Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Feb 1888, p. 7

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The arrangements for the parcel post be- tween evade. and the United States cane into fofin: oh the lat of March. Kingston 'Board of Health has decided to ask the Legislature for power to license dairymen living outside the city. Alarge shipment of czrringes has been made by a Guelph firm fur the Centennial International Exhibition at Mtl‘bourne next July. Senator Frank Smith will withdraw his resignation and resume his seat as a. member of the Cabinet before the meeting of Parlia- ment. Merqiié of Sflisbury and IVIrfBllf-oul'. As one effect of the recent cold spell, solid clear ice, twenty-six inches thick, is being cut from the St. Lawrence, opposite Mon- treal, the greatest thickness ever recorded. The Prince of Waies has deciined to be- come honorary patron of the League of the Rose in Ottawa, on the ground tint he has made it a. rule not to become connected with any society foimed for polisical purposes. The County Lwdge of the Loyal Orange Association of Carleton has passed a. resolu- tion approving of the Irish pnlicy of the Marquis of Salisbury and Mr. Bllfour. As one effect of the recent cold spell, solid The agitation for the suppresdon of bucket shops is being revived in Montreal, and the Board of Trade is urged to take joint action with the Toronto and other Boards to se- cure prohibitive legislation from the Domin- ion Parliament. It is rumoured that Mr. Dewdnev, on the expiration of his term as Liana-Governor of the North-\Veat Territories, will, in addition to receiving one of the North-West Senator- ships, become 9. member of the Cabinet on its reconstruction. During the past year the profits of the Nova. Scotia Sugar Refining Company. of Halifax, enabled it to pay $100,000 ofi‘its mortgage debt, & thirteen per cent. divi- dend, and add between $30,000 and $10,000 to the rest account. A resident of Montreal has received a let- ter from a miner at Sudbury giving marvel- lous accounts of the richness of the goli mines in that district. The writer asserts that a piece of native gold valued at $50,000 was taken from one Vein. On Smturday afternoon, at Goderich. the captain and crew of the lifeboat were pre- sented With medals on behalf of the United States Government for their heroic rescue oi the crew of the American schooner Mex- ;vsell during a violent storm in December, 85 Legal oflicial circles in Montreal are greatly dissatisfied at the unwillingness of English-speaking citizens to serve as jur- ors, every means being resorted to to obtain exemption, and much of the complaint; made about; verdicts is attributed to this cause. Two members of the London city council have exchanged compliments in public, the nature of which it took the words “low, mean cur, insolent, mere thing, kick you out, despicable,” to express. And London has been called the “ Forest City,” a name redolent of wild flowers, rustic simplicity and arcadian happiness I A collision occurred near Hull early yes- terday morning between the \Vinnipeg ex- press and a freight train. Fortunately the passengers and train hands escaped with a. severe shaking, but both engines and the baggage cars and several freight: cars are badly smashed. Mr. Dyke, the Liverpool agent of the Dominion Government, strongly urges Can».- dian dairymen togo into the business of packing butter in tins for export to Britain and re-ezport to the hot countries with which Britain does such an immense trade. There is probably 9. large trade to be built up in this line, as small tins of gilt-edged butter would sell freely at: high prices in England. The merchants of St. John, N. 13., having despatched a. vessel to the West Indies laden with Canadian goods, are now about to des- patch a. second vessel, the destination this time being the Argentine republic. The St. John people are certainly not wanting in enterprise. They are moving in the export- ing experiment without a subsidy, and are actually operating in advance of the report of the Government agent. The announcement that Lord Lansdowne is to succeed Lord Dufferin as Governor- General of India. gives rise to the question what position will be given to the present Viceroy. Since his residenee here the peo- Ele of Canada. have followed the career of ord Dufierin with continued interest, and it is felt that the Empire should still retain his valuable services in some capacity. UNITED STATES. A single trader in Orlando, Fla.. purchns~ es 2,000 alligator skins every week. Four sheep, a. hog and ten bushels of wheat settled an Iowa. breach of promise suit where $25,000 damages were demanded, A Michigan man has a chicken which is sixteen years old. Sealed proposals for the Burchase of it will be received from boarding- ouse keepers. American potatoes are scarce in Chicago and thousands of sacks are being imported frcm Rotterdam. A recent consignment was 2,500 sacks. United States detectives have seized $25 - 000 worth of opium. which was brought inéo Canada. via. Vancouver and was taken across the river from Brockville. James G. Blaine has written a. letter to the Chairman of the National Republican Committee, declining to aliow his name to be put up for the Presidential nomination. A Missouri man who had conscientious samples about taking the oath as a juror stole two overcome and $24 in money from his fellow jurors before the panel was discharg- ed. J acoby 8t Bookman, cigar manufacturers, of New York, recently evicted the families of twenty‘seven of their striking employes. Three families were also dispossessed at Kerbs & Spies’ factory. It; is stated that a secret order recently organized in the States to furnish men in Ireland the means to wage warfare against England, has already several thousand members all over the country. In New Orleans a jury returned a verdict that keno was not prohibited by the laws of Louisiana. There isno reason why it'should be in a state that derives a revenue from the only lottery scheme now tolerated in this country. Two' big footpads held up a- newsboy in in Sam Francisco the other night, mi when he would not; give up his money, even in the THE WEEK'S NEWS. ‘ , face of a. pistol, pounded him till he was uwonsfious and then robbed him of his board, 2.") cents. An Arkansas court has sentenced a. man to three years’ imprisonment for stealing a :32 Bible. This looks rather rough at first glance, but when one comes to realize how scarce Bibles are in that State the sentence seems none too heavy. A Dakota paper speaks of a great revival of business in its locality. A perusal of its local columns gives the reason for it. A thirtymile railroad branch has been cleared of snow drifts, and a. saloonist and a grocer have replenished their stocks. In Brooklyn 8. hoisting engine and der- rick on the elevated railway collapsed and fell with a number of heavy iron girders on a crowded street car, crushing it to splin- ters. Four people were killed and fifteen injured, and three horses were also killed. The worst disabled surviving veteran of the American war is claimed to be Henry B. Fuller, 3 private of the Twenty-eighth Iowa. He lost his right eye, had his left arm amputated at the shoulder joint, lost his left foot and his right leg is permanent- ly disabled. There is alaw in Pennsylvania. against using ferrets in rabbit hunting. A Cochran- ton boy evades the law by catching 3. ml: alive, tying a. string to its neck, taking it to arab‘mc‘s hole and let-ting it 9'0 into the hole, be holding the end or the string mean- while. The frightened rat usually scares out the rabbit. The first mail matter received at the Beaver Islands since the close of navigation on Lake Michigan was carried there the other day by Paul Leplaine, who walked from the islands to Harbor Springs, Mich., and back, a. distance of eighty miles. He wss obliged to travel on snowshoes to keep from breaking through the thin ice. The acquisition of plenty of snow in the city of New York has been followed by an outbreak of tobogganing. As this amuse- ment is pursued in the less frequented streets, accidents are not impossible. On one day of this week six people went home with broken limbs and battered eyes, all seriously injured. What else can be ex- pected from people who slide down hills on toboggans and call it “ coasting "‘3 The east-bound Chicago railway lines are badly demoralizing export rates, it costing no more and in some instances less to ship grain and provisions from Chicago to Liver- pool and European ports than to New York. The presidents and general managers have become seriously alarmed for fear the trou- ble will grow and a. conference will be held Friday, at New York, to reach some agree- ment whereby rates may be restored. According to the written statement of the deputy sheriff of Hardin county, Iowa, Providence, one of the oldest in the county, thickly settled by Friends, and the only township in the State in which every vote was for the prohibitory amendment, not one against, has never cost the tax-payers $50 in criminal prosecutions, while the sa- oon townships have cost thousands of dol~ his and have their regular per cent. oi criminals in the penitentiary. The chimpanzee of the menagerie in Cen- tral Park, New York, has been very sick for a week past. Mr. Crowley, the name af- fectionately bestowed upon this native of Africa, has taken nothing but milk and brandy as a. remedy. It is curing him and he seems to like the liquor. This fact sup- plements the Darwinian theory of the de- scent of man, and prohibitionists who be- lieve in Darwin’s doctrine may now lay ad- ditional stress upon the argument that there is an inherited tendency in mankind towards strong drink. FOREIGN. Several sacks containing dynamite have been discovered hidden in a. field near Pres- burg, Hungary. Almost all the European sovereigns have congratulated Prince Bismarck upon his speech and its results. 7 Austria and Turkey have been visited by a. succession of violent snowstorms, which have paralyzed traflic. Five hundred notices of ejectment have been issued against tenants on the Draper estate in the North of Ireland. Lord Clanricarde has definitely made up his mind and expresses his intention to evict 1,600 of his Galway tenants. It is expected that Mr. Goschen will apply his suiplus of nearly two million pounds to reducing the income tax by a penny. It is stated that a. French, Belgian and Dutch syndicate has agreed to negotiate a Russian loan of 200,000,000 roubles. It is semi-officially denied that Italy is bound under her treaty with Austria. to send troops to Bulgaria. in support of Austria. Mr. Blaine, M.P. for South Armagh, was yesterday sentenced to four months' un- prisoument for inciting tenants to resist the authorities. A station and a. mail train were buried by an avalanche on an Austrian railway, and 2,000 men are at work endeavouring to res- cue bhe imprisoned passengers. An action was commenced in Dublin on Saturday by Mr. Wilfrid Blant against the police for $20,00010r illegal arrest. S peciad prayer for the recovery of the Crown Prince was offered yesterday in some of the Episcopal churches in England. The Mayor of Cork was recently senten- 0 d to fourteen: days’ imprisonment for 8.8- aaulting a policeman at a. Plan of Campaign meeting. A mgn named Templer, employed at Chat- ham. has been discovered selling secrets of the Balloon Department to the lnalian Gov- ernment. Queen Emma, of Holland, continually winks while speaking. For this reascn she is obliged to lnwe 9.11 of her prescriptions put up by telephone. A Parnelite circular has been issued re- questing the Nationalist members to ob- serve the greutest caution in introducing strangers into Parliament. This has been one of the hardest winters Italy has known for twenty years, and this country can look for a fresh importation of organ grinders next spring. Fourteen persons, including two members of the municipal council have been arrested at Galway for dizorderly conduct on the night of the arrest of Mr. Blunt. The Far Reaching Perfume of a. good name heralds the claim that Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor is a. sure, certain, and painless remedyfor corns. Fifty imitmiors prove it to be the best. At druggists. Price SI .00. Sold by Dmggists. WELLS.RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors Montreal, Que. TETMORS, I‘LI‘I‘IRS. Em, (‘I‘HEIL without. the knife. No H I , I no my. Send stamp for pamphlet. w. L.'sm'r u’, n.0,; 124 Queen E.. Tor‘onto. ORONTO CUTTKNG SCE()OL.â€"A GRAND UHANCE to acquire a. thorough knowledgo of garment cutting in all its branches. Now's the time m enter. Good cutters are In great demand at big wages: Terms on application. 8. CORRIGAN, 122 Yofige Street A \\ “Tine Patent “Dnntly”l£agh3filbr Will S East alife time. and costs only 75 (15. Sold ‘32 by agents. S sme tsrritory still open. Sam~ {2/ pies (free by express) on receipt of price. Ad- dress U. W. ALLEN 5r C0., 67 Yonge St, Toronto. TO TOWN AND VILLAGE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS E have unexcelled facilities for the SALE or EXCHANGE of Newspaper cfi‘lcea. Terms, one per cent. Satis'action guaranteed. WW9 have now {our good establishments for sale at a bargain, and one publisher wanting a. partner. Auxiliary Publishing Company. 33 and 35 Adelaide St. W.. GEORGE W. Bourow, S' A NERVE TON " For two years I was a sufferer from I bility. and I thank God and the discs“ valuabla remedy that PAINE’S Clam-Jay cured me. It is a valuable remedy. Lc live. Let any one write to me for advice AN ALTERATIVE ALONZO Anson, anson. V1. says: "I believe PAINE’S CELERY COMPOUND saved my life. My trouble seemed to be an internal humor. BeforeI used it I was covered with an eruption from " head to heel." The eruption is rapidly healing, and I am five hundred per cent, better every way." A LAXA'IIVE For two years past I have been agreat sufferer from kidney and liver troubles. attended with dys. Sepsia and constipation. Before I began to take ELEBY COMPOUND it seemed as though everything ailed me. Now I can say nothing ails me. Hundreds of testimonials have been received from persons who have Used this remedy with remarkable benefit. Send for circular. J as. Park 85 Son. GEORGE Anne-n. SIOUX Cm. Iowa. says “I have been ixsing 'Puma‘s Gui-2m} Comomm and it has done me more good for kidneys and lame back than any other medicine I have ever taken. EST IMPORTED ENGLISH SEEEPS, also Small American Hogs Casings. Quality guaranteed. In lots to suit purchasers. Write for prices. A. C. BEAN. Warn: Rryng J marrow. VT. A DIURETIC. Fruit NURSERIES‘ Burlington, Ont.. H H. HURD Sc SONkPropfieggrs. Alt-o Sinâ€"Sin; va-tew cars Réd am} Yellow Glone Unions “vumw flmullluu, {iiâ€""CATALOGUE now ready. If you want choice heed: sand for it. Saefig m RUBBER STAMPSfEé‘tE ’"Tcnnm runs. Simmonsâ€"Moisture : intense itchingand stinging; most at night :woree by scratching. I! allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcer. ate, becoming very sore. Swnun'a OIN'I‘MKNT etc the itching and bleeding, heals ulcrmtion. and n many cases removes the tumors. It is equally effica- cious in curing all Skin Diseases. DR. bWAYNE & SON, Proprietors, Philadelphia. SWAYNI'S Gunman can be obtained oi druggiste. Sent by mail for 50 cents. TRACT Dxroanon’v, Tonomo In the Church o! Rome-401:1: editionâ€"cheaper in price, 882 pages. Agents,Ladiea or Gentlemen, to sell mistD, chmuma and Tuow book. Liberal terms. iAmmxss, A. G. WATSON, Tonom‘o Wm Cold in the Head, Hay Fever, etc., can pQSIIIvely be cured. A new method. A medlcme guar- anleod to (-ure. No cure no pay. If you have tried other remedies that. failed to cure. you will not; be disnppointed in this. For full particulars address, M. V. LIJBON, 47 ‘Velllugwu 5!. IL. Toronto, Canada. Send me. in stamps for book, " Treatise on Disease of Man." U Public Library Fufidingfloxoum. Sludeuutrom British Columbia.I Culiloruia, Kansas, Illinois, and quite a. number of other States and Previnces, now in attendance. Write for Descriptive Circulars. THOS. BENGOUGH, CHAS. H. BROOKS, Prosldeut. Sec'y 8: Manager. IULU, Natural Wood, and other Picture and Room Mouldings, Frames, etc. Rantings, En- gravings. Etchmgs, Artotypesfirtlsts' Materials Mirrors, 2120., wholesale and retail. Trade Cat;- alogue. MATTHEWS BROS. a (‘0, Toronto Capital, £260,000. Dominion Government Deposit £55,000. Head Office: 72 King St. Emit, Toronto. Gentlemen of influence wanted in unrepresenfied districts. A. T. McCORD, Resident: Seaman-V for the Dominion. URES Ncrvous Prostrafion,N:rvous Head- achc,Neuralgia, NervousWeakness, Wsmmach and Liver Diseases, and all affections of the Kidneys. For The Nervous The Debilitated W The Aged. MEWJAN BUSINESS UNIVERSLTY SAUSAGE GASINGS. OLD, BHINIQUY’S FIFTY YEARS. GATARRH, w mm gm . gHE LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT on. (LB), OF LONDON, EHO. COMPOSITION GOLD, Antigua Bronze, RUBBER STAMPS,SE§J;§ oils, and Burning Brands, &c. Bend for Catalogue. BARBER BROS. 00., 37 Scott St.. Toronto. rumour). Conn, says a sufferer from nervt '1 and the di coverer INSTANI‘ RELIEF. Final Cure. Send your address and 103. in stamps for hook,“Trea- ties on Diseases 01 Man." Ad- LIIIION, 47 Welllnglon St. E Specialty â€"< PLUMS in lam supply. Dealers bllled out on liberal terms at the HALTON RUBT [VANS & [10. SEED MERCHANTS, Toronto, Ont Toronto, 'Ont Iervous de. ever of the COMPOUND 8‘ may it TREES. THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP CD'S. 759 TO 763 YONGE ST. YEING AMLEANING. R. PARKER & CO. 209 Yonge City Oflices: 393 Queen 225 Queen 100 Colborne Street . . . . . . 4 John StreetNorth.. .. Why do you use those Expensive American and Canadian Baking Powders when you can get as good and wholesome at one halfthe price? Prove it by try- ing the Cook‘s Gem. Manufactured by ELLIS 86 KEIGHLEY. - Toronto. CANADA” PERMANENT Subscribed Capital Paid-up Capital... Reserve Fund . . . . . Total Assets. Gooks’ Gem BAKENE PDWBER DEPOSITS received at current rates of interest. paid or compoundgd hayryeizrly. ‘_‘-_Â¥._.___.. In, .5, ,, “ILL râ€"»â€" r DEBENTURES issued in Currency or Sterling, with interest coupons attached, payable in Canada or in England. Executors and Trustees are authorized by law to investin the Debentures of this Company. MONEY ADVANCED on Real estate security at current rates and on favorable conditlone as to re- payment. Mortgages and Municipal Debentures purchased. J. HERBERT MASON, Managing.r Dlrector. 00NB1)Y‘S CARRIAGE TGPS Have all the latest improvements an! are unequalled for durability, style and cmveniecce. The leading Carriage Builders sell them. ASK FOR. THEM and fiUY N0 01mm Weakness and Lung Trauma : John Wood. 96 05:1: cart 8%., cured of Liver Oomph-int and Billionaires. used only 3 filmy-cent bottles; Mrs. J. 8631. 6 Augusta Sm, troubled for years with Nervous Prostlation. tw- smnll bottles gave her great relief. Sold at 500. b O) F‘. F. DALLEY & 00.. Proprieoor- HEAD OFFICE. 000 AGENTS WANTVEII over the entire Do 01mm: :â€"Co.‘s BUILDINGS, Tonomo 51., T030510 Policies in Force over 10.000. Amount over $15,000,000. PRESIDENTâ€"HON. SIB. W. P. HOWLAND, C.B., K.C.M.G. VICE-PHESIDENTS.â€"WILLIAM ELLIOTT. Esq ; EDWARD HOOPER, Esq. J. K.7MAVVCDON_ALD, Managing Director. Uncie Sam nu’fiicif "Ahlfres'q. Em. n. “my RELIABLE J.a A. SMMERS CATALOGUE FREE SEED MERCHANTS AND IMPUHTERS I47 King St. East, Toronto To this date, October 31. 1887, t? To the heirs of Policy-holders (death claims) . . . . . . . . . A To the of matured End. \vment Policies. .. To Policy-holders on surrender of Policiew . . . . . . . . . . . . To Policy-holders tor Cash Profits (including those alli To holders of Annuity Bonds . . . A . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . ‘ Loaned to Foley-holders on Security of their Policies EPolicies Nonfortoitabla alter 2 years 27nd Indélensible after 3 years Along a thoumnd miles of new rail way. Maps, Books, showing coun- mrv’s resources and advantages. Letters from settlers who are thriving beyond their expec- tations. Smd pascal card wlth your address to J. M Iluckins,4l’almer House Block,Toronto orC H.WARREN, Gen‘l. Pass. Agt., StJ’aul’s, Minn. 480 ACRES FREE, Loan and Savings ()0. Works and Head omces: o ( um greatest: u t . covery of me put ? em: age Ior Regain ng the bowels. nnfi uxlng all Blood L1» “.3 VIA-v... n-.. '877l‘l'nin‘h Street. ’l‘nronvo. Incomonux» 1856. (‘APITAL AND FINDS NOW 0‘11“ $3,000,000. - 15 TORONTO STREET. T1 “091E l‘0fll’ANY, ESTABLISHED OCTOBER, 1871. Street, St. ‘ash Profits (incliidiug those allocated and being paid) W'ésc, TORONTO. East. Market Girdener, Florist 5511: it»b.efore purchgsjng tar and Kidney Com laints. A pellet“ lood.Purifler. A u Mn Hamilton who haw been beniflted by Ila use ; Mrs. M. Keenan 192 Robert St. cum of Erysipelas of 2 yn standing; Robl. Our gen, 24 south sheet. iaughber cured 9‘ Epileptic fit: an" ears suflerin ;Jen uie Binel, 55 alum Stsx'eeiiL cured p! 99 W111G1ve You a. Farm. Brantlord, Ont. Hamilton, Out AND FINDS Now onzn $3,000,000. - 15 Toxosro srnuzrt'rl‘onox'ro, on $3,500,000 2,300,000 1.180.000 9,301.615 31, 1887, there has bean returned Roses, Dahlias, And all other Flowering Plants, in great variety. IlIuHuuu-d Catalogue upon application. Wt'hfllt‘l‘ Bros , - Florists. - Hamilton. MERGHANTS CALPSEINS solllng durlng wlnber from l’onlaud every Than clay and Hell!“ every Emmi-day :0 Lll'erpuol, Ind II summer from Quebee every Saturday :0 l'llverpecl. calling an Londonderry to land malls and puaoengll‘ lor Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore. v15 Halifax and St. John‘s, N.F., to learpool lortnlg'nll, during summer monsha. The steamers o! the Gm Row llnee null durlng wluter to end from mm“. Portland. Beam): and Phlladelphla ; Ind dullnz tull- mer between G ow and Montreal weekly; Glues. and Benson week y. Mid Glasgow and Phil-delth hartmlghtlyf V man Lina Royai figilrszaamsmpl Fu might, pnsaago. or other inlomatlon I 1: In A. Schumacher & 00., Baltimore; 5. 0mm 0h Halifax 5 Shea & 00., m. John’s, NJT. ; Wm. Thump son as 00., ea. John, ma; auanu “01:10.1: have & Alden. New York; H. Bouruuz. lawn | bums, Rae & 00., Quabeo- Wm. Brooklo. Phllmu plum; 11. A. Allen Portland1 Boston flanked. for us. Cash furnished on satisfactory guaranty. Address 0. 8. PAGE‘ Hyde Park, Vermont, U.S. BUY THE BREADMAKER'S YEAST. PRICE 5 GENTS. Wt ave cfiildnn w/za tbeerfullyjoz’n in the chorus )V/zen Breadmaker 5 Yeast is t/Ie subject bgforeuxâ€" film/mm tried all 1112 res], So 5/1: knows 11’: t1]: best, [fig/2mg 'Caus: her bread is [/12 whitest, ller buns are Me And we eat all t/Iefmncal’e: 5/12 dare set 6tfortus. AND TRADERS GENERALLY. We want a 0001) MAN in your locality to pick up When I say CURE I do not mean merely to stop them for a. time, and then have them re- turn again. I MEAN_A RADICAL CURE. I have made the dxsease or FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A life long study. I WARRANT my remedy to CURE the worst: cases. Because others hay. failedis no reason tornot now receivin a. cure. Send at once for a. treatise andaFBEE om of m INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give Ex res: and cat Qfllce. It costs you nothing or a. trial, and it will cure you. Address Dr. IL G. ROOT. 87 Yonge St.. Toronto, 011%.. j wflmous ‘ 3 ‘ E-W.C?'BRANTF0RD,VCA£JAEA.â€": i Nervous Deblhty. DR. GRAY'S Specific has-been used for the put fifteen years, with great success, in the treatment of Nervous Debillty, and all diseases arising from ex- cesses, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing in the ears, pal itation,etc. For sale by alldrugg‘ists. Price 81 per ox, or 6 boxes for 85, or will be sent by mail on receipt 0! price. Pamphlet on application. THE GRAY MEDICINE 00., Toronto. AGENTS! AGENTS 2 BUTCHERS 49 249 00 492 63 84

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