Bxcmuoxn Lomm. Ajl". 6:: A. M., No.23, G.R.(‘ Meets in the Lodge mom,Musom‘c 11511.01: the Monday on or before full moon. at 8 o'clock p.m I. Crosby. WM. A mu, mu. . up“... ROMAN CATHOLIC cauncn.â€"-Services in order 3 follows 'Thoruhill at 9 u.m.. and Richmond H lat 10:30 am; the following Sunday at Rich- mond H" 93.!) any). and Thornhill at 10:30 a. m. 'Iflhe Methodist sabbath schoolTempemnce As sncmtion issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired. Wm.Hn.rrison sup? MEcaAmcs' 1N81‘ITUTE.â€" Library of over lOOO volumemnpen every Tuesday evening, in the Ma.- sonic Ha]l,frnm 7 to 8 o'clock. 11.11. Law.lera.- l‘iau. Lectures and discussions periodicallv. RICHMOND HILL CORNET Elmaâ€"Meets: for practice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7 30 o'clock W. Sheppard, Leader Br. MARY s Enscomn CE‘URCB.â€"Service at b pm.,except the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at, 11 mm. Sunday School at 1:30 pm Bav. W. Bates Rector a n,,,,)__‘ ‘A ‘n.nn.. m ANCIENT cum-m or Fonnsmnsâ€"Court Rich. mond. No. 7046 A. 0. F.. meets in the Temperance Hall everv alternate Friduv at 7.30 p. m.â€" A J Rupert. ('7. R. A. 0. U. W.,Ivy Lodge, No. 141, Meets in the Committee room of the Masonic Hull each alternative Tuesday at 8 n'clot‘k p.111. Beneâ€" flcm‘y certiï¬cate given for $2,000 in case 0! death .1. Brown, Master W orkmnn T. F.McMe.hon. rec R. T. of Temperance, Bichmund Hill Council, No. 43, Meetsxu Temperance Hall.ench ulter- uative Tuesday evening etso'clock p m. Bene- ï¬ciary certiï¬cates issued to male or female members for $1,000 or in cnse of death 92.000. one hell unyublc in case of disability. J. H. Sander- son Select Councillors; J.A.E.Switzer,Recording ié; .7]; J. Egan. Pastor ‘VILLAGK ColVNCIL.â€"â€"R-ev vc. Wm. Pugsley, Coun- cnlors. Messrs. P G. Savage. Wm A Srmderson,W Atkinson, Dr Wilson. mark. M. 'l‘eefy. Secreturv Fm): annnz.â€"Regumr meeting ï¬rst Friday of emery munth. held in the Council Chamber. at, 7p. m. Membership free. Certiï¬catesiasued to members entitling them to certain privilegesund exemptions. Wm.H. Pugsley. Captain. 11. A. Nicholls, Secretary. TRENCH’S -C ARRIAGE WORKS.- nuv. u. n. "lumuhv. . PRESBYTEBIAN Cuum at 1] o’clock n..m.,a.nd6:30 mm. P on Wednesday evening at 7:30. Rev. W. Perceval. Pastor. or EANADArSex-vices my" meeting W. .- nâ€"Anr In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patr )nage during the past twenty-ï¬ve years, I beg to re- mind them and the gem-cal public, than having erect-92’ entirely new and com- modious premises. I am enabled to supply . I‘Vu nu. METHODIST CHURCHâ€"Services at 10:30 n..m and 6:30 p.111..a.nd Sunday school, 211.230 1). m. Young people's prayer meeting Tuesday evening. General Prayer Meeting every Thursday/evening in the Lecture Room. Ben J.M. Simpson. Supt. Rev. G. N. Rutledg ssistnut. , _ ,_. n ‘ â€" . Qnâ€"ulnna Phaetons, Buggies. Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs and PLATFORM SPRING WAGUNS. Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as the work is under my own supervisr J. 1 am also prepared to do all kinds "f black smithlng d: repairing in the most work- manlike manner, on the shortest notice, Id on the most, reasonable terms. PLANING MILLS ! Are now prepared to take contracts for allrkiuds of Buildings. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. 850.. PLANED LUMBER, ' MOULDINGS, &C. In connection with the factory, where custom sawing Will be done. All work guaranteed and prices moderate. FIRST-CLASS SAW-MILL The above factory is situated on RICHMOND ST., RICHMOND HIL] Nov. 25th. 1886-3m MUNN & 00.. of ma SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN con- tinue to act as Solicxturs for Patents. Caveats. ’I‘rude Marks. Copyrights. for the United States. Canada. Engkmd. ance. Germany. etc. Hand Book about. Patents sent {Den 'l‘mrt -sm-9n yeurs' experience. annte ruminm 111mm: \MUNN a; C0. are noticed In Uev‘ Sc ' ‘IL‘ ASVF‘RICAX. the largest. best. and mos: wlu minted soil-utiï¬c pa er. 36.2011 year. Weukiy. x MM arm's 1p; an interesting In‘ formation. : . . ~nr >py u fhn 'r ieuï¬ï¬w Amt-I»- Horse - Shoeing Having bought the abovemamed mill and put everything in Kept. on)mnd,.or made to order on the abbrtest hotice. A stock of .nnuiin 7n“ SET Always on hand. There is also a l-‘I “ST-CLASS ORDER. L. INNES & SONS RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL. ruid special attention to. {Tillage Qimtury. Societies. Churches. Addrt‘sis' ‘vl WM 'I‘RENCII In Worsteds and Tweedsdmpurtrud. and he is in a. position to make vou up a Scotch Tweed Suit, coat and vast or pants, at the sumo price you have hereiofore paid for Canadian ’l‘weedn. John J. Mitchell's New York Fashion Plates for Sprint: and Summerjuut recuiverl Call early and get ï¬rst. choice. Gnod Fit Guaranteed. 0f the Bee. SUITINGS, COATINGS AND PANTINGS, The houses contain 6 and '7 rooms. There is plenty of hard and soft. waben, good innit. and are situated in a good locnlny. 35-2 WM. BRICKNELL. RICHMOND HILL HOUSES FBR SALE. IMPORTED GOODS GREAT TIMES RICHMOND HILL. WEBSTER Preserve Your Sight Mide many other valuable features, it contains FRANK LAZARUS moo morn Words and nearly 2000 morn Illusn'o- tions man any other American Dictionary. Authority in the Gov‘t Printing Ofï¬ce, and with the U. 8. Supreme Court. 1:. i»: n-I‘Mnlm-ndu-d by the State Su ‘ts of Schools in 36 States, nnd by the lending allege Prelldents of the L'nited Status and Canada. “. London says: It is the best Div- Spectacles & Eye Glasses. These Spectacles and EYo Glasses have been used for the past :15 wars. and given in every in. stance unbounded sutisfuctxon. They are the bestin the worlrL They never tire, and lust many years without change. tionury of the )ungnngv. fl. Toronto says: Rs place i:- iu (ha Tholontreilnerdld snys: MS 1150 is becom- W Lug unxversal m Canada. noggin-919397.11“ lonth my; 5‘.) For Sale by T. F. .MchIflHON IESSE NUNN, bPRINGHILL. The New York Tribune says FRANK LAZARUS‘ Manufacturer, ‘28 Mary- land Road, Harrow Road, London, Englund late Lazarus & Morrib. Han-tiara, Con. A A The undersigned will sell. on terms 9.0 su_it the purchaser, one or more of his houses In L .. ‘n conudcaibn with all}; oiï¬er ï¬rm in we Dommmn of Cunuuu. And suvounding country that he will Show you the very ï¬nest shock cf I! will pay the above Reward for any case of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Sick Headache, Indigestion or Costivonesa we cannot Cure with WEST’B LIVER rams, when the Directions are strictly complied Largo Boxes, containh; so 191115, 25 Cams; 5 Boxes $2.30. at by all Druggism. REWARD! C. TREVETHAN, Richmond Hill. He hlsjust received 0. magniï¬cent line of PUBLISHER 01" “ LBERLL." RICHMOND HILL‘ AND Illustrated Pamphlet nPnt prep-id. ‘~ . C. “BRIAN & 00., Publilhorl. Springï¬old, Mass. 1'. s. A A Biographich Dictionary A Ghz'etteer' of thé World Til vnious Styles of Binding, with and without Pstent Index. Bee-Hive Tailoring Establishment, beg-s to announce to his many patrons in (Late of the ï¬rm of anaqu la Morris) BEE-HIVE. loclung and drosicribing 25,000 Places, WEBSTER IS THE STANDARD Yoionto Weak c.32- nuzhurity safely to be rolind on tencher can nfford to be without it Sam ï¬ducrtismmtï¬. as the most usr-ful existing “word-book " of the English lunguago all over the world. very highest rank. Ever brought into Richmond Hill «118.000 Words, 3009 Eingnvings. of {early-10,000 Noted Pcr§ons, . C. TREVETHAN, BY WEARING '1‘ $500-00 All in One Book. A Dictionary RENO‘VNED WES†It is the ono ï¬nal : I! is recogniZP-l DRESS MAKING Peas. uo Rye. do Clover Seed. d0 Dressed hogs. per 100 lbs . Beef. {ore quarters Beef. bind quarters. Chickens. per pair .. Ducks, do Geese,each .. . Turkeys, each Butter, pound voila. Butter. tub dairy . Eggs. fresh. per do“. Potatoes. per bag H Apples, per bbl ....... onions. green, at (102 Cnbbaqe l o Cauliflower du Celerv. do 'l'uruips, per bag... Carton». do. A. Play, per ton . .. straw, per ton .. nxcnmorm um. Thursduv, The following is a statement of the business for the year ending Slat of Dec.. 1887zâ€"The number of applications for asuimnce was 1050 for $1,770,109: de- clined, held in abeyance and not taken up, 83 for $164,500; leaving 967 for $1,- 605,600. with an annual premium incume of $83,289 96 Unr business for the second year has never befure been reached by any other Canadian Company in its second yenr, and with only one death claim for $1,000, and that caused by and acciden}: Tonon'rn Tnnrsdav, Mar. 1, Whentflull per bushel ‘...... s Wheat, spring, (10 Barley. do oats, do Peas. do Rye. do Clover Seed. d0 Drenfled boas. new 100 lbs D'. c‘ Basilica Beef. hih Cb‘c eas‘ Duc..~v. Gee. a. 0 ‘ 'l‘n 1e . Bu: Em. C HON. S. H. BLAKE, Rom. MvLEAN.EsQ., } V‘CE'PRESIDE HEAD OFFICEâ€"MANNING ARCADE, TORONTO. ' perh,:g C..- :0 do Benin, Amt peck......... Flm'v, .m:~'n'!,1)er Dbl Flour,‘nll,per bbl Hny,per ton .. straw. per ton Témberaï¬ce 6c General Life Assurance Co. HON To enable the people of King and Vaughnn Townships more fully to under- stand our success, we take from the re- turns of the leading Canadian Companies to the Superintendent of Insurance, the following facts cuncerning their new busi- ness:â€"-The Canada Life for its 22nd year issued 881 policies fur $1,156,855, the Cnnfederatinn for its 5th year issued 1005 fur $1.383.000, the Sun Life for its 5th year issued 3'24 pulicies for 3465.119. and fur its 10th year 573 policies for 3926.370. The Ontario Mutual for its lOt‘h year issued 4'27 policiefl for $490,000; The Nurth American Life Assurance Co. for its 3rd year issued 827 policles for $1,347. 088. 0n making cmnparision with British Companies established on principles simi- lar to our owu, we ï¬nd the business of the United Kingdom Temperance and Gennral Provident Institution for itaJ5th year was $1,339,250; The Scottish Tem- perance Life Assumnce 00., recently eatablished,in its 3rd year wrote $732228. This Company has been organized by prominent man on the basis of the United Kingdum Temperance and General Prov- ident Institution of Britain, one of the most. successful of British Companies, whose eXpericnce for the last 20 years was nearly 20 per cent. in favor of total abatainern over their general class. J. 'l‘. SAIGEON, Agent, 7 S. HOLLAND, Local Agenf, Bradford. THE ï¬ticntifit gmerimu, This unrivaled periodical. which his been pub, lislieii by Munn 6: Color more than ferty fears. continues to maintain its high repxmtiqn or ex- cellence. and enjoys thelargest Gill'eqlatlun ever attained by any tCientlï¬C publication. Every number contains sixteen pggesbeautifullv prina. ed. elegantly illustrated ; it ii‘eseuts in populiu style a descriptive record of L is mess novel, in. wresting and important advances it ScienceArs, and Manufactures. It 5110sz the pigwgress of me wnrlil in respect. to New Discoveries and im- provements,embracing thliinery, Mechanical Works. Engineering in all branches. Chemistry, Metallurgy, Electricity, Light.Hei}t..-irrhitecture. Domestic Ecouonly,Agricu.ltuxe.I\ Mural History, MISS HARRISON, Purely a Canadian Company “’eckly. $3.00 a Year. $l.50 for Six Months The Scientiï¬c American should have a place in every dwelling, shop. ofï¬ce, school or library Workmen. Foremen. rmgineersï¬ttperintendeuts, Directors. Presidents, On'cial§.Merchuncs,Fu.1-m. ers. Teachers. Lawyers, Physwiaags. clergymanâ€" People in every walk and professmu in life, will derive satisfaction and beneï¬t from a regular reading of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. 'J‘KY IT.â€"It will bring you valuable ids-us ; subscribe for your sonsâ€"it will make them and self-reliant; suhscril fur wur In it will pleaSe and assist tL / for your friendsâ€"in will be 1 practice.) lift in life. Terms. six months. Remit b‘,‘ Postzu In.e him per bmhel 1‘0. The Most. Popular Scientiï¬c Pa 1- in the World. Fe G. W. Rom, Minisler of Education, PRESIDENT; 91 ’79 1163;};perhlb671bs c": ........ do 6; CO‘ mm 2111mm. zsnsusnw 1845. do bu VICE-PRESIDENTS c Hall Blchmoud I12 00 17 no ..... s 00 12 00 Mar. 1. 1888 ....$0 40 $080 030 450 '10 i7 7G 70 50 50 Sprunghrill. my NJ 1200 100 0 40 o 50 20 0 00 70 81 Q tn 05 BLANKETS, COMFOBTERS, WOOLLEN UNDERCLOTHING, STOCKINGS, MITTS,&C GROCERIES. BRITISH FLAG STAFF We would like to call your attention to our winter stock of Cl! lulu/uâ€. vary. A Positive Cure. FACTS FOR MEN OF ALL A DISEASES OF MAN. M 'V'. LUBONS SPECIFIC N nu»: 01:15:41" negyrq gglgflfawm, YO‘U’NG, ï¬.a4:1pn;dlsg§c+ï¬n AND OLD “wk _.:n A...1 ... KIA an vmlinnl rm '--‘ ,. ? :4. FATS r03 MN 3 ALL AGES. “ 4 5., -;~ -- . x I“ ., 4.7 Skis-1“!“ ninvwâ€" _ __7, Who are broken wn from the effects of abuse will ï¬mLiu No. 8 a. radical cure for nervous dellility, organic weakness. involuntary vital losses. etc. Hummus poi; man No. 8 611001.!) or: vanâ€"Wen: of energy. vertigo. mm: of purpose. dimness of sight. aversion to society. wenb of conï¬dence. avoidance o! conversmion. desire for solitude. limes-mess and inability to ï¬x the attention on a particular subject. cowardice. depression of spirits, giddiuess, loss of memor , ucflnbility oi temper. sper- mnton‘hma, or loss of tho svminai fluidâ€"the result. of self-e. use or marital excessâ€"impo- tency, innutrition. emacieiion. lml’renness. ulpication of the heart, hysteria feelings in lemaleerembling, melmncholv. diemrhiug reams. etc" are ill] symptoms of this terrible hebit.oflcnliuios innocently acquired. In short. the spring at vitul torce having lost its tension. every inaction wnnos in consequence. Scientiï¬c writers and the superinilondents of insuno usylums unite in "scribing to the eflecis o! sell-almse the area: musiar'ï¬y of wasted lives which come nudi-r their notice. If you ere incompetent (or the arduous duties of business, incapacitated {or the unjnymonh of life. No. Boilers un essays from ‘he effects of early vice. It you two advanced in years, No. Swill give you full "amend strength. It you are broken down. physically and morally. from early indiucretion. the rasultol’ ignorance and folly, Send your uddrcss and 10 cuuts in stamps for M. V. Lunou's Treatise in 1300!: Form an Diacu:;cs or Mum. Sealed and secure from observation. Address all communicatinus to 121. V. LUBON. 47 “’ellinglou Sc. 12.. Toronto. a “an wilhoui wisdom lives meteor: paradise. CURES GUARANTEED. HEAL IHE SICK. ~- . -_..u~:.': “TN . .‘ ‘~I|..."‘~ch M‘VW “ “" A Permangvltï¬g‘m. 4“ A PleasantiCU? t. after 34 1 to cure Seed Merchants, Toronto. Highest Prices paid for Red and Alsike Clover and Timat hy Seeds. STEELE BROS & 00., STEELE BROS. & 00’s SEEDS. HEART Address i;r;ero};H;alin§igrid Kohinonr 0! Medicine?‘ m n“ l o u-rr u couscqnencos 0 II no on 932.1192 .m- memm. ' 3CERIES. “ "Wk °' FLOUR &. FEED DELIVERED 0N SHORTES’I‘ NOTICE. RELIABLE SEEDS ! The Handsomest Illush‘ated Catalogue in Canada GOOD CROP ! THE SENT FREE. The most important facto'r of 3‘1()()I)IIC’§ AT REDUCED PRICES. BE SURE YOU GET Call or Address ASK FOR BEST. ‘9 " .‘J D_ A Painless Cure. A. MOODIE