Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Mar 1888, p. 1

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THE LIBERM. PRINTING 3 PUBLISHERS HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. - â€" ONTARIO fhanklul for the favors of the past an you-s may still be consulted in any branch nf the pro- .ession nsfollows: intern 1st, 86h. 16:11.31"! 22nd of our“ mouth Richmond Hill, .. .‘Jgh and 24th dn. THURSDAY EVENING ‘_- -_V_ stonflville .. .. ‘18:!) Markham .‘wth Victoria Square. .................. 213: I‘horuhill. Walker House. 23rd Woodbfidge... .38“) Kloiuburg. filth Nobleton ..... .30“: 10. .10. do do do. do. 0 Vitalized Air always on hand at appointments Works like a. charm Free from main. fledglist Toronto Universitv Memhm Co Physicians (c Sn:geons.0nt...flate of Smm‘fvme Yongq Sin-eel:L liig’hgond Hill. 0mm Hours Toronto Officeâ€"No. 14 Building a Loan Chambers. N3. 15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Officeâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Sa‘urdays. RD GEES $10an 033%.“ HONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST SURRENT RATES I. G. F. LAWRENCE. V ’1‘. C. HILLIGAN. Richmond Hill. Best fitting Teeth made. Prices low and Vi- nlized Air mdministared DENTIST NOT AT KORE (‘5' SUNDAYS Mzurkinunl filizroâ€"eqfiunaéco T: u» monl “(mun Hun: 's-z. To: Hanna‘s a: lfzagraagr, w 141 Ne to ’FuHcrmn. Cook & Miller. :1. :s'rr-sns. SOLICITORS &c '3 FI-‘IF‘J‘. ' 13 1‘ m". 811”ch EAST. Tonom‘o. i Mi!) Y‘. 0. Every Saturday. y“ 'y “ya. LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN. Barristers, Soficitors. Conveyancers, 8a.. Mr Gregory or am Office emu Address A ROBINSON L.D.S..AurmaOuc. fight calls at front dom- 10 a. m $I pcrannum, in advance. VOL. X. 03.. (afflzé Palmer House) BUSINESS CARDS. Dr. James Langstnl‘l, ‘ who fiihml ” ONE!) h: Vlfl'fifilgflfl £18 T. F. MGBMEON, m..5tosp.m EDTOR and PROPRIETOB. Dr. J. A. Palmer. RICHMOND HILL. om IS PUBLISHED EVERY Dr. ‘V. J. “’ilson. MK} 3311‘ AK Y~ USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. (Billie; Wtdimi. SURGEON DBSTXST, 2mm. mam I’T'N’Dfi T0 LOA AT W Cnuk, N0. 10 be“. Ofl'ice hour may“: cars, &c G "’ Homnsa west Bates m»: ' )luNDAYB J. R. Miller Hurnshers. etc._. 15 Tornntn 8%.. Tomnto, and Richmond HIM. Rich‘d mu m}: Ann! X887. 6m. Linonsed Auctioneer for the County of York. re- spectfully solicics your fiatmnage and friendly influence. sales nttende on the shortest notice and at. rezxsonahe rates. P. 0. address, King. on fgrrnlgroggny. Kaunas)”. Tprms pnsy' ' Nu vilul'fléii in- EJmEhiEsioh tees charged. Apply m LAWRENCE a MILLIGAN, Lirenam Auctioneer for the Cnnnfics of York Onmrtn and Pen). Goods Hold on consignment. Genamlmlea of stock. eta, promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, ' UNIONVVLLE. Licensed Aucsioneer for the County of York Sales “normal on the shorflest nuhice,mtd at ren- abe rates. Address Stuufl‘vxlle P. 0 Ma! 9&3 Pm”? WflKzSo All kinds of Wood. Iron. Galvanized Pipe, Iron. Brass and Porcelain Cylinders. All kinds of Water Runs. Well-Digging Curbs, Curb Rings and cistern Tanks made to order. Repairing done on shortest, notice. THE DOMINION HOUSE, MOD Having refitted the shove House and furnish- ed it in firstrcluss style, I am prepared to give the public the best 0' accommodation. Exaellent smbling and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A good livery in con- nectiuu. Terms $1 nor dav. The undersigned hawng taken possewion of the above oommodiouu howl will‘cbeermlly cutermthe comhrt of the travelling public. Best. brands of liquors and cigars. Au attentive hustler and good stabling. Rooms for commer- cial travellers. u GILMHUIR. Prop. Bell}. Brllllnger. Proprietor. GRAND GENTBEL HOTEL. Every accommodation for the travelling public Good smbliu: and an attentive hostler. Best- liquors and cigars. ice course 6i: the lnlu- ulxmys clear. Warm stuns for trotting humus. gaudy @ch ifwtel. M83 Mififlflfifiiflfi For terms and cream Richmond H 111, l H, “37525;? Wu. JACKSON, Proprietor. Issuar of Mmrmge {dosages for the County Is. desirous of obtaining [ONEY ! Mumâ€"=13?" Alnrgmfimtof PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN 'erv uccomxuodn «1Q INSTRHMEETRL Rnsxm-z CR. 158 KING suuaw 1 Richmond Hill, Leeds Richardson. “WI . I: a: L L. Proprietor. £1179 Lyman} James C. Stokes. misrtllauwus. Salem Ecknrdl N . J. Armstrong. RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY. MARCH 1, 1888. Balsam :a meenm of Y0! ' “In. Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in at! things, Charity." 1 guests. Board, $1.00 app] L!an ONT 0 CU REE] ‘ 2 at her 1'( Biiioilsil SEE, Man ‘iut IBERAL. The proceedings of the Provincial Leg- islature during the last two weeks have not been very eventful. From the speech of the Y wincial Treasurer it appears that the htf'icia! standing of Ontario is 'ery good, and there mnems to be no doubt that our income will for many years to come equal our expenditure. There is no province in Canada so little troubled wvth deficits as our own. We owe our .reseut position largely to the honesty End economy with which our aflairs have been managed for many years by the Mowat Administration. and many Con- servatives will hesitate before they at-i tempt to displace a government which has given such general satisfaction. But i the Mowat government is powerful not‘ only because of its own inherent strength. ‘ but largely because of the weakness of its opponents. Although Mr, Meredith himself is a good man and is deserving of much praise for the industry which he displays during each session, he has not got sufiicient material in his following out of which to form a respectable Cab- inet. Creighton, ‘rom Gray, is only a fairly good man, and yet is the ablest of those who follow the leader of the Oppo- sition. Some persons lacetiously suggest that Meredith’s opposition to the propos- al to appoint a Minister of Agriculture is owing to the fact that he would when called on some day to form a Cabinet ex- perience Considerable difficulty in finding amongst his followers 3 man tit for the position. But Mr. Meredith need let the expectant duties of Cabinet misk- ing trouble him just now. By the time the present parliament expires Mr. Mow- at will. if he lives, have held office con- tinuously for nearly twenty years. and the prospects of his remaining in power are better now than they were when be ‘ took office in 1872. The resolutions of ‘ the luter-pmvir.clal Conference,are to be ‘discussed this week, and a lively time i may be expected. A quiet struggle for the position of Minister of Agriculture is i voing on, bus it is pretty well settled now that either Mr. Dryden or Mr. Drury I will be the successful man l The letter of Mr. Blaine written from Vrlol‘ence tn the Secretary of the National Republican Convention, has caused a good dual of CUIIIUIU'”, not only in the Amcri :4'1 but also in the Canadian press. ~suiue reg u‘Llin'; it, as a final decision not in enter Ihu uch Presidential contest, while others 3110:” luuk upnu it as an ef‘ fart Ln ulmnin a unanimous nomination W the Republicans. Next to Blaine, w‘ulm Hiirrunm nf “MO, is the leading ,vnzr‘nnimr m lll‘ ifepublican side for ilw 5 .-.:‘c pli'c, whilst numerous politic- ~' " mnulmut th: different states are ‘ (‘:il"=:lzilin<' their chances. It l p use”? ‘ ’“ President Cleveland ad by the Democrats. ’ e will once more be . . mm: {lie 1.8 l, lull]: ’ But although the provincial law-makers are in our midst, interest is centering upon the larger arena at Ottawa. The Fishery Question, which has been the principal subject of discusswn during the last few weeks, will likely soon be debat- ed there. The conditions of the treaty are so complicated that without a thorough study they cannot be clearly understood, and many are waiting until it it debuted in the House of Commons before they express a decided opinion. 1 stated in my last letter that at the time of writing the negotiations at Ottawa ep- penred to be at n deadlockâ€"so far as l have been able to ascertain l was correct. Mr. Chamberlain was at the time willing to muke concessions to the Americans. which Sir Charles 'l‘upper at first strongly opposed, but which in the end he had to consent to. The outcome of the negotia- tions was this trentv. By it we have ap- parently gained nothing. and it does not He! appear clear what we have giVen up. The treaty is in keeping with those made on former occasions between Great Brit.- ain and the United States. British con- venience has been consulted before Cana- din“ interests, and it always will be until we manage our own affairs. C-‘)Imsidér¢ble interest is being manifest ed in the mm: on the repeal of tb_e Scott. A‘ct inrth County of Halton! Whig} takes place) during the present. Week. The ma- jority against repeal some years ago was larger than the nmjul'ity uriginuily given for the Act. Ruth sides seem confident uf success The result. will be regarded as an indication of the way in which the numerous Suntt Act contests about to take place will In: dvcided. ulm Sherman. c nxzpecitur on I‘m 10 3. 2th prize, Â¥ .rouulmut r. u Our Toronto Letter. is I. hoL phantlv u’t generally under- 0 light, may some farmers’ path-way .y Rlcbulond Hill. I In themeautime, farmer along Lhc ssiun to use 11;: .nl Oil. The price shuld your breath ll hold your breath nnced by Dilworth the Clyde and Szxnx. Mr. Linton, of Aurora. recently sold a. young Durham bull to Mr. Beech, of Winnipeg for the sum of $200. The anni- mal will be shipped to Manitoba. J. B. Lav lor, of Vankleek Hill, In- spector for the London & Lancaah'u'e Life Insurance Company, committed suicide with a revulver at the Rossin House last Friday morning. Letters Which he left showed that financial difficulties was the cause. Inspector Willcock, of West York, has been having a lwely time with liquor dealers in Parkdnle. Last Thursday one man was fined $20 on each of 3 charges. and another the same amount on each of four charges. At the meeting of the Toronto City Council lam. Monday night ex Mayor Howland by requesc. presented the Royal Humane Society's medal to Miss Mabel Andrews fur her heroic rescue of a child from drowning in Georgian Bay in June last. A special cablegram to The Mail says that at a special general meeting of the Grand Trunk Railway Company, held in London yesterday, the amalgamation of the Grand Trunk. the Northern and the Hamilton companies was unanimously a. greed to, and at a subsequent meeting of the Northern Company the agreement was approved of. A strange phenomenon, which was strangely beautiful, excited the admira- tion of a large crowd standing close to Joseph Hull’s store, the heavens seemed radiant with splendor. On a closer in- spectinn it was found it was a reflection uf a number of garments an a clothes line stretched across the lawn, which had just been dyed wuth Sun-Set Dyes. Ouly five cents a package. Sold at Dilwortn’s Drug Store. Toronto DANGEROUS Coumznrzu‘s. â€"-Counter- feile are always dangerous, more so that they HIWayu closely mums THE ORIGINAL IN APPEARANCE AND NAME. The remark- able sneer-as acllichd by Nasal Balm an a positive cure for Catarrh and Cold in the Head has induced unprincipled parties to imitate it. The public are cautioned not to be deceived by nostruma imitating Nasal Balm in name and appearance, bearing such names as Naaal Uream,Naaal Balsam. etc. Ask for Nasal Balm and do nut. take imitation dealers may urge upnn you. For sale by all druggists or sent. post-paid on receipt of price (50c. or 5]) by addressing Fulford d: 0)., Brock- vxlle, Out. From our own Correspondent. T. F. Daville,prnprietot of the tannery in this place, was taken to the Toronto Asylum last. week. it. in feared hopelessly insane. Messrs. Szaflbrd and Dunnet have been holding a service of Gospel Temperance meetings under the auspices of the Royal Templan. They closed last Thursday night. The anniversary servicel of the Metho- dist, sabbath school was conducted by Mr. Day, of Toronto. on Sunday morning. Mr. Day is a very enthusiastic worker for the moral and spiritual welfare of chil- dron. Sutherland Bros. who have been hold- ing auction sales every week night for the last two months, closed on Saturday night. They purpu'o concentrating their forces in their Newmnrket store. P. '1‘. Bond, the Wurkingman’l Ifriend. closed his shutters last. Week. Hi5 As~ sets are nupposed to be equal to his liabi- lities. Our enterprising Town Fathers, who meet. to practice quite often, have placed the name of every street in a conspicuous place at the corner, so nuw any stranger may easily find the place he is seeking. Notwithstanding the temperance {wave that has been rolling over our town, steps will be taken to grant another license shortly. We have facilities at present to supply all the county with liquor, but not sleeping accommodation after they are supplied and for this reason we want more room. Ease, next «low to Nigisan route. Great excitement throughout the neigh- borhood of Richmond Hill over a very startling letter received from Wm. Turn- er, of Whitchurch, speaking in the high- est terms of "Japanese Catarrll Cure,” He says, “I have used one box, and I think one more will cure me. Mine was 3. vex; bad case of catnrrh." Cures stuff- Lm', of the nose .‘u truu’alpsmne to child~ ~ren, onld in the boa-Ll. muse or throat. clunple box, 25 cunts; 3.13:», size. 50cmts. Joseph anorth, Chemist, 170 K‘ng St. His Worship. the Mayor has been con- fined to his house for some time, but is now able to be out again. NEWS ITEMS. Aurora. 170 King St Hutei, To Last Thursday evening a very snceesslni Parlor Social was held at the residence 01 Mr. Joseph Bales. Lansing, in aid of the Methodist church at Newton Brook. At about 7 o'clock the residents of the surround- ing neighborhoods began to flock to the place. and at 9 Mr. Bales' large residence was completely packed, both up stairs and down. Refreshments were served in the dining room and appeared to be much en- ioyecl by the hundreds who sat down to the tables. Alter tea an interesting entertain- ment was given. Rev. Mr. Mahau, pastor of the circuit, occupied the chair, which be filled to the satisfaction of all. The princi- pal part 01 the programme was rendered by Miss McGregor, Mr. Maxwell. Mr. Mchth, and two harmonica players. all of Toronto. Miss McGregor sang in good style " The Bonnie Prince Charlie." "Tit for Tat." and "Tarrauce's Farewell to Cathleen." Mr. Maxwell gave " The Death of Nelson, " "Havelock." and "Old Black Joe." He has a fine. well-cultivated voice. which is well adapted for parlor entertainments. The selections on the harmonica were a marvsl. and the young men were encored after every efiort. Mr. McBeth's recitations. both pa- thetic and humorous. formed one of the most interesting and amusing features of the entertainment. "Barbara Freetchie" pro- duced an excellent eflect, and “Jim Wolfe and the Cats," and “An Old Maid's Experi- ence in Love." convulsod the audience with laughter. During the evening practical and appropriate speeches were given by Rev. Mr. Wilson, of Davisville, and Mr. J. W. Elliott. of Richmond Hill. Both speakers referred to the excellent arrangements, and congrat- ulatcd Mr. and Mrs. Bales on the success of their undertaking. The twenty or more who went mum this Village thoroughly enjoyed theme es, The receipts were upwards of 5M), WLtieil go directly into the funds of the '. Mi. :' ml. The accompaniments on the plum were played by Mrs. J. Morgan, of Y. thJi -. KusEnâ€"annnnsâ€"On the 30th of January lasts, at. the residence or the bride’s father. by the Rev. W. F. Wumot, In. Harvey Kaiser, to M158 Sarah J. Bennouts. daughter of J. Ben- netts. Esq. all of the Township of Vaughan. flownâ€"At trenge, township of Kxng. on Wed- neadey. February 22nd, Mary 0.. beloved daughter 0! Robert and Magnet Mount. aged 23 years and a months. 8mm.- u'râ€"AI Markham. on Monday. the 27th of February, or aiphthona, Frank norm. youngest son 0! James Speiaht. Esq., Man- aging Duoetor of the Speigbt Manunczurina 00‘. aged 16 veers. I am so sure that 1 can cure the worst case of catarrh in the none,hend or throat that I will forward. free of charge, I sample box of Japaneee Caturrh Care to any address in Canada, United States or Great Britain, provided the)' will furniqh with order a letter from any reliable son or clergyman. If the Japanese . V turrh Cure given satisfaction. 1 woulci ' pect them to forward the small nine of 25 cents. 0n the other hand, if I! does not prove efl'ectuel no payment will be expected. Joseph Dilworth, Chemist, 170 King St. East. Toronto. Th1: powder never vanes A marvel of purity, strength and whulesomeuess. More economical than the ordiu kinds. and cannotbe sold in com etition wi the multitude of low test,sh0rt weig t alum or phosphate powders Bold onlv 1'31 mus gov“. Bums Pownen Co., 106 Wall Street. N. Y Three doors west of Dr. Orr's residence. The house contains nine moms, 00d cennr, excel; lent hard and soft. water and as every cnnven. mee. Firstâ€"class stable and driving house. There is aim a. young orrhard, plenty of small fruit and the lotin Well fan-mi. .l‘erms easv. 4mm h: m House & Lot for Sale A new brick-clad dwelling, Ii stories high. with é an acre of ground, is for sale in the Bio POWDER Absolutely Pate. VILLAGE OF MAPLE, [Single copies, 3 cts MARRIAGES Parlor Socxal. DEATHS AMOS SHUNK, Maple P 0

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