, Lot 29, 3rd Cou. Vaughan, in August last. Anv information which may lead to the re covery of the above will be manifan received. F IRST-CLASS SAW-MILL The above factory is situated on RICHMOND ST., RICHMOND H Nov. 25th. 1886~3m . Rewarded are those who read this and then act ; they will ï¬nd honorable em loyment that will not take ‘. em from their homes and families. The proï¬ts are large and sure for everv industrlcus nerson, many have made and are now making several hundred dollars a month. It is easi‘lor nuv one to make $5 and upwards per day w o is willing to work. Either sex ; young or 91d ; capital not needeq : we start you. Evervthmg new. _No specan abnl~ ity required ; you, reader,can do n as well as any one. Write to us at once {or full pamcnlara, which we mall tree. Address Stinson a 00.. i’ux'tland. Maine THE LIBERAL Having bought the above-named mill and put. everything in Kept on hand, or made to order on the shortest nutice. A stock of Always on hand. There is also a Fl EST-CLASS ORDER, L. INNES & SONS RICHMOND HILL STRAYED WINTER $1.00 per Year. $5.00 per annum. 3.00 n u 3.00 “ “ LOO “ “ LOO “ “ ï¬ftian WM. JONES TORONTO i S UITS, Richmbnd Hill P. o ms t Raisins HILL