The Methodist sabbath school Temperance As anciation issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired. Wm.Hm'vxson sup? MECHANICS" le’l'ITUTE.- Library 01 over 1000 volumes,upen cvury Tuesday evening in the Ma.â€" nonic Hall. from 7 to S o'clock.- E. E. Law, Libra.- riun. Lectures and disuussions periodically. Rmmdom) LODGE, A. F. «t A. M., No.23, G.R.(‘ Meets in the Lodge room,Mnsonic Hmllpn the Monday on or before full moon. at 8 o'clock p.111 1. Crosby, W.M. 111011 Rev. ANCIENT numm 0F FonnnTEnsâ€"Coun mou- monrl.No‘7r146 A. 0. F.. meetsin the Temperance Hall everv ulteruace Fridav at 7.80 p.n1.â€" A J Rupert. C. 1%.. at 1] o'clock on Weduesd Percevnl. P ROMAN CA’ a follow 5 ' H 1 at 10:10 mond Hill “.1 Secretm‘v 959.1111. “'mE‘luamm : †RIGEMOND HILL, m. in the Le Rev. G. 1 PL ELI Executed with neatness and Posters, Bill Heads, Shipping Tags Memozial Cards @ Specialty. The Liberal $1 a Year. â€"-â€")0( In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patr )nage during the past twenty-ï¬ve years. I beg to re- mind them and the gen...‘al public, thahaving erecbef‘ trifle‘y new and com- modiuus premises. [ am enabled to supply TRENCH’S ~CARRIAGE WORKS.- Phaetons, Buggies. Carriages, Cutters, PLATFORM SPRINGB‘ * “:1. WAGUNS. WARM WANTEB! ST. MAW Both iigmï¬mi heavy. all M which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as the work is under my uwn supervisr l. I all) also prepared tndo all kinds f black- Sluitillng (L repairing in the must work- manliku manner, on the shortest notice, Ad on the must reasonable terms. 'BEBBX‘ Horse - Shoeing Streamers, the Sun HOI all? 59 ORNAMENTAL PRINTIN G PRINTING & PU BLISHYNG ESTABLISHMENT. etter Heads, Programs, 21321121132 giveaway. RICIIMOND IIILL. xsT CHURCHâ€"Services at 10:80 n..m x. m.,a.ud Sunday school, at 2.30 p. 11). 10’s prayer meetmg Tuesday evening. Lye: Meeting: ever Thursdayevenmg n-e Room. Ben .1“. Simpson. Supt. Pastor n. noun, unouc cannonâ€"Services in order 'Thornhill at 9 &.m.. and Richmond ) mm; the following Sunday at Rich- us) a..m. and Thornhill at 1030 a. 111. 2140.11. Pastor LIAN LID. ALL KINDS OF Cards, EPISCOPAI, Cannonâ€"Service at 3 he third Sunday of every month, vice and aacramenc are held at 11 Schoolatlzaopan Bav.W.Ba.tes Room. ROM J.M. Simpson. Supt. bledze, Assistant. .N CHURCH OF CANADA.â€"â€"Bervices n..n.ud (3:30 pan. Prayer meeting evening at 7:30. Rev. W. W. despatch. Societies. Churches. Sleighs and &c., &c. 0F anns'rmzsâ€"Qourt Rich “(M TBENCH Pamphlets, attention to. Circulars, Labels, This unrivaled periodical. which has been pub- lished by Muun & Co. for niure than forty years, continues to maintain its high reputation for eX» cellence. and enjoys the largest circulation ever attained by any :cienliï¬c publication. Every number contains sixteen pageabeuutifullv print- ed, elegantly illustrated ; it Yi‘esents in popular style u. descriptive record oft ie niosb novel, in- terescing and important advances it. Scieiice.Art, and Manufactures. It shows the progress of the world in respect fuo New Discoveries and im- Drove1r.ents, embracing Machinery, Mechanical Works, Engineering; in all branches, Chemistry, Metallurgy, Electricity, Light}!enmArr‘liiLectnre. gomestic Economy,Agricultnre,Naturul Historv, c. Mr. Forster, acting for the liquidators of the Central Bank. yesterday issued a writ of summons against David Bluin, fur $l1,000, the amount of his (\Vcl‘dl‘awll uc- cnnnc in the bank, and obtained an order ï¬xing the time which the defendant should have to appear and defend, after service upon him in the United States. at twen ty-one days. Weekly. $8.00 :1 Year. $1.50 for Slx Months The Scientiï¬c Amencan should have a. mace in every dwelling, shop nflice. school or librarv Workman, Foreman. I‘ ngineers Superintendents, Directors. Presidents, Urï¬cimls, Ierclmnts. Farm- ers, Teachers. Lawyers, Physipiups, C_ler: men Uta, Lulhyllvlu. .. V “0-, People in eVery walk and {no essmn ixi 1Y9, will derive sutisfactiouand beneï¬t fl'om a regular randmg of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. THY IT.â€"It will bring vuu valuable ideas : Messrs. Peter Ryan, Adam Armstrong and J. A. Proctnr have been appmnted License commissioners for the an) of Toronto. ’J‘ IT.â€"It will bring you valuable ideas : subscribe for your sonsâ€"it will make them maan and self-reliant; subscribe for your workmenâ€" it will please and assist their labor ; subscribe for your friendsâ€"it will be likely to give them a practical lift in life. Terms. $5.00 a. yem : $1.50 six months. Remit by Postal Order or Chnc . It is said the Hon. Frank Smith will withdraw his resignatiun and continue to hold his seat in the cabinet. Temperance dc General Life Assurance Co. HON. G. W. ROSS, Minister cf Education, PRESIDENT; HON. S. H. BLAKE, RCPT. McLI-IAN,ESQ., HEAD OFFICEâ€"MANNING ARCADE, TORONTO. VICE Pm-zsmE business for the year ending 312$ nf Dec.. 18871â€"The number of applications for asnurunce was 1050 for $1,770,109; de- clined, held in abeyance and not taken up, 83 for $164,500; leaving 9G7 fur $1.â€" 605,600, with an annual premium met-me of $83,289 96 Our business for the second year has never before been reached by any other Canadian Company in its second year, and with only one death claim fur $1,000, and that. caused by and accment. To enable the people of King and Vaughan Townships more fuily to under- stand our succuss, we take from the re- turns of the leading Canadian Companies to the Superintendent of Insurance, the following facts concerning their new busi- ness:â€"-â€"’l‘he Canada Life for its 22nd year issued 881 policies fur $1,156,855. the Confederation for its 5th year issued 1005 for $383,000. the Sun Life fur its 5th year issued 324 pnlicics for 851105.119. and for its 10th year 573 policies for $926370 The Ontario Mutual for its 101,11 year issued 447 policies for $490,000; The North American Life Assurance Co. fur its 3rd year issued 827 policies for $1,347- 088. On making cnmparision with British Companies established on principles simi- lar to our own, we find the business of the United Kingdom Temperance and General Provident. Institution for its 15th year was $339,250; The Scottish Tem- perance Life Assurance 00., recently established,in its 3rd year wrote $732228. This Company has been organized by prominent men on the basis of the United Kingdom Temperance and General Prov- ident Insiitntion of Britain, one of the most successful of British Companies, whose experience for the last ‘20 years was nearly 20 per cent. in favor of total abstainers over their general class. V,31â€â€œm“"?¥§§9¥‘9175- , ,_ TI-IE gtiwtific gmarimu, S. HOLLAND, Local Agent, If you want collectionfs made. nr your ï¬nancial affairs su aighteued, savmg lawyers‘ fees as w 311, apply to \Ve wnnt farms to suit applications. Persons | wishing-c0 dispose of their farms, or éxchange them foi property in Toronto, will ï¬nd itto their ' advantage to call or write at once I MUNN & 00.,Pub1ishers. 361 Broadway N. Y Purely a Canadian Company um abs‘ ï¬elds are sauce. but those vuo write I (\‘uusnn .& Co.,Pnrfland, Maineavil] receive free. full informmion about work which :hcv mu dn. and lwe M homeJhM will my mm from $3 lo 355 per dny. $01119 hgvg The following is a s!_atemÂ¥eint «lfhthe HARD TIMES The Most Popular Scientiï¬c Paper in the Warm. NEWS ITEMS. E‘TABLISHED 1845. SHIPMAN & J. T. SAIGEON, Agent, E. F. LANGSTAFF 01082;. 'ybung'ox old, Capital r1 free Those wh rt At once BEadfdrd VICE PRESIDENTS BUTLER. street Arcade‘ hm All Spnughill. Torbnto 1 Hill Everything new excopt the same old reliability of \Vol‘kxnmxsliip,the same air] Low Prices. and the same old Perfection of Fit. Remember the BER HIVE when you want a. Hobby Suit or overcoat. sea wonders exist. in thousands of fornw,but are surpassed by the marvels of invention. Those who an- in need of proï¬table work that can be dune while livmsz at tome should at once send their mlxlrew Lu meebt & (30., Portland. Maine, and revolve free. full information how exther sex, of all ages. can earn from 5 to .525 per (my and u1wm‘ds wherever they live. You um started free. Capital not required. Some have made over ï¬fty dollars ma single .lny at. this work. All succeed CANADIAN TWEEDS. STRIPES 3'» MIXTURES, Begs to announce that he is now prepaY'ed to allow the ï¬nest lines of NEW GOODS. NEW STYLES. NEW TRIMMINGS. STILL AT TI IE FRONT! FALL & WINTER CLOTHS BY A PAIR EXCHANGE OF Elna Groceries &Confections For cash & hopes there- by to have F. K! R KBY. RICHMOND HILL, RECIPROCITY, Of a still further share of your esteemed patrona ‘e. Ostmeal,Cornmeal,Rice,Sago Tapioca, Barley, Beans. Buckwheat Fleur, &c. Oranges, Lemons, Spanish Onions, Figs, Dates, This ins,Candies,Nuts, Cakes, Biscuits, Mild Cheese, Oysters in tins and bulk, etc., etc. Dress Maker‘oppnsitelgqlslonic Hull Richmond 1 , I am so sure that, 1 can cure the worst case of catarrh in the nose,head or throat that I will furward, free of charge, a sample box (if Japanese Catarrh Uure to any address in Canada, United States or Great Britain, provided they will furnish with order a. letter from any reliable per- son or clergyman. If the Japanese Ca- tarrh Cure gives satisfaction. I would ex- pect. them to forward the small amount of 25 cents. On the other hand, if it does not prove efl'ectnal no payment will be expected. Joseph Dilworth, Chemist, 170 King St. East, Toronto. DRESS MAKING TORONTO Thursday, Feb 1’}, 1588 Wheatjall per bushel .. "$0 80 Wheat, spring, do . 7G Barley, do . 72 cats, do , 46 Peas. do 6-1 Rlye. do C over Seed. do ...... Dressed hogaper 100 lbs 7 00 Beef, fore quarters 4 50 Beef. hind quarters. 'i 50 Chickens] per pair . .5 Ducks, do 65 Geese, each ...... 60 Turkeys,each ...... 1 50 Butter, pound rolls 20 Butter, tub dairy . . . 00 Eggs, fresh. per dozA... .. 21 Potatoes,per bag .. 1 09 Apples, per bDl ....... 1 7a onions. green. per duz 15 Cabbage do 50 Cauliflower do Celery, do ~10 Turnips, per bag 40 Carrots. do. Hay, per ton . stmw, per ton ........ RICHMOND HILL Thursdav, Feb 16. 1888 outs, per bushel ..... ".3 Pens, do. Dressed hogs,per 100 lbs Beef. fore quart-m ...... Beef. hind quarter . Chickens. per pair Ducks. do Geese, each _ Turkevs. per ..... Butter, pound rolls. Butter, large rolls ...... Eggs. fresh, per dozen Potatoes, per bag. Apples, per bbl, 1 O J. O 8888 uâ€"nocooooooawao WQO'OOOUI Iorob-‘HIO mum YOC Cabhsme Celery, '1 urm’ps, Carrots. Ever shown in this localitv. Fma imported ()VERCOATINGS. qur,m11 Haynper t‘ straw. per C. TREVETHAN, Richmond Hill. MISS HARRISON, Full lines of elegant Trnuserings. Scotch and Englibh TWEEDS 86 WQRSTEDS. THE M WE ANNEXATION All thelucost novelties in Checks Come in and see our C. TREVETH per ha; ton per bbl bbLIi :11, per E112 Hummus. ,per duz do do do A splendid ine of Beautxful new ASKS FOR bush AN 0000 018 018 150 0 40 060 On w 2“ ()0 5H Wishes to thank his numeruns customers for their support during the past sixteen years, ani invites them and mhers who wish to get. bargains to give him a call and see for themselves and compare prices. His stock consists of Teas and Cnrï¬â€˜ees 5016 on their own merits. without the inducement of gifts Currants, Yeah and Spices. Emu-st Pricvs all the year rnnnd. Flnur and Feed. Farmer’s Produce taken in exchange Blankols. Quilts dc \Voollen l'ndn rwa-nr. always izalponiug (Biron You can be supplied as cheap by me as by any other persun. THE LIGHT~RUNNING NEXV WILLIAMS Takes the Lead. Recent improvements makes it the must perfect Sewing Machine offered to the public ; easy to leam, may to manage, case hardened parts mule it durable. Ynu can also be supplied with an Or any other of ï¬rst-class make, or if you nch a Presem Yam Sight FRANK L AZARUS ItENfl‘VNED Spectacles 82 Eye Glasses, For Sale by T. I". .McflMHON JESSE NUNN, bPRINGlâ€"IILL. FRANK LAZARUS. Manufacturer. ‘28 Maryâ€" land Road, Harrow Road, London, England lute Lazarus & Morris.Hm‘L10rd, Con. . laiNo commcsiun wmh any other ï¬rm 1:) the Dominiun of Canada. has revolutionized the I \\'()l'll1 [luring the lust. half century. Nucleustamnng the wonders of inventive yrw Jess is u. mcclum and system of work that can bu performed all ovar the countl’v without epumtinu the workers from their homes. l'uy liberul : any one can «lo the work ' either sex, 01111;: or 01d ; no special nbilit}; imputed young or old ; no ipecial ability requited. Cani- tul not needed ; you are started free. Cut this out and return to us ï¬nd we will send you free, somenhing of great value and importance to yuu. that will start you in lmsine s.Which Will bring you in more mOuey right uwav, than anything else in (me world Grand outï¬t free. Address True 5: 00. Augusta. amine. on uSodemt in! Valuable Prpeny KMKS AND HAEEY YEAR! PUBLISBER 0F “ LIBERAL." RICHMOND HILL AND between Toronto and London, which has been running daily since 3rd March last, will be continueql throgghogtflxSBS. .Tlllisfrai‘p arrives at_London gt 6,40 , n,,. ,,,, As an advertising medium, The Globe has no equal in Canada. Its circulation, which appears at head of its editorial columns daily, is far in advance of all other Canadian papers, and it is the intention of the man- ement to always keep The Globe in its proud position as the LEADmG ï¬EwspApER of CANADA, both in point of circulation and influence. luau, "u. .n. -v..-..__-_ ,__,., a..m., making congection wig: 37.11 the early trains from that oint s ‘ ' The Globe a dehvery throughout Western Ontario hourspin ahvgfligng’ t:11; Toronto papers. WINTER DRESS GOODS, The different A good Dwelling ngh‘ Storer qï¬ggcï¬eq '6‘ UXBRIDGE ORGAN "(32‘s 1 a. liberal 1 water, 11: (Late of the ï¬rm of Lazar us & Morris) FOR SALE. DAILY GLOBE, Morning Edition, M " I2 o'clock “ WEEKLY GLOBE, . SATURDAY DAILY GLOB PIANO li‘RlCSI IA ('}R()CI‘EIRIES I BY WEARING THE ONLY THE DLDEST ESTABLISHED AND THE LEADING NEWSPAPER OF CANADA I" \4/ @1150 SPE 4 91%} 3 terms. The property is sit 1:, Richmond Hill. two doors re. There is an excellent ".1 supplv of choice fruit. P hard and soft. Apply to (Ff/{2m . LUSH, Richmond Hill. -- - THE GLOBE SPECIAL FAST TRAIN - - editions of The Globe can be procured from all News Dealer! throughout Canada. ALEX MOODIE THE GLUE PRINTING GU. - - T0 ADVERTISERS - - R. E. LAW A ï¬t guaranteed, for sale mated on north of garden enty o! FRAME W is Are now prepared to take contracts 21]! kinds of Buildings. HOURS; SASH, BLENBS, &G.9 PLANED LUMBER, MOULDIN‘ ) S, &C. In conn‘ection with the factory, wlwru custom smvmg mil be done. All wmk guaranteed and prices moderate. The above factory is situzuml m: RICHMUND SIX, RICHMOND LHU FIRST-CLASS SAW-M1 LL Rewarded are those whn ruu‘ this and men lU't; they WI a ï¬nd hmmnilnle 01x11 “nun that. will n05 tnk 1 ‘lw Hi {I‘m their homes and families. The ma. ~ ‘ ‘9 Mr: and sure for every izidnstrh 11:: In )‘ . 1 ‘ u have made and are now nmkinajrm m mun- dollars a. mouth. It is onsy for um I ' - a mu}; 5 and upwards per day “110 is “mi a ‘.\ nrl E‘Chcr 86X: yuuug or old; can ihv mum“ we start. you, Ei‘en'thing new. N1 m uhi “5’ required ; you, i‘eudcrmm du H a. b u:, an one. WiiLe to limit. once for 1'11 1 ‘ ulm‘ which we v'mil free. Address Sr 0 Li Portland, Maine TEE-LEEEI 3i HOUSE to 133T Having bought the abovemamed and put everything in Kept on hand, or made to order on the shurrest Notice. A stock of Nov 011 Bi‘ Ahvays on hand. There is al_so Fl EST-CLASS ORDER L. INNES 8: SUNS WINTER RICHMOND $5.00 per annum. 3.00 n u 3.00 n u [.00 u u [.00 u n Eh. 18863:“ 00 per Yer C 'K OPPE L nrde and hm) will TORONTO %. SUITS 3181113 mm )l'