RI€EIMOND HILL. )“(â€" In rethming thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patmnage during the bash twenty-ï¬ve ye..rs, I beg to re- mind them and the genvral public, tlim having erect-er“ entirely new and com- modious premises. [ am enabled to supply TRENCH’S ~CARRIAGE' WORKS.- Both light. and guaranteed to g work is under my also prepared in smitlnng d: rep-ail ‘umnliku manner, he! on the most 1‘ Memorial; Cards a Specziasltye The Liberal $1 a Year. Phaetons, Buggies. Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs and PLATFORM SPRING W AGUNS. PL PAIN 8; ORNAMENTAI native ï¬ciary memh hall u Secre BIGHMGND HILL, 0N Bill Heads, Shipping Tags Committ each alto ticm-y 061 EV Executed with neatness and T p. m‘ memhc exempt Nicholl (“Allow Atkin sncint desire RICHMOND LODGE, A. F. J: A. 14., No.23, G.R.(‘ Meets in the Lodge room.Masonic Hallpn the Monday on or before full moon. at 8 .o’clnck p.111 I. Crosby, WM. ANcn-zy'r ORDER OF FORESTEBSâ€"Court Rich- mond, No. 7046 A. O. F., meets in the Temperance Hall ovary alternate Fridav at 7.30 p. m.â€" A J ANCIF mom]. 1 HM] ov: Rupert. ‘lvv y..- METHODIST CHURCHâ€"Services at 10:30 mm and 6:30 p. m.,a.nd Sunday school, at 2.30 p. 111. Young people's prayer meeting Tuesday evening. General Prayer Meeting everv Thursdayevening in the Lecture Room. Rev, J.M. Simpson. Supt. Rev. G. N. Rutledge, Assistant. PRESBYTEIUAN CHURCH OF CANADA.-â€"Services at. 1] o'clock n.m.,u.nd 6:30 p.m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:30. Rev. W. W. Percoval, Pastor. ROMAN CATHOLIC onuncn.â€"Services in order 3. follows :Thornhill at 9 a..m., and Richmond H lat 10:30 mm; the following Sunday at Rich. mond Hi1] 3.159 a..m. and Thornhill at 10:30 a. m. Rev. J. J. Egan. Pastor ST. MARY s EPISCOPAL Canaanâ€"Service at 3 p m.,except the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at 11 nan. Sunday School at 1:30 p.111 Rev. W. Bates Rec Horse - Shoeing 306 ‘osters, Letter Heads, Programs, Streamers, ‘xm-7 Bn 43 y certiï¬cate giw awn, Muster \Vc ers for $1,000 or ' nynbm in case ( :lect Councillors PRINTING Meets Tuesdt Iaid special attention to. “(M TRENCII month ‘th willngc Qirtctnry. ecretary. W., Ivy Lodge .titli W ESTABLISHMENT, L'd [0 do allkxuds "f black- repairiug in the must work- mner, on the shortest notice, most reasonable terms. ALL KINDS OF 'list sabbath sch oolTempermnce As l0 pledge curds every Sunday when PRINTIN ards despatch. held in t 'ship free up: then)‘ &c., &c. Societies. Churches. l heavy; all of w] give satisfaction v onn supex-visr; ree‘ Certiï¬ca m to certain 1 Pugsley. Car Pamphlets, PUBLISHING :.â€" Library of over 1000 any evening, in the Ma- lock. R.E. Lmv,‘Libra,- ssionsperiodicullv. NET BAND.â€"Meets for nd Saturday evening at ability. J. H. Sander- ..E.Switzer.Recording No. 141 . Wm KS: n. M. ‘l eeiy meeting f Circulars, att Meets in the neonic Hal] k p.11). Bene‘ Labels, :sley min. ey, Conn- ,ndersonï¬v st Friday umber. at issued to ILA On making comparisinn with British Cnmpnnies established on principles simi- lar to our own, we ï¬nd the business of the United Kingdom Temperance and General Provident Institution for its 15th year was $1,339,250; The Scottish Tern- perance Life Assurance Co†recently establishrdï¬n its 3rd year wrote $732228. This Company has been organized by prominent men on the basis of the United Kingdom Temperance and General Prom ident Institution of Britain, one of the most. successful of British Cmnpanies, whose experience for the last 20 years was nearly 20 per cent. in favor of total abstainers over their general class. To enable the people of King and Vaughan Townships more fully to under- stand our success, we take from the re- turns of the leading. Canadian Companies to the Superintendent of Insurance, the following facts concerning their new busi- ness:â€"â€"’l‘he Cunaclz. Life fur its 22nd year issued 881 policies for $1,150,855, the Confederatiun for its 5th year issued 1005 for $1,383.000, the Sun Life for its 5th year issued 3‘34 policies for $465,119. and for its 10th year 573 policies fol $926370. The Ontario Mutual for its 10th year issued 4‘27 policies for $490,000; The North American Life Assurance Co. for its 3rd year issued 827 policies for $1,311"- 088. If you want collect. affairs straightened, x amply to S. HOLLAND, Local Age STOPS ‘ Dropplngsfrom ' ‘- - ~ Nasal passages E SY TO USE. into the throat and excessive expectomtion caused by Ca.- tarrh. Sold by Druggists; or sent pre-paid on receipt or price, 50c. and 31. Address pract' six m HON. G. W. Rags, HON. S. H. BLAKE RoBT. McLEAN,Esc HEAD OFFICEâ€"â€" Temperance 63 General Life Assurance Co. HID sty1e nut \V eekly. $3.00 a Year. :0-4 It). A shortage of $4000 has been discover- ed in the books of the Guelph branch of the Central Bank, and Mr. Webster, the teller, has taken up his quarters in Buffa- A meeting of the creditors of the Cen- tral Bank, to elect a. third liquidator to replace Mr. Archibald Campbell, will be held on the 28th or 29th inst. FULFORD 8: 00., rockville, Oni- It is said that Dr. Montague, M. P..for Haldimand will be asked to move the ad dress in reply to speech from the throne. . THE §cimï¬ï¬c gmm'imu, MI Purer a Canadian Conway!) HARD TIE/IE S ‘lle This unrivaled periodical. wt bed by Mmm & Co.fur1ut)xje rrk m1 The M‘ unnu llur 3mm iiflvrttia‘tmcutï¬. nts ï¬ss1 em ngmee and Most Popular Scientiï¬c Paper in the World. nt Mills 5 ' illust iptive 1 imp( :tures in life. Terms. f5: Remit bv Postal ( ‘03, Publishers NEWS ITEMS. ESTABLISHED 1845. mintuin its I njoys the lm‘ uy :cientiï¬c ins sixteen p: llustmted ; min; ctrh may J. '1‘. SAIGEON, Agent, .Spnughill $1.50 for Six Months Co. for more 17] min its high re 's the largest c :ientiï¬c publi :‘xteen pagesml rated ; it pres record of the I mm: advance It shows the .0115; made, or your ï¬nancial ;a.v1uglmvyers’ fees as wall, in‘ml 1- It 51 New -MA NNING A RCA DE, RONTO. Minister :SIDENT: E. F. LANGSTAFF. Richmond Hill 1 shouldl BEdedl‘d ICE SOQTHINS make Sold in Head, SATAHRH )rder 3.11 HAY FE‘JEB. iclx t thin CLEANSING fEducatiun 3 cures HEALING ESIDENTS 11m J BY A FAIR EXCHANGE OF I 629633195 3:, Genfestions straw; per ton , 5 7 00 mcmronn HILL Thursduv, Feb {Art 18 outs, per bushel N550 40 Pans. do. ‘ 0 60 Pans, do. _ Dressed hogs,per ] Beef. tore quarter“ Beef. hind quartgr Chickens. per pan" Duckg. do Flour, spring, per 1 Flour,fnll, per bbl Hay.per ton straw. per ton .. .. Geese,en.ch Turkeys. each Butter, pound rolls . nutter. tub dairy - - - Eggs. fresh, per doz‘ Potatoes, per bag†Apples, per bbl .......... onions, green, per (102 Cabbage do Cauliflower do Celery, do C elery, Turnips‘ Carrots, B aim s. p Peas. (1‘ Rye. d‘ Clover Seed. ‘1 Dressed hogs, per 1( Beef, fore quarters Beef, hind quarters Chickens, per pair . Ducks, J0 Celery, 'l‘umips, per Carrots. Hay, per ton straw. Der to Eggs. ire: Potatoes Apples, r onions, n I am so sure that 1 can cure the worst case of catarrh in the nose,head or throac that I will forward. free of charge, a sample box of Japanese Cutarrh Uure to any address in Canada, United States or Great Britain, provided they will furnish “ith order a letter from any reliable per- 5011 or clergyman. If the Japanese Ca.- tarrll Cure gives satisfaction, I would ex- pect them to forward the small amount of 25 cents. On the other hand, if it does not prove efl‘ecbnnl no puyuwnt will be expected. Joseph Dilworth, Chemist, 170 King, St. East, Toronto. Tosoxrn Tnursdqu‘eb 23, {bus Wheatjal] per bushel ............... $0 80 Wheat, spring. go . '76 o Barley, 72 outs, do 46 Peas. do Rye. do ... Clover Seed. do Dressed hocamer 100 lbs 7 (10 Dress Maker, opposite Aliglslonic Hall Richmond x DRESS MAKER":- Of a still further share of your esteemed patronage. Oatmeal,Cornmeal,Rice,Sago Tapioca, Barley, Beans, Buckwheat Flour, &c. Oranges, Lemons, Spanish Onions, Figs, Dates, Rais- ins,Candies,Nuts, Cakes, Biscuits, Mild Cheese, Oysters in tins and bulk, etc., etc. RECIPE STRIPES 8: MIXWRES. CANADIAN TWEEDS. NEW GOODS, NEW_ STYLES, NEW TRIMMINGS. F. Ki R KEY, RICHMOND HILL. Begs to announce that he is now preparer] to show the ï¬nest lines of STILL AT THE FRONT! C. THEâ€"VETHAN FALL & WINTER CLOTHS verything new except the same 0? of \Vm'kmansllip,the same old L and the same old Perfection l Remember the BEE HIVE when nohby Suit or Uvorcout MISS HARRISON, Ever shown in this localitv. F1110 imported ()VERCOATINGS. C. TREVETHAN. Richmond Hill For cash & hopes there- by to have Full lines o! elegant Tronserings. Scotch and English TWEEDS & WEBSTEflï¬. ANNEXATION All su All the latest noveltic Come in and se mch ..... L per1_b ‘er ban an: Marlins. tbl per 100 lb A splendid inc of 3. W0!) 1c ASKS FOR Beuublml new bbl but are %OC shin t1 aurpas ltion. ‘ y live 1190 rld 10W 01‘ I 40 M: Tl “(1811 worll liability Prices. want 1t mlm the who are m1 GBOGEE] WOOLI HEB Or any other 1 You can be supplied as cheap by me as bv anv other nevsun. Recent improvemel most perfect Sewing I to the public ; easy manage, case hardene it durable. You can BRI'NS] THE LIGHTâ€"RUNNING NEXV \VILLIAMS Takes the Lead. Tor gestaclea 1‘1 my 1 good Dwelling thh Store at moderate terms. The proper nee SLrPet, Richmond Hill. tw osbv's store. There is rm 9: :h a. liberal supply of choice f: 3d water, hard and Suit. App RAN K L1 Rourl SE As an advertising medium, The Globe has no equal in Canada. Its circulation, which appears at head of its editorial columns daily, is far in advance of all other Canadian papers! and it is the intention of the man- gement to always keep The Globe in its proud position as the LEAflING ï¬EWSPAPEa of QANABA' both in point of circulation and influence. SSE between Toronto and London, which has been running daily since 3rd March last, will be continued thropghogt _1888. .This_trai_n arriyes at_Lloudon gt 6:40 n..." n... _- v a.m., making oooheotion witl'l all the early trains from that point, securing for The Globe a delivery throughout Western Ontario hours in advance of all Toronto papers. The difl‘erent editions of The Globe can be procured from all News Dealers throughout Canada. FOR SALE. (I Sale by T. I". AN K Spectacll the past. ubouude‘ (a world. 11's without DAILY GLOBE, Mornlng Ediflon, " “ I2 o'clock “ WEEKLY GLOBE. . - SATURDAY DAILY GLOBE. PIAZN'O NUNN, bPRINGHILL THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND THE LEADING NEWSPAPER 9F EANAA AZARUS. M f the ï¬rm of Lazmus WE ARINCâ€" THE C [RESNO‘VNED J. LUSH, Richmond. Hill 1d AN 1V IDGE with an Humor ‘11 with 1 LIBERAI. and EY Vans, 2 nra T1 - - - THE GLOBE SPEGIAL FAST TRAIN - - - can all Ell] ments makes it the 3;: Machine offered LAZARUS fact class make, ori THE [0 C21 ll‘S’ J11 cflL/l H 0A perty 1‘1" KGAN attmrl am, ea fro H FLAG STAFF rts muk )e suppli $E€)0DIE’S E 353% KR. E. LAW T0 ADVERTISERS - - I vour attention to LOTHING {lg-$83 mi BE Witt IV ary RED WEE] In connection with the ' custom sawing “11] be dun guaranteed and prices uxoc PLANED LUMBER. MOULDINGS RICHM mama W FIRST-CLASS SAW-MILL ire now {8% Kept on the sh 1V1“ Uways ( . INNES & SONS TA 1 ICH >ND 3th. and Du )ove 7n} 36.3. HXLL'. Rxchmund Hill, L x to 13.8. REAMAN, Canville P 0 hand $5.00 per annum. 3.00 is u u u [.00 u u [.00 u u SR ‘3’ KINGS. MI H], or In: st notice UT u tth IOND 1e above-named mil} verything in 355 (DR vinter stock of m RICHMOND BIL} iuildir RS WEIR Tflï¬ï¬ éiï¬i‘mï¬. There is also a , MITTS, &C 1e factc s situated on Year. “12:3:- ,0 order ¢ A stock of )UDTE tho ntmcts for s‘éTO parti I stock < where work ulax