Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Mar 1888, p. 3

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THE’WEEK’S NEWS. CANADIAN. Natural gas has been discovered in large quartities at Port Arthur. A wealthy citizen of St. Thomas has given ten thousand dollars as an endowment fund for a city hospital. Upwards of three hundred horse have been shipped from London, Ont., to pornts in the North-West during the past two weeks. The Council of the Hamilton Board. of Trade intend memorializing the Government to establish a new postal district, with headquarters at Hamilton. In the militia. report just issued Gen. Middleton very sharply calls attention to the utter inefficiency of a large proportion of the country militia. corps. The miners at the East Wellington col- llery, Nanaimo, B. C., have struck work against the employment of Chinese, and the mine is now almost shut do N11. Seven male graduates from Ontario and one young lady from Guelph received dip- lomas to practice medicine at the annual commencement of Buffalo University. At Lake Pinecon, a few nights ago, the sheep pen of J as. Thompson was attacked by bears, and next morning nothing but the feet and heads of the animals were found. It is reported that the Canadian Pacific railway contemplate running the Pacific and Atlantic express via the Smith’s Falls short line, using the line through Ottawa princi- pally for freight purposes. Mr. Chapleau has decided that all fore- men and deputy-foremen in the new Govern- ment Printing Bureau must be able to speak both English and French fluently. The Canadian Government have renewed their offer to assist the emigration scheme of the Imperial Parliamentary committee by advice and assistance and grants of lands to settlers, but will not be responsible for the collection of money or interest. In reply to the question what the tithes paid to the Roman Catholic Church in the Province of Quebec amount to, Mr. J. K. Perreault, of Montreal, publishes a letter] showing that they amount to four per cent. . of the gross production of grain of all kinds. l The Crown prosecutors in Montreal are said to be consulting as to the proper method of instituting proceedings for con- spiracy against the sugar combine, and an indictment will be laid before the Grand Jury at the ensuing term of the Court of Queen’s Bench. Prospects are hopeful for a very large im- migration into Manitoba and the North- West Territories next summer. Captain Graham, Dominion immigration agent at Winnipeg, calculates that from advices he has received at least one hundred thousand settlers may be expected this year. According to the Peterbore’ Review, the “ Saved Army,” an organization somewhat similar to the Salvation Army, has gone to pieces in Eastern Ontario where it had ob- tained a considerable hold in several places. The chief difference between its methods and those of the Salvation Army was its re- fusal to patronize the drum and trumpet. The soldiers wore a uniform, but their com~ paratively quiet efforts could not sustain the rexuisite enthusiasm, and the army slowly dissolved. The value of the street parade and the drum~beating to the Salvationist cause is thus clearly demonstrated. UNITED STATES. Albany is to have a national exhibition of food fruits next September. A young man in Cleveland, Ohio, died the other day from excessive cigarette smoking. Up to date the only poverty that Henry George has abolished is the poverty of Henry George. The Chicago police have offered a reward of $2,000 for the arrest of the supposed as- sassin of Banker Snell. It is pretty generally believed that Cleve~ land will be nominated for a second term by the Democratic convention. The tin roof of the Court-house at Mount Vernon, 111., was wound around a telegraph pole by the wind and made to 'fit as neatly as if the covering had been of kid. A railroad engineer, of Erie, Pa., fell vio- lently on the ice, striking on the back of his head. He is rec0vering, but finds when standing erect he is wholly blind, though he can see as well as ever when lying down. The Union Square theatre, New York, was destroyed by fire \Vednesday afternoon, and the Morton House hotel badly damag- ed, the total loss .being about $350,000. Several firemen were badly burned and in- jured by the falling in of the theatre roof. A curious freak of the cyclone at Mount Vernon, 111., was seen at the Commercial hotel, where the wind carefully lifted the top of a cistern, and after setting it aside darted down into the great tank and scoop ed the water out with as much ease as if it had been done with a ladle. Boston has increased her permanent vag- rant population 28 per cent. in five years. She has accomplished this by increasing her charitable fund, and has at length become convinced that the bigger the poor fund in a city, the greater the number of applicants. Awoman in Burlington, Me., just pre. vlous to her death, prayed earnestly that her babe might accompany her on her jam, ney to the other world. The child, who but an hour or two before was as well as usual, playing about the room, immediately after receiving a. kiss from its dying mother closed its eyes, and in five minutes or less was dead. An old lady in Norwich. Conn., is a firm believer in the doctrine of faith-healing, and says the reason why the water pipes in her house did not freeze while all her neighbors were sorely bothered from this cause, was entirely due to her faith. She resolved to let the Lord take care of them, and not pipe froze, though all the others in the neighbor- hood were choked up tight. A Pennsylvania lawyer who went “'est and settled in Minneapolis does not appear enamored of the climate. He says :â€"“ It must be confessed that the Minnesota win. ters are hard on professional people. For 1‘20 days in succession there is not asign of a thaw even on the walks. Before pring re. turns the vitality of people who are shut up in offices is nearly exhausted, and they have a draggled, pumped-out appearance that can only be explained as the result of the severity of the climate." ‘ rest FOREIGN. Empe ror William has sent an autograph letter to the Czar. Donegal rents have been reduced ‘25 per cent. by the Land Commission. The charities of the City of London amounted to $22,000,000 last year. The village of Valtora, in northern Italy, has been wreckcd by an avalanche, many people being killed. Renewed snowstorms prevail throughout England, and the roads in many pLaces are completely blocked. The Prince of Wales paid a visit to :the Crown Prince on Monday evening and found him better than he had expected. It is stated that the Ports has decided to intimate to Prince Fredinand that it consid- ers his position in Bulgaria illegal. A university for women is about to be ooened in St. Petersburg. It will include all the faculties but jurisprudence. The Queen arrived in London yesterday, and 'as she drove across Hyde Park in an open carriage she was very enthusiastically received. Sir Henry Holland announces that the Government of the Tonga Islands have promised to stop the persecution of Wesley an missionaries. The St. Petersburg Official M cssenger says in the interest of Bulgaria and of peace Prince Ferdinand, who is illegally occupyâ€" ing the throne, must be removed. A Canton paper says two Chinese priests were recently buried alive in the Buddhist temple near that city for attempting to assault two runs in the temple. A special cablegram says it is rumoured in London that an honour will be offered to Mr. Chamberlain on his return, but his friends do not think he will accept it. The London Standard, referring tothe strong allies Austria now has, says that if Russia reopens the Bulgarian question the result will be either a fresh rebuff or war. Berlin medical experts concur in the opin- ion that a fatal termination to the Crown Prince‘s disease is inevitable within three months, and will probably occur much sooner. The Paris Anarchists used to clamor for the "blood of the Rothschilds.” At a recent meeting they denouficed the great dry- goods houses like the Bon Marche and the Louvre, and even Mme. Boucicault, the head of the former. The meeting broke up with cries of “Viva la dynamite l" A cable despatch says :â€"The Prince of 'Wales is related to everybody. As a royal scion he can affectionately kiss more prin- cesses than any living potentate. His eldest sister will, or at least may, be the German Empress ; the King of Greece is his brother- in‘law; his sister-in-law is Empress of Russia ; his mother in-law is Queen of Den- mark; Prince Waldemar is his kinsman; he is, in a word, the one bright spot in a divided and harassed Europe. The scheme of a tunnel under the English channel will once more be brought before the British Parliament. The promoters in- tend to make a third attempt to have their project legalized, and will once more urge that the tunnel can hard y make invasion of England easy when by flooding the paSSage all such danger is removed. A tunnel with this fate before it continually is hardly a. good enough speculation for the British busi~ ness mind, and when Parliament registers its next vote on the matter the scheme will not be found to have grown any in popular- ity. W What a. Blizzard Is. A blizzard is simply a strong, cold wins moving unchecked over leagues of light un- packed snow. It sweeps up that which had previously fallen, carries it away in the color of a vast shaken fleece, distributes it so that almost each atmospheric atom has its little particle, and drives along all with a steady fury. Whether fresh snow is fall- ing can seldom be determined by people out in a real blizzard. As fame the eye can see upward, and that is but‘a litttle space, the hurry of minute pellets hurling “ through- other ” across an unrevealed sky prevails, and the hurrying sameness on every side is varied only by occasional fall and bending wraiths where the wind \vhirls in’ shifting columns. A confusion of the senses, com- parable to ncne produced otherwise, apalls‘ ' one submitted to the enormous and blinding force of such snow-filled wind, and-scarcely a distinct thought remains except that the awlul cold forbids crouching for and shelter. To our personal knowledge, one in such a storm keeps with dificulty upon a railway track lifted three feet above the surrounding prairie, and may be lost by five steps the wrong way after stumbling down from the embankment, which, being white, becomes instantly in- visible. It is recorded on good authority that bands of teamsters halting with their horses have been snowed over thirty feet deep by blizzards, and have survived by beating out breathing chambers till the cessation of the storm enabled them to dig themselves to upper air. The formation of a drift abouta halted man, or horse, or sleigh, is sometimes wonderfully speedy, and the drift, once established, grows b virtue of its obstructivenes. In some well- authenticated cases lost persons have been found by the drifts over them and dug out alive, in others the spring has revealed corpses still unthawed among the last white relics of water. In blizzards people have often been unable to see across the street of a northwest town, and sometimes men lose their direction in trying to reach the opposite side of a well-built way. Putnam’s Corn Extractor. Is the best remedy for corns extant, It acts quickly, makes no sore spots and effects a radical cure. A hundred imitations prove lb! value. Take neither substitutes offered as good nor the close imitations of the gen- uine too often offered. wwâ€" There is said to be no instance in which a Russian peasant has ever refused to pay his taxes. Once a year the collector enters the village, ' taps at the window and calls, “ haza l ’ Then the man or woman of the house comes out with the money, which is always ready, tosses it into the bag of the collector, who does not count it, because he knows it is all the moujik has get. When night comes the collector enters the best house in the village, hangs his money‘bag under the image of the Saviour, and csrouses or sleeps till morning, being perfectly con- fident that his money will not be disturbed, because of the veneration for the Czar, whom he represents, and the image under which the treasure is placed. TCIIING FILES. I Simmonsâ€"Moisture : Intense itchingand stlnzlng : most at night :worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcer- ate, becoming very sore. Swsvss's Our-mm sto the itching and bleeding, heals ulccration, and 11 many cases removes the tumors. It is equally effica- cious in curing all Skin Diseases. DR. SWAYNE & SON, Proprietors, Philadelphia. SWAYNs's OINTMIN‘I‘ can be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail for 60 cents. It is said that Diogenes could sleep sound- ly even in a tub, and it is hinted that the old man had policeman s blood running through his veins. Ocean Steamship Passengers Via New York should take the Eric rail- way, as it is not only the shortest and best line, but lands people close to the piers of the leading steamship companies. In buy- ing tickets, ask for the Erie. “ “'hat a picturesque little cottage l A veritable Swiss chalet." “ A Swiss shall he do you call it? To my mind it's more like an Irish shun’t be." [Ins ! Ooueii Ouas euros In ouemfnute. “ What are you building I‘.(W, Johnny '1" “ A harem, sir.” “ A harem?” " Yes, sir, a place to keep my hares in.” Colossus HAIR Rssnwsk restores grey and faded hair to its natural colo r and prevents falling out. ’3 *4» 1.. dress U. “ \Vitness, did you ever see the prisoner at the bar ?" “ Oh, yes; that's where I got acquainted with him.” People who are subjecl so bad breath, foul cones ~iongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at one be relieved by using Dr. Carson's Stomach mar» ms old and tried remedy. Ask your Drulrust A 5‘ 298 r or isan --iiiussrawo uusoiipw .. a t- alosrue free. R. Chamberlin. Torus» F93 ALI“ son I weeks-unexpvuus paid. Valuable outfit and particular > 7‘ if P.0.Vl(fflm1‘. Allgustn,Maine consume WANTED over the ell-r3153- minion. Address. (H50. ID. FEBRIS. 87 Church Street. Toronto. "melts, il mm. p.m., (WIRED, without the knife. No ’ cure, no pay. Send stamp for pamphlet. W. L. SMITH, M.D.,124 Queen E., Toronto. Pnommm in Canada, the us. snl all foreign countries. Engineers. Pa- tent Atttrncys, and experts in Patent Causes. Estab- lIShed 1507. Donald l‘.nldouf dz (‘0.. Toronto. T0 TIIWN AND VILLAGE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS. . .m... ‘ E have unsxrellerl facilities for the SALE or EXCHANGE of Newspaper cull-es. Terms. one per cent. Satisfaction guaranteed. MWe have now four good establishments for sale at a bargain, and one publisher WELDIIIQ a partner. Auxiliary Publishing Company, 33 and 3;} Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Out. The "Dandy" I’ulcnl Bagholqlcr will fast a life time. and costs only 75 as. Sold by agents. Sonia territory still open. Samv pic (free by express) on receipt of price. Ad- W. ALLEN A; 00., 07 Yonge St., Toronto. ,ORONI‘O CUTTING SCHOOLâ€"A GRAND l, HANde to acquire a thorough knowledge of garment cutting in all its branches. Now‘s the time to enter. Good cutters are in great demand at big wages. Terms on application. S. Comment, 122 ~ RUBBER STAMPSf’aé‘ti oils, and Burning Brands, doc. Send for Catalogue. BARBER BROS. 00., ,k _ .1 37 Scott St... Toronto. FOR THE ‘ Brick achine That's taking the lead, new or second hand, apply to FALEI. ID I“. (ll Nelson Fl . Toronto. Yongo Street, Co'd in the Head, Hay Fever, etc., can positively be cured. A new method. A medicine guar- anteed lo cur-c. No curc no pay. If you have tried other remedies that failed to cure. you will not be disappointed in this. For full particulars address, M. V. LllltoN. 47 Welllngtoii SI. E. Toronto, Canada. Send 103. in stamps for book, “ Treatise U1 Disease of Man." ‘VllAfll'loN Im- proved SETH-I, at prices vlithin the reach of all. I can send \ on a safe, nude in the best manner, VI ithCom l‘rinntlon Lock and well finished in c\ery re- spect. for $40, on de~ livery at your station St-nd for circular. S. S. llliBALL, 677 Craig St., P. O. Box 045, Montreal, 1’. Q BRIGGS’ PATENTmm- --â€"-â€"â€"-TRANSFER PAPERS Are the best in the world for doing your own Stamp. ing. All that is required is to place the papal 0n the materialto be stamped and pass a wannfiiron over the ban: of the paper and it lewcs a clear impression. Twelve sample designs sent on receipt of 3 crllS. New Catalogue of 230 pages rhowmg 13 styles of initials and over 600 other designs on receipt of 10 cents if you mention this paper. After March 1st small parcels of merchandise may be mailed from the States to any point in the Dominion at one cent per ounce. Complete Price List of Embroidch and Fancy Work Material free. Address W. H. QUINBY, ll Euclid avenue, Cleveland, 0., U. S. . l" . l ' â€"â€"" EEK? I-NGTMLE Fi’. , r EDCAT‘AL‘OG E.~M‘A Nervous De bility. DR. GRAY‘S Specific has been used for the peel fifteen years, with great success, in the treatment of Nervous Debilliy, and all diseases arising from ex ceases, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing Ir the ears, palpitation,ctc. For sale by all druggists P1198 $1 per box, or 6 boxes for $5, or will be sent by msil on receipt of price. Pamphlet on application. THE GRAY MEDICINE 00., Toronto. EAMRKER’S EAS ALWAYS AHEAD! " _ -. up; -. BREAD iuiidv with this .DMA f‘ .- 4:21 -,"'I 'L ‘- ,YL-.i~l funk li‘st prizes zit 132 1‘ To“ nx‘lilp: lCnunfv l’:iir~ in OIIIJI‘IM in ;\ 'it such vlut‘us las l‘ lcxh. rlmi irliliiilii,h‘.'liit- 'bywlc. (Ivrr 10.000111th sent us lctlrrs iiiid pushil curds ilto sziy llmt it is superior to any ‘yozist e\cr u~cd by them. It . much the lightest, whitest, _ sweetest and most wholesome ‘ bread, buns, rolls and buck- Wln-zifcakcs. Directions in each package with full instructions. TAKE NO OTHER. PRICE 5 CENTS. Nervous chilitatcd Aged. URES Nervous Prostrarion.Nervous Head- nclic.Ncuralgia, NervousWealmess, Stomach and Liver Diseases, and all ' affections of the Kidneys. A NERVE TONIC. Gunner. W. Borrnx, Srinrnnn, Cons..says: “For two years I was a sufferer from nervous do. bility, rind l thunk (ital {Hill the discoverer of the valuable remedy that I'.\i.\'i:‘s (Irwin. COMPOUND cur-ml luv. It is a valuable remedy. Long may it live. Lot any one \Vl‘lix' to me for advice." AN ALTERATIVE. ALONZO Annm’r, WINDSOR, VI, says: “I holicvo I’Aixtz‘s CHJ-‘nv (‘nilrouxp saved my life. My fi'nullln Sf‘l‘ll-l'll tn Ilt‘flll internal humor. Before l IlSl‘ll in was or, In-rvd with an cruptiuii from “bond to 11001.“ The eruption is rapidly licnlimt. and I am five hundred per Cvnt. better every way." A LAXAT IVE. A. C. BEAN. WHITE RIVER JUNCTION. VT.. says: For two years pantl have been surreal. sufferer from kidney and liver troliblcs. attended with dys. pepsin. and constipution. Isl-fore I lmran to fake CELERY Comi'ni‘Nn it seemed as though everything ailed me. Now I can say nothing ails me. A DIURE'I‘IC. Gunner. ABBOTT. Smi'x 0m. Iowa. says: “I have been using ann's CELERY Connor:er and it has done me more good for kidneys and lame back than any other medicine I have ever taken. Hundreds of testimonials have been received from persons who have used this remedy with remarkable benefit. Send for Circular. Price SI .00. Sold by Druggists. WELLS.RICHARDSON & 00.. Proprietors Montreal, Que. . ,,__’-#A________ ___. GHINIQUYS FIFIY YEARS. In the Church of Romeâ€"10th editionâ€"cheaper In price, 83;“. pages. AgnilsJiadicc or Gentlemen, to sell toisVivm, I‘Aecrxlrlso and TRAGIU book. Liberal terms. ADDRES“, A. G. WATSON, TURONTO Woman: Team Dsrosnoar, TORONTO. . . k ahead of any and every Machine in America. Manufactured only by H. MARTIN BL 00.. 90 Mary St, Hamilton, Ont j BOILER INSPECTION and Insur- ance (‘ompan of ll‘nnada. Consulting Engineers an Solicitors of Patents, T 0 R 0 N 'l‘ 0 . G. 0. Ross, Chief Engineer. A. Fassiia. Sec’y-Treas. AGENTS ! AGENTS ! Magnificent Parallel Bibles, Withron's Popular “ History of Canada,” Gough's “Platform Echoes,” Dorchester’s "Liquor Problem,” Sam P. Jones‘ “Living Words,’ "The Cotta e Physic-inn," Gough’s “Sunlight and Shadow," "Mother, Home and heaven," etc. Popu lor Books ! Liberal Terms ! Write for circulars, terms etc., to WILLIAM Barnes, Publirher, Toronto. THE MARTIN MACHINE, with new improvements, is away ANADIAN BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Public Library llulldlugflwontc. Sludents from British Columbia, CllJIfLI'llll, Kansas, Illinois, and quite a number of other States 1:: d Previnccs, now in attendance. Write for Deleriptive Circulars. THOS. BEI'GOUGH, CHAS. H. BROOKS, l’rcsxdent. Sec’y 8:. Manager. LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT 00. (ID), OF LONDON, END. ital, £260,000. Dominion Government Depoin C 553%0. Head Office: 72 King St. East, Toronto. Gentlemen of influence wanted in unrepresented A. T. McCORD, Resident Secretary for the Dominion. PURE ANIMAL FERTILIZER AND BONE MEAL. W. A. FREEMAN, Sole Agent for the Dominion of Canada for ROWLIN & BD’S FERTILIZERS. Send for circulars and price to W. A. FREEMAN, Dealer in Builders’ Supplies, HAMILTON, - - ONT. DYEING immune. R. PARKER & 00. Works and [lead omces : 759 TO 763 YONGE ST. 209 Yonge Street, 393 Queen St. West, 225 Queen St. East. 100 Colborne Street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brantford, Out. 4 John Street North . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hamilton, Ont. Cooks’ Gem BAKING POWDER Why do you use those Expensive American and Canadian Baking Powders “hen you can get as good and wholesome at one half the price? Prove it by try- ing the Cook’s Gem. Manufactured by Toronto. ELLIS 86 KEIGHLEY. CANADA PERMANENT Loan and Savings ()0. INCORPORATED i855. Subscribed Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500,000 districts. City Offices :{ }TORONTO. I’iild-up (anllril . . . . . . . . . . . 2,300,000 Reserve Fund . . . . . . .. 1,180,000 Total Assets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,301,615 Orrics :â€"Co.‘s BUILDINGS, TORONTO ST., Toaomo. DEPOSITS received at current rates of interest, paid or compounded half-yearly. DEBENTURES issued in Currency or Sterling, with interest coupons attached, payable In Canada or in England. Executors and Trustees are authorized by law to investili the Debentures of this Company. MONEY ADVANCED on Real estate security at current rates and on favorable conditions as to re- payment. Mortgages and Municipal Debentures purchased. J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Director. FILES M. V. LUBON, 41 Wellington St. 15.. Toronto, on. I N S T A N 1‘ RE- LIEF. Final Cure. Send your address and 100. in stamps for book, “Treatise on Diseases of Man." Address, Colonlsls’ Trains. Dill/lull PAGIFIG RAILWAY Will run settlers’ Trains to all points in MANTOBA, THE NORTH-WEST, British Columbia and the Pacific Coast, Leaving Toronto, N. a N ‘\\'. Station, Brock Strait. at l) p.m., TUESDAY. FEB'Y 28TH, and every Tuesday thereafter durir g March and April A colonist slec per will be attached to these trains. Make early application to agent for what cars and berths you will require. 33Aleet cars supplied for i-olunistw' nzm ables. No Customs delay or expense. No quarantine. No transfers. For further informa- xion see agent, or write COLONIZATION AGENT, "0 King Street West, Toronto. SAUSAGE RASINGS. IMPORTED ENGLISH SHEEPS, also Small American Hogs Casings Quality guaranteed. In lots to suit purchasers. Write for prices. J as. Park 8:; Son. t Specialtyâ€"PLUMS in larg supply. Dealers billed out on liberal terms at the HALTON N U RS E R I Burllnzton, Ont... II. II. HURD d; SON, Proprietors. TREES. Also can offer a few ears Red and Yellow Globe Onions Roses, Dahlias, And all other Flowering: Plants, In great variety. illustrated Catalogue upon applica‘. xu. “'chsier Iii-03.. - Florists, - flumlllon. CONBOY'S CARRIAGE TQPS Have all the latest improvements and are unequalled for durability, style and’cznvenience. The leading Carriage Builders sell them. ASK FOR. THEM and BUY NO OTHER. You a “llllcle Still] .m 480 ACRES FREE, Along a thousand miles of new rail- way. Maps, Books, showing coun- trv’s resources and advantages. Letters from settlers vim are thriving beyond their expec- tations. Send postal card with your address to J. M EucklnsAPalmer House BlockTorcnto or C. H.WARREN, Gen‘l. Pass. Agt., St.Paul’s, Minn. 99 Will 3170 IRE ALBANY shim TRAP en's. ' *~ -~ SPEGIAl BUCKET ,: REI_II_RN TRAP. who Celebrated Han- . cock Lnspirator. maresham’s Automatic . Etc-starting Injector. wMorrison’s Automatic Sight Feed Lubricator. WEngineei-s’ 3r Plumb- ers” Supplies of every description. Send In! circulars. JAMES MORRISON, 76 85 77 Adelaide St.W., TORONTO. than Line Royal Mail Steamship: Sailing during winter from Portland every Thurs. , day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and I. ummsr from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool. calling at Londonderry to land malls and passenglr' for Scotland and Ireland; alo from Baltimore. vls Halifax and St. John's, ME, to Liverpool fortnighlly during summer months. The steamers oi the din stow lines sail drirlnlz,r winter to and from Halifax. Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ' and drum" suns. men- between Glasgow and Montreal weekly' Gasser! and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphi- fortnightly. For freight, passage. or other Information a ply In A. Schumachsi- k 00.. Baltimore; 8. Guns OI.- Hallfax - Shea a 00., St. John‘s. NJ. ; Wm. Thump: son a 60.. at. John, us; AllanisOo.,0hio-go Love 5'. Alden, New York; E. Bourller. Toronto] Aliens, Res 85 00., Quebec; Wm. Brookle, Phllsdll phla: H. A. Allen Portland Boston Montreal. HE greatest d r covery of the n‘ ent age for Re a ‘ g the bowels. In Curing all Blood Liv er and Kidney 00in laints. A peflesl ' lood Purifier. A I! "in Hamilton whalist been beniflted by III as ; Mrs. M. Keenan 92 Robert St. cured of Erysipelas of 1y". tending; Robl. Gel- nell, 24 south street. " daughter cured of Epileptic flts after , years suffering : Jen- _ nie Birrsl, 65 Walnul v -. Street, cured of g trouble : John Wood, 95 Galile- cart St, cured of Liver Complaint and Eilllcusnsss, used only 3 fifty-cent bottles; Mrs. J. Real, 6 August» Sf... troubled for years with Nervous Prostratlon, st small bottles gave her great relief. Sold at 600. b '1. F. F. DALLEY & 00., Proprietors. ‘ ~, .. .. RIAE :U ‘5. cArALocua ._. = FREE ' Our lllu<lrafcrl and DCSCIIDVIVC Catnlo 2e and Cultivators' r Guide FRI-2E. lr CAIIILAIIIS all the nest novelties and ', standard v none: of GARDEN, FIELD, and FLOWER Sl-EDS, El ,Bx, C. furry Market Gardener, Florist. V Farmer and Ann l. «mum consultitbcfore purchasing. Our stock ls fresh, pure and reliable. Prices reasonable. J. A. SIMMERS SEED MERCHANTS AND "aromas I47 King St. East, Toronto

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