Net Sastamed. Last Thutsday at Osgoode Ha“. Mr. Jus- "ce McMahon gave jud;, aent r j‘nst Mr. Chauncey, of Markham . 11939. The pro- ceedings of the minor were s_a"nst ihe seats of 1’ wve "Hunt and Councillors B“""';s and Ash of the vi’lnge of Mnrlf'lam. “POD I la ssovï¬ds of want of due property qualiï¬- cation and bribeJ at the recent muuicipa‘ election. Mr. Chauncey who was ordered to Lav all the 1205!! says he will upply '10: “«312] mu. Mugabed in this village, and the ordi'Imy courtes‘es weve freely exchanged. The only trouble is M the cap ï¬tt‘ng too tightly in some cases. There is however always one ennsolaï¬ou for the receiver. He fee's Pa]. 1 N he knows who sent it. ’1 On Bond's Ldke. The trotting on the ice at Bond’s Lake, to- mm.'ow (Friday) promises to he excxtiug. Many of the competitors feel cmï¬dem of a good slice of the 850 offered in prizes. The races will be c&|led at about. 1 o‘clock p. m. Proctor's bus will leave the village after diu- nt 1' and will cunVey all who wish to go and see the sport. 0 How Nice! How did you like your valentine? It is ofï¬eu said the custom of sending thugs dis. closures from one to another is on the wane, but frrm all accounts the statements is not well sustained. The day wag genera‘ly re. Corsets at 25c net, 30c net, 50, 10 per cent. off 75:. IO per cent. of 95c, IO per cent. oï¬r $1.2o,only at Atkin- sons. Last Thursday was the coldest day of the season. The Thermometer registered about 20 degrees below zero in Toronto, and in Manitoba it. lell as low as 50. The Directors of the Richmond Hxll Meohanios‘ Institute will meat 1n the Lyc- ture Room of the MaSnuic Hall, to-mormw (Friday) evening at 8.30. All directors are reqneuted to be present as matters of im- portance will come up. Atkinson, of the Concrete, will gave you the best value {or your money and [0 per cent. discount be- sides. A special meeting of the Fire Brigade will he held on Monaav evening next, the 20th Feb. The object of the meeting is 21. base practice for the members in preparation for the hose contest which will take place in the spring. Aikinson has a lot of Ladies’ Mantles which he will sell at cost and give you 20 per cent. oï¬. Tha Municipal Council of the Township of Markham wi|l hold its next, regular meeting at Wehber's Hall, Uuionvtlle, on Sam day. Feb. 18th. Credxt Sale. Mr. R. Graham, Lot 43. Ist Con. Vaughan. will have an auction sale of ï¬rm stock. im- plements, household furniture (to. on Thurs- day, Feb. 23rd,commenciug at. 12 o‘clock noon. As the proprietor has rented his farm the sale will h: without reru 1V9. With the exception of beef anal), hay, .mts fowl and ail sums under $10. a credit of 9 months mill be given. Salem Eckardt, Auctioneer. RICHMOND HILL, Thursd ay. Feb. 16. '88 Communication from Spn‘nghill received as we are going to press. Will appear next week. Prntect your eves from the brightness of the snow hy getting a pair of him: or smoked glasses at THE LIBERAL Store. From 25cts. to 81.003 pair. Court Richmond, A. O. F., will meet to- morrow (Friday; evening. Going: North. soul h East and \Vest. includinu Thm'uhill, Maple. anontn, Mm-klmm.&c. 7.45 EVENING zâ€"Gningz southEnst and West (as above) 5.30 N. B.«â€"Resisterad Levers must he ham (led in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the tube ve mentioned hours for closing. MORNIN TORONTO Until further notice Mails win he dosed at the Richmond Hill Post 01150:) as follows:â€" Newmm'kec Auroraâ€... .. King... RICHMOND I'mrnhill .. Weston ....... Dnvmmnrt . Parkdmle _ . Connects with all trains. leaving the Palmer qï¬ncv Riclmmnl Hill. as follows: Mai <' Ex )ress.Nm‘th A: South... ...7.45 a m. Aeoommn Minn " “ “11.45 “ ixpress North†5:5 p. m. Mm South... .535 " Thm‘n‘nlill...‘....‘.. mcauoxo HELL King . Aurnrn. ., . Newmarkeh City Hull Brook Street Parkdnlu. .. Davenport†'Vestnn PROCTOR’ mum TORONTO .R. R. TIME TABLE. Bror‘k Street City Hall POST OFFICE NOTICE Ere (ifilmul. me. Director‘s Meeting Special Meeting Markham Council. GOING NOR [‘H GOING SOUTH The Coldest. 8 STAGE LINE. Mail 8.!“ . 9."? 9.18 0.30 V 9.49 10.00 3â€"1-1594 013A RRRï¬ 9.!" 9.16 9:35 M. TEEFY. Postmaster 40 A0, 1 .50 Mail H I .Vus M: 'e to n†" A we \’- '; at " 1 em-ly da =. S '31) eve~-' gs as n; s tend to creme a m' e aud‘v fee"'xg among 'l'empsmrce SJck ;, :"Jd aesists mate '4â€)! i4 promot- ing the good work which they are wedged to advocaze. Last evening a large load of the Eglinfon Good 'l‘emplursâ€"some 25 in numberâ€"paid 1 Visit to Richmond Hill, uud were entertain- ed by the diligent temperance organizations of this place. 'l-‘bey Elllved at the Temper- unce Hull about 9 o’clock, and when com- fortubly warmed ulter their long drive, they with the hour-en and sisters here, proceeded to arrange a pronramme for the evening. The lodge was called to order by Mr. C. E. Sheppaid, who made an etï¬cient chairman. After the opening ceremonies were gone through with. the chairman called upon Mr. Brown, W. U of Eglinton Lodge, w‘1o re. sponded by giving an account of temps. auce work in that v"'sge. He reported that tire membernhip 0! their lodge was iapidly in. cn-w‘ng. Mr. Wm. Ha:;ison then made a few remarks. 4 'Ser which Mrs. G. \Vi'ey gave a synopsis of the weak done in concecrion with the W. C. T. Unmu and Band of the. The report Was vexy eucov 213‘ 'g. The pro. gramme proper was then proceeded wild). It consisted of songs, realli'gs, rec’fs'iors, harmonica selections 92d ._o:in so‘cs. A .e!‘ a well executed prng.amme was covclvded, r9 lashmenls were served to all the . ‘:. ‘; wm “all assembled. The provir'ons ware r ‘ul and we] choice. Tue whole pâ€"o. g no closed with a vote of thanks by the :..~f : ‘he way they livd been enter .- ev‘ ‘ :d 39. o'~"'il .IIIa‘fJn to the ' es rte-e10 n '.. :ucw" at "1 emly Mr. A. Malloy, Reeve of Vaughan, assisted by Mr. J. M. Wingï¬eld. J. P., of Parkdale held a court on Saturday afternoon last to investigate a churge of fraud preferred against ’l'hos. Hope. by Geo. Hollingsheud, a farmer of the township of King. Mr. Jus. Ross. of the same township made a similar charge against. him. It was alleged that the accus- ed, by false representations, secured two promissory notes for $240 each from the «- bove named farmers,giviug for them a quan tity of seed wheat at 88.00 a bushel which turned out to be ordinary grain. The evid- ence was conclusive against the prisoner who was committed tor triul. Bail was giVeu just in time to save the ofleuder 1mm going to jail. W'm. Atkinson,the Concrete man. has received advices ot the ship- ments of the ï¬rst consignment of Spring goods direct from the Old Country, per the steamship “State of Nebraska" which Will ariive to- day (Thursday) in New York, and the goods will be here next week or the week after and opened for your inspection; but don‘t wait for them, but come along and buy some of your goods and get the discount. During the past week our people have been much interested in the special services held in the Methodist church in this place. Ser- vices were conducted afternoon and evening. The pastors of the circuit, the Revs. Simpson and Rutledge, were assisted by the Rev. Mr. Chapman, of Unionvxlle, who preached two verv ethane and son! stirring sermons, and by the Rev. J. Mahun. of Newton Brook. His addresses were thoughtful and earnest, and were accompanied with pOWer. Not- withstnnding the cold weather, there has been a 20ml utteudence and the interest i- increasiug. The services will be continued for some time, and we earnestly desire that great good may result from the earnest eflnrt to bring Christ prominently before the minds of [be people. The members of the church will be plea-ed to have the friends with them from Richmond Hill, Headford and sur- rounding plm-cs, to help them on with the good work \v Lch has be.u commenced â€" [he annual trotting races on the ice on Bond’s Lnkr, hill Lukc place on Friday, Feb. 17m, 1888. A lively time is expected, as a unmm-r of well known Ll'Uthl’b’ of good repu- Luliml have entered fur the contests of speed. In the race npeu unly to gentleman‘s mud horses there are ï¬fteen entries, and m the green race, teu horses will start. In each race there is n purse of $25. divided as fol- lowsâ€"lsl, $13 ; 2nd, #8; 3rd, 34. '1' 9 races will be called at, 1 p. m. sharp. For rules and regulations see bills. Mr. (1‘90. Bruwn. jr., Lot, 20, 4th Con. of Murklnun, will lmVu an extensive credit Mlle uf clmesdule horses. high grade (mule, farm inunlelmuts and buuwuold [urnituru on Fri-Any. Feb. 17:11 iusl. Tue sale will cum- llM-‘llce um 11 o'clock, u. m., Luuclx provided‘ Salem Eckm'dt, AucLium-rr. Should the My pmve line this null-4 will no dnuht druw purchasers from all parts of the county, as eu-r} Hung is of a superior quality. Sale Without reserve as tho pruprieLur is giving up farming. Goods, 1'0 per cenl. of? all W'inter Dry Goods, 10 per cent. off all Crockery, 20 per cent.ofl all Mantles and Jackets. The great discount sale is Sun g0- ing an at the Concrete. and notwith- standing the hard times we are kept vezy bu:-‘y. 20 per cent. UH all Fur ant Salurdny nigm. nlmuc 8 o'clock sewr- u: 01 mm \‘H ngt‘l‘n‘ uoliced n. bri ht. reflection m [.lnv- sin, jusL west. of Richmond E ill. 11 “as learned next. day the light was prnduced b) Llw burning of a burn a short distance “new ut Maple. The building was owned by Mr. Jucub Lalnuer, who uufurtunulely halt no |IA~UHUICF uu 1t. Mr. Dalton, the tenant hnu tue c'nntents insured to the amount of 3500. b'lbph'ioll rave on a certain party “hose name {or the presaut will be withheld. the at Grand Annual Matinee. Extensnve -redxt Sale Victoria Square Another Swindie Entertalned Barn Burned (‘um‘ormble rooms to let, with or wit ou Dual-ll. qunige at A strange phenomenon, which v. s K unger bemï¬ â€˜ul. excited the Mn†- 'ou ofalarge crowd stund‘ng close 0 Joseph Hall’s store. the heavens seemed diamt with splendor. Una. closer in- spection it was Found it w*< a. xefleciion of a, number of garments mm a cloth I‘ve subched acrnss the lawn. Wlï¬ch had just been dyed w1lh Sun-Set Dycs. Only live cents a. package. Sold at. Dilwm-Lh’s Drug Store. Toronto Hn‘ Mr. J. A. E. SWixzr-r. as delegate from Lodge Nu. 43, Richmond HillI is attending! a ct, "ventinn of the R. 'l'. of l‘empemuce now in session in Toronto. Rev. W. W. Percival preached last Sunday evening on “The rights and wrongs of Bu- munity. He will continue the same discourse next. Sunday evening. Mr., as Representative [com Ivy Lodge. Richmond Hill, is attending a session of the Grand Lodge, A. 0. U. W.. in Hr'nllton, which opened on Feb. 16th. The session lasts two days. Rev. Mr. Davy. of Newtonbrooh, preached in the Methodist church here last Sundav night to a lame audience. He took his text from Joshua 20th Chap. Verse 3. "And they shall be your refuue from the avenger of blood." He graphically pictured the anxiety of the followers of Moses to reach the tem- porary cities of Refuge in order to save their livas from the avenger, and pointed out how much more imporlunt it was for all people to make sure of the Golden City, Which was a sure refuge for all eternity. Hoot: flu Mr. R. Trench, of Brandon, Manitoba, is in the village again. He purposes taking back with him a number of horses from this part of the country. Mr. H. C. Cluhine, of Stoufl'ville, was in the villrje on Monday. He is one of the ï¬rm who are builders of asphalt sidewalks, felt and gravel roofs 65c. Macars. Geo. Arnold and G. F. Wallace, auditors for the Township of Vungbau for the accounts of 1887 WY]! commequ their names in the Clerk’s oflice here on Monday mxt, the 20th inst. Mis: Earnhardt. of Torontn, is visiting at. the residence of Mr. J. N. Boyle. A C.ty Man Robbed In the Country. 01595 in wblcb countryman are relieved of m 'r pocketbooks iu the city are of Ire-quth occu: ence.but it is seldom the misfortune of a wide-2 wake cifv man to be rnhhed out. in the rural diecricts. Howwer, :his is exnclly 'V'IIM Pa†1:921“), of12 Suckville street,suys lumpeued to him. He states that. he met. Tlms. Simpson. of Whimhmch Township, at. L‘aHunLne. on Sunday ufle‘uoon, and asked mm [or a. ride in his s’eigh. Simpson lmd nonijctious, but hefm-e branling the re- quest, asked “Egâ€.) fur 25 cean, “:0 get his in:th wiah." Begin look a dollar bill from a \veH-ï¬lied pockvihnnk u'ld handed it to SZmpï¬un, who m 1'; nï¬ and returned present- ly WM: 9. Irvin's uf wh‘skay. They gut into (he s'e'a-h and umve off, with the haunt-Jmm which they dv‘a"k i'reelv. Subsequently Reâ€" gan was found lying on the third concession of Whiichnrch by Geo. Nail, who nuok him up. ‘wgan then disunVered that his pocke‘- hook containing 3314 Wu gone. He swore out a warrant for Simpson’s apprehension. and the latter upann-d before Mr. H. D. Lundy, J. l’., at Amara. on Monday. Tut! vmupiainmm told his story. and the prisoner was committed far I‘rin|.â€"Globe. Last Saturday afternoon the pclminrs and friends of the Richmnnd Hill l’resbthrinu Sabbath Sciu ol enjm'ml a sleigh .hiva. Sewn large sleiuhs and {our single rigs cun- Mined the part}, which, led by “W. Mr- Percival, left the church about 2 o'clock and drove south to tha vicinity of Nwwmu Brank, when they turned and Went north to the Elvin Corners and chm returned to the church, n11 feeling highlv duiiuhled with Iheir nuï¬ng. The ladies provided a sumpt- uous repnst In the church, to which it. is ueedleus to add the young folks did ample justice. gccâ€"Qr- zâ€"Ab :be residence of tho b'.,ide's fluke-u o‘l Feb. I.» a. me. bv the Rev. J. M. Sim’mou, MLJ, W. Hour-k, of Mamhaw, to Ms .uk-a. Jpve, daumicr of Frederick Quaufz, Eu! , of noud H ‘ TO LET. Presbyterian Sleigh Drive vAt Newrot‘b‘nok, on Monday. Feb. ~~, N's Ch: ‘oune Hardhg, aged 70 PERSONALS. IVIARRIAGES DEA'I‘IIS . , There is ulsu a yo:qu Ol‘cmlli‘.‘ pic 5 to let, mm or th ou .1mit.a.ndthelotiswellfeuced. .l’e : Apply to THE LIBERAL Oc‘FICE I 26.1.2111 Amos gnu) House & Lot for $ale em 1111 Ladies' black cashmere hose, four pairs for s1 20‘ worth 50c a. air Misses’ wool um ervests 50c each Misses‘ Scotch L W undervests 98c each Ladies‘ Ludies‘ Ladies’ In this department we have a. colossal stock of all kinds of wool goods forladlesand children Also a. I.“ of 600 tuques in various colors with tassel. at; 25¢ each sold regularly at. 75c each Black curl nmntles, short #3, long $5 50 Long ottoman cord ulsters. 3 50. 4 and s4 50 Elegant. Dolmtms, 5 50 6,6 50. :57 "p Long black Jersey cloth ulsters,curl cloth ulsters, Lndies‘ and Missea’ tweed ulsters. Ladies‘ sealetce and blush mancies. very cheap llosnery Ladies' black or colored all-wool hose l‘lï¬c, worth 250, THOS. THOMPSON Boys‘ heavy overcoats, 97¢ each, worth $2 Men's heavv nap ovexcoats, $1 25 each Boys' winter suits. 97¢ each Boys' ï¬ne suits at 2, 3. 4 and $5 Men's heavy winter oval-coats. $2 50,wort11 donble Men‘s Gibraltar serge overcouts $4 Men’s blizzard ovelcoats. $650, W01 th a. fortune to a. chlllv man Owing to the heavy bank failures and the great stringen in the money market we have had offered to us and ha‘v completed arrangements for the purchase of some enormo lots of goodsâ€"for cashâ€"at prices never before thought even by the most idle dreamer. Everywhere throughout th Dominion the increased rate f0 discount and the scarcity money are causingthe over-gorged and plethoric manuta turers to “clamor aloud for clemency.†Great ï¬rms are t day almost totte’ring into bankruptcy. \Vealthy mill-owne and manufacturers are now, for the ï¬rst time since J857, “0 their knees," and unless conï¬dence can be restored to th business community and the present apprehension of dang averted, who can tell what dire calamity may befall th country ? While this state of things continues the treme dous efï¬cacy of “hard cash,†like the philosopher’s stone old, is working marvels and prodigies indeed. For the ne thirty days, or while the goods last, or the manufacturer will supply goods at similar prices, we offer : Men's and Boys’ Clothing Dress Goods ï¬nys‘ heavy overcoztts, 07c each, worth $2 Costume tweeds 750. worth 15c m.“ 3. Three door A new brick-clad dwelligg, 1; stories high, with 5 an acre of ground, 15 for sale in the FORCE?) SALE amoâ€" Wm? are 5w1 5w: “’ool Waps. Caszloods. Nc lies' black Airtmchan muffs “A 1 .7†worth $2 50 lies‘ Persian Lamb cans and muffs velv cheap Iies’ Seal.Cuney. Astrachan, Beaver and Hair Muth and Cup» at about. 25 per cent below funders‘ prices Mammoth House,oppo. the Market,Kin;;r St VILLï¬GE 9F MAPLE, ladios’ Mllfls and 1‘ rd am First Letter Orders Will Receive Prompt Am nghest Prices paid for Red and Alsiku Glover and Timothy Seeds STEELE BROS & 00., A GOOD CROE STEELE BROS. & 00’ SEEDS. class RELIA LE SEED water and-bus every ('n atable and driving house MANUFACTURE Nlnntlos The Handsomest Illustrated Catalogue in Canada. AMOS SHUNK, 1‘ Du Orr SENT FREE. The most important factor of ‘sidence cellar. Seed Merchm".s, Toronto. BE SURE YOU GET ups Call or Address ASK FOR sum] unveu The XXX Line Shingles, Ce dar Posts and Laths. Apply t_0_ _ _ ‘Z’flE EIBE’; mm IN iii hm 25-6111 Men’s uudersh urcn 250 Men‘s heavy drawers 25c Men‘s ambswnol shim uu ’ reduced prices Men's heavy all-wool r-n. double Men's heavy lined kid 11-. General 84:! Heavy. white as snmv: M ‘ Extra. size white blank 7% Large size horse wraps 50 Fine grey flaunels no u ya. Bed cunnforters 55c war I) 1 Fine table linens " c n yarv: Fine table napkins 50c a. any. White and colored canton fl Costume tweeds 7&0, worth 15c Checked matermls double width. 200 worth 40c All-wool Frex-ch dress guods, 15c, worth 250 Every pattern in mrmu plaid 25c :1. yard Dress goods at all kinds have reached bottol. pnces Men's and floys’ Fur Caps Boys imitation lamb caps 19c, wurth 50c Boys' flne imimtrm Bills 5 i -. \-..vr “ 100 Men's .Persi/lm lamb caps, 3rd chm I -, :4 00. turriel price 4 00 Men's Persian lamb cans‘ priceb 6 00 Men’s Persian lamb cups, price 10 ()0 Men’s Astrachun. Beaver, 8,1: half fun iers' pz'i -e.~ Ven's heayy wool top snu- BEST. Olcn‘s and Bow) FOR SAI Glow-s fl 3A Ti‘fll‘ an i Ou,turrie: 00. tun-fa: sis Mink ca; t1)“ [Ltd great. WOI’