Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Mar 1888, p. 1

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$1 per anuum, in advance] IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY EVENING AT THE LIBERAL PRlNTlNB i PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HlLL. â€" - ONTARIO T. MtMfiHD N, EDTOR and PROPRIETOR. BUSINESSDCA'JRDS. mutual. Dr. James Langston. AND Dr. .I. A. Palms-r. RICHMOND HILL, ONT (Dulce hour night culls at front door bell. 10 e m _ Dr. W. J. Wilson. Haiulist Toronto I'niveisitv MM} 1m! _(‘0 Physicians & Surceons, 0nt..\letc of Stoulfville Yonce Street. Richmond Hill. Ofiice Hours to 0e.1u..5t08p.m ‘4’ in rental . .30 (‘flbeS Dex“ o.\ QYS'm-z , Richmond Hill. Best fitting Teeth mude. P‘es low and Vi- ;tlized Air edlniuistired : DESTINY NOT AT HOME ON SUNDAYS K' MuNDAYS Wigwam $13 USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. SURGEON DENTIST, illicukful for the favors of the past 3) years may still be consultedin any branch of the pro- .ession as follows: Aurora 1st, 8th, 10th. and 22nd of each month Richmond Hill... .. .9th and 24th tin, (atthe Palmer House) Stoufivillo ...... . . ...18th 10. Morkham.... . .20“) 10. Victoria. Square. .. do I‘liornhill. Walker House. 23rd do Woodbridgo... fisth do. Kleinburg. .29th do Nobleton.. .......... 33th c Vitelized Air ulwuys on hand at appointments Works like a charm Free from pain. Address A ROBINFON L.D.S..Anroiu0nt. w 95mm. LAWRENCE, & MllLlGAN. Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, 85:" Toronto Officeâ€"No. x4 Buildingr & Loan Chambers. No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Qlficeâ€"Rear of Central Bank. on Saturdays. HONEY T0 LOAN Illâ€"Eling CURRENT BATES r. c. mmGAN. the A. G. F. LAWRENCE. Fullerton. Cook .1: Miller. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS &c J FFICE : is limo S-xmtm‘ EAST. Tonon'ro. Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. J SFullai-ton, W Cook, J. R. Miller IL? vanr. FUNDS To LOAN. W D GREGORY G W HOLMES HOLMES e anccrr, Barristers. Solicitors. Conveyancers, 6w. Private Funds to Loan at Lowest Rates. Toronto omccâ€"No. 10 King St. West. Markham (Milneâ€"Opposite 'l‘rc- Inont House, Main St. Mr Gregory or Mr Holmes will he at the Marb- mn Office every Saturday from t) c m to 7 p m 13. ll]. MORPH". SllN & C0... Manufacturers .5: Importers oi Eiiatchrs, \Llnrlls. Swirling, @ilnrrmutr mic mutual (Boobs. SPECTA'LES FOR EVERY LIGII'T‘. TORONTO l..l Yong" ti'l'rf. . t door to the new Arcu-«le .p v WRIGHT BROS. E'micrmkors a: Emhnlmvrs. E‘a.:-:.“r:2i E‘un an lwlafings Always on - 5:21.1in T’ ' fifi‘f'kfffimmm l l . _- l l l, v. i i ..- _..._~.ii. _L . M’. v . m l. \ lvr, vu “1' \..7 (-‘l 1-, .ln. :l. 'lxll; I‘lbl'ilk»\l‘ Ur 11(le Mm...“ _......_...._._.,n........__..__. .._..... A. .._.__.__ "In. Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY. MARCH 8, 1888. Ethanol. MONEY! glONEYl A lame umount of PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN on form prupcrty. Interest. lmv. Terms 0:153“ No vuluution or couunlssiou ices chm‘gul Apply Do LAWRENCE (t MILLIGAN. Bill‘l‘lsl/CI'S, etc. is Toronto Sh. Torontound Richmond Hill. Rich'd Hill 16th April 1N7. 6m. El}: iscrllmxruns. Snlcm Eckm‘tit Licensed Auctioncm' for thc (‘ouutics of Ym k llnmrmnnd l‘cr‘l. Goods solxlnn consignment. Genchsulcs of stock. etc. promptly uttvndcd to (it reasonable rates. P. 0. address. UNION"ILTJ‘.. James (I. Stokes. Lircunell Auctioneer for the County Of York. 1'?- wpcwtfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Rules attended on the shutout notice and at reusonelw rut/es. P. 0. mluress, King. N. J. Armstrong. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Soles attended on the shortost llllLli'eMlld at reu- abe rates. Address Swiiflvillc l‘. 0 Leeds Richardson. Issuer of Murriupe Licenses for the County Of Yor BESID!{.\‘(‘R, MAPLE 051‘ .1129 can POEM? wagers. All kinds of Wood. Iron, Galvanile 1"pc. Iron. Bros: uml I’on eluin Cylinders. All kinds r‘r Water Runs, Well-Digging Curbs, Curb Rings uud Cistcm Tanks m:de to order. Repairing done on shortest notice. WM. J ACHSON, Proprietor. - M Ar L F. THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Brillingcr. Bel-j. Proprietor. I news ms; The election in Ilalton l: i Thursday for the repeul of the Scott Act r' ‘lllted in n. majority of about ‘26) l'l favor of rcper‘. ._....___ The death Sentence of Join Gamble, r :ently confined "1 Toronto jai', hr‘ been commuted to Pup u nent for ‘ c ". the l‘euitcut‘ _'. Two hundred 1 .d fifty clergy-hen ol the Church of Englnnd on Saturday, pre- sented a petition to Mr. Gladstone in favor of Home Rule for ll'clund. Pr" ,.dent Grecnwuy and Attorney- G'mclul mein, of Mqutohu, left \V' v 1.11 'nr Uttuwn. on Suturqu night, to x-duci the monopoly negollliilm .. A ’Orrr‘spondent wrftcs us lhat Hn‘mu h: s mrde u l): L) I: I. on the S-ott _Act in t rCI-unly. but. lllllikfl it will only 91" cd on l'rol'bition for the ‘w'l‘l-le Dou ‘ ol‘. The lmperiu‘ fumi‘v lave abz‘. .do'wd ul' hope of the Crown l’ 'occ r “live. '21. They only hope that he will an .' :vc long umugh to rctv l in Bar“ I and (“e su rounded by his ‘umily. At a nuctiug in Toronto on the 15.5 of March, O7 the creditors of the Cell"‘.ll Bank, Mr. Hep Lye \v' unuuinmusly appointed llqlllddilil‘ in the plnr of Mr. Campbell. 17 :aolutious Wl'r‘J :‘dOp‘ d exlll‘essll‘g upprovc‘ of hips“ . Iquwlaud and Gooderhum’s course of action, ‘aud iusl..lcling them to pros ‘ute any pm.y or p:' fies who helped to wreck the ban}. QL'A‘.(.~‘1i‘Arlov ov COLIN! H.i.ouszâ€"A bill iutrounced by Mr. G. B Smith 0'; Friday providls lhal laudlmldcrs' Sous sl'all l .\'H a. vote at municipal clcc‘ions on the same beads as farmers’ sons. ll al8o provider: that a person who '“ quali lied to be a Councillor at the time Of the final revision of tl‘e lists shall not lose his u‘mlili" .l/ll‘” by l‘e'lSlIll of: LerWurds p: -.- in; wilh (he oroper y, p uvided he ac- quires other property sufficient to qufihfy M u. The law, of course, would be up- Havinc refitted the above House and furnish- plicuble generally, but the. r- slon giving ed it in first-class style, I am prepared to give the ‘ public the best. 0‘ accommmlation. for commercial travellers. A good livery in con- nection. Terms $1 per duv. " ,. ' r ' . u. r GRAND CENTRAL ETEL. The undersigned havmg taken possession of the above commodious hotel will cheerfully catertothe coniicrt Oi the travelling public. Best brandsofliquomandciawrs. Au attentive hostlcr and good stabling. Rooms for commer- cial travellers. u (alumna, Prop. outpace... Excellent , stablingund utti-nnvehostlers. Sample Booms qual'fi Every accommodation for the travelling public Good stahlimzand an attentive hostler. Best liquors and cigars. n-e unul'su on the lake always clear. \Vurm st; .115 for trotting horses. W'lll . Bl“. LL. Proprietor. m... ODYDE EOTERW 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO the to it was the objection taken to the Cations of a candidate for municipal honors in Muvkhwn, \‘hn. after the final rtfllsli‘ll of the lists, parted with the prop- erty on wh‘ch he had qualified, but at once became possessed of a property of S‘ ‘ grewlc! va'ue. â€"â€"‘O- A strange phenomenon, which was strangely beautiful, excited the udmi'a- lion of a large crowd standing close to Joseph Hunts store, the heavens seemed radium with splendor. On a. closer in- spcc ion it was found it was a reflection of a number of garmeuts on a. clothes line skrecbcd across the lawn, which had just lie-en dyed wnh Sun-Se. Dyes. Only five Cauls a package. Sold at Dilworlh’s Drug Store. Toronto. Village Council. The Village Counc“ met. in the Council Chamber on Monday evening, the 5lh of March. Members present, Messrs. W. H. Pug- sley (Reeve) and P. G. Savage, W. Saud- erson, \V. Atkinson, Dr. \V“son. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of special meeting held on the Every accommodation to guastfl. Board, £1.00 2] at "f February read and adopted. per day Mlss' FALCONBRIDGE Is desirous of obtaining pupils for instruction INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. Richmond Hill,Feb lst, 1858 Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, * : .DR-HQDDER75‘5l Billousness, V BUBDUCK“ ‘ . ._ , v. . ' " Sick Hunduche. )‘ Kidney Tl‘UlIbch. Rhcnniutism, . Slim Diseases \ ,' Impurities~ of and all Blood fruln \vhut- I I’urcly Vegetable, Highlv Concentrated. ASK FOR DR. HODDER‘S COMPOUND. Trike no other. per bottle. DR. HODDER‘S tuna «l1. lure saw u“ ‘1'}'\\l!i ~.. Sold everywhere. For terms and credentials apply at her residence ‘CURES the ,’ mu-Vercuusc arising Fcnmlc \\‘elllillt‘h$(‘5 l uni :cnvrul llchility Pleasant, l-lrfcczuul. Safe Price 7.? cents I l l l b \lhnught it might. in the . village if they zwnlcrvd him ::Ou.c assist» The following, accounts were read:â€" Frmn Eb. Rutherford for 32 loads of gravel at 100. $3 20; from T.F. McMahon for printing 225 copies of Village Ac- counts, and p: ung By Laws on Card- board $8 60. MOVed by Mr. Savage. scoouded by Dr. Wilson that the bl"§ be paidâ€"Curried. A printed circular from the city of Bramford, read at the last meeting, was discussed. Moved by Dr. Wilson,seconded by Mr. Sanderson, that this Council d ‘clines to take any action on the matter Of petition- ing the Legislature against giving but 11 lacs as recommended in the above «:irculnr.-« Curried. Morel by Mr. Savage, secondvd by Mr. Atkinson tlnt the lly~Law committee prepare a By-Luw to be submitted at. the | next meeting ..f we Council authoriqu the Public the erection of a. lock-up in Park.â€"â€"Carricd. Mr. Wm. Trench addressed the Council in reference to obtaining a supply of l l water, which might be HEIDI-“dd 101' Village ‘ l . E purposes, as well as for carrying on the Work in his estublislmieut. He said if his works went on :m at prescut he must have ‘ water, and :2 he hml ulrcndy spent. about 37b l in cndcawuring tn ucl‘ u supply hr cud, pay the '4th. He still thought thuf uuler could when in all _l!'ol).\llllll'.’. smncschz-mc u'ill v I . unis be devised for a b- r‘v r Supply of watt-r. “'1 hm” 1”!“ ‘ The Joann]! :ulpu'i‘m .l Ill I‘lnllU‘Ly,ll!L‘ 2‘33 TLTZCZI T' T? Tc: 3.2:, Ca: '191hiust a: S 1. m. l l he obtained by Linszz All In“- shin well. l A commuter). of ll‘l’ Howl-cu uill nguln ,cmlfel‘ with Mr. 'l'rcuch Ill :. few days , I him ;\ " School Board Meeting. ' The Richmond Hill School Board met in the Councd Chmnbcr at 2 p. m. on Mr-mluy, March EHh. Members pl‘cscllt,fvl('ssrs. Brown (chair mam) Switmr, Glass, Lyuct, Duncan. Illumh. Savage, Russell, Trench, Crosby‘ and Dr. “Neon. lefore commencing the regular busi- ness of the meeting Mr. Brown in a well \vorded speech thanked the members of the Board for having reelected him in 1‘s absence at the last, meeting, to the position of chairman. He said he felt that in so doing they had conferred on ,i'eat honor, nud hoped that every n ember would Work for the plospcrity of the school, irrespective of any outside inâ€" fluences whicl'nluht from any source be brought upon them. The winincs of 1: at meeting were road and on motion Confirmed. The following accounts were presented: From Wm Nichol, for 30 Cords of Wood at, $3 7.3 :1 mid. $112.50. certified to by cmumlt‘i-c of management: from \Vm. Snider, Work in whorlls SH J, certified to by commute-g; From T. l“. McMahon, for Public Scllm‘l supplies, $5 50, certified to by Mics Spra Principal, U“ the foregoing bills were ordered puid. The Secretary mud :1 Communication from Mr. A. ll. Davidson, l’. S. ll apoc- tor, stating that the Muuimpal l’lrnut from Vaughan. anmunllug to $3.95 W“? now rener fun this school section. Mowd by Mr. Mamh, seennded by Mr. Lynet ll‘af :l (libs of the bill for Wood be I'Un motion to be , paid by the Public school and 2-5ths by the H gh Schoolâ€"Calvietl. Mr S'vll' r-v’x motion l y f ‘ 'll Temper- :mcc - . Hygiene in the l'ublic School ' won: ..:. -l form urnwrw Ihen discussed It. \‘v'ur. .'. filly «imam to have the subj :ct t‘wull. once a week by lectures. the pn- pils not. being required to have text books. In acc‘irdnnce with a resolution passed at a previous meeting, the question of revising the text books in the Public scllnnl wrv then taken up, but the Board lirubuhly found it was a heavy task, and tho matter was dropped' On motion «.f Mr. Lynet, seconded by Mr (‘I'nsblele Board was lustsucted and autlmri: ’d to pay the village Counc“. the sum of $200 for the services of Mr. Jas. Rrownlee us Caretaker of the schools for the venr mnunencing April lst. 1888. Moved by Mr. Crosbv. seconded by Mr. Marsh that the treasurer he and is hen-by authorized to have printed 200 copies of High and Public School accounts for disuribution.â€"Carried . The Board adjourned to met “at some hour” on Monday. the 2nd of April. ‘0..â€"â€"â€"- Great excitement throughout the neigh- borhood of Richmond Hill over a very startling letter received from Wm. Turn- er, of Whitchurch, speaking in the high- est terms of "Japanese Cziturrh Cure,H He says, “I have used one box. and I think one more will cure me. Mine was a very bad case of catarrh.” Cures stuff- ing Of the none so troublesome to child- ren, cold in the head, nose or throat. Sample box, 25 cenls; large size. 50 cents. Joseph Dilworth, Chemist, 170 King St. East, next door to Nipissing Hotel, To- ronto. o.â€".__â€"_ Woodbri dge From our own Correspondent Sleighing ls good again. Another cold wave struck last week. It was rather dull around the ank dur- ing: the soft spell, but. lively enough now. The curlers took a trip to Urunueville last week and cmuc off victorious in their match with the Orangevilleiles The Macs suv that is all» attributable to the Scottics and that the others are no use at all. The band concert is a thing: of the past. They realized quite a nice little sum of money. After the concert there was a (lullcc, and after the dance I don’t know what, as 1 want home. On March lOlh the choir of tho Moth- Udlst church intend giving :1 concert. It will be given by home talent, and tulent ll‘ulll Weston. Clairville and other plnccs. As an «‘uuine was coming down the railroad last Sunday afiermmn it ran over a. man who was lying On the truck a little south of chluburg Stdllnm. IL divided his body inlo four pieces. [I is said he was under the influence in: llnlllul‘. Au-“ H this town I am an sure llmL I can Cure the Worst case of Cuturrh in the nosechaLl or throu. [hit 1 “ill fnl‘u'mnl. {We of Charge, a sample box of lupullcec L'amrrh Uurc to :uzv iLillll‘l‘t‘l in Cwlmdu. l‘llllt‘il Slates or cm: ann. Wham will hum-i. uifh ordl-r a ledvr 1mm wxv reliable pr)" son or Cli‘leul‘n'l. If 7m- lupauvso L‘;.~ run-h Cure inea Sutlslnul: r l. l wmxhl ( ); pct-l them to forward ll v >llli|ll :unmml Hi 115 CONN. (H. 111': K'..:l‘ hand. if i: llllt‘s nor prove (album-1 ~ Huynp n? u ‘1‘ ' ll. 1le we l-vm- .l-m‘cl'll 1".M'lil‘, U'.:ll:. ', filt.1‘;JS',vl“lll'll-. l l Carrie Powell, 1 l l School Reports FOR THE \[UN’I‘II OF FEBRUARY. A I CLASS. Phocbc Soules, lezie Palmer, A II CLASS. Louie Harrison, Florence Tyrrell, Ethel Switzer, WibSkeele, John Gilmour. 3. A. SPRAGGE, Principal“ SEN m JUN A Fred. Redditt, Willie Duncan, Stella Sheppard, Eddie Lynect. Jle u Florencia Moodic, Birdie Elliott, Minnie Gilmour, \Villie Trench. Willie Burnham, (.‘rertic Davis, Percy Powell, Louie Good. [I CLASS Annie Mason, Merritt Benson, Ada. Brown, Lenie Benson. T. .\I. RUTHERFORD. 1 BOOK cuss. Bennie Sheppard, Mamie Temple, Ernest Good, Eva. Lush. M. mev. â€"»SPRINGIIILL. (‘LASS V. II nonK CLASS. Fred. Harrismi, Chas. Temple, \Vllhe Sharp, Rose Law. CLASS IV McCrimmon Angus, Burrows William, Carts Jumcs, Lecce Joseph, Nunn Minnie. McCabe \Villie. SENIOR III JUNIOR III Brown Archie, Stewart John, Linkcrtou \Vllkie, Ross Nellie, Kightley \Valtcr. Bull Annie. L'LASS II . Butt Gertie, Burrows Annie, \Vuie Norres, Lloyd Allie. J. T. SAIOEON, Teacher. ‘9 King orn. The members of Lowell Lodge, ‘1. O. G. '1‘.. held an entertainment on Monday evening, in their lodge room, Kinghorn. Notwithstanding the inclcmcncy of the weather a large number of people gather- ed together. The chair was ably filled by J. T. Saigeon, Esq, of Springhill. The Laskay choir sang several temperance songs In acreditable manner. They were forced to respond to scvcralencores which they did in a cheerful mariner. Rev. Mr. McDowell read a very inter- . esting selection which was well received. The treat of the evening v as the sweet music which was rendered by Prof. A. Fergusmi’s string band. This rendition Of music was appreciated by all, in fact many of the youth. with great difliculty kept a sitting position. Mr. I. Gotta, as a representative of the Royal 'l‘emplars of Spring'ull, read a selection entitled “A run for death,’ caused by strong drink. Recitations were given by Misses Dice- man and Carley. These recitation: drew forth rounds of applause. S. Ware, Esq. sang a song entitled ‘ Beware the Bar Room ” Mr.“"are showed marked genius as a sungster. Eight boys gave a. dialogue entitled “Keeping School.” This, if true reflects hard on the school teachers of to- day. A farce was enacted by three mem- bers. It. was slippand to be a. robbery. After several votes Of thanks had been disposed of. the audience sung “God Save The Queen.” AN Oursnnm. r ‘3 ': l}«‘\\". 'uamlv-m . My ‘l\ klu ~..lw| :l 1hr ll‘ll'i ll. , ,-1.l...,.,.;,-,n.- . .. ".li\t:1:(. l' . .1. 4 â€" w»... 1â€" r". .5. r J' v ' I’ i) «'t . , 4 , lr - . . . _ _ »_ ‘ .Jwâ€"l “.4 _... ._,./ ._.- .1. a... . r x q 7-,. 1 w. . '. a 1. ’I..'.

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