Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Feb 1888, p. 1

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fHE LIBERAL PRiNTlNG a PUBLISHlNG HOUSE RLUHMOND HILL. - â€" ONTARIO L‘hankful for the favors of the past 20 years may stillbe consult-ed in any branch nf the pro- ‘ession, as follows: tut-om. lst, 3:11, 10th, and ‘1an of ear-h month Richmond Hi1L.. .. .9th and 24th fin (at the Palmer House) THURSDAY EVENING Shoufl‘vil‘le .. Markham VictoriaSquru-e.. r'mnmm. Walker \Vnodbridge .. Kleiuburg.“ No'alebon..., 10. in. do do do. (10. c Vitulized Au' always on hand at anymintmeuts Works like a. charm Free from 1min. Best fitting Teeth made. Prices low and Vi- talized Air mlmiuistsred Me-‘Mist Toronto I'nivmsih' B'rn h“! (‘o Physicianséz Surgeons, 0nt,.(lnt-e of Stouffvine Ynnfze Street. Richmond Hill. Ofl‘ice Hours tolua.m.,5t08p.m Toronto Officeâ€"No. 14 Building & Loan Chambers. No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofiiceâ€"Rear of the Central Bank, on Saturdays. fiONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES a. G. F. LAWRENCE. '1‘. C. MILLIGAN. RB EYEâ€"RS Bunch OSSKQQ , 'l‘olonto Ofliceâ€"No. 10 King St. “’0”. Markham omenâ€"Opposite Tre- mout House. Main 5!. Mr Gragurv or Mr Holmes will be M the Markâ€" ham Cflice every Saturday from ‘J u. m to? p m D TIST NOT AT HOME ON SUNDAYS 6!» MuNDAYs L41 Yonge Street. 1 Next door to the new Arcade matchrs, Cloths Eagmgs & Eggqagyg lll msl ngs Always on Hand FII “oral F Fnllcrion. Cook (K: Miller, BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS &c J FFICE : 18 KING S'mm-t'r EAST. TORONTO. Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. J S Fullm‘ton, W Cook, J. R. Miller $1 per annum, in advance.] Addrsss A ROBINSON L.D.S..Aurom0nt Barristers. Solicitors, Conveyancers. 8w... VOL. X. nighfi calls M front door 10 a. m LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN. E. I“. MORI‘IIY. SHN G; (30.. nub 09mm! 0300215. SPECTACLES FOR EVERY SIGHT [mam-takers «‘7 E Inbznlm N's. $5,000 to Loan \V Barristers. Solicitors. Conveyance“. Ric. Private Funds to Loan 8.1: Lowest Rates BUSINESS CARDS. .000 t Dr. James Langstan, AND Dr. .I. A. PaInu-r. RICHMOND HILL, ONT ‘ Twin: $121112»le ” VITJQEIZE/Q £11? m MGMAEON, D GREGOM‘ l3 PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN WRIGHT BROS, EDTOR and PROPRIETOR. IS PUBLISHED EVERY Manufacturers & Importers of Dr. \V. J. Wlluon. Richmond Hill. USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. 1m in one c SURGEON DE N‘I‘IS’“ autumn. 33mm. mum. cmrllrrg, §ilbtrmmr two sums on Farm TORONTO bell. Office hour LAX G Q TAFF. Richmond Hill G W HOLMES on farm property. Interest low. Terms easy No vnluumon or commission fees charged. Apply to Licensed Auctioneer {or t}1e(‘nuntios0f York Oumrmund Peel. Goods sold on ctmsiflnment. Genera] sales of stock. etc., promptly attended to at reasonunle rates. P. 0. address, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the sLortest notice and at reasonahe rates. P. O. aduress. King. Barristers, Veto" 15 Toronto Sf... TOI’OutO. and Richmond Hill Rich'd Hill 16th Ann] 1887. 6m. Lmensed Auvtioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest noticeaan in. re!» abe rates. Address Stuufl’vllle P. O Mas? @LE FUJI? WQEKSZ MONEY ! MONEY! THE DOMINION HOUSE, All kinds of Wood. Iron, Galvanized Pipe, Brass and Porcelain Cylinders. All kinds nf Water Runs, \VclLDig-zing ( Curb Rings and Cisteru Tanks made to or Repairing done on shontest native. Having refitted the above House and furnish- ed it in firsl'rclass style, I am prepared to gn'e um public the best 0‘ accommodation. Excellent stabling and attentive hustlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A good livery in con- uectiun. Terms 561 not duv. Beuj. BI'Illingt-r. Proprimor. The undersigned havmg taken possecsion of the above commodious hotel will cheerfully catermthe comfu‘t ol the travelling public. llest brands ofliquors and cimu's. Au atteutlve hnstlerand good stabling. Rooms fur commev- cial travellers. u GILM ovn, Prop. GREND CENTRAL HOTEL. Every accommodation for the travelling puhlic Good stamina and an attentive hustler. Best hquoxs and ciganjx ice course Jn the lake always clear. Warm stills for trotting horses. @011“ gram gm. Every accommodation to guests. Board, $1.00 per day MISS FALCONBRIGE For terms andggdqytflals apply at her residence Sold everywhere}. Price 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Prophetors and manufacturers, THE: UNION MEDICINE 00.. Toronto, Can WM. JACKSON, Proprietor HigLilv Concentrated. Pleasant, Efl‘ectunl, Safe Tnke no other. Sold everywhere. Price 75 cents per bottle. DR. HODDER’S Bligh & Lung cure Issuer of Marrlage Licenses for the County of Yor Is desirous cf obtainixgg pupils fox instruction m PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN E9 mew, @flfiflfifl wmw INSTRUMENTAL MUSIG. Richmond 11111. Feb lamâ€"1888' ASK FOR DR. HODDER‘S COMPOUND. RESIDENCE 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO Richmond Hill, I‘m-(ls Rich than. “WI . I: F. L L. Proprietor. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY. Salem Erkm'dt James 1‘. stokes. ifizifitrllammta‘. N. J. Al'nlsn'on: LAWRENCE 6‘: MILLI‘ A large amount of “dummy. “I71. Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity." [ Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Biliousncss. Sick Headache, } Kidney Troubles. 1thenmutdsm, l Skin Diseases and all filmpurities air the Blood from what- sonver cnuse arising ‘emale weaknesses and general dehility Purely Vegetable, MAPLE ONT GUI-{ES UNIo'NVILM 3E3” MAPLE ‘ur‘os Jet. Iron The Legislature has not. yet got fairly to work. The resolutions passed at the Inter Provincial Confelence were to have been intrudnced last week by the Attorney General. But Mr. Mowat had a bad cnld which rendered his vnice unfit. for speak- ing,and so they had to stand over. Hon. A. M. Ross,tlie Provincial Treasurer will have made his annual statement, showing the position of the Ontario finances. be- fore this reaches the eyes of your readers, Among the measures already introduCed by the Government is one that provides that Municipalities may upon the petition of seventy five per cent. of the store keep ers pat-8a bylaw to compel the stoic keepers within their limits to close their places of business at a certain hour. The design of the bill is to prevent a few merchants, who will not consent to close at a resonable time, from thus forcing all the others to keep their stores open until such an hour as the obstinate ones put up their shutters. The bill is certainly a de~ cided move in the rlglit direction and is very generallv approved. Since my last letter Mr. Whitney. Conservative, has been elected to succeed Dr. Chamberlain, Liberal who sat for the County of Don- dasdurlnu thelast session, whilst Mr. Clark, Liberal, has been chosen for East Nortliuinberlond in the place of Dr. Willoughny the former conservatives member. The numerical strength of the parties therefore remains just as it was. Both of the new nmmbeis are said to be men possessed of more ability than our average piovincml legislator. n-en possessed of more ability than our average pioviiicnil legislzilor. Referring to the early closing hill re» minds ore of the many yulilig girls who are employeo in our large retail stores .nid manufacturing establishments. VVUrk ing us must of them do from early in the mornng until six and on some days until eleven o’clock at night, many of them on their feet all day, they receive but very slight reinnneratiun for their labor. A person passing the places of employment as the girls leave their work at night cun- nut fail being struck with the pale and Lii‘ed looking fuses of nearly all of them. Many of them doubtless have exchanged a healthy Country home for the uncertain pleasures of a city life. It would have been much better for those country girls had they been contented to reumiii where they Were; it would have been vastly bet- ter for future generations. The uppruach of Lent has shlnnlated the activety of Turuutu society, Bulls, fashionable "at home’s” and large puties are the ordnr of the uuy and ambitiuns mothers have Lhelr time fully uccupied. Two svelecy papers have entered npnu an existence, the duration uf which fate has not yet decreed. Altogether the present seusun has I think bnen of more than usual brilliancy. in political circles the situation has changed but little. The defeat of the Reform candidate in Halton has added to the general deuioralizntlon of the Lib- eral party, whilst a feeling of unrest and of dissatisfaction with the present condi- tion of the country prevades even the Con servative ranks. Party lines appear to be drawn less stroneg than ever before, and men express themselves freely on the public questions of the day. The ap- pointment of Lord Landsuowne’s success- or scarcely occasions street comment. We have come to 100k on the Governor-Gen- eral as possessed of so little real power that. it does not concern us. who is our nominal head. His position appears to be an anomalous one. Were he to endeavor to thwart the popular will as expressed by the people’s representatives, or make an attempt to carry into effect his own individual wishes, we shonld declare that his usefulness was gone, but if then, as necessarily follows, he is of use only in his doing nothing, why should we main tain him 7 The doings of the Fisheries Commission are kept, very secret so that, no ona out- side thuse engaged can say what pingress is being made. As far, however, as we can judge matters are at a. deadlock, the Amelican Commissioners claiming a sur- render of the rights which the Canadians claim under the Treaty of 1818, whilst Sir Charles Tupper offers to give them up in rem-n: for the free admission by the United States of our natural products enly. Mr. Chamberlain is said to be willing tn ucede to the American demands but is making a show of hulding out for awhile. We shall soon know what the Cnmmissinners will or v.ill not do. The financial depression is being severe- l_v felt. among our merchants. Every few days another failure is reported, and it does nnt appear when the end will be reached. Dehturs of the defunct, Central Bank will soon be called upon to pay up. and some of them will hardly be able to stand the pressure. The Court has not yet decided whether Liquidator Campbell shall be removed or not. \Vhen judg- ment is given it is to be hoped that the winding up nf.the bank will be vigorously proceeded with. The aupuiutment of Peter Ryan.Adam Armstrong and J. A. Proctor. as License Commissiouexs for '1‘: ronto, has just. been Our LL'oronto Letter. FEBRUARY 16, 1888. announced. All are good men, and will discharge their duties as satisfactorily as men hnldin" that position can. As the number of licenses tn be granted has not: been further reduced, their task will not. be so hard as that. allotted to their prede- cessors last year. VVnrd has been received from Ottawa. thatthe sentence of Neil, the Cen'ral Prism: murderer, wiil not be commuted. He will, therefore, hang at the end of the. present munch. G001) NEws.â€"lt isn‘t generally under~ stood that. the electric light may somu day or other line the farmers’ pathway on Yonge Street to Richmond Hill. Won’t. that, he grand I In the meantime, I would advise every farmer along the route and everv concession to use the great, Rock Spring C(ml Oll. The price is so low that you will hold your breath when you hear It pronounced by Dilwortli 'l'he Drnggiet. between the Clyde and Nipifising Hotelx. Toronto The Municipal Council of the Town- ship nf Vaaghun met in the Town Hall 'l‘uieAsdny, the 14th day of February, 1888 Members present: ' Messrs. A. Malloy Ree Ye; A, Russell, 15% Deputy Reeve; I Remnan. 2nd Deputy Reeve; G. High 3rd Deputv Reeve, and t’. Devins, Conn cillnr. The Reavv in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. The fuiluwiug accmmts Were presented and ordered m be paid:â€" R. B. On, fur Jvnn Wiles, clean- ing tanks at 'l‘hnruhlll ............ $6 37% 'I‘. F. McMalmn, printing, 6&0 ...... 7 00 J. J. Camwun, broom lur Town Hall ‘25 The fullmx ing petitions Were presented: From Mr. Geo Elliott and 78 uthers asking the Cunncil to take such legal actâ€" iun which they as a Council are possessed of, to clnse up as it public mad that porâ€" tion of ruad iunning through lots Nos. 1], 12 and pillt0f13, in the 8th canoes- sum, and to dispose of that pnrtion which runs tlm ugh lot No. 11. Mr. Elliott addressed the Cvnncil and gave reasons in support of his petition. From Mr. High, in behalf of MI‘. John Parkins and 23 others, we] cutting hills on 4th Can. and on sidemad between lots 31) and 3l. From Mr. High, in behrnlf of Mr. \V A MuCtmzlwun and 42 unhers, re. openâ€" ing tuwulme between the 8th and 9th concessi-ms. From Mr Reaman. on behalf of Mr. John Laugstatf and 45 others, re. gravelâ€" Izng siden ad between lots 5 and (3, lead- ing from Thoruhill to Thuruhill station. From Mr. Realuun, on behalf of Mr. John Witty and 28 others, )e‘ gravulling sideline between lots 10 and 11 from Yonge St. to 4th Con. of Vaughan. From Mr. Russel], in behalf Alex. Cameron and 40 others, Te up_tmvn Vlllle; Mr. Geo. Cooper presented a. claim for sheep killed by dous. MlWed by Mr. High, seconded by Mr. Devins that the Treasurer be and is here- by authorized to pay Geo. Cooper the sum of $12.58, being g the value of sheep killed by dogsâ€"~-Carricd. Moved by Mr. ’waunan, seconded by Mr, Devins, that with reference to the petition 07 Mr. Geo. Elliott and 78 others tu close up an established road, known as the Shaver Road, the Clerk is hereby in- structed to have the necessary notices and advertising for closing said ruad posted and published as required by law.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. High, secnnded by Mr. Devius, that the necmnn nf Mr. John Parkins and 23 others be referred to the Commissioners for districts Nos. 1 and 3. Moved by Mr. Russell, seconded by Mr. Reaiimii,tliat the peLitinns of Messrs. \V. A. McCuLcheun, Alex. Cameron, and 82 uthers be referred to the commissioners fur district No 3, to meet a. ‘committee from King Council re opening town line â€"â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Devins, seconded by Mr. High, that the petition of Mr. John Langstafl' and 45 others be referred to the commissioners of District No. 1.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. High, seconded by Mr. Devins, that the petidon of Mr. John Witty and 28 oubexs be referred to the commissioners of Dist. No.1.~0arried. Muved by Mr. High, seconded by Mr. Devinsfihac the Treasurer be and is here- by authorized to pay the following acâ€" counts:â€" Wm. Knight, for cnflin and attend- ance at‘f‘un'eral of Wm. B:)gardi3.$9 00 Alfred Bishop, digging grave. 2 00 Wm. Powers, dlgging grave for W. Fagan's child... . . . 1 00 u â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Russo”, seconded by Mr. Reaman, that. the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following road accounts:â€" District No. 1.â€" Geo. Weldrick, for 16 days draw Vaughan Council X N of Mr. opening in! grave], at $1.50 .............. : I). Bnyle, 7 days drawing gravel... W.Peurson,4¢‘i days drawing, gravel John Mulnck, filling gravel. 16 dys Gen. VVeldnck, 174 lnada gravel... Samuel Clift. bolts for bridge . District No. 2 - G. Brawn, 11 days drawing gravel at, $1.50 ............................. District No 3,â€" Michael Puwersgravelling between lots 20 and 21, 4th Cm)... . Robert Rumble, 102 loads gravel at 10 cents .......................... at 10 cents ....................... 10 20 Carried. A hy-Iaw was passed accepting Mr. \V. Cook's resignation as auditor for the town ship. The blank was filled with the name of Gen. F. Wallace‘ The 3wunci1 then adjourned to meet on Tuesday, March 13th. Great chitement throughout the neigh- bnrlmnd hf Richmond Hill over a very startling letter receiVed frum Wm. Turn- er, of Whitchurch, speaking in the high- est terms of "Japanese Catarrh Cure,” He Nays, “1 have used one box, and I think one more will cure mev Mine was a. very bad case of camth ” Cures stuHâ€" ing of the nose su troublesome to child- ren, cnld in the head, nuse or throat. Sample box, 25 cents; large size, 50 cents. Juseph Dilwurth, Chemist, 170 King St. East, next door to Nipissing Hotel, To- ronto. The Village Council met on Monday eVening, Feb. 13th. at 8.30 o’clock. Members present: Messrs. Pugsley (Reeve). Sanderson,Savage and Atkinson. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting, held on Jan. 16:11, read and continued. Mr. H. C. Clubine, of the firm of Clubine J: 00., of Stoufl'ville, addressed the Council in reference to the laying of asphalt sidewalks, for which he is agent. He mentioned Barrie, Stoufl‘ville, Mark- ham and other places where he had done a. good deal of the work, and said he was prepared to state it had given i'Ood satis- faction. The sidewalk complete would cost ~15 cents asquare yard. and he would give a. guarantee for five years. The Council looked upon the scheme with favor, and said they would consider the matter before the time of building sidewalks. The following bills were presented and ordered to be paid:â€"M.H.Keefler, print- ing bills, ballot papers, 850., for Munici- pal and School Trustee Elections, $6.25; Village Inspector, keepmg tramps, 80cts. Mr. H. Miller addréssed the‘ Council in reference to their securing a car load of lumber from an Onllia. firm. He thought the hemlock would be better than what could be purchased in this para of the country. The Council agreed to let know in due time. The Reeve introduced the question of building a. luck~up for the village, giving good reasons why he considered such was necesxary. He thought; the cost would be in she nelglxburhoud of $100 or $125. All the n.6hnbetu p1 esent. spoke in favor of buildng such a place. Mr. Sanderson considered one could be built on the Park. 16 ft. long, 10 ft wide and 8 ft high for 3588 not 1ucluding the Work. It. was finally moved by Mr. Savage. seconded by Mr. Atkinson that a. com- mittee composed of the Reeve and Coun- cillors Sanderson and Atkinson be ap- pointed tn draw up a plan. with the pro- bable cost of a lock-up, and present the same at next meeting~â€"Carricd. Moved by Mr. Sanderson, seconded bv Mr. Atkian that Mr. Savage, as chairman uf Fire and Water committee, be instructed to prucm‘e for the Fire Brigude hqu l. duzun of hose keysâ€"Carn- Mr. Savage, Dr. Wilson and the Clerk were appointed a. committee on make in- quiries in reference to the asphalt. side- walk material. A lung discussion took place as to whe- ther Mr. \V. 'l‘rench should have been charged anything for the use of the water tank and wagon for the past year. In answer to u. questiuu by the Reeve, the clerk stated that the bill ($3.00) had not; been presented. It was finally moved by Mr. Atkinson, seconded by Mr. Savage, that in future the water tank and wagon be lent to Mr. Trench free of charge, on Condition that he keep it. in I-l‘npel' repairâ€"Curried The Cunncil adjourned tn meet on Monday. March 5th, a; 8 p. m. D15AsTR0US.-â€"The mnsb intense exâ€" cxtemeub is felt in the flourishing village of Richmnml Hill and its surroundings, as facts are revealed, who are dyeing. in colors; in fact It”. the how, by using the pH only five cems a pac city only by Joseph ] gist. 170 King Sr, Clyde and Nipissirg [Single copies, 3 cts Village Council. mckage. Sold in the h Dilworth, the Drug- r, East, between the "a Hotels, Toronto. ’uumerous families e most beautiful glare of the ruin- ,nlar Sun Set Dyes. Mr. Miller $24 16 50 ram- Dyes, ) the 40

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