Prominent citizens of Obtawa. are taking steps to tender 8. public banquet to Lord Lansdowne previous to his departure from Canada. It is considered probable, however, that his Excellency will stay to pr‘arogne Parliament, and will not leave before J (me. A Renfer's despatch from Winnipegin the "i’IJondonlDuily Neu‘sinfornrsche Englishpnblic "of the seasonabie weather in the Canadian "North-Went as compared with the Northern “ States. In course of time, if due diligence be used, our misrepresent/ed climate will be properly known and appreciated abroad. Basaemer's steel patents have brgught him 835,3853000 in royalties. A special agent of the United States Trea- sury who has been investigating the recent opium smuvgling cues across the Canadian frontier, has secured evidence that the smug. The" ï¬Ã©xti Meditiéuf that starts out in search of the North, Pole; will go by the way of Dakota. Crowds of people have crossed the Hud- son river on the ice from chkers to the New Jersey shore. The (cap had not been performed before since the Winter of 1879. While )Chief of ,Police Crowley, of San Francisco, was on a. still hunt for a gang of burglars. one of the precious rogues quietly entered his house and departing left; his blessing, but; took about ï¬ve hundred dol~ lars' worth of jewellery. ‘ Ma‘sï¬'achusebts spends $7,000,000 :1 year on her schoola, yet: not ï¬ve per cent. of her school children learn to pronounce the let- ter " r.†An Ypsilanti man has a queer crazeâ€"that cf collecting axes. He has 92 different kinds, and yet; his wife complains of a scar- city of kindling wood. A San Francisco girl slept twelve days, during which time she partook of no nour- ishment, but she was ready for her break. fast when she awoke. James M. Bunker, a. son of the Siamese twins, Eng. and :Chang, is an inmate of the Kansas epicentiary for perjury in seeking a. divorce roin his wife. ' A Kansas widow rode six miles during the recent cold snap to put: a mortgage on her place, and the ï¬rst thing she bought; was celluloid toilet set in a. plush case. Mrs. Elizabeth Weaver Hendricksou, of DuQuoin, 11]., who is 102 years old, says she is the oldest Methodist in America, and is proud of being of the “ shouting kind.†A Heyworth, Ill., lady has a crazy quilt with 28,062 pieces in it, and her husband has several shirts Without any buttons on. He uses shirt studs. ' There are 50 widows in' New York ‘City with fortunes ranging from 51,000ADO, bun the unmarried men claim that they fail to take advantage of their leap year privi- legfs. r r Mrs. Mathner, of Texarkana, Ark, hid $500 in the stove to prevent the burglars vetting it,‘ and netb’ mbrnidg built a. ï¬re without taking ouï¬the money. Her hus- band is excused by all the neighbors for his swearing. ' " There are ~qnitega. number hf ï¬Ã©o‘ï¬le'fof both sexes living as present in Cape Breton who have seen over one hundred winters. \Vhile pulsing through Mira. a few days ago we were given the names of two aged peopleâ€"a Mrs. McLeod, 0t Mira. road, and a Mr. Malcolm McDonald, of Lnuisburg road, both of whom lmve celebrated their hundreth birth-day. Mrs. McLeod last summer walk- ed nine miles in one day, and Mr. McDon~ ald, who is'a.‘ tailor by-tsi'ade, can yet thread a. needle without thensaof glasses. We have heard -of _ others wli'o 'baï¬qgï¬'eached theife' hundreth birthday, hu‘t’fhave not now their names. A legal ï¬rm in Halifax stands accused of the otfence of charginï¬'for professsonal ser- vices sums less than the amounts ï¬xed by law, and customary in the profession. The case is now being tried before the Lay. Society of Nova. Smtia, and, of course, if the charge is established .awful consequencesl will follovg‘: ‘!h the meantime the trial isle. splendid'adveriisemenb for the ï¬rm. It is, further, a. thorough justiï¬cation of trades combinations to regulate wages. If 9. law society‘can cut-011' from further employment a. lawyer who works at a low rate, why should not a. trades union have authority to deal with equal severity with those who violate its rules? .; -: A. Philadelphia it} not far from the coal re- gion, and yet {be poor of that: city who buy coal by the bucketful pay for it at the rate of about $15 pFr ton. Brooklyn policemen are able to predict the weather by the sound frog]; distant réil- way trains. A w‘hjsfle that can xie'ver be heard in ï¬ne weï¬h‘e: is‘distinctly audible a few hours before rain or Snow. The Orillia Packet tells of a. striking in- stance of animal affection. On Mr. Blair's farm an exceedingly intelligent dog and an aged, rather vicious horse formed a. strong attachment. This affection was constant fo_r several years, until some short time sincs‘ the horse died, and the carcass was left in the bush. A member of the family found the dog early one morning lying by and guarding the cascass. The duty was con- tinued for three weeks, the dog manifesting every evidence of grief, until one morning it; too was found. stretched ou‘e-indgegfh. beside its friend. - l '1 A Manitoba ï¬re insurance coixipany is apâ€"-_ plying to the Legislature for an amendment, to its charter giving it power to insure against losses by hailstorms and frost. In the Western States, where blizzards are all too frequent and where occasionally the mercury freezes, frost and wingl insurance companies are a. necessity. It is popular to believe that; the meoeorological troubles af- flicting these Ssates do not {all to the lot of our North-\Vest. The Council of the \Vinnipeg Board of Trade condemn the Kubauka Wheat. Tim Pnbh‘c accounts for Bribiï¬fx' Chunjbéa. show a deï¬cit, for the last ï¬cca‘l year; bf $189,798. The rec-ipts were $541,516, and the expenditures $731,314. Libeml grants to pubh: works were the cause of the exces- sive outlays. Premier Greenway states that a~contmct had been entered into and the ï¬nances ar- rangedlfor the construction of the Rad River Valley railway, and that the road will be into Portage la Prairie by Oclobeï¬} It. CANADIAN. Hnr ' County farmers have sold $103,000 wort pples this season. Castle and sheep are Imported to have wintered well on the North-West ranches. THE WEEK‘S NEWS. UNIT}: D,STAT)£S. The United States will suffer for more than Great Britain from ‘the failure of the Senate nt Washington thdopt the neW' ex- tradition treaty. This view is conï¬rmed by the following utterances of the Chicago Tribune on the snbjeostz: 5‘ Bank oflieers, bookkeepers, and tru -fui3d holders who have been hesitating‘fdl‘ fear that the Senate might ratify the treaty any day, will now be relieved from their apprehensions and can appropriate their employers' or deposi- tors’ money in gambling speculations to their hearts’ content. For ten months more there is full license to plunder. For ten .monzhs more no defaulter or boodler need‘ fear the penitentiary. For ten months more the Canadian door stands wide open =audÂ¥no one can molest the‘l‘n or make them afraid: The temptation still remains, and ‘the Senate hnalrenewed the premium for {crimegby genero ly extending the‘ time. If the hoodlers and defaulters do not have a. ; picnic this summer it will not be the fault of‘fhé-«S‘enatél’Cj-T "~. ‘ The omission pi even the slightest allus- ion to John L Sullivan or the Wild W'esc Show in the Queen’s Speech produced great Vd‘iaappoiutment in the Uniï¬ed Scams. Madrid boa-its of a. womin one hundred and nine years old, with adaughter aged sixty, Whom she takes out to walk every day, leading her by the hand. All of her life she hasheen a washerwoman, and only two years ago went with the rest of her craft to wash a basketful of linen at the river edge. The astonishing thing is that Elie has nlv’vaya lived in one of the dirtiest streetsin the cityVyâ€"é very dirty street in a Spanish city is a. terrorâ€"and the sanitary experts are consequently in great despair at the failure of their theories. Heat and Cold Is a never-failing cause of disease. At this season of the year neuralgia, toothache, and a. host of similar diseases are rampant. The great question, then, is to ï¬nd the quickest, surest, and most economical remedy. Pol- son’s NEBVILXXE exactly ï¬lls these require- mennts. It is prompt, efï¬cient, and most economical, for it: exceeds in power every known remedy, and is as cheap as inferior articles. A 10 cent sample bottle will give every person i a chance to l. .1 it. Large bottles only 25 cents. "It ha. been decided thatl'no theatre in" Madrid wiltbe allowed ta open its doors next winter unless it shall be lighted by electricity...., I. ‘ . . .. s r In is? stated‘béthiMr} Gladstoneinnd Mr. Parhell ï¬rmly believe they will be able to turn out the Ministry on its Local Govern- ment‘bill. ;- Ahalf bxzeed Normandy horse lately drew a. wégg’én With two men seventy-ï¬ve miles in eiglit nours and ï¬fty-seven minutes, in- cluding an hour’s rest. It; is asserted that ex~Q1een Isubella re- cently invited the chiela of her mmilv to a. conference to discuss the prospects of over- throwing the Spanish re gency. Sir Edwin Arnold, it is stateQ, is likely to be appointed poet laureatefin éuueession tb‘ Lord Tennyson, as the Q'-1een\warmly fav‘ ours the author of “ Lighn of Asia.†Col. King-Harman declared in Parliament that the National League was losing power' and that no real attempts were now made to hold meetings in the proclaimed districts. It is stated Lord Randolph Churchill, dur- ing his recent visit, submitted a. propoaal that Russia should» be left; at liberty of ac- tion in Europe, on condition that she did not: encroach upgp) Afghan territory. Messrs. Graham, M.P., and Burns, Social- ist leaders, who were sentenced to six weeks imprisonment for their connection with the Trafalgar square riots, were re- leased from Peutonville prison on Saturday. A Singapore, missionary says that the deadly cobra. of the Indian archipelago never exceeds the léngth of ï¬ve feet. The huma- dryas, asnake often confounded with the cobra, attains the length 0E 15 feet, and is very ï¬erce“ The python sometimes grows to be 20 feet lqng. ‘ ' ‘WREIGN. It is now an imperial regulation in Brazil that persons who die from yenow fever shall begremated, the Saute bearing the whole eipenae. D:. Parker’s congregation gave him as his valentine a beautiful desk and his {1111 salary during [119 time he: was absent American ' ’5 2‘ ‘ ‘ 2’7 f 1'- The case of alleged melversation on the part of Jay Gould and Russell Sage in the case of the Denver Paciï¬p‘ï¬nd Kansas Pa.- ciï¬c trust has seemed 'to the District At- torney of New York serious enough to war- runt its being laid beforexthe grand jury. If it is not thrown out there these famous ï¬nanciers will have to stand their trial for grand larceny, the unishment for which is imprisonment and up, the former for not less than ï¬ve nor more than ten years. .end the latter not exceeding the value of the property misappropriated, with interest from the day of the larceny and twenty per cent. additional. The alleged offence oc- curred eight years ago, and the amount called for today in case of conviction would be $5,500,000. It would give-unmixed sat- isfaction to a good many people to See Jay Gould wear Slug Sing stripes for ï¬ve years. The Rgv.‘ Dr. John Hdl is said 90 have pocketédaince Inst Sepbember fully $30,000 In marriagé foes. One bfldegr‘éom gave him a. cheque for $5,030 for tying the nup-_ tial knot. Dr. Hall is worth $1,000,000 7’ his total income is at least $100 000. ; His eanglegation is the wealthiest in New York. The amount of $400.000,(00 may be seen in his church any Sunday morning. Dr. Hall has a monopoly of a.†the swell weddings. Brides who desire to be in the fashion insmt upon being married by the millionaire clergyman. But as the mileage and witness fees of big sons amounted to $10.40, the family cleared $5.40 on‘ the transaction. « .A Missouri farmer recently learned that the grand jury was about: to indict; him for working on Sunday. He didn't try to evade the charge, but on the contrary had hid four mp5,summoned as witnesses against him. He was ï¬ned $1 and costs a total of $5, glen; hive confederates in New York, and involving Government ofliciala on the Paciï¬c coast. The proprietor and editor of a paper in Blukely, Gm, blacklisted himself by the fol- lowing cardzâ€"“On and after date. the under- aigued gives notice that be will prosecute any person selling him intoxicating liquor of any kind, to ube tull extent of the law. This is not for the purpose of injuring wbis key dealers, but; to get sober and stay so.†, Ribbons painted in jzrdiniere pztterns to match the designs on bengaliues, China. silks, and challes come anng millinery noyelties for early spring. Can" No More. Pere Hyacinth said lately that if the Church of Rome would give up infallibiliby, allow priests to marry, and render confes- sion voluntary, it would rally to its side “all the dissenters and all the lukewarm.†The latest fed on ball dresses are long gauge] sleeves“. . r" ‘ , we» '- "A Wbrdto the Wise is Sum- cient.†Catarrh is not simply an inconvenience, unpleasant to the sufferer and disgusting to othersâ€"it is'an advanced outpost of op proaching disease of worse typggw Do not; neglocb‘itfszrning ; it brings deadly evils in mum. Before it: is too late, use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It reaches the seaflof the aiinient‘,'and is the only thing tiat will. sou may dose yourself Wiih quack medioigesï¬zill ’ibgis 't;_oo''â€"-’fill the sgleagmlqtflbeegmesuagestless tougntfl. It is time maLtu‘red invention of a sciemiï¬c physi- cian. “ A Word. to .the wise is suï¬iJient. ’ Watson’s cough drops are the best: in bh - world for the Kiln-oat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that molesters R. 8; T.W. are stamped on each drop. ' Copper shades pimu in_,the new checked and striped Woolens, and ,two tones of the color appear in place of white. A Cure for Drunkeuness. The opium habit, depsomsuje,_ the morphine hablt'. nervous proetrstiou caused by the use of tobacco. wakefulness, mental de ressiou, softening o! the brain, etc†premature 01 age, loss of vitahty caused by over-exertion ol the brain, and loss of nature] strength, from any cause whatever. Menâ€"young, old or middle-sgedâ€"who are broken down from any elf-he above causes, or any cause no! mentioned above, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for Lubon’a Treatise, in book form, or Diseases of Man. Books sent sealed and secure from observation. Address M. V Lusou 47 Wellian street East. Toronto Ont. People who are subjoei so hm meant. foul some tongue, or any disorder at the swmaeh. can at on: be relieved by using Dr. Canaan's Stomach Biker ï¬lm am sad tried :emsdv. Ask your Dram . T There are many pokebrimmed bonnets among the impopggtions._of spring millinery. Whenev‘es your Stouiéo’n m Bowen: gas one 02 a: db}. causing Emouaneaa, l)y8€epzla, at Indigo-2:102: and that: mamma- m'iin, ha 0 a: once 9 awe of D2 uuma’a Stomach Bitten. Bash hunky memoir“: All magmas. 50 cents. Buttons are no longer in evidence upon stylish costumes, and if seen at all are of the most inconspicuous pattern. Hm; I 00003 CURB cures,1n one minute. Parisian woolen spring street toilets in two shades of the same comr have the’skirt of the lighter shade, with draperies,, Waist, and short wrap of the darker. Ocean Steamship Passengers Via New York should take the Erie rail- way, as it is not only the shortest; and beat Line, but lands people close to the piers of the leading steamship companies. In buy- ing tickets, ask for the Erie. A “ Put and Call.†This is a. funny phrase to the uninitiated, but all the brokers understanil it. They use it when a person gives a certain per een't. for the option of buy‘ug‘orï¬elling stock on a. ï¬xed day at a price stated on the day the option is given. [his often a serious oper- ation to the dealer, but there is a. more ser- ious “ pub andï¬alll" {than this : when you are “ put" to bed with a. severe cold and your friends- “call a. physician: "Avoid all this by keeping injhe house Dz. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. The great cure for 1pu1momry‘amjd blood diseases. Its action’is marvellous. In cures the wars: cough whether acutetlingering, or chronic. For “Teal‘r'YLungs, Spitting of_Blopd, Short; Breath, Consumption, Nigh slsweat's‘,†and kindred. affections , it surpasses all other medicines. Many men of many minds; luny pills 01 various kinds. But for a. mid, effective, vegetable purga. tive, you had better ggt Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Purgative Pellets. They cure sick head ache, bilioua headache, dizziness, constipa. tion, indigestion, and biiious attacks; 25 cents‘a. vial, by druggists. Stripes are more than ever fashionable and most of the ginghams are laced-striped. Omega“ HAIR. RENEWED. restores gray and faded hair to it’s natural color and prevenua falling out. PEof. Saunders asked the fruit growe§é present to send different kinds of seeds be the Experimental fan); to have them tested. f Fondness for Baked Monkeys. ‘ _ “I have eaten with the thnese in Chinaï¬l snid Colonel Patrick Donan. “ I have eaten with the President of the United States‘ in the White House. I have eaten with nearly every nation on earth. In ‘fll'éihy cases I don‘t know what I have eaten}, for I have always regarded it as bad teste‘to ask ques- tions about the dishes that are provided "in your honour by hospitable people. “In China. I have eaten rats, but I didn't know it ; and what you don‘t know does you “no harm. ' When the Sioux want to do you honour; they_,v_vill serve you up roast dog. IifS'p-i‘niah‘ Honduras the dish of honour is buked'mbï¬li’eï¬-aud sweeter meat you could not imagine. These monkeys live up in the fbrenches ot‘ trees and on the vines; their feet never “touch the earth beneath them' ï¬nd they live on the choicest nuts and fruit. No chicken was ever so sweet and tender as baked monkey.‘ 1' do confess. thou b, that .on one of the‘lestv occasions of my ining in Honduras I did not feel that all was well when at theendof 'he .meal I found I haul stuffed myself With baked lizard. Of couree there is nothing wrong with the lizard ex-‘ 3e ht our pet ' ‘re-judxces. It tastedraplep- di , but When at last I saw the big sca‘y leg and the‘tliw of the lizard I didn’t‘thius I liked it.†~ Mr. R. B. ï¬White drew attention to the fact'that that é‘tonas of our plums Were not 8.11 large. He had seen some only about a qu'nrter of an incl} in length. ‘ Mr. Charles Gibb, of Ebbomsord, stated that the plum seed brought: from Russia, and- which v ad done so well here, was not» the real R 36131: plum. That species receivéd here‘hadbeen sent from Kief, where the Mal mosphere is like that of Hamilton. 5 , . ., . qlfl’lnm Growing. Mr. P. E. ‘B'ncké, speaking to the Ottawa Fruit Grow‘vers' Assocint‘m‘n thé-"o’shér day, at Ottawa, said: in .his estimation the O:- tawa. Valley plums were as good as those in any other part; of the Dominion: ' J Dr. Hurlbert had had grgab sucqasn with the native Yéï¬ow plum.‘ ‘Th’e tr‘e‘e‘ grew rapidly and the fruit was luscious. ' He re- commended a. trial for it. Handkerchiefs éntirely lace are coming in 001) AGENTS WANTED over the entire D miniou. Address. GEO. D. FEBRIS. . 8: Glyn-ch Street. ,Toronlo. HEAD OFFICE, Policies in Fen-Ce over 10,000. Amount over 813:0}. PRESIDENTâ€"HON. SIB. W. P. ROWLAND, C.B., K C.M.G. VICEVPRESIDENTsrâ€"nguflx I‘J_I:L;om. ESQ_;_EPW::§D Hoogzn, ESQ The Company 535 a large amount of money to «lend on Real Estate securitea at the lowest current rate 0! interest; repayable either in one sum or by instalment:- as mayuba desired-by the borrower: * Appliun cions,‘ may be made "direct to the undersigned bf. letter 17! otherwise, '0: to‘ the local‘ repmeentahlvep of the Company throughout Ou’curio. As the Gmu pany always hm: funds on- hnnd no delaynced b‘e ex pectad. Expenses reduced to minimum. > ‘ Mortgmes and Municipal Debentures Purchgsw J. HERBERT MASON. anaqmg‘ DKre-ctnv Cold in the Hen-i, Hay Faver, etc, can punitiver be cured. A new-method. A- mama“ unmvd to cure. No cure no pay. If you hwe' tried ocher remedies that. failed to cure. you will not be disappointed in this, Foi' full particulars'addrgss, M. ". llIBOS, 47 Wellington 5!. E. Toronto, Canada. Send 10;. in atampa to: book-,2 Hines-Lise Lu Disease of Man." . ‘ . Tnmntu 811 3r Platagaggiso; SILVER PLATED WARES.‘ D'eEiFing to' bbmid’i’sï¬mégEï¬a‘ 06,7:- Decalâ€"e proï¬cient. in shorthand and Typawriting. should nt- heud the ' BRITISH AMEREBAH BUSINESS 'BflLiEGE- LDAN AND SAWNGS GDMPANY _. INCORPORATE!) A.D. 1856. Subscribed Capital, - - $330»,on Paid-411p Cal'mul, ' - . - 35,300,001! Reserve fund, - - - l,l8¢l,000 Toni] Assets». - - - 9,341,615 0mm :râ€" Coy's mags, Toronto 53., I‘m-«mm. STRMGHT, LOANS..0§I CREDIT FONGIER PLAN. ALL GGODS GWARANTEEB TORONTO. ' back than any other gpedibgne I hang: 9vérjaken. . . . . , . , Hundreds of tesflmonlalahave beéd';eceived from persons who have naed.this mmw‘mble beneï¬t. Sand for circular. WELLS, RICHARDSON & COS; Pr'dpï¬etors ‘Gggngz Agnon‘. Siod'x: Ci‘t’v.‘ Iéwa. iayaé “I have been {mink ï¬lling-2:9"fo and it has done me more geod {or ki 9 back than any other medi '93 I haer 9" For two years have been “$3M sug’eret from kidney and liver troubles; Mum with dys. pepsin. and constipation. Before_ I began to take CELEBY WOUND it seemed ass-though tbznjthing nued me. Now I can say netan ails me. / Ammo. Mam; anson, “I ‘believg PAmz’s 0mm. life-,_;My;tr9u 1e seemed t Beforel used i I was wvcr “head‘to heel." The em and I am ï¬ve hundred per A DIURETIC. “For ï¬vo $0375 I bility, and I mam: valuable mmedy t1: cpl-9d me._ . I! is a. V live." ‘91; En'y dne v AN’ ALTERATI’VE A LAXA'I' IVE ALC. BEAN. Warm Rm Juxc‘m'oufw': s’a‘ï¬' 620355157. Danton, Twnlnpucpmusaym A NERVE TONIC: Arcade, Yonge street, Toronto. For Circular». etc†Address. 0. O’DE A. Remnth To the heirs of‘Policy-bolders (death claims). . . . ‘ . To the holdJs of m’atu'red End wmuvt Policies... To Policy-holders omsuuender of Policiea‘ . .- . . . . . , To Polir y‘holders ior Cash Proï¬ts (including them To holdexs of Annuity Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . Learned to Po.icy-hclders on Security of their Poli‘ URES‘ Nervous Prostraï¬on.Nt{*véï¬s Head- ache.Neuralgia, Nuvgngeakn‘css; Stoniachand Liver Diseases, and al . affections of the Kidneys. - I ‘ gigaaï¬im . W J W WPolicies Nonferï¬eitnble “9e: 2 year; Katiâ€"lï¬dâ€"e‘ï¬igl:afujrié 33am For The Nervous' ' The Debilitated W» The Agedr - MANUFACTURERS 01' THE HIGHEST GBAEE UP M, v. “more; TRADE CANADA rmmmnï¬mr Price 3| .o'o. Sold‘by Di-uggistg. Montreal,5Que.’"~‘= HI“ ï¬anï¬pgqg‘mvm eï¬m V ‘ v-,AITGEB.S; hare 20 CAPITAL AND FEan N0‘V “Wilt: 553.010.000- . - ' l7) Tmun‘ro s’l‘lilJ-IT. 10301110, ONT. A “0191!; COMPANY, ESTABLISISLD OCTOBLJi, I871. anson, “aways: i f ' m’s Cur-11w COMPOUND saved my seemed to be‘anainterripl. humor; #35 covered with an eruption from The eruption-is gap?!†healing. tired per cent. better every way." ,c 1" 'Nr unable ; CAPITAL AND FIINBS N0‘V “Wilt: 47 Welllngton St. 12.; ' ' Tommiâ€, 0n! fl‘or thfs 32731509901)â€, 31, 1&3 in‘ei’é'r n'om': 1d the I(Ilisgcgiv me '. Lu forquï¬Ã©â€˜g." for book,=“'l‘festi§e On Didenaes o’tJ Mgsu,â€™ï¬ Adirezs, ""“"""'""‘wW‘W'm'm’ï¬ynAu. ‘ï¬iï¬aiifviee nil expense T gum. Valuable outï¬t and pilQO . x . . m.gP.0. Vlfl‘ï¬nj’. Aué’ustn. Maine. Jervous‘ de. Aeropofitbe Confourm “it! . may “4 TON, 051.. AN 1‘ It! .4; 55192149095999, Managing nï¬eccor. I‘inal Cu-I'E'.‘ m address infamy: ! PATENTS WOBE GIVEN. MM m- ... Inn-ale w MUN. wuluu wvlu uu sum 0y Lulu! 2133:! mgléganru nan, ‘mé gnu-mm to “ï¬ve tn} ‘ 1No.lé'-'ha"llardy Rém. q .. are Eycrbloomlnz Rosa. 8.â€"â€"2 Hardy Climbing 3019!. I -- (.4-2 val-ms. ' ‘ ‘ 5 - lieâ€":5 Gladloju- . - 8...; Hardy'Gx-ape Vines, _ . . ' 74â€"; Raspberries. 4ench, black and re ‘ . 34â€"40 Straw-berry Plants,4cholce klndl. _ Allletterg with stamps enclosed as mquosted abo gu- phnta. will be‘ numbered as theï¬ come to hm and an, senders of the ï¬rst thirteen _ undred le 111110051" was as tonows : t _ Mmmmouswd. letters have been received. th V‘ panda-sot the next eleven hundred letters will ro-I oelve sum up follows :. . . . In. 4225 The next It). $15 each. 2nd.â€" 125 The next 15, 10 each. 8rd.â€" 75 The ncxt 40, 5 each. ' lth.‘-â€" 50 The next 470, 2 each. mâ€" 25 The next. 560. l each. rm {‘1 11mm Rnnlnoss Couoge, Guelph; am. 7‘ 'l‘M‘ FachWy‘hua bean étremrthéugd, théprem~ 15:18 enlarged, and new appiiances addqd.‘ 11h? Busb- ‘ubes Dépmï¬lént'sï¬â€™ornn one. 'df’thb béat‘coui‘ses ob- ;nipghlc -wh)le the Shunha 151 Degrrtmgqt has accomplishull'ï¬Ã©stins uneéfllh‘ted in 'e mabmy of sharth nd. Ladiesfadmizged9:.alladvanpg: 6;; Rated bythe natitucithScudbncs edtél’at’any im . Cir- ‘qulflan‘ailed free._- MnMAch MICK, ri ipal. ‘ And all other Fltm‘erfnjz Pin-nte. intgrenï¬ variety. lunacmced Catarcque upon application. Webster Bros .: ': ‘ lFloi‘l'dts. ‘ ' Hamilton. and: movemn‘he next 5.520'eaen1 and}... .. 15 each The next 15. 10 new V and ..... . 50 each The next 304. Much! .. lb. 11 and u. 25 each The nexlmB. 1 and: Mali) thousand letters have been received, the. lenders of the next eleven hundred and nine lettonv will receive cut: as follow : 3100 each The next lo 320 each 75 each The next 25 10 eneh‘ 50 each The next 5&5 2 each 25 each The next £79 I each 1 person may send any number of times for an: 0.! above collections. 1% UllSERIES, Burlapgmn. Qch ‘ ;>,~HT.11.HCRD & SON..‘Proprlecom.- i. . Alm can ofl‘er a fewcnra Red and Yellow G‘.oerniona Eases,DaMiés 158. 4225 The next lo, 815 each. and.-â€" 125 The next 15, 10 earn. 8rd.â€" 75 The next 40, 5 each. ' 4th.‘-â€" 50 The next 470, 2 each. Mâ€" 25 The next 560, l each. Alter 100 thousand letters hnve been received, the! sender; of the next one thousand letters will receive. gift.- as mum: . Aa u direct Investment this will. not Fay, but my object is to Introduce my stock, And but :1 up a crude by null. I employ no agents. but deal direct with ousbomars, and can sell and deliver stock to any part of the United States or Canada, either by mail oxpms or fraigbt. at about one-half the price 01:3qu by omvsr Nnmrymen through agents. Send me A limo! ‘nnta And I will note you prices. Heath; 0.!!- paper. and ndqun lettersâ€" J as. Park &: Son. [IELPII Ermine 7' 'WM F¢chlt’y‘h\u ises eniarqed, mud new ‘ubes Dépm'ï¬ï¬Ã©ht'afl’orr tninthe, ~ wmle the gmit'a mlgi-Jg me lelad) new,†gecondlgsngilhfngply to am; now. 6: {Yeimn' fly} VTléronto. .I.‘ u prlixégd Hug of {hi Shin}; ailii icJEdnEEBJEr‘o'SEu: nod to Ll. gins. FOR THE ' Inorflar'talntrodneo my‘Nm-se .stock-thiou datum United States and Canada, will give a' {9.9mm gqld as follows, to the parties sendjgï¬ IThreeS ,eht (ï¬nadlnn, or ’12;erf (flail-:11: 1 41 Mp9 tanï¬omo taco rqo 'uon'o ‘lnnta or bulbgLyblc‘fx will bp app: [y‘n “an..- A n- .74" W American Hogs caning. Quality wranoeed. g m: 'mpon’m'n ENGLISH snaps. ak'ao Sun“ :1 lobe to suit purchasers. te lcx- pricgs: l 1. Â¥ 7 , _ r V _ . ,. , ’-.. nqw . -,gmd w L, e 1 Ned ire}! to :9 l‘ ppll- Eu‘rï¬gï¬ï¬ tn' cm mï¬'e’ u't'lnsi yécn-né thou:i A. “01101.2, 4‘0; A may: Gummy mu}, i nd i ' to than? imamâ€) to mw‘ou‘ï¬seflé‘z. "’9 J Amman.“ wungmugqmgm. mmmcjmm hm cent: “min “91:15:! will sum} In April} ..I.,.,.A,,, , . here has be wantim (cow's-:35 60.; (éiiécos's‘érgto) 4th. â€" m: -t 3250 SAUSAGE EASIRBSQ Amount over $15;0}r0;000‘ - ' W. “I. “AM 9!: (20,, 288 . . Yonge t.,Turonto, dealers in .xli kinds Band,- a‘ndgorchestxq‘ Instru- ments. both New and Second-Hand. lnrsmmcntal Mmiu.~.Musio mkafletc. In- ' Jtruction Books for every Inatrumenh. - Agents ~for CarltFischar’a.B~Asn a On- y sumaka MUSIC. Send for Catalogues. For Salsâ€"lllusnmma descriptive O. alogue tree. R. Chamberlln. Tnmnio The The next 20. $10 each. The next 40, 5 each. The next 415, 2 with. The non 820, I each. mm r ï¬cvnéï¬n lug ply. Dealers hmed one on ral temm a»: the HALTON 81,3“ 6 1t 4900