The Newmarket Era takes, in no spirit of Jealousy, strong grounds against the County Council’s late action anent our High Schools Among other things the Era calls attention to the tact that at present Aurora sendsjust seven pupils to the Newmarket High School. This does not go to prove that Aurora is painfully pining for higher education. To set this in a stronger light, we may add that the little village 0f Maple contributes to Richmond Hill High School eight pupils. \Vhy should not Maple also have a High School of its own ? W'hen the rate- payers realize the full signiï¬cance of the proposed inc'rease in the num- ber of our County High Schools, and the proposed reduction 01 the County grant to those that are now in existence, that have been estab- lished at a great expense, and that are now threatened with serious calamiy, we are inclined to think that they will insist on a sharp un- derstanding wi;h those who iavoxtd the change. It is not yet, indeed, too late to retreat, and we venture to express the opinion that retreat, at least in the matter of the reduct' ion, will be the safest course tor the innovators to pursue. as a member of the Manitoba Cabi- net, departed at once to Minnesota, took the oath of allegiance to Uncle Sam, and thus renounced in an es- pemal manner his allegiance to Queer. Victoria. V’Vhat sort of man is Mr. Hamilton ? Disloyal P Per- ish the thought. A Tory is never disloyal. even when he is sucking the very lile-blnod 01 his country. Only Liberals are ever disloyal. Mr. Hamilton is a Tory, theretore,a gentleman, therefore above all re- proach, and theretore loyal to the throne. that is. to himself. After three weeks of preparation, the Budget Speech of Treasurer Ross may be regarded as the real beginui-Jg of bus'aeLS in the Local House. The estimates are slightly in excess of those of last year, but the rare prudence and economy of the government still enable ihem to provide for a†the expenses of the Province wiihout enLrenching on the Capital Asseis. That our affa'rs are wonden‘ully well admin- istered is proved beyond doubt by the fai‘u-e of [‘16 Oppos‘tion to me' :- tain even zlfe semblance of a deba e (m 'l‘reasrr'e; ROSs' moiiou for Mr. Speaker 10 leave Hie chair. Mr. H. E. Clarke, one of :lte membe ‘s for Toronto. did Indeed indulge in a feeble aLtempt to creaLe an impress- ion that all is not as it should be. But Mr. G. B. Smith, East York's Liberal says that he should be per‘ mitted to deal in the market most favorable to his business, he is dis- loyal. If a Liberal declares that a Deople have some rights on which even a railroad should not be allow- ed to trample. he is disloyal. It ï¬nally a Manitoba Liberal,to escape the grinding monopoly that 15 fast choking the life out of the Prairie Province, hies himseli into Dakota, he is disloyal. So say the Tories ; it must be so for they know. \Vill the Tories be good enough to prop- erly brand Mr. Hamilton, Attorney- General in the late Norquay Ad- ministration ? Mr. Hamilton, the very moment that his salary ceased The Tories are never tired of ac- cusing the Liberals of disloyalty. It a Liberal objects to pay more for granulated sugar than is paid in any other country, he is disloyal. If a (Mn: fliheml. RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, Feb. 16, '88 LOYALTY VS. DISLOYALTY. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THE LOCAL ASSEMBL Y. UUR HIGH SCHOOLS. Mr. and Mrs. Arkaay are visiting with J. P. Rupert, Esq. King Cay mus: be on the wane, as quite a considcrable purtion of it is at present, being removed to Maple. Mr. Jas. McDonald intends moving in- to his new house .ina Wet’k. From our own Correspondent. Last Saturday night, about 8 o’clock, our Village ww thrown into a great ex- citement over an alarm of ï¬re, which was at ï¬rst thought to be ll) the Vllluge. but which proved to be a burn a little west of of the village, belonging to J. Lahiner, and rented by J. Dalton. A large crowd soon gathered, but to no purpose, as ev- erything was consumed, With the except ion of a few implements which were lying alongside the building. Besides the barn about 100 bushe‘s of barley, and 50 bush- els of wheat were consumed, also about 25 tons of hay. Mr. Dalton had $500 insurance on the contents, but unfortu- nately Mr. Lahmer had nothing on the barn, which will be a total loss. There is no question but the tire was the woxk of an incendiary, and it is supposed to have been a tramp who had gone there for shelter. Mrs. Charlotte Harding died at her residence. Newton Brook, on Monday, the 13th inst.,ut the age of 70 years. She was the only surviving sister of Mrs. Ezra. Clubine, of Elgin Mills. The friends of Maple Lodge I. O.G.T., intend visiting the lodge at. Victoria Square next Saturday evening, where a pleasant time is anticipated. The Presbyteriaus'had a bee on Tues- day hauling brick from Richmond Hill for their new brick church on the 7th, which they intend buildiugpext summer. Mr. Fraser intends iuoving into Mrs. Robinson’s honse, lately occupied by Mrs. Be_a_sley: M r. 'Grego; y, of Tottenham, spent last Sabbath at. Mrs. J. Lines'. STOPS Droppingsirom Nasal passages EASY TO USE. into the throat and cxcegiw: expecrorution calmvd bv Ca- 1:W‘“. 50‘“ ‘m' Dmgglsts‘ or ï¬rm I‘m-paid 1 ‘ rrr-oipf o: y. w": 30v. and $1. A‘u‘rc; J FULFORD 6-: $0., Brockviile, Ont. The President elect is A. Marvel, Esq , an aid mariner commonly called the Captain, who in the days «If his might, nwned and cmnmantled the stone lmuker Mary Ann; until the unfortunate day that the ï¬rst. mate, Bill Lucke, bruached a keg uf zhe Captain’s best, uni-mm; Hanlan's island for the Qlieen‘s whatâ€, and wrecked the galiant Vessel theieun, while the spur-Live Captain was angling for catfish in the river Don. Vice. President, R. J. MucKeen; Sec , John A. Gofï¬n, Were alsu elected. \Ve hope to give to the readers of THE LIB ERAL sketches uf sume inure ol the mem- bers, with the sayings and doings of the society from time to time. A wedding is expected shortlv. Miss Annie Jackson is Visiting in To From our own Corresnomlent The Society for the DISCUSBlUH of Pass- in: Events held their regular meeting on Monday last. The above nciety cnmists mainly of single gentlemen of imellegenuu and leisure. The discussions are .ml cun- tjned to local events, but anything that happens in the outside world, lrmn the Crown Prince’s throat down to the rabbits in Australia, is freely commented upon Forms are taken and blown up. lalmi problems are solvedunarrmgee are arrang- ed beiween the royal lmnsvs of dill'erenL lines. and the world gelmrally looked after. routâ€. Miss and Mr. M. Stung have returned from a lengthy slav at, New Hamburg. Mr. Clegg has taken the house lately vocated by Ed. Buako, Esq. DANGEROUS CUUNTERFEH‘N. â€"â€"Cunnt,er- felts are. always anngeruus, more so that, they always clnsely 1mm“; TH!) amumn 1N APPEA NANCE AND NAME The remark- able Success achieVed by Nasal Balm as a pnsitive cure for Catarrh and Cold in the Head has induced nnpriucipled pzsrLies to imitate it. The public are cantiuned not to be deceived by nostiums imitating Nasal Balm in name and appearance, bearing such names as Nasal Cream,Nasal Balsam, etc. Ask for Nhafll Balm and do not take imitation dealers may urge upon you. For sale by all druggista or sent post-paid on receipt of price (500. or $31) by addressing Full'urd 1b Um, Brock- ville, Unt. Mrs. R: James and fanniy have moved to Davisville. Miss ColeI of England, is visiting Mrs. Risebruugh. Miss Coates has so far recovered from her illness as to be out. of danger. , representative, in a speech replete with good humor and wtde com- mercial knowledge, effectively squelched the eminent trunk-maker. It is said that the Opposttion will make themselves heard when the House is in committee of supply. Perhaps, but it must be confessed that no task is more discouraging than looking for a hole that exists only in the mind ol the searcher. Newton Maple Brook SOOTHINS. CLEANSING. HEALING. Cold In Head, HAY FEVER. BATAHHH. It Cures M52 TM: Raymond Sewing Machines and Eagle Steam Washex Special Value in Hysons. Cungnns and Japans. Flour always ml hand Rank and White Lose by Roller Procesa. I still continue to sell the eel The Largest and Best Assorted Stock in Town. Felt Work of every description, such as Men’s Felt Boots, Felt Stockings, Ankle Boots, Men’s Felt Balmorals, Ladies! Felt Balmorals and Gaiters. Overshoes of all kinds. Man- itobas, Snow Excluders, Elaskas. &c. Ladies’ Carnivals (\. Rubbers. Ladies’ Fine Boots. Men’s Gaiters of various kinds. Ladies’ and Gents’ Slippers. Full Stock of Child- ren’s Ware. all colors, sizes and prices. Custom \Vork. sewed and pegged, a specialty. Repairing neatly and promptly done. LET’ER G® EEEEYE Returns his most hearty thanks to the people of the surâ€" rounding country for their most liberal patronage during our recent Christmas Gift Sale. and assures them that by their help, notwithstanding the present stringency of the money markets, the sale was a tremendous success, and away ahead of anything heretofore attempted. We also beg to announce that commencing on Thursday, January 12th, 1888, and continuing until iurther notice, we will give all cash purchasers of Winter Dry Goods, Ready- Made Clothing, Hardware and Crockery, \Ve must make rorim on our shelves and tables for a tre- mendous consignment ofgoods ordered direct from the man-- utactuiers in England and Scotland, and which will be on hand about the middle of Februray. Our stock is still well aesorted, notwithstanding the great rush at Christmas, but everything must go, and to make them go the above liberal discounts will be allowed to every cash purchaser of Dry Goods and Crockery. The Largest Stock of FURNITURE ever on hand, WALL PAPERS,flrst of the season FIRST-CLASS GROCERIES ! A Straight cash fliscmam m gar cent CONCRETE HOUSE, Wall 81 ceiling paper, ereemq & Freezes Sugars. Teas. Canned Goods 8c everything in the Grocery Line ; also Flour 8c Feed. Prices Low. A STRAIGHT CASH DISCOUNT 0F 20 PERCENT. NEW DESIGNS IN PAPERS! LORNE STORE. And to all cash purclnsers of Fur Caps, Fur Capes, Fur Mantles and Muffs, we will give a SRIC dues of a}! kinds taken in exchange for goods and highest prices allowed. IMMENSE FALL bTOCK JUST ARRIVED GALLAGHER’S DEA ! WM. ATKINSON, DIRECT IMPORTER. RICHMOND HILL THE DIRECT IMPORTER, JHMOND H1LL.<%«:2 FOR CHEAP, FRESH AND Just arrived. New design: in Fuâ€"l‘ 18é8. Call and see them. TU THE LORNE STORE. THE whlch must be sold to bring cash P. G. SAVAGE. GEO. TRENC .nd. Frum celebraten