will be found in his place, and, what is of much more importance, will be ready and able to take part in the business ot the House. What that part Will be it is needless for us to state. The man that never swerved from his principles, the man that re- linquished power rather than yield to the slightest encroachments on those principles, the man that, a great leader of. a great party, has al- ways put country before party, the main in whom, according to the tes- timony of his very enemies, there is nothing bas.:â€"â€"â€"that man may ever be relied on to advise and to counsel what will be for the best interests of us all. The Liberal party may, indeed, be disorganized, the mem- bers of that party may be a multi- plicity of units instead of a united whole. But so long as Alexander Mackenzie is alive and able to use his faculties, Liberalism is still strong, still powerful, still the enemy of abuses created, and the pioneer in refox ms that make for the A flutter of excitement has been raised by a report industIiously cir’ culated that there will shortly be an election in East York. There isnot one word oftruth in it. And the best anSWer to this Tory stupidity is that the Hon. Alexander Macâ€" kenzie 15 now in the enjoyment 01 better health than he has had for a longtime. “hen the Dominion Parliament opens, Mr. Mackenzie But Mr. Smith, with great good judgment and tact, showed how hollow it was. Mr. Mowat, declar- ed the member lor East York, was expending the Provincial funds wise- ly and economically. Not in the spirit of a miser, but rather in that of a shrewd and considerate ï¬nan- cier, he gave back to the people in the best investments possible every available dollar. And this. too, added Mr. Smith, Without the slight- est encroachment on the capital assets of the Provmce. Such was the tenor of a really admirable spetch. In an argument at once strong, IUCId and good-natured, he broke down the attack made by Mr.CIarke. That attack, according to the ethics of the Opposition, had to be made. ranks of the wholesale dry goods men of Canada. But the ability to make a ï¬nancial speech interesting to listeners is seldom an accomâ€" paniment of ï¬nancial abil ity, and this desirable talent Mr. Smith seems to possess. .Judging from the caretul attention and tre- quent applause he received during an address of nearly an hour‘s time, in the Legislatwe Assembly, in re- ply to Mr. Clarke’s attack on. the Treasurer’s Budget, it is certain he made an impression which will not soon be forgotten by the members of the House and more particularly by Mr. H. E. Clarke. village, and maintaining one un- broken line of success for a quarter of a century, he ls found in the front against the attacks of the gentleman who is evidently ambitious to be- come the Tory Finance Minister. Mr. Smith’s ï¬nancial abillty is well known in the mercantile world. Starting as he did from a country Mr. G. B. Smith, our representa- tive in the Local Legislature, is be- ing highly complimented by his {riends on his Budget Speech, de- livered last week in deience of the Provincial Treasurer‘s statement RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, Feb. 23, '88 Changeâ€"A. Moodie Me ï¬gihemi. HUN. ALEX. 111A CKENZIE‘. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OUR LOCAL MEMBER can ï¬shermen please in Canadi: Canadian conten renderedâ€"Globe The murder is out this morning, The Fisheries Tleaty may be falrly described as one for cnabling Ameri- Would be better to pension the few hundreds ofmen engaged in the in- iant manufactories than to pay ten times as much to their avaricious employers. mutate to be 1 do In upon y sent DL‘ sent postâ€"paid on receipt a $1) by addressing B‘ulfurd ville, Ont. giant for good has proved to be a giant for ev11. And at last so po- tently for harm have N. P., disal- lowance and C. P. R. worked, that the bonds of party have been snap- ped asunder, and the government's most bitter foes are prominent Con. servatives. Throughout the length and breadth oi Manitoba the Macâ€" donald regime has not a single friend outside the ring;r of venial. traitorous members of parliament and of C. P_ R. ofï¬cials. Mr. Scarth, and all the other pliant tools of Sir John Mac- donald, were ignomoniously routed at the last meeting ot the Conserva- tive Association in Winnipeg. The Greenwood government is gaming in strength every day, and before long the Red River Valley Railroad will be an accomplished fact. It re- mains to be seen if Sir John Mac- donald at the bidding of Sir George Stephens and Mr. VanHorne will dare to summon the volunteers of Ontario to crush into the dust the rights of their fellow countrymen in Manitoba. The bonds by which the Conserv- ative party is held together may be interred from what is now taking place in Manitoba. That province has been brought to the last gasp by the tyranny ot the Dominion Gov- ernment obeying its master, the Canadian Paciï¬c Railroad. While the road was 1n process of building, all went well. Vast sums of money were expended in its construction, emigration was stimulated, and pros- perity seemed to welcome all with its smile. It is true that the money was to a very large extent furnished by the Dominion; it. is also true that the road was regarded as a mighty instrument for the public welfare. But touching the latter view, the people of Manitoba were wretchedly deceived. What seemed to them a giant ior good has proved to be a. giant for ev1l. And at last so p0- tently for harm have N. P., disal- lowance and C. P. R. worked, that Its 15am COMPLETE SURRENDER TOR Y DISINTEG'RA TIUN. as munced nnprmci it. The publicure {eceived by Dosh lulm in name an etc. Ask for ake imitation SUC mes tion has been sur to do c are cautioned not nostmms imitating ; and appearance, ‘Nasal Cream,Nasal ' Nasal Balm and dealers may urge )y all druggists or ipt of price (50c. or ford d; Cu., Brockâ€" I’S. I'v‘hosmn l (I )‘Mln rem artle J the the s to not )illl mco Three Gallons Coal Oil for 50 cents. No trouble to show goods wherher you buy or not. NEVH Choice Fresh Butter, New laid Eggs, and Lard want- ed QUICK. Highest prices given. Men Embroideries, 850 FENE ‘ Pants made to order for $3.50 worth $5.00. Order early before the tailors get busy CRETONNES PRINTS, GINGEAMS, LACES, DRESS GOODS All prices. Ready-Made Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Suitings, Pantings, &c., LATEST PATTERNS. All round is Is. now opemng. the new spring stock which has been calefully bought for cash. Our aim will be to give our cus- tomers the COTTONS I BEST ting the price and charging other, but Tassste. Care and Experience \Vith Cash can ï¬ndâ€"not cut- ting the price on one article and Chargingr double on an- THE CHEAP CASH HGUSE, RICHMOND HILL 510' )‘ received to-day. Prices so low, better buy NEW than mend the Old. GRQQEREES With trimmings to match. LOV All through the store that BEG VALUE just now for bleaching. Handsome patterns in stock just in, latest styles, all kinds, all sizes. . and Boys take notice. New SLOCk of sprmg Full stock of fresh Extra value in Rare value in Prices low. PRICE AND VA]: our motto. Special Value in Hysons. C Rank and White Lose bv Raymond Sewing The Largest and E Felt VVOI‘k of every (165 Felt Stockings, ALkle Bo Felt. Balmorals and Gaitc itobas, Snow Excluders, Rubbers. Ladles’ Fine : kinds. Ladies’ and Gem ren’s Ware, all colors, siz Custom \Vork. sewed : FSRST-GLA WALL Sugars, Teas, Canned Goods 8c everything in the Grocéry Line; also Flour 8c Feed. Prices Low. The Largest Stock of FURNITURE ever on hand,wh1ch must be Sold to bring cash 1’. G. SAVAGE. \Ve must make room on our shelves and tables for a tre- mendous consignment ofgoods ordered direct from the man- ufacturers in England and Scotland, and which will be on hand about the middle of Febrnray. Our stock is still well aesorted, notwithstanding the great rush at Christmas, but everything must go, and to make them go the above liberal discounts will be allowed to every cash purchaser of Dry Goods and Crockery. Waéiéï¬ï¬aéiéï¬g Returns his most hearty thanks rounding country for their most 1i recent Christmas Gift Sale. and 2 help, notwithstanding the present markets, the sale was a tremendo ofanything heretofr We also beg to announce that january 12th, 1888, and continui will give all cash purchasers of VV Made Clothing, Hardw: DIRECT Exiééw DEéE ASTRAIGHT CASHDISCUUNT UFZUPERCENT CGNCB Prcduce of albkinds taken in exchange fur goods and highest And to all cash purchasers of Fur Caps, Fur Ca; Fur Mantles and Muffs, we will give a IMMENSE w mmw GALLAgâ€"‘fï¬gg’g DEAD! luv-(mm WM. ATKINSON, RICE PAPE THE very descrlptn nkle Boots, M 1d Gaiters. C Iuders, Elaskz 3’ Fine Boots. 11d Gents’ Slit :10 TU THE LORNE STORE FALL bTOCK JUST For 1888‘ Machines and Eagle Stea Sï¬GNS ï¬N PAPERS! ust arrived DIRECT 1M ’llcr [MOND ET†arty thanks to the people of ieir most liberal patronage Sale. and assures them than :he present stringency of tl . tremendous success, and a 1g heretonye attempted. >unce that commencing on d continuing until turther n 3 Doors. men’s nts’ SJippersL izes and prices. ‘ and pegged, a s DCS and Japans. Flour always Process. I still continue to RSï¬rs‘o of the season kt Assorted St< iption, such as IMPORTER. Call and see them Men’s Felt Balm Overshoes of all kas, 810. Ladies 7 shelves and tables for a tre- s ordered direct from the manâ€" )tland, and which Will be on rliray. Our stock is still well great rush at Christmas, but ake them an the above liberal N ew designs in THE RESH AND Eore attempted. commencing on Thur ing until turther notice Vinter Dry Goods, R1 {are and Crockery, strlng JS succ RQGERE PORTER, Urij EMUSE llt ARRIVED K 111 /Ien‘ . ’1‘ R. l “ eam W nage durmg our nthat by their of the money and away ahead morals, I 11 kinds. es’ Cami 31‘s of Stock of 1 own. 3 Felt Boots, rals, Ladies’ ï¬nds. Man: Carnivals & of various >ck of Child- hand. Front [Le culebmted the sur- hu‘mg our apes lowed ursday, ce, we. Ready- )T