Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Mar 1888, p. 4

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Hon. Mr. Mowat has expressed his intention of giving manhood suff- rage to Ontario. The bill will doubtless be framed with that as. tuteness and liberalicy that charac- terize all of Mr. Mowat's measures. It is likely that the only qualificat- ion made will be that of residence. Whether manhood suflragze is the It was well known that as soon as the Dominion Parliament was tairly opened, it was the intention of sev- eral members to bring before the House the present and growing evil ot combines. Accordingly no sur- pn'se was telt when Mr. Wallace, of West York, moved the following resolution :-â€""‘ That a select com- mittee be appointed to examine into the nature, extent and eflect of cer- tain combinations said to exist with reference to the purchase and sale in Canada of any foreign or Cana- dian products, with power to send ‘for persons, papers and records, and further with power to examine w't- nesses on oath." The committee is composed of ten Conservatives and six Reformers, We shall not spec- ulate on the probable results of this resolution. We content ourselves now With pointing out that to a very great extent the authors of these “certain combinations' are not only friends of the government, but are actually its makers. Given a limit- ed market and an N. P., the com- bines follow as a natural conse- quence. Sickly industries are torc- ed into existence by a restricted tar- iii; then ensues deadly competition. and then loom up loss and failure. Now it goes Without saying that the manufacturers are not going to be the victims. so long as they have a patient and capable substitute. Thus it is that in order to give man- ufacturers large profits lrom indust- ries that have no ground for being, Canada is rapidly becoming the most expensive country in the world to live in. \\'e await with curiosity the result of Mr. \V'allace's resolution. Every one knows that a short time ago Mr. Meredith's whole soul Was bent to the task of robbing his native provmce of all and every- thing that by hook or by crook could be taken irom it. Every one also kDOWS that this course Mr. Meredith pursued at the bidding of his master. Sir John Macdonald. whose pet ambition was, is, and will be to har- ass Mr. Mowat, even if Ontario should go to the dogs. But Mr. Mowat. backed by the common sense and confidence of the people of Ontario, brought the schemes oi both Macdonald and Meredith to naught. So far so good. Forget and forgive is the motto. But it is rather irritating to Liberals to find Mr. Meredith posing as the cham- pion of Ontario's interests as against Mr. Mowat. The mines and timber limits that Mr. Meredith did his best to give to political sharpers, friendly to Sir John, and of course to himself â€"~these mines and timber limits Mr. Meredith insists on now being at once developed and worked to their utmost capacity. So they will be worked, Mr. Meredith, but neither by you nor at your instigation. All in good time measures will be in- troduced by Ontario‘s friends to call forth the riches of our province- Better that those riches did not exist than that Mr. Meredith should have part or parcel in their management. Rxcrmonn HILL. Thursday, March 1, '88 MR. HEREDITH’S NEW ANXIETY Changelw which." Changeâ€"C. Trevethan‘ For Saleâ€"Wm. Bricknoll. Webster’s Dictionur â€"G. d: C. Merriam 4: Co. Hank Diseaseâ€"M. . hubou. @112 fiiheml. .MA NH ()OD SUFFRJ G E NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THE COM BI N ES. EASY To USEii into the throat and excessive cxpcctomtion caused by Ca- tarrh. Sold by Druggists, or sent pre-paid on receipt of price, 500. and $1. Address FIJI-FORD a: 00., Brockville. Ont. Jan 215-6111 XXX Line Shingles, Ce- dam Posts and Laths. Apply 10 Comfortable rooms to let. with or wit on board. Inquire at Rewarded are those who res (I this and the!) not; thev will find honorable employment that will not taku them from their homes and families. The profits are large and sure for everv industrious person, many have made and are now making several hundred dollars a. month. It is easy for anv one to nmke $5 and upwards per day who is Willing to work. Either sex ; young or old ; canital not; needed . we start. you. Evervthing new. No specml abil- ity required ; you, readerman do it. as well as any one. Write to us at once for full particulars, which we mail free. Address Stinson & 00.. Portland, Maine A good Dwelling with Store attached for sale on moderate terms. The property is situated on Yuuue Strneb, Richmond Hill. two doors north of Crosbv's store. There is an excellent garden, with a. libeml supply of choice fruit. Plenty of good water,han1 and soft. Apply t9 _ 7 A. A. has revolutionized the I world during the lust. half century. Nntleustamuug the wonders of inventive progress is a. method and system of work that can be performed all over the countrv without separating the workers from their names Pay liberal ; an one can do the work: either sex, young or 01 ; no special ability required. Capi- tal not needed ; you are started free. Cut Nils out and return to us and we will send you free. something uf great value and importance to you, that will start you in busine<s, which Will brim: you in more money right awav, than anything else in the world Grand outfit free. Address True dz Co. Augusta, \Iuine. Valuable Prupariy DISASTROUS.â€"-The "lust, intense ex- citement is felt in the flourishing village of Richmond Hill and its surroundings, as facts are revealed, of numerous families who are dyeing. in the most beautiful colors; in fact all the culurs 0f the min- bow, by using the pupular Sun-Set Dyes, only five cents a package. Sold in the city only by Joseph Dilwm-th, the Drug- gist. 170 King St. East, between the Clyde and Nipissing Hotels, Torontn, HOUSE to LET Whatever objections have been raised against the present Ontario Franchise Act, neither dishonesty nor expensiveness was among the number. Manhood suffrage will remove allcause of demur exoept from those that think that perhaps other qualifications than having liv- ed for twenty-one years are needed in a voter. HARD TIME S best sort of lranchise for our or for any orher country is not now a question of much importance to Canada. What is of the greatest importance is that we should be freed from those highly complex and expensive schemes that perplex the voter and enrich the under- strapper. Mr. Mowat does well, therelore, to protest thus practically against that monstrous pzrversion of political ingenuity, the Dominion Franchise Act. That act was plan- ned to deprive Liberals of the lran- chise. It'the storm ot indignation which it raised kept the Revising Barrister somewhere near the bounds of decency, no thanks to his creator. quuite secondary inter- est yet of considerable moment to a people whose national debt is rapid- ” increasing while its trade is be- ing systematically crippled. is the item of expense. Under this head, the Dominion Franchise Act is a perfect leviathan in making the money spout. Never was an act equal in dishonesty and in Cost Of administration. 011 Richmond Street, Richmond Hm. Apply to .108. HALL. Richmond Hi“, (:1 (o D. S. REAMAN, Currville P (I FOR SALE FOR SALE. ALFRED LLOYD. King P. O TO LET. THE LIBERAL O v'FICE Droppingsfmm Nasal passages SUOTHING. CLEANSING. HEALING. Cold in Head, HAY FEVER. STOPS BATARHH, I! Cures R. E. LAW. R. W. N EV IL Three Gallons Coal Oil for 50 cents. No troublé to show goods wherher you buy or not. Choice Fresh Butter. New laid Eggs, and Lard want- Big stock just in, latest styles all kinds, all sizes. Men and Boys take notice MS and SHUES LATEST PATTERNS. FINE JERSEYS All prices. Ready-Made Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Suitings, Pantings, &c., GINGHAMS. LACE S, Embroideries, 800 DRESS GOODS received to-day. Prices so low, better buy NEW than mend the Old. CRETONNES PRINTS, ed QUICK. ’ants made to order for $3.50 worth $5.00. Order early before the tailors get busy GROCERIES COTTONS I All round is All through the store that Taste. Care and Experience ‘vith Cash can findâ€"not cut- ting the price on one article and charging double on an- other, but LOW PRICES Is now openm;r the new spring stock which has been caiefully bought for cash. On: aim will be to give our cm- tomers the HATS I HATS I BE ST VALUE RICHMOND HILI. With trimmings to match. THE CHEAP CASH HOUSE. just now for bleaching. BIG VALUE New stock of spring Handsome patterns in Full stock of fresh UICK. Highest pI‘ICCS glven. Prices 10w. Rare value in Extra value in AND our motto. Raymond Sewing Machines and Eagle Steam Washers Special Value in-Hysons. Congnus and Japans. Flour alwavs on hand, Front Rank and Wmte Lose by Ruller Process. I still continue to sell the celebrateu FiRST-OLASS GROCEREES Y The Largest and Best Assorted Stocx in Town. Felt Work of every description, such as Men’s Felt Boots, Felt Stockings, Ankle Boots, Men’s Felt Balmorals, Ladies’ Felt Balmorals and Gaiters. OverShoes of all kinds. Man' itobas, Snow Excluders, Elaskas. &c. Ladies’ Carnivals & Rubbers. Ladies" Fine Boots. Men’s Gaiters of various kinds. Ladies’ and Gents’ Slippers. Full Stock of Childâ€" ren’s \Vare. all colors, sizes and prices. Custom \Vorla sewed and pegged, a specialty. RepairingY neatly and promptly done. LJORNE STORE, Sugars. Teas, Canned Goods & everything in the Grocery Line; also Flour 6c Feed. Prices Low. The Largest Stock of FURNITURE ever on lm.nd,wh|ch must be Sold to bring cash P. G. SAVAGE. WALL PAPERS,first of the season Well&ceilineeapersBerderinw Freezes NEW DESIGNS IN PAPERS! ProdUCe of all kinds taken in exchange for goods and highest prices allowe‘ W. ATKENS@N, SCOTCH TWEEDS. WGRETEDS, OXFORD, HAEVARE), AND CRANKIE SHIRTENGS, 850., CHEAP. NOW being opened at the Concrete is Magnificent Va ue, SPRENG- CQN €133 IMMENSE FALL bTOCK JUST ARRIVED mxmmtfimwk DIRECT IMPORTER. BICEIVIONLE E IMPORTA TEON OF GO TU THE LORNE STORE R CHEAP, FRESH AND Just arrived. New designs in Fur 1888. Call and see them. AND GEO. '1‘ BENCH fl‘i

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